Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Nov 16, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 33


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17,1013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 33

After improving enough to get around using a walker, Todd was released from the hospital. The doctors and nurses referred to him as their miracle man because of the remarkable progress he'd made in the week and a half since he'd been admitted. They all felt that he would be good as new in a few months.

The occupational therapist wouldn't sign off on letting him drive until she did additional tests the following week, but it looked as if he'd probably pass okay by then. He still wouldn't be allowed to work for a few weeks, and then it would be for half a day at a desk job to see if he was improved enough to go in for a longer period of time. No one wanted him to have a relapse by overdoing.

"My humble home looks like a palace to me," Todd exclaimed when Melba brought him from the hospital. "The only things missing are my Jim and my Jon."

"They should be home soon, dear. It's too bad the internal affairs investigation couldn't have lasted longer so Jim could stay home with you."

"Yes, but I know he hated waiting for his name to be cleared completely."

"Of course he did.

Come on; let me get you settled in the family room while I see to dinner."

"Surprise!" came a chorus of voices from a host of people including Jim, Jon, the Mason-Hart family, Cade and Harrison, and the Witte family, plus Micah who was staying with them.

"Dinner is all taken care of, Melba. We're having a good old fashioned potluck on the patio around the pool and everyone's contributed. The theme is Mexican because we know Todd loves it," Mickey said. "We even have a batch of non-alcoholic Margaritas for Todd and me as well as the boys. The rest are free to imbibe in real ones as long as they're careful not to be a hazard on the road."

Todd was overjoyed by the homecoming celebration. He had known these people were his friends, but he really didn't expect this outpouring of caring.

Ultimately it was his son who was responsible for a number of these relationships. A lot had happened since Jon had adopted "Jeremiah Long" as his buddy and boyfriend.

The party didn't last much past 7:00 because all the well-wishers knew that Todd would need his rest. Before they left, they put the leftovers in the fridge to keep Melba and Jim from having to worry about meals for a couple days.

When the last guest had left, Todd went into the house and lay on the couch with his head in Jim's lap until he drifted off for a while. Melba sat in an easy chair talking quietly with Jim, but the boys went off to Jon's room and cuddled there.

"Dad said you and I should go back to helping Cade on the house some of the time while Grandma's here," Jon told Davy. "He thinks by the time she leaves, he could be back to work some or at least won't need us around as much. I'm so pleased he's recovering quickly. He's like his old self. I was really afraid I might lose him," Jon swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I know; I worried too, but I always believed he'd be okay."

"You've been my rock through this whole ordeal. I love you so much."

"I love you the same."

Jon pulled off his shirt, but didn't have to prompt Davy to make the next move. Davy immediately sought out Jon's nipples to lick and suck. Since they seemed to be hard-wired to Jon's dick, it began to rise immediately in response to Davy's ministrations.

Davy found the button and zipper on Jon's shorts pulling them, and his underwear, all the way off to free the awakening dragon from its entrapment. As soon as he'd accomplished that, Davy ran his tongue from base to tip.

"Oh," Jon gasped, "You know exactly how to take me to paradise! Let me do the same for you."

"Not just yet; I want to make this a memorable night for you."

"It's gonna be a short one, if you don't back off for a minute," Jon panted. "I'm not saying I don't want to cum, but I'd like to hold out and enjoy it a few more seconds!"

Davy backed off and allowed Jon to strip him and work on his body. Jon also knew exactly what buttons to push to bring Davy up to speed.

Something Jon liked to do, which drove Davy crazy, was to stick his tongue into the slit of Davy's cock and pull the foreskin over his tongue. Davy was in heaven. He had to ask Jon to stop before he went over the edge.

They kissed deeply for a while, each tasting traces of his own cock in the other's mouth. The effect was like an aphrodisiac, moving them closer to their shared goal.

When Davy turned the opposite way in the bed, taking Jon's dripping phallus into his mouth and leaving his own cock within easy reach, Jon didn't hesitate to return the favor.

This time, there was no holding back as both were quickly transported to the bliss they craved.

The next week and a half passed rather quickly. Todd continued to improve in his mobility, gradually weaning himself off the walker as his sense of balance returned.

It would be great to say that he improved without any setbacks, but he had his ups and downs. Everyone in the household was patient and kept encouraging him in his efforts. While he hated being dependent on others, he was gracious when they insisted on doing some things for him.

Melba had taken over the kitchen duties while she was there, relieving Jim and the boys from having to cook. She also drove Todd to his sessions with the therapists at the hospital. At the last session, Todd was pronounced well enough to drive safely. Todd drove home.

The men and boys took Melba out to dinner at Zephyrs on her last night with them. They told her that they could never repay her, but that this was a small token of their appreciation for all of her care. She was pleased with their gesture.

She was also happy to be going home. She loved them all dearly, but she would always sleep better in her own bed. In fact, she intended to sleep late every day the next week. Now that the worst was over and she could begin to relax, she felt exhausted. Helping to nurse her son back to health had been like walking into a gale-force wind. When that wind subsided, it was difficult not to fall forward.

One of the things Todd thought he might do to keep his mind occupied while he was at home was to teach Jon and Davy how to play chess. They had expressed an interest, and he had been fairly good at it in college.

Like a number of young men of his era, he had seen chess as a game that made him seem more intellectual. It was a bit like the next generation wearing glasses with plain lenses to emulate Harry Potter, and therefore appear to be scholarly.

Setting up the chess board ahead of time proved to be an exercise in frustration. He simply couldn't remember what pieces went where.

Jim came home to a partner who was sitting at the kitchen table, quite upset.

"Man, I'm sure that bullet took a bigger toll on my thinking abilities than the doctors realized," he complained. "I wonder what else is missing. I'm lucky I remember how to wipe my ass!"

"How long has it been since you played chess?" Jim asked.

"I guess the last time was my senior year, but it's like riding a bicycle, isn't it? It should come automatically."

"I'm not sure if it's the same thing as a physical activity, but it's been at least that long for me too, and I can't remember the order of the pieces either. As I recall, there're twelve peons out in front to protect the more important pieces, kinda like in the army," he joked.

"Um, they're called pawns, not peons, and there is a row of eight out front."

"See, you remember a lot more about it than I do," Jim laughed. "I think there is a rook at each corner of the second row and a knight next to each of them."

"Oh, now I remember. It's rook, knight, bishop, king, queen, bishop, knight, and rook. All at once it was like a big chunk of stuff came back to me."

"So none of the information is lost; it just took you a few minutes to retrieve it. Perhaps you brain had to create a new connection."

"It helped when you started to get me to talk about it. Then I could visualize it. It was like a light came on. Before, I was too aggravated to think!" Todd exclaimed.

"I guess maybe you need to relax and not be impatient with yourself," Jim suggested. "Perhaps yoga or some other form of meditation might help. The doctors warned us there might be a few glitches. So far, you haven't forgotten anything important."

"No, I guess you're right. I think I'll be ready to play with Jon and Davy tomorrow afternoon, especially if you and I play a friendly game after dinner. I also haven't forgotten that they're sleeping over at Davy's house tonight and we're home alone." Todd cocked one eyebrow as he grinned.

"Are you feeling frisky?"

"Maybe," Todd responded, licking his lips suggestively.

"So, I guess I shouldn't make anything heavy for dinner?"

"Make anything you like because I'm gonna need the calories to replace the one's I'm gonna burn up in the next few minutes. I wanna get laid, NOW!"

"Your wish is my command," Jim beamed, as he helped Todd to his feet so they could finish their conversation in the bedroom.

Todd and Jim had reserved the third week in August (when Jon would be at the lake) for their vacation/honeymoon long before the shooting incident and they decided to keep the date. They had scrapped plans to visit Niagara Falls, but it would be good for both of them to kick back, and it would give Todd more time to regain his strength before starting back on the job half time.

Hearing that the men didn't have travel plans, David and Amanda invited them to come to the lake for the week which had been kept open for Brock, Brent, and the boys. Todd and Jim were welcome to join them – unless, of course, they wanted the time at home to themselves.

Amanda apologized that she and David wouldn't be there to host for most of the week. She explained that David and she were off to New York to see friends from Switzerland who were in the US for a short time and whose plans weren't flexible enough to make any changes. She promised to be back for the last weekend they were in Wisconsin.

Jim and Todd jumped at the chance to be at the lake with their friends. It would allow them to play in the water and sunshine with no schedule to keep. They could both relax and enjoy the lively company of the teens.

So on Friday afternoon, the two-vehicle caravan headed for Wisconsin. Jim and Todd took the convertible so they could put the top down and let the breeze blow through their hair. Jim did the lion's share of the driving because he feared Todd would tire easily. They also allowed Jon and Davy to have some time behind the wheel.

Jon and Davy rode in the back seat for about an hour and then relinquished their slightly cramped accommodations to Joe and Mark who thought it was very cool to ride in the convertible while Todd sat by Jon in front and Davy and Jim rode in the van.

Joe and Mark, in turn, gave up the back seat for Bradon and Micah after their dinner stop while Davy drove the convertible with Jim in the passenger seat. The men promised Joe and Mark a few minutes each of driving on the return trip. Phil and Brent had both signed the necessary papers to allow a non-family member to act as instructor.

Amanda and David came out to greet their guests the minute they heard the vehicles in the drive. Amanda showed the men to their rooms on the second floor and left the boys to sort themselves out in the bunkhouse or cabins as they saw fit.

She had a mound of pulled pork in the slow cooker on the kitchen counter ready to be eaten whenever anyone was hungry for a snack. There were buns, chips, and fruit to go with the meat.

She had cooked several pounds of it so there'd be leftovers for lunches when her guests were on their own. Ever the gracious hostess, she also had a number of oven-ready meals in the freezer so they could spend the maximum time playing instead of preparing meals.

None of the adults stayed up late because Brock and Brent would have to get up early to take the Harts to the airport in the morning. And, Todd was tired from the trip, despite having caught a few winks on the way.

The men kept the doors to their rooms open to take advantage of the cross-breeze. It took very little time for them to fall asleep, lulled by the calls of loons on the lake scent of fresh country air.

As on some other occasions, Bradon and Micah chose to sleep in the more remote cabin which the Harts kept for Micah's uncle Seth to use when he wanted to. The rest of the boys opted for their usual rooms in the bunkhouse, reminding Micah and Bradon that they were always welcome there, especially if the weather prevented them from playing outside.

The boys weren't particularly tired from the trip since only Davy and Jon had driven any of it, so they decided to go skinny dipping by the light of a nearly full moon. The night reminded Bradon of the time when he first met Micah. He planned to replay some of those scenes again when they could do it in private, perhaps not tonight, but sometime while they were there.

After playing around in the lake awhile, Joe and Mark came out of the water in an obvious state of arousal. When Davy and Jon joked about the need "to get a room", the younger boys just laughed. Then they lay down on their towels and began to make out with abandon in front of the rest.

"Have you no modesty?" Davy teased.

"Why should we?" Joe asked. "We're all guys, we're all gay, and we're all horny. And, jeez, you're hung!" he exclaimed as he looked up at Davy's rising erection which was less than three feet above his head.

"So are you, little bro," Davy responded. I think you and Mark have both added an inch since last summer."

"Only about half an inch," Mark giggled. "And yes, we're keeping a record. I guess our little show had an effect on the rest of you."

Davy merely nodded in response as he took Jon's hand, leading him toward the bunkhouse. Bradon and Micah headed in the other direction toward the cabin, leaving Joe and Mark alone on the beach. The minute the younger boys sensed the others were out of sight, they got into the 69 position and gently sucked each other off, hoping to do it slowly. However, they were so aroused from showing off in front of the others that it took very little time before they were sharing their loads.

The next morning, knowing the grandparents were already gone, all the boys showed up for breakfast naked as they day they were born.

"Um, what's this all about?" Brock asked. "I don't remember hearing you ran around sans in the house."

"We didn't," Davy giggled. "We know Grandma has seen us skinny dipping on occasion and it doesn't embarrass her, but we're careful of not offending her sensibilities. Since there are no females here now, there's no reason not to hang free. You old ones ought to join us!"

"You'll not think `old ones' when I throw you out," Brock threatened with a grin, grabbing his son around the middle and picking him up as if to toss him out the door.

"Okay, okay," Davy laughed, "I'll change that to `mature gentlemen' if you prefer. Just don't hurt me!"

"I suppose that title will do," Jim chimed in. "I think we'd prefer to be addressed as `royal highnesses,' but I don't see that coming from you guys."

After breakfast when Brock asked for two volunteers to clean up the kitchen, Bradon and Micah raised their hands first, and took on the job. They wanted to get their KP duties out of the way early. Of course, they would help later as well if needed.

When the men got down to the shore, they also went skinny dipping for a while, but kept their privates covered when sunning on their backs and put on trunks when it was time for lunch. They didn't feel it was appropriate to be constantly naked around kids who weren't a part of their extended family unless Phil and Wally were there as well. The Witte boys and Micah insisted their fathers would be fine with it, but that didn't sway their decision to be more modest.

The boys, on the other hand, vowed not to wear a stitch of clothing until Grandma Amanda returned. In response, the men reminded them not to spend too much time in the sun unprotected, and to keep on plenty of lotion.

The boys made a game out of applying sunscreen to their boyfriends, being mindful of slathering plenty on their genitals. That tended to result in make-out sessions, often with happy endings in private. However, sometimes they weren't as secretive as they would have been in the past. Being good friends, and naked all the time, tended to break down some of their inhibitions.

The week passed quickly, as is often the case when people are vacationing. The boys were becoming browner by the day and the men more relaxed.

Todd's strength also seemed to increase by the day. In the beginning, it took a lot of effort just to get on the Jet Ski behind Jim, but by the middle of the week, he was riding like a pro with Jim behind him. That sense of accomplishment led him to go out on the water skis. Again, he had success; his balance returning very close to what it had been. The time at the lake was proving to be of more value than the physical therapy sessions. Jim thought that his husband's whole outlook on life had improved a hundred fold.

On a night when the rest of the boys had retired to the bunkhouse early, Bradon and Micah walked hand in hand along the shore toward the cabin. When they were about halfway there, Bradon turned toward Micah and gently stroked himself like he'd planned to do. Micah followed his example.

"I'd love to watch you get off, but I have to warn you that I'm dating someone," Bradon said.

"Do I know who it is?" Micah asked.

"The one I'm gonna kiss right now," Bradon replied, taking Micah into his arms.

"Is it official; are you declaring we're a couple for sure?"

"Yeah. I used to think I was straight and then I figured I was bi because I had sex with Megan, but also with you. Now, I know I love you more than anyone."

"I'm so glad! I love you too, even more since we've been living together this summer. I'm almost sorry that Mom and Dad get possession of our house this week. I'd like to do what Davy and Jon do."

"Maybe our parents will let us sleep together like we have this summer. I know my mom and dad love having you around. You're parents seem to like me too."

"Yeah they do."

Originally, Bradon had thought he'd jack off with Micah and they'd squirt all over each other as they had that first time, but holding him close caused his plans to change.

With their hot erections trapped between them, they began to squirm and hump. Grasping each other's butts to keep from losing contact, they continued to stimulate their drooling cocks to the point of no return.

Their climaxes occurred at almost the same moment. They slowly descended from their sexual high while kissing tenderly.

"I really do love you," Bradon whispered.

"I love you too," Micah responded. "This is the best sex I've ever felt. It's better when it's not just sex, if you know what I mean."

"I do know, and I agree."

"Um, should we wash off in the lake? I have towels in the cabin you know."

"Okay, but I don't think we should waste all this good stuff," Bradon said as he knelt to clean Micah's abs with his tongue.

Micah followed suit a few minutes later. When they'd finished, there was very little stickiness to share with the fishes.

Up at the house, the men enjoyed their share of love-making too. Most of the days, they played pretty hard in the water during the morning but took naps in the afternoon. Todd, especially, needed the rest to replenish his energy.

Brent and Brock often used their siesta time to make love in their bedroom. They felt pretty uninhibited because Amanda and David weren't there to hear them, and they knew that Todd and Jim wouldn't be offended if they did.

Todd and Jim felt the same way. They were pretty sure that Brock and Brent wouldn't be upset if they had been going at it in the same room. No one was into swapping partners, but knowing another couple was being amorous nearby only served to stimulate their libidos.

Wearing clothes again felt constraining despite the fact they were only T shirts, shorts, and sandals, but the boys had to be decent in order to meet Amanda and David at the airport. At least they all went commando to lessen the impact. Hanging free felt pretty good to them.

They took the Highlander and the Sienna for the trip so there would be plenty of room for everyone plus the luggage the Harts had.

Grandma and Grandpa hugged everyone as if they were all family, and in a way they were. They cared about all the men and teens as if they were blood relation and they received the same kind of affection in return.

They ate their dinner at a restaurant not far from the airport so that no one would have to make dinner. It was a family type of place where the food was good and dress was casual.

Grandma was happy to find her kitchen all ship-shape when she returned. It was great to have guests who kept everything orderly.

As darkness approached, the kids said their good-nights and departed for the beach. They were all naked before they got halfway there.

Because Micah and Bradon held hands most of the time and kissed openly, the other guys assumed their relationship had reached a new level. No one said anything to tease them, but probably would very soon. At present, they didn't want to jinx it.

They all played in the water for half an hour or so before going to the bunkhouse and cabin. Bradon and Micah made love on the sand before reaching their destination. Indeed, they had reached a new plateau.

Joe and Mark got their promised time behind the wheel of the convertible on the trip home while the sun was still up. Both felt pretty cool being seen in the vehicle when they drove through small towns where there were other teens around to see them. To their credit, they didn't attempt to show off, but drove rather like seasoned drivers.

It was fairly late when they arrived back in town, so most of the kids crashed at Davy's house as they had planned to do ahead of time. Davy and Jon slept at Jon's house to give the rest plenty of room. Needless to say, the other couples enjoyed having one more night in bed together.

Bradon and Micah, in particular, appreciated having the basement apartment to themselves, not knowing exactly what the future held for them now that Micah's parents were in their new house.

The pair showered together, using the opportunity to share their bodies once again. Then they climbed between the sheets naked as was their practice.

"I keep thinking of how much things have changed in the past year or so," Bradon mused. "Back then, I said I was straight and I would have been offended if someone suggested I wasn't. Now I love you and I don't care who knows it. I think both of us might have gone for girls if the right one had come along."

"I agree," Micah said, laying his head on Bradon's shoulder. "I was looking to connect with someone and it turned out to be you instead of a girl. I hate labels, but I love you. I never really dreamed of being with another guy. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I always figured I'd settle down and raise a family."

"Hey, like my dad says, same-sex couples can do that these days. It seems to be more acceptable every day."

"Yeah, let's hope that continues."

Author's notes: I've heard from the following since last posting: Jim W, Roger L, Wayne, Bill K, Mendy D, Bill T, Paul F, Tom A, Walt S, Tony W, Ott H, Paul R, Trish R, Larry, Scott W, Rich L (STWOM), and JDC. JDC is a new responder who has recently read everything I've written, I guess. I also heard from a young reader, Rad, whom I'd almost lost touch with. It's great to reconnect with those from the past as well as my faithful ones who email every week.

I've been reading "Birds Don't Sing Before a Storm" by Ron. You can find him under the high school label. I find the story getting better by the week.

Andrew has posted another chapter for "Riding Lessons" recently too. I hope you've had a chance to read it.

Prayers and thoughts for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines - they need our donations as well. Imagine not having an abundance of things in the first place and having even that taken from you in the space of a few hours. Please donate to REPUTABLE charities who are lending aid.


Next: Chapter 34

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