Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Feb 28, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 4


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 4

Jeremiah got the third degree from his mother when he came home. She wanted to know what the family was like and if they'd gone to church. He remained as vague as possible to keep from spilling information that he shouldn't and headed for bed as soon as he could to get away from her questioning.

Playing around with Jon on Saturday night and the excitement of reuniting with his dad had worn him out, so it wasn't surprising that he fell asleep soon after he hit the pillow. He didn't hear his mother open the bedroom door to check on him. Luckily, she didn't check too thoroughly because she might have discovered him sleeping in the forbidden state of total nudity.

He headed for the bathroom in the early morning forgetting that he didn't have a stitch on. He caught himself in time to grab his underwear. He quickly relieved himself and brushed his teeth before having his cereal and going to deliver the Daily Herald.

When he returned to the house, he got the call from his minister saying they were definitely on for that afternoon. Jeremiah was to ride his bike to the park by 11:45 because some of the perverts spent their lunch hour having sex and it would be a good time to catch them.

Jeremiah asked if he should come to the church first to get a mike, but Iverson said it wasn't necessary because he'd put a better one in the toilet to pick up anything that was said. It was safer not to be wired in case one of the men wanted him to take off his shirt. In fact, it would be good for him not to wear a shirt at all, but to arrive in just the pair of satiny basketball shorts without any underwear beneath them.

The thought of going commando in his flimsy nylon shorts made all of Jeremiah's blood rush to his groin! How could he ride his bike in that condition without being embarrassed? On the other hand, it was an exciting proposition to be so close to naked in public. If he had a pair of Spandex biking shorts it would be even hotter!

After eating an early lunch, Jeremiah dressed as he was asked to do. He decided to pull his foreskin back to see if the outline would show when it pressed against the thin fabric. It did, making him feel even hornier than before. Then he called Jon to let him know the plans so he could relay them to Todd.

"Did the old pervert tell you about the camera?" Jon asked.


"He's probably going to make a porno movie like the one he showed you. If he does and Dad catches him, he's road-kill! I won't be far away, even though Dad's worried about me being involved. Sometimes a guy has to do what he has to do. Be careful, Stud."

"I will. Please don't do anything to make your dad angry with you."

"Like I told you, he's easy. I can do a lot of things without pissing him off." Jon giggled. "See, you've taught me to talk naughty! Anyway I've heard it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Besides, since school's finally out, I won't get in trouble for skipping."

Jeremiah left in time for a leisurely ride up to the park, enjoying the feeling of his shorts rubbing against the exposed head of his cock as well as the breeze cooling his balls. He tied a tank top to the handlebars just in case he needed it.

At the park, he chained his bike in the rack and sat in the grass a few minutes looking around a bit without doing anything that would attract attention. The van was parked at the far end of the lot facing the restroom doors. In the other direction, a man in a parks department uniform was busily trimming bushes. All seemed quiet. A couple more cars pulled into the lot, so he figured it was his time to go bait the trap.

He didn't have a long wait before a middle aged man came in to use the urinal next to him. The man stood back far enough to show off his rapidly growing cock. The sight of it caused Jeremiah's penis to fill out as well. The man looked over and smiled. Jeremiah smiled back, despite feeling suddenly vulnerable. The man stroked his meat, never taking his eyes off of Jeremiah's. After a couple of minutes, the man grunted and shot the biggest load of white goo Jeremiah had ever seen.

Jeremiah managed to hold off cumming, but had a dry orgasm which made him moan. The man zipped up and left quickly, so Jeremiah peeked out the door to see if Pastor Iverson was going to intercept him. It didn't happen.

Another, younger man came in soon after, and also looked Jeremiah over. He offered to give the boy a blow-job, but Jeremiah shook his head. He was willing to be a tease, but he was afraid of what he might catch from a stranger if he let him do that. This guy also masturbated before he left, leaving a large quantity of cum in the urinal. Again, the minister didn't seem to take any notice.

While this was going on, Jon was inching his way toward the facility from the back. He had quickly spotted the city employee with the clippers as his dad, so he was progressing a few yards at a time through a dry creek bed and crouching along behind bushes.

Jon had on a camo shirt, olive drab cargo shorts, an Aussie Outback hat, and dark sunglasses. His face was pretty well disguised without making him look different from what any other boy his age might.

He was wondering how he'd get into the restroom without his father spotting him when a semi backfired on the street diverting his dad's attention. Jon quickly walked in the door.

Jeremiah grinned, not caring that it was probably all being recorded. Jon hugged him and they kissed.

"I think I'll give the old pervert a real show, Davy," Jon whispered in his ear. "Maybe I'll suck you off and let you cum on my face!"

They continued to make out while carrying on an inaudible conversation about what they'd like to do to each other. The atmosphere was heating up! Davy knelt to undo Jon's web belt and unzip his shorts. When he'd freed Jon's throbbing dick, he kissed it on the end.

Outside in his van, Bob Iverson was watching the live feed with unbridled lust. This was the best stuff he'd ever gotten. He could fantasize over it for months, plus he'd get big money from his subscribers. He unzipped to free his cock from the confines of his pants and began to stroke. He was too engrossed in his lustful activity to pay attention to his surroundings.

Todd Watson had caught sight of the figure entering the restroom and knew it was his son. He needed to move in before Jon became a porn star. He signaled his backup and sneaked up to the side of the van, crouching. With badge in hand, he opened the sliding door so quickly that Iverson nearly fell out on the ground.

"What the Hell?"

"I'm arresting you on a charge of producing and possessing child pornography. You have the right to remain silent......"

He read the man his rights while Officer Bullock fastening the handcuffs. Iverson was so stunned he didn't even resist. Besides, Bullock was built like a bull and could have easily subdued him.

"You can come out, boys. The excitement's over." Todd called into the restroom.

Jon poked his head out the door and grinned broadly.

"Maybe it's over for you, but it's just getting started for us."

"Zip it up and get out here!" Todd laughed. "I should have locked you in the house."

"I'd have called social services on you." Jon bantered back. "Besides, I figured you could use an extra boy to prove what the old pervert was doing."

"I'm sure there was enough evidence already, but I can't blame you for wanting to help your buddy."

"May I take Davy home with me for a while," Jon pleaded.

"Yes, as soon as we get statements from both of you."

"Will you have to call my Mom?"

"I do need to call a parent. Do you know your dad's mobile number?"


The questioning took longer than the boys had anticipated. They were separated and interviewed by different officers with their dads present. Then they had to wait until the officers compared notes on their stories.

Their statements coincided well without being so similar that they sounded rehearsed. And what they said was corroborated by the evidence from Pastor Iverson's computer. The police felt they had an air-tight case. When it was all finished, the boys had little time to spend at Jon's house because Jeremiah's mother would be home before long.

Brock made sure his Davy was okay emotionally before he left. He was surprised, if not shocked, that the boy was taking it all in stride. He wondered if his son were following in his footsteps.

Todd drove the boys to the park in the parks department truck, loaded their bikes in the back, and dropped them at his house to give them a few minutes together. Then he returned to the station.

He wasn't even out of the drive before Jon and Davy were out of their clothes. They stood in the kitchen feeling each other and rubbing their loins together. They'd never heard the term "frottage", but they instinctively knew how to do it.

Because he'd been on the edge several hours earlier, Davy didn't need much stimulation. With gasps and moans, he blasted several creamy shots between them. His orgasm set off Jon's seconds later. Both felt so good they wanted to cry.

Jon knelt to lick the cocktail of their juices from Davy's abs and dick. Davy pulled him up and took a turn on his knees. He paid special attention to Jon's little head. In fact, Jon had to ask him to stop because he was so sensitive. Then they kissed deeply for several minutes before Davy said he had to leave.

Davy had finally gotten a good taste of sperm and he was hooked. If he'd been uncertain about his orientation at all, he no longer wondered. He was gay and he was in love with Jon. They had shared the fruit of their loins. It was almost like partaking of a sacrament.

He rode home with a smile on his face. Soon, that smile turned into a frown as he contemplated how he could keep his mother in the dark. Certainly the arrest of their minister on child porn charges would make the news. If he could keep his mother's attention diverted, he could stall her knowing until at least tomorrow. But, someone in the church was bound to call and tell her. Hmm, what should he do?

The first thing he did was to take a quick shower and put on clean clothes. His basketball shorts were stuck to his skin in places by dried cum. He giggled as he pulled them loose before getting wet.

Next, he hatched up a plan to keep his mother distracted from watching the news.

The third thing was easy if he could do it without getting caught. He unscrewed the phone jack and pulled a wire loose. He checked for a dial-tone and, finding none, knew he'd been successful. He'd barely gotten the screwdriver back in the tool box in the garage before the door began to go up.

"How was your day, Mom?" he asked, trying to get her talking so she wouldn't quiz him.

"Oh I was busy because I'll be out of the office tomorrow morning."

"Oh, what's going on?" he asked, putting her on the defensive.

"Nothing, I just have an appointment."

"Are you sick?" he continued.

"No, it's some legal matter that doesn't concern you."

"Well, I'm glad you're not sick. What would I do without you?"

"Oh Jeremiah, you know my parents would raise you exactly like I've been doing. Never doubt it! The church would be there for you too. I wouldn't be surprised if Pastor Bob would want to adopt you. He'd be a great father."

Jeremiah cringed inwardly at the thought!

They rarely watched TV and never watched the news during a meal because it was considered family time. Jeremiah wondered if his mother would see the 10:00 edition, but she didn't because she went to bed early. On hearing her door close at 9:45, Jeremiah breathed a sigh of relief. It would come out sooner or later, but later was fine with him.

When he returned from delivering papers the next morning, his mother was still home. She evidently hadn't heard any news because she made no mention of their minister's arrest. She also offered no further explanation of her appointment.

She did ask if he had a leftover paper she could read, but he'd thought ahead and left the extra one at a vacant house. He lied, saying that there was a new family moving in a few blocks away and he'd given it to them in the hope that they would subscribe.

Around 10:30, she took her leave. As soon as she was out of the drive, Jeremiah reattached the phone wire so he could call a cab. He'd barely finished when the phone rang.

"Thank God I caught you!" Jon exclaimed. "Are you going to the courthouse?"

"The cab`s on its way."

"Please don't leave without me; I'm going too."

With Jon's bike parked in the garage beside Jeremiah's, the boys waited anxiously for the taxi. It arrived at 10:50.

"We need to be at the courthouse at 11:00," Jeremiah explained to the driver.

"I'll do my best young man. Are you on trial?"

"Nope, it's a custody hearing and my mother's trying to keep me from appearing because she's afraid I'll go live with Dad."

"Is that your plan?"


"My ex tried to pull the same crap on my son and me; I'll do my best to get you there on time. I'm sure the judge will understand if you're a minute or two late."

The rest of the drive passed in silence. Jon wanted to hold his buddy's hand, but contented himself with placing his hand next to Jeremiah's on the seat closely enough to allow their pinkies to touch. He was rewarded with a big smile.

Outside the small courtroom, Brock and his lawyer sat on one bench while Mavis sat on another a few yards away. No one showed any emotion, but Brock seemed antsy. He hoped this new lawyer was going to prove to be worth the expense. But even more, he hoped to be able to build a relationship with his son at long last.

A bailiff came out to usher them in. A court reporter sat at a small table ready to take down everything that was said. When the judge came in, Mavis let out a gasp. It was not Judge Murdoch!

"Please rise. This hearing is now in session; the Honorable Lawrence Keegan presiding. You may be seated."

"Are all the principal parties in attendance?"

"No, your honor," Attorney Frank Morris said. "My client's son is supposed to be here."

"Where is the boy, Ms. Long? It appears that you have sole custody."

"He's not feeling well this morning and he has no interest in being here. He's quite content remaining with me. Where is Judge Murdoch and why are you here?"

"If your questions are intended to divert my attention from the one I asked you; they won't. I will say briefly that Judge Murdoch withdrew after Mr. Mason-Hart's lawyer pointed out his potential bias since he's your father's best friend.

Now to get back to my question; where is your son?"

"I'm here, sir," Jeremiah said breathing heavily from running up two flights of stairs instead of waiting on the elevator. "Can my friend, Jon, be in here too?"

"That's fine with me as long as he abides by the rules and doesn't interrupt. Do you have an explanation for your late arrival?"

"Street construction on Third Avenue held the cab up. The driver did his best. Am I in trouble?"

"No, of course not! How did you happen to arrive by cab and not with your mother?"

"She didn't tell me about this hearing. I only learned by accident in talking to Dad. He gave me cab fare in case she left me home."

"You've had contact with your father? This is an outrage!" Mavis shouted.

"You will maintain order," Judge Keegan said tapping with his gavel.

"Ms. Long. Since you seem eager to speak, please tell us why you didn't bring him?"

"Judge Murdoch said it wasn't necessary. His father's lifestyle makes him unfit as a parent."

"Hmm, that sounds like a case of prejudging to me. Exactly what is it about his household that makes him unfit? Are he and his husband drunks or criminals?"

"You KNOW he's queer and you have the audacity to ASK why he's not fit? My son is at an impressionable age and they'll lead him into sin."

Judge Keegan was nearly left speechless by Mavis's attitude, so he called on Jeremiah who had raised his hand.

"Yes, Master Long?"

"Sir, could you call me by my real name which is 'Hart'?"

"Certainly. I was going by what is on the court document, but I'll change it if it's your true surname. Now what is it you have to say, Master Hart?"

"I've already been exposed to homosexual activity because of the minister of our church."

Mavis turned a bright shade of purple as she verbally exploded.

"You filthy child! What kind of malicious gossip are you spreading? That's slander! You know Pastor Iverson is a man of God. You've been working with him to save the lost. Has Satan taken you over? It's probably from hanging around with that boy (pointing at Jon). I should have forbidden you to go to his house! I'll ground you for the rest of the summer!"

"Order!" the judge commanded, pounding his gavel this time. "May I assume, Jeremiah, that you're talking about the man who was arrested yesterday afternoon on child pornography charges?"

"That's not possible!" Mavis gasped.

"Please hold your tongue and let the boy answer!" the Judge nearly shouted.

"Yes, your Honor. I'm not allowed to give any details for fear of jeopardizing the case, but I can say that he attempted to involve me in sexual situations with men."

"Fair enough.

Ms. Long, your husband's orientation does not diminish his ability to raise your son. In view of the fact that you encouraged your son to trust an alleged pornographer, YOUR parenting skills could be called into question. Of course, I understand how con men can put one over on all of us sometimes. We could spend all day arguing who is the fittest to be awarded custody. But none of this is relevant. The question is about whom Jeremiah wants to live with. He's old enough to choose.

Jeremiah, what's your answer?"

"Your Honor, I've lived a sheltered life controlled by my mother and the church. I've been home-schooled and not allowed to learn scientific facts or know much about the real world unless I snuck around to do it. I want to go to public school and have a normal life. I feel my dad would give me that chance, so I choose to live with him. Besides, I love him a lot and I want to know him better."

"Go ahead; cast your lot with the Devil! Don't expect me to take you back when it all comes tumbling down like the Tower of Babel. If you make this choice, I don't want to see you again, EVER!" Mavis screamed.

"Order! One more outburst and I'll charge you with contempt of court and ask the bailiff to escort you out of here! I'm declaring a recess until after lunch. We will reconvene at 1:30 and I will announce my decision then."

"All rise," the bailiff intoned.

When Brock, his lawyer, and the boys returned from lunch, they were surprised to see that Mavis wasn't there. The judge waited about five minutes before resuming.

"I had made my decision over an hour ago, but I wanted to make sure it wasn't based on irritation instead of facts. I try to be impartial. It is obvious young Master Hart has been kept from developing a familial relationship with his father for many years. I consider that to be deprivation. I have decided to award full custody to his father as Jeremiah requested. This takes effect immediately and will continue until such time as I hear from the young man that he is unhappy with the arrangement. I strongly suspect it's not going to happen.

I was planning to work out limited visitation rights for Ms. Long, but will not do so at present due to her absence from the rest of this hearing. From her attitude, I don't believe she will request any.

We are adjourned; you needn't stand for my departure."

The men did stand, however. The boys hugged each other and then Brock hugged them both.

"Thanks Mr. Morris," Brock said, shaking his attorney's hand. "You did a great job of checking into the connections my ex had with the other judge. Without a fair-minded man like Judge Keegan, I might have been shafted again."

"You're welcome. I must say that getting Jeremiah here was a huge advantage. If he hadn't shown up, this could have kept on being postponed for months, though I suspect Keegan would have gone after Mavis over not producing your son. The man doesn't suffer fools gladly!"

"Davy, it's so awesome to know I'll get to know you! You can't imagine how many times I've prayed for this day to come. Your grandparents and the rest of my family are gonna love you to death! I can't wait to call them; it's probably after dinner in Switzerland."

"Cool," Davy replied. "I can hardly remember them or Uncle Sean and what's-her-name."

"Sean's wife is Marilyn and your cousins are Tyler and Gabby. Do you remember them?"

"Yeah, I do somewhat. They're pretty close to my age, I think."

"Tyler is 12 and Gabby is a little younger as I recall. I haven't seen them in a long time either since they're living abroad."

Brock placed a call to talk to his parents. They were excited about the news and said they'd be back in the US later in the year. Sean's family was on holiday in Italy, but they would convey the news as soon as they could get hold of him.

They talked to Davy for several minutes before ending the call.

It's so cool to have more family, like normal people!" Davy exclaimed. "I've been isolated way too long. I'm excited to be living with you."

"I'm absolutely thrilled, Davy, but I'm afraid you're not going to be very comfortable in the short run. You'll get stuck sleeping on the cheap futon Brent and I picked up at IKEA. Until we take possession of our new house, we're in that tiny one-bedroom apartment."

"He could sleep with me!" Jon exclaimed, forgetting how he was phrasing the offer.

"We can't impose on Todd and you. Besides, you haven't even talked it over with your dad."

"I'll find a pay phone and call him. I told him I needed a cell, but he's been holding off. I think I'll talk to grandma about it. She loves to spoil me."

"Dad, please let him use yours," Davy asked. "I know he's gonna let me stay with Jon. He's been like another father since I met him."

"Okay, but I want to talk to Todd too."

Jon quickly made the call.

"Hi Dad, can you talk?"

"I'm in the middle of something. May I call back in five?"

"Sure, did you get the number?"

"Yup! It automatically gets recorded on my phone."

In a few minutes, Todd returned his son's call and quickly agreed to have Davy live with them until Brock and Brent got settled. He thought it would be a good experience for both boys. Davy especially should have companionship after what he'd been through.

When Brock got on the phone, he insisted on buying some of the groceries and giving the boys spending money as well. Todd said in that case, they'd all have to eat at least some of their dinners together. Remembering Todd's cooking, Brock was quick to agree.

"Davy, I'm going to give you an allowance that will be bigger than what you make off your paper route. I'm sure it was good for you to learn responsibility, but I don't want you getting up so early when you go to school. Besides, I'm not sure it's always a safe thing for a boy to do. I remember hearing about Johnny Gosch when I was young."

"What happened to him, Dad?"

"No one knows for sure. He disappeared on his route one morning in the West Des Moines area back in 1982 and was never seen again. His mother never gave up and followed every lead. She said he came to her 23 years later and told her he'd been tortured and used in porn films. He said it wasn't safe for his family or him if he kept in contact with them. Some say there was an FBI cover-up. Others said it couldn't have been Johnny because he looked so different, and that his mother had fallen for a cruel hoax. I think she eventually felt that way too."

"Wow, that's scary!"

"Yes it is! Well, we'd better go to your mother's house, Davy, and at least get some of your clothes and you guys' bicycles before she has the locks changed. I get the feeling she's not going to want to see any of us in the near future. We may as well get this over with."

The sight that greeted them looked like a small heap of trash. The two bikes were half buried under a pile of clothes, books, and personal items – none of them in bags or boxes. Even Davy's toothbrush was lying on the lawn. If he'd had any reservations about leaving the parent he'd lived with for over 13 years, they all evaporated in that moment.

Davy stood there just shaking his head.

"Bitch!" he muttered barely loud enough for his dad to hear.

"Come on, Son. We'll put all this in the car, starting with the trunk. You guys can ride your bikes to Jon's home and we'll go to the laundromat to wash all your clothes."

"No need to, Brock. Davy and I can take care of it when we get home. I do the laundry anyway. I'm good at getting out grass stains."

"That's really sweet of you!" Brock said, squeezing his son's boyfriend's shoulder affectionately.

"I'm really glad you've been calling me 'Davy', Jon. I want to be called either 'David' or some form of that name from now on. I'd rather be called 'David' or 'Dave' at school, but I love having you and Dad can use 'Davy' and it's okay for your dad to do too. Can I get it legally changed, Dad?"

"Whatever you want, Son; whatever makes you happy. I'll get on it immediately. Is there anything else you'd like right away?"

"Um, I'd like a decent haircut. I have some money from my paper route..."

"I'll take care of it. Perhaps Jon can recommend a stylist."

"Cool!" Davy grinned. "I can't believe how much my life is changing!"

The guys made quick work of packing Davy's things in the car because there was no reason to do it neatly. However, they didn't begin the process until Brock had taken several pictures of the mess with the camera in his cell phone. He didn't think he'd need documentation for another custody hearing, but he was going to cover all bases.

Author's notes: I usually send new chapters late on Thursday, so if I haven't heard from you before that time, I won't be able to list you name as a responder. I try to put the late ones first on the list after the next chapter.

This week, I've heard from: Danny A, Anonymous, Justin C, Paul R, Bill K, Tim W, Ott H, Bill T, Harry T, Jeff M, Vern, Tom A, Douglas and Lawrence, Trish R, Daniel L, John McD, Jim W, Bill B, James H (Tales), Charles C, and Lisa T. Thanks to all of you for your kind words about the story.


Next: Chapter 5

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