Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Feb 16, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 42


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17,1013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 42

On Wednesday, Brock took Davy to the hospital for an EKG stress test which was recommended by their family doctor. He didn't anticipate finding anything wrong with Davy's heart, but didn't want to take any chances.

Hooked up to a number of contacts, Davy exercised on the treadmill as he was asked. His heart performed exactly as it should for a 16 year old boy in good health.

In another room, a technician injected some kind of radioactive dye into his veins so that a machine could map his heart. It was all quite fascinating. At the end, he got to see the colored pictures and was given the preliminary results. Everything looked great on that too!

He was back at school in time for lunch with his usual companions.

"So, you really do have a heart," Bradon teased. "I thought you had given it away."

"Good point," Davy replied. "It's probably Jon's heart that they mapped. We'll need to send him in to see what mine looks like."

"I'm so thankful everything's okay," Jon said. "I have to admit it's been stressing me out. What's the next move?"

"They're convinced it was a panic attack triggered by the intense emotions I went through facing the prospect of being killed. Since there's no family history of panic disorders, they believe it's unlikely to recur. I have some anti-depressant medication that I'll take for a while. Dr. Troxel is also prescribing some therapy, mostly relaxing techniques.

The best news is that they want me to stay physically active and get plenty of sleep. They also don't want me to overload my schedule. I can still participate in track, but I probably shouldn't help build scenery for the spring musical and extra stuff like we talked about."

"We can trim our schedule," Jon agreed.

"I don't want you to quit participating in activities just because my wings are clipped," Davy insisted.

"We'll have to play that by ear, but I know I won't enjoy a lot of things without you being there too. Besides, you said it was my heart in your chest, so I'm just lookin ' after myself."

In another part of the cafeteria, "the four musketeers" were conferring in a corner away from the girls they were often seen with.

"Just a heads-up, Tyler, I overheard Caitlin telling Cora that she was planning to get in your pants," Paul told him. "I figured you should know so you can be prepared. I think you're at least in for a blow job if you play your cards right."

"Thanks for the warning. Much as I'd love to get sucked off, I don't want to be in debt to her or any other girl at the moment. I'm not ready to get roped into any kind of relationship. It's too bad girls can't be like guys and play around without commitment."

"Some guys, like my brother, actually want commitment," Eddy said. "I think he used to love sex for the sake of sex, but he's really into Billy now that they're married."

"People make jokes about what goes on between boys in boarding schools. Is any of that true," Jack asked.

"Yup, there are circle jerks and a lot more, depending on how guys feel about each other. Mostly, it's just experimenting and getting your rocks off," Tyler told them.

"Did you ever do it?" Paul asked, hoping he hadn't upset Tyler by suggesting it.

"I'm young and horny. What do you think?"

"I thought I might have pissed you off by being too nosy!" Paul blushed.

"Nope. I'm not afraid to tell you I've played around some. I'm pretty sure I'm not gay, but I do like getting off and I don't have a problem doing that with other guys."

"Since we've made you the fourth musketeer, maybe you'd enjoy joining our `rod and gun' club," Jack suggested.

"Jack!" Eddy gasped. "You're not being very subtle. I thought we agreed to take it slowly."

"If I'm not reading too much into the title of your club, I think I'd LOVE to be a part of it," Tyler giggled.

"Okay!" Jack grinned. "My parents won't be home until 6:00, so we can have a club meeting at my house after our various practices. We'll be all nice and clean from showering..."

"Cool!" Tyler responded.

Davy didn't have any more panic attacks, but he didn't feel exactly normal either. In track practice he ran at an okay level, but lacked the energy he normally had. He seemed to want to sleep a lot too, sometimes napping before dinner.

Jon worried about him, but tried not to make an issue of it. He didn't want to rag on him. However, he couldn't stand idly by and watch his boyfriend languish.

"May I come with you when you see Dr. Troxel this week?" Jon asked.

"Of course you can. I'd love you to be there. You probably have a better perspective on how I'm doing than I do. I'm sure the good doctor would like to hear what you have to say.

"Jon, what you're describing are likely the side effects of the medication David is on. Some kinds affect only about five percent of the patients taking them, but that's not an insignificant statistic for the person feeling that way.

Here's what I'm going to do. First, David, I'm taking you off of your current meds completely. I want you to try staying off for a week, until the next appointment. It may take a couple of days for the chemicals to all leave your body. Drink plenty of water while exercising to speed up the process.

I have a pack of samples of another drug which is similar, but shouldn't make you lethargic. It contains more serotonin and barely any anti-depressant. There's no need to fill a prescription if these don't work or if you don't need them. For the time being, please refrain from taking any of them unless you begin to feel anxious. After what we've talked about in past sessions, I'm confident that you'll be able to accurately predict a panic attack before its onset. If you feel one coming on, I want you to take one tablet and spend 15 minutes or so in quiet meditation until you feel relaxed. I'll write a note to that effect so your teachers will be aware that you have a legitimate reason to leave class or practice. If you do have to take a pill, I want you to report it to my nurse within 24 hours so I can assess how to proceed."

"That sounds good," Davy smiled. "I'm really hoping to put this all behind me soon. I don't like being dependent on pills!"

"And I don't like having to prescribe them either. Rest assured that I will never intentionally over-medicate a patient. I prefer to use natural methods and to teach coping skills instead of creating zombies. However, we still have to intervene with a chemical sometimes, so don't try to tough it out if you need medication."

"Thanks Dr. Troxel; I'll follow your advice to the letter because I trust you completely. You've helped me a lot and haven't treated me like a little kid."

"That's because you're not a little kid who thinks he knows more than his doctor. You're a responsible young man who is eager to do what is best for his mind and body."

On Friday morning, Davy awakened Jon by licking his nipples with long, wet swipes of his tongue. Jon giggled and squirmed as he came to.

"If you keep this up, I'm gonna lose all bladder control!" Jon warned.

"Okay, let's get up and pee before I continue."

The boys ran to the bathroom and stood side by side at the toilet trying to get their streams going, but with the serious hardons they were sporting, nothing happened.

"I'm gonna burst if I can't get the old pump primed," Jon complained. "It's so hard I can't even bend it down to hit the pot!"

"Come on, I'll fix that," Davy said as he pulled Jon into the shower stall.

As soon as Davy got the water adjusted, he began to tickle Jon's loins while licking his nipples again. All of a sudden, Jon let loose like a fire hose spraying Davy's abs. Davy's bladder muscle relaxed too, causing him to even the score.

"Jeez! I've heard about golden showers, but I never thought they'd be fun." Jon giggled.

"It is kinda sexy," Davy admitted.

As soon as they finished pissing, they shampooed each other's hair and lathered their bodies. They rinsed off with the shower wand and then turned it on "vibrate" to stimulate one another's perineum.

They had planned to immediately towel off and get dressed, but their lust wouldn't allow them to. Jon grabbed the body wash and lathered up Davy's abs and groin. Davy followed suit. Soon they were humping against one another with their hard appendages trapped between them. Given all the stimulation they'd experienced already, their orgasms came quickly.

After a little more rinsing of their bodies, and the walls of the stall, they were ready to get dried off and dressed.

"Um, I think all the medication has left my body," Davy remarked.

"No shit! You haven't been this spontaneous in weeks!"

"Yeah, I haven't felt like myself."

"And you haven't felt me much either!" Jon teased. "It's awesome to have my old lover back."

"Whoa, here's a letter with an official seal from the governor's office addressed to you," Jon exclaimed. "It looks important."

"Maybe it has something to do with the anti-bullying campaign, but I don't know why you don't have one too."

"Perhaps there's one in my mailbox. After all the governor doesn't know we sleep together here a lot of the time."

Davy opened the letter carefully and scanned the contents. He frowned as he read it and then handed it to Jon who also gave it a quick examination.

"I know you don't like to be called a hero, but I think it's an honor that you shouldn't pass up. Obviously you'll be in good company."

"Yeah, having Dr. Campbell and your dad with me would make me more comfortable, but still..."

"I know you're shy about receiving recognition. Are you also afraid to have your name and picture in the newspapers and on the `net?" Jon asked.

"Kinda. What if my mother should see it, or someone from the old church would tell her about it and she'd come to make trouble?"

"Ah, that's what's bothering you. I think everything would be okay. Last we knew your mother was in Texas and most of your old church members have either moved away or gone to churches that aren't as weird. They wouldn't have any contact with the Texas group because they've been shunned by them."

"I suppose I'll go," Davy sighed. "I certainly want to see your dad honored, and Dr. Campbell too. They showed a lot of courage."

"Dude! You're the one who disarmed Percy and stopped him from shooting her, you, and God knows who else! If anyone deserves acknowledgment, it's you."

Over dinner at Jim and Todd's house, the extended family discussed plans to go to Des Moines in three weeks. They wouldn't have to make any arrangements about work or school because the ceremony with the governor was to be held in the evening, so everyone was in favor of attending.

"At least he planned it so it doesn't conflict with any of our meets," Davy said. "I guess he's a track fan too."

"Not necessarily," Brock chuckled, "he probably knows it would be political suicide if he didn't plan around sports as well as possible."

They discussed logistics for travel, knowing that Davy's brother and cousin would want to attend, as would several of their buds. The governor had proposed sending a state vehicle for Dr. Campbell, Todd, and Davy, but it was doubtful there would be room for anyone else.

Neither Davy nor Todd was eager to ride separately from their love interest, so they thought they might suggest providing their own transportation. That would give them a chance to take along a group of other kids who would want to go.

Davy passed along the suggestion to Dr. Campbell the following Monday, noting that their plan would make less impact on the environment than if state drivers had to make two roundtrips to fetch them and bring them back home.

When Dr. Campbell broached the subject of transportation with the governor's staff, she was informed that the money saved by their plan could be applied to cover the meals of the additional 12 guests they'd be bringing. It looked to be a win/win situation.

Spring Break came in time for all of the students to kick back and relax a bit. Since Davy and Jon weren't going anywhere, they mostly lolled around the house and did a little yard work on the warmer days. Davy continued to feel great and Jon and he managed to have quite a bit of quality time in bed.

A couple of times they played basketball in the driveway with several of the other guys. At one point, they had enough to play five on five, as long as everyone played safely so they didn't lose part of the team.

The guys who were in track or playing soccer all kept active by racing each other on the school track a couple of afternoons. They all felt good about keeping their skills honed, especially Davy.

By the time their break came to an end, he appeared to be completely back to being his old self. Everyone in the family was relieved.

Davy's participation in classes and activities after vacation also reflected his renewed feeling of wellness. His teachers were happy to have him back to normal. It wasn't that he had slacked off; it was rather like a spark had been missing since the shooting incident. No one could judge him on that account. Many had wondered if they would have shown his courage under fire.

Since the news reports about the shooting and murder had pretty well died down a couple of weeks earlier, a number of people were unhappy at not being able to read about all the particulars. The police department had kept a tight lid on the case. No one wanted to jeopardize it, and no one wanted to air the gory details either.

Percy's father wouldn't talk to reporters, or anyone else for that matter. He had entered the house only once, just long enough to get a few clothes and some items he thought might be useful.

After that, he rented a cheap room in the basement of someone's house and stopped going out – except to work. The only time most people saw him was late at night coming out of the liquor store.

Percy, in the mean time, was being held in a high security mental facility not far from the university. He was allowed supervised visits from family members, clergy, and his court-appointed attorney, but no one except his lawyer came to see him.

Most of the time, he was in a fog. Some of that was probably due to the drugs he'd been given in an attempt to calm him, but part of it seemed to be the result of his general mental state.

He was tormented in the daytime by strange scenes running through his head in which he was looking down at his own image doing violent things and ending up with blood on his hands and clothes. He sought refuge in sleep, but that didn't work either. At night, he had violent dreams in which he was being tormented by demonic creatures. He longed for escape, but had no idea how to do it.

Davy still had a few misgivings about accepting an award from the governor with the news media present and the whole nine yards. However, Dr. Frances Campbell, who invited him to call her by her first name when they were in private, said that he should do it for several reasons.

"First and foremost is that teenagers need to be recognized for their heroism. Many adults don't give young people credit for doing the right thing, the compassionate thing, or the heroic thing. You can be like a poster child for your generation.

Second, as a young man who is out and proud, you have the chance to show that those who are gay aren't weak or wimpy. You're like everyone else. You don't have to emphasize your orientation, but people who know you will understand.

And, in the third place, I'd really appreciate having you on the platform with me when I'm recognized for my part. I did what came naturally to me in the situation just like you and Todd did. We all feel that we weren't doing anything special. On a smaller scale, we can empathize with soldiers like Salvatore Junta who've received the Congressional Medal of Honor, but who don't think they earned it any more than the rest of guys in their units. We simply did what we had to do, but in so doing, we helped to save lives. In the grand scheme of things, that counts!"

"Thanks, Dr. Frances; you've put it in a different perspective for me. I will go and accept the honor for the other teens who might have done the same if they'd had the chance."

On the appointed Friday, Brock, Brent, Todd, and Jim showed up at school at the end of the day in the Highlander. Brock parked behind the 12- passenger van which would also make the trip.

When Davy came out the front entrance with the other students who were going, he noticed that Coach Rapoport was at the wheel of the school's vehicle. There was no doubt in his mind that Dr. Frances would be riding shotgun. It made him smile.

The kids arranged themselves in the vehicles in the following order. Jon and Davy sat in the very back seat of the Highlander so they could be with their dads and be close together as well.

That put Joe, Mark, Willa, Jenny, Micah, Bradon, Tyler, Eddy, Paul, and Jack in the big van with their principal and coach.

Davy and Jon thought they might trade with Joe and Mark or Bradon and Micah on the way home if either couple asked, but they really cherished being able to snuggle.

Because of the semi-formal dinner preceding the ceremony, everyone was dressed in clothes appropriate for church. It was quite a spiffy looking entourage.

When they arrived at the grand ballroom about 40 minutes before dinner would be served, it was already open. There were many tables set for a large crowd. Some people were searching for the placards which designated where they would sit, while others milled around in the hallway.

Davy's eyes got misty when he saw several people he had no idea were coming. Cade and Harrison were the first to hug him. Wyatt and Jesse were the next. Then he looked up to see his grandparents, David and Amanda with Melba and G-Matt and his uncle Sean.

"What are all of you doing here?" he said as he hugged each of them in turn.

"This is a special day in the life of our grandson," Amanda smiled. "Where else could we be?"

"Our son is being honored too," Melba said. "And so is our grandson-in-law!"

"You are so special to Tyler and me," Sean beamed. "I had to be here too."

"Did everyone know about all of you coming but me?" Davy asked.

"Well, nearly so," Melba grinned. "We even communicated with Dr. Campbell to make sure we had dinner reservations. I'm sure she didn't tell anyone."

"This is so awesome!" Davy exclaimed. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. But how am I gonna stand up there and say anything in front of you guys without blubbering?

I hope you're all staying for a while."

"Since Easter is so close, we decided to stay. We won't be underfoot too long, because we know you kids all have a lot going on at school.

Dinner was a gourmet affair. Everyone had made their choices when they made their reservations, so all received the entre they wanted. The salmon had an excellent caper sauce, the roast beef was perfectly cooked, the chicken was prepared with artichokes in a creamy sauce, and the vegetarian meal looked appetizing even to the confirmed carnivore.

The desserts were either New York cheese cake or a chocolate brownie with a scoop of chocolate ice cream beside it. No one went unsatisfied.

After the tables were cleared of everything but water glasses and coffee cups, the governor stood on the dais and spoke.

"As many of you know, I like to recognize two people per year for their heroism, one in the spring and another in the fall. Well, this spring I decided to honor a young man who, through his martial arts training, was able to disarm a shooter who threatened the safety of the administers and students of his school.

However, as my staff dug deeper into the story, they felt that two other people should be included, so that is why we have three people to recognize tonight. Each will have a few minutes to speak if they wish.

First, I'm going to call Officer Todd Watson to the microphone. Actually, I should say, Detective Watson. I understand he is being promoted to that rank. Would you please welcome him?"

There was a round of polite applause.

"You may be aware that police procedures changed after the shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado. Officers were supposed to wait to respond to gunfire until backup arrived. However, it is thought that some students died who might have been saved if emergency personnel could have reached them sooner.

Officer Watson, without regard to his own safety, rushed to the office where the shot came from. This is a man who had every right to be cautious, having been wounded in the line of duty not long ago. In fact, the bullet that went into his brain might have ended his career, if not his life. Fortunately, in this case the shooter had been disarmed by the time he got there, but that doesn't lessen the sacrifice he was prepared to make.

Detective Todd Watson, I'm very proud to recognize you as one of Iowa's finest."

As the governor placed the medal around Todd's neck, the audience sprang to their feet to show their appreciation.

"Thank you, Sir," Todd said. "I did only what I was trained to do. I was armed, and I felt I could handle the situation, whatever it turned out to be. The other two who are here tonight were not armed or trained in the same manner, yet they are the ones who saved the day. I accept this in the names of all policemen and policewomen who protect our communities every day. Thanks again."

A good deal of applause followed his humble response.

Next, the governor called Dr. Campbell to be recognized.

"Dr. Campbell also acted without concern for her safety as she helped to disarm a student who was allegedly bent on creating mayhem and killing those he had a grudge against. She held him securely on the floor until Officer Watson could cuff him, and then she immediately helped direct the matters concerning student safety during the lockdown. She didn't pause to look after herself, but thought only of the staff and students.

Dr. Frances Campbell, it is my honor to present this medal to you for your bravery."

"I am honored to have this recognition," she said. "Like Detective Watson, I felt I was only doing what my job at that moment demanded of me. I'm sure many of you would have done the same in my position. So, I accept this award in the names of teachers and administrators throughout the state who do acts of heroism every day which go unnoticed, but which have ripple effects in the lives of students. Thank you."

Again, there was a standing ovation.

"I have saved my original pick for last because I don't think anyone wants to come after him. He's a hard act to follow. David Hart faced a student who had a loaded gun and was threatening to kill him and he didn't flinch. I understand that he used a karate kick to send the gun flying and it went off in that instant. David, please come forward,

According to Dr. Campbell, you saved her life because she was the original target.

Young man, I cannot imagine what went through your mind, or how you were able to react fearlessly, but I honor you for it."

The applause this time began before the governor put the ribbon holding the medal around Davy's neck and kept on until he took the mike and held up his hands for them to stop.

"Enough already," he joked. "As you can see, I have a great cheering section made up of family and friends. These several tables," he gestured, "are my extended family. I am the luckiest guy in the world."

More applause ensued.

"At the risk of differing with the highest elected official in the state, I have to say that I wasn't fearless. I was scared `spit-less' but fear need not be your enemy. Sometimes it's the thing that motivates you to do what you have to do. I had no choice. I reacted as I've been trained to do.

Dr. Campbell and I have talked together about what happened that day. She says I saved her life. I say she saved mine. Had she not distracted the shooter, at the risk of her own life, I wouldn't have had that tiny window of opportunity to execute my move. We acted as a team and Todd was there almost instantly to back us up had it not gone down well.

I too accept this honor, not for myself alone, but for all the teenagers who do acts of heroism that go unnoticed. I know teens who help serve meals to the homeless. I know kids who collect warm clothing for children who don't have any. I know many of my peers involved in helping to make our schools safe from bullies. Those are all acts of heroism whether they are seen or unseen. If you ever think of me, remember them. Thanks."

The audience was again on its feet, clapping and stomping until the room nearly shook. It took quite awhile for order to be restored.

"I can see that we chose the right people to honor tonight," the governor concluded. "Each of them is strong and humble as well as brave. I agree with David that many teenagers do heroic things in unrecognized ways. If I'm not mistaken, several of you were here for the anti-bullying conference in the fall. Would those of you who attended please stand?"

Davy and Jon, as well as most of the students who came with them stood, of course. Once more, the applause was thunderous.

"This concludes our program ladies and gentlemen. Please feel free to continue socializing as you wish."

Davy was nearly exhausted before the evening ended. He felt like he had met everyone in the whole ballroom. Unfortunately, he barely got the chance to touch base with Wyatt and Jesse, but Jon did manage to visit with them a bit.

It was a very tired group who headed back home.

Author's notes: Here is the list of readers I heard from since last posting: Ott H, Bill T, Roger L, Tony W, Jim W, Tom A, JJ, Bill K, Wayne, Walt S, Luke C, Paul R, Tom A, Sage E, and Paul F. Thanks to each and all!

I appreciate the notes from you saying that the scene, though gory, was okay and probably necessary for the story. I'm not, as I said, into violence for its own sake.

Here are some links I thought you might like. Sage E sent the first one which ties in with the one I posted last week.

Stay healthy and warm if you are in the snowbound USA. Keep cool if you are suffering from heat in the southern hemisphere!


Next: Chapter 43

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