Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Feb 22, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 43


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17,1013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 43

Davy had thought Saturday would be a day of rest with no obligations, but such was not to be the case. Channel 6, a CBS affiliate wanted him to do an interview with Stacy Parks, their up and coming reporter, that evening in conjunction with the award he had received the night before. It would be done live on the 5:00 o'clock news.

It wasn't Davy's first choice of things to do, especially when there were guests in the house that he'd rather spend time with. But after having turned down an interview after the shooting, and being disappointed in what had been reported, he decided to take them up on it. His face had already been exposed state-wide, and to a limited extent across the nation, when he talked to the media at the awards ceremony. Another exposure wouldn't necessarily be more likely to come to his mother's attention.

He had to be at the studio at 4:00 for makeup and lighting check. Jon went with him to be his driver as well as his support.

The people at the station decided that the clothes he was wearing were fine, so there wasn't any need for quick wardrobe change.

A few minutes before the broadcast, Ms. Parks talked to him about how things would go.

"Normally I hate doing live interviews with teenagers because they tend to freeze up in front of a camera and not to be particularly articulate. The results are usually best with editing," Stacy told him. "You seem comfortable in front of an audience, if the footage from last night's award ceremony is any indication, so I think this should go well.

Here's a heads-up on the kind of questions I'll be asking so you can be thinking about what you'll say. I plan to talk about safety, or the lack of it, in our public schools and I will be relating the experience you had in facing a shooter to the series of reports on home-schooling that I did last week. I assume that you've seen them."

"Sorry, I've been so busy with school and activities that I don't watch much TV. I'm afraid I get my news on the Internet for the most part."

"That's too bad. I'll bet you'll have a new interest in watching TV reports after tonight. Anyway, I'll set the tone of the interview and all you have to do is follow along where I lead. I want you to share the trepidation you have had in returning to school since that terrible day. The public needs to know about the emotional toll it takes."

After a "first look at the weather" report, the announcer segued into the live interview.

"And speaking of sunshine, we have a smiling high school student in studio "B" tonight. As you may know, David Hart was presented a medal by the governor less than 24 hours ago for his bravery in disarming a shooter at his high school recently. Our own Stacy Parks is here to do the story. Take it away, Stacy!

"Thank you Wally, my guest tonight has been hailed as a hero and is now officially a state medal recipient as you said.

David, tell us what it feels like to be hailed as a local hero."

"Well, Stacy, I don't particularly feel like a hero. As I told the audience last night, I simply did what I had to do. Many other teenagers would have done the same in my situation."

"That's very humble of you, but you did save people from a killer!"

"Um, that's an `alleged' killer because he hasn't been tried and convicted." Davy corrected.

"Uh, yes, well, what is your personal take on school safety? I understand you used to be home-schooled. I'll bet you wish you'd never have gone to public school."

"On the contrary, I'm very pleased to be attending a public high school."

"But if you'd have been home, you'd never have been in that situation and you'd have gotten a top quality education as well. Our public schools are not only failing in their mission, but they're becoming increasingly dangerous."

"If you're asking for MY point of view, I have to say that the public schools in this city offer a far better educational background than I would get from being taught at home – especially in subjects like science and contemporary literature. I know that from experience.

As for being safe, I know that Dr. Prichard and Dr. Campbell do their best to make our high school a secure as well as challenging learning environment. That is especially true for making sure students aren't bullied. As a member of the LGBT community, I know there is zero tolerance of that kind of behavior."

"Oh, I see we need to take a commercial break and then we'll come back with a wrap-up," Stacy announced abruptly.

The technician hit a few switches and a commercial filled the screen. What no one in the studio knew, but he, was that the mike was still live and it was being heard rather than the audio portion of the advertisement.

"Fuck! I'm never doing a live interview with a teenager again!" Stacy stormed around the room. "You made me look like an idiot, you queer little punk!"

"I didn't feel I contributed that much; you had your part pretty well covered all by yourself," Davy grinned.

"I told you the direction I wanted this segment to go, and you contradicted me every step of the way."

"You asked my opinion, and I gave it. All the while, you were trying to put YOUR words in MY mouth."

"Well I AM in charge here and when we come back from commercial, I'm going to give the points I want to make and YOUR job is to smile and nod. Certainly you can handle that!"

"And what if I don't choose to?"

"I'll let it be known you're a whack job who's been under psychiatric care. How do you think that will go down at school?"

"I dare you to say that live. The ACLU will turn you into road-kill. Yes, I've had counseling, and so would you if you'd been kidnapped before and nearly killed recently. I'm not ashamed to have asked for help."

"The ACLU be damned! I'm not stupid enough to do it on live TV." Ms. Parks snorted. "This is a small community and I have ways of spreading information that no one will be able to trace back to me. You'll be sorry you crossed me!

Walter, I think this interview is over. Tell the flunky over there to cue that public announcement bit about the local theater while I decide how to explain why David couldn't come back. Hmm, I've got it. He looks to me like he's having a panic attack..."

"Nope, I've overcome those, thanks to my psychiatrist, Dr. Troxel," Davy smiled. "But I think you might need his services when our lawyer gets through with you. I certainly recommend him."

"Pfft! I don't need a shrink, and your lawyer can't touch me over a private conversation."

Just then, a station big-wig burst into the room and told the cameraman they were coming back on immediately and he would address the viewers from that studio.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Neal Cornish, General Manager of Channel 6. I want to assure you that the actions and opinions of our reporter, Stacy Parks, are not the views of this station, its management, or affiliates. She has violated the policies of this organization by her language and libelous treatment of this young man. Her employment is hereby terminated!

David Hart, I hope that you will accept my sincere apology for the way you've been treated. I will do whatever is in my power to make it up to you.

We will now go to Darby Swanson in the main studio with the rest of today's news."

"I want to know why the censor didn't cut the sound immediately after Stacy threw the "F-bomb," Mr. Cornish shouted. "Heads will roll!"

"Sometimes they take their headphones off during commercials because those have already been vetted," the cameraman said.

"Well, that policy will change!"

"What is going on?" Stacy demanded. "Why did you stick your nose into my segment?"

"It seems, Ms. Parks, that the audio portion of everything said in this room was broadcast live. The whole viewing area is aware of what you said to this young man when you thought no one could hear you. I'm trying to control the damage as quickly and thoroughly as I can and the first part of that came with firing your ass!"

"Someone sabotaged me!" Stacy yelled. "Who was in control of the sound board? I want him fired!"

"That would be me," the young technician admitted. "But, you're too late to get me canned because I turned in my resignation last week to take another position. I guess my fingers must have slipped. This new system is tricky, you know."

"What I know is that you did it on purpose! Weren't you friends with that makeup guy I got fired last month?"

"It could be," the young man smirked. "Paybacks can be a bitch!" he said in a low voice.

The call center at the station stayed lit up like a Christmas tree for the next hour or more. Some viewers called to demand that Ms. Parks be black-balled so she could never work in broadcast journalism again. Others wanted her sent on permanent assignment to northern Siberia. One wag suggested that she could anchor the news desk in Hell.

Several sponsors threatened not to renew their contracts, pending the outcome of a settlement with Davy. A few called to pull all of their ads immediately. The backlash was swift and harsh.

The landline at the Mason-Hart home was nearly as busy. Members of the family who were at home let the answering machine pick up the calls, but listened as the messages came in. Most were from friends and acquaintances congratulating Davy on keeping his cool under fire.

At least two were from local lawyers offering their services pro bono, and one each from the legal staff of the ACLU and Lambda Legal.

On the way out to their car, Davy and Jon walked down the hall hand in hand. Several employees high-fived Davy on the journey. It seemed that Ms. Parks had been a royal pain in the ass and no one was sorry to see her fired.

After a 15 minute drive, they entered the back door of Davy's home to the cheers of the extended clan.

"We have that larger dining room at Zephyr reserved for dinner." Brent said, in greeting. "We had arranged for it two weeks ago as a surprise celebration of your award. Now we have another thing to commemorate. You hung that witch out to dry!

Brock is there already and so are Melba, G-Matt, Cade, and Harrison. The rest of us need to get on our horses soon. Do you want to ride with us?"

"If it's all the same with you, I'd like Jon to be my chauffeur," Davy requested. "We might drive around a little after dinner to let off steam."

Davy felt like royalty. The banquet at the grand ballroom had been elegant, but having a great dinner with just the people he loved was better, plus there were no speeches to make or hear. The only problem was that some of the customers recognized him, and he was nearly mobbed when he and Jon entered the front door. It made him feel sorry for the celebrities who were hounded by the paparazzi – well, some of them anyway.

Unlike many stars, he hid his annoyance well and spoke politely to those who stopped him. Seeing his plight, the hostess escorted the boys to the dining room and closed the doors to give the family privacy.

As always, the food and service were impeccable. Of course, the family never felt anyone was as good a waiter as Harrison, but they admitted they were biased.

After dinner was over, Jon and Davy left in a hurry and took a little detour on the way home to a deserted spot high on the hill near the college. It was a kind of lover's lane and they wanted to kiss and cuddle, away from the bustle of friends and family.

"You were really good in that interview, I'd say `awesome' if the word weren't so over-used," Jon said. "You kept your cool even when you didn't know everyone could hear you. Some people would have cussed her out for calling them queer."

"You know that's not my style. I have to admit that I did bait her a bit, which was naughty on my part, but it was fun to keep her going when she was already out of control."

"You're a master at it alright – a real "master baiter" if you get my drift," Jon smirked.

"I'm not so much since I have you to help me with my basic needs," Davy giggled.

"With both of our houses full of company, we might not have much privacy tonight. May I, um, take care of you here?"

"It would be really hot doing it in the car, but Jim said this area is patrolled pretty heavily on the weekends in the spring. I think I'd better take a rain check."

Davy's phone signaled that he has a text message from Cade and he quickly read it. Harrison and Cade wanted the guys to come over to their house for the night. They had tried to get their attention at the restaurant, but the boys had left too quickly. The guest room was finally completely finished and they thought it appropriate for them to christen the new bed. All the guys needed to do was to go home and pack a change of clothes.

Davy smiled broadly in the moonlight. It looked like he was going to get his lovin' after all.

For a moment after opening his eyes, Davy wondered where he was. Then it all came back to him as he looked at his surroundings and the naked boy stirring beside him.

"Wow! I'm so glad we didn't end up bunking with Joe or Tyler," he grinned.

"It was `awesome' to have our own big bed to romp in," Jon agreed.

"Let's take an `awesome' pee, brush our teeth, and maybe make out again before we get called for breakfast." Davy giggled.

To save time, they showered together after relieving their bladders. They dried off quickly and ran across the hall, clad only in big fluffy guest towels, dropping those on the floor as they climbed under the sheet and propped their backs against the headboard with the extra pillows their hosts had provided. Their hands quickly found interesting things to fondle.

Their kissing and cuddling were interrupted by a light tapping on the door.

"Come in," they called in chorus, after pulling the sheet back up to their waists.

"Just checking to see if you were both up," Harrison said. "I heard the shower, so I knew someone was awake."

"We shower together, um, to save water," Davy joked.

"I thought as much," Harrison grinned. "I need to let Cade know you're up so he can time your breakfast so everything's hot at the same time."

"We'll dress and be right down."

"Nope, we're serving you breakfast in bed. We haven't forgotten how you helped us have a honeymoon night back when I first met you. We thought this might help pay you back. And don't bother to strike those tents."

The boys blushed and pulled their knees up to mask the outline of their hardons, but it was too late to fool Harrison into thinking he hadn't interrupted anything.

A few minutes later, both Cade and Harrison came bearing trays with legs that fit over their laps. There were scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles to eat and orange juice to drink.

"Don't be shy about digging in," Cade advised them. "We have more keeping warm in the oven when you want it."

"Aren't you going to join us?" Davy asked.

"Nope, we're your room-service boys. We'll go away until you summon us again. This button is to a cordless doorbell in the kitchen and you can push it when you need more to eat."

With that, the two men made exaggerated bows and backed out of the room.

"I wonder how many guys have been served breakfast in bed by their swimming coach and karate instructor," Davy joked.

"We're probably among the very few, if any. I suppose Greg Louganis might have been treated like that. I think he lived with his diving coach when he was in his teens."

"I'll bet they did more in bed than eat breakfast," Davy hazarded a guess.

"Maybe," Jon agreed, "You've seen pictures of him when he was our age. He was HOT!"

"Not as hot as you," Davy responded, slipping his hand under the sheet where Jon's anaconda lay relaxing for the moment.

"What are you doing?" Jon giggled. "If you get me all hard again my dick is gonna fight with the tray."

"I'll bet you could tip it over if the plates weren't so heavy. We should take them off and try it. It could be a freshman level science experiment for Cade to use next fall."

"What else can we get you?" Cade asked as he came to the door without being summoned. "We have more of everything."

"I could eat half a waffle and two strips of bacon," Jon answered.

"I'll have the same, please," Davy requested.

For the rest of the week, until Easter, Jon and Davy slept in Joe's room while Joe bunked with Tyler. Tyler kept his hands to himself as he had vowed. It would have been harder for him to do so without the two short meetings of the rod and gun club.

Melba apologized to her grandson for taking up an extra bedroom that he and Davy normally used when at Todd and Jim's.

"You probably think I'm a dinosaur and I know I'm old fashioned, but I really don't feel right about sleeping with Matthew until we get married."

"I don't think any such thing!" Jon protested. "You have to do what's right for you. I respect you for that. By the way, when are you and G-Matt tying the knot?"

"We're planning to get married in the summer. We're not sure if we should just go to the courthouse there or if we should come back here and have a real ceremony."

"Go for the ceremony! You both deserve it. Look at what a nice wedding you put on for Jim and Dad. They'll be upset with you if they can't do the same for you."

"I suppose you're right. We could have it in their back yard."

For Easter brunch, the extended family went to Zephyr again after church. Grandpa David was picking up the tab on this one, and it was bound to be a big bill. Given the favorable deal that Sean had worked out with Pier One in the selling of the company, there was no shortage of cash to pay for it and a lot of other things.

Later in the afternoon, the four grandparents drove their shared rental car back to Des Moines to catch their return flights. Sean stayed on at the Mason-Hart home for another week so he could watch his son play soccer. He had vowed that Tyler was going to come ahead of anything in the business world from now on.

Toward the end of the following week, Sean came back to the house with a huge grin on his face. He had not only watched Tyler lead the soccer team to a hard-fought 2 to 1 victory against their arch rival, but he had received the news he'd been waiting for. He could scarcely wait until dinner to share it.

After Tyler had relived the game at the prompting of his family, he finally wound down and asked his father how his day had gone.

"It was a red-letter day for me too. I got to watch my son kick butt on the soccer field, and I received an important bit of correspondence. There is good news and bad news.

"Let's hear the good news first," Tyler said, dreading what the bad news might be.

"The good news is that I have an attractive offer from Square D to join their operation here in town. The bad news, for you at least, is that I'll be here meddling in your life on a regular basis."

"That's good news and great news!" Tyler exclaimed.

"But it will mean living with me instead of your cousins."

"That doesn't mean I won't get to see them. I was afraid you were going to tell me we were moving to some other city."

"I WILL have to spend time in France occasionally with the branch over there. It's my fluency in the language that pushed me to the top of the heap. That, and my experience of living abroad, is very important to a multi-national company like this one. They're so eager to have me that they are going to negotiate with Pier One to buy out my current contract a bit early."

"Congratulations, Bro!" Brock said as he got up and went over to hug his brother.

"Thanks. Does anyone know where I could find a house with a floor plan similar to this one? I'd love to have a kind of apartment like you do where Mom and Dad could live part of the time. I know they enjoy Florida in the worst of winter, but I also know they'd love to be nearer to their grandsons more often than they are now."

"Davy and Jon could give up their digs and stay at Jon's more," Brock suggested.

"That wouldn't be a long-term solution," Sean shook his head. "I don't want to inconvenience them either. I'm going to call a realtor in the morning and see what's out there. Do you have any suggestions?"

"That guy, Ken, who handled the deal on this house loves us because we paid cash. I'll find his card," Brent said.

"That'll be great. With my share of the money that's already come in from the sale of the company, I'll be in the position to pay cash too."

"I guess you and Dad will make out well," Brock said.

"Not just us; the whole family will benefit. You'll get an equal share and the kids will have trust accounts," Sean told him. "Dad doesn't play favorites."

"I never assumed he would, but you've earned a bigger share after how you handled the company business."

"And I got a six-figure salary for doing it. Whatever's left from sale should be divided equally."

"Not to change the subject," Davy piped up, "but, you'd better find a place to live within easy walking distance from here so we can keep an eye on this twerp!"

"That will be one of the requirements," Sean smiled.

"It better be because we're not done raising him," Davy grinned as he put his cousin in a headlock and gave him a noogie.

Tyler squawked that he was being abused, but couldn't get anyone to take him seriously because he was giggling so hard. When he caught his breath, he agreed.

"Davy, Jon, and Joe are my mentors. I can't be too far away from them. I love `em!"

"Compton Realty, Ken speaking," the man said as he answered Sean's call the following morning. "Yes, I remember dealing with your brother. A guy doesn't forget a cash sale in this day and age."

As the conversation continued, the realtor sensed he had another probable buyer on the line and decided to devote a lot of effort in pleasing him. He immediately sent information and links to Sean's email account to show him properties which might fill his needs.

The minute their conversation ended, Sean began to click through the possibilities. The first one he came across looked perfect. It had a walkout basement which held an in-law apartment much like the one his brother owned. The price was well in his range, but the location was several miles away. This wouldn't do at all, especially since it was in a different school district. Tyler would never agree to giving up the friends he had begun to make at school any more than he would want to be away from his cousins.

It looked as though finding the right house might take a long time.

Author's notes: I heard from the following this past week: 42: Bill T, Ott H, Mendy D, Walter Sz, Paul R, Walt S, JJ, Tony W, Jim W, Wayne, Jean-Pierre, Tom A, and Luke C.

Jean-Pierre sent me the link below. It's a sweet story involving a high school age blind lad in Brazil. If you click on the CC below the screen, you can get captions in English or French.

My editor, David, has been having some health issues. He's better now, but thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.

Peace and love,


Next: Chapter 44

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