Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 22, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 47


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" (January 21, 2011 under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17, 2013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 47

Jon had volunteered to head the committee for the GSA Halloween dance party. He didn't mind doing it because he had a willing core of girls and guys he could call on to help. Next year, some of them would have to take on the leadership roles, and they would be able to more easily if they were on the inside of this year's event-planning.

The gathering drew a larger number of students than any previous party they'd sponsored. Jon thought that was a good sign that gay kids were being more readily accepted. Davy agreed, but thought it also had to do with how well Jon had publicized the event with colorful posters throughout the school and clever spots on the in-house TV news.

At the dance, it was kind of amusing to watch the freshmen, especially the boys. Some of them spent a lot of the time standing against the walls tightly enough that one would have thought it was their job to reinforce them to keep the building from falling.

One freshman boy wandered around with a look of amazement on his face. He eventually came up to Jon to ask what was going on.

"Um, do you see those two boys out there dancing together? How can they DO that?"

"Well, it's like anyone else, I guess. They have to attempt to move their feet to the beat of the music while not stepping on their partner's feet," Jon responded, suppressing a grin.

"But, but, they're both guys!"

"Yes, you mentioned that."

"But how can they do that in public?"

"This dance IS sponsored by the GSA; didn't you know?"

"So what does the General Student Association have to do with promoting gay stuff?"

"Oh, I see where you're coming from. Let me explain. GSA stands for gay/straight alliance. I'm the one in charge of this particular party, but a lot of kids, gay or straight, participate. Would you like to join?"

"Uh, no, I don't think so. I don't know how my dad would react if he even finds out I came to this!"

"If he finds out, and you're afraid he'd react badly, explain the mix-up and laugh about it. You can have him call me to vouch for you. Is he seriously homophobic or something?"

"I'm not sure, but I hope not."

"If he is, and if you're afraid he might hurt you if he thought you were gay, there are people who can help."

"Um, I didn't say I was gay!"

"I'm not saying that either. I AM gay, and I've been blessed with a father who understands. If you ever need to talk to someone like me, I'll be happy to listen. The same is true of my boyfriend. He's the one dressed as Batman dancing with that girl in the pumpkin costume."

"He's gay and he's dancing with a girl?"

"Sure, she's a good friend of ours."

"Wow, high school is a lot different than I thought it would be!"

In early November, Davy got word that his novella about the medieval bard named Justinian would be coming out in print soon. A small publishing company that Eric Larson-Brady knew had felt it would sell pretty well as young adult fiction. The market was ripe for a story which dealt with the attraction between two people of the same gender, but didn't go into explicit details about lovemaking.

Davy was thrilled! While he joked with his family that the total income from it wouldn't keep the average frat boy in beer for a month, it was still an honor to be a published author.

His extended family had a quiet dinner in their favorite restaurant to celebrate, and promised a bigger party when the book came out later. Since the Barnes and Noble bookstore next to the mall had remained open despite tough economic times, it would likely host a book signing for him. That would be the ideal time for a party with a larger number of friends and teachers from school as guests.

For several weeks, a crew of workmen had been busy in Sean's basement. He was adamant about having it all finished before Thanksgiving. Perhaps it was a bit of "little brother trying to keep up with big brother," but he wanted to have an apartment ready for his parents to use whenever they were in town. His aim wasn't really to impress anyone, but he thought it would be good to have accommodations for company that didn't involve uprooting Davy and Jon from what had basically become "their place."

A week and a half before Thanksgiving break, the carpet layers put the finishing touches on it. That would ensure enough time for the odor of the new floor covering to dissipate and the furniture to be delivered and arranged.

David and Amanda Hart drove down from Wisconsin on the Friday before the schools' Thanksgiving break started. They had winterized everything at the lake property and would stay in Iowa through Christmas before becoming snow birds until spring returned to the Midwest.

Amanda and David made all the right comments about Sean's beautiful home. Not only had the basement been done to taste, the whole house had new furniture and carpeting. Sean had relied on his own sense of style, and suggestions from his local relatives, instead of hiring a decorator. From the finished product, no one would guess it hadn't been done by a professional.

There was nothing hanging over the mantle because he'd kept the space for the landscape by Joshua that he knew his mother was bringing. Since she had sent him a good digital photo ahead of time, he had chosen throw pillows and other accessories in colors that would complement it.

David and Sean got out a stepladder and measuring tape to help install the painting exactly where Amanda thought it should go. It was the perfect final touch.

"Some interiors magazine should do a photo spread of your home," Amanda commented. "This is superior to houses in any number of Better Homes and Gardens articles I've seen. Do you have before and after pictures?"

"I do have," Sean said, as he pulled up a file on his laptop. "Davy and Jon went crazy, photographing every detail; complete with a pictorial history of the wallpaper removal."

Their conversation was interrupted by Tyler who came into the kitchen from the garage where he'd put away his bike.

"Hi Grandma and Grandpa!" he greeted them with excitement. "You're earlier than I thought you'd be or I wouldn't have stopped at Jack's house for a meeting of the musketeers."

"No problem. We've been here only a few minutes. Those are the boys who came to the lake with you, aren't they?"

"Yes, those are my closest buds," Tyler smiled inwardly at the thought of how close they'd just been.

"It's nice you have good friends to do things with. Are you happy to be in public school?" Amanda asked.

"It's the best! I've never been happier. I have awesome friends and my cousins are next door and I get to be with Dad."

"I'm so happy for you. Come and see the painting we brought for our housewarming gift! There are boys in it who remind me a bit of my grandsons."

Dinner that night took place next door. Brock and Brent felt they should do some of the entertaining because Sean was having Thanksgiving at his house this year. In past years, he hadn't had a place in the States to do it, so he was pleased to be able to host. Of course, he knew his parents, brother, and brother-in-law would pitch in on the cooking.

Brock and Brent had put a prime rib roast in the oven before going to work and it had been cooking slowly to perfection for many hours. They had invited Todd and Jim to join them since they had essentially become part of the family and would be tied more closely after Davy and Jon took their vows.

It was a lovely meal and everyone was ready to relax for the weekend except for Todd and Jim who had to go on duty shortly after dinner. The rest went over to Sean's house to see the new painting in place. They stayed and visited for a while until Davy said he and Jon needed their rest because of an early swimming practice in the morning.

"Hey, I thought you told the family we were going to bed early," Jon grinned as Davy nibbled on his left ear.

"We are; I didn't say we were sleeping right away."

"You really have turned into a naughty boy!"

"I had a good teacher, heathen boy!"

"Oh, so that's how it is..."

Jon tickled Davy and Davy fought back. They nearly feel out of bed wrestling and giggling. Then Davy got really quiet and kissed his lover deeply. After that, their giggles became moans of desire. They ended up in the 69 position, each stimulating the other's rosebud while nursing.

Davy wet his middle finger and pushed it into Jon's chute. Jon did likewise to him. The extra stimulus sent them rapidly toward their goal.

"Oh, God, that was good!" Jon panted.

"Imagine how it will feel when it's something besides our fingers in there."

"I know we agreed to wait until we get married, and I want to, but it's gonna be hard."

"I'm with you. September can't come quickly enough."

"Why do we have to wait till then to tie the knot?"

"That's when our birthdays are, silly!"

"Again, I ask why can't we get married before then?"

"That's when we'll be adults. What's your point?"

"If our dads sign, we could get married at 17."

"Seriously?" Jon grinned

"Yup, I looked it up on the `net. If you're not under 16 and your parents, guardians, or a judge signs off on it, you can be legally married. Since that applies to hetero couples, it has to be extended to us as well."

"Awesome! What date should we aim for?"

"How about the weekend that starts spring break? Maybe we could go to Florida or someplace warm for our honeymoon. We probably have enough money saved up if we drove instead of flying," Davy speculated.

"That nude beach would be good!"

"I don't know about that. I'd probably be hard the whole time thinking about getting laid," Davy grinned.

"Maybe we should just shack up in our bed down here!" Jon giggled.

"Whatever we do, we need to do it right so we won't end up hurting."

"That's for sure. We don't want to go back to school walking funny."

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Davy and Jon managed to get all four dads together in one place at the same time to talk about their wedding plans. When everyone was assembled in the basement apartment, Davy and Jon stood with their arms around each other's shoulders and Davy started the discussion.

"No doubt you're wondering why we called you all here," he joked. "We want to ask your blessing on our upcoming wedding."

"You know you have our blessing," Brock said. "Are we to understand that it will be coming up sooner than we expected?"

"Um, yeah; I think I'm pregnant," Jon giggled.

"Be serious, doofus," Davy smiled, squeezing Jon closer to him. "I was on the Internet recently and found out that anyone 16 and over can get married in this state with the proper permission. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to wait until we start college in the fall."

"Brent and I are not surprised," Brock admitted. "We were wondering how long you would wait."

"We aren't exactly in shock either," Todd added. "Jim and I believe you are soul-mates and are destined to be together. If you were to formalize it now or far into the future, the outcome would be the same, but there might be some benefits in being married."

"That was well put, Todd," Brock said. "I wish I'd have said that."

"So when are you thinking of getting hitched?" Brent asked.

"We were thinking that we could have the ceremony on Friday night or Saturday morning right after school is out for spring break. That would give us a week to go somewhere on our honeymoon."

"That sounds like a good idea," Todd said and the others nodded.

"Do you want to get married where Spence and Billy did?" Jim asked. "With the unpredictable Iowa weather, it might be too rainy and chilly for an outdoor affair in the spring."

"That would be awesome!" Jon exclaimed. "We have some money saved, but I'm not sure it's enough to rent that place and have a honeymoon too."

"I think your fathers can pick up the tab on the wedding," Jim smiled. "I hope I'm speaking for everyone."

The rest nodded their assent.

"Will this be a small affair or will you invite half the school?" Brock asked.

"We were thinking it would be mostly extended family. Of course that would include Cade and Harrison and our close buddies. We might want to ask Dr. Frances and Coach Bernie."

"That's certainly doable. Let me contact the ladies who operate the chapel to see if we can reserve one of those dates. It would be good to book early." Brock advised.

"Is there anything else?" Todd asked.

"Well, we'd like some advice about, um, male intercourse," Jon blushed.

"Do you want to discuss that, or should we talk to Cade and Harrison?"

"I have no problem talking about it, but you guys might be more comfortable consulting men who are closer to your age and who aren't your parents," Brock observed. "Why don't you feel them out about it and if they aren't available, for whatever reason, we can do it."

"That sounds like a plan to me," Jon grinned. "I know you've all been open with us, but, um, it is kinda embarrassing talking to our own dads about, you know..."

Sean proved that he was handy in the kitchen as well as having a flair for decorating, but admitted he would have been overwhelmed without the rest of the family pitching in on the Thanksgiving feast. Hosting a dinner for 15 people is always an undertaking for anyone.

He got up very early to put the 20+lb bird in the oven so it could roast slowly, and then went back to bed. He drifted for a while, but finally got up to start breakfast.

When he entered the kitchen, he saw his mother sitting at the counter having her first cup of coffee. They chatted for a bit before making breakfast. David came up to join them, but Tyler slept in until nearly 10:00.

Dinner was scheduled for 1:00 and the rest of the extended clan drifted in around 12:30. The guest list included Todd, Jim, Brock, Brent, David, Amanda, Matthew, Melba, Cade, Harrison, Davy, Jon, and Joe. The table from the breakfast area had been placed at the end of the dining room table to accommodate everyone. The meal was served buffet style with everything on the breakfast bar and counters in the kitchen. That made it more efficient than trying to pass around lots of hot dishes.

The food was excellent. Brock and Brent had brought a sweet potato casserole as well as the traditional one with green beans and French fried onions. Todd had made a Jell-O salad with cranberries in it. Amanda had helped prepare the mashed potatoes. Jim, with the help of G-Matt, had made the pies which included pumpkin, pecan, and chocolate meringue. Melba said that all she did was clean up after the guys. She couldn't compete with her husband's pastry. It was a feast indeed.

At the end of dinner, Davy and Jon announced their engagement and upcoming wedding. Everyone congratulated them and said they would keep the date open and were available to help expedite things if needed.

When the leftovers had been put away and the dishwasher started, people drifted to the family room to watch football games. If someone wanted to view a different one, there was a TV in the basement living room and others in Tyler's room and Sean's room.

The grandmothers weren't really interested in football, so they chose to sit in the living room planning a surprise for their grandsons' wedding.

Joe and Tyler ended up in Tyler's room playing games on X-BOX instead of watching football with the men. Tyler didn't like American football all that much and Joe hadn't gotten into it a lot either. Later, they planned to have Mark and the musketeers come over to play.

Davy and Jon asked Cade and Harrison to go over to their place to talk for a short time. Their fathers had a pretty good idea what the topic would be.

"We don't want to keep you away from watching the games, but we have some questions about, um, making love without hurting each other," Davy explained when the four of them were seated.

"I assume you've cleared this with your dads," Cade smiled.

"Yup, in fact they agreed that we might be less embarrassed if we discussed it with you," Jon said. "You've become our tutors and coaches in many ways already."

"If you go on Bing and type in something like `preparing for anal sex,' you'll find lots of sources," Cade suggested. "Many are for hetero couples, but getting her prepared is pretty much the same as for a guy. There are some sites specifically for guys, or which use gender-neutral language. Some of the guy ones are basically an excuse to air porn."

"Girls like it up the butt?" Jon asked in astonishment. "What's in it for them since they don't have a prostate gland?"

"That beats me," Harrison joked. "I think the guys talk their girlfriends into it because they're curious about doing something they think is kinky, but are afraid if they do it with another guy it'll make them gay."

"So what are the main things to consider," Davy questioned.

"Get squeaky clean and possibly use a douche to clean out your chute if you're worried that it will be nasty. I wouldn't use an enema because you can mess up your system by using laxative types of things too much." Harrison continued. "Use plenty of lube like Astroglide or KY jelly both inside the guy on the bottom and on the dick of the top guy."

"Enter slowly, especially the first time," Cade added. "Always loosen the rectum up until you can get three fingers in and then don't rush it. I assume you guys have been stretching."

"Yup," Davy nodded. "Jon got up the nerve to ask my dads to buy us a training dildo set for my 15th birthday and we've used them some."

"Good! Then you're way ahead of what I've been saying about three fingers and all. May I see the size of the ones you've been using?"

Davy went to their bedroom and came back with the set. Cade inspected the largest one carefully.

"Be sure to use the biggest one more often in the next few months so you won't feel a lot of pain with the real thing. I know you guys are well endowed, and if you need a bigger model I'll be happy to get you one or two. Next time you get hard, measure the circumference so we can look for something comparable."

"I'm hard right now from talking about it," Davy blushed.

"Me too," Jon grinned. "Give us a sec and we'll get you the specs."

Cade and Harrison tried to hide their amusement as the boys went into their bedroom. A couple of minutes later, they returned with the results. As Cade had suspected, they were almost identical in girth and were quite a bit larger than the biggest model of dildo they owned.

"I'll go to the adult store tomorrow and get you two new ones that are at least 5 ½ inches in circumference and about 7 inches long – one with a built-in vibrator," Cade promised.

"We have another topic to cover," Harrison said. "It's important to use a position that won't hurt the guy who's being entered. Some guys find that doggie style works best for them. Others like impaling themselves on their lover's dick. If the top guy sits down and lets the bottom guy ease onto his cock, it allows the bottom to be in control of the speed of entry. Sometimes no matter how slowly the top tries to go, it's still too fast. That's the method I used the first time I tried to take Cade inside me."

"The `missionary' position is still one of my faves," Cade said. "I love being able to kiss while we make love and if you're flexible, you can give your lover head while you massage his prostate with your dick."

"Then there's the one where you lie on your sides and spoon, or the one where you kinda have one of your lover's legs between yours while you do it. It's fun to keep experimenting.

"Thanks for the tips. I know Davy's dick is big and I plan to get laid on our first night for sure."

"Hey, maybe I want to try it first," Davy pouted.

"I'm sure you'll both want to be givers and receivers on your wedding night," Cade smiled. "Just remember to do plenty of stretching, use lots of lube, and don't be in a hurry. And if you have other questions, feel free to ask anytime; well, maybe not in class or at swimming practice."

"Thanks," both boys said at the same time.

After the extended family had eaten leftovers around 7:00 p.m., they went to their respective homes. Only Grandma and Grandpa Hart were staying at Sean's house, so Tyler was welcome to invite the musketeers for a sleepover. They would campout in his room for the most part anyway.

Davy and Jon invited Micah and Bradon over to their house, and Joe wanted Mark, of course.

They got out the Monopoly game that the boys had purchased after being at the lake, and played for a couple of hours. Then Joe yawned in an exaggerated manner and headed up to his room with Mark in tow. The rest of the guys were not fooled into thinking the two were going to sleep immediately.

"So, you guys are really doing it in April," Bradon opened the conversation.

"Yup we are, but we're gonna get married first," Jon joked.

"Can you imagine how it will be married to this comedian?" Davy asked in mock despair.

"I can imagine if I were married to either of you, I'd be waking bowlegged for the next month!" Micah grinned.

"Jeez! Quit picking on us," Davy laughed.

"It was intended as a compliment," Micah said.

"You're no slouch in that department," Bradon smiled.

"Nor are you. By the way, how are you preparing, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

"Funny you should bring that up," Davy said. "We've been asking some adults that very thing and we'll give you some pointers and the web-sites. Better yet, let's fire up my laptop and we can all take a look."

The four young men sat closely together on the bed in their boxers while Davy scrolled though some of the examples. Eventually, they came to a video clip which showed two guys doing the deed bareback.

"Shit!" Bradon exclaimed. "They're fucking."

"Um, that's what anal sex is about," Davy snickered.

The room became very quiet, save for the moans on the video which was at a low volume. The boys had all pitched tents in their boxers and were creating wet spots.

Bradon's cock slipped out of the opening as it became fully engorged and Micah wrapped his fist around it before Bradon could put it back.

"Micah, we're not by ourselves!"

"That's not a problem; we're all friends," Jon said as he pulled his underwear down. The rest quickly followed suit.

Messing around on the same bed with their friends turned out to be a very hot experience. Both couples eventually got into the 69 position and sucked until they got their prize.

Micah was the last to cum and really let out a howl when he did. Davy was thankful that the walls were solid and that their bedroom was far removed from Brock and Brent's.

Bradon spent several moments swapping juices with Micah. They both grinned broadly as they cuddled in the afterglow.

"Sorry I took so long," Micah said.

"I'm not," Bradon answered. "I could keep that hot sausage in my mouth all night. And you know what they say, `if at first you don't suck seed, keep on sucking!"

"Jeez, I thought Jon was bad," Davy snickered.

"Now that we're de-horned, there's no reason to use the sleeping bags," Jon declared. "Let's all share the bed."

They snuggled like a litter of pups and soon fell asleep.

Author's notes: I heard from the following people in the past week: James K, Ott H, Bill T, Walter Sz, Tony W, Tom A, Walt S, Jim W, Bill K, Luke C, JJ, Roger L, Scott W, Ryan T, Jean-Pierre C, and Mendy D. Thanks for your comments!

I'm including a couple of links you might be interested in.

Many of you are on the notification list. If you no longer wish to get a heads-up about new chapters and/or new stories, I will remove your name from the list. If you are not on the list and wish to be, I will add you.

Happy spring to those in this hemisphere and happy autumn to those in the southern hemisphere. We had two days of spring and now we're back to winter again in terms of high temperatures which are hovering around the freezing point for several days.

Thoughts and prayers for families awaiting news about the missing Malaysian plane and for the mess in Crimea and Ukraine. Then there are the people in Syria and LGBT people in Uganda and other nations who face new discriminatory laws. The list goes on...


Next: Chapter 48

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