Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Apr 12, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 50


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" (January 21, 2011 under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17, 2013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 50 - END

Jon and Davy didn't spend a huge amount of time in their cabin like they'd joked about. Having shared their love and desire in a number of ways for the past several years, it wasn't something novel. While the feeling of connection they received from anal intercourse was awesome, it wasn't the only thing that pleased them, and they knew they would share their love in many other ways in the future as they had in the past.

While in one of their ports of call, they explored the ancient ruins near Cozumel in the company of Troy and Ben who were now their dinner companions. It was fun spending time with another couple who were a lot like them.

Besides the sightseeing, they all had fun going on zip-lines at another location. None of them had ever done that before and considered it a real treat.

They all converged on the ship's waterslide at various times when they weren't at a port. However, that attraction sometimes got over-crowded with all the younger kids and made it less fun to do.

Then there were various entertainment venues onboard in the evening. Ben and Troy introduced their new friends to their parents one night when they were all going to see a variety show. The young men ended up sitting together a bit apart from the older generation, but visited with them before it started. Both families thought it was great for their boys to have companions their age to hang out with. They noticed how well they all got along.

"Neither of these guys was very excited to be going on a cruise with their parents," Ben's mother said. "Since meeting you guys, they've both been a lot happier about it. It's especially nice for them that they don't have to eat with us. Sleeping is another matter. Sometimes they both use the fold-down bunks in the same cabin with one couple to give the other parents privacy. That hasn't worked out particularly well.

Are you boys traveling with your parents?"

"No, it's just the two of us on spring break," Davy answered. "Troy and Ben might enjoy doing that sometime, or maybe having their own cabin."

"That could make a great graduation present!" Troy's mother exclaimed. "Would that work for everyone?"

Both Troy and Ben nodded enthusiastically.

Later, when the four of them were in the steam room, Ben thanked Davy for how he had responded to his mother's question.

"I'm glad you didn't mention your honeymoon because I'm not sure how my parents would have reacted. They've always talked a liberal game of inclusiveness, but you never know."

"They seem nice enough to me," Davy said. "Perhaps if I had mentioned we were on our honeymoon it would have let you know for sure where they stand."

"Yeah, but if it had gone wrong, we probably couldn't have hung out with you for the rest of the trip."

"Speaking of hanging out," Jon grinned, "Those are a couple of beautiful cocks you're showing off. "If I weren't committed, I'd be tempted."

"Have you guys ever messed around with other guys as well?" Troy asked.

"No, but we have played with each other in the company of other," Davy admitted.

"I'm into that," Ben said, as he began to fondle his friend's piece.

"Careful, you could get caught!" Davy warned. "Someone might not approve and report you."

Just then, the door opened and everyone pulled their towels over their dicks. They recognized the newcomer as Frankie, one of the dancers from the show. He sat down on his towel, exposing his semi-hard cock in all its glory.

"God, that's nice," Troy exclaimed, pulling down the towel to expose his dick again.

"That's nice too," the dancer replied.

"We're all gay, so you don't have to worry about showing off," Ben added as he uncovered.

"We could stand by the door to give you a warning if you want to pump on those," Jon offered. "We're saving ours for when we get back to the cabin."

Frankie didn't have to be asked twice. He stood up, held his fist lightly around his erection, and swiveled his hips in an erotic way. Troy and Ben jacked each other while never taking their eyes off the dance moves.

After a few minutes, Frankie let out a long moan as he caught his jizz in his left hand. Ben and Troy unloaded about a second later, catching one another's offering. All three licked their fingers and the palms of their hands. Everyone grinned.

"I'm thinking I need to get my husband to our room pronto and take care of his problem," Davy snickered as he lifted up Jon's towel to expose his throbbing tool.

"He's got a really big problem!" The dancer complimented.

"So does he," Jon said as he pulled Davy's towel off.

"I'm hitting the shower," Frankie said. "It's been a pleasure seeing all of you. Have fun in your cabin or on the balcony, if you have one," he said to Jon and Davy, patting their butts on the way out.

Davy and Jon raced to an empty stall to take a tepid shower in an attempt to deflate their erections. They weren't entirely successful, but their briefs helped to hide their bulges inside their shorts to some extent and the pulled their shirts down as far as they would go as they hurried back to their cabin.

All too soon, it was back to reality as their plane touched down at the Eastern Iowa Airport on Friday evening. It had been an awesome honeymoon, and a trip that they would never forget.

Their new friends also had connections through Chicago, so they had spent a while roaming around concourse "C" together before they had to go their separate ways. They had exchanged phone numbers and email addresses, promising to stay in touch.

Brock, Brent, Joe, Mark, and Tyler came to pick them up. Todd and Jim were on duty, so they couldn't be there.

When they got home, they saw that their apartment had a sign on the door declaring that it was the residence of Mr. D and Mr. J Watson-Hart and asked that all guests respect their privacy by knocking for permission to enter.

"Dad, we're not going to be doing it on the floor in the living room every day!" Davy insisted.

"But, as a married couple, it's your right to do so if you wish. You should be able to make love whenever the mood hits you without worrying that someone will interrupt."

"It's so cool to be treated like adults," Jon smiled.

"You're both grown up and mature even if you have a few months before you're adults in the eyes of the law. You have always been responsible and sensitive to the needs of others. You are ahead of your peers in many ways. That's what your four fathers took into consideration when giving permission for you to get married."

"Wow!" Jon exclaimed. "All at once I actually FEEL like a grownup."

Details for their first year of higher education began to fall into place as soon as Davy and Jon received their official letters of acceptance.

By checking Craig's List almost daily, they were able to find a duplex to live in while at the university. They had to take a day off from school to look it over, but were far enough ahead in their studies that they could afford to do it. The school's housing office balked at having freshmen live outside of the dorms, but admitted that married students were given exemptions. When Davy and Jon showed their marriage license, the school had little choice but to treat them like hetero couples or face a lot of bad PR and possible legal action. Fortunately, the guys didn't have to threaten a law suit.

The house had fairly large rooms and consisted of a living room, kitchen, full bath, and two bedrooms. Davy and Jon figured they could invite Bradon and Micah for sleepovers or simply let them have some quality time when they needed it. Davy and Jon joked about keeping a "bawdy" house.

When they were informed about it, Bradon and Micah loved the arrangement and promised to move in and split the rent as soon as they were allowed to. They were also considering getting married before second semester.

The other details centered around paying for college. Davy and Jon received a few small scholarships to help with expenses. Along with the ones they got from the video game company plus the funds their dads and grandparents had promised, it looked like they wouldn't have any student loan debt when they graduated.

Davy got another boost in April when the TV station's insurance company wanted to settle for the debacle created in the Stacy Parks interview. Initially, they made an offer of $5,000, but Davy countered, asking for $20,000 and a public apology after emailing Bill Davis to ask his advice.

Davy didn't hear from the company for several days and figured he'd have to settle for a lot less, but Bill had advised him to play it cool and not back down, at least for the time being. After a few more days, an agent showed up with a check for the full amount and a release form to be signed by Davy and his father. The station felt that the general manager's apology on air at the time of the incident should be sufficient. Considering that the fault lay mostly with the reporter, Davy agreed not to press the issue.

Although he had let the station off without a lawsuit, Davy was not so charitable when it came to Ms. Parks. He didn't care how long it dragged on because Lambda Legal was taking care of the expenses. They expected to get some monetary compensation for him, but were mainly interested in trying to make sure reporters wouldn't feel like they could hurl insults at LBGT people without suffering consequences for their actions. Stacy would be an example of what could happen.

Davy was excited when Dale Hillman, the manager of Abercrombie and Fitch, made him an offer that he felt could benefit a lot of the guys he knew as well as his husband and himself. The plan was for a huge promotional event in the mall to help sell a bunch of beach wear. Corporate had made a mistake in ordering too much stock and was going to have to "eat it" if it didn't move. Someone in the chain of command came up with an idea on how to sell it.

Managers of their more profitable stores would be given extra money to spend on models and on drawing crowds to their stores. Each manager had pretty much free rein of how they went about it.

Mr. Hillman was well aware that it was sex that sold their brand of clothing. Half-naked teenage boys might seem like the wrong way to draw male customers, but that hadn't proved to be the case thus far. It seemed that guys were drawn to see what the "hot guys" were wearing and wanted to emulate them so they'd be attractive too.

Hillman wanted from 10 to 12 fit young high school studs to play volleyball in the sunlit court outside his store. He could picture an area filled with sand so they would appear to be playing in swimwear on a beach.

After looking into the details, it seemed that creating an actual surface of sand, and cleaning it up afterwards, would cost more than the budget could stand. So, the area would be covered in a sandy colored outdoor carpet and the participants would have to wear shoes or sandals instead of being barefoot.

Bedsides modeling, Davy's job was to recruit a bunch of boys who would look hot in swim briefs, square-cut trunks, and board shorts. The task wasn't a difficult one. Within less than an hour, he had secured acceptances from the musketeers, Joe, Mark, Bradon, Micah, and Jon, of course. A parent or guardian would have to sign a permission slip for anyone under 16, but none of the younger guys thought that would be an obstacle.

Davy asked them over to the apartment to give them the details. He explained that Mr. Hillman would pay each of them $20 cash and let them keep whatever swimwear they modeled for the event. He would choose which articles of apparel he felt went best with each guy's figure and coloring.

Dale wanted to measure their waists and hips in underwear only and then preferred that they NOT wear anything under the swimsuits unless it was an "enhancement" type of jock. He would also prefer that guys with blond or light brown hair use something like Sun In to make it look like they'd been out on a beach. A bit of tanning spray would look good if they didn't already have a bit of a tan. But, they must avoid anything that would look artificial. It would be better to be pale than orange. They were welcome to wear caps and sunglasses if they wished, to complete the image.

All of the guys loved the idea of making a quick $20 on a Sunday afternoon and also getting free beachwear at the same time which would likely more than double the value of their compensation. They decided to be shirtless as much as possible out of doors and skinny dip when they could to improve their color. The ones with lighter hair would meet to apply the bleaching spray at least a week before their "show" so they could get their hair trimmed to make the color look more natural.

Prom was scheduled for the first weekend in May. Davy and Jon had toyed with the idea of not going because, in having a wedding dance, they had left high school emotionally already. However, their dads suggested it might be fun and it wouldn't cost them much since they could wear a plain suit or what they'd worn for their wedding if they wanted. Plus, they wouldn't be buying corsages for girls and paying for their date's dinner and a limo.

The idea of pairing their white suits with black shirts and white ties like they had done for the captain's night on the ship appealed to both of them. The effect had been a hit among many of their fellow passengers, so it would likely be the same at the prom.

On prom night, Davy, Jon, Bradon, and Micah enjoyed dinner at Zephyr in a semi-private booth in one of the dining rooms. Brock had made the reservations for them and had said he and Brent were picking up the tab.

It was a delicious dinner. There was an appetizer followed by a fancy salad, and then by a main course consisting of filet mignon, garlic mashed potatoes, and fresh asparagus. The guys skipped dessert, knowing there would be punch and various sweets to nibble on at the dance.

The gym had been transformed into a Tahitian paradise with the decorations the theater department had constructed. There were palm trees which looked real, and thatched umbrellas over many of the tables. A number of freshmen and sophomore girls dressed in grass skirts with leis around their necks and boys in white shorts and straw hats helped keep the refreshment tables replenished. They added to the scenery in a pleasant way.

The four guys danced with a number of different girls who had come stag too. Of course Willa and Jenna never lacked for a partner, at least until the last dance.

With the lights down low, and a soft romantic ballad playing, Davy and Jon and Bradon and Micah were on the floor as couples for the last dance of their high school careers. It was fitting that it should be so. Holding their partners closely also set them up for what was to come after prom was over.

Later that night, the guys discovered one of the drawbacks of eating asparagus before engaging in oral sex...

On Sunday afternoon, before the final week of school for the seniors, the highly advertised "beach volleyball" games took place in the mall. Dale Hillman had contacted the high school theater department to ask for the loan of the palm trees they had built for prom. He was pleased to learn that they had been kept to use for the musical "South Pacific" that the school was doing the following year, so they hadn't been scrapped.

Along with the sandy colored carpet and a painted backdrop of ocean waves, the setup looked pretty professional.

The guys arrived an hour before the exhibition games were to begin. Dale and one of his assistants measured everyone to see what sizes they would need.

Seeing that Tyler had been out playing soccer a lot and had a fairly white butt, Mr. Hillman chose board short for him which rode low on his hips, showing just a hint of white flesh. The effect was erotic because it hinted that people were viewing something private.

Davy was given trunks which were styled like running shorts, cut slightly higher at the sides, exposing a bit more thigh. He looked quite sexy.

Jon looked equally hot in square-cut swim trunks which were form-fitting and had a curved pouch which enhanced his natural bulge.

Mr. Hillman had a good eye for what makes guys look sexy, so all of them looked great.

As they began to trickle out to the court, Davy saw a couple of older studs coming his way.

"Hey cousin!" Josh Long called, jogging up to Davy and Jon.

"Hey Josh!" Davy responded, hugging his second cousin. "You remember my boyfriend, Jon, don't you? He's now my husband!"

"Congratulations! This is my boyfriend, Graeme. We're getting married in June."

"Welcome to the family," Davy grinned as he hugged Graeme.

"So, what brings you two studs to town?" Jon asked.

"Didn't you see the paper? We're doing a strip show at the Stallion several nights this week. It's our grand finale because we both graduated with our BA's recently. We're getting out of the porn business while we're still on top. Someday, you might like to see our last movie which we did together."

"That would be cool! I'm not sure we'd be brave enough to, um, do it in front of a camera knowing our dads could see it." Jon blushed.

"You probably shouldn't then. At this point, we have no shame, but that may come back to haunt us when we have kids.

So you guys are promoting beachwear. You both look hotter than anyone should be allowed to look!" Josh teased. "What is the name of the model Jon has on? I want one of those for Graeme. It would really show off his package!"

Davy turned the back of Jon's waistband down to check and found the information.

"When you go into the store, you might mention that you came in because of how hot Jon looked. It won't get you a discount, but it might help our cred with the boss."

"I'll do that. Is he the happy looking guy by the front door?"


When all the boys had assembled, five on each team, the game began in earnest. Although it was simply an advertizing stunt, the guys played as if it mattered. They were so involved that they basically forgot where they were, disregarding the people on the main floor as well as those hanging over the rail above ogling their trim bodies.

Many of their family members and friends were in the crowd to lend their support. Because the guys were all pretty well known and liked at school, the place was swamped with students. Many of them would likely be purchasing swimwear sometime soon and some would buy them at Abercrombie and Fitch.

Mr. Hillman came out with a cooler of ice cold sodas and water when the second game finished. He was surprised that almost no one took a soda, so he would send one of his clerks to the drug store to buy more cold water before the next break.

He announced to the crowd that there would be a 15 minute intermission while the guys changed and that the games would resume shortly.

The guys hadn't expected to get two different suits and were delighted to have them. Hillman hadn't originally planned it that way, but decided it would be worthwhile to advertise while he had a captive audience. Besides, if they didn't sell a lot of merchandise, the extras would end up going to charity. He might just as well make a bunch of local kids happy.

While the guys were on break, many people came in to make purchases. Dale had called it right!

They were about ready to start again when a dowdy woman in a prairie dress came toward the court. Brock, who was with Brent looking down from the second floor saw her first and cringed. Davy saw her shortly before she arrived near him.

Despite her ugly attire and unbecoming hairdo, he knew her immediately. However, he kept his sunglasses on and didn't look her direction.

"Does anyone here know a boy named Jeremiah Long?" she asked the group in general.

"Nope," Micah spoke up. "I've never heard the name before."

"I was hoping someone would know him," Mavis said. "He's my son and I'd like to see him before I go back home."

"I guess you're out of luck," Jon smiled.

"I can't help but wonder what your mothers must think of the scandalous way you're dressed! I would forbid my son to look like this! It should never be allowed in public, not even the beach!"

"Mom, how do you like my trunks?" Bradon called over to where his mother was standing.

"Those look really cool on you!" Mickey called back.

"Well, there's your answer, Ma'am."

"She's obviously an unfit mother!" Mavis declared.

"Lady, no one is interested in your outdated opinion, Davy told her, removing his shades.

"You, young man are impertinent as well as nasty!"

"Again, I need to remind you that no one cares what you think. You are disrupting a fashion event and we have to get back to our game."

"That boy needs a whipping. If he were my son, I'd see that he got one!"

Mavis kept up the rant, but the boys ignored her as they reassembled. A minute or so later, mall security escorted her to the entrance where a few other oddly-dressed people waited for her.

Davy missed a shot because of the distraction, but was soon back into the game. By the time it was over, he was smiling. He had talked to her directly and she hadn't known who he was.

Before he left the mall, Brock talked to the security guards to ask what happened to the woman they had ejected. He found out that the people got into a van with Texas plates. One of the men in the group seemed to be upset that the lady had held them up from getting on the road home.

Brock breathed a sigh of relief that his ex wife wasn't going to be around to cause trouble. He worried at how her presence might have affected his son.

When their gig was finished, the guys all assembled at Brock and Brent's place to go swimming until it was time for supper. Then, they would be treated to a cookout in the back yard.

Sean came over to help with the food. Todd and Jim joined them as well. The five of them were the only adults there and it was an all-male group. Emboldened by that fact, Jack took off his new sexy swimsuit and tossed it on a lounger by the side of the pool. Tyler followed his example. Before long, all of the guys were skinny dipping.

"That religious wacko should see us now!" Eddy shouted. "I'm glad my mother isn't like that."

"Me too," many of the others replied.

Davy and Jon grinned. Joe caught Davy's eye and laughed out loud.

Brent turned to Brock with a smile also.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as our son is concerned. He doesn't seem to be upset over seeing her again."

"Nope, he seemed to be okay even before I relayed what I learned from mall security."

No one stayed very long after supper because Monday was a school day and they would have final projects to work on and exams to study for.

Jon and Davy retired to their apartment to go over a few things which were due soon.

Davy decided to check his assignment for Mr. Bousek's class one more time. He was proud of the finished product. The expunged, G-rated version still had plenty of adventure and it told, in a slightly fictionalized way, the story of how his life had changed over the past four years.

When he'd seen the rough draft, Mr. Bousek had said it could easily be expanded into a young adult novel. Davy was seriously considering trying that.

Since no one from school but Jon and Joe had known who Jeremiah Long was, and his own mother hadn't recognized him, he decided to use the title he'd originally selected, "The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long."

He began to reread at the beginning: "Jeremiah awakened about 1:00 a.m. with a start and a satisfied smile on his face. He felt relaxed and happy. It had been the best dream he could ever remember having had..."


Author's notes: Thanks to those who have commented from time to time on this story. This week's list includes: Bill T, Mendy D, Tony W, Ott H, Bill K, Tom A, James K, Jim W, Dan C, Paul R, Paul F, Lace D, Bill B, and Wayne. I know many more of you read regularly, but don't respond as often. You are appreciated too!

It occurred to me that reading the final chapter of a tale is something like the anticipation of an orgasm. You hunger for resolution, but you don't want the feeling to end. I hope that is how you will receive this ending.

I have those mixed emotions about ending this series which I began to post on February 8th of 2013. Part of me would like to keep up with the lives of Davy, Jon, and their friends and families, but another part of me needs to let them go. They will always live in my imagination, and may show up in future stories. I can't promise one way or the other.

There are always stories playing out in my mind. It's likely that I will post again. There are several tales simmering on the back burners, but I think I need a bit of a break. Any of you who have attempted to keep a series going for any length of time can empathize with the struggles.

I leave you with wishes of love, health, and peace.


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