Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 30, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 8


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 8

After a fairly quick shower, Cade led Harrison to the queen sized bed which was theirs for the night. He tenderly kissed his lover for several minutes, holding his body on top of his own. He felt salty tears splashing on his cheeks.

"It's gonna be okay," he whispered.

"I know. These are tears of joy. I can't remember the last time we were free to be in bed together with no worries of being discovered by a roommate or someone."

"The reason you can't remember is because it probably never happened. We've always had to settle for quickies. If I had anticipated this, I would have purchased supplies so we could consummate our love."

"That's okay. I think I want to wait a little longer. Right now I want to make out until we can't stand it any longer and then feel your cock blasting hot cum in my mouth."

"Then let's do it." Cade agreed. "But let's hold off as long as we can!"

It was like a honeymoon for the two college guys as they kissed and licked about every square inch of the other's body. They came very close to exploding several times in the process, but maintained enough self-discipline to keep one another on the exquisite edge of pre-orgasmic bliss until their trembling bodies could wait no longer. Then in muffled cries of ecstasy, they took the plunge together, going into freefall for several seconds before spewing torrents of hot, thick jizz. During the next several minutes, they kissed deeply, sharing the cocktail of their offerings.

They cuddled in sticky silence for a short time before falling asleep. The stress of the day and their total release sent them off to dreamland before they were able to repeat the performance.

Brock and Brent worked as a well organized team in preparing breakfast for the boys and their guests. The aroma of bacon frying and coffee brewing brought the college guys to the kitchen at the same time as the teens. The former had put on their shirts and shorts from the day before while Davy and Jon were more casual, wearing the boxers they'd pulled on so as not to be totally naked in the presence of company.

Over breakfast, Brock made an offer that Brent and he had discussed the previous night and again in the morning.

"I struggled a lot financially after my divorce because I was too proud to ask for help, and Brent had a difficult time after his parents reacted a lot like Harrison's did. So, we've hatched up a proposition. We'd like to have Cade continue tutoring Davy during the school year and helping him with swimming around his subbing schedule, but instead of paying cash like we are now, we're offering a trade. For those services, we'd allow you guys to live in the downstairs apartment rent-free. It's going to be heated and air conditioned regardless because the house is all on the same system. We think it would be a win/win situation for everyone."

"Oh my God!" Cade exclaimed. "That's a very generous offer. Do you have any idea what it would cost us to rent a decent apartment in this town, even a lousy one in a poor neighborhood for that matter? This area is definitely more upscale than anywhere we could afford to reside. Letting us live here would be like doubling my salary. Are you sure this is fair to you?"

"It's fine with us," Brent spoke up. "But, you shouldn't accept our offer sight unseen."

After breakfast when Cade and Harrison got the tour, they were even more elated than they'd been originally. It was sparsely furnished, but everything was in perfect condition from freshly painted walls to new carpet. They would probably buy a few things in the long run, but could live in it as it was.

"Uh, are you planning to let us have it the first of September? " Cade asked, "Or do you want the deal to take effect immediately?"

"Well, we thought you've probably paid for the dorm rooms through the end of summer school and would like the cash income until you have to move out. However, we'd like to invite you to stay here for free on the weekends, if you like, to spare you living with roommates who seem to be incompatible," Brock said.

"It would be wonderful to spend our weekends together!" Harrison enthused. "We're busy enough during the week so we don't mind it as much, but being able to wake up in the same bed on Saturday and Sunday would be awesome!"

Then he blushed at having expressed his enthusiasm so openly to people he barely knew.

"We can all empathize with that!" Brock agreed. "You might as well begin bringing some of your things today if you want. I'll give you a key and have more cut when I go to the hardware store later so you'll each have one.

Brent drew up a simple agreement on his laptop and printed out several copies. The men all signed them and shook hands on the deal.

The next day after working on their lessons, Davy and Jon talked to Cade about learning martial arts.

"Do you know judo or something like that?" Davy asked. "Our dads think we should learn self-defense moves given the fact that bullies often like to pick on gay kids."

"I think your dads are smart to suggest it. Yes, I know judo, hibachi, and several other Japanese words," Cade joked. "However I don't know many moves. Harrison has tried to teach me occasionally, but we've usually been too busy to pursue it."

"Does he have a lot of experience?" Jon questioned.

"He's a black belt. He's been practicing since his sophomore year in high school after a jock in his school beat him up for being a "sissy". His father basically told him he had to be a man and fight back. Harrison had the choice of boxing lessons or karate and chose the latter because he wasn't really muscular. In the spring of the same year, the guy attacked him again and ended up with a concussion and a broken arm!"

"Wow, do you think he might teach us? I know our dads would rather pay him than some stranger."

"It's possible because he's trying to earn as much extra money as he can now that his parents have disowned him. He has a good job as a waiter, but school is expensive!"

"Please ask him," Jon added. "You could join us in the lessons if Harrison would let you."

"I'll do my best to persuade him. Now you guys give me five more laps in the pool and then we're done till I see you next Wednesday. In the mean time, please complete your critiques of `Catcher in the Rye'. I know you'll discuss it, but please write them individually."

Jon was only slightly mystified at being asked to lunch by his father's boyfriend, Jim. He had a few guesses as to the purpose and was fine with it. He was, however, bit miffed that Davy hadn't been included. Perhaps it was Jim's shy temperament, or maybe it was the nature of what they would be discussing. Either way, Jon would soon find out since they were pulling into the parking lot.

"Todd said you love Tony's pizza. I'll get us both tickets for the buffet if that's okay. Then we can try several different kinds."

"That's cool with me," Jon answered. "I'll burn off the extra calories in the pool."

After they ordered their drinks and made their first trip to the serving counter, Jim nervously began to speak his piece.

"This is kinda awkward for me, but I need to be up front with you. I want your approval before anything is decided. Your dad and I have been discussing the possibility of living together. My lease is up in September and I'd like to move in with you guys. He wanted to talk with you about it first, but I told him I needed to man up and break it to you since I'm the one who would be disrupting your life."

"I'm glad you're considering my feelings and that you have the balls to face me head-on," Jon grinned. "I'm not exactly surprised by the news, knowing how close you and Dad have become in the past few weeks. Please relax; I'm on your side. I remember how great you were with us when Davy was kidnapped. Besides, I want what's best for Dad and you might be exactly what he needs."

"Thanks. I know how close you and your dad are and I have no intention of coming between you. Actually, I doubt it's possible!"

"We're tight," Jon confirmed. "So exactly what do you want from me?"

"Your blessing, mainly. I want to blend in with a minimum of disruption for you, so I'd like you to come up with a list of boundaries, or rules if you like, so I have an idea of how to fit in with you as well as Todd. Am I making any sense?"

"Yeah, I get the point."

"Great! Why don't you take 24 hours or so and make a list. Perhaps you could write them down as you think about them and maybe prioritize them."

"I can do that, and thanks again for considering how the arrangement would affect me. Oh, do I have your permission to talk it over with Dave?"

"I assumed you'd be doing that, but thanks for asking. It's nice to know you exercise discretion. I see no reason why we shouldn't get along fine since we respect each other."

"So, what was Jim's mysterious meeting all about, or can't you tell me?" Davy asked as the two biked to the park to play disc golf.

"There's not much to tell, but Jim said I can share it. He was so uneasy at first that he looked like he might wet his pants. It was really kinda cute to see that big hunk being so anxious about how I'd respond. It lets me know he's a sensitive man inside. Anyway, he's trying very hard to figure out how he can best fit in when he moves in with us in the fall."

"Is it a done deal?"

"They say it hinges on my decision. I'm sure Dad wants him and I'm not going to stand in the way of their happiness, but I do have a few pet peeves and I guess this is my chance to let him know what they are so we get off on the right foot. I should've asked him to make a list too, I suppose. But, I'm thinking he's the one who rightfully should make adjustments since Dad and I are fine like we are."

"True, but knowing you, you'll do your best to make him feel at home."

"Yeah. I already like him, especially how he handled things when that prick kidnapped you! He's a good man, and I'll treat him good."

After the boys returned home, Jon sat at his laptop and made his list.

A couple of days later, Jim invited Jon out for pizza again, taking Davy with them this time. The weather was perfect, so they sat on the restaurant's terrace in a spot as far away from other diners as possible. Jon launched right in the minute they were seated.

"Let's do this quickly before someone sits at the next table. First, like you said, Dad and I are very close. My number one rule is you'd better treat him well or you'll answer to me! We've been through our share of shit together, like when Mom died. Nobody better hurt my Dad!

The everyday stuff is kinda like this. Dad and I try to keep the house picked up so it doesn't get too messy. You'd be expected to pick up after yourself. I don't like finding clothes on the floor or dirty dishes where they don't belong. We take turns dusting and vacuuming the main part of the house and keep up our own bedrooms.

Dad does most of the cooking and I do all the laundry. I don't iron, but I do hang up permanent press things immediately out of the dryer. You'll need to send your uniform shirts out or iron them yourself. I don't turn socks and I don't scrub skid marks out of underwear. That's up to the guy who owns them. I sort carefully and all white clothes get washed in hot water with powdered bleach so they come out looking good.

I assume you guys won't keep me awake by banging the headboard into the wall when you make love. I'm a big boy and won't be embarrassed if I hear you moaning when you cum because I do that too.

Also, Dad knows I always try to do the right thing and he doesn't boss me around, if you know what I mean. I would expect that you wouldn't try to punish me if you thought I was off base about anything. I mean, you could talk to me about it, but not ground me or whatever.

That's about it; do you have a list too?"

"I don't, really," Jim smiled, looking at the paper Jon had handed him.

"I appreciate your frank explanation of your expectations and they fit right in with what I'd do anyway. I'm impressed that first on your list is shielding your father from harm. I feel the same way about him. I sense that he's been hurt pretty deeply at some time or other and I guess I feel protective of him too.

I'll do my best to help with meals and the house, depending on which shifts I draw. I'm sure you guys are familiar with working around your dad's schedule. I like things neat and orderly, so you don't need to worry about picking up after me.

Also, I know exactly how you feel about having an outsider trying to tell you how to live your life. My mother had several boyfriends after the divorce. Some of them lived with us for a while. One in particular took it upon himself to mete out discipline. He had a bad temper, so I tried not to cross him for her sake as much as for mine. But after he took his belt to me, I turned him in to the DHS and showed them the welts on my back. That's when Dad got full custody. My life changed dramatically after I went to live with him. Dad is a gem and is still my best friend in many ways. I even talked to him about my relationship with your dad and he was very accepting." Jim said, biting his lower lip in an attempt not to become overly emotional.

Jon was touched by the love this big man expressed for his father and instinctively went over to his chair and hugged him around the shoulders. Davy rose and followed suit. Jon and he both felt in their hearts that Jim was a good match for Todd. A bond was already beginning to form between the man and the boys.

"Davy, I have awesome news! Sean's taking over Dad's import business, so Dad's retiring and he and Mom are coming back to live in the US. They're talking about buying a condo in Arizona and one somewhere not too distant from here so they can see us more often."

"I hope they'll like me," Davy said quietly.

"Of course they'll like you. They're gonna love you as much as I do."

"But, I'm gay..."

"And I'm not? How could they reject you if they've accepted Brent and me?"

"It's hard being different," Davy sighed. "You're never sure how someone is gonna react. I've been afraid to even admit it to myself."

"I know, Son; believe me I know. I lost you because of who I am."

"You didn't lose me; I was only misplaced for a while," Davy smiled.

In mid July, most of the kids who'd participated in the Rite 13 ceremony were asked if they'd like to help serve in the Sunday night meals program. The request was met with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but Jon and Davy were eager to do it. Todd would be one of the adult hosts and Jim had signed up to do it with him.

Todd made sure that all of the teens knew ahead of time about the health regulations. They would have to wear gloves on the serving line and needed to let him know if they were allergic to latex so he could get vinyl ones from the custodian. They would also be required to wear hairnets or baseball caps. Naturally, most of the boys were terrified of being seen in a hairnet and thanked him for warning them. He stashed a few extra caps in the trunk of his car in case someone forgot.

Davy and Jon ended up on the line between Jenna and Willa with whom they'd had so much fun at the Independence Day picnic. The girls chattered away easily, making the boys feel comfortable. It was kind of cool having friends of the opposite sex who didn't make them feel like prey.

Although the time passed fairly quickly, the boys felt like they'd worked a long time by the end of their shift. Seeing lots of people who were down on their luck had a wearing effect on them. Jon had done this before, but for Davy it was a new experience and a real eye-opener. He'd never been wealthy, but he'd never gone hungry either. His former church didn't consider feeding the poor to be a worthy pursuit. The only true mission was saving souls, not providing for physical needs. Davy was learning about putting one's faith into practice in a very real way.

The heat and humidity of late July in the Midwest were in full force on the day Brock's parents arrived at the regional airport. Brent and he had both driven because Davy and Jon wanted to go and neither of their cars was large enough for that many passengers, let alone luggage.

When Davy saw a couple in their 60's coming through the security gate, he knew right away that they were his grandparents. He had some blurry memories of them and his grandfather looked like an older version of his dad, but scarcely old enough to be the father of a 37 year old.

His grandparents recognized him immediately too, and felt they would have even if he hadn't been with his father. Their last few steps were taken at almost a run.

Grandma Amanda embraced Davy first and was quickly introduced to Jon as Davy's buddy. Grandpa David was next and hugged both boys without hesitation. Davy felt quite emotional and was having difficulty keeping his tears in check. He noticed the same display of emotions on the faces of his grandparents.

It didn't take long for their luggage to arrive at the baggage carousel. The boys picked up the two larger ones, partly to spare the adults and partly to show that they were strong and able to do a man's job. Fortunately the bags had wheels so they didn't have to lug them other than to lift them into the car trunks. Both were relieved when the last one was stowed.

On the way home, Davy and Jon sat in the back seat of Brent's car with Grandma riding shotgun. Grandpa David rode home with Brock. Brock was beginning to think they might need to trade one of the cars for an SUV or minivan, but he hated the idea of being "wussified" by driving a minivan!

Davy was concerned about how he was going to be able to do everything he needed to while his grandparents were around. He desperately wanted to know them better, but he didn't want to neglect his paper route, studies, swimming, and most of all, his boyfriend.

Of course Jon understood. He reminded Davy that they were together delivering the paper and for tutoring and swimming. Jon assured him that he'd be okay on his own while Davy was going places with his grandparents, but Davy made sure Jon was with them when they went on any outings. Grandma Amanda was very quick to invite Jon because she could sense that he meant a lot to her grandson. She assumed that they were more than buddies because of how they interacted, but didn't feel it was her place to inquire.

After they got home from an afternoon at the amusement park, Davy suggested that Jon might want to go home while he came out to his grandparents.

"There's no way I'm deserting you!" Jon insisted. "We're boyfriends and we're in this together. What you have to face, I'll face with you."

"Thanks! I couldn't ask you to do that."

"You don't have to! I'm here for you."

"Okay, let's get this over with."

They found Davy's grandparents sitting in the shade on the deck sipping frozen daiquiris.

"Would you like me to make you a snack?" Grandma asked. "I thought you'd gone off to your room to rest or I would have gotten you something to drink at least."

"Um, we're okay. I have something important to tell you and I want to get it off my chest before another day passes." Davy said.

"It sounds serious. I hope you're not ill," his grandfather replied.

"I'm gay," Davy blurted out. "I'm sorry."

"That's nothing to be sorry about," his grandmother smiled. "Now what was the big thing you wanted to get off your chest?"

"Um, that's it. Isn't that big enough?"

"I suppose it is in some households."

"And Jon is my, uh, boyfriend..."

"That's great, dear. I sensed you cared a lot for each other. I know he rescued you from that dreadful man, so I wasn't surprised that you're close."

"We were already boyfriends, ma'am. He doesn't love me just because I helped him."

"Oh my dear boy, I didn't mean to imply that. I think it's great that you have each other, and please call me Grandma, Gram, or Nana unless it's awkward for you. I'm sure you have loving grandparents of your own, but I'd like to be considered among them too."

"I second everything she's said," Grandpa David smiled. "I'd like you to think of me as a grandparent as well."

Jon and Davy wasted no time in hugging both of the adults. Davy felt very relieved with how their conversation had gone and Jon seemed especially moved by their acceptance of him.

When they went off to the bedroom together at night, Jon opened up about why he'd been so touched.

"It's time I shared the family skeletons with you. I guess I've been holding back a little and I don't want to do that. I really don't like to think about my mother's parents. It all hit me when Gram said I must have loving grandparents. Well, I have one. Grandma Melba is awesome. She's the one who dotes on me and buys me things like my cell phone."

"Yeah, and saved my ass by doing it!" Davy exclaimed. "I need to call her sometime and thank her."

"I've already done that and when she saw your picture, she said it was good I saved your cute little butt."

"She did not!"

"Well, it was something like that. Anyway, she's been a saint and I hope you get to meet her soon. My mother's parents hate Dad and me. I haven't seen or heard from them since the funeral many years ago. I've been separated from them about as long as you have from your grandparents."

"How could they possibly hate you? They couldn't have known you'd be gay."

"They don't know my orientation. It's because they blame Dad and me for Mom's death," Jon said shaking his head.

"No way!"

"Yeah they do. It's a complicated story and it's taken some time for me to piece it all together. Dad finally filled in the more adult details recently. I guess Jim urged him to do it. Remember how he sensed Dad had been hurt? They've been talking a lot and I can see changes in Dad. I'm not saying he wasn't always perfect in my eyes, but he's happier now; Jim has touched his heart.

Anyway, I deduced some of this even as a young child. I'm a very astute young man, as Cade said," Jon grinned.

"Jeez! There won't be room for both of us AND your ego in this bed!" Davy teased.

"Okay, maybe I wasn't that brilliant, but I always knew something was wrong and I kept my ears open. My grandmother was cold as a fish after Mom's death when she should have been comforting me. Fortunately, Grandma Melba held me often and let me cry it out. I had a teacher who treated me like that too. But I'm getting off the subject.

It all started with Mom getting diabetes when she was pregnant with me. I was the cause, according to her parents. The doctors warned her not to get pregnant again, but she did. Dad told me recently that she had stopped taking the pill because she wanted another child, but she didn't tell him. He went on making love to her thinking it was all safe, and she conceived.

It's ironic that my good Catholic grandparents were dead-set against birth control and especially abortion, but blamed my dad when he didn't insist on terminating the pregnancy. Mom wanted the baby and wouldn't let the doctors do it. She died as a result and my baby sister didn't make it either. I lost them both and my grandparents all at the same time!" Jon sniffled.

"Oh Babe, I'm so sorry. I thought I had a hard time. You lost more than I did and all at once." Davy exclaimed as he held his boyfriend tightly.

"How could God do that to you?"

"I used to ask that question, but I've come to believe that God doesn't MAKE bad things happen. However, he does ALLOW shit to occur. If he controlled everything in life we'd all be puppets. With freedom comes the possibility of bad things. Besides, he's making it up to me by giving me a boyfriend."

"He's been kind to me in the same way." Davy said.

Before long, two tired teens drifted to sleep in each other's arms.

Author's notes: Sorry about the late posting. I'm out of town and have been busy with visiting relatives. Hope you are having a good weekend whether celebrating Easter, remembering Passover, or just hanging out.

Thanks to all who responded this past week. My list includes: Walt S, Rutabaga, Mendy D, Tony W, Bill K, Walter Sz, Bobby C, Vern, Tom A, JJ, Sean H, Roger L, Ott H, Dylan W, Bill T, Dylan W, Paul R, Trish R, Paul R, and Paul D (re:T&T). Hope I haven't missed anyone. I temporarily lost my file that they are on. I appreciate hearing from all of you.


Next: Chapter 9

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