The Minos Project (M/M, M/F, TG, Transform, SciFi

By Quark Master

Published on Feb 17, 2004




The Minos Project (Book 1) by Quark Master (

Keywords: Transformation, Minotaur, Science Fiction (yes, SF vs Fantasy-No Magic), M/M, M/F, TG. _________________________________________________________ Legal Distribution, Copyright and Content Notice

This story is copyright 2000-2004, by Quark Master variously known as (,, and It may not be reproduced for distribution in printed or disk form, except with permission of the author. Electronic distribution via the Internet, email, newsnet, and other "free" noncommercial methods is allowed. Posting to FREE website archives and BBS systems (credit card oriented AVS websites are NOT FREE) is permissible if the author is notified of such postings and this copyright notice and the author's email address is included with the text of the story; Pay Per Use, Subscription and AVS site posting is NOT permitted. Further the author retains the right to have the story removed from any such distribution source he or she deems necessary. Additionally electronic distributors are not authorized to change the content of the work, but may make necessary formatting changes to fit the distribution site. All characters are fictitious and solely the product of the author's imagination, no similarity is intended to any real individual living or dead. This story contains adult content and intended solely for audiences over the age of 21 who are desirous of reading sexually oriented material for their own enjoyment.

Christian Delgado looked out the window of the orbital shuttle, barely controlling the butterflies in his stomach. He didn't know whether to be ecstatic or terrified. His new life, on a new planet, lay ahead of him. It was short notice, he'd never expected to leave Earth, but when opportunity knocked, he'd have to have been insane not to answer the door.

He glanced briefly at the Mithras, his home for the last two months. The large intragalactic vessel slumbered in it's orbit above the planet Olympia. It's two month journey through tunnel space finally over, it slept. A dull orange glow still surrounded the matter accumulators used to collect the multitude of sub atomic particles ripped from the fabric of space-time as the ship sunk ever more deeply into its localized space time manifold and used as fuel for the Hermesetic Ram Jets.

While just entering its second century, interstellar space flight was still very much the province of the affluent. It was expensive, and generally, one way for all but the elite of society. Chris had never expected to be able to afford to emigrate from Earth. He'd expected to live his life on the overcrowded globe with most of his peers. While the government was working on making emigration more affordable, to relieve overpopulation, currently only those who fit the specific needs and requirements of the colony worlds were given reduced fare visas. Everyone else had to pay the high cost of transporting themselves and their belongings between planets.

Chris had been surprised when his best buddy, Kyle, had gotten approved for emigration to Olympia. Kyle and he had been best buds all through high school. Afterwards, Kyle had gone on to Stanford, while Chris had gone to Hartford Blaston College, and it was in their sophomore year that Chris got word from Kyle of his emigration.

While Kyle's parents weren't rich, they were well to do and Kyle had been great at football and gotten a scholarship to supplement his parent's money to pay the $240,000 per semester tuition. Chris' parents had died in a car accident two years ago, and after the legal battle with the people they'd run into, Chris hadn't had much money and was working his way through college.

Apparently, Kyle, who had always been an A/B student in high school somehow found time in the off season to hook up with some group at Stanford involved in populating Olympia. Somehow, he got approved for emigration, gave up his scholarship, took the money from his educational trust and decided to head to Olympia with his friends and professors.

While Chris had been ecstatic to hear this, dreaming enviously of Kyle's good fortune; he nearly fell over when, a month later, he'd gotten an E-Vid from Kyle saying he'd managed to wrangle emigration papers and a reduced fare for Christian. Chris had been flabbergasted, true, he and Kyle had been the best of buddies, doing everything together, heck they'd lost their virginity to the same chic, it was unimaginable that he'd be able to get Chris a spot on the emigration rosters.

It had taken Chris a good month to get his stuff together, sell off the remainder of his inherited possessions and scrape up the reduced fare, but he'd done it. By that time, Kyle had already left for Olympia, but Chris took the next ship out and was on his way without hardly thinking.

It was only once en-route, when Christian had a chance to start studying up on Olympia and his papers, that he got any reservations. It turned out that Olympia was owned and being settled by a group of exceedingly rich academics who longed to recreate the ancient Greece of legends. This would be amusing enough, except that they were going all the way. Apparently they were using nano-virus technology to literally create the beings of legend that supposedly inhabited ancient Greece.

They were using technology to literally modify the settlers to conform to the races of greek mythology, satyrs, fauns, centaurs, minotaurs, pegasi, you name it. Obviously they were playing fast and loose, creating their own world, many of the new "races" they were creating never existed as races, but were rather unique individuals, but that wasn't stopping them. They were creating a entire races of minotaurs, pegasi and others.

Apparently, and this was the gotcha, Kyle and he were assigned to the Minos project. Minos was the project to create the minotaur race. He and Kyle were going to become minotaurs. Freak! He'd nearly lost it then, if there had been any way he could have gotten off the ship, he would have. It wasn't until he saw pictures of the new minotaurs that he calmed down and actually started getting excited about the project.

From the pictures, they were big, huge actually, and all muscle. While they were freaky, they were also, unquestionably the quintessential male. Their strength and power was nearly awe inspiring, not to mention their prowess in battle, the giant axes the new minotaurs were wielding were totally wicked. In high school, he and Kyle had really gotten into weight training as part of their football practice, and while neither had been able to find the dedication to actually get serious about body building, working out and pumping muscle had been fun. They'd loved the way their muscles had grown under the weight training, and the way the girls appreciated their toned and well muscled bodies. Of course, since school, Chris had been too busy to get back to lifting in his spare time and lost some mass, he was still in good overall shape, not burly, but nicely defined still.

So anyway, Chris had finally decided, after really looking into the minotaurs, that maybe it wouldn't be too bad to be a minotaur. Sure, he'd be butt ugly, but he'd be really burly and huge. That would be totally cool. Striding the islands and small continents that he could now see below him as the orbital shuttle made its way down, swinging a kick-ass double headed axe. That would really rock.

"Christian Delgado?" a man in a white coat asked.

Chris had been picked up at the star port by man with a small air bus. As they'd taken off from the star port, Chris had noted that it was one of only about a dozen air buses around. Very weird, however, it fit with what he'd read about the agrarian nature of Olympia. They were pretty serious about recreating "ancient" Greece. High tech was only used where necessary and generally behind the scenes only to reproduce "magical" effects or where otherwise unfeasible to do things the "old fashioned way."

He'd been taken to a large underground complex on a large island about an hour's flight from the star port. The only sign of technology was an air bus pad and a bunker like entrance. After setting down, he and his few possessions were escorted inside. He'd been left to wait in a small lobby while a man carried his belongings to his new quarters. Apparently he had to go through some sort of initial screening and medical exam.

When the man in the white coat called his name, Chris nodded and stood up to follow the man through a metal door that slid shut silently behind them. "Welcome to Olympia, Chris!" The man looked over his shoulder to smile brightly at him. "I can't tell you how glad we are to have you here on the project, your friend Kyle speaks very highly of you."

Chris blushed slightly, he was still uncomfortable with getting selected. This was really his first contact with anyone from the project, everything else had been in the form of electronic communications. Only the fact that the paper work had all been in order, he'd had to sign enough of it, and he'd actually gotten on the starship had convinced him it was real.

"When will I get to see Kyle?"

"In a few days, we need to run you through quarantine first, and get you started on your medication. After that you'll be reunited as roommates. Sound good?"

"Good for me," replied Chris.

"Excellent, now I need you to just sign these last few forms, pure formality for the medical tests, etc. etc." the man smiled as he put a couple forms out on the table between them. Chris nodded and signed the forms without looking at them. They appeared to be the standard sort of releases, he'd read and signed a bunch of them before leaving.

"OK, so if you would be good enough to completely strip for me. I need to get a complete set of vital stats and detailed measurements of every part of you. I am afraid some may be a bit personal, but with the sort of thing we're doing here, we need everything we can get."

"No problem," Chris said as he stripped down. He felt slightly self-conscious as he put is underwear up on the table and stood there nude. While it was one thing to strip in the locker room with the guys or in the shower at the dorm, standing naked in front of a complete stranger was a bit embarrassing.

"OK, first the blood tests..." The doctor proceeded to draw what Chris felt was a gallon of blood from a couple points on his body, spraying a band aid on after each prick. After the blood draining, he scraped some skin cells and finally cut a small piece of Chris' hair off. Finally, he motioned for Chris to lay on the examining table and ran the UV/IR/Sono-scanner over the length of his body. The computer bleeping after each stage of measurements, it was almost like a routine physical, right down to the brain wave scan. The doctor finally motioned for him to stand up.

"Now, I'm afraid, the personal part." The doctor pulled laser calipers out and with a slightly embarrassed grin began taking measurements of Chris' body. He started with the routine tailoring measurements, but then went on to measure Chris' head from about 4 different angles, his biceps and triceps, deltoids, thighs, calves, foot length, shin length, just about every single part of his body, including separate measurements for hips and waist. Finally he moved on to the very personal, measuring Chris' penis and the size of each testicle. "Sorry," the doctor said as he did the measurements.

At last, the doctor was finished with his measurements. "Now for the last samplings." He turned from his table with a cup in his hand. Nodding his head to a door in the wall he said, "through that door is a room for some privacy, with some E-Mags for your assistance, if you could kindly provide me with a sperm sample..." he handed Chris the cup. "Also there is another door in there that leads to a toilet, if we could get both a urine sample, in the special urinal, and stool sample in the dry toilet, I would be in your debt."

"Sure thing, whatever the doctor orders..." Chris said with bravado, trying to cover his embarrassment as he took the cup and headed to the door.

It took Chris about 20 minutes to provide all the necessary samples, but he managed it and returned the cup to the doctor. When he finished dressing the doctor thanked him and introduced him to another man. "This is Andropos, he will assist you with anything you need in the next few days." The man was good size, apparently a professional body builder. He nodded to Chris and gestured for him to head through another door in the lab.

Chris did as Andropos gestured and found himself in a hall. Andropos came through the door and took the lead, down the hall past several doors. Finally they came to a door on the right that Andropos hit the latch on, and it hummed open. "You find vids, mags, books in you room. I bring food three times per day. Ring com button if you need something," the man said in broken Internese.

Chris went through the door to find himself in a reasonably sized studio apartment. It had a vidscreen and a compterm along with a table and chairs, bed and small bathroom. His bags were on the bed. It wasn't bad, better than his dorm room at college, but nothing fancy. There was a small window that looked out into a small courtyard, but the yard was sided by windows to other rooms. The vegetation outside looked like earth standard. Overall, not a bad room for a distant agrarian world stuck in ancient Greece. The door slid shut behind him, with a click.

Waiting a moment to be sure Andropos had left, Chris tried the door. Locked. It figured, the doctor had said quarantine. From what he'd read on the ship, quarantine was pretty standard procedure for people coming to any new world, regardless of weird population projects.

Over the next few days, Chris managed to keep himself from going too insane by watching the vids and reading some vidbooks and mags, but the size constraints of the room kept him from getting much exercise. Compounding this was the large quantities of food Andropos kept bringing. Lots of comfort food: meat, potatoes and starches. Andropos told him that he should eat everything because he'd soon need the energy he'd store up from the high protein, high carb foods.

On the third day the doctor came in about mid-morning. "Almost there," he smiled at Chris. "I know you've probably about gone crazy in here," he gestured to the small size of the room. "However, today you get your first injection, and after you've had some time to recover from any side effects, we'll move you in with Kyle."

"Side affects?" Chris asked, somewhat nervously.

"Afraid so, nothing too unusual though. Sweating, feverish, mild nausea and the need for sleep. After you wake up though, you should feel fine."

"So how long does this whole thing take?" Chris asked nervously. He hadn't had any chance to ask any questions about the project and his new life. There hadn't been anything on the vids either, and Andropos' command of the language didn't lead to academic consultation.

"It takes about three to four months. I'm sorry, all of our other team members had training and education before we left and on the flight. Since you had to take the standard supply flight, you didn't get that." He shook his head. "I really do apologize. Unfortunately I am short on time now or we could go into it all. However, Kyle should be able to bring you up to speed. He's about a month a head of you and is up on the whole process."

Chris nodded, "That's OK, I'm just glad to be included."

"That's the team spirit...Kyle said you were always a team player. That's one reason we picked you. This project requires full dedication to the team and the goals of the world." He motioned for Chris to sit and roll up his sleeve.

"Here we go!" The doctor said cheerfully as he punched the hypo into Chris' shoulder. He seemed to hold the overly large hypo for a long time. Obviously a lot of serum, thought Chris. "That's it. Andropos will be monitoring you via two-way vidscreen." He clicked the two way button on the vidscreen and brought up Andropos' face on the screen. If you need anything or you look like you are having unexpected problems, he'll send for me immediately. Good luck!"

"Thanks," Chris replied as the doctor left the room.

Chris didn't feel anything so decided to pace the room a bit. With Andropos on the 2 way, he couldn't use the vidscreen to read. He supposed he could have, and left the cam on for Andropos, but that just seemed a bit rude, you didn't use the vidscreen to read when another person was on 2 way with you.

After about twenty minutes Chris finally began to notice the temperature rising in the room. From there it wasn't long until he was sweating all over, although it was more like a cold sweat. Chris gulped. He ran to the restroom, diving for the bowl. Aaaccggghhhh. Thankfully he hadn't eaten in a few hours or his retching would have been a lot worse. Oh, this was much worse than mild nausea.

He stood up, rinsed his mouth out at the sink and then shakily made his way to the bed where he collapsed. He wished he understood more of bio-respeciation. It wasn't something they taught in high school, or even college classes. It was the work of major propeller heads and outside things Chris knew much about. It was also pretty new, and generally top secret. All he knew was that they introduced a serum of genetic viruses and micro bacterial robots that rewrote ones genetic code. Of course, as everyone knew, that didn't do much to change a person's physical nature, it just generally killed them. However one set of advanced micro bacterial robots kept the person functioning with the altered structure while secondary and tertiary groups came in and began remapping, literally tearing apart and rebuilding the person's body to the new genetic code.

After writhing on the bed for a few moments, losing track of his own thoughts as he felt more and more delirious, Chris finally passed out, asleep.

Chris woke to the sun shining in on his face through the window. Gees...he thought...groggily. As he sat up, he realized he had what felt like a pretty good hangover headache, but otherwise better than yesterday. The sun light implied he'd slept for nearly a day, maybe the equivalent of 18-20 earth hours. He stumbled to the bathroom, surprised he didn't feel like relieving himself.

He looked in the mirror. It looked like he'd had one too many to drink, but not much else. What had he expected? If the process took three to four months, not much was going to happen the first day. He turned on the shower and began to undress, a shower would feel real good right now.

After he finished dressing in clean clothes, the door slid open with the doctor in it. "Good morning, and how are you feeling today?" He asked. He must have been waiting for Chris to finish getting around.

"Better, a headache, but that's about it."

"That's to be expected. Are you ready to go?"

"Just a sec, I need to pack my bag."

"No need, Andropos will take care of that for you. Come along, Kyle is anxious to see you."

"Lead the way, then." Chris followed the doctor out the door.

It took them about 20 minutes of walking, but at last they came to heavy metal door. Almost like a blast door. "It's an outside door," the doctor explained. He physically turned a large handle on it and swung it open. Very old fashioned, Chris thought.

The doctor led them to an open area, outside. The sky was a bright purplish blue, they appeared to be in a wooded glade. "This way," the doctor led Chris through some trees to a medium sized metal hut with a doorway but no door. The hut appeared to be about thirty feet on a side and at had fifteen foot ceilings. Chris stepped through the door at the doctor's urging.

The first thing Chris noticed was the smell. Woa. Talk about B.O. It smelled like a very ripe jockstrap. Locker room overload, thought Chris. Inside was a single room with a table and two large chairs and two beds. A few shelving units with assorted objects on them were also present. However, Chris' immediate attention was drawn to the person in the room.

Kyle! Chris' eyes widened. "Kyle?" Chris said. The man in the room turned. It was certainly Kyle, but not the Kyle Chris remembered. The new Kyle was a lot taller and looked like he'd been working out pretty intensively.

"Chris!" Kyle bellowed, causing Chris to jump at the volume. Kyle lunged over and scooped Chris up in a big bear hug. "Bud!!!"

Chris made an acking sound as the wind was squeezed out of him. He couldn't believe his friend. Kyle had been about 5'11" 190 lbs before, but now he had to be 6'4" and nearly 240 lbs. He looked like a body builder. A very hairy one, Chris realized as he saw a thick pattern of hair on his friend's chest. Kyle wasn't wearing a whole lot, just shorts, a tank top and sandals. The tank top easily revealed Kyle's thick and hairy pectorals. Kyle hadn't had much body hair when they'd last seen each other.

"Guy! I thought you'd never get here!" Kyle bellowed. Chris covered his ears. Kyle blinked, "sorry guy, force of habit lately." It was also clear that that pungent smell was coming from Kyle.

"Well, I will leave you two to be alone. Kyle, here are your pills and here are Chris'." The doctor said as he sat two small medicine cups on the table.

"Thanks, doc. See ya later!" Kyle bellowed. The doc left them.

"Wow, Kyle, look at you, I can't believe my eyes," Chris said in awe. Kyle stepped back, flexing to show off his muscles.

"It's great, Chris! Remember how good it used to feel after a workout? All pumped? I feel that way now, all the time. It's incredible!"

"Well, you look incredible." Chris still couldn't get over how Kyle had grown. His muscles were huge, and he was getting very hairy. His legs in particular were covered with thick black hair, disappearing into his shorts, then reemerging at the top of his tank top. His forearms were also thickly furred. His sideburns were longer, but not particularly bushy. Chris wasn't sure if he could see any bull like features in his friend's face, but he had certainly grown to bullish-man proportions. His neck was thicker, and heavier, his trapezoids were huge, nearly merging with his neck.

"You'll be looking the same, soon. I'm only about 3 weeks ahead of you so you'll see what you're in for."

"I can't believe you got me into the project. Thanks."

"Hey, if I'm going to go off to a distant planet and mutate into a macho stud beast, then the least I can do is bring my best bud with me!" Kyle bellowed in mirth.

"Stud beast, huh?" Chris said. "Planning to make the ladies feint, are you?"

"Hell yeah. Nothing I want better. In fact that's one of the problems with this process, makes you horny as hell."

"So are there lots of future minotaurettes running around?" Chris pretended to look around, as if he could see through the walls.

Kyle's face fell for a moment. "Well, bud, that's the problem."

"What? No babes?" Chris asked, only partially joking. He suddenly got nervous, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life celibate, he'd just assumed that in creating a new race there'd be men and women, otherwise propagation of the species would get difficult.

Kyle shook his head. "Not yet, bud. We've had a hard time getting chicks to join this project. All the women that want to come to Olympia want to be nymphs or dryads or some such creature. None of them want to be a minotaurette, or cow as we call them in the slang. We haven't gotten any to sign up yet."

"Crap!" Kyle moaned. "I knew there was a catch to this. It sounded to good to be true!"

"Relax though, my friend." Kyle said, patting Chris gently on the shoulder so as not to knock him over, "doc and the higher ups have promised that they're working on a solution to our female volunteer problem. They've promised that before long we'll have cows to satisfy manly needs!"

"You sure?" Chris looked up in hope.

"Guaranteed, I know I couldn't go on, if I weren't sure. I trust these guys. We trust these guys." Kyle grabbed his cock through his shorts. Chris couldn't help noticing that it looked like Kyle's muscles weren't the only things that had grown.

Over the next few days, Chris got acclimated to the new world. Each morning and night he and Kyle took their pills. Kyle was in a later stage so his were black, and Chris' were red. Kyle explained the way of the world. Where they were now was a temporary training camp where they went through the changes. During this time they took classes in minotaur skills. Specifically, outdoor survival skills, hunting, fishing, and other low-tech skills. Kyle's favorite class was axe class where he was learning to use a battle axe. People on Earth hadn't used such weapons seriously in centuries. The few people who had any knowledge of the skill had been imported to train the minotaurs-to be, but a lot of it was trial and error. What would work for a human in terms of tactics wasn't quite the same as for a minotaur. For one thing the physiology of the minotaur made their balance and strength a lot different. Kyle was just starting, and he wouldn't complete the course until some time after the change was complete, because he'd have to work at it in his new form.

Chris' clothes had arrived shortly after he did, and while he continued to bathe himself in the stream behind the shed, and put on clean clothes (or as clean as he could clumsily make them in the stream), Kyle had apparently lost interest in daily bathing. He also didn't change his clothes much, if at all. He complained that he was hot most of the time, and that lots of clothes itched him.

About a week after Chris' arrival, Chris began to notice the heat more too, and so switched to shorts and a tank top. About a day after this, he was surprised to return from bathing to find Kyle eating breakfast naked. "Getting dressed today, Kyle?"

Kyle looked at him quizzically, then looked down at himself. "Damn dude, I forgot. Well, it's damn hot and my pants were getting really tight. I don't have anything bigger, so I think I'll just go au don't mind do you?"

Chris gulped. Mind? It was sorta weird. Sure he'd seen Kyle naked in the locker room, but that was the locker room. This was outdoors. "Uh, I guess not." Kyle did have a point, his pants had been getting a lot tighter lately. There wasn't much Chris could do to argue. As far as supplies they were pretty much on their own. Part of the acclimation process.

"Great bud!" Kyle wiped the crumbs of his meal off the table and stood up.

Chris gulped again. He'd been right. Kyle's muscles weren't the only thing that had grown. The thick hair on his legs continued up and meshed with the bushy black hair of his groin. Nestled snugly in there was a real big cock. Kyle's dick had grown a lot, as had his balls. His balls had to be twice the size that Chris remembered. Not that he'd paid much attention, he wasn't a fag or anything, but you noticed that shit as a teenager growing up.

Chris blinked. "Hey, Kyle? Weren't you circumsized?" Chris realized that Kyle's member had a thick foreskin over it. It was also a lot darker than he remembered. Kyle had had a fair complexion, and while he'd gotten darker skinned, his dick was almost chocolate colored now.

Kyle looked down. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it, paying no attention to the fact that Chris was standing right there in front of him. As the blood flowed into the member, swelling it, the head began to peek out from the foreskin. It was black in color, and Chris couldn't be sure, but he thought a bit oddly shaped. "Well, hot damn! What do you know. It was. I really hadn't noticed. I'd only whipped it out to piss and then I hadn't really looked.

Chris tore his eyes away. Kyle's actions gave him the willies, or something like that, he couldn't place the feeling. But he knew it wasn't good, not bad, but weird. Anyway, even if Kyle was being weird, it still wasn't right for him to go staring at another guy's dick. That was faggy, and liable to get your butt kicked.

Chris grabbed his pills and some apples he'd picked earlier for breakfast. "So what's on your schedule today?" Chris asked.

Kyle looked up and said, "hmm today is fishing again, then trapping." While he was thinking about his schedule and talking, Kyle just kept rubbing his dick. It was sort of creeping Chris out. Kyle was now fully hard, at least 12", he'd probably been 8" flaccid. Chris didn't know which was wigging him out more, Kyle's jacking off in front of him, or the fact that he found this perverse behavior oddly thrilling. He felt his own cock hardening in his pants.

"Damn" Chris whispered. This was too fucking gay. Here he was getting hard, while his friend was jacking off, in such an off hand manner you'd have thought he was picking his nose.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked, giving his dick a bit of a twist as he continued to pull on it with on hand. He started looking through his stuff, trying to find some of his traps. His hand just kept stroking his shaft though.

"Uhm," Chris tried to think, this weird shit was taking his concentration out. "Cooking. In fact I think cleaning fish is on the list. How long did cooking last? I haven't seen you go to it."

"Uhm," Kyle said, turning, Chris could see precum dripping off his bud's dick. "Oh, I didn't take cooking, these are the only classes I've taken so far."

Chris blinked in surprise. "Apparently," Kyle continued, "they want to spread the skill sets out, since there really isn't time or resources to train everyone in everything now, they're training some people in some things and other people in others. How many are in your class?...huh" Kyle had started breathing harder, obviously getting closer.

"Uhm, just me? I haven't seen any one other than you, me and my instructors. Are there others?"

"Yeah....uh...uh...there are 3 other guys in my classes, we all take them together. Shit...." he was definitely breathing harder, at last his concentration seemed to be more on his jacking off, even if he wasn't the least bit self conscious about it. "You're....huh...huh...probably alone because of the time you arrived, no one else in your group." Kyle stopped talking as his concentration filled with his stroking. His right hand stroked his cock, and his left hand squeezed his right nipple tightly. "Ah Ah....uh...Aaaahh" a long stream of cum spewed from Kyle's throbbing cock, all over the floor and the back of the chair he'd been sitting in.

Chris just sat there in amazed silence. He really couldn't get over Kyle's bizarre behavior, even if his own cock was rock hard. After a second Kyle let go of his softening dick, he wiped his sticky hand across his chest, leaving a trail of cum in his thick chest hair. "Well, better get to going. Have a good day!" Kyle grabbed his traps and headed out the door, leaving Chris with his mouth open at the nonchalance of Kyle's action. The guy had spewed all over the place and then just left, leaving the sticky spew to dry on the, admittedly dirt, floor and furniture.

Chris just shook his head. He bit into his apple, and rubbed his cock through his shorts.

Chris was really starting to get that pumped feeling. He could literally feel his body filling out. He'd been here two weeks and in that time, he estimated that he'd grown about 4" in height. He used to be about 5'9" Now he guessed himself to be about 6'1" It was hard to tell because Kyle kept growing too, and was still a lot taller.

Chris' arm and leg muscles had swollen, as had his pecs. Nothing like Kyle, or even Kyle when Chris had arrived, but he was still 2 weeks from where Kyle was when he got here. And like Kyle said, Chris was horny most of the time. He had some free time when Kyle was at axe class and he'd jack off, but he refused to do like Kyle and jack off in front of his roommate.

Overall, Chris was really happy with the changes. He'd never felt better. He still hadn't started the same classes as Kyle, but he was enjoying his own classes. Shelter building, cooking, tool making, pottery. Lots of craft type skills. Chris had never gone in for such stuff before, but here it was pretty cool. The only thing he felt slightly disappointed about was the fact that his cock wasn't growing that fast.

After Kyle had started going bare, Chris couldn't help but notice Kyle's member swinging in the breeze as Kyle marched around. It continued to grow, in fact, about a week ago, while Kyle was eating breakfast and jacking off, as was his usual practice, Chris couldn't help but notice that the extra skin around Kyle's dick had started to grow. Chris knew it was unnatural, but he couldn't help noticing how it appeared that the extra skin on Kyle's dick was growing up his abdomen, splitting his pubic hair down the middle. It's like his now very black dick was attaching itself to his stomach. His dick had to be at least 10" long flaccid, and his balls about three times the size of Chris' and hanging low on his thick, hairy thighs.

Chris found himself watching Kyle, fascinated by the changes he knew he'd soon be going through. Sort of like, this is going to be me soon. It gave him a real thrill. Thus writing it off, as medical curiosity about his future, Chris finally got over his anxiety about watching Kyle strut around naked and jacking off. It was this observation however, that caused him to be a bit depressed. While his dick had gotten a bit darker, it hadn't gotten any longer yet. Plus the fact that his hands were definitely getting bigger combined to make it look like his dick wasn't even keeping up with his body's growth.

Three weeks in, he woke to hear Kyle chopping wood outside. Chris got up and scratched. The last couple days, he'd given up bathing. Kyle's stench more than overwhelmed any odor Chris might exude, plus it was just such a hassle. He walked out to see what Kyle was up to.

Kyle was chopping wood with a giant chopping axe. Chris was pretty sure it was more for the exercise than the need for wood. Chris had to stop for a moment as he got a good profile look of Kyle. It was odd how he'd gotten so used to Kyle's changes on a daily basis that he didn't even notice the significant ones.

In profile, Chris could see that, while he'd continued to grow, Kyle had really changed in other ways too. Chris could now clearly see that Kyle's brow was a lot heavier, thicker, and his nose was rather turned up, so the nostrils were almost pointing straight out from his face. The bridge of his nose was also widening, his eyes slowly getting further apart. Normally, looking up at Kyle he hadn't noticed this. His jaw had also thrust forward a bit. Clearly Kyle had the beginning of a bull's snout.

Kyle's back muscles were also hugely swelled. His deltoids were huge and almost over-muscled. His proportions were definitely odd. His thighs were hugely thick and muscular, but their top, and Kyle's waist were very slim and trim, very narrow compared the rest of him. The only exception was a rather large bump growing at the top of Kyle's butt, a tail starting, Chris wondered. As his eyes trailed down, purposefully ignoring Kyle's 14" flaccid cock crawling nearly to his belly button, before drooping away from his body, and the big round balls resting on his thighs, Chris suddenly realized Kyle was standing on the balls of his feet, while he chopped. He heels were about 6" off the ground. Kyle had always had big feet, but now they seemed extra long.

Chris stepped on a branch, causing it to snap. Kyle stopped his chopping by whacking the axe hard into a log. He wiped his brow and turned to face Chris. "Good morning bud! Ready for breakfast?" Kyle started coming toward the house for breakfast.

"Yep, just heard you out here, wanted to see what was up." Chris replied.

"Just exercising my muscles, gotta keep active." As he walked, Chris suddenly noticed water dripping between Kyle's legs. Suddenly a stream of water appeared. Chris blinked. A stream of piss was rapidly starting to spout from Kyle's dick as he walked. He'd just started peeing as he walked, still talking. He hadn't even bothered to grab his dick to point the flow, he'd just let it go as if he didn't realize it was happening.

"Working out, sure makes me hungry? Does it you?" Kyle asked, continuing to pee as he walked past Chris toward the door as if nothing untoward were happening.

"Uh yeah, sure." Chris turned to follow. As the got to the door, Kyle's stream had dribbled away to nothing, and he just continued into the house. At least he wasn't pissing in the house, Chris thought.

Kyle grabbed some dried beef that Chris had brought back from his cooking class last night, and started chomping down. Chris made himself a salad. He cooked meat and fish all the time in cooking class, but lately, he really preferred just eating vegetables. He still ate some fruit too, but lettuce and other veggies, he'd been learning to forage for just generally sounded better. As Kyle chowed down, Chris realized he hadn't ever tried any of the dried or salted meats he'd been learning about. He hadn't had any meat since that one fish he had from the huge pile Kyle brought home last week.

As Kyle began nearing the end of the pile of dried meat, his left hand crept below the table, where Chris knew he was going at it again. Chris had given up trying to clean the mess up. Consequently there was dried Kyle cum all over the place, especially on Kyle. Chris just shook his head.

Two weeks after Kyle's first walking piss, Chris had finally gotten used to Kyle just pissing where ever he pleased, at least he didn't do it in the house. Kyle never mentioned it, and in fact acted if nothing about it was odd. At least he was still squatting over the hole to crap, Chris thought, although he had a sneaking suspicion the guy wasn't using TP anymore.

By this point, though, Chris had given up caring. Kyle was definitely turning into a real bull. Chris couldn't help but be fascinated. He could watch Kyle working out for hours. Chris worked out hard too, but he kept his eyes on Kyle so he'd know the changes that were to come for him.

Kyle's nose was now very upturned, and his mouth and nose definitely formed a snout, his nostrils were getting quite large. The problem with this was that Kyle was getting a bit hard to understand, obviously bull lips weren't great for human speech. Kyle's tail had also come in. There was no question, the tail was actually pretty broad at the top and narrowed quickly. Currently it reached to his knees.

Chris was fascinated by it, it was odd, how Kyle would be talking and all of the sudden his tail would whip around and swap a fly resting on his chest. The other thing is that Kyle now walked all the time on the balls of his feet. His feet had continued to lengthen, until they were almost as long as his shins. This had added a lot to his height, he was now about 9' tall. Very impressive, Chris estimated he must weigh on the order of 450 lbs, at least, maybe more.

And much to Chris' annoyance, he couldn't help but notice that Kyle's cock had also continued to grow. It was now about a foot and a half long when flaccid and over two feet long and nearly 6" wide when erect. It was awesome. Chris didn't know why it fascinated him so much. It was really sick he knew, but he just couldn't wait to have a cock that big.

Perhaps that was the problem. While he himself had continued to grow, although he still didn't think he was quite as big as Kyle was at this stage, his penis was still the same size. That made it appear even smaller on his body. He'd asked the doctor, but the doctor had assured him that the metamorphosis was different for everyone, not all bodies changed in exactly the same manner.

As Chris got out of bed, he heard a ripping sound. Crap! His pants had ripped, this was the second pair. His thighs and butt were just too big for his shorts. To hell with it He ripped them off, along with his underwear. If Kyle could go naked, then so could he. He took his shirt off too. It had really started to itch anyway, and it really irritated his nipples.

As he stretched he got a good look at his body. This was really the first time he'd seen himself naked since he stopped bathing. His legs were getting burly, and very hairy. Although, they did appear to be a lot finer hairs than Kyle's. Kyle's had been thick and curly, while Chris' were thick, but fine and laid very flat on his skin. His eyes followed the hair up to his groin. It had definitely gotten hairier. Like he knew, his dick hadn't gotten ANY bigger, at least lengthwise, it was definitely wider around though, so that was something. It also appeared to be a bit lower, almost between his legs now. His balls hadn't grown much either, they were probably half again as big, but rather than hanging low, like on Kyle, they were practically glued to his groin. They hugged his crotch very tightly. He had to walk with his legs sort of spread to keep from squashing them. That really hurt.

Fortunately, he guessed, his hips had widened a bit to accommodate his newly massive thighs and the package between. While he was still quite a bit smaller than Kyle, his hips were already the same width as Kyle's. They'd probably be bigger in the long run. At least his stomach was tight, tighter than in years.

His chest had definitely grown. His chest muscles were quite heavy, as was all his upper body. While quite firm, Chris did note that they had more epidermal fat than the rest of his body. Probably needed more axe work. When would his axe classes start? The only real concern he had was his nipples, they'd swollen quite a bit. He remembered that in puberty, they'd gotten a small lump under one of them, and grown a bit, but that lump had gone away. Unfortunately, the bump had returned, under both nipples this time, and the aureoles had grown considerably. They were probably an inch and a half in diameter and were very puffy. Bitch Tits is what the guys in the weight room had called such nipples. Usually they came about as a result of steroid use by body builders.

Embarrassing, but what the hell, this was sort of like puberty all over again. Chris shook his head as he shoved his old clothes under the bed. Kyle came into the room.

"Hey buddhh!" Kyle lisped in his usual booming voice. "Ffinally giffing up on clothes?"

Chris smiled and turned. "Yep." He noted with a slight surprise, that Kyle had what appeared to be two little horns protruding from his temples. Kyle smiled as much as he could these days. Originally on the ship, Chris had thought the minotaurs were an ugly lot, facially, but Chris had become rather fascinated with Kyle's features, and found them to be actually rather attractive. In a masculine sort of way that was.

"Ethellen, I haff a hunthing trip wifth the guys and will be gone for a week or so. You be othay here?" Kyle had started jacking himself off, as usual.

Chris tore his eyes away from the ritual and said, "sure."

"Greath! By the way," he said walking up to Chris. "I thinkh you'll be mutch happier as nathure inthended." To Chris' shock and surprise, Kyle reached out a giant hand and stroked one of Chris' puffy nipples. "Don't fight the urges, they're for thurvival." Chris thought he would faint. The sensation was almost too much. Chris felt something wet hit him in the chest. He looked away from Kyle's eyes to find Kyle's cum drizzling down between his pecs.

Kyle turned and headed out the door as if nothing had happened.

During the week of Kyle's trip, Chris had no idea what to think. Kyle's behavior just kept getting more outrageous. Of course his own wasn't much better. After Kyle had left, Chris went to wipe Kyle's come off his chest. He was preoccupied thinking of the odd tingly sensation that had run through him when Kyle had stroked his nipple. With a start, he suddenly realized he hadn't wiped the cum off, but rather spread it in a trail down his stomach.

As if that wasn't bad enough, he realized that without thinking about it, he'd scooped a bunch of the come up and had begun smearing it all over his own dick. However, rather than jerking his dick normally, he was just rubbing it intensely. He found himself grinding his cum dripping hand into his dick and balls, smashing them against his crotch and rubbing his dick and balls between his hand and the area between his legs. What was wrong with him?

At least things were following course, Kyle had started publicly masturbating himself on the same day he got rid of his clothes, and now Chris was doing the same. Of course, he'd managed to go a lot longer in clothes. He'd only quit because his pants had ripped and his nipples were too sensitive.

Over the week, it was almost a relief to have Kyle gone. Chris had hoped to use the free time to analyze his weird fixation, but all he ended up doing was masturbating. His hormones were really on high. Of course, part of it was because he'd found this new way to masturbate, that for whatever reason was much more satisfying that the old way. He tried the old way again, and while it was OK, it didn't seem as good as it used to, and the new way was just so much better.

When he masturbated this way, he also found that pulling on his nipples felt good. At first, he'd started by just rubbing them, but then he discovered that twisting and pinching felt really good as did pulling them. This horniness was getting to be something. Of course, he knew the drugs made you horny, and it was a natural male behavior, so he finally got over it, what did bother him was that while masturbating he kept thinking of Kyle masturbating as well. Very weird, he hoped he wasn't going gay. Although, with a lack of females, that would probably not be a totally bad thing.

The masturbating seemed to accelerate the changes. By the end of the week, he'd gained a good inch in height, he was nearing 7' tall now, still over two and a half feet shorter than Kyle, but... His nipples were even puffier now, probably because he was playing with them so much. His dick also seemed wider, and even lower yet between his legs.

Chris was preparing his salad when Kyle returned, he hadn't eaten meat in over a week and a half, the last time he tried it had almost made him sick. He still prepared game that Kyle brought home, but he didn't eat it.

"Ahm home!" Kyle bellowed. Chris jumped, startled.

He turned around with a smile. His eyes widened as he saw the two huge boar like creatures Kyle had hanging on poles over his shoulders. "Welcome back!" Chris replied in his own bellowing voice, not quite as resonant though.

"Buuurrrrrpp" Kyle pushed his chair back from the table, while Chris removed the plates from in front of him. It had taken him a while to get the boar cleaned and cut up into chunks, but fortunately, Kyle ate his meat rare so cooking didn't take too long. Chris prepared a third of the boar for Kyle and some salad as well, but Kyle barely touched the salad.

As the chair slid back, Chris noted that Kyle's toes had fused together. He now had only two large toes on each foot. It looked like his little toes had fused together and his big toe had grown. Chris was fascinated. Kyle's tail idly swished around his ankles as he leaned back in the chair. "Mmmmhhh, that wath good!" Kyle said staring into Chris' eyes.

Chris looked up, "thanks." He also noted that the small horns had grown and were now nearly 3" long each. Kyle speech was remarkably good, given how his snout was forming. Kyle's hand stroked his belly, drawing Chris' attention. Chris realized that Kyle's cock was swelling up from it's sheath. God it was big, Chris thought. Chris figured that Kyle was going to start masturbating.

He really should finish picking up the dishes, he thought to himself, but he just wanted to see if Kyle's cock had gotten any larger. Chris watched Kyle's cock harden, thick and heavily veined it was majorly impressive, unlike his own. Chris' eyes were caught again by Kyle stroking his chest between his massively muscled pecs. He couldn't believe how hairy Kyle's chest was, thick and mat like. Chris' own chest hair had come in, but like the rest of his minotaur hair, it was fine and close to the skin, not the tangled mess that Kyle had.

Chris noted that Kyle also had large nipples, but they weren't as large as Chris'. Chris' chest was smaller than the massive mounds that Kyle had, but his nipples were proportionally almost twice as big. While Kyle's nipples were probably an inch and half in diameter, Chris' were nearing three inches. Chris raised his eyes to Kyle's snout and then his piercing eyes. Kyle was staring intently in to Chris' eyes. "What?" Chris asked.


Chris couldn't hear well. "What?" he edged closer.

"Here," Kyle said, his eyes dropped down to his giant cock, starting to drip with precum. He looked back to Chris.

Chris was puzzled. "What?" Kyle nodded to his cock again. Chris looked down at the cock, he suddenly knew what Kyle wanted. "NO! Man....I....I'm not gay!" Chris protested, but he couldn't tear his eyes from it, it was almost mesmerizing. Chris could see it almost throbbing.

"Come on, do it, for me bud....." Kyle said in a whisper, or as much of a whisper as he could manage.

Chris shook his head, " can't."

"Do it." Kyle said more forcefully. Chris caught a scent from Kyle, he couldn't place, but he sensed passion, anger, lust...? Danger! Chris rubbed his own cock, tight against his crotch. Kyle reached out with his other hand and grabbed Chris by the arm, dragging him down to his knees.

Chris was now about six inches from the throbbing bull meat. It was huge! What was he going to do? Even if he wanted to...and he was torn on surely wouldn't fit. He stared at it, rapt. Kyle's hand came to the back of his head. "uhh" Kyle forced Chris' face on to his cock. The odor! Chris couldn't believe the stench of Kyle's crotch, what was it? It made his own dick and balls ache in frustration. Chris couldn't help it. He opened his lips and gently sucked on the tip....

"Yeah babhy..." Kyle moaned. Chris stuck his tongue out and tasted the precum. He expected it to taste bad, horrible. It wasn't. It was bit sour, but also sweet, tangy, sort of like the odor. He opened his mouth wider, trying to engulf the head. It was all he could do to open wide enough.

Suddenly it was in his throat and he choked. Kyle had shoved his head down on it. It was hitting the back of his throat, but he barely had any of the length in. Kyle grabbed both sides of his head and began moving it up and down, roughly, on his cock. God, he's using me! thought Chris. Like a sex toy! Shit! Chris couldn't get over it, his best bud was fucking his throat. It pissed him off, it humiliated him. It hurt! He couldn't help it, but his tongue twisted around trying to lick the monster within his mouth. His left hand rested on Kyle's massive thighs, while his right reached between his legs to rub his dick and balls hard into his crotch, grinding.

Within almost no time it seemed, Chris felt Kyle's monstrous cock pulsating in his mouth, expanding, if possible and then contracting. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe, a thick cloying liquid was coating the back of his throat! Kyle was pumping jism down his throat. He felt his own cock throb in response, his hand dripping his dick's watery cum. Within less than a minute, Kyle was done, his cock relaxing and falling from Chris' lips. Kyle looked down at Chris, who stared up with a glazed expression. Kyle's fingers reached down, catching the bit of his cum drooling from Chris' parted lips. He stuck his finger in Chris mouth, rubbing it against the inside of his cheek, ensuring he got all the come. Kyle smiled, sighed and stood up and walked over to his bed, leaving Chris staring blankly after.

The next morning Chris woke with the sun, as usual, but decided to stay in bed until after Kyle left. He felt too humiliated to face Kyle this morning. He'd been used like some sort of sex toy. He just couldn't believe it. Actually, he couldn't decide which was more shocking, Kyle asking/demanding that he do it, or the fact that he'd felt the urge to comply, and even enjoyed it. He felt sick inside, yet even so, his mind kept replaying the event over and over again and kept coming up with other variations. Variations he didn't even want to consider. He hoped he wasn't turning gay. That would suck...argh...Chris winced at his unintentional pun.

As he laid there with his eyes shut, he heard someone come to the door.

"Shh..." someone said softly, the doctor?

"Wha..." asked Kyle, as quietly as he could. Chris heard Kyle moving to the doorway,

"Is he sleeping?" the doctor asked.

"Loox soo" Kyle mumbled.

Chris had to strain to hear what they were saying. "I've come to give you guys booster shots."

"Boosher shozz? I thought all we neethed wahs pihls affer firs shoht?" Kyle mumbled back.

"We've been doing some research. Unfortunately our plan for type II cow candidates is not working as planned. While, obviously we are getting more type II's than type I's, which was none, we still aren't getting enough. At the current rate there is no way we can establish racial viability within the scheduled time line. There just won't be enough cows to go around, and consequently not enough calves to get the population level up to a plateau point.

"Whah we gonna do?" Kyle asked, his voice showing some concern.

"We've decided to alter the basic structure for our cows. As you recall, originally we'd envisioned the minotaur cows being nearly identical to the bulls, except for female humanoid characteristics and the obvious reproductive organs. This meant that, like human women, and real cows for that matter, they would have only one calf at a time. Obviously without a sufficient number of cows, we need to up the calf to cow ratio."


"Exactly, like dogs or cats, the cows will have to give birth to multiple calves at a time. Of course, the current minotaur cow physiology makes this impractical on a regular basis. The solution we decided on was this: while it is true that a human woman is physically adapted to a single child, and a normal cow to a single calf, given that a minotaur calf is not that much larger than a human child, an actual cow sized creature could birth multiple minotaur calves. Thus we have made changes to the minotaur cow physiology, increasing the bovine nature so to speak to accommodate multiple births. Of course, this requires modifications to the entire minotaur DNA, not just that of the cows. Thus the booster shots."

Chris heard nothing for a moment as Kyle pondered the doctor's words. Chris wasn't sure what to make of them. Apparently the female minotaur problem wasn't going away any time soon. He wasn't sure what that boded for him. Would a lack of females increase Kyle's tendency to satisfy his lust with Chris? While that was obviously a bad thing, Chris couldn't help feel a bit of a tingle in his groin at the thought. Of course he wasn't sure how the proposed changes could possibly help recruit more women to the project, if anything, it would serve to further drive them away. It seemed like it would rather suck to be a minotaur cow, after these new changes. Of course, maybe these type II women were classified that way because they found major mutations a turn on? What was a type II cow candidate anyway? assuming a type I was a normal woman.

"This one is yours." The doctor told Kyle. There was a pause while the doctor injected Kyle. "And now for Chris." Chris heard the doctor quietly walk up to him. Obviously trying not to wake him. Well it was too late now, might as well continued to pretend to sleep. Chris felt the slight tickling sensation of the laser hypo and a little numbness that was normal.

"All set." The doctor whispered as he tip toed out. Chris heard Kyle leaving with the doctor.

Chris stumbled to his bed after his second class of the day. His stomach was killing him. Apparently that booster shot had side effects similar to the first shot. He'd thrown up twice walking back from the class. Shortly after laying down, Kyle came home.

"Hey Buhd!" Kyle said cheerily as he entered.

Chris stared up at Kyle's face, groaning slightly. "I'm going to barf. Are you feeling OK?"

Kyle looked at him for a second, then made as much of a shrugging motion as he could with his over muscled shoulders and short thick neck. "Lithle sthomach ache bud thad all. Nohthing bad. Don't worry ah'll get my own dinnah."

For some reason, the side effects seemed worse this time. Kyle spent most of the next few days in bed, or throwing up. Finally after nearly four days he felt good enough to get up and get around. Fortunately, while he was sick, Kyle had brought him some water to keep him hydrated. He'd also brought food, but the only thing he'd been able to keep down was some tall grass that Kyle brought from a nearby field.

Chris slowly rotated on the bed, putting his feet down and getting to his feet. As he stood, he suddenly realized he was standing on the balls of his feet. He tried to put his heels down, and found himself falling back on the bed. He stood again and leaning on the bed with one hand for support, he examined his feet. His feet were now nearly a foot long and the main bone had gotten bigger, more like a shin bone. His small toes were still there, but they felt awfully stiff, and the skin looked scaly.

He was still looking at his feet as Kyle came in. Kyle came in surprisingly quietly and quickly. Before he could stand up, Kyle had his hand on Chris' rear end, his little finger resting in the crack. "Feehlin bedder?" Kyle asked.

The touch of Kyle's huge hand on his ass was certainly a feeling! He felt his cock hardening between his legs. He didn't know why it excited him so much, it should have repulsed him. "Uhm yeah, I'm feeling bedder." Chris smacked his lips, his mouth felt funny, not quite as flexible, and his tongue felt swollen. He stood up, hoping Kyle would remove his hand. To his dismay, Kyle's hand only slid up a bit further, rubbing on a sore spot over his tail bone.

"I feel your dail coming in!" Kyle said, rubbing the bump. "Your gonna haff a nice piece of dail! heh heh"

"Very funny," Chris grimaced at Kyle's joke. He turned to face Kyle and blinked. Kyle's horns were now quite long, over 8" long, curving up from his temples. His nose had broadened significantly, his eyes nearly on the side of his head. His eyeballs had grown huge as well, they had to be twice the size they had been. Kyle's short, but thick beard now covered his entire jaw and cheek bones and was crawling up the bridge of his nose.

Chris was so caught up in looking at Kyle's changes that he didn't notice Kyle's hand coming around to his chest until he felt a tugging. Looking down, he drew his breath as he saw that his nipples had continued to grow. The aureoles were about the same diameter, but the nipples themselves had risen, getting thicker, about the size of his old, "human" index finger and protruding from the center of the aureoles about an inch. Kyle was tugging on them. "Hey man!" Chris pulled back. Kyle just looked at him. "Uhm, I gotta go crap." Chris said hastily and fled the house.

It was hard to walk fast on the balls of his feet, it took some getting used to, but eventually he made it to the woods behind the house, where he could rest in peace. What was up with Kyle? Kyle was definitely going gay. There was no way around it. Playing with Chris' nipples, stroking his ass, making Chris go down on him. Shit, Kyle's behavior combined with the thoughts and fantasies Chris had been having were making things clear. Minotaurs were all gay. Crap, no wonder there were no women! They didn't want any. What was he going to do? He didn't want to be gay. He'd signed up to be a burly he-bull, putting it to the she-cows!

There wasn't much he could do, he could feel his dick throbbing, he was definitely turning fruit too. He rubbed his dick. Damn! He looked down, his dick and balls were almost completely between his thighs. His cock head pointed straight down. It looked really short too, about three to four inches in diameter and only inch or so high. Shit, a fairy bull with a dinky weany! Could things get any worse? Chris put his face in his hands, trying not to cry.

His nose was definitely turning, his nostrils felt huge, nearly an inch in diameter each and were almost flat with his mouth. Chris realized that his nose was also wider and that he now had a perceivable snout. Apparently during the dizzy spell, his metamorphosis had really progressed.

Chris waited about an hour outside before finally returning. He eventually decided it was getting late, and he was hungry. He needed to make dinner for Kyle and himself. Chris went back inside to see Kyle whittling something while sitting on his bed. Without saying anything, Chris began arranging things on the table to cook dinner.

He was chopping the meat for Kyle's shish-kebob when he heard the floor board creaking with Kyle's approach. He didn't turn, hoping Kyle would go back to his business and not say or do anything. Kyle stopped right behind him, he could feel Kyle's breath on his neck. A slight tickling from the middle of his back told him that Kyle was getting aroused again. Crap!

"Don'd be madd at me, Chris. It's insdincd. We are pard animal now, we have to go wihth our feehlins." Kyle's left hand crept around to gently cup Chris' left pec, his thumb and forefinger grasping Chris' nipple. Chris gasped in pleasure and paused what he was doing. Slowly, Kyle's right hand came around Chris' waist, reaching down to his groin. Lower...lower...there! Kyle's big beefy hand was cupping Chris' cock and balls.

"You giff me pleashure, I giff you pleashure." Kyle breathed huskily in Chris' ear. Chris could feel Kyle's monstrous cock pushing against his lower back, Kyle's giant balls dragging over the bump of Chris' proto-tail. God it felt good. Kyle began, slowly at first, rubbing his right hand back and forth over Chris' cock and balls, just like when Chris masturbated. Oh...the touch of another on his felt so good.

Chris moaned as Kyle began stroking his left nipple like it was a small cock. Almost like a milking motion. Kyle's rubbing hand was getting harder and harder, crushing Chris' equipment into his crotch. It should have hurt, but it felt incredible. Chris could feel the slimy trail of precum from Kyle's cock on his back, even as he could feel Kyle's hand getting wetter and wetter with Chris' very copious, but watery precum.

Chris felt Kyle bend down lower. Suddenly, Chris felt Kyle's mouth and tongue nibbling? mawing at his neck and trapezoids, gently biting him. Kyle's cock slipped below Chris' tail and began rubbing up and down in the crack of his ass. It was too much, Chris' moaned loudly as he felt his cock shuddering.

His orgasm set Kyle off, his dick throbbed and Chris felt cum coating his inner thighs. Even at this moment, at the height of both their orgasms, Kyle shoved hard against Chris cock and balls. POP!

Chris gasped! The pop was more felt than heard. Kyle had shoved so hard on his balls that they'd popped up inside Chris' groin. Agghh, it hurt. "Uhhhhh, aaagghhh" Chris moaned. It wasn't a sharp pain, but dull ache, a fullness in his groin that throbbed.

"What? What did you do?" Chris asked in horror as he stepped out of Kyle's arms. Kyle just looked at him in puzzlement. Chris stuck his hand down between his legs, feeling for his balls. His tightened scrotum was empty. He rubbed his crotch and felt a small indention where his balls must have popped inside. "Shit man!, you shoved my balls up inside!"

Kyle blinked. "Shid, sorry buhd. I dithn't mean to. Does it hurt?"

"Hurt? It did, now it just sort of aches." Crap.

"I'm sure ids OK, didn't you ever haff your balls go up in your groin before when you were little?" Kyle asked.

"What?" Chris asked for a second, thinking back to his child hood, and to biology? Yeah, he guessed, when he first started whacking off, he'd sometimes been able to push his balls up into his groin. That's where they descended from, after birth, if he recalled his biology.

"I'm shure they'll come bahck down." Kyle tried to pat Chris on the shoulder, but Chris moved away.

Chris glared at Kyle for a moment. "Let's just fix dinner," he turned back to the table trying to resume cooking and put the ache in his groin out of his mind.

Over the next week, Chris kept hoping his balls would re-descend. Unfortunately, they didn't show any inclination to do so. In fact, the hole area was looking rather swollen. The tissue in his crotch, now beside and behind his cock, seemed to have gotten inflamed and puffy. It didn't hurt, but it was a cause of concern. He wanted to ask the doctor, but hadn't seen him since the booster shots.

During that week, Kyle seemed truly sorry. He didn't talk about it, but he was on better behavior. He wasn't jacking off all the time, at least not in Chris' presence. However, that also had its consequences. Chris could see that Kyle was getting antsy. While he tried to be nice, it was clear that his temper was thin and he seemed on edge. Chris was pretty sure it was the un-released sexual tension building up. He didn't know what to do about it though. He didn't want to do anything to encourage Kyle, but he didn't want him suffering 'blue balls' because of him.

By the end of the week, Kyle was really looking like a minotaur. There was no question that his feet were now hooves, and that his foot bones were now lower leg bones. His cock seemed to have pretty much maxed out at about 2 ½ feet erect and 18" flaccid. His balls rested low upon his thighs, which regularly rubbed together when he walked. He was about 10' tall, and could stretch his legs, increasing his height by almost a foot. His horns were quite intimidating, and his eyes seemed to glare from the side of his head. Occasionally during conversation, Chris would notice Kyle turning his head sideways to watch him out of only one eye.

Kyle regularly worked out, his muscles gleaming with sweat underneath their thick mat of hair. Chris no longer noticed Kyle's body odor on a regular basis, but it was omnipresent and he was now able to correlate Kyle's mood with changes in the scent. Chris continued to observe Kyle closely, trying to see the changes he'd be undergoing. Surprisingly, Kyle's diction didn't seem to be getting much worse. He'd pretty much leveled off. Apparently he'd also been practicing a lot too.

Unfortunately, the comment the doctor had made about different people reacting differently was coming close to home. Chris was still growing in height, the transformation of his feet ensured that, but he was at least a foot shorter than Kyle had been at the same stage. Further while Chris had put on a lot of breadth in his shoulders and chest, he'd put more girth in his chest and rib cage area than Kyle had at the same time, and less in the shoulders.

Whereas Kyle's massive thighs rubbed together all the time, Chris' nearly equally massive thighs seemed to spread with his hips. Consequently, his thighs didn't rub as tightly together. This sort of concerned Chris, because his ass seemed a lot wider than he thought it should be. His tail bump now looked like that of a dog who'd had its tail clipped, except for a little patch of fur on the end. His nipples seemed to have slowed down a bit though. His aureoles seemed to have maxed at about 3 ½" but the nipples had continued to grow a bit. There was no question that they were now a good 2 ½" long and ½" thick. His pecs were also a lot softer than he thought they should be, but not too bad.

Toward the end of the week, Chris was standing near the fire, cooking Kyle's supper when he felt water spilling on his left foot. Looking down, Chris was shocked to see that a stream of piss was pouring out of his cock. Because of it's location and angle, it was going straight down. Damn, well he knew from Kyle's experience that it was bound to happen. At least he was actually further along then Kyle when he lost his bladder control. Still it was unnerving.

When Chris brought the food in, Kyle looked up and smiled. Kyle's nostril's flared and he got sort of an odd look in his eye as Chris walked in. Chris was puzzled, he sniffed the air, the food smelled about the same as usual, the only other thing he could detect beyond his and Kyle's normal body odor was a bit of stench from the urine that had splashed on his leg and foot. Odd.

All through dinner, Kyle was fidgety. He didn't say much and seemed uncomfortable. Chris didn't say anything, writing it off to Kyle's increasingly irritable temperament. Chris cleaned up afterwards as usual while Kyle made arrows for his new bow. Having nothing else to do, he went to bed.

Chris had the oddest dream. He dreamt that his mother was trying to force him to eat a giant ice cream cone, nearly smothering him in the process. It was really freaky and Chris woke with a start. Suddenly he realized he was being smothered and someone was trying to shove something down his mouth.

He struggled with all his might, but it was no good, something very strong and heavy was pinning him down. "Uggh" Chris managed to murmur as something large wormed its way into his mouth. Cock! It was a huge dick forcing its way down his throat. Kyle! It was Kyle laying on top of him pinning him down. Kyle's thighs were on his chest and his legs pinning Chris' arms. Kyle was trying to fuck Chris' face.

The giant cock forced his mouth open, in it came, relentless. Chris thought he'd gag, but somehow he didn't. He felt the giant cock filling his mouth, stretching it, probing to the back. It hit the back of his mouth. Chris felt Kyle's hands reach down and adjust his head. Suddenly the cock was sliding down his throat, nearly choking him! How could that thing fit?

Chris felt his nose tickled by Kyle's pubic hair. My God! Chris thought, somehow, he'd gotten at least 18" down Chris' throat. He could feel it, filling his mouth, his throat, thumping in the top of his chest! Why wasn't he gagging?

Once all the way in, Kyle started pumping. In and out. Using Chris' mouth and throat as a pussy. How could this be, that thing was huge? Kyle's balls bounced on the bottom of his chin. That explained some of it, his nose and mouth now protruded almost 8" from his face, making the inside of his mouth a foot long, combined with his throat, Kyle had a lot of flesh tunnel to fuck.

Harder and harder Kyle fucked Chris' face. Chris took gasping breaths between thrusts. For some reason, the terrifying experience was turning him on. He could feel precum coating the inside of his thighs. He wiggled his arm a bit and managed to get his hand to his crotch. He pushed aside some of the swollen flesh of his crotch to rub the nub that his cock had become.

Suddenly Kyle snorted, like the bull he'd become, Chris felt his throat stretch as Kyle's cock expanded, throbbing to release its load in his throat. Right down into his gullet. After a few moments of spasming, Kyle's tense body relaxed, he lowered himself a bit, resting, his softening cock slowly retreating up Chris' throat.

After about 15 minutes, Kyle got up and went back to his own bed without saying anything. Chris simply laid where he was. Still in shock. Apparently Kyle's urges had overwhelmed him. Chris should have known better. Kyle was, as he'd said, part animal, he had needs. As did Chris. Chris rubbed his cock nub, thinking about Kyle's attack, replaying it in his mind. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.

Kyle never mentioned his midnight raid, but he quickly resumed his morning and evening masturbations. Chris was happy enough, it kept Kyle's lust at bay, and Chris had sort of missed watching Kyle get off. Another week passed as Chris watched his toes fuse into a hoof. His big toe became one half of the hoof and his small toes the other. It was really pretty freaky watching the skin grow together and harden.

Chris' had also developed the same lisp that Kyle had. It was very hard to talk with a snout, and his tongue felt like it was a mile long and weighed a ton. After a while, one almost didn't notice the lisp, especially with the scents to help judge mood and context. His mouth had certainly lengthened, but he hadn't yet grown any more teeth, so they were spreading out a bit, especially between the molars and his incisors. Combined with his more rubbery lips and differently shaped pallet, he had to work at pronunciation.

The only downside was that Chris often felt somewhat nauseous in the mornings lately. He wasn't quite sure what the problem was. It wasn't just the morning cramps, but he seemed to be having an awful lot of stomach problems lately, belching, nausea, all sorts of maladies.

Toward the end of the week, Kyle was out hunting overnight. Chris lay in his bed. He lightly rubbed his nipples, enjoying the sensation. His hand traced its way down his chest and stomach making for his cock. As his hand passed over his groin, he felt a sudden tingling in one area. Surprised he moved his hand back to the area. He felt a small lump in his groin region. When he rubbed it, it felt rather pleasant. Moving his hand around, he found three other such areas, four in all. They were sort of arranged in a square pattern, the lowest row about where his cock used to be.

This was weird. He played with the bumps for a while and then moved on to his cock. The swollen flesh between his legs now enfolded his cock. The crease of his crotch caused the swollen flesh to fold over his cock and scrotum area. He parted the folds of flesh and began rubbing the nub. It felt really good. He'd found that he could now go on for hours doing this. He'd reach peaks where his breath would become ragged and sweat would break out, almost like an orgasm, but then he'd calm a bit and continue, only to reach another such peak a little while later. He hadn't had a real, final like, orgasm in over a week. He didn't miss them though, the peaks were every bit as good as his old orgasms.

During the next week, the bumps continued to enlarge. When he bent his head to look, not a trivial task with the thick muscles of his neck, they appeared pinkish in color. He also noted that his pubic hair had thinned around the peaks. The area around the peaks look rather pale compared to the rest of his skin, the hair was a fairer. That area also seemed rather puffy, even more swollen than the area between his legs.

One evening, they'd finished dinner early and Kyle had sat down on his bed sideways, and started jerking off. Chris no longer made any pretense of not watching him. As Kyle started stroking his cock, Chris reached between his legs and began rubbing his own cock. Chris noted that Kyle had rotated his head a bit to stare with one eye right between Chris' legs. They were both getting off on watching each other.

To hell with it, Chris thought. He didn't care if it made them gay. This was way too much fun to get hung up on such things. They both kept rubbing and stroking, eventually Kyle began to spew. When he did Chris reached a sharp peak and pushed his fingers sharply between his legs.

His eyes widened!. His finger tips had passed over his cock in the excitement and hit the indentation where his balls had disappeared. Freak! There was a hole there! He explored it with his fingers. It was narrow and didn't go too deep before it became too tight for his fingers, but it was there. What the hell was happening? Chris' sweat turned cold on his body.

Throughout the next day, Chris withheld from jacking off. He tried not to think about the hole and what it might mean. He was hunched over in his garden when he felt an odd rumbling in his bowels. He stopped what he was doing. Damn stomach problems!

Suddenly, Chris felt his tail, now a foot long, raise in the air! His eyes widened slightly as he felt his bowels move sharply. His sphincter muscles seemed to have a mind of their own. Chris tried to clamp down, knowing what was coming, but it did no good. Thump. Thud. Chris looked behind his legs, already knowing what he'd see.

Two large turds were sitting on the ground behind him. As he watched, he felt his sphincter open again, and another turd was deposited on the ground. Shit! Literally. Not only had he lost bladder control, like Kyle, but he'd lost control of his bowels as well. As far as he knew, Kyle still had complete control of his bowels. Chris had never seen Kyle take an unprepared dump.

Chris put his hands on his mouth and cried. It was rather weird to hear a cow sniffle, thought Chris bitterly. A cow. Damn it. How could he have been so blind? What's a type II candidate? he'd wondered. His dick had shrunk to nothing, his balls retreated down a hole between his legs, his tits growing to unnatural proportions, he was even exhibiting more animal like behavior than Kyle. He, Christian Delgado! was a fucking cow! Literally.

That night, Kyle must have sensed Chris' despair, he didn't say anything, and didn't jack off. Chris was thankful for that at least. Chris lay awake thinking. "Kyle?" Chris asked after about an hour.

Kyle answered right away. "Yeth?" Apparently he was awake too.

"Am I...." he took a deep breath, sniffling a bit, "durning indo a cow?" there, he'd said it.

Kyle didn't say anything for a moment. Then Chris heard Kyle get up, slowly, and walk across the room to him. Kyle made some clumsy noises. It took Chris a moment to figure out that Kyle was getting down on his fore knees beside the bed. Kyle grasped Chris' hand with his own. "I...I'm afraid so."

"Why?" Chris whined plaintively.

Kyle was silent for a moment. "We neethed cows. Our projecd had no pothibility of suctheth with out femaleth. No women wouhld haff anything da do with us. You know, I toll you."

"Bud why me? Did you know all along?" Chris asked.

Kyle was once again silent, thinking over his answer. "Yeth, I knew all along." He said no more.

"Why me?" Chris repeated.

"When they athked me who I thoughd would work, who could adjuthd. I gafe them your name." Kyle said quietly.

"Why did you think I could adjuthd?" Chris cried.

"I...I didn'd....I didn'd know you could. I hoped you could." Kyle enunciated with surprising clarity.

"Huh?" Chris turned to look at Kyle in the dark.

Kyle drew a deep breath, his bull's nostril's causing him to snort. He shuddered. "I'm thorry..." Chris felt moisture on his shoulder. Was Kyle crying? It took him a moment but Kyle continued, "In high thcool, I...I...well, for ath long ath I know you, I...I luffed you...."

"You?!..." Chris couldn't be sure what he'd heard.

Kyle shook. "Don'd ged me wrong! I'm nod gay! Ith just that of all the people I'ff known...I'ff neffer luffed anyone ath much ath you. If you'd been a girl, I'd have athked you do marry me!" Kyle's muzzle touched Chris' chest as he bowed his head in shame.

"Tho..." Chris trailed off.

"Tho. When I god the oppordunidy, I thuggethded you to become a cow. My cow!" Kyle was openly sobbing, his breath ragged. "I tho thorry, bud I wannad you do be my made! My wife!"

Chris hadn't been able to respond to Kyle's emotions. He sobbed a bit then turned his head. Eventually Kyle had gone away in silence. When Chris woke up the next morning, Kyle was already at class. His concentration was pretty much shot for the day though. As he went to his classes he realized now that they were classes in subjects traditionally considered more feminine in primitive societies. They'd involved cooking, craft making and shelter and even touched on children and behavior. So much more was obvious now that he knew what was going on.

When the doctor had came to talk about the type II's with Kyle, Chris had briefly worried for the type II candidates. If only he'd known to be worried for himself. Multiple births? More bovine? Argh. What was going to happen to him? He was being turned into a minotaur factory!

Things were rather tense around the house the rest of the week, neither Kyle nor Chris saying anything more than what was necessary to get by. Chris continued making meals for both of them, even though he now felt some resentment for being cast in the housewife role. Not that he was doing anything different, it's just that now there was more significance to it.

As the week progressed, Chris continued to change, while Kyle seemed to have reached a plateau. Kyle's head was very much that of a bull with rather wooly black hair and large fierce blue eyes underneath sharply spiked horns. His muscles were huge and powerful, covered with thick mats of black hair that looked only a bit more human than bull. While Kyle continued to be able to control his bowels, Chris had lost all control. He'd be walking down the trail to class, feel the urge as his tail began to raise and then his sphincter would let loose. At times it could be quite embarrassing, especially the time it happened in the middle of class. Fortunately, it was still just himself and his teacher, and the teacher didn't appear too phased, only raising an eyebrow.

By the end of the week, his tail had reached his second knee, formerly his heel. He didn't have complete control of it, but he could snap it around in something of a whip like manner. It's feel was rather fascinating, smooth, with fine hairs and a small tuff at the end. The feel of his hands holding or stroking it also sent shivers up and down his entire spine. Chris' neck muscles also continued to grow, between his more rigid neck and the way his eyes were sliding to the side of his head, getting a good look down at his body became a bit difficult.

Chris wasn't sure, but it seemed that while his trapezoids had increased, his overall shoulder width had stayed about the same. His chest size seemed to have increased though. Because of his limited vision, he wasn't sure, but it felt to his hands like his whole chest cavity had enlarged a fair amount. His waist also seemed to have started growing. Whereas before it had stayed slim and his hips alone had grown, now his midsection seemed to be increasing as well. Possibly it was related to his chest cavity growing.

His breasts had only grown slightly, something he'd been slightly concerned about, once he'd realized he was becoming a cow, however the nipple length and size had stayed about the same, and his breasts themselves were only slightly swollen beyond the size of his large pectoral muscles. Chris had avoided masturbating since the discussion with Kyle, and Kyle too had cut back. By the end of the week, he could think of little else but sex. Abstinence was not a particularly satisfactory solution.

On the night that Chris thought of as Saturday night, Kyle was gone, gone for the next week in fact, hunting on another island with his pals, and Chris had the house to himself. He'd been horny all week long and finally decided he couldn't last much longer. Chris started by bringing his hands around and rubbing his nipples. He twisted and pulled on them gently, feeling his cock, clit?, getting hard, and the fold of flesh between his legs getting moist with what he still thought of as precum.

Chris slid his hands down his chest to his stomach. He could clearly feel that his torso had become bigger around, his chest almost felt slightly convex and his belly more rounded. He could barely detect the hard six pack of abs that he'd had but a few weeks ago.

As he slid his hand down, he came to his swollen groin. Over the week it had continued to swell. It was weird, it was like he was getting a soft, fatty tissue, pot belly located over his groin. It was rather sensitive. He moved his hands to one of the four bumps. They too had continued to grow. They were almost like a big moles or something, only pink in color. It sent shivers down his spine to gently brush it.

However, he couldn't dwell on that. All week he'd had a horrid fascination about the hole forming between his legs. His hand traveled onward. down to the fold of flesh between his legs. Now that he new what it was, it reminded him of the slit between a woman's legs, which is what it now was, only bigger than on most women. His hand went between the folds. "Maaa, Moh, Mohh" Chris moaned has his fingers rubbed over his cock/clit. It felt so good, it had been so long, he'd been so horny.

First things first, though, he reminded himself. Onward his hand traveled, the hole. Now that he was taking his time he noticed more. He could feel the skin of his scrotum, it felt good to rub it. Feeling around, Chris decided that his scrotum must have somehow split in the middle, forming little flaps of flesh. Chris' finger slid between the flaps. He wasn't sure what he expected, something like a woman's vagina. He hadn't seen many of those, just a few quickies in high school and then once in college. He hadn't actually spent much time exploring, mainly just sticking "it" in and doing the job sort of thing. He'd never really thought of the experience from the girl's side.

The hole was unquestionably there, it was very muscular and contracting, but he guessed that it was probably a bit over three inches long, it ran from his cock/clit to within about an inch and half of his asshole. His butt had certainly thickened! His crotch had to be at least 6" deep. It was moist though, running his finger in it, felt surprisingly good. Not as good as rubbing his cock, but good, a bit more sensitive than his scrotum had been. He stuck his finger, his hand, in deeper. Unlike last week when it became to tight, this time Chris was able to get most of his hand in. The only thing that stopped him from probing deeper was his reach, his arms weren't long enough, and he could no longer bend enough to get his hand in deeper. Actually, given his limited ability to bend his shoulders and upper back, he was slightly surprised out how far he could reach, his arms definitely seemed to have grown some in length lately.

It felt good where it was though, and his wrist and lower forearm were rubbing against his cock/clit. It felt real good. Chris began moving his hand back and forth. His forearm accidentally started rubbing against two of the bumps. Chris felt lighting going through his body. It felt so good. The hand in his....his...hole, rubbing his cock and two of the bumps at the same time. It was incredible, three separate stimulations coming from the same place.

Chris rubbed and rubbed, his mind practically fogging over in a haze of pleasure. "Maaa, Ohhhh, Mahhh, Mohhh, Moohhhh, Mooohhhh, Moh...oh...oohhh," Chris could barely contain himself. He developed a rhythm, it was almost like riding a sine wave, the crests of pleasure were incredible. His left hand began pulling on his right nipple, milking it. It was so incredible...he'd never had an experience like this. His whole body had to be flooding with hormones. Unlike, his old masturbation, Chris could keep this up for hours, literally. He seemed to be working himself up and up, each crescendo a bit higher than the last. After a while it began to feel like his entire body was humming in unison, like he was one giant sex organ....tingling all over. At some point, he didn't quite know when, he must have finally passed out from the sensation, for the next thing he knew, it was morning.

Chris rolled over, morning, god...what a night. Chris could barely remember it, it was all a haze. He'd never ever experienced anything like it before. His body still tingled from the sensation. Thank goodness today was a day off from classes, he'd been able to sleep in. Normally he and Kyle woke with the sun, looking out the window through his left eye as he lay on his side, he could see it was almost noon.

Chris groaned and sat up, his legs spreading slightly as he sat on the edge of the bed. The bed was short enough that his upper knees rose in the air to his midsection when his hooves were flat on the ground. Chris shuddered a bit. He felt something rather thick between his parted legs...almost like what he remembered his cock and balls felt like pressed between his legs.

Chris tilted his head down and sideways to get a look between his legs with one eye. He blinked. His groin/pot belly was looking swollen, very swollen. Had he hurt it with the rubbing. He moved his hand to feel it. I didn't hurt, but it was now large enough, and soft enough to move and sway a bit between his legs. As Chris stood, he felt the soft tissue adjust, and a slight tugging on his groin from its weight.

Chris examined it more closely. The small pot belly thing clearly extend about three or four inches from his groin, it was sort of a palish pink color. The four bumps were a darker shade of pink and currently about three quarters of inch long and maybe a quarter to a third of inch in diameter. They looked a lot like his nipples had when they started growing. Nipples? "Nooo!" Chris blurted. The pot belly was an udder. A fraggin cow's udder!

Crap. Here he'd been worried about breast development, and all the while a cow's udder was growing between his legs. Crap, between his human nipples and his cow udder, he had six tits! He hoped to god he wasn't going to give birth to sextuplets! That was frightening. However, if he recalled, in nature females generally had two times the nipples that they gave birth to. That still meant triplets! Of course, nature also had very little to do with his current state.

Chris stumbled out doors, and to the nearby stream. He felt worn. He was losing it, this was too much. As he got to the stream, he bent down on all fours to get a drink, glasses didn't work to well anymore, lapping was easier. As he looked in the stream, the light was just right and he got a good look at his face. His face was very close to a cow, he still had human skin on the top of his nose and around his eyes and his mouth and lips still had a slight trace of human semblance, but very little. Chris stood and started walking back to the house, his tail raising as he walked to allow his intestines their release.

As the week went by without Kyle, Chris found that despite his desires to the contrary, he couldn't stop himself from masturbating a couple times per day. Every morning and at least once, if not twice, in the evening. Intellectually he didn't want to, because the more he jacked off, the more he felt the tingling sensation all over his body. He was pretty sure that that tingling was an indication of accelerated change.

By midweek he had no question that his arms were longer, he was able to get his hand in much further. He wasn't clear on why his arms were getting longer, since Kyle's were still in proportion to the rest of his body. For whatever purposes, it seemed to coincide with the rest of his growth though. His chest and torso had continued to swell, at times he almost felt like a cylinder on legs. While he couldn't compare to Kyle, he was pretty sure that his torso and chest were much bigger around than Kyle, possibly twice the circumference. While Kyle had very broad shoulders relative to his body, Chris now had a torso as big around, or slightly larger than his shoulders. Obviously, they were trying to get him big enough to bear multiple calves. Chris found this very depressing, and spent a lot of his time between classes moping.

Lapping at some water in the stream, Chris realized that while his shoulders had essentially merged with his neck. His trapezoids and upper chest muscles had grown and swelled, appearing to almost surround his neck, merging into his neck. The appearance from his reflection was unquestionably more cow-like than Kyle.

While this was obvious cause for alarm, Chris' udder kept him from dwelling too much on it. His teats had now swollen to the same size as his chest nipples. The udder itself now swelled nearly six inches from his groin and its swaying was becoming highly distracting as he walked. The udder would bounce against his upper thighs as he walked, and while turning, he could clearly feel the pull of inertia as it swung.

The day before Kyle was to return, Chris was eating his fourth salad for the day, he now ate between seven to eight salads per day, he felt something go crunch between his back molars. Spitting his food out on the table, Chris quickly pawed through the leaves to find the crunchy thing. He didn't have croutons. There it was...a tooth! What the hell? thought Chris as he picked it up. It looked like a front incisor. Chris raised his hand to his mouth. Holy shit! thought Chris, one of his top front teeth had fallen out. What the hell was going on? His big mouth needed all the teeth it could get! Why was he loosing a front tooth. Had he banged his mouth on something?

Unfortunately, Chris had no access to anyone outside of his classes. He had no idea how to contact the doctor, or any of his trainers, and all the other minotaurs were still out hunting, although Kyle was the only one he'd ever met. He had no one to turn to with questions. Was this part of the change? Had Kyle lost his? Chris didn't think so because Kyle normally liked to gnaw on the bones to get the last little bit. Surely this would be difficult if he was missing teeth. Of course, Chris already knew that his diet was considerably different than Kyle's. What did this mean, Chris wondered as he felt himself belch.

Damn gas, he'd belch and feel slightly nauseous for at least an hour after each meal, like his stomach was trying to throw his food up. But he never seriously got ill and he was always hungry for more salad an hour or two after his stomach started feeling better. That's why he ate so many meals. Obviously it took a lot of energy to grow like he was, and with out the protein from meat, he had to eat a lot of veggies.

Hungry or not, this tooth thing bothered him. He could feel a slight indentation where his tooth had been, but there was no blood in the salad or on his finger as he probed the tooth's socket. Very odd, Chris thought as he rested his elbows on the table. He shuddered as his nipples brushed the table.

Damn, Chris thought, looking down at the two nipples on his chest. He'd thought they'd stopped, but apparently once his four teats had reached the same size has the nipples on his chest, they'd all started growing. Not only was he going to have cow's teats on his cow's udder, he was going to have teats on his chest as well. They were all at least as big around as his thumb had been and about four inches long. His aureoles had also started to swell again to accommodate the extra girth and length. His breast had also begun to swell, not much, but more than a guy should have. Excluding the nipples, they were now about 'A' cup size. Of course, between his four inch long teats and his udder, he supposed 'A' cup breasts were the least of his problems.

The next morning, Saturday, Chris woke coughing, only to discover another of his top incisors had fallen out. Chris felt in his mouth, again, no bleeding. He wiggled his other teeth. Crap. His top incisors were all a bit loose. His bottom ones seemed fine, in fact he wasn't sure without a mirror but it felt like two more teeth were coming in beside his bottom incisors, filling some of the space his elongated mouth had. Actually, as he felt further back in his mouth, he realized the gaps between his mouth had closed. Apparently his molars were growing, they were definitely a lot larger than they had been.

Chris shook his head, reaching between his legs. He had to strain slightly, his shoulders were starting to have trouble letting his hands reach down there. Damn neck, chest and shoulder muscles were getting too big. Over the week, his...cunt?...he didn't like that word, had certainly grown, as apparently had his ass. The slit now started directly behind his former cock and extended almost to his asshole. Thinking of Kyle's mammoth cock, at least six inches in diameter, Chris was thinking this growth was a good thing. "Mmmm oohhh..." Chris moaned thinking about Kyle's giant cock penetrating his....his...pussy...shit....his fucking calf hole...."Ooohhh, Moh, Maaahhh, Mo..oh" Chris moaned, his hand pumping in and out, rubbing his clit, his arm dragging across his udder, and crushing his breasts together.

Chris bent his head as far as he could to rub his chest teats with his chin, his left hand milking two of the udder teats together. The tingling covered his entire body, god it felt good. He peaked, relaxed for a brief second, slowing down, but then gained speed and came again. Incredible. He hated the thought of being a fucking cow, but he had to admit the sex was insanely good. Masturbating his new body was far better than any sex he'd ever had with a girl. Nonetheless, he couldn't keep it up all day, he had work to do. He had to clean house and prepare salt barrels before Kyle returned. As he got up, he had to shake his hands. The sex was great, but he was really starting to have to contort to do it. His hands felt rather numb and his fingers rather stiff, obviously this was tough on the circulation.

Kyle arrived home late afternoon carrying two of the boar like creatures on a pole over his shoulders. As he entered the house, Chris was just finishing a salad. "Hey Chrith, I'm home," Kyle bellowed.

Chris smiled, as much as he could at his friends obviously high spirits, and stood to greet him. "" he had to clear his throat, he hadn't spoken much during the last week, only what was absolutely required in class, and he was rather hoarse. "ehm, thorry. Ey Kyhle, ow ahre ooo?" His tongue felt quite thick. He really should have been working on his pronunciation. "Thith ooo aff good unding?"

"Uh, yeah, hunding wath gread." Kyle's eyes were fixated on Chris' chest. Chris blushed, realizing Kyle hadn't seen his newly enlarged breast before. As Chris finished coming around the table toward Kyle, Kyle's eyes dropped even lower, to Chris' groin. Belatedly, Chris realized his exposure and tried to move his hands to shield his groin, but his udder was too large to hide easily, so he gave up and dropped his arms to his side.

Kyle broke his stare suddenly, turning to put his game down. He didn't turn fast enough to keep Chris from seeing his boner. Apparently, Chris' teats were a major turn on for Kyle. Thinking about it, Chris realized he should have expected as much. Trying to save some face and get past the awkward moment, Chris said, "why don'd ooo go indide and resd, whihle I prebare da boas?" Chris moved to the gutted carcasses and started dragging them to pit outside that he used to clean game.

Kyle nodded, "Okay, thad soundth good do me, bud firsd I godda shid." and headed out back to the pit he used for taking a dump. Chris hadn't used it in some time as he never had enough control to get there.

Chris finished cleaning the boars, Kyle had already gutted them before bringing them back, all Chris had to do was cut and clean a large hunk for dinner and then start salting the rest. Thanks to his earlier preparation, it didn't take him an inordinate amount of time to get the boars cut up and into the barrels in the shed. There had been a couple barrels prepared for them before Chris got here, and Chris had now been here long enough for them to be starting to eat Chris' first attempts at salting and/or smoking Kyle's game, so he didn't have to hunt every day. Which was probably a good thing, Kyle went through a quarter of a boar a day, plus at least one large game bird, a salad and when available, bread. Minotaurs were hunters, not farmers, at least so far, thus once they left the compound they'd probably have to barter for wheat to make bread, salt too probably. Chris wasn't too sure of Olympia's economic system.

Kyle didn't mention Chris' changes during the meal, he mainly talked about the hunting trip and his fellow minotaurs. Chris still hadn't seen them, they lived a ways from them and apparently stayed away. Chris suspected it was on the doctor's orders. Keep them away from the cow.

Chris was distracted from his bitter musings by Kyle's next statement. "We thaw a thadyr too. Preddy cool, id jusd ran off though when id saw us."

"A thadyr? lide Ban?" Chris lisped.

"Yep. Half goad and half man. Id wath a very large island, though I would exbecd there do be odder dribes dere."

"Ahny nymphs?" Chris asked.

"Heh, heh, no, didn'd see any ad leasd." Kyle replied rubbing his crotch under the table. As Kyle's eyes drifted across Chris' chest, Chris wished he hadn't brought nymphs up.

A bit later, as Chris was cleaning the dishes, Kyle got up from his chair and said, "I'm going for a walk. Godda check the place oud do make thur thingth are in order."

"Oday!" Chris replied, looking up from his dishes and flexing his stiff fingers.

Kyle didn't return before Chris' bed time, so Chris went to bed. He resisted the urge to masturbate because he didn't want Kyle coming in and getting turned on. He wasn't sure how this was going to work. He was horny all the time.

Chris woke in the middle of the night to very pleasurable sensation in his udder. As he opened his eyes to the dark, he could hear heavy breathing beside him. Suddenly he realized that the pleasurable sensation was Kyle's hand gently rubbing his udder. It felt incredible as it moved gently under Kyle's massage. Chris couldn't control himself and moaned out loud.

"Thad feel good Chrith?" Kyle asked.

"Yeth." was all Chris could manage. He wanted to tell Kyle to quit, but it felt so good. Chris felt Kyle's other hand grasp his right breast, and start massaging it as well. "Mmmm, ohh." Chris moaned. After a few more minutes, Chris felt Kyle's right hand slip southward down his udder, sliding between his legs. "No..." Chris protested weakly. He didn't want this to go any further, but it just felt so good.

Kyle's rough hand slid across Chris' cock/clit causing him to shudder. Quickly, Kyle's fingers found Chris' pussy and started exploring it. Kyle's hand moved in and around the slit, exploring it. Between the feel of Kyle's giant hand on his breast, every now and then stroking his elongated nipple, and the sensation of Kyle's other hand probing his cunt Chris felt a cloud of rose colored passion sweeping through his mind, obscuring and blanketing his worries and thoughts.

Chris could barely think, he could only enjoy the sensation. The tingling had returned all over his body as he rode the wave of pleasure sweeping over him. When Kyle gently rolled him to his side and then off the couch to the floor, Chris couldn't protest. Kyle's hand swept up his ass crack, briefly teasing his hole. Kyle's left hand cupped Chris' breast from behind as Kyle squatted over Chris.

As Kyle gently nudged Chris to his feet, he complied. Kyle held Chris' shoulders down gently so that he was standing on all fours, his fingers supporting him in front, keeping his shoulders level with his ass. Kyle ran his hands down Chris' sides to his flanks, massaging his butt muscles as his hands passed over them. Chris moaned, barely capable of thinking as he felt Kyle lift Chris' tail, resting it on his shoulders.

Chris' eyes widened slightly, realization sluggishly returning as he felt something probing at his cunt. Tentative at first, and then suddenly powerful, it thrust. "Aaaahhhhh" Chris screamed in pain as his pussy was spread wide by the intruder. Kyle's mammoth cock was making its way down his cunt. It felt like fire, his cunt was on fire, like he was being ripped in two. In and in it went, deeper and deeper, digging a path inside Chris' body. Chris tried to move forward, to escape the intruder, but Kyle gripped his flanks with astonishing strength. Chris couldn't escape! Kyle held him tight as his two and half foot long bull meat forced its way down his channel. The nearly eight inch diameter bull cock was splitting him!

Kyle grunted in satisfaction as Chris felt Kyle's pelvis press up against his ass cheeks. It was in all the way! He'd taken the whole thing. Kyle adjusted Chris' tail and bent over his back. Kyle's hands found their way to each of his/her breasts, grabbing them tightly, causing Chris to gasp. Kyle paused for a moment, letting Chris recover from the pain of penetration, and then slowly began to withdraw, Chris shuddered. Then Kyle moved in again, as he did, his hands pulled on Chris' teats. Chris felt his eyes bulging.

Kyle pulled out slightly, relaxing his tugging on Chris' teats. He thrust in again, pulling on the nipples. Chris let out a gasp of air at the sensation. He couldn't describe it. There was still a dull ache from the stretching, but new sensations were quickly overwhelming the ache. He had no words for the feeling of fullness in his groin and belly as the monster cock thrust its way in, the void left behind as it retreated, Chris rolled his head in pleasure.

In, deeper and deeper it went, then out. As it came in, Chris felt himself being filled, the pressure on his insides were intensely pleasurable, yet at the same time aching. As it retreated, the aching eased, giving him relief, yet a feeling of emptiness, as if something was missing. The cock hurt, yet it seemed to complete him, made him feel full, content.

Kyle's thrusts picked up speed, his milking of Chris' tits synchronized with his thrusts. It began to feel as if Kyle's cock was being thrust in and then pulled out through Chris' tits. The wave rode down his cunt with Kyle's cock, electrifying his entire body. The feeling of pleasure continued up through his midsection and out his breasts as Kyle pulled.

Kyle's breath was coming quickly, heavy and huffing. Chris could feel Kyle's sweat as the bull's thighs pushed against his ass. Chris moaned again and again. "Mmm....ohhh. Ooooh..Oohh. Mm..." Kyle thrusts became hard, almost violent, but Chris didn't care. It felt like a tug of war was going on in his body, back and forth, his mind rode the motion of the waves. "Mmm...mmohh...ohh. Oooh. Ah...Ooooh." Chris shuddered, he could sense Kyle was getting close, as was he.

Chris felt Kyle's cock expanding in his cunt. "Ohh..mmm" Chris could barely hear Kyle's shouts of pleasure over his own moaning. "Mmm...oh...Moh...Mo...ooohhh. Mooohhh. Moooo....Mooooo." Chris bellowed as he felt Kyle's hot come release inside him while the bull pulled and twisted his teats. "Mooooo....Moooo" Chris bellowed in orgasm, riding the wave of pleasure to its top.

He gasped...he sobbed...realizing that his moans of passion sounded like a cow in the field. He sounded like a fucking cow! Kyle slid his softening cock out. He'd just been fucked like a cow! Fuck...Chris thought sadly, nearly in tears...he was a cow.

Chris stood silently by his bed on all fours for a while as Kyle returned to his bed, worn from his exertion. Neither one said anything. Chris tried to bite his lip, only to feel another tooth drop loose from his mouth. Tears filled his eyes. Why, he thought bitterly to himself, why me?

Sunlight filtered in through a window, as Chris woke. It took him a moment to get oriented, something wasn't right. Suddenly he realized what it was. He was still standing beside his bed on all fours. Shit. He'd fallen asleep, standing up...or sort of. He was actually standing on both his hands and feet. His fingers were really stiff from propping him up all night. How could that have happened, he'd fallen asleep just like a cow.

Chris slowly stood up on his hind legs. Hind legs? He meant his feet. Chris looked at his arms, he'd known they were growing longer, he just hadn't realized that they were now about the same length as his legs. They'd also gotten very thick and muscular. However, the muscle structure was rather odd, not really the same as Kyle's. What was odd? Now he recalled, when he'd woken, his elbows had been pointing forward. They seemed fine now...but...he tried to think back to what he'd done subconsciously in standing up. He'd sort of rotated his shoulder muscles around.

He tried moving his shoulders. Psych! It felt almost like he was shifting his shoulder out of joint, and then suddenly it was back in-joint, but different. His arms were twisted so that his elbows were ninety degrees to their normal position. Experimenting more, he saw his hands could rotate quite a bit too. Odd, he moved his shoulders again, adjusting them back to normal. What exactly was happening? Nothing like this had happened to Kyle.

Chris was so distracted by the new changes that his mind wasn't on his classes. He had to fumble his way through them that day. That evening Kyle acted as if nothing had happened, everything normal. He just chatted away. Finally bedtime came and they went to bed. It took Chris a while to get comfortable. His bed really wasn't designed for his rapidly changing form. It was fine for human shaped minotaur like Kyle, but Chris' girth and musculature were different now. After a couple hours of tossing and turning, Chris was beginning to think maybe sleeping on all fours was preferable to this.

The next day, classes didn't go much better. At times he felt like he was all thumbs. While eating lunch, the last of his front teeth fell out. He no longer had any front teeth on the roof of his mouth. He still had incisors on his jaw, but the front of his mouth was just gum. Rather thick gum, Chris rubbed it with his finger. It didn't have a lot of sensation and felt rather thick and swollen. He had a single incisor on both sides of the gum and all his molars in back, but it was odd. It made eating his salad a bit trickier.

That evening as he stood on all fours to get a drink, he couldn't help but stare at his reflection, from his limited view in the water, he looked just like a cow drinking from the stream. He felt tears swelling from his eyes. It just wasn't fair! He was so lost in thoughts of injustice that it took him a while before he realized he was chewing on something. What? He came out of his reverie and realized he was chewing on some tall grass beside the stream. Without even realizing it, he'd started grazing. Grazing like a cow, damn it. Even as he fumed he found himself lowering his head to munch some more grass. Surprisingly, the grass seemed to cut well between his lower teeth and gum. He was just sort of ripping the grass in two and pulling it up into his mouth to munch on. Surprisingly, it was easier than eating his salad.

Surprising? It shouldn't be, he moaned, he was a god damn cow, it only figured he should eat like one. He stood up, pulling himself away from the grass. It was almost an act of conscious force. He felt a strong urge to keep eating. As he stood up, he rotated his shoulders and flexed his stiff fingers before heading into the house.

In the morning, Chris rolled out of bed, not even thinking. First on to all fours beside the bed and then up on to his two hind legs. As he rotated his shoulders he glanced down at his stiff fingers. Shit! He'd never noticed before. How blind could he be! His fingers were looking odd, they had to have been getting this way for some time but he'd never noticed. His thumbs looked extra thick, wider than before, the "V" between his first and second finger was noticeably shorter than the "V" between second and third. The gap between third and fourth was also shorter and his little finger seemed to have grown. Actually all his fingers looked about the same length, allowing for the shorter gap between the outside pairs. His fingers were turning like his toes had, his hand were turning into hooves! Three part hooves, unlike his feet, but he was sure they were turning into hooves.

"Moooo...ack...uhm....ack" he had to clear his throat. "Kahl!" It was really hard to enunciate. "Kahl!" Kyle groaned and got up slowly.

"Whad?" Shaking his head he saw the panicked expression on Chris' face and hurried over. "Whad is id?" Kyle asked.

"Lood!" Chris cried, thrusting his hands out. Kyle stared at Chris' hand, it took a while for their appearance to register.

"Shid!" Kyle exclaimed.

"Whaass habbeningh?" Chris cried. "Did dis habben do youh? NO! Whaass habbeinging!"

"I don'd know. Led me ged tha docdor!" Kyle stormed out of the house in a hurry to get the doctor. Chris put his hands to his head, tears streaming down his muzzle.

"Hmm, I was afraid of this." The doctor said. He was finishing up a full physical of Chris. Kyle had found him and brought him quickly. When he'd arrived, he'd looked at Chris' fingers and then insisted on a full physical with blood tests, and then to Chris shame, a gynecological exam.

"What?" Kyle demanded.

"Well, as you know we adjusted the minotaur genes to incorporate more bovine characteristics in the female. Of course, we had no subjects to test on so we could only do computer simulations. This is one of the possible outcomes from the simulation."

"Whaahhh" Chris cried, unable to find words to question in more detail.

"Well, we knew we had to increase girth and size to accommodate multiple births, we also realized that we had to allow for quadruped locomotion during pregnancy. What we weren't able to regulate is how much change the fore-hands/hooves would occur in supporting this. From all appearances, you are growing hybrid human cow hooves on your hand. It appears that you'll have three digits, with a fair amount of flexibility, but hooves nonetheless. I'd say you'll have limited manipulative ability, more than a cow certainly, but not as much as a human. Also the nails are growing so they will be true hooves on the ends."

"How wihll I coog dinnerh or brebare dings?" Chris asked.

"Good point, you'll probably be able to do some limited things, but none of the more complex tasks. This will be a problem." The doctor thought for a moment. "I think, Kyle, the only option is to prolong your training, and perhaps retrain minotaurs in the field. We're going to need to train the bulls to do some of the tasks the cows were being trained to do.

"Shid, more work." Kyle complained.

"There's no use, these are skills the society will need, but that the cows won't be able to provide. The cows will be able to bear the young, rear them, guard them and provide for some basic needs, but all complex tasks will be need to be done by the bulls."

"You dink is bad vor ooo, bud wha boud me? I don'd wanna be lighe dis!" Chris complained to Kyle.

"Well I need to be getting back. Kyle I want to have you and the other bulls undergo an intense training session as soon as I get it set up. Probably in a day or two. It will last about three days."

"I helb?" Chris asked.

"No...I think we need you to be here. Away from the bulls."

"Why?" Chris complained.

"If my tests are accurate, and I think they are, you should be entering estrus in about three days."

"Ezdruz?" Chris asked.

"Yes. Minotaurs, like humans and cattle are polyestrous with an estral cycle of about 21 days. Your organs seem to have reached maturity and from what my scans show, you should be proestrus any day now. That will be followed by estrus and metestrus. Don't worry if you have some bleeding during metestrus, it's a WELL known occurrence. heh heh." The doctor looked like he was making some kind of inside joke.

"I sdill don'd underhsdand?" Chris looked at the doctor in puzzlement. The words didn't make to much sense, he couldn't remember this from his science classes.

The doctor smiled and shook his head as he headed to the door. He looked back and said, "you're going to be in heat, Chris...and then your first period."

Kyle had tried to help comfort Chris, but it did no good. Just holding him, Kyle would begin to get aroused, which made Chris even more upset. Finally, Kyle gave up and went out to jack off. Chris got up and wandered into the woods to try and avoid masturbating. Maybe he'd find a good clump of grass to chew on.

Kyle left the next day to go to his classes, the doctor told Chris that they'd be changing his class schedule to train him in using his fore-hooves, but they hadn't gotten all the details or limits worked out yet. As soon as they did, they'd start the classes. In the mean time, Kyle would be gone for about 10 days and Chris was on his own. He was totally depressed.

For the most part he wondered the forest around their camp, exploring further than he had previously. Eventually, after a couple days of wandering, found the huts of the other minotaurs. They were all gone on their training session, on another island, but their scent lingered. Entering the first hut Chris was overwhelmed by the scent. It was very masculine, like Kyle's, but yet very different. Chris felt himself getting moist between the legs, his nipples starting to contract. The scent was arousing him intensely. He stumbled from the hut, but the sensation didn't subside.

He stumbled across the camp and fell down against a tree, unable to contain himself. His hands found their way to his cunt. His right hand went in, awkwardly, his hands were getting stiffer each day. He could no longer feel much in his fingers, but the sensation from his moist hole was the same. As his right hand pistoned in and out, he tried to milk his nipples with his left, but his fingers were now nearly paired, up to the knuckle on each pair. Beyond the knuckle his nails had extended back and around, nearly to the knuckle.

The stiffness prevented him from doing much more than squeezing and twisting his nipple, but that would have to do. He was unbelievably horny, if he'd thought he'd been horny before, he hadn't known the meaning of the word. He stroked and rubbed and prodded his cunt. The tingling sensations he felt during sex traversing his body up and down. Wave after wave of passion.

Finally, Chris realized it was darker than when he'd arrived at the glen. What the? He'd been jacking off half the day! He was still incredibly horny, but he was finally able to pull himself together to stop. It took a tremendous amount of effort, but he knew he needed to be getting back home. He got to all fours and started walking back. He had trouble concentrating, he was so intensely horny. He briefly tried to get back on his hind legs to walk, but it took too much concentration to keep his balance. He finally gave up and walked home on all four legs, stopping now and then to munch on some grass to give him strength to carry on.

When he finally got home, he sighed and lay down on his bed. It wasn't very comfortable, but he needed to satisfy himself. His fingers were stiffer than ever by this point, sore from walking on them. He could only twisted and pinch his teats, the ones on his udder easier to reach. His right hand clumsily massaged his clit and the inside of his pussy. It was slow going, but it felt good. If only he could do more. After what felt like an eternity in a haze of pleasure, Chris finally drifted off, the moon high and full in the night sky by that point.

When Chris finally woke, it was nearly noon the next day. His horniness was mostly gone, down to manageable levels by this point, but he still felt all tingly, especially deep in his groin, in his lower belly. Chris groaned, "mooooo...ohh" and slowly rolled out of bed. The last few days' he'd continued to grow and put on weight. He had to roll to get out of bed, he could no longer sit up directly. He had to roll out onto all fours and then stand up.

As he trudged to the stream for a drink of water, he could feel the weight in his hips. His balance had shifted some more. All that sex and the tingly sensation had accelerated the changes again. His hips were wider, not across, but front to back, he had a big thick butt.

About a day or so later, Chris felt a movement in his groin as his tail raised. He had been eating some nice fresh grass in a nearby copse. As he turned, he was shocked, instead of the usual pile, there was a sticky red stain on the ground and grass behind him. It took a while to register that he'd just had his first period.

For the remainder of Kyle's trip, Chris gave up on preparing food. It was easier for him to eat grass directly from the ground anyway, and a lot easier to eat. He still found himself burping/belching the grass a lot, in fact more than the salad, but it no longer bothered him too much, he'd gotten used to it. It was really odd, it felt like he was belching up his lunch, only to have it settle back down in to his stomach. He really should ask the doctor about that. There really wasn't much relief from it, everything he ate had to be belched up at least three times as far as he could tell, maybe more.

Actually, by the time Kyle was to return, Chris had gotten pretty adept at eating grass. He could rip it up and move it around in his mouth with his tongue to get the maximum amount of flavor at it. His tongue seemed to be a lot more prehensile, more mobile and muscular than before. It was odd, but sort of nice, it helped him savor the different flavors of grass, weeds and other vegetables. If anyone had ever told him what a variety of taste sensation there was in grass and weeds he would have laughed them silly, however he was really developing quite a palate for grass, literally and figuratively.

By the end of Kyle's training, Chris' hands had fused. He now had three digits, each with a single joint, the knuckle. From about an inch past the knuckle the digits were all nail/hoof. They were sort of very wide hoof fingers. When on all fours, the three digits rested on the ground, providing him with a very sturdy tri-cleft hoof. He didn't know if this was good or bad.

One thing that did sort of relieve Chris was the fact that other, than weight and balancing issues, he still had no problem walking on his hind legs. He'd been sort of afraid that he'd mutate into a full blown cow and have to walk on all fours, but he hadn't, so far. He could walk on all two legs just fine. He just had to watch his balance. Fortunately his rear legs (as well as his fore-legs/arms) had continued to grow and become more muscular, they really needed to in order to support his now huge body. He didn't have any good way to tell for sure, but he guessed he had to weigh over a thousand pounds by this point. He was huge. He couldn't tell for sure, since he didn't have a mirror, but he suspected that on all fours he looked more like a mutant cow than a minotaur even.

Chris was just returning from getting a drink when Kyle came back in to the clearing around the hut. "Chrith!" Kyle called waving his hand.

Chris stood. "MMmmahll!" Chris paused. "Mmmayyhhll!" He tried again, it came out more like a cow lowing. "Mmmaahhhddd, mmmmaabbbmmmeennnnddd" Chris panicked. He couldn't speak. He'd had no reason in the last week. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to talk properly. His mouth felt like there was a giant sponge in it, his tongue, he also couldn't seem to shape his mouth and throat properly. "MMmmmaayyllll! Mmmmeehhlb mmmmeehhh!" Chris cried.

"Hmmm, this is tricky," the doctor told them. He'd come as soon as Kyle had been able to reach him and had taken a number of blood and tissue samples from Chris then headed to the lab. Three hours later he was back to fill them in on what he'd learned.

"It appears that the same modifications we made to increase fecundity..."

"Vad?" Kyle asked.

"Fecundity. Fertility, the ability to produce children. The same modifications that resulted in the fore hooves." The doctor explained. "Anyway, they haven't stopped. We've run some various scenarios and I'm still examining the results."

"Mwaaaghhh" Chris cried.

"We think we can stop it..."

"Grade!" shouted Kyle.

"But there are, of course, some potential side effects..."

"Mwaaagh. Mwyy mmeehhhh." Chris moaned. He was nearly on the brink of tears. Chris would have been crying all ready but his eyes didn't seem to want to tear up very well.

"Vad thide avvects?" Kyle asked.

"Well, basically we have to make some adjustments to the glands that produce the cow hormones. Since that's part of what we modified that started this."

"And?" Kyle asked.

"The simulation shows a 35% chance that there will be a permanent increase in a number of different female hormone levels. Basically a continuous, permanent increase in those levels. It would seriously disrupt the polyestrous cycle, however we don't believe it would cause significant problems with any pregnancies."

"Mwagh?" Chris tried to ask, trying to understand what the doctor was saying.

"There's a chance," the doctor answered Chris, "that you could go into what is effectively a variant of permanent heat."

Permanent heat? Always on horny? Chris remembered the last time he was in heat. He didn't think he could handle that. He shook his head, negatively.

"It would probably also continuously stimulate lactation levels." The doctor continued, checking his e-pad. "If we hit the 35% chance I mentioned, there's a 74% probability she'd probably produce milk year round, needing to be relieved at least once, if not twice a day."

Chris began moaning, trying to back up, but he bumped against the wall of the hut. He couldn't get out. What was he going to do? He wanted out of this so bad.

Kyle could see his friend's distress. He desperately searched for some alternative. "Dock, vad ivv ve don'd gib her theez new modz? Leabe her ahlone?"

"Well," the doctor answered, "there's a 10% chance they've run their course."

"Yez" Kyle got excited.

"A 35% probability the current symptoms will continue, terminating in a permanent quadrupedal state. And a 55% chance that they'll terminate later than that, with a 33% chance of decreasing mental facilities. Followed by increased instinctive behavior."

"Mwaaarggghhhhh" Chris bellowed. He was shaking all over, eyes rolling wildly looking for escape. Even though the door wasn't far away, he couldn't seem to concentrate enough to move, to run. He wanted to, but he felt completely frozen.

"Oooo mean a full cow?" Kyle asked.

"Not completely, but much closer than now." The doctor answered.

"Vee hab no joiz..." Kyle stated sadly. He reached out to try and comfort Chris. Chris rocked back and forth harder but couldn't move, he was so frightened. He could barely think.

The sunlight streamed into the room through the doorway. Chris took a deep breath through his nostrils. It had been four days and he was finally feeling clear again. The doctor had had to give him a tranquilizer to get him to unfreeze. He'd been sedated the last few days to keep him from freaking too much. They'd explained it all and he couldn't completely blame them but he was still not thrilled with having to be sedated. Even so, he probably would have just shook for a couple days and not been able to do much.

This way he was at least relaxed enough to munch the long grass that Kyle brought him to eat. At first the very act of locking up had freaked him. It only added to the fear. He had had no idea why he'd freaked so bad, but the doctor had eventually explained that it was a typical cow reaction to extreme fear. All the more reason to give him the new set of mods.

Chris rolled out of bed and onto his feet. It was tricky, but more from still being slightly drugged then to any apparent changes that he could detect. The doctor had given him the mods later the same day he was first tranquilized.

He stood and went outside, his stomach was growling terribly. Even though Kyle had been good about brining him food, it wasn't quite as much as he was used to eating, and he was famished. The sun shone down brightly on the clearing, no sign of Kyle. Chris shrugged and head towards the edge of the clearing, going to all fours as he reached a small grassy knoll. There were a couple of tasty looking weeds that he'd been meaning to sample.

About an hour later, Chris noticed Kyle's scent approaching. Kyle was smelling really good today.

"Hey, how'z mah girrll doin!" Kyle called.

Chris wasn't thrilled to be referred to as Kyle's girl, but he supposed it was only accurate. Chris nodded in Kyle's direction. As he did so he caught another whiff of Kyle's musk. He felt a squirming sensation in his groin and then felt moisture building in his pussy. That musk was great. Chris stood on his hind legs and walked towards Kyle.

Chris' eyes were drawn to Kyle's cock. It was in it's sheath, the head just drooping over the top, not yet erect, but Chris was suddenly inundated by thoughts of Kyle's cock swelling to it's full size. He felt his six teats start to tighten. Kyle's nostrils twitched as he caught the smell of Chris' pussy juice.

Kyle dropped the berries he was carrying and his lips parted as his nostrils jerked in a snort. His bull meat twitched and began to lengthen. The veiny tube rose like a snake, searching for it's prey. Chris's tongue flicked out over his lips and nose. He felt water drip on his leg. Clearly, his pussy was getting wet, he reached his fore hoof down to rub his clit, but he couldn't quite reach between his legs. It wasn't clear if it was his shoulder in the way, his torso or what, or just his excitement making him clumsy, he couldn't think much about it now.

His teats tightened, pointing taut from his breasts and udder. Kyle snorted a couple more times, inhaling quickly, absorbing Chris' strong cow scent. Chris was in heat and Kyle could barely contain his excitement at the smell. Kyle put his palm on Chris' left breast, massaging the long teat between his thumb and forefinger.

Chris twisted his head to allow one of his eyes to focus properly on the twitching monster between Kyle and himself. The veiny brute was huge, dark, almost chocolate like, with a moist red tip thrusting from the now retreating foreskin. Kyle's left hand reached down and started yanking gently on Kris' upper right udder teat. Almost like he was jacking Chris off. Chris sighed, the sensations from the two teats Kyle was massaging were indescribable. The squirming sensation in his groin increased, he felt the muscles around his cunt twitch spontaneously in passion. Splattering more drops of pussy juice on his legs.

Chris could barely stand it, he rotated to put his back to Kyle. Kyle moving his hands to bring them back into position on Chris' teats. When Chris had his back to Kyle, he went down on all fours, he couldn't stand the pressure in his groin any more. It was like an insane itching. He needed relief so bad, he didn't even mind the small pain as his teats pulled free from Kyle's grasp.

Kyle grunted, the scent from Chris was so intense, the emotions so strong, Kyle felt overwhelmed. He knew he should say something, calming, romantic, but he couldn't seem to form the words. The need in his cock was too strong. He could only snort as his penis poked around Chris' rear, looking, instinctively, with a mind of it's own for a sheath in his mate.

Chris bellowed in pleasure as Kyle's cock slid into his pussy. He could literally feel the veins on Kyle's cock as they slid into his channel. It rubbed the itch, it felt incredible! Unfortunately, as sometimes with an itch, scratching it only made it more acute. Chris whined, the need was intense. He felt his tail bent backward as Kyle leaned over him, like a bull mounting his cow.

Kyle pounded his cock in and out of Chris' pussy. Chris felt spittle from Kyle's drooling mouth drip on his back, but he didn't care. Only the rubbing of Kyle's meat on inner walls had any real meaning to Chris. The sensation seem to fill his entire mind, he could mark each millimeter of the bull snake's passage along the walls of his tunnel. His mind reverberated as each bump on the veiny serpent slid along each nook and cranny of his moist inner passage.

Chris felt the world narrow until it almost felt like he was that tunnel, that it was his entire being. How could he have not wanted this, how could he have not wanted to be a cow? To be taken by his bull, to feel the thick tube of bull meat fill his innards, massaging him in a way that only a real bull could.

Kyle's hands massaged his back and side. Slowly trying to reach down to his udder, but that was a long reach while pounding in and out of Chris. Chris could feel his teats seeming to get even tighter, he'd loved to have some one pull on them, but given the choice, he was just happy to feel the fullness in his cunt. The fullness was magnificent, how it could massage him in such a way was amazing. It was like being massaged on all sides of his being.

Kyle began grunting, his thrusts becoming more violent, his thick hairy thighs pounded into Chris' ass. The strength of the thrusts caused Chris to rock forward in time with the thrusts. Chris had thought he was hitting a pleasure plateau before, but the hard thrusts seemed to send shock waves throughout his entire body. His breasts and udder swaying under his body tugged in counterpoint to the thrusts. Chris let out a slow lowing sound from deep in his throat. He closed his eyes, feeling the pounding cock, the taut sliding of Kyle's thick cock in his cunt, the tugging sway of his udder and boobs. It felt as if the entirety of his self was centered in the core of his body, every sense alive to levels he'd never experienced before.

As the thrusts accelerated, Chris felt himself nearing an...implosion point? He felt as if he were going to explode and then contract all at once. Suddenly he felt Kyle swelling even tighter inside him. Kyle let out a loud bellow, almost deafening, as he did Chris felt Kyle's cock pulse, expanding and then contracting and then expanding again. A warmth filled Chris' interior as the bull's seed shot deep inside him. The implosion happened. Chris felt his groin and belly contract in a tight spasm that sent shockwaves to every point in his body. An electric jolt traveled along his skeleton leaving a wake of relaxation behind. Another wave coruscated through him, leaving an even deeper trail of relaxation behind. Over again, perhaps four or five times, Chris was unable to keep track. All he knew was that when they stopped he felt like collapsing.

Kyle's cock was still inside him, the bull's weight resting on Chris' back. Chris' breath snorted harshly through his nostrils, almost in time with Kyle's hot breath on his neck. Kyle's head came down to rest on his shoulders, his right horn rubbing gently on Chris' shoulder blade. Kyle's hand slowly reached down and gently stroked Chris' right breast. Chris sighed in contentment.

A few hours later, as the sun began to set, Chris began to feel rather antsy. He'd expected to return pretty much to normal after his orgasm, but he was still feeling horny. He'd had about five to ten minutes of deep relaxation after Kyle had fucked him, but Kyle's fondling of his boobs had started getting him horny again and fast. Kyle had withdrawn from him, giving him a kiss and gone to lay down in the hut. Chris munched on some grass to try and take his mind of the urges building back inside of him, but it didn't do a lot of good. It was like he was in heat again, but that shouldn't happened for a few more weeks. Had they hit the 35% chance? Was he going to be in heat from now on?

The second day after his heat started, Chris woke feeling swollen, bloated almost. Ever since that fucking in the field, Chris hadn't been able to overcome his horniness. He and Kyle had screwed again that evening and three times the next day, but Chris only felt satisfied for a brief period afterwards. During his normal heat before, things had only lasted a day or two, this was starting to go longer. It wasn't quite as intense as the point when he found the other huts, but that might be because he wasn't surrounded by as many male scents. What was he going to do if he had to spend the rest of his life like this?

He'd tried to massage his clit last night as he lay in bed, but try as he might, he couldn't seem to reach it. Apparently, his arms had grown/changed so much that he was no longer agile enough to bend his arms down there. He needed to try some other positions, outside. He was beginning to fear he'd no longer be able to pleasure himself. If that were the case, he'd have to rely solely on Kyle to get off. That was a concern, while Kyle was often horny, Chris wasn't sure Kyle would be up to sex more than four, maybe five times per day. What would Chris do?

It was pointless to worry about it while lying in bed. It was a concern, yet, it did sort of give him an edge feeling, put things in an interesting light. Everything seemed brighter, more exciting when he was horny. Chris rolled over to his feet. Ow...his breasts and udder felt sore. Like muscles exercised too hard. He glanced down at them and to his surprise found they were swollen, larger than before. What was happening? Were they growing again? A thought came to his mind, a memory of something the doctor had said.

Chris tried to tug on his upper right breast nipple with his fore hoof. A tingling sensation went through his body, he felt his twat moisten. "Mwwooooh" Chris moaned. He glanced over to be sure Kyle had left. He was gone, thank goodness.

Chris walked out to the stream and went to all fours to drink. As he moved forward, his udders and breasts seem to sway more than usual, they seemed heavy, to almost weigh him down. This was not good. Chris drank and then spent an hour grazing for grass trying not to worry about what this meant.

Chris smelled Kyle's scent as the bull came back into the clearing. Chris rose to greet him, his cunt starting to drip at the sight of Kyle's hardening member. As Kyle approached, Chris realized the bull was staring at his breasts, with glances down to his udder.

"Are dey bigger?" Kyle asked. Chris simply nodded shyly.

Kyle reached out and began to fondle Chris' breast teats with both hands. Chris moaned, "Moooooohhh." Kyle bent his head and licked Chris' left teat while "masturbating" it. Suddenly, Chris felt an odd tingling in the tip of his teat and a white stream shot out and hit Kyle in the face!

Kyle snorted, backing away for a moment in surprise. His grip loosening. After recovering, Kyle smiled and put his mouth to the teat and began sucking it. Chris thought his knees might buckle. The sensation was so wild. Here he'd thought he'd experienced all the weird sensations he could, and yet here was another one. A bull's snout suckling on his teat. The long teat was a nice fit for Kyle's long, strong jaw.

As Kyle sucked, Chris felt a warm wet sensation in his teat, above and beyond the feel of Kyle's mouth on his teat. Chris tried to place it, in some ways it felt like a lot like getting a blow job, with precum oozing out the tip of one's dick. Chris hadn't had too many blow jobs, but this was a lot like he remembered them.

As Kyle sucked, Chris felt the pressure in that breast subside, almost like the relief of taking a long piss. It was weird, an odd combination of two sensations he'd never have expected to experience together. Chris gently pushed Kyle's head back and moved him to the other breast teat. How much could Kyle take? Chris had 6 teats, two breasts and his udders, all full. Could Kyle drink that much milk? Chris wanted to worry, he recalled the doctor saying that he might need to be milked at least once if not twice a day? What was he going to do?

Eventually, Kyle pulled his mouth free, Chris' breasts felt normal finally, but his udder was still swollen and uncomfortable. Chris moved his foot and found a puddle on the ground. Twisting his head to look down he found a puddle between his legs where his cunt had been leaking during the pleasure. Also on the ground in front of him were what looked like small milk puddles in the grass. As he brought his gaze back to his body he noted that his udder teats were leaking a bit, pearly drops of milk glistened from their tips? What was he going to do?

Chris didn't have long to worry. As he stood there in shock, Kyle turned him around and bent him over. Without realizing what was going on, Chris suddenly gasped as he felt Kyle's gigantic cock hit home in his cunt. "Goddess" Chris thought. It didn't hurt, but it woke him out of his reverie and reminded him of the deep ache he felt inside.

As Kyle's thrusts gained strength, the bloated swaying of Kyle's udder tugged at him, almost painfully. Yet, painful in a good sort of way. Yes, it hurt, but it hurt in a really sort of kinky way. "Mwoooohhh" moaned Chris as Kyle's grunts escalated both in frequency and volume.

Chris felt pressure on his udder, between his rear teats. It took a minute to realize that Kyle was rubbing his udder with a hoof. Again it was more pressure there, more mild pain, but it felt good. How could pain feel so good? Suddenly, Kyle's cock expanded, releasing it's seed into Chris' inner passage. Chris groaned as he too came in waves of pleasure, rippling through his body.

Kyle rested a few minutes on Chris' back, both breathing heavily. Kyle pulled out and started to leave, but Chris mooed in need, to get his attention. Kyle looked at him, questioningly. As best he could, Chris pointed to his overfull udder and looked pleadingly at Kyle. In his befuddled state, it took Kyle a while, but suddenly he realized the problem. The doctor had mentioned this as a possibility.

"Do oo need milging, Chriz?" Kyle asked. Chris nodded his head in embarrassment. How embarrassing. But now that the pleasure was over, the pressure was uncomfortable, like needing to piss really bad.

Kyle looked around uncertainly then came over and lowered himself on his haunches. He petted Chris' back side. "Dere, dere. I'll tage care uv id." Kyle said. He reached under, fumbling a bit and began to pull gently on Chris' teat. At first nothing happened other than Chris grunting in mild pain, however after a few minutes Kyle was able to recall and mimic the motions the doctor had shown him.

When he was able to do this, he was pleasantly surprised to see a stream of milk flow from Chris' teat. As he gained more confidence he tried the other teat simultaneously and was soon creating a milk puddle on the ground.

For his part Chris was totally humiliated, but it felt so good. It was a release from a pressure that had been building and once Kyle figured out a good motion, it was very pleasant. Erotic even. By the time Kyle had finished draining Chris, Chris was moist and dripping, ready to be fucked again.

Kyle caught the scent and sighed heavily. "Ah'd luv do fug oo Chriz, bud ahm zdill zpend, khan oo gif me a liddle dime? Chris nodded reluctantly and watched as Kyle nodded and walked off to get some water.

Ten days after Chris' first milking, the doctor arrived and informed them that it was time to go. Chris was a bundle of nerves. For the first time he'd be meeting the other minotaurs and he was nervous. He remembered encountering their huts while in heat, and he was definitely still in heat. He didn't know if he'd be able to take the smells.

Kyle was fucking him at least four times per day and milking him every morning, but it was rapidly becoming not enough. Chris didn't necessarily need milking more often, all though in less than a day he was getting very uncomfortable, it was the fucking Chris needed.

He couldn't believe his own urges, if Kyle could have stood it, Chris would have liked to get screwed at least nine or ten times per day. It was embarrassing, he felt like some sort of slut, but it seemed the more he got fucked, the more he wanted it. His entire vaginal canal just seemed to twitch and itch of it wasn't getting fucked. No matter what he did, he was moist most of the time.

Apparently they'd managed to hit the worst of the doctor's percentages. His heat showed no sign of going away. Was he going to spend the rest of his life like this? A couple times Kyle had been out hunting during a time of day when they'd normally fuck and Chris had gotten to the point where he had to walk on all fours due to the twitching and aching in his pussy. It had basically forced him to bend over to move, walking on hind legs during those bouts was too much of a balancing act.

For whatever reason, the other minotaurs had been shuttled to Minos City first, Kyle and Chris, along with their possessions were last. When they got on the boat, a barge really. Chris was rather glad they were alone and last, he wasn't sure he could have stood being confined to the boat, no matter how big it was with all those bulls. The boat was a bit out of the standard for the planet, in that it was a powered hovercraft, apparently used in construction and set up. Planetary bylaws required the normal citizens to travel by low tech craft only.

Even making very good speed, bouncing across the waves, the barge took over an hour to get to the island with Minos City. Minos City was the new home of the minotaurs, it wasn't exactly a city but rather a large cave/tunnel complex built into the side of the mountain that dominated it's island. The city was actually laid out pretty much as a labyrinth. There were wide aisles and passageways that could serve as market places and smaller thorough fares that led to private cave/residences.

Chris had been concerned about being underground all the time, but his instructors had told him that there were a number of "glade" or "garden" areas within the tunnels with openings to the sky above. As they wound the path up the side of the mountain, Chris could smell the scent of rain coming on. The old island hadn't gotten a lot of rain, but it had been at a lower altitude than the caves they were climbing too.

The scent of rain masked the odor of the minotaurs already present in the city. That mask went away as the city's giant marble doors split to reveal the entrance. The whoosh of confined air rushed out and nearly caused Chris to collapse to all fours. His head reeled. The scent was nearly overpowering. He smelled bulls, lots of bulls. Behind the opening doors was the first of the other minotaurs, a giant minotaur whose skin was nearly black as coal. Unlike Kyle or Chris, this minotaur was nearly hairless except for a dense mat on his lower legs below his hocks, around his groin and on his head. The pubic hair was black, tightly curled and the leg hair thick but short. His facial/head hair was pitch black only slightly darker than his skin. It was primarily the glistening sweat on his chest and shoulders that told Chris he was predominately hairless.

He was taller than Kyle and if anything his slick rounded muscles were larger than Kyle's or at least somewhat more protrusive, globular almost. A total muscle freak. Chris got weak in the knees just looking at him. And he was looking at Chris. Chris broke his eyes away from the ebony minotaur only to realize the bull's prick was rapidly slithering out of it's sheath. A black serpent with a purplish head, staring straight at Chris.

"Anuban!" Kyle exclaimed in greeting. He warily eyed the bull's excitement. "Diz iz Chriz, oo I'be dold ou aboud." Chris thought he detected tension in Kyle's voice. Jealousy? As Kyle turned, Chris noted that Kyle was also starting to get aroused. Did one bull's arousal make the others excited to? This could be a problem.

"Chriz!" Anuban seemed to breath out. "Id iz good do vinally meed ou." Anuban held out his hand, Chris shook it as best he could with his right fore hoof. As he tried to withdraw, Anuban didn't seem to want to let go, he was staring at Chris' breasts and udder. As things drug out a bit too much, Anuban seemed to snap out of his reverie and let go of Chris' hoof. "Id iz a bleazure do hab oiu ere." Anuban told him.

Chris was afraid so. The bull rather intimidated him physically, yet the scent from him, while somewhat frightening was also very alluring, very arousing. Chris, not trusting himself to be able to open his mouth and not go down on Anuban, simply nodded politely and moved into the corridor beyond Anuban with Kyle and the doctor.

"I'll show you two to your quarters and make sure you get settled in." The doctor said The doctor was guiding the hover sled with their belongings. After the doctor left they'd have to carry things on their own.

As Chris passed Anuban, he felt the bull's hand brush his flank and then down his butt. Chris shuddered in anticipation. How would Kyle react if Chris jumped Anuban? The tingling was starting to build in his groin and if they didn't get past the gatekeeper soon, he'd be dripping juices from his cunt. That scent might cause all hell to break loose.

Chris suddenly became concerned, if "all hell" did "break loose" given the domino effect bulls seemed to have on each other's arousal, he could end up being raped by every minotaur in the mountain! That would be hundreds of bulls. He might end up getting simultaneously fucked while being forced to give head and have 3 or 4 bulls sucking his teats nonstop for hours on end. Or worse! Maybe days on end? His cunt spasmed at the thought, causing him to almost double over.

Holy shit! It's time to smash the gates of hell! Thought Chris in a nearly delirious stupor at the prospect, as the gates of Minos City closed behind him and Kyle.

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