The Morning After

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 29, 2020




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I was trying to sleep and not making it. My roommate's boyhood friend Tyler was home for a three-day shore leave from the Navy, and he had come over and my roommate had put together a hell of a big, noisy party for Tyler and his other buddies. I endured it as long as I could, then I gave up about ten-thirty and called a friend, asked if I could crash on his couch tonight and told to come on over. I packed a quick overnight bag and got out of there. It was, to use a term I'd found somewhere or other in a book I'd read, "getting very drunk" in my own apartment.

I never should have let Ronald move in with me. I knew the guy from high school and he had looked me up, wanting to find a cheap place to stay. I had a two bedroom apartment (and a recently broken-up gay relationship) with an empty bedroom so I said yes. Note to others, if a lover you move in demands his own bedroom, expect yourself to be in an "open relationship" with yourself being the "side dish" of the trio. Trust me on this.

But with Ronald there and not knowing I was gay (I'd decided not to tell my folks because back home, telling one person is the same as telling the entire freaking county), I was perforce shoved back into the closet until I got up the gumption, as they say, to tell everyone in the world I was gay. It sucked, but Ronald would get bored with a roommate on his own hoist and move out, that was what I was counting on. Side effect, he throws a wild party and there's girls all over and guys kissing girls and the alcohol flows like ditchwater, and you're left huddling in your bedroom and wishing you lived on Pluto. My (gay) friend's couch was infinitely preferable to that in the rooms next to your bedrooom, I assure you.

I got home the next morning and found the living room to be predictably trashed to the point of unliveability. I swore Ronald would clean up this mess all alone. Get out of the apartment again by eleven a.m. and not come home again until nightfall, that was my battleplan.

I wanted to change clothes, so I went to my room and stopped dead in my tracks.

A naked black man was in my bed! I was staring right at a magnificently beautiful black ass and I saw the sailor's hat on my dresser and realized that this must be Tyler. Shit, Ronald had seen me leaving with an overnight bag and figured Tyler could sleep in my bed.

The man was completely out of it, dead drunk, as they say. I shook his shoulder but he didn't stir. Out of it.

I started getting undressed, my jockstrap was soaked with sweat because my neighbor's house wasn't air conditioned and it was mid-August. I had sweated through a miserable night and was looking at the cause of my misery sound asleep on my bed.

Asleep bare naked.

With a hot bubble ass.

Jesus, I hadn't gotten laid in weeks now. You have a naked hunkalicious body on your bed with his bubble ass sticking up begging for attention and see how you feel.

I should be ashamed of what I did next, but you know, I wasn't. I'd had enough and more than enough of my straight roommate and his straight friends and girlfriends using my good nature to party hearty and ransack my beautifully decorated apartment on a regular basis. This was the fourth time I'd been through this!

So, what I did was get completely naked, find I had a raging hard-on, looked at that bubble ass, then I reached for my love-lube. Greased it up well and climbed onto my bed, and in between those beautifully sculpted legs. I didn't see a hair on this guy, he was sleek and smooth all over. I think Ronald said he was a swimmer and thought of this beautiful body curving and arcing in the water, rising with the gleam of moisture glistening on him and my boner got harder than ever.

I wormed my cock in between those beautifully curved buttocks and found the warm dimple of the sphincter and I pushed at it. No noise or motion from Tyler at all. I pushed again and harder and my cockhead went into the ass. No hair even down there. He must shave all over or submitted to a body wax! I pushed harder and slid in deeper.

Oh, man, that warm ass was tight, not squeezing my dick hard, but nice, God, so fucking nice! I moaned and my hips began to pump almost as of themselves, the cock warm and loving every slip in and out of that sweet, sweet ass!

I kept expecting Tyler to wake up or even move, Christ, was I getting away with this? I'd read about an Indian maharajah who had slipped mickeys into the drinks of young British officers he invited to dinner and then fuck them later that night. Got away with it, the officers all said that he was a nice guy but the food he served made their asses hurt.

I pumped Tyler, enjoying the feel of a pliant, sweet, tight black ass wrapped around my pud. My every motion was driving a spear of passion right up into my brain and I was grunting harder, the bedsprings were beginning to squeak alarmingly loud. But Tyler never stirred.

Man, oh, man, I wished I could fuck this stud all day long. His body was so sweet, sleek, smooth, the skin a glorious shade of dark chocolate. His body didn't even smell bad, even after a night of hard drinking, it was as sweet and luscious as, well, a chocolate bar. I mean it, sniff a fresh chocolate bar one day and that was the smell of Tyler's naked body all prone on my bed. And I had my cock stuffed up his warm bubble butt and it was wonderful, just wonderful!

My passion was getting to me, and I was fucking the black stud like crazy, and he wasn't moving or saying anything, just lying there and I hammer-fucked him and I'd cast all caution to the wind as I slammed his sweet ass for all I was worth.

My moans were getting louder and I was on the crest of climax when I heard the first sounds from Tyler. Groans. Was he waking up? Would he know. No, no, not now, not now!

"AHHHHH-HUUHHHHH-GUHHHH-HUNNNNN!" I came hard and fast and I heard Tyler moan and he shifted just a little bit as I squirted my hot heavy load into his butt.

I was done, and Tyler was still again, he hadn't wakened up after all. Man, oh, man, that was so fucking hot!

I looked at that ass now loaded with my jizz, and I couldn't resist, even with him maybe waking up again, I leaned down and I began to probe that come-loaded butthole with my tongue, sticking it in and licking up my own jizz now flavored with the sweet, savory fluids of that beautifully clean and hairless bubble ass. I have a talented tongue and I formed a round tube with a sharp tip of my tongue and I shoved it in that well-fucked ass and I kept this up until I couldn't taste any more of my own jizz except a bit with my tongue-tip.

Done, I rose, sweaty and panting but feeling a lot more amiable about Tyler's presence in my room. I went to my bathroom to take a shower and came back, he was still sound asleep, out of it, dead drunk.

I got dressed and left and spent the day with a few friends, and came home around seven thirty that night.

Tyler wasn't there but Ronald was, and to my surprise, the living room was totally clean now! Ronald was there but looking like hell, I figured I'd let Ronald get over his hangover, as he was looking like death warmed over, and settled into make a supper. For two, Ronald was no hand at cooking and while I didn't like being his personal chef, I also couldn't bring myself to eat in front of him and he did chip in on the groceries. About one third, but he was paying.

He came in and was grateful for the food, and ate well, then he sat back. "Thanks for the food, Jerry."

I shrugged. "Thanks for cleaning up the living room."

Ronald shook his head. "Not me. Tyler did it. Said he owed it to you."

"Oh, great." I guess a Navy career taught a man to be neat. Not like Ronald, the human garbage dump.

"He said to ask if you wanted him as a roommate. He gets out of the Navy in another six months and I'll be ready to move out of here by then. He could take my room."

"Maybe." I said.

"He'll be back a bit later, he's hanging out with a few buddies. Said to tell you something."


"I didn't understand it, so he made me remember it. He said to tell you, `Thanks for your hospitality and he loved it, but next time, could you wake him up first?'" Ronald shook his head. "It doesn't make sense."

"It does to me." I said, a warm feeling in my stomach.

Sounded like I'd just found myself a new roommate!

[This story is a sample from my book "The Third Option" available for sale at my website, the URL is below. A truncated version of this book (minus six stories too rough for publication) is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble (but my website version also has illustrations!]


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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