The Morning Glory Diner

Published on Mar 8, 2018


The Morning Glory Diner By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The Morning Glory Diner was the only place to eat in East Dresden, New York. It opened a 4:00 A.M. and closed at 3:00. East Berlin was 25 miles from the Interstate and too small to attract a fast food franchise. Its clientele was almost all male. Farmers, construction workers and state troopers. The only women who came there were getting coffee and donuts for their boss.

There was one toilet wedged into a small space next to the kitchen. There was a separate rest room in a building to the rear. Before the Interstate, the Morning Glory had been a Tourist Court. It had cabins, a restaurant and a swimming pool. It closed, and the cabins were torn down, leaving only the restaurant and the changing room and shower facilities for the pool remaining. It was a popular rest stop for truckers. The showers were good for them. That ended when fast food places located at the interchanges. The truckers were gone, but the owner Mitch Goodman didn't like change. The showers and the Morning Glory Diner remained.

The site was overgrown, and a casual visitor wouldn't know there was a toilet room and a shower facility in the thicket to the rear. Mitch was a big, handsome confirmed bachelor. Many of his friends were bachelors too, but he was a hunting and fishing type guy and the locals liked him.

Mitch's best friend in school had been Roddy, who was now the Chief of Police and Darren, who was the only florist in the area. Darren was a nice guy, but more importantly he was necessary for weddings and funerals. He was talented and helpful. He served as a grief counselor and knew how to calm jittery brides.

I am Conrad Smith and work the eight-to-four shift at GIM, the General Information Company. I load the days financial transactions into computers all night. I have breakfast at the Morning Glory around 4:30 AM. I too am a confirmed bachelor.

Driving home one morning I encountered a car stuck in a ditch. I got out to help, and while I got the car out, I was covered in mud. I didn't realize how bad it was until I got to the diner. Mitch took me to the showers. I didn't know they were there. I washed the worst of the mud off my clothes and took a shower. While I was there, Old Joe Melton joined me. He was a dairy farmer and had just finished milking the cows.

It was a gang shower room. Once there had been curtains between the shower heads, but they were long gone. I had known Joe for years, he was in his later 60s and was hung like a horse. I hadn't guesses that. We talked, and I got semi-hard. Joe didn't notice. A little later Trooper Wayne Fenton joined us. I tried to hide my erection.

Joe came closer to me and whispered, "Don't worry about Wayne. He's cool with hard cocks."

I turned, and he smiled when he saw my erection. He was already semi-hard. He had been on the other side of the room but joined us.

"You have a nice one, Conrad," he said. As he said that, Joe bent over and sucked my cock. I jumped a little'

"Did I surprise you?" he asked.

"Don't worry Conrad. Joe surprised me too the first time he did it. Joe's a dairy farmer and he knows how to milk a man," Wayne said. By that time, I was feeling so good, all was well. Darren came in little later and he was obviously comfortable with us.

I shot off, dried myself and got dressed. Breakfast was good as usual. Old Joe and Wayne came in the diner and Darrel came a little later. I went home and went to bed. I usually wake up between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. At five Mitch knocked on my door. I asked him in.

Mitch was usually direct. "Old Joe and Darren told me that you had a good time in the showers this morning. I was just checking to see if that was right. Joe and Darren can get carried away."

"It was fine, I enjoyed it," I said. "Don't worry about me."

"There are some guys who regularly drop by the showers to relax," Mitch said. "If you want, you can join them."

"I might do that," I said. "Is it always Old Joe, Wayne and Darren?"

"They tend to be regulars in the early morning, but there are other guys too," Mitch said. "I drop in sometimes. We all share a common interest. When you get to know them, they are all nice guys."

"I've messed around some before, but it seems to be every three or four months, plus or minus," I said. "Are the showers safe?"

Mitch laughed. Wayne and his pals keep it safe. We all keep it quiet," he said. "On Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings we have a meeting there. It's not a club, but Old Joe said you did well at the membership interview. Let's just say the meeting give him a chance to explore your interests in depth."

"I'm not very experienced. I'm a bit shy and timid," I said.

"It's okay if you watch and join in when you feel the urge," Mitch said. "As soon as Old Joe tasted your man juice, you were a member!" I said I would think about it.

I thought about it a lot. I wasn't a native of East Dresden. Originally, I came from North Carolina. I had a degree in computer science and when GIM set up shop in New York, I moved there. It was in a deep recession and I needed a job. New Dresden was an inexpensive place to live, and that was more important than having a social life. I never had much of a social life anyway. My work schedule wasn't conducive to making friends anyway. Originally there were three guys on the night shift at GIM. I am fast and accurate and soon I did it all. I had college debt hanging over my head and my good salary increases helped with that.

I had Friday nights off, since I could do the work on Sunday. I had breakfast at the Morning Glory on Saturday morning. Wayne was there with a friend, Dudley and the joined me at my table. Dudley was about my age, 33. Wayne was maybe 40. Dudley was new to town an we joked about East Dresden's wild night club scene. Saturday was he day to get ready for the next day's Sunday School class.

"I usually go to a little get together on Saturdays," Wayne said, "Dudley is going to give it a try. Did Wayne mention it to you, Conrad?" I nodded. Wayne added in a whisper, "I kind of look after the new guys. I like to make sure they are comfortable. One or two of the men might be a bit forward. Some men like to get into things slow and easy. It's a no pressure and no demands sort of event." Wayne said he would pick up Dudley and me. I said I would be ready at two.

I was ready, and Wayne was prompt. He was in his car, not the police cruiser. He parked to the rear of the diner in a hidden parking area. We went to the shower building. Mitch, Darren and Hugo were there. Hugo was the cook at the diner. Guys called him the missing link behind his back. He was average height, stocky and hairy. He was also smiling. I had never seen him smile before. Mitch and Darren were wearing jockeys. Hugo was naked. Wayne was stripping as soon as we walked in the door. The entrance area had lavatories, with toilets to the left and a dressing room, shower to the right.

Dudley and I went to dressing room which had a bench and hooks on the wall and we began it undress. There was a towel on each hook. I heard Old Joe talking with Mitch. Old Joe came with several men. they were the bachelor farmer group I had seen at breakfasts. They seemed to be friends but didn't talk much. When they came in the dressing room, it was clear that this wasn't a male beauty contest.

Hugo came over to me. "Old Joe says you spurt A-Number-One grade sperm," he whispered. "I'm kind of into that. Don't waste it. If you can save some for me, please do." I told him that was okay with me.

I went to the shower next. There were only four shower heads, so we had to share. I was with one of the bachelor farmers, Teddy and his nephew Dickey. Teddy was tall, thin and almost gaunt. His cock was meaty and uncut. Dicky was talkative, small and almost delicate. I had my cock under control until Dickey began sucking it. Teddy was already hard and impressive. He had his arm around me.

"Dickey likes it up the ass, so if you feel like fucking just shove it in him. he's always willing," Teddy told me. "Shit, I'm willing most of the time."

"I've never fucked a guy before," I said.

"Damn, this might be your lucky day," Teddy replied.

A man on the other side of the shower called out, "Teddy I have a pal here who wants to meet you. Come on over." He went over, and Mitch joined me and Dickey.

"Maybe you have noticed the guys here aren't that shy?" Mitch said. "You are new to the scene. Some of these men have completed post-graduate studies."

"They seem to be friendly," I remarked.

"Don't worry, they aren't too friendly," Mitch replied. "The nice thing about getting together regularly is that you aren't rushed. You may connect the next time, or in a year." Several more men arrived. They were older guys. The weren't uncomfortable being naked and they sure liked looking at me. Mitch went to greet them.

Dickey had been sucking me, but he stood up. "Most of the guys seem to be quite a bit older," I remarked.

"The older guys have been pals since school days," Dickey said. "The used to play around some as teen agers and they never stopped. They realized they were getting older, and they needed new blood. Wayne caught me at a rest stop. Instead of arresting me he brought me here. I was shocked when I discovered Uncle Teddy and I share the same interests."

"Wayne has found a few new members. Not everyone is right for the group. Some guys want romance and true love," Dickey said.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I like to have fun and drink a few loads of cum with no strings attached," he replied.

For the first half hour everything seemed strange and odd. When I relaxed and got used to being with naked men, things seemed okay. After an hour, sucking the cock of a man you didn't know seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I was on the bench and leaned over and sucked Mitch's cock. He was uncut. I took it into my mouth and used my tongue to search in he skin wrapping for is cock head.

He squirted something. I thought it was sperm at first, but it was precum, a thick blob of the stuff. I was suddenly crazed to get more. It seemed as if my life was dependent on getting more of it. Mitch was more than willing to feed me. I felt warm all over and felt directly connected to him. I was sucking his most private part and he was feeding me his own sex juices.

"Wayne, suck him. he's going to blow!" Mitch ordered. Wayne's mouth enveloped my cock as Mitch's drooling precum turned thick and creamy. Mitch drained his balls into my mouth as Wayne took the entire contents of my balls. We broke apart.

I felt drained for about ten minutes, but it was as if Mitch's sperm had refilled my balls. I wanted more. more turned out to be Hugo. Hugo wasn't attractive, but somehow, he seemed to be all man, a thick, hair covered body with precum dripping from his soft, uncut tool. He didn't have a single female characteristic. He was standing with Homer, a farmer who was a tall, thin and well-equipped.

I sucked Hugo. Hugo leaned over me and Homer pushed his cock into Hugo's behind. I would have been shocked if Hugo cock hadn't become fully erect and oozing as Homer cock went deep. I had sucked and been sucked before, but I had never shared another man's sexual excitement. Hugo turned me on, but Homer fucking Hugo was even more exiting. Hugo rarely smiled or reacted to anything, but now his cock was telling me all the details of his emotions and sensations. I knew what he was feeling.

He began to shoot. Homer moaned as he felt Hugo ejaculate. I had to swallow to keep from choking on Hugo's massive load. While I had never been fucked and never intended to be fucked, I knew that somehow Homer's cock would inevitably be up my ass, pumping until I shot off. I didn't know when that would be, but I knew it had to be.

After almost two hours the men began to drift away. One or two orgasms were most men's limit. I went home with Wayne and Dudley. They came in for a beer and eventually I cooked some burgers and fries. Dudley was talkative and enthusiastic.

"I can't believe I did what I did there. When I got there, I thought this was crazy, I could never do stuff like these guys. I was wrong about that!" Dudley said. He looked at Wayne, "Did I go too far?"

"I've been where you were. You are with consenting adults who share your interests," Wayne said. "Even better, no one got knocked up and there is no prospect for a shot gun wedding! So far, no one at the Morning Glory had ever gone too far."

I told them about my experienced with Mitch, Hugo and Homer. Dudley said he wasn't sure he could bottom.

"There are different strokes for different folks," Wayne remarked. "I'm not into bottoming, but I have taken a few trips to the moon propelled by cock in my ass."

"How did that happen?" Dudley asked.

"Let's just say there are cock and there are cocks," he replied. "Sometimes you've fucked a guy so many times you need to let him fuck you. Some guys need to ask for it. Now, Dudley here is a good-looking guy. I don't want him to get all hot a bothered unless he really wants it."

"Hugo got me going big time," I admitted.

"I've known Hugo for years. He not the delicate type, but he's appreciative and careful," Wayne said. "I'm not sure I would recommend him for a first fuck, but you sure know you've been fucked when he is done with you."

They were on duty from 10:00 to 6:00 so they left a little after 8:00. I fell asleep for the next ten hours. That was a record for me. Just before noon, I had a call from Homer. He said he hoped I wasn't busy, but he had a good time with me the day before.

"I'm having a little private party at the Morning Glory this afternoon," he said, "I was hoping you might be interested."

"How little and how private?" I asked.

"It's a couple of uncles and a few cousins from down south. That is where I am from. We used to mess around at the old swimming hole when we were younger," he said. "It's sort of a reunion. Uncle Jimmy is getting old and this may be the last time he can have some fun. He likes them young and you are the only young guy I know. He can't get it up anymore, but he still likes the scenery." It took a little convincing, but I agreed to join them.

I was expecting a bunch of hillbillies, but only Uncle Jimmy, his son and two nephews were county. Uncle Robert was a retired bank president, he came with two country club nephews. I was ten of fifteen years younger than anyone in the family. Homer's mother was Jimmy and Robert's sister.

Uncle Jimmy sat, smiled and stared at me. One of his nephews stayed with him. In the showers, his son, Jimmy Junior, or JJ came over to me. "In his prime Daddy would have loved you," he said. "He's smiling, that as good as it gets now. Grand Daddy thought that we should keep all our man seed in the family. Daddy and Uncle Robert thought that outsiders' man scum had a certain zing to it."

"And you?" I asked.

"If it squirts from a cock I'm game," he said. "Actually, Uncle Robert's nephews are guys he helped with their careers." He reached out and cupped my balls. "They seem heavy. I can lighten them for you." JJ had two memorable features, he had no teeth, and he lacked a gag reflex. His mouth was like a vacuum cleaner; it sucked me in. Deep throating was his specialty.

After a several minutes, Robert joined us. JJ looked like something the cat dragged in. Robert was bigger, in good shape, tanned and his body hair was manscaped. JJ affected the sheepdog look. They could not have been more different.

Robert introduce me to his "nephews" while JJ sucked me. That didn't seem to be odd to them. Robert pried JJ off my cock and they went to talk with Homer. I was with the country and country club nephews. They weren't alike, but a common interest in man sex united them. I found out that Robert was a bottom and JJ was a top. JJ's boys, Jimmy III and Willy, wanted to top and Robert's "nephews" Carlton and Eddy, wanted to bottom. I wondered if it would work out, since Carlton and Eddy had every hair in place and taking a cock in the ass left you hot, bothered and sticky.

I had a feeling that the "nephews" were experienced, and that they were honing their skills as a bottom, not learning new tricks. JJ, Robert and Homer rejoined us. After some confusion, my cock poked into Robert's ass and fell in love with is well lubricated rectum. Homer poked Willy's ass and Willy enjoyed fucking Carlton with a cock in his ass. JJ and Robert 69ed as I continued to fuck Robert.

Robert was the first to shoot off and his orgasms set off a chain reaction. My sperm was in Robert's ass, Robert took JJ's sperm as JJ at his. Uncle Jimmy and Eddy traded man seed. It was a success. The party broke up and Homer took me home. I had dinner, took a nap and went to work on the night shift.

I though of myself as being staid, boring and conventional. That was true, but when naked me were added to my boring life, I seemed to take it I stride. I took it with considerable enthusiasm. In one week I had more sex than ever before.

Next: Chapter 2

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