The Morning Glory Diner

Published on Mar 18, 2018


The Morning Glory Diner 2 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had never been in an orgy before, and I had second thoughts the next week. The second thoughts lasted for a few days, but I soon realized my cock had a very different plan. I am a conventional man and attending orgies is not at all conventional. My cock had discovered a new world of pleasure and it wanted more. In the battle between convention and lust, there was only one possible victor. My conventional mind surrendered to my cock and lust.

On Wednesday, I arrived at the Morning Glory at 10:15. I had been in an early morning meeting with executives to discuss possible changes in the company, so I was late for breakfast. This was the mid-morning lull, between the breakfast group and the lunch people. Mitch was getting supplies and Hugo was the only one at the diner.

"I hope you had a good time last Saturday," he said.

"I sure did. I didn't know what to expect, but it was just fine," I replied.

"It was good for me too. I'm not much of a looker and guys like you usually give me the brush off," he said.

"I admit you aren't my type. If I told you when you are naked you are an incredible turn on for me, would you be insulted?" I asked.

Hugo laughed. "I take whatever compliment I can get," he said. "Are you coming to Saturday's party?"

"I don't know. I would hate to be a pest," I replied.

"There are a lot of regulars, so that's not a problem," Hugo said. "I have some pals coming. They would love to meet you. They aren't pretty, but they are fun to be with and real willing." He paused. "I guess I should said, they are fun if you like man sex a lot."

I told him I would be there. I wasn't that excited at the prospect of ugly, sex crazed men, but I didn't want to say no to Hugo. I was afraid he would think they weren't good enough for me and get insulted. When a came to know Hugo better, I realized he wouldn't have been insulted. He expected rejection.

I drove to the party. Mitch and Hugo were the reception committee. I was the first to come and thought it might be a low attendance event. Five minutes later Homer, Darren, Wayne and Police Chief Walters arrived. Walters looked at me and said. "Finally, some new meat!" and went to undress.

Immediately behind them were four guys. Hugo introduced them. Ray was a black man and had a poorly repaired cleft pallet. He washed cars. Johnny was a short, bearded man who dressed as a cowboy and worked on the town crew. Tommy looked like a Neanderthal man and was a blacksmith, and Louis was a normal looking man. He worked in a sheltered workshop. We all went to undress.

I was the first to get naked. It turned out that was good. Hugo's friends were uneasy meeting a new man. Once I was naked, they stripped. I was shocked at my reaction. I never thought of myself as a typical gay man, but I had to admit, my interest in them increased when I saw them naked.

I hated to think I evaluated them for their sexual potential, not as fully rounded men. I laughed to myself. It was superficial, but this was a sex party. You evaluate athletes on their athletic skills, not on their well-rounded approach to life. Hugo and Johnny came over to me.

"Conrad, Johnny likes to suck, but he's shy," Hugo said. "Would you mind if he took a lick or two?"

"No problem. Let's go to the showers and have some fun," I said. I looked around. "Why don't we all go to the showers and get to know each other better," I added. The shower room was crowded but bumping into naked guys was not problem. Darren was sucking the Police Chief knew Ray and was playing with Ray's cock. I realized that while I liked cocks, I really liked hard cocks.

I got on my knees to suck Louis, but Tommy was so close I could suck both men. Louis had a beautiful cock, but Tommy's uncut tool wasn't hard yet. High-test precum oozed from the tip of here foreskin. Every time I moved my head another cock was within licking distance. It wasn't intensely romantic, but it was fun.

Johnny was short, but too tall to be a dwarf. He was maybe five feet one and was well proportioned, except his cock and balls seemed oversized. That wasn't a problem for me or any of the other men. There didn't seem to be any favoritism among the men. The rule seemed to be to suck the nearest cock. Most of them circulated, so eventually you would meet and suck everyone.

For me it was eye opening. Walters, the Police Chief, and Wayne like to fuck and some of the men expected that. I was a bit shocked, but it was a turn on. I had seen it in porn videos, but this seemed more relaxed and less frantic. Ray was next to me when he bent over, and Wayne gently slipped his cock into Ray's ass. I had been sucking Tommy, but I switched to sucking Ray. Wayne would pull out, leaving only his cock head on the dark side of Ray's sphincter, then he would shove it in deep. Every time this happened, Ray spurted globs of precum into my mouth. I felt Tommy's hairy body behind me.

"You like Ray's cock juice?" he whispered. I nodded while still sucking. I didn't want to miss any of his sweet cock drool. I had never been with a black man before. I was from the South and that was a big deal.

"I'm oozing big time too," Tommy said. I felt his juicy cock head at my hole. I was enjoying Ray's precum and wasn't thinking. I shifted my legs. A second later Tommy's cock head had popped into my ass.

There was a brief, sharp pain, then I shivered in pleasure. I expected it to be more painful and less pleasurable. I have since figured out what happened. Tommy's cock was a huge cock head on a short, thin shaft. When he popped in, he rammed my prostate. I didn't really know I had a prostate, but his cock was just long enough for his knob to give it a real workout. Talking with Homer later, the older man said that Tommy tended to give your prostate a buff and a shine.

He soon gave my prostate a sperm bath. Ray let loose his man seed, draining his balls into my mouth as Tommy filled my ass. We broke apart. I didn't know exactly what I felt, other than intense pleasure. As the glow faded I was embarrassed. Sex had been intimate and private for me. Six men had watched me take Ray and Tommy's cum. They couldn't see the spurting cocks in my mouth and ass, but they all knew what had happened.

"Damn, you took that like a trooper," Chief Walters said to me. "Believe me when I tell you I know troopers!" I laughed a little. The Chief dropped on his knees and began sucking me.

Wayne saw us and came over. "Your ass is dripping some," he said. "Let me help you with that." He eased his cock into my ass. I was shocked, but after a minute or two, Wayne's cock felt as it if belonged there. I didn't think that could possibly be right, but that was the way I felt. Wayne pumped with increasing speed until I shot off into the Chief's mouth. I felt a tickling sensation on my ass as Wayne let loose.

After that, we all took a break to cool down. I felt drained. It turned out that the break was to recharge and refill our balls.

"You done good," Chief Walter said to me.

"I think I over did it," I told him. "You must think I'm a slut." Louis got up, came over to me and started sucking. I thought I was wiped out. Apparently, my cock didn't feel that way.

The Chief laughed. "You may not have guessed, but slutty is good here," he said. "Being a slutty cock sucker, ass fucker, cum eater is all that we could want in a man. We are all adults here and we all like man sex. Outside these walls we need to be careful. It may not be a problem in New York City, but in East Dresden you need to be careful. What we do for an hour or two on a Saturday must last us a week or two, unless we get lucky."

"Let me tell you, Conrad. My cock's trip up your ass will be a fond memory for at least a week or two," Wayne said. "I had the impression that my cock was a welcome guest."

"Would I sound stupid if I said I was embarrassed to like it as much as I did?" I asked.

"I'm afraid to say that most of us once thought that way. My folks thought that if you enjoyed it, it must have been sinful," Mitch said, "It seemed wrong to me to enjoy man sex as much as I do. It can take a while to get over those feeling. I wonder if that's what masochists think they need to be punished for liking sex so much?"

"After hiding for so many years, this is the only place I can let it all hang out," Tommy said.

"You can both hang out here and let it hang out here," Darren added. "I guess you could consider the people here as equal opportunity fuckers." Everyone laughed. "I am an equal opportunity bottom," he added.

"When I was younger I was the Queen of the May. The cute boys wanted me. I got older and turned into an old Queen." Darren said. "I came back here and discovered the diner. I thought it was troll central until Ray shoved his cock up my behind," he added. "I had been fucked tea party style with one pinky in the air and the best china. Ray has a man cock and good attitude. He wanted to get off, but he also wanted to fuck me to the moon and back. I felt him shooting off firehose style in my ass. It's never been the same. Up until then, I had avoided the sticky stuff, but Ray's hit the spot."

"I got to like the stuff," Johnny said. "Guys don't like to take mine. I think they were afraid they might catch an attack of being short. Now Ray's not much like Mandingo, but he sure is black. If he lived in the South I would bet rednecks would love his black seed."

"Be careful, I'm from Tennessee," Chief Walters said. "Generally, I'm not into White or Black man seed. I do admit Ray shoots the caviar of home brewed sperm. It was an accident the first time I took it, but it's not been an accident since then."

"I like it all," Louis said.

"I'm embarrassed to say, I told Louis my cream was a special present from me. I liked to have guys take my load, so I tricked him," Homer said. "I actually tricked myself. I took a sample of his cum by accident and loved it. We've had good times trading cum for a year or so."

"I like tricks like Homer's," Louis said.

We talked for a little bit longer and then resumed sucking and fucking. The men were pleasant, affable and willing. It was pleasurable, orgasm full and drama free. No one was looking for the love of their life, or a life partner. No one was trying to impress the others. Sex was no stress and with no expectations. It was pure sexual pleasure without strings.

After the first round of orgasms, I relaxed and felt comfortable with the other men. Watching Louis wiggle in pleasure on Mitch's cock was clearly good for both men. Johnny liked doing a little ride 'em cowboy thing on Homer' cock. When I left after two hours, I felt I had been totally exposed, physically and sexually. They knew what I liked and craved. I had no secrets, nothing was hidden.

Three weeks later my life in East Dresden changed dramatically. The apartment house where Ray, Hugo and Tommy lived burned to the ground. Ray and Tommy were roommates. Hugo had his own apartment. They did not have renter's insurance. I lived in an older house just outside of town that had once housed the hired hands for a big dairy farm. It had been sort of a Bunkhouse and was out of the way. When the dairy closed they sold off the building. It had five bedrooms. I said they could stay with me until they found a new place. Since I worked nights and they worked in the day, it was a good arrangement for me. I knew Hugo was a cook, but he and Tommy were neat freaks and they kept the place spic and span. Ray liked to garden and do the lawn.

I didn't charge rent, but they bought food and did most of the cooking. The living arrangement became permanent. It was good for all of us. None of us were lovers, but we were playmates. They all had friends who would drop by to see them. My house was set back on an overgrown lot and couldn't be seen from the road. Hugo said that most of their friends were very private. Hugo, Tommy and Ray were private, but they shared their friends.

Tommy's friend was a Science teacher at the High School, Elton. Elton's parents were big, Elton John fans and wanted a pop-star son. They were disappointed in their teacher son. Tommy's folks encouraged him to quit school and take up shoeing horses. Elton was slight and thin, Tommy was massive. They discovered sex together, and they became good friends. Tommy felt short changed by quitting school. Elton introduce him to science. Tommy discovered he had great interest in Science.

Tommy was mostly a top. Elton mostly bottomed. Tommy found out that Elton bottomed mostly to please him. Tommy was willing to bottom, but Elton knew it wasn't his thing. Tommy saw that I enjoyed the bottom and he recruited me to join him with Elton. Elton wouldn't go the Diner because he was a teacher and feared exposure too much.

I got along with Elton, his science education and my computer science backgrounds meshed. His cock and my ass were friends too. He liked fucking me while Tommy fucked him, but he also like to have Tommy fuck me, shoot off and then Elton would use Tommy's sperm as lube. He also liked it when we 69ed and Tommy fucked him. it was even better when Tommy fucked me as Elton and I 69ed. He could taste my reaction to Tommy's thrusts.

Sometimes Hugo and Ray would join us. Then there would be five cocks, five mouths and five assholes in use simultaneously. I lost my tendency to be shy. I finally realized my cock was a part of my body. Sex was part of my life, not an accidental lightning strike of pleasure. I could enjoy it.

The weekend events at the Morning Glory continued. Some men were regulars, but attendance was surprisingly varied. The men tended to be over forty, but there were some who were over 70 and some younger men. There were also some special events. Mitch explained these were originally private parties, but they later were opened to the regulars too. New meat was good for private parties too.

The first private party I went to was a retirement event for a local coach, Billings Smith. He had been a successful coach for years and even got the local high school to the state championship tournaments with some regularity. He never married, but when you are a winning coach, no one questions your private life.

Several coaches came to the party. Some were from as far away as the Finger Lakes and outside Buffalo. Some former players came too. They were in their late twenties to fifty. The coaches helped each other resist temptation. Young players often get a crush on the coach. That is bad for the coach, the player and illegal too. The coaches provided moral support for their fellow coaches and a cock to suck to get over the rough periods. The players hooked up with the coaches years after school and well beyond the age of consent.

I talked with one of the former players, Rod. He had a crush on Billings for years. When they finally connected eight years after school, it had been better than either man expected. Billings made sure that Rod knew he was into friends with benefits, not a permanent relationship. He told me that there were scores of players that want their coach. It's a phase, not love.

Another player, Marty, told me he had a crush on his coach in his teen years. "I wanted it badly, but I wasn't ready. I would have been happy just looking at his cock and touching it. I did see it once and that gave me jerk off material for a decade. He was a good guy, but he knew that when you are exited, hard and ready, things can get out of hand. He never let anything happen. I was disappointed, but that was all."

"When I finally connected with a coach years later it was great. I guess you could say I was full service by then. I knew the score and I could meet all of the coach's needs," he said. "The guy with me, Tony, is a coach. He knows he can come to me to release tension if he gets tempted," Marty continued.

Billing sat in an arm chair and let anyone who wanted to suck him take their turn. Only a few of the men had been on his teams. Everyone wanted to suck. I realized the teen crushes weren't necessarily on the individual, they were on the position. They wanted to be with a man in authority; a man who encouraged you to do well and was pleased when you succeeded.

I watched the festivities but wasn't in line to suck Coach Billings.

"Are you shy," a man asked. He was the coach for a neighboring town, Drew. I guessed he was a wrestling coach.

"I'm fine. The other guys want him bad. I barely know him," I said.

"I barely know you, but I want you bad. "Does the idea of hooking up with a guy you barely know bother you?" Drew asked.

"It has happened before," I admitted. "It is rare to see the guy's face. It's usually dark." Drew laughed.

"I am a good sucker, but fucking turns me on big time," Drew said. I don't know what got into me, but I said, "Well, this is your lucky day."

Next: Chapter 3

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