The Morning Glory Diner

Published on Apr 8, 2018


The Morning Glory Diner 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Drew was a top and we had a good time. His erect cock had a curve and it hit some good spots. Apparently, my ass was good for him since he shot off twice. He ejaculated as he got past my sphincter and again fifteen minutes later. Drew never lost his erection. It was good, but we didn't exchange contact information. Drew said had a possessive special friend.

A few weeks later Homer told me that had some old friends in Utica and asked if I would drive him to visit them. He was getting older and was uncomfortable driving on roads he didn't know. He wanted to visit a friend from school, Pete, and Pete's friend Frank, a newspaper editor. Officially Pete had the first-floor apartment and Frank lived in the second-floor unit, but they were a couple. Homer and Pete had discovered sex when they were on the school baseball team. I think Homer thought his travelling days were coming to an end, and he wanted to visit his old pal while he could.

The visit was to be on the 4th of July weekend and I had two days off, so I said yes. When I met Pete and Frank they were affable and pleasant. Frank as a good cook and we had a great dinner. Pete and Homer reminisced, and I talked with Frank. Frank was in his mid-fifties and his firm had branched into news blogs. He knew computers, so we shared some interests.

There was a party the next day in Rome, N.Y. This was a conventional 4th of July cook-out party in a beautiful house set in the woods. When the cook-out was over some men left but others stayed for a nude pool party. Pete had told us about this and Homer told him we would play it by ear. At the party, Homer made enough new friends to decide to go with Pete and Frank to the pool. There were 15 to 20 middle-aged men with a few younger guys at the pool. There was one man I knew, Drew.

The Rome group was more organized than ours. They had a sling in the pool house, with a designated bottom strapped into it. The bottom was a cheerful man named Donny, and to say he was with the program, understated his enthusiasm. The guests were expected to give him a quick poke as they entered. There was no objection to a more intense connection if you felt the urge.

I thought that was crude, but I tend to follow rather than lead, so I slipped my cock into Donnie's well lubricated hole. After three or four thrusts, I knew I would be back for more. Donnie was both welcoming and tight. My cock slipped in easily, but he tightened his ass to hold me in. Oddly, the thought that other men had been using his ass turned me on. No one had shot off in him yet, but that thought also exited me.

A little later, I asked Pete if Donny was okay with this.

"He is," Pete replied. "They started the designated bottom thing when they bought the sling four years ago. Since then number of men attending the party almost doubled."

"I assume everyone likes a dependable bottom?" I observed.

"That's not exactly what happened. The number of tops increased some, but the men who wanted to be the bottom increased more. More men volunteered to be the bottom. I mean a lot more," he said. "Gangbangs tend to be borderline nasty sometimes. One of our men calls our arrangement "sequential fucking." It tends to be gentler than a gangbang, at least until the ejaculations begin."

"Is there a rush to be the first in line?" I asked.

Pete smiled. "Everyone is pretty laid back. Many guys like to be last. It's nice and smooth by then."

"Smooth and messy?" I asked.

"We have few guys who like the mess. Cleaning up the hole and eating your pals' man seed can be a turn on. Some men like the hole, others treat the top's cock like a sperm coated popsicle," Pete said. "I tried it once. The sperm was good, but the taste of the lubricant wasn't. Once was enough for me."

Homer had no problem making friends, and as the new meat at the party, he was in demand and popular. He was a distinguished looking older man with a good cock and a great erection. The men had liked him dressed at the cook-out; naked he was a hit.

Drew was one of the younger men and was with his partner, Clyde. Clyde was in his late fifties. He was big, butch and in shape. He had a great tan and his body hair had been manscaped. He owned a major building materials supplier. Drew was his boy. I had a slight feeling Clyde treated Drew like a prize-winning poodle. I sat on the edge of the pool and talked with them. We had a nice conversation. Clyde let me know he was all top and that Drew had a great ass and was his boy. In a round about way he let me know that Drew liked to top once and a while. He understood that but he wanted to pick Drew's potential bottoms.

I sunburn, so I got in the water. I had an odd sense that Clyde was auditioning bottoms for Drew's use. I guessed I was on the list of potential playmates for Drew. He played the role of the 19th century impresario searching for talent. Eventually Clyde got in my ass and I could feel him changing from a talent agent into being a horny older man.

"I like to watch Drew get all hot and bothered when he tops," he explained. An hour later Drew fucked me while Clyde fucked him. It took a while to get the rhythm right, but once we got it, all was well.

Homer had a great time at the party, he met everyone, remembered their names and their sexual preferences. Homer tended to be ambidextrous. He could pitch, catch or do summersaults if it was pleasurable. For me it was an odd trip, there were several men I would have liked to have played with, but Drew and Clyde took up most of my the time.

Back home a week later, Homer, Mitch and I were talking during the quiet, mid-morning lull at the diner. Homer and I told them about the group in Rome. Homer asked if Diner group might like to have a joint get together with the Rome people. Homer told us the Rome group was heavy on bottoms and light on tops. That was the opposite of our group and Homer suggested our men might like a stress reducing outlet. Mitch thought that might be nice, but he added that he was looking for an inlet.

Mitch asked around and found out that most of our regulars were interested. Of course, they were. If you asked a gay guy if he would like to go to an orgy with new men, the answer would be 90% yes and 10% maybe. Mitch called Pete and they made plans. A month later, I was at the Diner when two vans drove up with twelve men.

Pete and Frank were there as was Donnie and his friends Zac and Denny. Drew was in the group, but most of the group were men Homer had met. Most of our regulars were there along with Hugo's pals, my roommates. The shower-changing room was at capacity and since it was crowded, there was no way to avoid mixing with the visitors. I had been worried about that unnecessarily.

Usually both groups had one of two new men at their parties. 12 visitors were exceptional, and twelve new cocks and unexplored asses were a treat. Most men thought it was exciting and a few men thought it was a challenge to make as many connections as possible. The sling was new to our group and well received.

Zac, a tall, thin otter who looked like a hippy through-back took a place in the sling. Zac wasn't exactly attractive, but he had an air about him. He also possessed an almost prehensile ass. It was hard to tell if you were fucking him or if his ass was masturbating you. He liked sucking the guys who were in the line waiting to suck him. A few guys shot off in his greedy mouth.

Mitch made an intense connection with Pete. Louis was in the center of a group of four older men. They treated him as a grandson. It was more like a porn movie horny grandson. Louis sucked and was sucked. It was casual, comfortable and climax filled. Louis liked eating vintage cum. the older men liked his young man's spunk. Louis had several orgasms and the old guys thought that a young guy's sperm was a treat.

Ray and Tommy hit it off with Frank. Frank was dapper and conservative. I think being fucked by a Black man and a Neanderthal was much better than Frank had expected.

The most physically impressive of the visitors was a huge body builder they called the Hulk. He was in his 50s, but in incredible shape. He liked Johnny, the smallest man in our group. The Hulk was a real estate agent when he was dressed. Johnny's head was near the Hulk's cock, so he sucked it. Johnny was a good, experienced sucker and excelled at deep throating. The Hulk knew his cock was down the throat of a master.

Drew was next to me and said that the Hulk liked to pose and be admired. He was uneasy with actual sex. His cock was a normal size but looked small on his musclebound body. It was fully functional, and Johnny got it up and running at full speed. As we talked the Hulk shot off. Johnny kept on sucking.

Johnny had a warm spot for the warm, sticky stuff. He had taken enough to know that cocks react differently during and after an orgasm. Sometimes it becomes ultra-sensitive, other times it is just tender. Johnny had different way to deal with each cock's reaction. His only objective was to take every drop of sperm.

The Hulk was twitching, shooting in the back of Johnny throat. Johnny had his tongue on the underside of the Hulk's cock head, massaging the shaft. As the ejaculations slowed, Johnny pulled away a little bit and licked the underside of the cock head. The Hulk shivered. Johnny was still, waited ten or fifteen seconds and licked again. He did this until sperm stopped shooting and was replaced with post-orgasmic drool.

"That's too much," the Hulk muttered.

"It was just enough for me," Johnny replied. The Hulk laughed and put his arm around Johnny's shoulders. The next time I saw them, Johnny was sitting on the Hulk' s lap quietly talking. The Hulk's cock was deep in Johnny's ass. They looked happy.

Drew went off and a stocky, middle aged, hairy man came up to me. I seemed to attract the missing-link, caveman types. "Hi, I'm Sam, Drew told me you were pals?" he said. We talked, and he seemed like a good guy. Sam owned a service that cleaned and restored buildings after fires and floods. As we talked, his cock which had barely peeked out of his thick pubic bush began to grow.

At first, there had just been the tip of his foreskin. The foreskin opened as the cock head grew. Eventually the skin pulled back and the lavender head appeared with a wide slit. Soon a few drips of precum dribbled from the slit. Sam was not a pretty man, but the lavender color was delicate and beautiful. His cock head was like a delicate flower in a thicket of curly hair.

A second later, I was on my knees sucking his cock. It was longer and thicker than I had thought. It looked smaller in comparison with Sam's chunky body than it was. As my lips enveloped his knob, the flood gates opened coating my mouth with precum. I tasted it and my cock became hard. There must have been a tongue-cock connection I didn't know about.

Even stranger, I thought that my prostate would enjoy meeting Sam's beautiful, drooling cock head. He was thick, and I wondered if it would be too thick. Ten minutes later I was sitting on it. He was churning out precum that lubricated the path deep into my ass.

Sam wanted me to enjoy him, so he was careful and responded to my every reaction. If I tensed up he would pull back, ooze more precum and then ease deeper into my ass. I briefly thought he was going so slow he didn't enjoy it, but then laughed to myself. He was rock hard, and he was moaning gently. Once he was in I began to bounce on it. He had considerable stamina, and I had a long ride before I felt him twitch and spurt. Usually an ejaculation in my ass tickles a little. Sam's was more like a fire hose. I shot off too, making a mess on his hairy gut, chest and beard.

Drew and Tommy watched as I shot off. Tommy lifted me off Sam's cock. I was disappointed because still wanted Sam's cock. I had enjoyed it. Tommy eased his tool into my cum filled ass, and the sense of disappointment vanished. Drew straddled Sam and sat on the still erect member. Sam must have had a thirty or forty second recharge time.

After that, I needed a rest and went over to Homer who was talking with several of the men from Rome. Bob was a teacher, Luke was fireman and Reginald was a minister. They said it was nice to be away from home where there was no chance of running into someone they knew.

I said that if you encountered someone at a gay orgy, there was a good chance they were gay too. Bob said he knew that, but he wasn't eager to encounter a former student or parent of a student. Reginald had the same problem with members of his congregation. "I know there are gay men and women in my congregation but giving guidance to a church member is different than with a sex partner."

"It took me a while to get over the embarrassment of being naked and openly having sex," Luke said. "Of course, everyone in the group was naked. Everyone was sucking or fucking. It just seemed different for me than with them."

"One of the nice things about being a top, was that I could shoot off in an ass and no one would know," Reginald added.

"Are you sure about that?" Homer asked.

"Reggie is a bit verbal," Luke said. "Everyone in the group and within 300 feet of him knows when he is shooting off!" The men laughed. "I enjoy other men's orgasms. It's nice when you can share," he added.

"You like to share the sperm?" I asked.

"I like to share the excitement," Luke replied. "Have you ever been fingering the prostate and felt it expand seconds before an orgasm? The guy doesn't know he's going to shoot. I know, but he doesn't. Sometimes I suck him to get the first spurt. Other times I just watch him squirt. Feeling him twitch is almost as good as shooting. I get to share his orgasm."

"I do like to suck a guy while another guy is fucking him," Reggie said. "It's good to taste his cock ooze as he works up to the climax."

"Do you take his load?" Luke asked.

"Not at first, but I miscalculated, and I got a mouthful," Reggie replied. "It was good. I've never been in the middle between two guys."

"Well, I've never fucked a preacher before, but I think it might add a little zest," Luke said.

"I'd like to take your load," Homer said. "I've done it a few times. Just think of it a sex in stereo." Somehow, Reggie sucked Homer as Luke fucked his ass and Bob sucked him. As they frolicked I reconnected with Sam. He realized then that his cock and my ass were sexually compatible. It was a perfect fit. For the first time I merged with my sexual partner. His cock belonged in me. I glanced at the fornicating quartette next to me.

I was afraid they might be looking at me and realize Sam's cock completely controlled me. They had become a single sexual being, a being that had four, drooling penises. Luke shot off and they rotated with Bob fucking Reggie's cum filled ass, and Luke sucking Reggie's bloated cock. I thought they would have another rotation, but when Bob rear loaded Reggie as Homer frontloaded him, Reggie couldn't take anymore, he drained his balls into Luke's greedy mouth.

Sam shot off a second time in me. The Hulk and Johnny was walked past us, and the Hunk was fast enough to take my load. Not a drop fell to the floor. Our visitors had to be back in Rome that night, so they left around five. It had been a successful event.

The next week seemed tame. Sex with Sam had been spectacular, and he seemed to be a nice guy, but he wasn't my type. He didn't turn me on, except when I thought about his cock slipping into my ass. I also realized that a cock without the man possessing the cock was useless.

I associated with the men at the Diner. They weren't exactly models for GQ magazine, but the sex was plentiful and enjoyable. I thought them as friends. I looked back at my life before I found the diner. I had few friends and almost no sex. I theory I liked the pretty boys. I was too shy to do anything about it. I lusted after a few, but I think they were more interested in gazing into the mirror than looking at me.

A week later I came by the diner after work. Homer was there with Reggie. He was on the way to a funeral and left a few hours early. It was the mid-morning lull and Homer told me they were going to the shower. "There is room for one more," he said.

I drove around to the back. Hugo was already showering. He had second cook who came in for the lunch crowed so he had a break. We stripped and joined him. I had focused on Luke and the Hulk at the party. they were good looking muscular men. Reggie was better looking when he wasn't compared with the muscle men. Reggie's taste for the top meant I didn't see much of his cock. if he was hard he was in someone's ass. At the Party that meant Zac.

He was slightly over-weight, but not fat. He was blond, so his body hair was hard to see. He had a seven-inch tool, meaty, but not a real ass stretcher. I don't think of myself as a bottom, but both Hugo, Reggie and Homer were aggressively tops.

Homer noticed the imbalance. "We can't all do Conrad. We will wear him out. I willing to do some entertaining on the back porch, if you guys will do the same," he said. The Hulk and Reggie nodded.

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