The Most Important Rule

By n

Published on Jul 27, 2022


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DISCLAIMER: This story involves chastity, butt plugs, small penis humiliation, and sexual acts between reluctant but consenting adults.


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Recap: Chris learns that his ex-boss, Rex, hired him with the intention of laying him off so that he would need his help. Chris has begun to realize that maybe he really is meant to be a cock sucker - and more. After using Chris' mouth for the second time in less than 8 hours Rex leaves Chris to go about his chores and write a letter about how he is handling everything.

The Most Important Rule Part Three

I finished up my chores like a good boy, but instead of cleaning myself up I decided to write the letter Rex requested first.

"Dear Rex,"

No, maybe "Dear Sir" instead? Yea, that's better.

"Dear Si-"

Actually, no. I stopped and remembered what Rex said. He said honesty was key and so that's what I'm going to be. 100% honest.

Dear Daddy,

I am writing this letter upon your request for more information about the thoughts and feelings that I am going through. I will be honest. When I first arrived here I was mostly scared, intimidated, and nervous. I had no idea what to expect but then quickly realized how true that statement really was. The no masturbation rule was scary. Very scary for a virgin like me. Masturbating has been my only experience when it comes to having an orgasm and having that taken away from me was not easy. The first week in chastity was difficult but I guess somewhere in the back of my head I just assumed I would find a way to cum. I probably would have if not for your forward thinking. Supervising me in the shower. Making me sleep with the door open and making sure there was nothing in the house that could vibrate strong enough for me to cheat. I admire that, and I thank you for going that extra step because if I was allowed to cum I dont think I would have ever reached the point that I am at now.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months the hope of finding a way to masturbate slowly disappeared. It became clear that it just was not going to happen. It was around the six week mark that I really started to think about loopholes and other options. Looking back I think I knew, even if it was subconsciously, what I needed to do. Up until this point I avoided anything that might turn me on. I stopped looking at instagram and tumblr. I didn't watch porn at all. I would avoid music videos and anything else that might make me horny but something changed and I decided to load up my laptop and search for porn.

It wasn't the usual stuff I would watch though. Instead of white girls getting blacked or the femdom small penis humiliation videos you found on my laptop, I searched for cock sucking videos. Cock sucking instruction videos. Facial compilation videos. Anything and everything that had to do with cocks and cum. It got to the point where, and I'm ashamed to admit this but I promised I would be honest, that I would sometimes stay up outside your bedroom door and wait for you to masturbate before bed. A part of me was resentful. You, breaking your own rule. Why were you allowed to masturbate but not me? But then it hit me. It's not about masturbation. It's about knowing each other's places.

As a man it is your place to cum when and where you want. I am not a man. I'm a pathetic virgin boy. It is my place to feel the denial and full frustration of what I am not good enough to have. Cumming is for men who fuck. A man that masturbates is simply experiencing what he is entitled to when there is nothing to fuck near by. I am not entitlted to fuck and therefor I am not entitled to maturbate.

Once I realized this, things started to make a lot more sense. It took me a couple of days to build up the courage to knock on your door, but I felt it was necessary. I wasn't sure if I made the right decision at first but then I looked up and saw your beautiful hard cock bouncing above my face. You have an amazing cock daddy. It must be twice the size of mine and 4x as thick. Seeing your cock, a real cock, in person like that made me really realize exactly why I wasn't allowed to cum. I'm just not built for it. I don't deserve it. I'm too small and pathetic. Your cock was made to fuck and cum.

I truly want to thank you for guiding me through the process that night. I needed that push. You made me feel comfortable and made it easy for me to accept my place on my knees before you. While sucking you for the first time I thought about how many other boys might have been in the same spot with your cock in their mouth and that made me want to be the best one. I thought about what it meant for me and my manhood then realized once again I'm not a man and so worrying about that was pointless. The more I sucked you the more I knew this was right. When you began to breathe heavier and pump faster I began to get scared. I know what those signals meant. That fear quickly became pleasure as I felt each pulse of cum shooting inside my mouth.

Holding my reward inside my mouth and getting to savor the taste put me on another level that I didn't know existed. As much as I wanted to relieve my own frustration, relieving yours was even better. After you had me swallow I realized it was over and I became slightly sad. I didn't want it to be over and I instantly wanted to masturbate while the experience was still fresh in my mind. That's the funny thing. I didnt think about getting my penis sucked or fucking anyone. I thought about masturbating - like a little boy. When I got back to my room I went over everything in my head over and over again. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was thinking about it up until the moment you inserted your cock into my mouth again this morning. Now I sit here writing this with your cum still dripping from my chin and thinking about when I'll get to taste you again.

I owe you so much. Thank you.

Sincerely, Chris

I read it once over and was happy with it. I made room on the fridge and stuck it with a magnet dead center so it couldn't be missed. I wanted it to be the first thing he saw when he got home. I then headed to the bathroom to clean my face up but just as I was about to splash some water on my face I changed my mind. I licked my lips and decided to leave my cum covered face as is. I finished out the day doing chores all while hoping Rex would come home while I was still awake so I could see his reaction. Unfortunately, that did not happen and I ended up falling asleep before he arrived.

Next: Chapter 4

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