The Movie

By Tamara R

Published on Mar 2, 2002



DISCLAIMER This story contains adult situations and a female/female relationship. Blah blah blah. If you are underage,etc. Stop readin' and go back. Rest of ya, enjoy.

The Movie

"Good morning, Victoria Parker's office. How can I help you?" said the secretary cheerfully. "Right. Yes. I'll set you up with an appointment. How's 9:30 sound? Great. We'll see you then Mr. Simmons. Alright, bye bye."

"No more calls, alright, Sharon. It is time we went home!!" stated Victoria. Both girls grabbed their coats, shut the lights off and proceeded to the door.

"Thanks, I have got to get to dinner. Mike and I are having our anniversary dinner tonight. It wouldn't be the best if I showed up late. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Good night! Tell me how it goes in the morning." said Victoria. Then it hit her. She wished she would be going to dinner with that someone special.

She wished that she wasn't always sleeping alone. She wished.....she just wished. On her way home, she decided to stop by a favorite hang out for a quick drink.

'The Blue Collar' was a bar for just that, but you could find a full range of people there. On any given night, you could find skaters talking with brokers, and lawyers buying bikers drinks. It was a wonderful place to observe. Vicky opened the door and waltzed up to the bar. " 7'n 7, please!"

The guy behind the bar smiled and said," You know, Vicky, you should try to surprize me one day. Order a screwdriver or an Alabama Slammer."

"And what?! Ruin my loyalty to the 7'n'7," she smiled. Her eyes surveyed the room. Nice mix tonight, she thought to herself.

After an hour, she was debating whether to head home or not, when out of the corner of her eye she saw HER. 5'7", lean athletic build, short scruffy brown hair, wearing a tight tank top with long blue floral skirt that had a slit far up the right leg. The sight alone almost made Victoria fall off her stool. "Stop staring!" she said to herself, but it was hard not to. Suddenly, the woman turned Vicky's way, and slide onto the stool next to her. She ordered her drink. With a surge of courage and the thought that she could not let this one go so easily, Vicky piped in," Let me get this one."

The girl looked at Vicky with a smile, "Thank you, but it is not necessary."

"Please, I insist. Besides, you just saved me some embarrassment. I've been sitting here by myself for awhile. So, now it can look like I was waiting for you!", Vicky said, laughing at the end.

The stranger giggled and agreed to have Vicky buy her drink. "Well, I guess you should know my name if you were so eagerly awaiting my arrival. Name's Hayley!" she said smiling and extending her hand.

Accepting her hand in her own, "Mine's Victoria, but everyone calls me Vicky. I must say, I love your outfit. You look really good in it!"

Blushing, Hayley replied," Aw, thank you. I wanted to feel pretty tonight."

"Well, you look amazing." Suddenly there was an awkward silence. Vicky wasn't sure if she was coming on too strong or this was making Hayley uncomfortable or whether Hayley caught on to Vicky's comments and didn't know what to say. Quickly, Vicky asked," So, ummm, what do you do for a living?"

"Well, I just opened a new store downtown. It is a women's store, but it has everything from clothing to music to a coffee shop. I have had a really positive response so, I came to celebrate."

" Oh is it 'Embrace' on fourth?"

"Yeah, that's it. It has been amazing how many people have been through it and love it!"

"I was in there the other day. I think it is a really great thing. As soon as you walk in you feel good about the store and yourself." Victoria enthusiastic about the store. She could see that she was putting a smile on Hayley's face.

What seemed like a few minutes of chit-chat, Victoria looked at her watched and realised that she had been talking to this gorgeous creature for a couple of hours and had to get home. "I have had the most amazing time talking with you tonight, but I really must be going home. I have some major clients tomorrow, that would not be impressed if I wasn't prepared for them." Gathering up her coat, she got up from her perch at the bar.

"Yes, I should get going too. I have to open tomorrow. Thanks for buying that drink, it started something great. I'll talk to you again." With that, Hayley got up and strutted to the front door and was gone.

Victoria stood there a moment in confusion. What did she mean by 'It started something great.' She just shook her and told herself that it was nothing. Walking out the front door, she grabbed one of the awaiting taxi's and headed home.

"Morning!" Sharon's jingly, perky voice was not what Vicky wanted to hear this morning, but she couldn't help that. "Mr. Simmon's is sitting in the conference room. I'll let him know that you'll be a couple of minutes."

"Thank you so much, Sharon. How was your night?"

"OOOooh, it was so beautiful. After a romantic dinner, Mike took me to a rose garden outside the city. It was so pretty. Then he layed out a blanket so we could gaze at the stars and well, we didn't see as many stars as we could've." she said smiling.

"Oh my. Sharon, you are a wild one. I'm glad you had a great time. I'll be in the room in a minute."

"Sure thing." As much as Vicky was happy for Sharon, she was also jealous. Yet, while Sharon was recalling her events of the night before, all Vicky could do was replace Sharon and Mike with herself and Hayley. Hayley. "I must see her again and soon." she said to herself.

"Sharon. I'm heading out for my lunch. I'll be back in about an hour."

"You haven't had lunch yet?! Hey, take a extra long lunch. I'm sure we can handle it without you."

"Yeah, I think I will. Ok, I'll see ya later." As soon as she was out the door, she knew what she was hungry for, Hayley. Her grumbling tummy said otherwise, so she forced herself to eat something, small. Talking to herself," MMMmm, I think I'm in the mood for some coffee!! heh heh Why do I make up excuses for myself? Ugh, besides, I'm just stopping in to say 'hi'.

Right?! I, mean, a girl like her has to have a boyfriend or be straight, but she was alone last night..." The questions and thoughts continued until Vicky reached 'Embrace'. "Here we go."

bing,ddding,ding The little bell on the door annouced Vicky's arrival. She looked around. There were people sitting cross legged on the floor engulfed in the raw, emotional, acoustic sounds of a woman and her guitar at the stage. On the other side of the store were people reading the news and reacquainting themselves with classics such as Catcher in the Rye. Walking straight to the counter, Vicky ordered a Vanilla Mocha and sat at a booth near the front windows. "Vicky?!"

Startled, but soon an instant wave of relaxation came over Vicky when she recognized the voice. "Hayley. Hi. How are you?"

"Great. The morning was a little rough, but I'm still kickin'. How are you?"

"Hmm, the morning was the same for me, too. I've been told to take an long lunch so I thought I would stop in for a coffee. Do you have time to sit?"

"Of course. Just give me a minute." she said with a smile. Damn, that smile. Vicky took her coat off and got comfortable. "Hi, again, sorry. I had to clean up a bit. I had a really great time talking with you last night. I'm usually so shy, that's why it was weird."

"Really? You were so open, and easy to talk to." They shared a giggle. Suddenly, Victoria got a surge of courage again. Something inside of her was not satisfied with these casual meetings and chit chat. "Hey, as long as you don't have plans, would you like to try out this new italian restaurant with me tonight?" There. It was out there. It seemed innocent enough to any observers, but to Vicky, this was a big risk.

"That would be wonderful. I was thinking about going there soon too. This is even better because now I have someone to go with me. What time would be good for you?"

A little stunned by the enthusiasm, Vicky stuttered," Ahh, umm, how about 8:00?"

"Oh, perfect. That will give me enough time to leave instructions for my night staff, shower and get ready! Oh, I am quite excited. This so strange. I never act like this, with so much energy. It is all because of you. You make me feel amazing. Ok, well, I must continue my role of boss. Oh, here's my address and phone number. I'll see you tonight!"

"Ok, tonight." Vicky replied with a smile. "Did I just hear her right? Does she know what I want and is just toying with me? Gawd, she is driving me crazy, but in a good way. 'You make me feel amazing.' If all goes well, that won't be last time you say that, Hayley." A lustful grin creeps across Victoria's face at her recent thoughts. 2:30 Time to head back to work.

"Well, Miss Parker, I can see that I will have no worries or troubles with you and your firm. Our account is respectfully yours." Victoria stood, smiled, and extended her hand.

"Thank you so much Mr. Simmons. Whatever you need, feel free to call."

"Thank you. I believe I will. Have a nice day!"

Walking out the conference room door, "Sharon, will you file these under Simmons for our new client."

"Absolutely." To Mr. Simmons, "You've made a wonderful decision." He nodded and left. "AAAHHHH, you did it. You are fantastic. Good for you."

"AHH, I know. It is such a relief to finally close this deal."

"So do you want to go out and celebrate tonight?"

"Umm, actually, I have date already." Vicky was blushing.

"And you weren't going to tell me!? You will have to tell me all about it on Monday." Grabbing their coats, they walked out the doors and headed to their homes.

"8:15, where is she? May be she got nervous and chickened out." Victoria sat at a quiet booth in the back of the charming little restaurant. She specifically wore a striking outfit that screamed hottie but respectful.

"I am so sincerely sorry I am late. I had an emergency at work. The expresso machine decided it had had too much coffee and broke a piece inside sending coffee everywhere."

"Heh heh, that's ok. I knew you would have a good reason. Wow, look at you. Absolutely stunning."

"Me? Look at you. If I wasn't so refined I'd jump you right here." Hayley laughed at her comment and Vicky chuckled, but wasn't sure what to think.

The girls ordered some drinks and food. After a bottle of wine and some delicious pasta, the girls did not want to call it a night. "Hey, let's go rent a movie!"

"Now's my chance." said Victoria to herself. " That sounds like I wonderful idea Hayley. But, I have movie at my place that I have yet to watch. Care to watch that one with me?"

"That would be fine. Let's go before the food settles and I won't be able to get up." The girls laughed. They did eat a lot, but it was very good.

The taxi dropped them off at Victoria's house. "Wow. This house is huge! It is so pretty. And you live her by yourself?"

"Yeah. I wanted something that was all mine, and felt homey. Come on in. Take your shoes off and make yourself at home. Living room is there, bathroom is just around the side there. I will be right back."

Hayley plopped herself on the couch and glaced around. "You have really great taste. I love it."

"Thank you." Victoria entered the room and dimmed the lights. "The movie stars Piper Perabo from Coyote Ugly. It is supposed to be really good. "

"Ooo, I like her. I wish I was a Coyote." They laughed. They seemed to laugh a lot.

"Ok. Here we go." Victoria sat on the couch beside Hayley. The girls watched the movie intently. A lesbian love scene came on and Victoria looked at Hayley through the corner of her eye. Hayley just sat and stared.

She was completely absorbed in the movie and didn't seem to be negatively affected by what she saw. Victoria smiled to herself.

The movie ended and Hayley rhetorically asked," What the hell?!?!? No,no no. Umm, movies aren't supposed to end like that."

"I know. I love this movie, but it makes me so mad at the same time. " The girls got in close to each other. Words were flying out of their mouths at a furious speed about the movie.

Then suddenly," What's the big deal anyway? Is there such a big difference in a kiss from a man to a woman? Kiss me. Kiss me because I want to know." Hayley demanded.

"Kiss you?" Oh, the moment Victoria has been waiting for, but she had to be careful. She wanted this innocent kiss to claim Hayley's heart. "Just kiss you on the lips?" asked Victoria playing dumb.

"No, with passion. Don't hold back. I want to know what's so special. Plus that movie just made me mad. It was obvious they were in love, but was it really that hard to walk away? Now kiss me."

Victoria decided to take this moment for all it was worth. Stretching out her arm, she brushed Hayley's right cheek with her hand. Rearranging how they were sitting for a more comfortable position, Victoria took her left hand and glided it across Hayley's other cheek while dragging her thumb across Hayley's brow. Their eyes had been locked since the first touch. Goosebumps were all over Hayley's arms. Sliding her hand down Hayley's arm, she placed on the couch, beside Hayley's stomach. Victoria began to lift herself slightly, leaning in for that kiss. Hayley seemed to follow Vicky's lean and layed back against the couch. Victoria took her right hand behind Hayley's head. While pressing forward, Vicky brought Hayley's head toward her own. Gentle and soft, Victoria wanted to make this moment as sensual and passionate as it could get. Victoria was about to release their kiss, when she started to feel Hayley kiss back. Slowly, the kiss got faster. Finally, Hayley's hands found Vicky's face and cupped it. A moan slipped through her lips. That was all Victoria needed. She let her lips roam across Hayley's jaw, to her ear, and down her neck. Hayley grabbed Victoria's face and brought it to her own. She had tears in her eyes.

"Oh, what's the matter? I'm so sorry. I.."

"Shh, no. You've done nothing wrong. You've done everything right. These are not tears of sadness but tears of joy. I have never felt so loved and so cared for in just one kiss in all my life. You make me feel amazing!"

She could not believe her ears. She had made her say it again. Victoria could only smile. They kissed hard. It was what Hayley has always needed, and what Victoria had been dreaming of. They made love many times that night, but that one kiss could not be topped. That kiss was love.

***Note: The movie I was referring to was "Lost and Delirious" (All rights reserved to Lions Gate Films etc). It made me so mad, but I absolutely loved it at the same time. I suggest everyone watch it!!

---> hey guys! Let me know if you liked the story. if I get a decent response I'll write a few more. Suggestions are welcome, too! Later dayz!

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