The Muscle Beach Fuckings

By sasha Steele

Published on Apr 30, 2006



The yacht was anchored in the bay for four days.

The First Day

The yacht had anchored in the night but the sun was already high when its owner Mandonna Manchaster awoke from an erotic dream...

Three time Gay Olympass winner Tranan Talon was vying for the title a fourth time. Tranan, who was notorious for blowing out in the off season, had gained a tremendous amount of weight. Too much this time (word on the street had it), for him to train down in time for the title.

Tranan stripped down to his panties and bra to be weighed and measured. He was a full 150 pounds over his best competing weight of 250. Mandonna listen to the audacious gay body builder brag - he was going to take the 'GO' for the fourth time in a row, no problem.

Mandonna tossed and turned in his sleep. He rolled over onto his belly. The enormous fully erect cock in his silk nightie panties pressed into the soft mattress. He moaned...

Tranan did trained down to win his fourth Gay Olympass. Mandonna watched the contest and the interview for DragNet after wards - Tranan Talon with his beautiful massively muscled body shoved into a little pink tutu-like dress flaunted his stuff for the cameras.

Mandonna awoke with his hardon pressed into the bed. He had cum in his nightie panties. He rolled over and yawned. He had to have Tranan Talon. And what ever Mandonna Manchaster - a spoiled, over indulgent, filthy rich heiress - wanted, he got.

The yacht's staff had been set in motion at the first sign of it's manstress stirring. Mandonna yawned again and stretched as the bed was raised to a sitting position. Fresh coffee and sweet cream croissants were offered to his lips. Mandonna ate ravenously. He had to pee. Too lazy to get out of bed just yet Mandonna spread his heavy legs and let his morning pee flow into the bed through the pale blue silk nightie panties he had on.

Mandonna's secretary of affairs entered his boudoir as Mandonna accepted a sip of heavily sweetened coffee. Mandonna felt an urge to move his bowels.

"Good morning Mandam," Bella his secretary said.

Mandonna tried his bowels. "Hmmmff." Another bite was offered to his open mouth. He took it and chewed.

"Well," Mandonna said to his secretary as he munched on the prebreakfast sweet, "did you find him for me?"

"Yes Mandam."

Mandonna bore down, "Hmmmff. Where is - hmmmff - he?" Mandonna's face blushed with the effort to evacuate his bowels.

"He is at the Muscle Beach gymnasium Mandam. And apparently will be leaving for New York City in the next day or two."

Mandonna felt the hardened remains of yesterday's late-night supper move toward the seat of his silk nightie panties. He took another bite of croissant and pressed on. "Hmmmff. Then you had better, hmmmff, g-get him here, hmmmff." Mandonna was panting for breath.

"Yes Mandam."

"For, hmmmff, supper at s-seven, hmmmff."

A courier arrived at the beach gym. Tranan Talon read the message. He had not really worked out since his 'GO' win and had already gained back more than 20 pounds. He wouldn't train today either, but none the less had worn gym clothes - shiny white spandex tights - thong panties, a tiny flaring skirt cover, black chunky heeled training boots, and a black muscle bra under a black tee shirt. His long black hair was pulled back and set in a single braid.

"You know anything about the Phallus and a this Manchaster hechick?" Tranan asked his personal trainer.

"The Phallus is the biggest yacht at anchor in the bay, and all I know about Mandonna Manchaster, her owner, is that he is extremely rich, extremely beautiful and extremely fat. You're in for a real treat tonight," he answered.

Formal - the invitation to supper read. So Tranan wore a summer dress (a red floral pattern), stalkings and heels. His smooth skinned massively muscled shoulders and arms were bare. The little mini dress showed a lot of leg. And those shapely legs in their beige stalkings and brown five inch heel sandals, though massive, were in truth not all that powerful for their appearance, but were breathtaking to look at. Tranan's straight black hair hung down onto his broad back. His makeup was dark, lipstick and nail polish red.

Having finished his morning poop and prebreakfast repast Mandonna was bathed and dressed. His seductive corpulent body hidden beneath white satin lounging robes, the outer gown tight only to his massive arms and shoulders, floated about him. Wearing nothing else but glass slippers with very high heels Mandonna was brought out on deck and fed breakfast. Although at that time of day it would more appropriately be called brunch. His long flowing blond hair was a wild main of loose curls. He was extremely hungry and so over indulged himself.

Tired from the voyage Mandonna lounged the afternoon before undergoing the long process of preparing himself for the evening. But in the end it was well worth the effort. When Mandonna was brought into the parlor and stood to meet Tranan Talon he looked absolutely stunning in an elegant beaded and embroidered white mini dress. The fitted designer dress was sleeveless with a round neckline. And although Mandonna was by far the largest ladyman that Tranan had ever met, the sight of him in that short dress took his breath away.

Tranan just stood there a moment staring transfixed at the voluptuous beauty that had just entered the room. His eyes didn't know where to stop, what part to dwell on - Mandonna's gorgeous fat face, the shear magnificence of his staggering massiveness - Mandonna's arms and shoulders alone dwarfed the size of his own. In the end it was Mandonna's magnificent legs that caught Tranan's eye.

From every angle Mandonna's elephantine thighs swelled up and outward in a gentle arch from his thick smooth knees, reaching their greatest mass under the shelf of his belly and gigantic bubble butt and at his wide flaring hips. His calves ballooned and his feet looked like fat balls above the white five inch pumps he wore. Mandonna's heavy sexy legs wear clad in shiny nude tone stalkings with pretty lace tops. But what was most breathtaking was what laid against Mandonna's huge thighs.

So short was Mandonna's dress that the hemline dropped from his voluminous protruded stomach and fell to just below his crotch exposing his panty clad cock, which was so large it extended half way to his thick knees. The cock pouch of Mandonna's white satin panties followed the shape of his massive cock as it rode outward from his fat crotch the down a full eight inches along his thighs, most of it visible.

Tranan dwelt on that for moment before returning to further regard his hostess's beauty - Mandonna's round fat face sensually made up with heavy eyeliner mascara, dark eye shadow and a silver gloss lipstick. He wore a white pearl necklace below the collar of fat around his neck, pearl ear rings, silver and white accessories. His long blond hair was worn in a loose style.

They dined at seven. It was an enormous repast. The conversation lively but disjointed as each talked between mouthfuls of food and humms of appreciation, and then only about themselves. A dozen manmaids buzzed about Mandonna, serving him, anticipating his every want. All of them were dressed exactly the same in short black satin dresses and black heels. Their panties were black as well as Tranan had caught glimpses while the maids went about their duties. Their muscularity too was striking. Though not as bulky as his own they were all very capable.

Tranan thought his own appetite was voracious until he watched in awe as Mandonna stuffed himself, inspiring Tranan to do likewise. They ate long and hardy until they could eat no more, then retired to the parlor for cocktails.

Nothing about his audacious hostess shocked Tranan anymore. Leaving the table Tranan saw that Mandonna had a massive erection. Mandonna's pantied erection projected straight out from beneath the front hemline of his short dress and it swayed back and forth with the side to side lurch of his hulking body as he waddled into the parlor. In the parlor Mandonna turned to Tranan pressed his belly and cock into him and, his hands firmly clasped on Tranan's shoulders, kissed him deeply.

"Take off your dress," Mandonna breathed after breaking off the kiss. "Show me that beautiful body of yours."

Mandonna's hardon tented his shiny white panties straight out from below the hemline of his short dress, their stretchy material pulled taunt to its thick shaft. Mandonna's huge 15 inch cock stuck out a bit beyond the swell of his massive belly and was still pressed into Tranan's own hardon, which tented the front of his dress pressed against Mandonna.

Tranan stepped back to strip off his dress for Mandonna. He turned posing his muscles which had smooth out with his weight gain. His lingerie was white satin - stylish French cut panties and matching brassier. His beige stay-up stalkings were pulled right up to his crotch.

"Panties," Mandonna said.

Tranan slipped out of his panties. Tranan's 6 inch cock was extremely thick, maybe 3 inches across at its base tapering to a small almost delicate pink head. It stood straight up in erection against Tranan's soft stomach.

"Come," Mandonna said taking Tranan by the hand and leading him into the boudoir.

Mandonna withdrew his cock through the leg hole of his panties and beckoned Tranan to him. He took hold of Tranan and kissed him again, then pushed Tranan back onto the bed and climbed on with him. Mandonna took hold of Tranan by the ankles, lifted his legs in the air, pushed them out and back to open Tranan's ass for him. Mandonna brought himself up close and leaned in.

Tranan felt Mandonna's oppressive weight and had a moment of panic when he first felt Mandonna's huge cock head at his hole. Then it was inside him, tearing him apart, hot, hard, pulsating, pressing deep inside of him to the point of pain then releasing, rhythmically sliding in and out of his asshole as Mandonna fucked him.

The weight of his hostess's massive stomach crushed into his chest. Tranan reached under Mandonna's belly taking hold of his own cock. The undulating movement of Mandonna's big gut aided as Tranan masturbated while he was being fucked up the ass.

"Ahhhh," Mandonna called out as he was about to cum.

Tranan's hand worked furiously as Mandonna's undulating movements quickened. Mandonna was breathing hard, gasping for air.

"Ahhhh," he cried out again. This time stopping his movement.


At the same time that Mandonna came Tranan's own cock exploded and his hot cum squirted against the underside of Mandonna's soft stomach clothed in the belly panel of his panties. Mandonna's cum filled Tranan's asshole and leaked out onto the bed.

Exhausted Mandonna collapsed onto Tranan crushing him with all his weight. Regaining his breath Mandonna rolled onto the bed and stifled a yawn. He summoned his manmaids to attend him and Tranan was dismisses.

The Second Day

Mandonna sat digesting the rather large lunch he had just eaten at a pleasant outdoor cafe on the beach while he watched a chubby little cutie in a black bikini apply suntan oil to his guyrlfriend's fat backside. Mmmmmm, Mandonna thought as he admired the black haired gurly-boy's smooth tanned body. He lifted his sunglasses for a better view as the head waiter approached.

"Will that be all Mandam?" the head waiter asked.

"More coffee, and another piece of cake - a large piece."

"Very good Mandam."

Mandonna stifled a burp against the back of his pudgy hand and went back to ogling the young gurly-boy in the black bikini. He had a growing need to move his bowels but was not as yet prepared to go back to the yacht. Mandonna wanted to do some shopping first.

The head waiter had noticed the behemoth beauty when Mandonna first waddled into the restaurant and daintily plunked his enormous ass on a chair at an outside table. He knew that this was the manstress of the largest yacht in the bay and took to service him himself. Mandonna was hardly inconspicuous. His colossal size alone was awe inspiring. His arrogant vanity and unrestrained indulgences were unnerving. And the way he was dressed...

Today Mandonna was wearing a powder blue two piece designer suite. Because it was warm he had left the jacket open and the first three buttons of the tucked-in white silk blouse worn beneath were undone. His elephantine legs were clad in beige stalkings. He was wearing five inch blue pumps with matching accessories. His hair was done up in a loose french braid, and his beautiful face made up to perfection.

And yet in spite of all this, in spite off Mandonna's great size and beauty, what held the head waiter's attention more than anything else was the extremely large panty bulging cock protruding at a downward angle from beneath Mandonna's shamelessly short mini skirt. And when Mandonna sat spreading apart his gargantuan thighs the cock pouch of his white silk panties was even more exposed though his pot belly covered his lap.

Mandonna finished lunch, stifled another burp then got up to leave. The head waiter had pointed him to the shops a few doors down. Mandonna shopped forgetting his bowels for the moment. And then it was too late.

"Find somewhere close where a ladyman can have a bit of privacy," he said to Bella his secretary.

A short time later Bella fetched his manstress. The stone walled alleyway leading past the shops emptied along a gangway on the riverside. It was very narrow. Hardly enough room for Mandonna let alone for a person to try and squeeze by him. But that is exactly what this person did.

"Sorry," the gurly-boy from the beach said realizing the very tight squeeze he was now in.

"On the contrary, I think we're a perfect fit," Mandonna told him. Mandonna lifted the gurly-boy's chin with his fingertips. "You're a real cutie. You'll have to come on my boat for supper tonight."

"I-I can't," the gurly-boy, Gayla his name, stammered. He was very shy and nervous.

""At seven," Mandonna said ignoring him. "Its the Phallus."

"I-I'm sorry. I just can't." Gayla had squeezed by. Mandonna thought to pursue him but his bowels were calling.

"What was that all about?" Gayla's guyrlfriend asked.

Gayla watched Mandonna amble down the alleyway. Shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know," he said.

Mandonna went through to the river. With nobody about he placed his hands on the railing and almost immediately started to pee. Mandonna sighed with relief as a solid stream poured through the panty material at the tip of his cock pouch and arced into the river below.

He bore down to move his bowels. His anal ring had opened and a solid turd had presented itself in the opening. Mandonna pushed holding his breath making a grunting sound. The tip of his turd touched his panties tenting them. Again Mandonna grunted pushing the rather large turd fully into the seat of his panties. Mandonna caught his breath then bore down again working on a second turd. A third completed his bowel movement and Mandonna had a lumpy bulge low in the seat of his panties just beneath the hemline of his short skirt.

"Is it very noticeable?" He asked Bella.

Bella leaned over to look. "If you bend over, or I lean down to look it is Mandam," Bella answered.

"Well, we'll just have to refrain from bending or leaning, won't we?"

"Yes Mandam."

Mandonna's limousine had just pulled out heading back to the dock when Mandonna saw Gayla and his guyrlfriend going into a restaurant across the road from the beach. Twice was a coincidence, Mandonna thought, three times it's fucking fate. "Go around the block," he told the limo driver. The limo pulled up in front of the restaurant. Mandonna got out, waddled in and up to the table were they sat.

"Here comes your fat guyrlfriend again," Gayla's friend sniped.

Mandonna came right up to their table. The guyrlfriend protested, started to get up but was stopped by one of Mandonna's manmaids. Mandonna gave him a dismissive glance then turned to Gayla.

"I won't take no for an answer," he said. "My launch will pick you up at the dock for seven." Gayla tried to protest but Mandonna stopped him by placing a fat finger to Gayla's lips. "I always get what I want," Mandonna said. Then he turned and lumbered out.

Gayla's guyrlfriend leaned down to look as Mandonna waddled away. "God. I think he's shit in his panties," he laughed.

When Gayla hadn't shown for seven and was nowhere to be found Mandonna had taken a temper tantrum. His composer regained he changed from the elegant dress he had put on for the date into something more comfortable and sat down to dine by himself. Having been upset Mandonna stuffed himself even more than was usual for him and as a result had to be helped to the lounge to recover.

Mandonna was naked beneath the loose fitted long flowing evening gown he wore. The silver satin gown had a V neckline and spaghetti straps. The matching dressing gown worn over was open, it too was loose and cascading, except were it fit somewhat snug to Mandonna's massive arms and shoulders. The exquisite dressing gown had a silver on silver floral design with brush satin lapels and cuffs. His hair hung in a wild coif and he wore jeweled high heel slippers on his fat feet.

When he had sufficiently digested Mandonna wandered out on deck to look at the lights of the city. His sulking had abated and he thought of Gayla - of on the morrow how he would have him. Thinking of the pretty gurly-boy Mandonna felt a stirring in his loins as his swelling penis began to elongate. It stiffened, first at its head then back along the shaft to the root and rose as it did so. At nearly full erection the shaft was straight and hard remaining slightly bent at its base so that it pointing downward at an angle, but was still rising. Mandonna's gown began to lift as his cock straighted to full erection.

"Bella." Mandonna called. "Come here I need you."

Mandonna turned away from the rail and Bella saw his manstress's dressing gown, which flowed downward from his belly, was now tented out below the swell of his fat stomach with a full blown erection. He smiled knowing that he was to give his manstress a blow job. Mandonna walked into the parlor with Bella following behind his massive manstress.

Mandonna sat back in a large soft chair with his huge legs spread. The long flowing skirt of his satin dressing gown tented above his belly. Bella positioned on his knees in front of his manstress and lifted the gown exposing Mandonna's monster cock in full erection.

He took hold the thick shaft and began to gently stroke it causing Mandonna to moan. "Mmmmmm. Suck my cock."

Bella bent his manstress's huge boner to his lips. Licked the pee slit then took its large head into his mouth.

Mandonna's heavy arms rested on the soft chair arms. He laid his head back and closed his eyes. "Mmmmmmmm," he hummed as Bella began to suck his cock.

Wanting to please his manstress Bella took Mandonna's huge cock as far down his throat as he possibly could, sucking him off for several minutes.

"Mmmmmmmm. Make me cum," Mandonna said dreamily as he lay back with his closed .

Bella's head bobbed up and down as his hand worked Mandonna's thick shaft. Occasionally Bella would stop to lick the cock head or to deep throat it causing a stir from his manstress who otherwise looked as if he were sleeping. But inevitably a point was reached where the scales suddenly tipped and Mandonna came in his servant's mouth.

The Third Day

Mandonna had worn a black on black paisley print dress that day. It was sleeveless with a round neck. In front the bustier of the dress fell straight down from his breast onto his belly ( which stuck out further), with no crease in the dress. His protruded stomach in front was balanced with a great rounded backside, both of which the dress covered before slightly riding back in at the hemline. The dress was not tight but did sit on the shelf off Mandonna's wonderful ass and hips. And it was exceeding short. So much so that it barely covered the pretty lace tops of Mandonna's black stalkings and hardly any of the monstrous cock in the cock pouch of his black panties.

Mandonna walked in, took a look around Gayla's apartment and thought, what a dump. He opened a drawer, and with a fat pudgy hand (adorned with many rings and long painted fingernails), flicked his long blond hair back over a massive shoulder. Taking up a pair of Gayla's pink panties Mandonna brought them to his face breathing deeply.

Just then Gayla's guyrlfriend came in startling Mandonna who took an awkward half step backwards and loosing his balance on the five inch stilettos he wore crashed onto the bed, which in turn collapsed under his weight. Gayla's guyrlfriend just stood there stunned while Mandonna, now laying on his broad back with his legs spread, the tops of his nylons and panties cock pouch in full view, flung one heavy leg and arm over to right himself.

Mandonna's scream had brought his transervents in to help. They restrained Gayla's guyrlfriend and helped their manstress, who had managed to roll over onto his knees, to his feet.

"Keep that fucking bitch away from me," Mandonna screamed. He approached with caution. "I'll deal with you later. First I'm going to fuck your little bitch boy." He turned to his servants and said, "get me ready." One scantily clad servant unzipped the back of his manstress's dress while several others scurried around to remove his panties and help him into a black satin robe.

"He's coming Mandam," a transervant reported.

Gayla and his guyrlfriend had had a spat and Gayla received a message that his guyrlfriend was waiting for him at his apartment. But when he entered it was Mandonna waiting there for him.

"You? how did..." Gayla's voice trailed off.

Mandonna in all his corpulent splendor loomed before him, his great size and beauty distracting. Mandonna was dressed all in black - black stalkings and stilettos, and a short black satin robe. His long blond hair was a mop of wild curls. His semi erect cock, visible below the hem of his short robe, was fully elongated and had begun to rise.

"I want to show you what you missed last night," Mandonna said as he undid the sash that was loosely tied against his fat belly and opened the robe. Gayla gasped. Mandonna's ponderous stomach loomed before him. And below it the pretty lace tops of Mandonna's black stalkings were drawn up tight into his crotch behind a large fleshy bald scrotum. An elaborate black bead and lace cock ring adorned the magnificent monster cock that had almost risen to a full erection.

Taking hold the lapels Mandonna drew the delicate black satin robe over his hulking shoulders letting it slide from his massive arms and drop to the floor. He wore an elegant black floral lace wide-cut brassier. Above which an ornate beaded necklace sat upon his heavy chest. Mandonna wore an array of jewelry of every description. His makeup was heavy, dark, exotic. His porcelain skin flawless. Mandonna flicked back his long curls, pursed his succulent lips and took a lumbering step toward Gayla.

With his pudgy body, pretty baby face and straight shoulder length black hair Gayla looked innocent. His well distributed 170 pound gurly-boy figure added to that look. Gayla had on a tan color blouse and black spandex tights that fit him like a glove and wore kinky spike heel boots that went above his knees. He took a step back.

"I-I..." Gayla stammered. Mandonna bellied him into the wall. Gayla stood there with his mouth hanging open. An erection tented the crotch of his spandex tights.

"You'll have to open wider than that," Mandonna said pressing a fat finger on Galya's chin to further open his mouth. "I told you. I always get what I want. On your knees."

Mandonna had a hold of his own hard cock bringing it to readiness. At full erection Mandonna's big 15 inch long cock stood straight out at a slight downward angle due to its mass. Its thick base was buried several inches beneath the flesh of his fat bald pubis mound. Mandonna's big cock was long enough to reach a few inches beyond his protruding gut. Bent over slightly to reach around his own bulk Mandonna continued to stroke his hard cock while his other heavy hand on Gayla's head guided him to the floor.

Gayla slowly sank to his knees. Without even realizing it he had taken hold his own hardon masturbating it through his tights. He opened his mouth and Mandonna inserted the head of his fantastic power tool. Gayla's head was tilted back. The underside of Mandonna's fat stomach pressed against his forehead. Mandonna's undulated his powerful hips driving his cock deep into Gayla's mouth, poking against the back of his throat. Gayla gaged. Only six inches or so of Mandonna's cock was in his mouth, but obviously he was used to only his guyrlfriend's meager member, which was no where near the size of this monster.

Mandonna took a wide stance balanced precariously on his six inch stilettos. He placed both hands on Gayla's head and thrust his hips harder, driving his cock forward and ramming it hard into Gayla's mouth. Mandonna looked down to the whimpering object of his lust. The roll of fat around his neck bulged. His long flowing blond hair hung past his massive shoulders onto the pretty lace cup of his black brassier. Gayla's head, out of sight beneath his massive gut, was trapped in Mandonna's large swollen cabbage patch doll-like hands as he continued to fuck hard Gayla's mouth.

Eyes closed, Mandonna tilted his head back and opened his mouth. Beads of sweat dotted his forehead. His enormous backside flexed sensually as he worked. He could hardly catch his breath. He had to cum soon. Nearing exhaustion Mandonna placed both hands against the wall to rest. His hard cock was still in Gayla's mouth but he moved his wide hips more slowly to regain his breath.

Recovered Mandonna returned to his lust with a vengeance taking hold of Gayla's head and fucking him furiously. "Ahhh," Mandonna mouthed. He felt a tickle of heat at the tip of his cock on its underside. "Ahhh." Mandonna was breathing like a steam engine. "Ahhh." He was going to cum. "Ahhh." Mandonna stopped his undulations and backed off slightly taking hold of his cock. With his other hand he grabbed Gayla by the hair and held him there. Mandonna felt the heat in his balls rise. "Ahhh." It raced along his long hard thick shaft and Mandonna came into Gayla's mouth. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gayla coughed as his mouth filled to the brim with Mandonna's hot cum. He sat on the floor stunned. His jaw ached and his throat was sore. He wiped cum dripping from his chin with the back of his hand. Gayla's mouth had just been raped by someone three times his own size and weight and... Gayla had liked it. He liked it so much in fact that he had cum in his pants.

His lust abated Mandonna was suddenly overcome with exhausted. Several scantily dressed manservants rushed in to attend their enormous manstress, drying his sweat, fixing his hair and getting him back in his dress.

Gayla's guyrlfriend had been drugged to make him more sedate and lay spread eagle on the floor in the next room held down by Mandonna's servants - just in case.

"I have a special treat for you," Mandonna said as he, aided by an attendant at each hand, gingerly stepped over to straddle him.

With his hands on his thick knees Mandonna squatted over the Guyrl. Mandonna's massive bare ass hovered above him. Grunting loudly Mandonna bore down hard. Pee had begun to flow from his still semi hard cock. His anal ring crowned and a dark brown turd appeared in the opening. He bore down again snaking the huge turd from his hole. It fell with a thud onto the guyrl's chest. Mandonna bore down again releasing a second, then a third large turd. Finished relieving himself Mandonna stood and laughed while his attendants put his black panties back on him.

The Forth Day

Just after Mandonna had finished his brunch a police detective called. Mandonna received him on deck. Mandonna was still in his elegant lounge wear.

"Of course he's lying," Mandonna told the detective. " I fucked his guyrlfriend so he's jealous and trying to get back at me. That's all. My lawyers are already working to shut him up."

"Yes. We've received the restraining order. Everything seems to in order. I'm sorry to had bothered you Mandam Manchaster.

"No bother at all detective."

That Detective Ramass was very good looking had not gone unnoticed by Mandonna. That he seemed to be taken by Mandonna's charm had also not escaped the pampered heGoddess's eye.

"Dine with me tonight," Mandonna said as Detective Ramass was about to leave.

"Thank you Mandam. I would be delighted to."

"Seven. My launch will fetch you."

"Thanks again Mandam. I'll see you at seven then."

" Please call me Mandonna," Mandonna said as he shook the detective's hand and not letting go right away.

Ramass didn't seem to mind. "Seven then, Mandonna," the detective said then left.

Mandonna stood in front of the surround mirror admiring himself. He was in his lingerie - luxurious satin rosewood brassier and panties, nude tone stay-up stalkings with pretty lace elastic tops and five inch heel dress pumps.

He turned for side view taking in his protruding gut the bottom portion of it covered by his panties belly panel, his huge rounded backside ballooning the seat of his panties and the large downward pointing prominence bulging in his panty cock pouch. So much material needed in those panties. No wonder they were so expensive. Mandonna looked at his big beautiful man-tits in their elegant perfectly fit brazier, his gigantic satiny smooth legs, his beautiful face and long cascading blond hair. God, he was so fucking gorgeous that Mandonna was starting to get hard just looking at himself.

Servants helped him into his dress - an elegant Peu De Tran embroidered and beaded evening gown - rosewood matching his lingerie. Dressed and ready for dinner Mandonna turned one last time in front of his mirror. He smiled. Detective Ramass didn't stand a chance.

"You look stunning," Ramass said as he greeted his big beautiful hostess.

"Why thank you," Mandonna said modestly.

At dinner Mandonna once again showed his talent as a trencherman and Detective Ramass marveled at his hostess's gluttony.

"So," Mandonna said, "this poop that I allegedly did on that bitch, do you have it for evidence?"

"No," he said, "I examined it, took a photograph."

"And his guyrlfriend, Gayla, what says he?" Mandonna asked.

"He's keeping his mouth shut."

Mandonna laughed. "Yes. I imagine it will be a few days before he'll be able to open it."

Detective Ramass laughed at that. Mandonna was turning him on.

"So you won't required a comparison sample of my poop then," Mandonna said. "That's too bad. I want to establish my innocence and, as it just so happens, at the moment I am in desperate need to move my bowels."

"There is no DNA evidence from it. But if you wish your bowel movement can be compared for its relative size, texture, composition, odor, that sort of thing. But then there's no guaranty that the sample actually came from you, unless of course you were observed producing it."

"Mmmmm. Then you'll just have to watch me shit," Mandonna cooed.

They retired to the parlor with their drinks.

"Fetch my toilet," Mandonna ordered.

The ornate toilet was brought in. Gilded with gold and studded with diamonds it was an elaborate portable device the likes of which Detective Ramass had never seen before. Muscular hemaids in skimpy outfits attend their manstress's toiletries. They lifted the flowing skirts of his dress and before his panties where about to be removed Ramass noticed that Mandonna had a semi erection bulging in them. And he couldn't help but stare at Mandonna's massive cock once his panties were removed.

Manmaids held out his skirts while Mandonna parked his fat ass on the soft silk padded seat. A large vase was placed between his outspread legs. A manmaid directed Mandonna's semi hard cock to the rim of his urinal vase. Mandonna bore down and his pee poured into the vase.

"Ahhhhhhh, Mandonna sighed at his release. "Ahhhhhhh."

Finished pissing Mandonna got down to the business of moving his bowels. He took a breath, held it and bore down. "Hmmmmff." His anus opened and a large solid shiny brown turd appeared between his butt cheeks. "Hmmmmff." Mandonna advanced his poop. "Hmmmmff." It grew over a foot long curling onto the golden poop tray of his ornate toilet. "Hmmmmff." the turd flopped out onto the tray. Mandonna tried his bowels a few more times until he was finished. A manmaid offered the loaded fecal tray to Ramass.

"Well detective," Mandonna said. "Does this appear to be the same as the poop you found?" He got up allowing his dress skirt to fall. And below his belly the dress skirt tented out ward with Mandonna's erection.

Ramass looked at the big shit that Mandonna had just taken. "I think it is very large," he said, "and very beautiful as befitting the big beautiful ladyman it came from."

Mandonna drew close taking the detective by shoulders. "Ramass," he said."Interesting name. Coincidental too, as that is exactly what I am going to do to you." Mandonna pulled the detective into his bulk and leaning in kissed Ramass deeply.

Detective Ramass's tough no nonsense facade began to melt in Mandonna's crushing embrace. His cock was hard as a rock. Mandonna placed his hands inside Ramass's open jacket and felt the soft cups of the bra he wore beneath a silk blouse. They kissed then retired to the bedroom.

At the bed Mandonna pressed back on Ramass's one shoulder and tugged the other to him turn him around. "I want your ass," Mandonna breathed.

Ramass took down his pants and the black panties he had on under them. He knelt on the end of the bed posing his ass to Mandonna. Mandonna lifted his dress skirt and brought his hard cock to the detective's ass.

"Hmmmmmmm, Ramass grimaced as Mandonna's monster cock slide into his open hole. "Hmmmmmm.

Mandonna pushed himself deep inside Ramass's rear end and bum fucked him mercilessly for what seemed a long time. Ramass had hold of his own cock jerking himself off. The hulking beauty in an elegant evening gown pumping him from behind was more than he could stand and so Ramass came. Shortly afterward Mandonna followed suite.

Once again Mandonna was exhausted and dismissed his guest to retire.

On the following morning the yacht was gone.

The end

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