The naughty minister and me

By summer man

Published on Dec 27, 2016



There are elements of this story which are based on actual events, others of course are sheer fantasy! I leave it to you dear reader to determine which are real and which are the product of my imagination!

The Naughty Minister and ME

When I contemplate lifes meaning, as I often do, seems to me God must have had a bit of a hangover or a seriously bad day on the occasion he decided my gender! I like to think it was decided by the toss of a coin, only when it landed, it did so on its edge, consequently, I am neither fully male or fully female! As for me? I am physically male, with all the accompanying atributes! Well am in my mid-thirties, a bi-sexual male, on the smallish side for a guy at 5.5 and a equally petite body frame. I have shoulder length light brown hair and by some freak of nature a body almost entirely devoid of body hair which to be candid, is something I love! Many of my friends often say that in the right circumstances i could pass for a female quite easily, this also pleases me as I do have a very very pronounced girly side to my personality. Life has in many ways been kind to me, although married I have had many opportunities and experiences to indulge my kinks and fetish's with both sexes, no apologies for this, it's me and that's all there is to it!As I said earlier I do have a distinct girly side, I often cross dress whilst in the privacy of my own home and enjoy the sensation of masturbating myself silly whilst dressed in soft, clinging sexy girly underwear and perhaps a nice dress or skirt and blouse! I derive enormous pleasure from putting my charms on display on carefully selected bi web sites,although managing to maintain my facial anonymity I love to pull down my panties and put my cock out for others to gaze upon! (not that it's big enough to merit envy, quite the opposite) I have on many occasions enjoyed mutual masturbation sessions with trusted like minded souls around the globe!! There is undoubtedly a physical as well as psychological transformation when I assume my female persona, I keep my given name, Allyd, then it becomes Alison or remains ally, this avoids confusion! I've often marvelled at how both voice and mannerisms instantly adapt to my female side, it's as though that part of me has always been present and can almost be switched on at will.

As to how I acquire these goodies? Well I do of course shop online for some items but my preference is for clothes that at some point have been worn or belonged to a actual female! To this end I am very fortunate as although financially I don't really need to work due to a generous inheritance from a much loved auntie, I enjoy tinkering with pc's, washing machines and even decorating! This provides me access to homes where the filching of a pair of panties, tights or the occasional sexy little bra won't be missed too much! It's amazing really, the undies and clothes I have taken over the years and not a single complaint, often wonder if they are too embarrassed to challenge me! Most importantly of all, is the understanding and tolerance of my wife elly, she to is bi-sexual so our relationship is by definition mutually understanding and in many ways utterly perfect! There are no sexual or relationship jealousies, (except of course when I borrow one of her dresses without asking!) We respect each others needs and where space is required, space is given! It seems odd now, however hindsight is a wonderful thing! I did know Elly had seduced our local clergyman, what I didn't and couldn't know, was that I was also gonna fall for him! Let me explain a little about elly, as previously indicated she is bi-sexual,given my own sexual predalictions I thought nothing of her liaisons regardless whether it was with male or female,of which there had been more than a few! That was how she rocked so that's ok with me! Until one day, when the sun shone and life got a little complicated!

I'm not the kind of person who gets easily embarrassed, I am after all a bi sexual guy who has a beautiful whore for a wife and a adventurous life of sexual freedom, yet, even I blush with mingled joy and embarrassment at what I am about to recount! ! At the core of this freedom is a clear and unambiguous understanding between my wife elly and I that we have no secrets, in particular, no sexual secrets. When Elly wished to embark on a sexual fling with either a guy or woman or even both she would let me know in advance what she was considering and with who. It would be true to say if I had serious reservations about the individuals concerned elly would take my advice and as often as not abandon the liaison. This was a entirely reciprocal agreement, I trusted her judgement in equal measure as she trusted mine.

I had dropped Elly off at the airport earlier that afternoon, she was off to Spain for a week in the sun and to tan her gorgeous body for me! When I returned home I decided to have a girly bit of fun, I showered, shaved although I seldom needed to do so but I wanted my skin to be baby smooth! I combed down my shoulder length fair hair which was normally tied back in a pony tail and then I looked for something sexy to wear. I'm not a tall guy, no more than 5 5,and very very slim, so Ellys clothes fitted me just about perfectly! I do love Elly, I love her beautiful 36C firm breasts, her narrow waist and shapely thighs and ankles! As I thought about her my cock hardened and for a moment I was tempted to masturbate and relieve the pressure!

Instead I quickly found ellys deep rose bra and panties, I slipped into them easily, noticing as I did so the familiar scent of her body, knowing she had worn them only the previous day when she had been seduced by the local minister. Actually, on thinking about it, he didn't seduce her, more the other way about and not for the first time either! I peeled on a pair of her habitual honey coloured tights revelling in the smooth warm closeness of the flimsy material on my hairless legs! It was at times like this I loved the fact that I kept my body hair to a minimum! Looking in ellys wardrobe I chose a deep red three quarter length lace and silk dress with full sleeves, stepping into it and zipping the small zip at the back was easy and my transformation almost complete.

As I have said, I'm not a big guy, even my feet are quite small for a man, again looking in Ellys wardrobe I soon found what I was looking for, a pair of burgundy coloured leather court shoes with pointy toes and just a little heel, to be honest they did pinch a little at first when I slipped into them but the effect was quite startling and I thought sexy! As I viewed myself in the full length mirror I thought I might as well go the whole hog and quickly put on some basic makeup, a little foundation, a little lipstick and some maskarra. Then I located one of Ellys thick silver choker chains and slid it onto my neck, then I slipped on some jangly silver bangles and to finish off I allowed myself a little spray of French perfume to finish off my ensemble!

Delighted with the end result I walked through to the lounge and found myself gazing out of the window, the evening summer sun looked so warm and inviting but it was setting now, I wondered if I could get away with going out dressed like a woman? The thought both terrified and excited me, I once again felt my manly prick swell inside my wifes panties! The street outside was quiet, in truth it was the kind of suburban area where most of the action took place behind closed shades, it was unusual to see many actual pedestrians on the streets. Again I wondered, could I? Should I? I mean, it would be so simple, just slip on Ellys full lenth black coat on over my dress and walk casually down the street, who would notice? Then once again I saw the glint of the sun on a parked car and knew immediately that a full length coat would just be ridiculous in this weather! All but abandoning the idea I sighed aloud and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.

As I did so I was surprised to hear someone knock on the front door, I wasn't expecting any visitors and clearly in my current situation couldn't really answer it anyway! Out of curiosity I decided to peek through the spyhole in the door, fully aware this may alert my visitor that someone was indeed home! When I looked I was somewhat taken aback to see our local minister standing there, no dog collar just a cool looking shirt and tie! I should elaborate a little more about my sexual preferences, I am most definitely bi sexual but overall I thought my primary preference was for women but as I looked at the dark haired handsome man on the other side of the door I felt my cock throb and harden!

It was decision time but first a little more background.

Our ministers name was John,tall, broad shouldered and extremely handsome and as I had discovered only recently, a man who liked both the ladies and some gentlemen! Certainly and clearly at odds with his profession but I knew from personal and sometimes painful experience that life often served up conflicts and conundrums just to fuck with your mind!

My wifes curiosity had gotten the better of her sexual fantasy and she had set out to seduce him, it urked her more than a little when she had discovered that he had been enjoying a number of sexual liaisons with other ladies in his parish, most of whom were married and consequently should have been out of bounds for the good reverend! Especially as he was already married with 2 lovely girls and as far as everyone knew happily so! She had eventually succeeded and told me it had been fun, she said,

"He doesn't have the biggest cock in the world but it was quite thick and what he lacked in size he made up for in terms of his virility!"

Again my thoughts went down to Ellys gusset nestling against my balls! The other thing I discovered about John was just pure coincidence, One of my colleagues had moonlighted as the church warden and had on one occasion had to return to church one night to pick up his house keys which he had forgotten and discovered the good minister in the ladies rest room in the main church building being royally fucked by another visiting minister! Both were all but naked although john was wearing a black bra and a tiny pair of sky blue panties on his face! Both were utterly unaware of my friends presence till he coughed aloud! Although initially shocked, They did however relax when my friend unzipped his fly and produced his hard cock and began to masturbate whilst the 2 ministers resumed their sexual congress!! He had watched fascinated as the mans cock slipped in and out of the good reverends rectum, his hand gently squeezing and pumping at his short hard erection! Gus, my colleague at work, told me all this one day after we had been busy screwing our secretary at work, that however is another story!

All this flashed through my mind as I contemplated what to do! John was clearly Bi sexual and so was I! John had been engaged in a sexual relationship with my wife! He knew Elly and I had no sex secrets! I knew he was not averse to a little cross dressing himself! I made up my mind and opened the door wide!

There are times in life when you see a look on someones face which is utterly priceless, this was such an occasion! His first reaction was uncomprehending increduility, his second was speechless shock and surprise! Then it dawned on me, he didn't recognise me dressed as a girl, "How wonderful!" I thought to myself!

I decided to put him out of his confusion so gave him a coquettish little smile and said,

"Hello John, think you had better come in before the neighbours have something to gossip about!"

His hesitation was only momentary as his brain assimilated the situation, he still had a bemused look on his face but as I stepped aside to let him in he walked passed me quickly and I thought a little unsteadily! What had I done to the poor guy!?

I took his jacket from his arm and watched amazed as he sat on the couch his eyes never leaving me, I giggled a little, gave a teasing little twirl and went on,

"As you can see John, I wasn't expecting visitors!"

I sat down on the chair facing him, careful to keep my legs closed and continued with a little sigh,

"You will know from your meetings with Elly that we have no secrets."

I paused and opening my arms I traced my shape from my head to my knees with my open palms, "Elly is fully aware of my altor persona, in fact it rather turns her on!"

Frowning a little I went on,

"where are my manners,you look in shock, would a strong coffee help?"

He barely managed a nod of assent before saying,

"I would be a liar if I didn't profess my astonishment but to be honest, not shock about your mode of dress, rather that you have been entirely transformed by it! I genuinely cannot believe that.....?!"

finding the correct phrase, he went on,

"that I'm actually talking to Ellys husbandd, any other person would take you for a very very beautiful woman!"

A little sheepishly he continued,

"To be truthful, Elly has ahem! Never mentioned your other self."

As he said this he gestured towards me with his right hand, realising we were both a little embarrassed by the situation I got up from my chair and headed to the kitchen to make us both a strong coffee!

Once coffee had been served John gave a deep sigh then asked,

"I'm assuming Elly has told you of our.........meetings? don't you mind?"

Taking a sip of the hot liquid I pondered the question but shaking my head I replied,

"no John, it pleases elly and to be candid it provides a little extra thrill to know that she has your come inside her!"

Looking at him directly I went on,

"Many would think Elly a simple wanten whore and perhaps there is a element of that in her sexual psyche. She is, or rather we are, careful about our liaisons!"

Looking deep into his eyes I ended by saying,

"We don't have sex with everyone or just anyone, we are a bit more choosy than that!"

We sat in silence for a minute or so drinking coffee and munching on a chocolate biscuit when John put his cup down and said,

"You look fantastic in that dress, what on earth do I call you? I mean Ally would be ok but do you have a preference?"

I was somewhat taken aback as I hadn't really thought about it much, I said, "Alison is nice, so Alison please!" John nodded and then said,

"You know I love to cross dress to? Given my size and build I just look ridiculous, you on the other hand look fabulous! You are so lucky! I even think you could pass for a lady outside!" With a devilish little smile he went on, "Ever tried it? Ever been tempted to take the risk? I mean, speaking personally, it would be the biggest thrill ever!"

"I would love to do it just once, just to see if I could pull it off, you're right, the thrill would be just the best!"

As I spoke I stood up and removed the coffee cups and took them into the kitchen, my dress swishing sexily as I walked, it was then that it dawned on me that John was as sexually conflicted as I was,the only difference was that I could dress up and play the part more realistically! When I came back into the lounge I noticed that the shades were closed and john was sitting on the couch with his trousers and pants down playing with his cock, it was on the small side but really quite thick, I didn't even hesitate, in a flash I was on my knees in front of him and his hard on slipped effortlessly into my mouth! Gasping with lust and pleasure John whispered,

"Oh Alison I don't know whether I want you to suck me or fuck me!"

Because of his size I took the entire length into my mouth, the tip of my tongue circling and teasing his cock head,whilst my hand gently caressed his balls and the base of his erection, still he gasped as he began to pump slowly into my wet warm mouth! I bobbed my head up and down in rythmn with his thrusts burying my nose into his dark soft pubic hair. Then I slipped my left hand up inside his shirt and found and teased his nipples! his hands began to play with my hair, gently oh so gently combing his fingers through my locks! Then he surprised me by saying,

"Alison, stop, please, I want to do something whilst you suck me off!"

Removing his cock from my mouth with a wet slurp I smiled up at him with a questioning little smile and knew instantly what he craved! Standing up I helped him undress till he was naked then we went into the bedroom, John headed straight to the laundry basket, found a pair of ellys worn panties, sat on the edge of the bed, pulled them onto his face and began to sniff the aroma of my wifes cunt! Giggling a little I once again fell to my task of sucking my ministers cock!

Elly always thought that the taste of a mans come was different each time and sometimes even could tell what he had been eating the night before! I always thought this was rubbish yet I thought I detected a slight taste of garlic from Johns pre-come which was flowing freely from his now thrusting and pumping erection! Quickly I removed my lips from his cock and pulled back his foreskin, then we went at it quickly and with purpose, all the while john was playing with my hair and whispering my new name and the occasional obscenity! Then with one final gasp, one final thrust I felt his come explode into my mouth, I swallowed and swallowed till I had consumed his full load and his prick began to soften! Elly had been right, there was a definite taste of garlic off his come! As his prick came out of my mouth I had to laugh, a little pink ring surrounded the base of his cock, John asked, "Hope that's Ellys lipstick and not anything suspicious!?"

John was still wearing my wifes panties on his head as he said, "Oh Alison that was wonderful,now it's your turn!"

Without a second thought John rolled onto the bed, lay on his belly and gave me full access to his anus,I noticed immediately he had shaved this area so his hole was entirely devoid of hair! To be candid I was a little surprised at this but the hard cock inside my wifes dress, panties and tights couldn't be denied!Quickly I kicked off my lovely shoes,slid down my knickers and tights and let my cock free! Like every other woman I've ever met Elly kept a host of beauty preparations on her dressing table,as quick as I could I found some moisturiser and lathered up my prick, then gently I slid a wet finger up Johns anus, then applied more and more cream till his anus was open and slippy!I whispered, "Oh god John, this is going to be so good! Lay on your right side and pull your knees up and let me do the rest!"

He did so and I could feel his warm fragrant body tense a little as I began to push my cock into his hole,I must have used enough moisturiser as in one quick movement I was in him up to the hilt! Gasping a little his svinctor spasmed a little then he relaxed and I began to slowly fuck my ministers arse!As if this wasn't thrill enough, I could reach around and play with his now semi hard prick as I screwed him but the biggest thrill of all was the feeling of wearing and smelling Ellys clothes that I was wearing! Her bra pinched a little as my cock slid in and out of Johns hole and her dress made little swishing sexy noises as our bodies moved in harmony! John reached down between his legs and felt my slippery hard on gasping he said, "Didn't realise you were so big! How wonderful! Enjoy me enjoy me Alison!"

I let my mind wander off to strange places and think of strange and kinky sex acts and before I knew it my pace increased and my full not inconsiderable load shot up deeper and deeper up Johns anus!

15 minutes later we were both cleaned up and drinking more coffee, John was once again dressed and I was still dressed in Ellys clothes, John smiled at me and asked, "Tell me Alison, if it were possible would you like to come out whilst you are dressed, I mean, whilst you are Alison?" Laughing I replied, "would love to but we both know it isn't possible!"

John stood up and opened the shades, I was surprised to see it was getting near dusk and the sun indeed had just about set for the night! John went on, "it'll be dark soon, come with me Alison,walk with me up to church, it's not far and to be honest I would get as much of a kick walking beside you as you yourself would and Alison, I'm sure elly has told you how much I enjoy sex in the church building,it would be fantastic!"

It dawned on me that he was being entirely serious,glancing out the window I had to admit it was getting dark and it's also true that the walk to the church is mainly through a wooded area which is poorly lighted indeed some of the distance was not lighted at all! Temptation was getting the better of my usual common sense! I once again looked out at the darkening sky giggled and surrendered to the moment! Turning to John I smiled and said, "ok, your on! First though I need to do some girly stuff!" I went into the bedroom and brushed out my hair,re-applied fresh lippy and some eye liner,put my shoes back on and grabbed Ellys white leather shoulder bag, I put some sex essentials in it, then a quick search of Ellys wardrobe provided a short bolero style burgundy jacket which I knew she didn't wear much as she thought it too big for her. I was however delighted to discover it did fit me! Keeping it on I headed back into the lounge where John just smiled and shaking his head commented, "Alison, still can't believe the transformation, no one, no one will even have a second glance!"

Giggling ridiculously, my heart thumping like a drum and I thought my face bright red we headed out of the front door, my heels clicking on the pathway as we made our way towards the garden gate!I looked quickly around but there wasn't a soul in the street,John Asked, "Well? How does it feel?"

I let my pace slow a little before replying, "worryingly John, it feels like the most natural thing in the world, it's a beautiful feeling!" Part of me wanted to reach out and take his arm but if word got back to his wife he was seen arm in arm with another woman it might lead to complications!John surprised me by saying,"Tell me Alison, is your cock hard? Because to be honest, mine is!"

Laughing I replied teasingly, "Well my minister, the naughty reverend will just have to wait and see! Won't he!?" We laughed together and then we took the narrow path down by the stream, the light was poor but we could just about see where we were going. There was a canopy of trees above us which enhanced the darkness. John surprised me by taking my arm and guided me gently down to the waters edge where we stood beneath the leaf laden branches, he pulled me to him and before I could react he was kissing me, gently at first then feeling no resistance he continued with more passion!I felt his tongue play with mine, my arms went around his neck and we really really went for a full blown passionate snog!Then I felt his hand go up inside my dress,caressing the smooth flimsy material of my tights then up and inside my panties and down to my hard cock where he gently fondled and squeezed, breaking the kiss I whispered, "Now you have your answer, do you like what's in my panties?" for answer John kissed me again, only deeper this time! We stood there kissing and fondling for another few minutes, I had parted my legs to allow him full and unfettered access to all regions between my legs,eventually the signals from both of our groins made us stop, tidy up our clothes and resume our walk to church!

I must confess that I did have and still do have some moral reservations about sexual frolics within a church building, when Elly told me what they had done and where they had done it I found myself with mixed emotions. A part of me thought it would be exciting and a real rush, especially as I do love having sex in a variety of places. Another part of me thought it was tempting fate,it may very well prove to be a kink too far.

As we walked I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards us,clearly female voices began to get louder as John and I ducked back into the trees but John wasn't quite quick enough and one of the voices called out a greeting to him! They made some joke about the minister of the parish hanging around the woods but John said, "actually ladies,I rather urgently require to answer a call of nature!I'm so embarrassed!" There was some general merriment at his predicament before one of the women answered,

"in which case we will walk on and let you get on with it,your trouble John is that you drink far too much coffee!" They all said "Goodnight" then they walked on, their footsteps fading into the distance. John did come back into the trees where indeed he did unzip his cock and had a pee,but I couldn't determine in the dark if he was still semi hard or not!

John let us into the dark and empty vestibule,our voices echoing off the stone walls! Due to the activities of vandals most if not all of the windows were shuttered or boarded up so we felt quite comfortable putting on some of the lights. We made our way to the vestry where John quickly and without fuss stripped naked donned his cassock and draped the front of it over his now bulging and purple hard on! I looked at him and asked, "What now?what would please my naughty reverend?" Closing his eyes he began to stroke himself before he replied, "Actually Alison, I can't make my mind up whether I want you to suck and fuck me or whether I want to suck and fuck you!"

I smiled at him, walked up to him and bending down kissed the tip of his cock tasting his pre-come then straightening up I kissed him full on the lips. I said, "come on, I know what you really want to do!" I took him by the hard on and led him down the stone passageway, then through the main church doors. We made our way slowly down the aisle, the church redolent of the scent of flowers from the early morning wedding. On reaching the lectern John said, "Alison let me do this!"

Without another word he reached up into my dress and quickly pulled down my panties and tights,then without hesitation he was on his knees and my cock was in his mouth!I saw him glance at my panties and gasped, "do you remember them John? Elly was wearing them when you fucked her right here, she had them at her ankles John whilst you pumped into her warm wet tight pussy!" when I thought of what they had done my cock seemed to get harder and harder and John was having trouble coping with my furious pumping! Then almost before it had begun it ended, I thought he was going to drown swallowing my come! Our voices, gasps, moans of delight and pleasure echoing noisily around the old building!

As soon as I was finished coming into his mouth I found Ellys white leather shoulder bag and found the lube I had put in it, then slowly I massaged it into my own rectum as John watched, then onto his short stubby cock, then without further ceremony I leaned over the piano and let John have his way with my anus! Anal can be tricky for the uninitiated,it's a sex act you can't and shouldn't rush, sufficient lube has to be applied to both cock and anus, time has to be taken to ensure penetration is relatively pain free, most importantly of all is the question of angle, it has to be just right! Also the question of size is important, I have played with a few erections which I wouldn't let within a mile of my bottom! Just too damn big and potentially too damaging! John however was just nice, a wee bit on the thick side but length wise there was no issue. Again he like me ventured a finger or 2 before inserting his prick, when I sensed it was all in I let him enjoy me slowly at first, then faster and faster, I could feel Ellys panties and tights at my ankles and her bra pinching my nipples once again, the satin material brushing teasingly against my chest. John had reached around my tummy and was gently masturbating my reviving prick, then I felt the first spurt of Johns come explode into my rectum! He all but screamed with relief and pleasure as he emptied his balls up me!

When we had both caught our breath, we bathed from some water in the font and made our way back up to the vestry. It had been fun and yes sexually exciting, john said, we really should have brought your own clothes up with us for you to change into for going home, I suppose I could go get the car and drive you home!"

The thought of still being Alison hadn't crossed my mind nor how I was getting home still dressed in Ellys clothes." I replied, "actually John there's no problem at all!" Smiling cheeckily I went on, "I'll just walk home the way we came, you never know, I might get lucky!" we both laughed before I continued, "John I hope you don't mind but before I go I need to pee! He just smiled and replied, "I'll stay here and catch up with some calls! Just be careful on the way home, I'm sure it will be fine!"

I picked up my shoulder bag, walked down the stone corridor and entered the ladies room, a quick flick of the light switch lighted up 3 cubicles on the left and a row of 3 white sinks with a full length mirror on the right, I could not help glancing at my reflection in the glass and was still astonished at the transformation that had taken place. I had to admit it, I was totally gorgeous and to any but the most observant onlooker definitely female! Smiling and sighing I chose one of the cubicles, went in, left the door wide open, slid down my knickers and tights to my shoetops and marvelling at my now fully erect and leaking cock I began slowly to stroke myself! Up and down, up and down, up and down! The sheer sensory delights of Ellys fragrant scent from her clothes, her French perfume on my neck, the feeling of her tight, soft feminine clothes encasing my skin, even the sight and feel of her beautiful leather court shoes scraping slightly on the stone floor was all too much for me and so much quicker than I had anticipated or wanted, I had to hurriedly stand up and waddle over to the nearest sink where I sent stream after stream of come spurting into the white porsalein!

Once again I cleaned up both my body and even the sink and made my way back up to the vestry, John was just finishing a telephone conversation as I said, "time for me to go now John," Walking up quickly to him I kissed him gently on the lips and added, "Thank you, it was just the most delightful evening of......?" I went on, "alisons life!" He returned my smile and asked, "are you sure you will be ok going home? wouldn't want you to come to any harm Alison, are you certain?" I giggled and replied, " I'll be fine john, don't worry about me and when Elly comes home, we really really must have a threesome up here!" John smiled and nodded his agreement!

As i had expected my walk home was entirely uneventful, I passed a couple of mini-skirted young girls but they didn't give me a second glance. When they had passed, I looked up to the diamond bright stars in the clear night sky, I found myself thinking, "I'm a bit like you,I can only be truly myself in the soft velvety darkness, the glare of the midday sun would be far to candid and critical to all like me, thanks God for the dark and its hidden secrets!" I walked slowly along the path, my court shoes clicking on the concrete,again lifting my gaze up to the heavens I thought, "For what I just did,so sorry! So sorry!" On entering my home I began to undress and was at once very very sad, the whole experience I knew was perhaps once in a lifetime and it had been wonderful beyond words, I sighed and acknowledged to myself that being bi sexual was not a choice, it was just what it is, pretty cruel!

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