The Nervous Freshmen

By Rory Dolan

Published on Dec 28, 2015


Hey guys, hope you enjoy my story. I'm not much of a writer so sorry if it's shitty, just wanted to give it a shot. A lot of stories dive right into it with the sex but I'm trying to develop this deeper so things will take their time to unravel, hope that's okay.

If you want to talk or have any questions or critiques (I'd love to hear those as well to better my writing skills) or whatever you can email me at :)

The Nervous Freshmen Chapter 1

"What are you staring at?" Aaron yelled at me from across the room.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming," I replied.

It wasn't so much daydreaming as it was me just hypnotized by this raunchy, tattooed twink standing across from me. We were both entering freshmen, still setting up our room. I came in first and took the bed near the window but he rushed in after me and whined until I let him have it instead. He even kissed me on the cheek afterwards, handing out kisses before he even knew my name. I asked him if he needed help getting any more bags up to the room but he already had a few guys standing outside our door with his shit, I think one of them was a security guard. I guess I was rooming with the top social butterfly on campus.

"You still haven't told me your name," Aaron said.

"I'm Dylan."

"Where you from, Dylan?"


"What the fuck is a Minnesota boy doing all the way down here in Florida?"

"I didn't want to go here but I'm getting a free ride. I'd be stupid not to take it."

"Oh!" There was a slight disdain in his voice. "Are you some sort of genius or something?"

"I don't think so," I replied. "I just got really good marks in high school. I'm here for Biomedical Sciences."

"So you're gonna be, like, some fancy doctor?"

"More like engineer."

"Well I'm undecided and have no fucking idea what I'll do here. But if worse comes to worse I'll just make you my sugar daddy," he said with a devilish smile.

I watched him twirl away and dash a never ending supply of clothes, accessories, lube and condoms into his draws and bins hidden under his bed. His tight, slim body contorting into all sorts of weird positions that would have the average guy writhing in pain. His pressed, form fitting shorts accentuating what had to be the sumptuous, round, firm ass I've seen on any guy. Hidden under strands of his slick back pompadour I could make out a playboy bunny tattoo behind his ear, and two green money signs under it. They were the same green of his wandering eyes. Aaron was a short little thing, he looked about 5'8, maybe 140 pounds give or take another five. A tiny little ball of fire.

I gazed into the full length mirror he set up and thought I looked pretty good, for today at least. My dusty brown hair that was so pampered and proper earlier was now falling over my deep blue eyes. I thought I looked a little gaunt too, I mean, 6'3 and 180 pounds makes me underweight, right? Every part of me was muscled and cut but eh, everyone my age works out now. I'm nothing special, just another above average white guy but in America there isn't any better is there?

"You're pretty handsome," Aaron said coming up behind me, "What's your background?"

"French and Romanian. Do I look it?"

"No. I was just curious."

"Oh, well how about you, Aaron?"

"Full blooded Italian stallion."

"That makes sense!" I said, perhaps with too much excitement.

"And that means what?"

"I don't know, it's just Italian people are.. I don't know the word. Outgoing? Feisty?"

"And Romanian people are fucking weirdos."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to say."

He didn't reply. He didn't talk to me for a few hours. I would try to initiate a conversation and he'd just shrug me off, scoff at me, or look at me until I would do an awkward shuffle around our room. But it's not like I had anywhere to go. The honor kids got to move in a day early and as far as I could tell there was nobody else on our floor. It was just me and Aaron for the day. I didn't know how I offended him because I wasn't even able to express what I wanted to say but he wasn't afraid to let me know he was pissed. This would happen on the very first day we met too, I've been such a bumbling fool my entire life. Incapable of reading social cues and knowing what the hell is going on around me. I try to speak to people and make friends, I just don't do a good job at it.

As the time marched towards midnight I prepared myself for bed. I guess all I needed to get Aaron to talk to me was to put on my batman pajamas.

"What's so funny?"

"Those fucking pajamas!" He said in stumbled breaths.

"I don't get it. They're just pajamas," I replied in honest confusion."

"It's 2015, you're in college and you're wearing some damn batman pajamas. You don't see why it's funny?"

"I don't."

He just kept laughing as I sat there with a blank expression on my face, the kind that a serial killer has. But that was because I didn't get the joke, not that I wanted to end him. I don't have the balls.

"Aw, Dylan, you don't want to be my friend?"

"I do but you keep making fun of me. I don't know how to talk to you."

"Well I'll come over and talk to you."

Aaron made one giant leap from his bed to mine and had I been just a few inches lower he would have done a solid land on my crotch. He slid under the covers and dropped his head on my stomach.

"What's a nerd like you doing with such a hot body?"

"I'm just ok, it's not that hot."

"Do the girls go wild for you?"

"None that I know."

"You didn't leave any sobbing bitch back home in Minnesota?"

"The only person sobbing when I left was my mom."

"Can I ask you a question, Dylan?"

"I guess," I knew what was coming.

"Have you ever been with a girl?

"No," that wasn't the question I was expecting.

"You're a virgin?"

"Yea. I told you I don't know how to talk to people."

"Wow, a virgin. Such a rare breed of men. And a gay one at that!" he said.

"I didn't say I was gay."

"Your eyes did when you were staring at my ass this morning."

"Sorry... I've just never seen a guy with a body like yours."

"I get that a lot."

"Have you been with a lot of guys?"

"Me? Oh, I could probably start a basketball team with the guys that I was with this year alone."

"Isn't that bad?"

"I don't think so. I always have safe sex and I get checked every few months. I'm a huge slut no doubt but I take care of myself."

I wasn't surprised he confessed to being a slut. This guy could talk and flirt it up with anyone, he had the charm and wit to go up to any guy and get what he wanted. A feature I admired and was jealous of an intense amount. I remained a stone as his fingers danced lower and lower on my stomach until they were right at the edge of my batman pants. He looked up at me and I darted my eyes in the opposite direction. Another arrogant chuckle left his mouth and he swung my arm over his back and snuggled up closer to me.

I could feel my cock stiffening up and pulled the cover over my body to hide the embarrassment. The blood was rushing to my cheeks, and to my penis, with each circle he traced on my abs. My breathing went shallow and I tried to cover it up in coughs but Aaron probably knew all the signals. He tugged at my pajama pants until they were loose and my cock did a spring upwards in freedom. I looked down to see that devilish smile of his had returned, I wanted to tell him no but I also wanted to see just how far he could go. This was the first time anyone had ever even touched my abs, the first time I cuddled with someone too. He slid his finger down my penis and I twitched out of fear.

"Are you fully hard, Dylan?"

"No, I'm sorry. I was trying not to but nobody has ever touched me like this before."

"That's nice. So, it gets bigger?"

"Yes. Again, I'm really sorry if I'm creeping you out."

He peeled the covers back, lifted my pajamas and briefs and stared at my cock for what was the most excruciating time of my life. He then grabbed it and like some little girl I yelped and covered my mouth.

"Relax," he said.

How could I relax with a fucking hand around my dick? Slowly, he jerked me off and slowly my nervousness faded. My toes were curled and I still couldn't breathe right but it felt fantastic to be touched by someone else for once.

"This is the real reason you're a damn virgin."

"What do you mean?"

"It's fucking huge dude, I can't even get my hand all the way around it."

"Is that a good thing?"

"For some people yea, for some people no. But, I'm claiming this in the name of Aaron."

He jerked it faster and I tried my best to recoil back, to not blow in my batman pants but the sensation was overwhelming me. My balls tightened and I started to moan loudly as I dug my fingers into his back. My eyes rolled back and soon enough I was blasting rope after rope. I don't know how much I came but there were a few thick ropes of cum on my stomach, Aaron's hand was covered and he even had some in his hair. My body twitched and jerked and I ending up cumming again. I threw my hands over my face and hoped this was just a shitty wet dream.

"That was hot, I don't think I've made a guy cum in less than a minute."

"Please don't tell your friends about this, or at least don't tell them it was me. I'm really sorry."

"Dylan stop fucking apologizing for everything, Jesus. You're so annoying."

"But I just came all over the place, I even got some in your hair."

"It's in my hair too? Damn, that was already the biggest load I've ever seen but now I'm even more impressed."

"You're the first person that's ever touched, that's why I came so fast and so much."

"Go clean yourself up."

"Did I say the wrong thing again?"

"No, you just need to get some rest. Maybe I'll jerk you off again tomorrow if I don't get any."

Next: Chapter 2

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