The Nervous Freshmen

By Rory Dolan

Published on Jan 7, 2016


The morning after getting my first handjob I woke up with the meanest morning wood I've ever had. I was at full attention. I never measured my penis because, well, it was never used but it looked to be nine inches, I think. Based on my vast knowledge of porn and anonymously browsing sexual forums on the web I knew I was equipped with a seriously big tool, but yea, I didn't have the audacity to ever get far enough with anyone to use it. I wouldn't even know what to do and clearly I wouldn't last long.

I quickly flipped myself onto my stomach when I heard the bathroom door swing open and Aaron sauntering out, like he owned the place. My heart started to beat faster and I just hoped he didn't notice anything.

"Your dick woke up about 20 minutes before you did, kid," he said.

"Sorry," I replied.

"What was your family like, Dylan?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm curious. And you're my roommate, you're the first guy I'm latching on to this semester, I need to know you since I have to share a room with you for nine months."

"They're nice people, I guess. You know... conservative people, very no-nonsense. My parents have done a lot, though, and they want me to do a lot. My dad's a lawyer and my mom's an interior decorator."

"Did you see them a lot?"

"My dad not so much, my mom was always around. Always flipping through books and lounging with a glass of wine in her hand. She'd go on these cute brunches with her girlfriends then come tell me all about it, about how her friends' sons were doing and how I should be more outgoing like them," I paused for a second. "Dad always tried to get me to come to lunches with him too, meet some of the interns, mostly girls, and talk to them. It never worked. After a while they both just gave up."

"Gave up how?"

"Mom stopped talking about her friends' sons, dad stopped invited me to lunches. I saw them less and less my later years in high school."

"Were they going through a rough patch in their marriage?"

"No, the marriage is fine. I remember one year they went to Thailand for a week, they left the day before my birthday. That was the first year there weren't any decorations or cake or anything."

"What the fuck?"

"It's okay, they're adults and honestly birthdays aren't such a big deal. It's okay to forget them."

He just looked at me, he looked like he wanted to slap me. I ran through every word in my brain and couldn't spot the sequence that would set him off. He wanted to know about my home life so I gave him a little of it. Rich, inattentive parents, what's the big deal about it?

"You are one fucked up kid," he stated.

It's a weird, disheartening feeling when someone says you're fucked up and you can't think of anything that would have them reach such a conclusion. It's even weirder when you know exactly what you said but nothing about it seems abnormal. But that's what happened with Aaron and I. Perhaps that was the end of story time, clearly I freaked him out and if I was going to spend the next nine months with him then I needed to just lock away some stuff.

"Well, what's your family like then, Aaron?"

"They're fucking amazing you jackass," he said with a laugh. "They celebrated all my birthdays, they made memories with me, we were a healthy and normal family."

"What was it like when you told them you were gay?"

"At first it was like they didn't believe me. Or, my dad didn't believe me. He didn't want to. My older brother is gay as well so for my dad to have both his kids turn out gay I think that was a big blow to his ego. He wasn't able to mold someone to carry on his name and image. But after a few weeks he was fine. We talked about it, I brought it up and he agreed but in spite of it all he couldn't let his ego get in the way of his love for his own blood."

"That's good."

"Do your parents know you're gay, Dylan?"

"No. They know I'm a virgin, though."

"How would they know that?"

"My dad tried to get me with one of his interns and I told him. He thought it was hilarious. My mom laughed about it too, they laughed all the way back into their room it was so hilarious to them."

"Psychopaths. Are you an only child as well?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Are they gonna have any more now that you're here?"

"I doubt it, they were waiting for me to leave the nest to do some more traveling, getting into hobbies and some other stuff. I was in the way for a lot of some things they wanted to do."

I reclined back and cracked open my book while Aaron sat next to me, mouth open, still trying to process the things I've told him. As I flipped through the pages of the book I had read a good six times already my anxiety grew, I wanted him to finally say something. To maybe give me a hug and tell me that'd be my friend and that he didn't want a new roommate. Just anything to break the silence. I knew he'd eventually find my weirdness off-putting but I didn't think it would be this soon. I thought I had more time.

"What are you reading?" he asked.

"The City and the Pillar by Gore Vidal."

"My dad got that book for a me a week or two after I came out, I love it."

"It's amazing."

"Do you like reading, Dylan?"

"Yea, I read everything. I like to imagine myself as these brave and strong characters, and what I'd do in the world when the words are no longer written. Books are my little escape. Do you ever sometimes wish you were someone else, Aaron?"

"Not really, I don't think so."

"I think about it a lot."

He pulled the book from my hands and guided them along the curve of his back as he lied down on his side. I lied down behind him but made sure there was enough space between us so he didn't think I was going to touch him, I still didn't know what he was comfortable with me doing and not doing. He looked behind and rolled his eyes then sat back up. I got nervous and pulled him back to his position and this time there was hardly any space between us. We were so close my lips were on his neck, I could see his hair gently waving as my hot breath blew. I didn't know if that was the right thing to do but I could tell Aaron only wanted to help me. And if he was going to help me I had to step out of my comfort zone. I had to do things that the characters from my favorite books would do.

I slid my hand under his tight tank top until it reached his neck and lightly wrapped my hand around it. I waited a second or two for him to remove it but he didn't, he craned his head back and I tightened my grip but not tight enough to actually do anything. I kissed his neck once, then drew my head back, still he didn't seem bothered by it. I kissed his neck once more, this time a little longer. Another kiss. And another. I poked his neck with my tongue and ran it in circles on the back of his neck.

He turned over and shoved me into the wall, he was stronger than I assumed he'd be. He reached for my cock but I smacked his hand away and covered my crotch as he smiled at me. He pried away both my hands and had them placed on the wall and I could do nothing but whimper like a dog as Aaron stroked my rock hard cock through my pajamas. I was trying to get my hands back but this kid had the strength of a fucking beast, or I was just really week, maybe both.

"Don't fight it," he said as he flapped his tongue into my ear.

And right there, that was the most pleasure I had experienced in my life so far. My body violently shook and jerked and I thought the cum was gonna shoot out of me but I clenched it as hard as I could. He licked, bit and sucked all over my left ear while still holding my hands steady against the wall, I was outclassed and unable to put up any sort of fight. But there was no fight I wanted to partake in, I wanted Aaron to explore and control every part of my body even if I knew I probably wouldn't even make it a solid five minutes with him.

He let my hands drop free and I pushed him on his back, holding him down by his wrists and grinding my crotch over his. I didn't know if this was hot but I've seen it in some pornos and they looked like they enjoyed it so I went for it. I came in for a kiss but he turned his head so I got the cheek. My first instinct was that that I did something wrong and was perhaps being too forward but then I remembered this guy jerked me off on the first day we met, there'd probably never be a time when I was the one being too forward.

"Face me," I told him in the most domineering voice I could muster.

"Fuck you," he replied.

I grabbed his face and turned him toward me and went back in for the kiss. He didn't turn his head this time, mostly because he couldn't. Our tongues met and he bit down on mine. Then I bit down on his bottom lip while his hand found its way under my pants and caressing my stiff meat.

As my tongue went down from his lips to his chest everything came crashing down as the wave of freshmen entered our hall. Doors slamming, people yelling, suitcases dropping all over the place. I didn't feel sexy anymore, I felt nervous and afraid. All these people, surely there were gonna be a few social butterflies that wanted to be obnoxious and introduce themselves to everyone on the floor. Or maybe worse, maybe that's what Dylan would be.

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