The New Trooper

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 30, 2003



DISCLAIMER: This story is not only NOT TRUE, it is a complete fantasy. I contains activities that I have personally never engaged in. I have always written about things I have actually done but this story came about because of a challenge from a fellow writer - to try and write a story that wasn't from my own experience.

I dedicate this story to him - Bawdypen.

THE NEW TROOPER by RimPig 2003

Okay, I knew I shouldn't be doin' it. Cruisin' the rest-stop men's room. But it's an old one on a mostly deserted state road. Used to be busy but the inter-state took most of the traffic away. Now it had become a haven for raunchy cock-suckers like me. Guys who are into other guys in ways that would make most of the "politically correct" gay-boys have a fuckin' coronary! Guys who love raunch. Guys who love another guys' stinkin' butt sittin on their face while they smelled and licked away all that stink. Guys who loved the tasted of another guy's hot piss as it burned down their throat. Guys who not only didn't shower before sex, but didn't want the guy they had sex to have showered either. Preferably not all day.

There was only one real danger to the place, it was still state property and, as such, was sometimes patrolled by State Troopers. But they were really more interested in motor vehicle crimes - speeding and such. Oh, they'd clean out the rest-stop of cruisers in a heart-beat but mostly, unless you gave them lip (and who the fuck was stupid enough to do that?!) they'd just run everybody out and that would be it for the night.

However, word had gotten round that there was a new trooper patrolling in this area. Nobody had seen him yet and so nobody knew if he had a hard-on for 'queers' or not. The last thing I needed was to be busted in a fuckin' rest-stop bathroom but I was so fuckin' horny I couldn't help myself that night. I needed sex and I needed the kind of raunchy sex that I could always find in that rest-stop. In fact, truth be told, I was needin' somethin' more than just the 'usual' raunch.

I'd been fantasizing more and more about even raunchier acts that I'd never had the guts to try before. I mean, I'd rimmed some really dirty butts in my time, but now I was thinkin' about what came outa those butts. Thinkin' 'bout long, thick turds - stinkin', hot man-turds - slidin' outa a real man's hairy hole. Thinkin' about suckin' on that turd like it was a cock. Thinkin' about what it would taste and smell like.

But I knew one thing - it would take a real man to get me to do that kinda stuff, no matter how much I wanted to. Overcoming my squeamishness and fear of the unknown was gonna take somebody powerful and powerfully attractive to get me into the right frame of mind. Kinda made me think about an old sayin' as to how a guy was so beautiful that 'I'd eat a mile of his shit just to see where it came from!'.

It had been a slow night but that figured given it was Sunday. I'd sucked down a few loads of piss and cum and eaten a couple of nice asses but now I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 1:00 am. There hadn't been anybody by in a while and I was just makin' the decision to go ahead on home. Disappointed but them's the breaks! I'd have to save my desire to explore new depths of degradation for another night.

It was at that moment, however, that I heard a car door slam out in the parking lot and hear the sound of heavy treads on the sidewalk outside. I stood at sinks, washin' my hands like I had just taken a piss or somethin' when the door opened and a man walked in. I should say a fuckin' mountain walked in! The guy had to be at least 6'6" tall with shoulders so broad that they could hardly fit through the door and a huge chest to match. What struck me most though was - the uniform! This, without doubt, was the new Trooper! Oh, fuck!

He stood there lookin' at me as I literally quaked at the sight of him. Flashing green eyes under the broad brim of his 'Smokey Bear' hat and a ruggedly handsome face with a square jaw. I figured that he was older than my nineteen years. Probably around thirty or thirty-five. His uniform fit him like a second skin, tan material stretched to almost the ripping point. Through the top of his shirt, I could see his white t-shirt and curling out of the top of that, dark blond hair that told me this was one hairy fuckin' man! His chest was massive, his arms as well. Where the uniform shirt's short sleeves stopped, massive biceps bulged and his massive forearms were covered in more of the dark blond fur. That was the only way I knew what color his hair was because all I could see under his hat was skin covered with no more than an eighth of an inch of hair.

His torso tapered to a slender waist and then flared out below his crotch with massive thighs held in skin tight jodhpurs and, below them, knee high riding boots - black, with high gloss to them. Lookin' where I should not have been lookin' (if I had any sense, which I don't!) I could see a fuckin' basket that was one huge, massive mound behind the zipper of his pants. Somethin' in me wanted to lay down on the fuckin' floor and kiss and lick those boots of his! Fuck! This was A MAN! And I was a fuckin' man-worshiper!

"How's business tonight, fag?" he growled at me, a faint menace in his voice.

'Oh, shit!' I thought to myself. 'He's a fuckin' queer-hater! Now my ass is in for it!'

I didn't know how to answer him. I thought briefly of trying to play straight and bristle at the insult, denying that I was anything but an upright, law-abiding, heterosexual citizen. Yeah, right! But I knew I couldn't pull it off the minute I looked in his eyes. The strange thing was, he was leanin' against the door grinnin' at me. Like he wasn't so disappointed in finding me there. I decided to take a chance.

"Uhh...not too good. But it's Sunday, ya know? I was just leavin'." I said, hoping he'd just let me go and that would be the end of it.

I should have known better. He grinned at me and turned, throwing inside lock on the restroom door.

"You ain't goin' nowhere for a while, faggot!" he ordered. "How old are you, anyway, boy?"

"I'm 19." I said.

"Lemme see your ID." he growled.

I pulled out my wallet and handed him my driver's license. He checked the age and seemed to compare me with the picture. He then took out a notepad and wrote down information from my license. Satisfied he tossed it back to me.

"Well, fag, looks like you're old enough to be legal. Now me? I figure that all you fags are good for is to service real men and this man needs servicing. This is your lucky night, queer-boy. You get to be the one servicin' me. You got that, fag?!"

"Uhh...yes...I mean...uhh...yes, Sir!" I said.

"Yeah! I like that, fag! You keep on callin' me 'Sir'. Glad to see you know your place!" he growled.

He started to unbuckle his gun belt and laid it on a shelf that ran atop some hooks for hangin' coats on. He then started to unbutton his uniform shirt and talkin' to me at the same time.

"Now this is the way it's gonna go, queer. I'm 10-7 for a while so you and me is gonna have some fun. At least it's gonna be fun for me. Probably will be for you as well. You do what I say - EVERYTHING I say - and we'll get along just fine. You don't do what I say, and I'm gonna run your ass in for solicitation. Ya got that, fag?!" he said.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

What the fuck else could I do? Besides, as he revealed his massive, hairy body, I realized that there was absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for him! I wanted anything he would give me - and then some! I sure hoped he was into raunch. I wanted to smell and taste his butt. I wanted to drink his piss and cum. Anything he wanted was fine with me!

By this point, he had stripped down to a very old, evidently not very clean jockstrap. When he took his hat off, finally, I could see that he wore a very short 'flat-top' more on the order of a Marine 'high and tight'. There he stood, massive and hairy! Thick, dark blond hair all over his chest and abdomen and leading down into his heavily stretched, heavily stained jock. Hair so thick, I almost couldn't see his quarter sized dark-rose colored nipples. The cuts and ridges of his muscles looked like he worked out every day of his life. His washboard abs glistened with the golden colored hair covering them. I could smell his sweat and the raunch of his jock. It was obvious that he wore no colognes or deodorants. A natural male animal, the meal I was hungry for!

He'd taken off his boots before taking off his jodhpurs. The tan pants now hung on one of the wooden coat pegs with his shirt. He then looked over at me and could see me lookin' at the boots hungrily.

"I bet you want me to put the boots back on, don'tcha, fag?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir." I answered quietly.

"Yeah, I figured!" he said with a gruff laugh, pulling them back on. "All you queer-boys get off on my boots! Why don't you get down on your fuckin' knees and clean 'em for me? Huh? With your tongue!"

"Yes, sir!" I said, hitting my knees.

It was like he read my mind! I bent over and began caressing the glossy black leather with my tongue. The taste of shoe-polish and leather and just a bit of road-dust was all there was on them. But I had my work cut out for me because those fucker had to be at least a size 13 or 14! Maybe bigger! They were the biggest goddamned boots I'd ever seen - especially that close. But I loved what I was doin' and soon those black boots sparkled with my saliva. Talk about 'spit-shined'! I could almost see myself in those babies!

"That's enough, fag!" he growled and I moved my upper body into an upright position but remained on my knees as he looked down at his boots. "Hey, you did a good job! You must really like your work, fag!"

"Oh, yes, sir!" I said.

"Well, now, what else would you like to clean for me?" he asked.

"Your ass, sir." I said softly.

"What was that, boy?! I couldn't hear you!" he demanded.

"Your ass, sir!" I said louder. "I want to clean out your ass, sir!"

"Well, now. Not just a fag but a raunchy fuckin' fag! So you want to clean my ass, huh, boy?" he asked.

"Yes, sir! I love eatin' a man's ass, sir!" I told him.

"Well, ya see, boy, I gotta take me a big dump. Now, you wanna clean my ass before - or AFTER?" he growled.

Oh, fuck! It was now or never! I had to take the chance because who knew if it was ever gonna come again? This was the very kind of man I had been prayin' for to take me deeper into my raunchy fantasies. I looked up into his cold green eyes and gave him my only answer.

"Both, sir." I said, my voice low and husky with fear and longing.

"Well, a shit-lickin' pig! Now why didn't you say so, boy?!" he chuckled. "So you like eatin' shit, boy?"

"I don't know, sir. I've never done it before." I said honestly.

"Never?" he asked.

"I've licked dirty butts before, sir, but I've never even seen anyone else take a dump." I admitted.

"Well, you're gonna get to see someone do it now, boy! I'm gonna let you clean out my ass and suck on my hole until I gotta shit. Then you can decide where I'm gonna drop a log - in the toilet or in your toilet mouth!" he announced.

"Yes, sir!" I replied.

"You like piss, too, boy?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, sir! I love piss, sir! Can I drink your piss, sir?!" I begged.

"Fuck, yeah, boy! I figured you must be a fuckin' urinal since you want to be my shit-hole as well. Just a regular fuckin' toilet, ain'tcha, boy?" the Trooper asked.

"For you, sir!" I promised.

I looked up at the massive, hairy, muscular beast and knew that there was absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for this man!

"Well, if you're gonna do this right, boy, then I want you naked. You hear me, fag?! Get them fuckin' clothes off - NOW!" he ordered.

I immediately jumped to my feet and began pulling off my clothes. Luckily, all I was wearing was a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and sandals. I always go commando. I love the feeling of 'free-balling'. The only underwear I like is on other guys - and when they've worn them for many days in a row so that they're filled with piss-stains, cum-stains and skid-marks!

As soon as I was naked, I again was on my knees in front of the Trooper.

"Yeah, that's better. A naked, shit-lickin', piss drinkin' fag to service me! Why don't you start with my jock, boy?" he said, stepping forward and putting his hand on the back of my head, pushing my face into the rank-smelling pouch of his well-worn jock.

The pouch of his jock was so ripe and pungent, it brought tears to my eyes as the fumes from it stung them but I didn't care! The smell was so raunchy and manly that I was lost to it! I sucked on the pouch, tasting the remains of piss, sweat and perhaps cum or pre-cum. I also detected the odor of smegma! Which could only mean one thing. He had my very favorite kind of cock - uncut! My mouth began to drool at the prospect of licking out the hood of his cock and eating this Trooper's cock-cheese!

As I sucked on the mesh of his pouch, I could feel the heat of his massive cock coiled under my mouth and tongue. I moved to where the head was and tried to get my mouth around it. It was quite a stretch and he wasn't even hard yet! As I worked my tongue over the pouch where it covered the head of his cock, I suddenly felt something hot and wet entering my mouth.

He was pissing! Right through his jock and into my mouth! And it was strong, pungent piss! He evidently had been holding it a while, brewing it in his bladder for a real piss-pig. I drank greedily from his spout, trying to drink down every drop of piss that he had. Then, just as suddenly as the piss started, it stopped! I looked up at him, my eyes filled with disappointment at the denial of his golden drink!

He didn't say a word. Instead, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of his jock and slid it down his thighs until it fell around the ankles of his boots. He stepped out of it and then stood back in front of me, his massive cock now clearly in my view.

"Pick it up, queer!" he ordered.

I leaned down and picked up his jock which was laying on the restroom floor.

"Hand it to me." he said, reaching out one of his huge hands.

I placed the jock in his hand. He then took the pouch of it and began rubbing it all over my face.

"Yeah! A piss-fag should smell like piss!" he laughed as the wet pouch transferred his smelly, acrid piss to my face.

He then hung the jock around my neck by the waistband and stood back to look at his handiwork.

"Yeah! That's more like it. But you ain't near wet enough, boy!" he laughed.

He took his uncut cock into his hand and aimed it at my face. The foreskin was so long, that a long 'nipple' of it bunched at the tip. Out of the hood came a rushing stream of piss! A thick stream - more like you would expect on a fucking horse than a man! Hot and hard, his stream hit my face. I opened my mouth to get more of his acrid piss but, instead, he began moving the stream down so that my body was covered with his dark yellow brew!

His piss seemed to go on forever. I was thoroughly drenched, as was his jockstrap still hanging around my neck, before he finally raised the stream to where I could continue to drink it down. I finally was glad that he had pissed so much onto my body because the amount that I drank from him was twice or three times what a normal man's bladder could hold! I'd never seen so much piss come out of one man in my life! I knelt there opening my mouth, getting it filled with his hot, pungent piss, swallowing while the piss stream continued to hit my face and then opening my mouth and repeating the procedure over and over again.

I don't know how long he pissed into me but I know it was more than five minutes! As his piss- stream finally began to fade, he moved forward and shoved the end of his foreskin-covered cock into my mouth, allowing me to drink down the last of his dark amber piss. When the stream finally stopped, I used my tongue to begin exploring inside the hood of his cock. I wanted the smegma I had smelled. I wanted to taste his raunchy head-cheese!

"Yeah, boy! You lookin' for a snack?" his green eyes glittered into mine as my tongue sought the prize of his smegma. "Yeah, I got some nice cheese in there for ya! I bet you love a man's stinkin' cheese, don'tcha, boy?"

I nodded and groaned but continued pushing my tongue under his skin, searching for what I knew was there. There was so much foreskin, however, that I was having a difficult time reaching it. I know I could have just reached up and pulled on the skin of his cock but something inside me told me not to. Somehow I knew that I was not allowed to touch his cock with my hands unless he gave me permission. Instead, he finally realized that I was having trouble reaching his raunchy cheese and reached down and skinned back his foreskin himself. As soon as the hood cleared the flange of his cockhead, the taste of pungent man-cheese hit my tongue and I started moaning as the taste exploded in my mouth and the stink of it went up my nose.

"There ya go, boy! There's your midnight snack. I'll bet that and cum are your favorite foods! Ain't that right boy?!" he laughed.

I again nodded and groaned in response.

"Maybe you'll find something else you like to eat tonight! Maybe you'll find out you like somethin' else a man can feed you, boy!" he said, an evil glint in his green eyes.

'Oh, fuck! He really expects me to eat his shit!' I thought to myself.

I finished cleaning his cock of all the smegma I could find and began sliding his huge organ into my mouth. Soft, it was longer than most guys' cocks hard! And thick! I could barely get my mouth around it. The thought of it going up my cock-loving ass was even terrifying to me! That thing hard could fuckin' split me in two! I nursed at his cock for a very short time before he pulled it out of my mouth.

"You can have that later, boy. Time to clean out my ass! I gotta shit, bad!" he said.

I was kneeling there in his pool of cold piss which had run off my body from his earlier drenching of me. I expected him to turn around and offer his ass to me. He had other ideas!

"Lay down on your back, faggot!" he ordered.

I knew that he meant for me to do it in the pool of his cold piss. I lay down on the floor, feeling the cold, amber liquid wetting my back and pooling under the cheeks of my ass. He stood over me, one leg on each side of my body as I looked up the massive length of the back of his body. If I thought the front was impressive, the back of him was equally so! A huge muscular back which tapered down to where his butt flared out. A true 'bubble-butt' covered with a light dusting of golden hairs. Truly the most beautiful butt I'd ever seen! A butt that one could worship! A butt that was meant to be licked and sucked! A man's butt!

He began to slowly squat over my face and I was in for a shock. Thinking that with all the hair on his body, his ass would be equally furry, I was surprised as his butt-cheeks spread open that his trench was completely hairless! It was obvious that he shaved his crack, keeping it completely smooth! I could see the trench and the dark red ovoid of his hole as it came closer and closer to my face. My cock, which I hadn't even thought about through all of this, began to harden just at the sight. I could hear him chuckle above me.

"Ya must like my butt the way you're fuckin' fag cock is bonin' up!" he laughed.

"Yes, sir! You have the most beautiful ass I've ever seen, sir!" I swore to him.

"Bet you like how it smells, fag! And tastes!" he chuckled.

He brought his ass down until it was about three or four inches from my nose. I could smell his raunchy butt-stench! Fuck! His ass stank! I could tell that he hadn't wiped very good the last time he'd taken a dump because I could still see smears of brown shit around the hole. The stench from his butt was pungent and again my eyes began to water from the stink. I'd licked some really raunchy holes in my time, but nothing like this! My stomach roiled from the idea of actually putting my tongue up there!

"Go on! Shove your nose up there! Get a really good whiff of my stink!" the Trooper ordered.

Well, this was it! Now or never! Did I have the guts to go on with this? Did I have any choice?

I moved my nose up until it was in his stinkin' crack. I drew in a deep breath of his shit-smell and it hit me like poppers! FUCK! It was raunchy! It was dirty! It was stink! It was HOT! Never did I dream that somethin' that smelled so fuckin' bad could smell so fuckin' good! I closed my eyes and took several more deep breaths of his stink and my cock was boned hard and drippin' on my abs as I groaned at the way this was turnin' me on!

"Yeah! That's it, boy! Smell my stinkin' ass! You like that, don'tcha! Talk to me, boy! Tell me how it smells down there!" he ordered.

"It smells..." I hesitated.

"Yeah? What's it smell like, boy!" he asked.

"It smells, sir!" I finally managed to say.

"Fuck, yeah, boy! That's my shit-hole you're smellin'!" he chuckled. "Get your nose up in there! Get all that shit-smell, boy! You love it, don'tcha! You love smellin' a man's shitty ass!"

"Oh! Yes, sir! I love the smell of your shit, sir!" I swore and, to my own consternation - I did!

Something had happened since he first spread his dirty ass for my attention. Somehow, the smell of his stinkin', shitty ass had become a total turn-on for me! I was into depths of raunch that I never even dreamed existed before! His butt-stench had turned into a scent which powered a driving lust in me! A lust to go further! A lust to smell his shit - his fresh, hot turds! But there was more he wanted from me!

"Yeah, boy! You love that shit-smell, don'tcha! Now, go on! Taste my ass! Lick the shit outa my ass! Suck my dirty asshole so I can get ready to take a dump! Go on, boy! Get your tongue in there! I wanna feel you lickin' my shitty ass!" he commanded.

Without even a second thought about what I was doing, my tongue came out and began licking at the shit streaks on the walls of his ass-trench! The bitter, dark taste of shit filled my mouth and, at first, I nearly gagged, but then I drew in a deep breath - smelling more of his stink, taking myself to an even lower level of raunch - and continued to lick out his stinking ass. The taste of his shit became not just bitter but spicy in a way that I found to be as stimulating as his shit-smell was! I licked and licked, tasting his left over shit, his sweat, his ass juice and whatever else was locked in the trench of his butt.

It finally wasn't enough. I locked my lips to his now fairly clean asshole and began to press my tongue inside. The tangy taste of his shit was stronger in his hole which opened easily to my probing tongue. I pushed up inside his butt and he grunted. There my tongue was stopped. I pushed up against something hard and firm. Something with an even stronger very bitter tang. I knew that my tongue was now licking his fuckin' turd up in his shit-filled ass!

"Yeah! That's it, boy! Taste my fuckin' turd! Lick my turd, boy! I'm gonna shit that turd in your fuckin' shit-eating mouth! You want my turd, boy! You want to eat out of a man's ass? You want me to feed you some shit-loaf? You hungry boy?" he demanded.

Without an answer from me, as I was far to busy lickin' up inside his ass, tastin' his hard shit-log, I felt his asshole blossom open and could feel the pressure against my tongue as his turd began descending! This was it! He was gonna shit his fuckin' turd into my mouth!

Slowly, I could feel and taste his turd as it pressed into my open mouth. It was bitter - far more bitter than the shit I had licked off his asshole. The shit-log filled my mouth and then stopped. The Trooper was controlling it's descent, giving me time to taste his man-loaf and get used to it in my mouth. I licked around it as best I could and the stink of his shit began to rise in my nose. The scent of raw, fresh shit was different than that smell of the shit that had fermented between the cheeks of his ass. This was stronger - WAY stronger! A stink that was overpowering! But one that quickly took me to deep depths of my own depravity!

"Taste it, boy! Lick my fuckin' shit!" the Troopers voice came, deep and persuasive, urging me on - making me lose myself in the filth of his shit!

I licked and tasted his filth, knowing that I had sunk as low a someone could! I was licking another man's shit! I felt dirty! I felt used! I felt so turned on I nearly came!

His ass began to rise, pulling the turd from my mouth and, as he did, more of the massive shit-log began to slide from his butt. He grunted and moved forward so that the turd now lay across my chest in the furrow between my pecs. He was using my body as a toilet! I watched as more and more of the turd slid from his ass and began to curl into a stinking pile in the middle of my chest! I have no idea how long the turd actually was. It seemed to go on forever! I didn't think that it was ever going to stop pouring from his hole. Finally, however it did.

He then stood up, turned around and looked down at me. There I was, laying in a puddle of his cold piss with a massive mound of his shit steaming in the middle of my chest. He smiled down at his handiwork.

"Yeah, you're a real toilet now, boy!" he grinned.

He then walked around until his stood over my head, his back to me and I saw him begin to squat again. His ass came down to my face again and I could smell the shit that lined his trench.

"Go on, boy! Clean me up! Use your tongue for toilet paper! Lick that shit outa my ass!" he ordered.

I shoved my tongue into his butt trench and began licking all of the fresh shit from his ass. It's bitter, tangy taste was familiar now and I went at his butt with a vengeance! I licked up all the shit and even shoved my tongue up his hole to clean out any remnants of his turd left there. When he felt I had done a sufficient job, he again stood up and moved to where he was standing at my feet, looking down at me, still being the bearer of his massive dump on my chest.

"Okay, boy. Take that turd in your hands. It's time for me to fuck you." he announced.

I reached up to my chest and took the still warm, gooey shit into my hands. The smell was rank and pungent but as I sat up, I lowered my nose to the pile of shit in my hands to get more of the stink.

"Put it on the floor, boy. You can smell it while I fuck your ass." the Trooper informed me.

I put the shit on the floor in the puddle of piss and got onto my knees, presenting my willing ass to him. The shit was right below me where I could easily smell it while he fucked me. He came around in front of me and stood, his legs spread, his cock dangling in front of my face.

"Get me hard!" he ordered and I immediately took his cock into my mouth and began to suck on it.

It began to grow hard in my mouth as I sucked and tongued his massive rod. He pushed it deep into my mouth but it was just too thick for me to deep-throat it! I did the best I could, gagging a bit and covering his cock with phloem and saliva until it was slick. He then went behind me and I could feel him get down on his knees.

I braced myself for him shoving that horse-cock up my ass but, instead, I heard deep breathing. I looked back and the Trooper had his nose buried in my ass-crack and was smelling my butt! I knew I wasn't clean back there! I had kept my ass pretty dirty because I loved to run my fingers through my greasy butt-crack and get the smell of my ass on them and then rub it under my nose so I could snort my own stink while I jacked off! I usually did this while I was sucking cock to get the added thrill of the stink of ass while I ate dick.

"Mmm! Nice stinky butt you got here, boy!" the Trooper said as he slapped my ass hard with one of his huge hands. "Love a good stinky boy-butt!"

And saying this, he buried his face in my ass and I could feel his lips and tongue as he began to eat my ass! The Trooper was licking and sucking at my trench and hole. I pushed out with my ass muscles and felt his tongue slide right up my fuckin' ass! I couldn't believe it! The Trooper was lickin' out my butt! I could feel his tongue fuckin' in and out of my hole, getting it loosened and wet for his cock! After loosening me as far as he could his tongue, he spit on my hole and began working one of his wide, blunt fingers up my hole. I felt him push it all the way in and then pull it out. Then I heard slurping and looked around in time to see him sucking on his finger, tasting the inside of my ass! He grinned and winked at me.

"Too bad you're empty! I like boy-turd! I especially love to fuck boy-ass when it's dirty and full of shit!" he grinned. "Next time you make sure your butt is full! You hear me, boy?!"

"Yes, sir! I'll make sure my butt is full, sir!" I promised.

'Next time?! He wants to do this again?! Oh, fuck!' my mind spun on this idea!

The Trooper had now worked two of his thick fingers up my hole and it was all I could do to relax enough to take them. Then he curled them and began massaging my butt-nut! FUCK! That felt so good! My hole just automatically opened for more!

Finally, he had three of his fingers workin' in and out of my ass easily. I knew what was next. He pulled out his fingers and spit on my hole. Then he spit in his hand and put the spit on his cock. I could see that he was juicin' real good with cock-snot which he also spread on my butt. He then moved forward, skinned back his hood, and put his cockhead at my hole.

"Take a deep whiff of my shit, boy!" he ordered and I lowered my face to the pile of his stinkin' shit below me.

I took a deep breath of the stench of his turd and felt his cock push into my hole. There was some pain, but it quickly went away. The more of the shit smell that I sucked deeply into my nose, the more my ass relaxed and allowed his fuckin' tree-trunk of a cock to slide deep inside me. Before I knew it, I could feel his fuckin' hairy balls rubbin' against mine and his entire cock was buried in my butt!

I had never taken a cock this big in my life, but with how turned on I was and the constant tweaking of my senses by the reek of his stinkin' pile of shit, I quickly was able to relax and his cock felt so good up my ass! He slowly began to pull out and then slide back inside me. I continued to huff the pile of his shit and he began to fuck me harder and faster.

"Yeah, boy! Smell my shit while I fuck your ass! Take it, boy! You love my shit, don'tcha! You love this fuckin' cock!" he groaned as he pummeled my ass.

As his cock pounded my butt-nut, I got closer and closer to cumming. I lost all reason and turned into a fuckin' animal. Smellin' his shit was not longer enough. I began to lick the pile of shit, tasting the bitter tang of his turd. But it wasn't enough! No! I needed to go one step further. One step beyond anything I ever thought that I would do!

I opened my mouth and bit into the pile of his reeking shit. I took a mouthful of his shit and began chewing it! I watched as brown drool started leaking from my mouth as I chewed the bitter ass- fudge.

"Yeah! Eat my shit, boy! That's it! I knew you were a shit-eater! Fuckin' EAT MY TURD!" the Trooper screamed as I felt his cock slam into my hole and begin unloading his hot cum inside me.

I swallowed the filth in my mouth just as my cock spewed forth the biggest load I ever shot in my life - right into the pool of the Trooper's piss on the floor. I thought I would gag! But my orgasm was too strong to allow my stomach to reject the load of man-shit that was dumped in it. By the time I'd stopped shooting, my body collapsed in the pool of piss and cum.

The Trooper pulled out of my ass, leaving me lay on the floor. He got up and re-dressed until there he stood again in his uniform, looking down at me.

"Ya need to clean up this mess, boy." he ordered.

I looked up at him.

"Dump my shit in the toilet." he said and I got up, taking the pile of still reeking shit in my hands and taking it to one of the two stalls and dropping it in the toilet, flushing it as I did so. I then walked back to where the Trooper stood.

"Now you can clean up the piss and cum...with your tongue." he said, his green eyes full of menace.

I got down on my hands and knees and began to lick up all the cold piss and cum from the filthy floor of the rest-room. I didn't want to think about how fuckin' low I had sunk. I didn't want to think about any of this right now. What I did think about was that I was, at least for the moment, totally drained of any desires whatever.

"That's a good job, boy." the Trooper said when I had finished cleaning the pool of piss and cum, drinking it all down.

I was still wearing his piss-drenched jock. He hadn't bothered to ask for it back.

"You can keep my jock. I want you to wear it all this week and bring it back to me dirtier than it is now." he ordered. "I know you're gonna want to jack off smellin' it!"

"Thank you, sir." I said quietly.

"Okay, boy. You clean yourself up and then you can go. Be here next Sunday night at the same time. Don't even think about not showing up, boy! I've got your address and I'll fuckin' hunt you down if you don't show up!" he growled at me.

I looked at him in awe.

"No, sir! I wouldn't miss it for the world, sir!" I swore.

"That's a good boy!" he grinned. "Next time, I want your ass full of shit! You hear me, boy! I wanna fuck the shit right outa your ass!"

"Yes, sir! My ass will be full, sir!" I promised.

"And I don't have to tell you do I, that if you say anything about this to anybody, you'll wish you'd never been born!" he said, his green eyes glittered with brutal intent.

"No, sir! Besides, I want all your shit to myself, sir!" I grinned.

This caught him completely unawares and he just stared at me for a second. Then he threw back his head and the room reverberated with his laughter.

"Yeah! You are one eager little shit-pig now, aren't you?!" he laughed.

"Only for you, sir." I said quietly.

He looked at me and reached out and ruffled my hair, still damp with his piss. He smiled once more at me and then turned, unlocked the door and left. I heard the door of his cruiser slam shut and heard the tires squeal as he tore out of the parking lot. I cleaned myself up as best I could and put on my clothes, putting on his jock, still wet with his piss. He was right. I'd huff it nightly and suck on it while I jacked off.

I headed out the door of the restroom, turning back for one last look at the place of my deepest humiliation and my greatest thrill.

I'd be back for sure!


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