The night clinic

By John Bromfield

Published on Jan 23, 2019



The Night Clinic John Bromfield >

As a gay person I get to see a few partners for sex and being irresponsible like to not use condoms means a regular visits to the "Clinic" for screening. "Yes Adam we do recommend you using condoms. But you decide not to. We don't judge you but commend you for having regular check-ups and inform others if there is a problem". The same talk each visit.

Sunday night on the way home after a few beers I am walking past the Clinic to find a notice outside. "Limited time only Night Clinic". Yea why not I thought. I walk in the reception area and see none of the usual nurses. Perhaps they hired them just for this trial period. "Would you take a seat in the waiting area Adam" I walk in and the only other person there was a young 20 year old girl. I nodded and she nods back. It's a place where you don't talk and best not ask questions like "What are you here for?"

She was ushered into a side room. She was examined, probed and I heard her moaning the Ahhhhh Ahhhhhhh where getting louder and then an uuuunt. Then all was silence. Fifteen minutes later the lady emerged into the corridor. Her hair was a mess, sweat was pouring from her brow and her cheeks were rosy red. What I also notice was she waddled up the corridor she didn't walk.

"That's alright madam we will text you the results within 10 days. If you don't hear from us then all is fine" the girl turned and left.

Then I waited, well it was so long I was about to leave when a handsome tall male nurse came up to me and said "Sorry Adam we are short staffed at the moment" he turned to the receptionist and said "This will be our last patient please bring in the noticeboard and lock the door."

I was ushered into the same room as the girl was and I suppose that it takes awhile to cleanup after. "Adam I want you to take this pill it will relax you. I know it's a new procedure to make the exam quicker and we can get it over with." The pill was starting to effect as I felt dizzy. I was helped onto the examination bed. Strange I thought it was a made for women to be examined. "Well today we are going to get a sample from sperm to test is that OK? Just lie back and enjoy" My legs were raised into rests and then strapped in so they couldn't move. "I am just going to raise the bed slightly. Yes that's it the perfect height" then I felt an very cold metal thing around my balls "Relax this a balls stretcher it wont hurt it just means we get a good sample. I will stimulate your prostrate if that's OK because then we want to attain all the fluid necessary in the testing process" at this point I felt very drunk "Yes babe do what you have to do". A screen was placed in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on. Cold lube was placed on my rosebud and gently pushed in "Oh yes that feel good" my cock reacted by becoming rock hard. Next I feel something bigger start fill my ass "Oh I like your probe" I said.

"We will start now Adam if there's any discomfort and we can slow down or stop until you have recovered enough to continue" the probe starts to massage prostrate while he is wanking my cock. MMMmmmmm so nice "Can the probe move a little faster? Yes that's it yes yes Ooooh. I'm going cum I'm going to cum" as I thrash from side to side "Aaaaaah FUCK Aaaaah Aaaaaah" as my balls contact but the ball stretcher prevents this and pulls every available sperm to be force out and the probe makes sure every drop is collected. The probe still gently moves in and out "That's it Adam it was not that bad was it?" as in a dreamworld I replied "No sweetheart" "Right don't move and we will clean you up" things were removed collected and itemised. Then disinfectant wet wipes were used to clean me off. The screen was removed and the man had a smile from ear to ear. There was a pain in my balls and I know why, they were empty and needed time to recover. "We have seen some irregularities in your sperm I'm afraid it will mean coming back here every Sunday at the same time for 4 weeks. In the mean time I would like you to take a pill twice a day with a meal and use this anal ointment first thing in the morning and last this at night. Warning it will sting but after a day you won't feel a thing. We ask you not to have sex with anyone for one month. Is that clear?" at about this time my head was nearly back to normal "Yes doctor" at no time did the man say what the problem was and I was not going to ask. I trusted in modern science to cure what ever was wrong with me. I was ushered out the door with a "We will see you next week Adam at the same time. Goodnight" the cool air hit my face. Home methinks and bed.

Monday morning and the start of this Cure. The packets have long names in Greek or Latin so no one will know what's in it. They could say "Burt's Ass Cream" and everyone would know what it is. The doctor's didn't say whether I had to douche first, but if I do the ointment will remain in that area longer and be more effective. So I applied and the itching started nearly immediately Ooooo. I take a painkiller and perhaps that will help. At work, I move to ease on my chair I move around but by late afternoon it is bearable. I re-apply before bed and there is an itch but soon goes away. By morning on applying again to ass there was no reaction. Good my colleagues were noticing my discomfort.

The next few days on taking the pills in my armpits the glands were swollen and that could be a good sign that the pills were working. The same thing was happening with the glands in my neck. Soon Sunday came and I visit the Clinic. I take the pill given and position myself on the bed. The nurse straps me in. "Well Adam how has the treatment going" the handsome nurse enquired. "You were not kidding about that itching but it is fine now" I told him about my glands and he said that was normal for this treatment you were having. "I want to see what's happening inside your ass first" cold lube is placed at the entrance then a surgical instrument is insert that expands the ass ring muscles to look inside. "Adam we are making progress I can see improvements. Good now we will need another sample of sperm. You seem to enjoy this yes?" "Well yes I am a gay man and the procedure make me feel good" I reply as he puts the ball stretcher on and re-lubes my hole. "Adam shall we start?" "Yes" This time my rosebud welcomed the probe "Oh yes that feels oh good like the best fuck ever oh give it to me you fucking stud" and I came with a pull the Ahhhhhhh fuck and my sperm forced out of me. I heard the nurse say "Yes" too as the probe squeezed the last drop that my prostrate would give. "Good man, Adam you are the first to get this ground braking treatment and the results are amazing" he said. "May I rest like this for while? The treatment makes me tired" the nurse said "That was ok you rest for a few hours we will wake you" "Adam time to go home but your medication has to be increased in strength as your body has got used to the drug" he smile at me "Thankyou nurse" "No, thankyou Adam we are nearly there now."

The itching restarts but only lasts an hour. I notice my nipples seem to be larger and sensitive to touch. My balls this time took days to settle down so a wank was a no no. One other odd thing I noticed was my shit was now round shape so going to the bathroom was a real pleasure. And my bold head started to re-grow hair.

Nurse was standing by the door when I arrived "Today we think by all the readings you are ready for the final course of medicines" I am strapped in "We going to extract the last sperm to test today. Now swallow the pill this one is a bit stronger" the probe enters but this time it feels oh oh so good "Nurse that feels oh so good I don't want you to stop, Oh yes" and he does not and my cock is so hard and my cock wants to cum and it holds it holds. Then a pain hits me and I pass-out. While I was unconscious the nurse injected a serum into my prostrate. He did not know how he was going to do ithis as it would be very painful. The whole syringe full needed to double the size of the gland. Complete. Clean and wait for him to awake. So far the plan had gone without a hitch. With the female there would have been too many problems. Adam has taken all the drugs and now is ready for the next stage.

I awake ahhhh pain pain "Drink this" nurse says I do and drift off in sleep peaceful sleep. This time when I wake I am somewhere strange and normally I wake with a hardon but all that area is numb. The room is all white without a window. I feel heavy like I cant get out of bed. "Hello?" I shout and the nurse returns. "Adam our friend we have deceived you. We are not human but our race was attacked by a virus that killed all our females. We looked throughout the galaxy and found your planet. We hacked into all medical databases and found only two were suitable people. The girl you saw the first night was not suitable, but you my friend you were willing and able"

"What have done to me?" I asked "Adam we made you our female and with the hormone treatment we gave plus your DNA has been modified with ours. You can no longer make sperm as your body is 99% female. I am sorry if that is a problem but you did like my probe? Yes?" "Question: If I am female what happens to my prostrate?" I asked but he was looking awkward "Ah well that is your womb it was converted and enlarged" "Question: If it's a womb is it occupied?" and there was a pause "Yes I have been pumping my seed into you and you have my children inside you." "When are they due?" men don't normally give birth and if they come out of my ass? 8 pound babies? OOOO ouch "They are ready to come out in a weeks time" I start to panic "How big are they?" he is calm "Adam they are an egg and the size of a chicken's egg or a bit bigger. Your rosebud has been altered to make birthing more easier.

I was on liquids for a week. When the day arrived a full medical team was there. My legs were raised and nurse held my hand. Then contractions started "Push my love relax push relax push" I had no idea on how many. "He kisses me and drift off to sleep".

When I awake I am in very large bed and nurse has a protective arm over me. "Ah my Queen awakens" he leans across and kisses me. "How are the children?" I asked "Oh they will hatch soon all look healthy thanks to you my love" he smiles "And I think you had something to do with it to." Well 3 Eves and a baby Adam. Well it's a start.

The whole spaceship was overjoyed that females were in the birthing line-up. I was strapped up for a couple of days being sore. Nurse was a Captain and a Prince and him being so handsome was easy to forgive. My cock I kept for awhile but in the end had a gender alignment. My ass and rosebud feels oh good when my Prince my Tiger thrusts his probe and baby-making machine in there. No he does not force me I want him too because it fills me with such joy

Note: Why Tiger because nurse's cock had strips

Gender alignment is something I am not happy with but Adam's balls and cock could be converted to something Tiger could fuck when Adam was full of eggs.

And Tiger and Adam lived happily ever after

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