The Night I Got My Tatu

By The Vert Man

Published on Mar 29, 2003


The Night I Got My tATu by The Vert Man (

Summary: The first NC-17ish Fic is here. This is simply the primer for the upcoming chapter (or chapters) which will contain the more adult stuff no doubt. I thought why not try and mix a little original fiction with a Celebrity story. So the first part focus' on Christine and her best friend KC, who she has the hots for, getting tickets to a t.A.T.u show in their hometown. So enjoy it and PLEASE reply.


"Chris, girl you won't believe what I got in my hands" KC, my best friend said excitedly into the phone.

"What a big stiff cock?" I asked as she laughed and replied, "no dumb ass, although at this point I'd wouldn't mind."

"Well what?" I asked after she clam-med up.

"Front row seats to.." She said in ever increasing excitement, "to the T.A.T.U CONCERT AT THE CENTER."

"NO way" I said nearly dropping the phone.

"YES WAY" She squealed. "Front row? we'll be close enough to get sweat on."

"Something I bet you'd like huh?" I asked teasingly and knowing her reply before she even started.

"UGH....EWWWWWW" She said as I laughed and thought about how I myself wouldn't mind getting sweat on by them and a whole

lot more. "You are so perverted Chris, I swear. I am completely straight, I don't think no girl is sexy."

"Uh huh sure" I said egging it on, "you know you want them."

"NOOOOOOO I DO NOT" She demanded as I laughed to myself, "Their music rocks, I like it, that's all."


"But what about you?" She asked stopping me in mid-sentence. "Your always kidding me about it. I'm beginning to think you like

them like that."

"So what if I do?" I asked trying to pass it off as a joke. But KC (short for Katherine Corinne) wasn't surprised by my answer at all.

"It's really disgusting that's why" KC said seriously.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "What if I told you I was?"

"I'd probably say don't ever speak to me again" KC said but following it with a small laugh.

"Yeh right, like you could ever stop calling me after your dates and telling me ever disgusting detail" I said pointedly.

"Good point you do enjoy that so" She said laughing.

"Katherine Corinne get off the damn phone and get in here and do these dishes" KC's mother nearly screamed into the phone. We said our goodbye's a few seconds later and made plans for her to pick me up, that night out in front of my house. KC has the coolest classic Mustang, cheery red with white leather interior and spoked wheels. One that I just loved to be seen in, while we were out riding around in. Her checking out the guys and me checking out the girls (and guys too). We hung up and I shrugged off our conversation from earlier and moved off the bed to my desk chair to turn my computer on.

I logged on to quickly check my email, planning to just skim the message headers and then head off for the shower. But I was stopped dead in my tracks about half-way down the list, when I read "Tatu say they have sex three times a day". I clicked it and found out it was an article posted on Ananova about the girls and how they supposedly said they liked to have sex three times a day. First thing in the morning, at lunch and last thing at night. If that didn't get me hot enough, the last line of the article sure as hell did. It read "Maybe we've had four or fivesomes, it's our secret. After gigs we like taking a couple of sexy girls to our hotel room." My mouth dropped open and I re-read that very quote about 4 hundred times. Asking myself, after my brain regained feeling, if it could possibly be true and how incredibly lucky those girls would have to be. I clicked on my documents and opened my pics folder and as quickly as possible opened the t.A.T.u folder that held all my pics of Julia and Lena.

"God I'd kill to fuck that girl" I said opening one of my favorites. A close-up of my girl Julia in a sweat drenched white t-shirt, performing. Her tits in full view, showing through the thin fabric. I almost wet my panties then realizing that in just a few hours I myself would be just a few feet away from that gorgeous body. I started to vividly imagine what I would to her if I had the chance to do as they had said they liked to do. Unlike all of my other Julia fantasies this one suddenly took a weird new direction when I started picturing KC doing it with Lena on the next bed. For some reason that got me even hotter. I bit my lip and raised my butt off the chair and slipped my skirt over my hips and mid-way down my thighs. I repositioned my butt on the seat and slowly, while staring at the picture on my monitor moved my hand down my flat tanned stomach and stopped at the top of my boiling hot sex.

"CHRISTINE" My sister screamed from the other side of my bedroom door. Nearly making me jump out of my skin.

"WHAT" I screamed in a frustrated reply. Scrambling to adjust my skirt and close the windows on my monitor as I did so.

"Mom says you have to take me to the store" She said with a victorious smile. I decided then to try and be civil with her and work out

some type of plan to get along.

"Why couldn't you just ask me to take you instead of bugging Mom about it?" I asked her pointedly.

"Because you'd say no and I really wanna get out of the house" Harley said.

"I tell you what" I said sitting down on my bed, "I wanna prove something to you. If you would have come my to my door and ask me if

I would take you like that. I would have. I prolly would have said to wait a few minutes but I would have."

"Sure" Harley said, "your only saying that cause Mom's making you"

"I would have honestly" I said, "How many times have I went and done something Mom told me I had to do? Only when I wanted too."

"Guess your right" She reasoned. "So your not gonna take me huh?"

"What do you need?" I asked.

"I just wanna get out of the house for a while" She said looking at me hopefully.

"Ok I guess so" I said as I heard my printer click as it came on and started printing something. I wondered what in the hell it could be

printing, then remembered in a panic that it would have been either the picture of Lena or the article from Ananova. I jumped up and

raced to the printer as Harley thankfully stayed put at the door. Seeing the words coming out I breathed a sigh of relief and stuffed

them inside my top desk drawer as Harley asked, "can we go now?"

"Let's go" I said clicking the off-switch on my power stick, making sure no more surprises where gonna be in store for me.

            • "MOM I'M LEAVING" I screamed a few hours later as KC's mustang came roaring up in front of the house and blew her "Dukes of

Hazzard" horn.

"Be home by midnight" She said as I slammed the door and muttered "yeh right, midnight Mom. I'm freakin sure."

I checked my pocket to make sure I had the article from earlier with me, for some odd reason. I crashed down into passenger's seat and we zoomed off into the night. KC likes to spend as little time as possible driving, meaning she's a maniac on the road. If it ain't bolted down she's prolly gonna hit it. But she's honestly a good driver. It didn't take hardly no time to arrive at the Convention Center downtown. We parked in a place about a half mile away, in hopes of not having to wait for hours in getting out, following the show.

Walking up the streets leading to the Convention Center I noticed how hot KC looked. Dressed casually in a mid-thigh length light blue leather mini, boots that ran about half-way up her calfs, a tight as skin navel bearing purple top and a black leather jacket that perfectly complimented her. I on the other hand, had decided to dress in as little as possible. A mini that barely reached my thighs, with a sewing thread thin thong underneath. My top came just below my tits (which I have been told perfectly suit my body), and I tied it loosely in a bow below them. I thought long and hard about what shoes to wear, but finally decided on just wearing a pair of simple white nike's with no socks. Partly cause I read in an article that Julia thinks it's sexy. So I thought "Might as well try my best to get noticed."

"You look really hot tonight K" I said as we walked along, "if you'd only stop pretending to be into guys, I wouldn't have to dress like a slut in hopes of attracting your attention." Prompting KC to stop and give me a weird look as I giggled and then worried that maybe I had said to much and she would catch on, figuring out I wasn't just kidding around. Ofcourse, subconsciously I've probably wanted her to know all along, just so I could see her reaction.

"Will you stop with the lesbian shit already" She said in a voice a little louder than she intended. Blushing soon after as a group of girls walking behind us, stopped and gave her some strange looks. Two of them openly holding hands I noticed. We parted and they moved on, giggling out loud as KC blushed and I tried to hide a smile. "I told you a million times I'm not that way. No fucking stop it already."

"K I wasn't coming on to you" I said moving in front of her, "I was simply saying that you looked nice. We used to be able to do that you know."

"Oh yeh sorry" She said blushing again.

"Anyways if I was coming on to you I do it like this" I said, knowing KC might very well kill me for this. But wanting to see her reaction anyway. I moved my hand to her cheek, trailing my fingers down it seductively and saying in my sexiest voice, "You look.....really....really...HOT...tonight baby."

The sweet smile that spread on her face made my heart melt instantly and her reply dumbfounded me.

" do you" She said still smiling and gently moving hand away from her face as she held my gaze (god her eyes are sexy). For a moment in time I felt a connection. But too soon KC snapped out of the moment and said simply "Let's go before we're late."

"Ok lover" I said giggling as I squeezed her hand and fell in step beside her. I heard her giggle before I could see her face again when I did, I could see she was smiling, and then shook her head at my goofiness.

30 minutes later we made it to our seats. Front row alright, but off to the side. Our Convention Center is unlike many other arena's in that the stage is located at the back and is lowered almost to the floor. In perfect alignment with the first row of seats, with the rest of the seats being set on an incline. Only a guard rail, truly would separate me from my girl, Julia, in just a few minutes. If she dared to come to this side of the stage at all, maybe just maybe I could a snag a small touch.

"Please god let her" I heard myself pray more than once as the arena filled to compacity.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOY AND GIRLS" The Announcer boomed as the lights went down and the crowd began to chant.


"YES" We screamed in unison.



The place literally started shaking as the girls came on stage.

"Are your panties wet yet?" KC said loudly into my ear as I turned to look at her in surprise. She was sporting her best shit eating grin while gripping my arm tightly.

"Yes you made them wet earlier lover" I said in her ear as she starred at me with a look of shock and watched me kiss her cheek. I grinned and watched her smile back at me as she rolled her eyes.

"Not gonna get us, They are not gonna get us, Not gonna get us, Not gonna get us, They are not gonna get us, They are not gonna get us, Not gonna get us" They sang in unison as they criss crossed the stage and got the crowd even more pumped. I caught a glimpse of Lena's white panties briefly as she jogged by. Wishing it was Julia. "They are not gonna get us, Not gonna get us"

"Starting from here, lets make a promise, you and me, let's just be honest, We are gonna run, nothing can stop us, Even the night, that falls all around us" I heard KC singing out loud from aside me, nudging me to join in as the crowd sang along to the almost hypnotic tune. I had to admit I liked this song, but the one I was waiting for was "All The Things She Said". Mostly for the simple reason that I hoped and prayed they would kiss. Problem was it was nearly last in the set, as they did almost every song on their album before it. "Malchik Gey", following "Not Gonna Get Us" and then "30 Minutes", "How Soon Is Now?", "Show Me Love " and "Stars". KC was having the time of her life I noticed. I was too except for the fact that neither Julia or Lena had yet came within touching distance.

Finally I got my wish and the first strains of "All The Things She Said" started pumping.

"Hey Julia what ya say we pick a couple lucky girls to join us huh?" Julia said bouncing across the stage towards me.

"OH yeah great idea" Lena said joining her band mate as they stopped dead in front of me. My hear nearly stopped as the girls and

guys behind us went freakin nuts. "So who wants to get lucky tonight?"

"MEEEEEEEE" I screamed jumping up and down and trying my best to get Julia's attention. She looked straight ahead I thought and her eyes landed on me. I wanted to faint as she came close and Lena walked along side of her. "I found me a cute one."

"She called me cute.....OH MY GOD" I screamed inside my head. Julia stopped right in front of me as I trembled in anticipation and tried to remain calm.

"Me too" Julia said as to my utter shock, she eyed KC. KC blushed a deep crimson I noticed before snapping my head back to Julia's gaze.

"I'm Christine and that's my friend KC" I said as she smiled and Lena smiled at KC.

"All the things she said, All the things she said, Running through my head, All the things she said, All the things she said, Running through my head, This is not enough" They began singing. My love, was Julia singing to me and Lena to KC. I could have died right then and been happy with my life. But boy am I glad I didn't.

"I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost, If I'm asking for help it's only because, Being with you has opened my eyes, Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise?" Julia sang looking at me as she stepped even closer and moved my hair out of my eyes. "I keep asking myself, wondering how, I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out, Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me, Nobody else so we can be free"

Her hand danced down my cheek as Lena's did with KC. Dropping the microphone to her side she said leaning so close I smell her perfume, "If you don't wanna kiss me it's ok, but you can. If not just pretend we are."

"Are you crazy?" I asked myself, "Ofcourse I freakin do." I froze in the moment as her forehead touched mine and she tilted her head. Obscuring our lips from the view of everyone but me and her, I thought. But she stopped as the crowd went absolutely nuts, thinking we had kissed. But I couldn't move. That is until I felt her start to pull away and knowing my chance was slipping away I pressed my lips roughly to hers. She held my lips for a second, before pulling away with a smile and leaning in again and kissing me herself. Her lips now on mine, forcing mine to move in time with hers.

"YES YES YES YES YES OH GOD YES" I screamed inside my head as my fists clenched in mid-air my breathing halted and I prayed for her to never stop. It only lasted an instant, but in that moment the crowd went silent and everything around me stood still.

She pulled away after another second and whispered in my ear "you and your friend come backstage after the show, K?"

"Anything you want" I said in a daze as she kept staring at me and started singing again. "All the things she said, All the things she said, Running through my head, All the things she said, All the things she said, Running through my head, This is not enough, This is not enough"

Next: Chapter 2

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