The Night I Got My Tatu

By The Vert Man

Published on Mar 29, 2003


The Night I Got My t.A.T.u. 2: Limo Ride

Summary: This is the second part to the story I posted a day or so ago. This time Christine gets to meet and greet our favorite girls. NC-17 remember folks. So enjoy and part three to cum.....

"Tell me...." KC said tugging at my arm and pulling me away from the group of girls that had been assembled backstage. Following the incredible show, we had been asked by some tall dude in security to follow him backstage. He fitted us with V.I.P. passes and escorted us to a small room full of other girls. About 10 in total I guess. KC was squeezing my arm so tight it had nearly turned blue.

"Yes I did" I replied to her question. The same one she had already asked me about 50 times since the end of the show.

"You really kissed her?" She asked as I blushed and the blonde behind us, was trying to listen in it appeared, without being obvious about it.

"Yes like i said, I did" I replied. "I kissed her, my lips on hers and hers on mine. Happy?"

"I thought you had did like me, and just pretended to kiss her" KC said, stunned.

"I didn't" I said not daring to look at her. "I kissed her and I liked it."

"Oh my god" KC said covering her mouth with her hand and giggling. "your really into girls aren't you?"

"Yeh so what" I said turning my back to her. The moment I had waited for, for so long had arrived and I didn't have the guts to face it. I wanted her to know I was bi, but now I was hiding from her. What was wrong with me?

"All those times you kidded me about being a dyke, you were all along" KC said. "Talk about your revelations."

"Yeh I am" I said, a rush of adrenaline surging through my body as I turned to face her. I was shocked to see her smiling sweetly at me, when we made eye contact.

"It's cool C" She said nudging me.

"Really ya don't hate me?" I asked. "I mean you did say you'd never talk to me again if you found I was."

"Yeh right" She said with a huge grin, "like I'm gonna stop being your friend just because you like to lick instead of suck.....I'm not that shallow."

"I hope not" I said giggling. "course if I had a crush on you, then it'd be different huh?"

"Ummmmmm I don't think so" KC said glancing at me nervously. Probably hoping I wasn't gonna say what I did next.

"I do" I said running my fingers along her hand, which rested on her thigh. "Just thought you'd wanna know."

"You've got a crush on me, why?" KC said letting my fingers wander.

"Your beautiful, sexy, smart, fun to be with" I said going through the reasons.

"Yeh smart?" She said giggling nervously. "Now I know your pulling my leg."

"I'm not kidding KC" I said, "I really do have a huge crush on you."

"Yeh?" She asked smiling that same sweet smile as always.

"Ladies.....Ladies attention name is Connie" The Large woman in front of the group said. "I take it you all know why your here?"

"Yeh" We said as a group, with exception of KC who was still starring at me.

"Ok great" She said, "If you would follow me please, We'll go and see the girls."

"Come on K" I said taking her hand as she appeared to still be in a daze. She followed after me slowly. We followed Connie down the hall and stopped at a door marked with the girls name. We were told to line up and they'd be out in a minute.

"God I hate this part" The Short Blonde next to me said leaning over. I glanced over and thought I saw Christina Aquilera, she looked quite a bit like Christina, before her current slut stage. Not to mention she dressed a lot like her too.

"You been here before?" I asked remembering the article from earlier and wondered if she could confirm those stories.

"Three times" She said with a smile, "They never pick me though."

"Maybe they will tonight" I offered as she exchanged a hopeful smile with me.

"I hope so Julia is so fuckin hot" She said.

"Hey she's all mine" I said pushing her playfully as she giggled and said "I could see that, ya nearly raped her during the show."

"I did not" I said in mock horror.

"Maybe we could share her?" She said looking at me with a devilish grin.

"You mean they really do fuck girls after the shows" I asked.

"From what I know" She said, "That's why I'm here at least. My names Emily by the way."

"Ok....ummmmm mines Christine" I said snapping my head away as I heard a door open. Sure enough it was Julia and Lena now dressed in bathrobes with towels in their hair.

"Hey girls" Julia said walking up and down the line. "For those of you who are here for just autographs and such, raise your hand."

5 of the 12 girls (I counted them) raised their hand, including KC.

"Ok that's cool we just thought you looked really hot tonight" Lena said stepping close to KC, "but if your not into our thing that's cool. Just follow Connie and we'll make sure you get some signed CD's."

KC glanced at me briefly before heading off in the direction that Connie walked.

"So girl who you like?" Lena asked Julia as they eye balled the group.

"The blonde is scorching" Lena said eye balling Emily as she stepped in front of me and twirled.

"I can make all your dreams come true" Emily said stepping in front of Julia. "All of them."

"HMMMM Let's see about that" Julia said wrapping an arm Emily's neck and kiss her, trading her tongue for Emily's slowly.

"Let me have some" Lena giggled as she wrapped her arms around Emily and started kissing her next.

"That's one" Julia said wiping her lips as she looked over the crowd and thankfully her eyes landed on me. "Your the girl from the song."

"Yep" I said twirling as Emily had, as she finally broke with Lena. "Wanna taste me?"

"Sure do, but I already tasted these lips" She said running her finger over my lips, separating them slightly. "Now I wanna taste something else."

"And that's exactly what I want ya to taste" I said jerking my mini up to my stomach and showing her my thong. I was beginning to wonder if I had lost my mind. But soon realized it was more lust than crazy.

"Come on Julia pick her" Emily said now with Lena's arm over her shoulder, "we'll share you.....if you want us tooo."

"What about me?" Lena asked looking at Emily.

"You get her every night, we can't have her just once?" Emily asked turning around.

"Fine take her" Lena said pushing Emily towards Julia and myself as Julia suddenly pressed her lips to mine. A short, but slow wet kiss that made my sex just boil. The second she pulled away she pushed Emily towards me, and after a bit of awkwardness we kissed too. Emily's tongue slipped into my mouth and her hands moved across my bare stomach.

"Tonight's gonna be a night we'll never forget" Emily said as she looked at me a moment later. Lena had found her another girl it appeared, she was now kissing some red-head, dressed in pig tails and a school girl uniform. The girls said to follow a tall guy with mustache and they'd meet us in a few minutes for the ride to the hotel. We walked outside with the red-head who's name turned out to be Rebecca and stood by the limo chatting for a few minutes.

"Hey can we talk" KC said suddenly appearing from behind the door, we had just exited.

"Sure" I said turning to Emily and Rebecca and saying I'd be back in a moment.

"UMMMM....I assume your not gonna be needing a ride home?" She asked nervously. Which in KC's case is really unusual.

"Probably not" I said giggling. "you'll be ok, driving home by yourself?"

"Ofcourse no problem" She said biting her lip. "UMMMM....look did you mean it when you said you had a crush on me? or did you just say that?"

"No KC I do" I said figuring this was the moment that I got the 'I'm not gay speech'. But as KC always does, she shocked me. She moved to with an inch of my face and hesitating for a minute and biting her lip. She seemed to wanna say something, but instead she just went for it, I guess you could say. She pressed her lips to mine, her tongue grazing my lips for an instant and holding it, until I responded. My lips moving against hers, one of my longest held fantasies, I must admit. She jerked away far too soon, leaving me searching for her lips in mid-air, and by the time I opened my eyes, she had turned and was practically running away. I stood there, stunned, for like the 20th that night, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her. But hoping it was the beginning of something else.

"Girls, time to get naked and sweaty" Lena said coming out of the door followed by Julia. Lena took Rebecca's hand and climbed inside as Emily grabbed my arm and dragged me back to where she and Julia stood. Julia smiled and took my hand as she climbed in and I in turn took Emily's and followed after Julia.

The girls limo was rather large I noticed. Something I hadn't noticed though, was the fact that my thong was now totally soaked in my juices. Lena pulled Rebecca down and started sucking face with her almost instantly. While Julia giggled and took a seat between me and Emily. Her hand went under Emily chin, drawing their lips together in a slow, steamy lip dance, that lasted way to long for my liking. I finally got the courage to intervene, running my hand across Julia's stomach and under her shirt. Shaking with fear at that moment and praying I wasn't gonna wake up and realize this was all a dream. Julia broke with Emily and looked my way as if to say "What took you so long?". I kissed her firmly, reliving the fantasy that had driven my masturbation for the past few months. Not sure how long we kissed for, but I was now more turned on than I had ever been I think. God she was a good kisser. I jumped, breaking the kiss, as I felt a hand, which turned out to be Emily's, cupping my tits and undoing the bow on my shirt. I quickly recovered and let her have her way as Julia watched on. She slipped her hand under my shirt, her touch made me melt as she slowly ran her hands up my flat tanned stomach and to the under part of my boobs. She cupped one of them and squeezed it as she leaned in and kissed me slowly and softly. Julia pushed us apart and gripped the tail of my shirt and tugged at it, wanting obviously for me to take it off.

"Let's see them pretty titties" Emily said as Julia agreed and I lifted my arms and let them take it off. Julia's eyes widen as did Emily's as they got an eyeful of my boobs.

"Check these out girl" Julia said looking at Lena who smiled and said "damn."

Emily moved to the floor in front of me and between my thighs as I leaned back against the seat. She kissed my lips for an instant and then kissed her way down my neck and to my tits. Julia cupped my other one and after kissing my lips, as Emily had did, she kissed my cheek, my neck and down to my tit. Emily placed her lips over my now fully erect nipple and sucked it softly. I gasped out loud and that soon turned to a soft moan. Julia's lips soon found my other nipple and she sucked it. I moaned louder as they increased their suction and squeezed at my tits. I was about to scream after a few long seconds of this wonderful pleasure. I had never gone this far with a girl before, so beyond this, I was just hoping they wouldn't hurt me.

"You wanna see me her eat her pussy?" Emily asked as my eyes bolted open and I heard Julia reply, "oh yeah, why do you think we're here?"

"Come on girl these got to go" Emily said running her hands up the outside of my bare thighs and under my mini, she then jerked at my thong, on either side and felt it shred in her hands. Raising it up as she removed her hands, the car erupted in car laughter as Emily cracked, "Got me so hot I just wanna rip your clothes right off."

"Can't say that I blame you" Julia said as the mood turned serious and she kissed me passionately. Emily then pushed my barely there mini up over my stomach, as me and Julia broke, and spread my legs as she starred with lust at my bald slit.

"Just do it already" I said to Emily as Julia, showing no hesititation, rubbed her hand over my thigh to my sex. Cupping it in her hand as I moaned.

Emily lowered her head and licked Julia's hand as Julia giggled and moved her hand away, licking my sweet juice off her fingers. I adjusted my ass on the seat, sliding forward as Emily's tongue found my love spot and began licking up and down. I let out a long moan and looked to Julia who just smiled and watched intently as Emily ate me out. Her tongue sliding between my lips and drawing another moan as I clutched at the seat and felt my body jerk. The wonderful sensations surprising me in their intensity. Julia swept Emily's short hair to the other side of her head so she could see more clearly and started sucking at my nipple again.

"UHNNNNNNNNNN" I said closing my eyes and feeling an orgasm coming on quickly. "fuck yes, don't stop please, I'm gonna cum."

"MMMMMM she's gonna cum" Emily said pulling away and now rubbing my pleasure box with her hand, "she's gonna cum, you wanna bring her off girl?"

"MMMMMM hell yeah I do" Julia said lowering her head, as I watched Emily spread my lips and expose my stud like clit. Julia wasted no time in starting to suck on it hard. I layed my head back and moaned louder than ever before, my fists clutching now at her hair as she sucked harder on my clit. I couldn't take anymore, as much as I wanted too and my orgasm exploded inside me and shot through my body as Julia sucked harder and Emily watched on with a huge grin on her face. It lasted so long I thought I would go insane if it didn't stop soon and went limp as it finally did relent a couple of seconds later. My body jerking as my cum began to squirt and ooze out on to Emily tongue. Julia kept sucking softly at my clit, draining my pussy completely of my honey reward.

"MMMMMM" Emily cooed as Julia finally stopped and raised her head, letting her lick the rest of my cum off. My body was now covered in a thin film of sweat, still jerking as Emily finished cleaning me up. Julia kissed my lips, letting me taste my cum and realizing just how sweet I really was. Emily crawled up on the other side of me, and before I knew it, she shoved her tongue between my lips and Julia's and it became a slow and wet three-way kiss. Unique experience for sure.

"Check out Lena" Julia said a minute or so later. Lena and Rebecca where both now practically naked in a 69 on the other side of the car. Going at each other like mad. Rebecca on the bottom, her head bobbing up and down furiously as she licked Lena's beautiful muff and Lena doing the same thing, with her head buried between Rebecca's thighs. Lena raised her head and screamed something in Russian as her body began shaking. She clutched at the seat on either side of Rebecca's thigh and ground her pleasure hole into Rebecca's face as she tried to ride out the orgasm for as long as possible.

"Gezzz fuck yes" She said as she relaxed and laid her head across Rebecca's thighs and began cumming on her lapping tongue.

Emily and Julia had watched the show intently I noticed. They then turned their attention back to me as the limo lurched to a stop and Lena grinned at me said, "Now it's time to have some real fun, girls."

I asked myself, "Real fun? What the hell was that? If it wasn't fun?" I was soon about to find out.

Next: Chapter 3

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