The Nightcrawlers

By cgf2662

Published on Jun 16, 2020


The Nightcrawlers CGW©

It was just another patrol like anything else, another night in the red district watching out for nightcrawlers. The young folks were told to stay out of this area at night because of the nightcrawlers but like most dumb idiots they still came out looking for a good time at was the clubs party hearty, drink up and weave their way back home to the Hyatt district.

Nightcrawlers, not human anymore, they caught a virus that changed them into something that was depraved in sickening. They fed on the innocence of these nightclubs hoping to catch young males at their peak of sexual tension so that the nightcrawler could have them. The virus changed them their eyes glowed green, the skin had turned a leathery texture and what was most unusual was the male sex organ. It was more of a tube now that when inserted into another male would open up and barbs would lock them in place as the new style organs tentacles came out the inside of the victim and seed the unsuspecting victim. Any compatible male mounted by one of these Bastards would become a rookery for the offspring of a nightcrawler all others would die after the mating. At least one good thing, it only took nine hours for the offspring to mature to the point of delivery. If they got impregnated at nightfall they would be bred again immediately before sunrise.

Tonight, Lieut. Troy Andrews was assigned Leo Johnson a new boot; his first night in the red line hopefully it would be a quiet night and he wouldn't witness too much. Lieut. Troy Andrews was fully equipped and had always protection equipment on as he walked around the back alleys behind the bars and clubs. He walked up on the scene he wished he had not. There was a young man on his hands and knees the nightcrawler was mounted on top of pumping him full, there were three other nightcrawlers waiting for their chance to spread their seeds inside the young man that's if the first one would let them have a go at him. The young man was still coherent enough as he begged the big massive nightcrawler to take it out of that it was killing him on the inside.

Andrews thought to himself, tough break kid you think it's bad now, and you think it's killing you, you ain't felt nothing like a nightcrawler offspring trying to crawl out your ass.

He met up with Johnson, they walked the alleys they stopped a few nightcrawlers with their intended victims. They got them straightened up pointed them out to the lights on the streets and told them to go home to never come back out at night or next time they might not be so lucky.

As they passed by the same location, Johnson looked over and saw the young man lying on his side his stomach already swollen. Lieut. Andrews; can we do anything for him, he's just a kid 18 at the Max.

Not much Johnson look at him he's full of nightcrawlers but least it is late, when gives he gives birth hopefully, he'll leave them out the sun and it will take care of them.

The young man reached out and grabbed the lieutenant's boot and begged for help; please Mr. must you must make it stop it hurts so bad, I don't know what happened I was in the bar the next thing I know I'm in out here, I don't have any clothes on and oh I hurts so bad. Andrews pulled his leg back. And held his arm up to stop Johnson from stepping forward.

Andrews looked down at the young man, I'll tell you what happened, just like it always happens you didn't listen, there's warning signs everywhere they talk about it on the news they talk about it when you're growing up, at nighttime stay off the streets, stay out of clubs they are nightcrawlers territory.

But did you listen no and you end up back here and one was on top you, pumped you full of his seed and that's his child that you carry, his offspring is growing inside your stomach that makes you hurt so bad it takes nine hours then that thing is ready to crawl out of you and it will rip your guts open trying to get out of your ass. If you're lucky will survive if not they'll pick up your dead body and put it in the incinerators.

Lieut. can we drag him over toward the dumpster out of this ditch, it'll be daylight when he gives birth so the sunlight will take care of the offspring maybe he'll make it through that way he can at least have some kind of life.

Give him your hook hold, and drag him across to the dumpster. Take one of your spare waters if you want to and leave it with him, he'll need the water, we'll check on him before we check out. The rookie helped the young man and left his water with him. He asked the kid for his name and he said his name was Robert Erickson. Robert I'll check on you when I get ready to leave and I'll stop by about the time that you're ready to give birth I'll help you out of the alley but we have to leave it behind no matter how you feel about it these things get in your mind try to convince you that their normal but they're not.

The patrol went on as normal they stopped the breeding's as much as they could, others they just left to be bred some of these clubgoers were just that, breeding material and they return time after time again to have the nightcrawlers offspring because these things destroyed in their mind.

Lieut. Andrews and Johnson made one last pass by the dumpster to check on the young man and he was huge. Andrews and never seen anyone's belly swell up that bad, he must have been bred by more than one by the other nightcrawlers waiting their turn.

After shift ended Andrews asked Johnson what he had planned; not much go the diner on the corner eating some breakfast then go home get some sleep the tonight it's starting all over again in the red zone. You mind if I tag along with you, I could use a good meal plus I think we both have unfinished business.

Johnson sat there eating his meal with his Lieut. not saying much at all when Lieut. Andrews broke his silence, well accord my watch it's just about the end of his gestation. Let's go check on the kid to see if he made it or not.

Andrews and Johnson started walking down the alley when they heard the screeches and screams and there was no doubt it was time for them to be birthed. Andrews was the first one to walk behind the dumpster with his off-duty revolver and found the kid standing up bowlegged almost at a squat pushing as hard as he could trying to get out what his body contained out.

Robert screamed as the first one exited his body and fell on the ground as it started moving the sunlight struck it and began to smoke but there was no time for him to rest another one was coming out of them one after the other for a total of four offspring exited his body. He attempted to stand up but collapsed, Lieut. Andrews caught the kid before he hit the ground. He looked at Johnson, now what you want to do with him, he's a mess. We can't carry him down the road like this all busted open, they'll know what he did, what's up with this one, what happened. And we really can't leave him out here all day because he'll be ready and ripe for them tonight.

Johnson remarked; take my rain slicker wrap him up in it and we can carry to my place, I'll put him in the tub and scrub him up make sure he is not split open too bad and let him rest for the day. I'll figure out what to do with him myself. You know he can't go back home he's gonna take several days to heal.

The two officers took the young man to Johnson's apartment and true to his word Johnson removed the coat from the young man and carried him to the tub and placed him in it. Johnson turned on the water and slowly rinsed off the young man's body. Leo said; sorry kid right before he shoved the wand of his rectum, the young man definitely reacted as the freshwater was being flushed through his rectal cavity. I've got a wash it out, got to clean of all the leftover seed or you'll get pregnant again. After 45 minutes of flushing Leo remove the wand, walked to the cabin and took out a special bottle and empty the contents into the young man's rectum.

Troy looked at Leo, you've done this before haven't you.

Yeah quite a few times over the years, these young kids don't listen this building is full of them there's always somebody who got caught outside after nightfall most time is not their fault but it happens so I help out where I can.

The two men took Robert's limp body out of the tub, dried him off before Leo applied a salve to his asshole.

Leo took him into the bedroom and placed him in his bed and covered him up.

Join me; let me make you a cup of coffee he'll be sleeping for a while, we need to catch up some if we intend to be partners.

Troy and Leo were getting to know each other talking about the job what's expected and the ugly side of the truth that no one wanted to face. So, Leo what your deal what did you want to become a grunt cop you know we're the lowest of the low we work on the streets, we don't get any glory or respect from anyone.

Troy I'm looking for my little brother honestly, he disappeared no trace at all I know I'm shooting in the dark but maybe just maybe I'll find him or someone that knows him. He wouldn't listen he went to a club he never was seen again so I know one this night crawling son of a bitch has him, at least if I find Eddie one way the other, I can close that chapter of my life. I've traced everything back one big alpha male with a scar above his left eyebrow, jagged looking. That was the last person that Eddie was with when he disappeared.

Troy remembered exactly which nightcrawler Leo was talking about, he was the same one that had young Robert on the ground and pounding him. Maybe he was looking for another rookery mate for Leo's brother Eddie.

Leo; I saw that son of a bitch nightcrawler last night, he was the son of a bitch that had that young man down breeding him and when he stood up he had him held at his shoulders as he spasmed for the first time and I saw the young man's stomach bulge out three times he was pumped full. I knew I couldn't save him; he had already been bred by that big Bastard. I want him as much as you do maybe not as much but he has to be stopped no matter what the so-called laws are for nightcrawlers.

From the other room they heard were moaning and groaning, Robert was coming around. What the hell happened; it hurts bad.

Troy and Leo walked in to find Robert attempting to set up on the side of the bed. Leo went to the boy and gently pushed him back flat on the bed. Robert my name is Leo we met last night, me you and Troy did. You're at my apartment, you are safe here but is going to take you little while to recover.

Can you tell me what you are doing out last night in that part of town?

It was my birthday a couple of my buddies decided to throw me little party it the twilight zone we got there early but I guess we had a little too much partying going on and it was later than what I expected when we got ready to leave. I remember this big dude asked me to have one more drink with him and is he give it to me I don't remember anything other than pain in my back and my stomach and on my shoulders.

Troy looked at the kids shoulders and sure enough there were eight marks from the prongs that were set deep in his skin, these talons or on the palm of the hand at the base of the finger of nightcrawlers especially the alpha's. The talons contained a pheromone that the alpha's release and they impregnate the skin and blood stream of the new rookery mate that he has claimed. Why didn't he take the kid with him, who knows maybe they disturbed him when they come by to check on and moved the kid.

Troy shook his head and Leo knew exactly what he meant. This was going to be a tougher assignment than either one knew because this alpha male would stop at nothing to reclaim what he considered was his.

Leo cleared his throat and laid his hand on the young man's cheek; you were attacked last night Robert. That was no man you met at the bar that offered you the drink, it wasn't alpha nightcrawler and he claimed you as his property. You went out to the back under the influence of an elixir that they emit. He stripped you then mounted and bred you. You don't remember giving birth this morning to four nightcrawler offspring do you.

Robert had a horrible look on his face, he looked down at his stomach and saw big red lines. They were stretch marks from his stomach being so large with the nightcrawler offspring. He started to cry, why me, why did it have to happen to me, what did I do to deserve that, what am I going to do.

You're at my apartment Robert, this place is locked down it is considered nightcrawler proof. I have tried tritanium lined walls, ceilings and floors the Windows are coated and tritanium the bars on the Windows are also Tritanium along with the triple doors that seal the front entrance. When I locked the doors and leave no one can get in but me no one has authorization nobody can access anything I have a retina scan a thumbprint a fore fingerprint a second thumbprint and an access code to enter the apartment. So, if that big ugly Bastard comes looking for you, I'll be prepared.

Troy smiled; we'll be ready for him; I couldn't do anything to help you last night he was already in the mating process when I found the two of you it was too late but he will never get you again. You have to be protected for seven months to be clear of his toxins but after that we need to talk about your future.

It might be too late for my little brother Eddie, but it's not too late for you Robert and I promise you, that you won't ever be mounted by that Bastard again. If I find him, I'll cut his breeding prong off his body after I dispatch him, first he's going to me were Eddie is at then I'll end that freaks existence.

But where will I sleep this is not my bed. Leo smiled no it's not your bed it's mine, but I don't mind sharing if you don't mind me farting at night and snoring. When Troy sleeps over he can sleep on the Murphy bed in the other room. You're safe with us.

But what if you're not safe with me in the room, I can't be responsible for either when you getting harmed, I thank you for what you did for me but I can't put your lives in jeopardy.

Troy laughed; boy we work the red line district; we take our lives into our hands every night we report to work patrolling the streets protecting the humans from the nightcrawlers. Hell, we even have a special part of the uniform it goes on and locks, protecting our asses from those pieces of shit.

Okay the two you enough now we need to get serious Robert you need to listen to me you are not only attacked by a nightcrawler but you were attacked by what is known as an alpha male nightcrawler and he injected a toxin into your body. You're missing a couple of pieces of your anatomy now and a couple of new ones have been developed inside of you.

You went to biology class, you know nothing can carry unless it has a space to carry it, when he mounted you and locked himself onto you his breeding prong he released himself inside of you with an apparatus that disperses tentacles throughout your abdominal cavity. The first thing they attacked were your testicles they were pulled back into the body and attached to your intestines to serve as ovaries. Then you developed a uterus type pouch off of your colon, he changed you physically inside. Any nightcrawler can mount you and you are going to be pregnant with his offspring likewise when you're in a heat cycle a human male can impregnate you also.

The difference is the nightcrawlers will put an offspring in you daily so that they can build their race, but your body only desires the hormones once a week. In order to get the toxins and pheromones out of your body that attracts the nightcrawlers to you. You will have to conceive a child once a week for seven months that equals birthing 32 children within seven months. Then after everything is through, to maintain your purity so that you don't slip back into the needs of the nightcrawler you have to have a child once a year.

You have to stay here with me in this type of environment to keep you safe at night so that the nightcrawlers don't get to you, in the daytime yes we can go out you can experience daylight see the city and everything else but getting toward evening you must be here locked inside for protection.

It's a lot to think about that you'll know when your time is up in your cycling, you will have a burning itch deep inside of you and only semen no matter human or nightcrawler is the only thing that can calm your itch. The choice is yours to make, but remember you have friends here and will take care of everything that you need.

As far as 32 children they are going to need homes, there's no way that we can handle them here. I've come up with a plan I know there are several couples that cannot have children due to viruses and the plagues, I'm sure they would have no problem assisting us by taking them in and raising them as their own. No one's is involved, these will be a direct party style adoption but will keep a list of where the children are so that we can check on. You need to stop and think about this but one way the other it's going to happen we just have to be prepared.

Thank you, Leo; I've already found out that I was missing part of my anatomy when I went to scratch myself, I didn't freak out because with everything else is happened I didn't need to worry about that either. And as far as having to conceive a child to live it's not perfect but I could live with it as long as the children are placed in loving homes. And I guess I'm looking at my children's biological fathers standing here in front of me.

Troy's mouth fell open; you mean you want me to do what to him?

Yeah Troy; I need your help I can't do the job by myself I may be all man but I'm not Superman. I'm going to need a little help here with this. We can do one every other week, plus between the two of us we know quite a few childless couples.

Leo I really have to think about this yeah, I want to help Robert with his, but that's the dude's ass that I'd be mounting. I like pussy, in fact I love pussy I've been known to hit the Hershey Highway every now and then that's only when she's real horny and on the rag. Dude he's cute I have to give that to him and I felt sorry for him when that big piece of shit was on top of him doing what he did and when he stood up and I watched Roberts belly swell every time the thing shuddered pumping him full of his seeds I had to walk away. But for me to have sex with him that's asking a lot of a friend.

Troy all you have to do is think about it. I've got the first couple shifts, I'll take care of Robert as long as I can but there's some weeks that I'm going to be gone for extra training and he has to be impregnated or he will go insane and I can't let that happen, I know that Eddie is gone forever but dude I can't let Robert lose his mind and his body to these things.

Troy; I have a question do you think Clay and Lonnie would be willing to raise a child or two, you know they have been trying to adopt but with all the government bureaucracy, a gay couple like them they don't qualify for anything but a private arrangement.

Leo I think you may be on to something I think there's plenty of people out there that we can place all 32 of these children very easily just for department members no one's going to open their mouth and squeal, they would be more than glad to help and as far as Lonnie and Clay it's not if they want a child it's how many do they want. I know Lonnie he is crazy about children and has dreamed about raising children with Clay forever. I think I'll call Clay and put a bug in his ear and I don't think it'll take long for him to call us back.

Troy picked up his phone and dialed his ex-partner Clays number.

Clay answered up, hey Troy how's it going, you chased off the new partner yet?

No Clay I haven't in fact were getting along very well, in fact you would be surprised how well. But I've got a question for you and Lonnie if he's around.

Sure; he's right in the kitchen cooking I can put it on speaker and that way we can hear what you have to say.

Okay put it on speaker and I will put it on speaker on our end. Lonnie spoke up hey Troy how's it going, what's up young man.

Hey are the two you still trying to adopt a little one, you have any luck yet. There was a long silent pause.

Troy no offense but Lonnie's not up to talking about that, we got our hopes up too many times when the government blows us right back out the water because of how we live.

Okay don't talk just listened the two of you, Leo and I have come up with a slight problem. We need to find homes for 32 children over the next seven months. Something happened last night on the red line and we took in a victim of a nightcrawler. He's fine he's doing great but you know what's gonna to have to be done, to get the nightcrawler venom out of him because this is alpha male that attacked him, he has to conceive one child a week for the next seven months and we need to find homes. We've already gotten this end covered, but we need homes with the to you consider being a placement home for one of these children.

Lonnie shrieked, yes, yes, yes, we will do it we don't even have to think about it. We have been waiting for a child for so long only to be told that were not good enough. Give us just second hold the line while Clay and I talk.

Sure, Lonnie not a problem, take your time and let us know what you can do.

It was almost 5 minutes before Clay's voice come back on the phone. Guys were having a little problem here right now on the number, we've settled on six possibly eight children will have a home here with us. We need to take them in stages and Lonnie wanted to know if there's one father for these children are two different fathers because of there's two that's okay they will have a good mix, but if there's only one father the children that's okay also but they would still be siblings.

Troy got back on the phone, right now there's only to be one father but were working on the second one, he still walking the fence.

Lonnie got on the phone; then tell him get off that damn fence for he slips and falls and cuts his dick off, help that poor boy out.

Leo started laughing, Troy couldn't argue with Lonnie's logic. Okay; Clay you and Lonnie need to know that the first child will arrive soon, maybe next day. We have to get word out to a few other people but that's going take some time so you may get two right away.

Clay spoke up; Troy don't worry about it I can help out on this and also I can discreetly put out at the precinct that were looking for homes for children that are coming in this world because of the tragic incident and they need a loving home with parents no matter who they are as long as they love them and I can assure you there will be no problem placing the 32 children, tell that young man that we're here to help and were going to do six ourselves. Lonnie wants eight but I'm trying to convince him six is enough just like a six pack but he says a couple of four packs are even better. Hell, he's already on the computer looking at baby furniture, I better go before he over buys let us know when we need to help out I'll be back in contact, and guys thank all of you so much until the young man this in the predicament that we will not forget him he's made our dream come true.

Robert couldn't believe what he had heard in the conversation, you mean people are that desperate for children that they have no problem helping out even if they know that I was attacked by a nightcrawler.

Leo responded; that makes them want to help out even more because they know that you did not have a choice at what happened to you is not like you were a bar slut you got drunk you threw your legs up for the first Dick or Hairy Tom's Dick and got yourself knocked up. This is a situation beyond your control.

Troy cleared his throat, it might take me a little while to get used to it but I'm going to help, it'll take a little stress off of Leo but after all we are partners. And as far as the yearly children go, I'd like to help with those also because I want children and as a beat cop I don't make that much money not enough to get some good looking gal to lay up with me and bare my children, this way I can still have a family too.

Leo started on yawn, nothing against all this good happy horse manure, but I'm exhausted I need to lay down and get a little bit of a nap because is coming along night Troy you're welcome to the bed in the living room but I need the rest. Robert meekly said; can I stay with you because I don't feel safe by myself as long as I'm next to you I know I will be.

Leo smiled; okay but no funny business not to you are on cycle. Leo stripped off his clothes and jumped in the bed, Robert slid underneath the covers and rolled to his side his back to Leo. In a few minutes Robert felt Leo slide up behind him and wrap his arms around. There was no doubt that Leo was all man and it was trying to make a deep impression into Roberts backside.

Leo was gently snoring when he made a couple of moves and Robert felt his cheeks being parted, he felt a little pressure but it didn't hurt. The next thing he knew Leo was buried up to his pubic hair in his ass. Leo didn't move he just slept with his hard cock deep inside Robert.

Robert pulled Leo's arm close to his chest and they both went to sleep.

Six hours later Leo began to wake up when he realized the situation him and Robert were in. He began to try and remove himself without disturbing Robert.

Robert spoke up; you don't have to worry I'm awake and don't worry about anything you just went ahead and took care of something a little bit earlier than expected because we both know that you are going to have to do this to me later on because of my first cycle. We both know that 24 hours after being bred by nightcrawler your body comes back into cycle again and must be bred this way you seed is inside of me when I cycle and I will conceive immediately, but I'll let you know you were a perfect gentleman.

Leo still tried to apologize when Robert turned his head and kissed Leo on his lips surprise in the hell out of him.

Would you do that for, why did you kiss me Robert?

No matter who you are, when a gentleman makes sweet passionate love to you, he deserves a kiss.

The door flew open and in walked Troy; hey guys if your awake, awe shit are y'all to awake sorry to disturb you. Robert started laughing, he's already finished we were getting up, just give us a couple minutes to make ourselves presentable. And embarrassed Troy closed the door very quickly.

About 10 minutes later Robert and Leo walked out of the bedroom, Leo was a little bit red-faced nothing affected Robert.

Robert spoke up first; Troy don't worry about it you did not interrupt anything he'd already finished up before he woke, so he was just trying to make a gentleman's exit. But don't worry big man you're turns next week and I expect you to be a gentleman because I ain't going to be bred or impregnated or knocked up by any more animals, you two guys get that through your head. I'm your responsibility to keep safe, so don't let me down.

The three set down at the table and began to discuss what would take place later, Troy started; about midnight you'll start cycling and since it's fresh you will conceive immediately so that'll stop you from producing pheromones for the nightcrawler to track. But that also means about 9 o'clock in the morning you are going to be delivering a healthy baby and we have a request for that child already waiting by Clay and Lonnie, in fact he called twice. Lonnie has decorated the rooms already, one for a boy and one for a girl to start out with and he has plans for all of them to be decorated differently. I can tell you for a fact that any child is placed in that household will live a life of luxury in goods and love. And just to let everyone know, Clay and Lonnie made a point to stress that any time you or one of us wants to visit the children we're more than welcome.

At 9:00 PM Troy and Leo left the apartment making sure all the security features were in place and the triple tritanium doors worse triple secured. Robert had both of their cell phones just in case anything failed plus he had plays phone and a half a dozen other officers that would come to his rescue if need be.

Robert set staring at the clock doing a countdown to the point in time when he went into cycle, at 12:01 he felt his first cramp then there was a massive burning sensation. He knew that he conceived Leo's child, he was going be okay no matter what.

Troy and Leo were on their patrol when they saw that alpha nightcrawler, the son of a bitch had another victim. As he reared up holding his victim by the shoulders as he began to pump him full of his seed after the third ejaculation, he let go the victim. The nightcrawler pulled free of the young man, smelled the body from head to toe. He said something in some kind of language then took off.

Leo was the first one to the victim to check him, there was no pulse he didn't make it through the seeding process, he was not compatible with the alpha maybe one of the lesser ones but alphas must find the perfect mate or the impregnation process kills the host. Troy called in one DB and gave an address to pick it up. They waited for the bus to pick it up, Troy felt as if they were being watched, and they were by a very pissed off Alpha. He needed a new mate, one that could bear his fruit and help fill his rookery.

The latest nightcrawler victim was placed in the bus and hauled off and Troy and Leo went about their duties patrolling, as around the corner from top the building the nightcrawler descended and blocked their path.

I want my mate, bellowed the creature; you took him from me. You return him to me now or others shall perish until I find another.

Leo wasn't going to put up with this, you piece of shit, you touch another young one and try to carry on your line and you will meet your demise, you have ruined too many lives already this has to come to a stop, cross me and it will.

The creature snarled and took a swipe with his claws at the officer, Troy put his weapon up against the animals Temple, do it again just think about it and I'll splatter your brains everywhere nightcrawler rights or not, now back off back down and believe don't let me catch you in this part of the red line district, it's being cleaned up and we're the cleaners. You're the trash, get that through your head no more victims.

The creature snarled and took a couple steps and jumped to the fifth floor on top of the roof screeching out looking for its mate.

Leo was going to say something when Troy placed his finger against his lips to silence him. Later we will talk, not here not now wait until daylight but never here.

It didn't take Leo much to realize what Troy was getting at one thing the nightcrawlers do have is excellent night vision and very acute hearing that when they are looking for their prey.

The rest the night went off okay nothing happened, it quieted down. They got off at 7 AM and went directly home to Leo's apartment nobody stopped for any meals, they were worried about Robert.

Leo called Robert from the doorway and let him know they were there and they were going to open up the apartment, Robert responded okay but don't be shocked when you come in and you see me.

Leo and Troy's mouth fell open when the last door opened and there stood Robert in a pair Leo's boxer shorts with a huge belly sticking out.

Troy elbowed Leo, damn dude I said knock him up not blow him to pieces, and you swelled him up like a beach ball.

Leo walked over to Robert and placed his hand on his stomach and the baby within kicked him. He couldn't believe how it felt, this was his child kicking his hand.

Robert looked at him and said; it's been cramping for about the last five minutes I think I might deliver a little bit early I know I'm only about the eighth month right now but if I get much bigger, I don't think my body can stand it.

Troy wrapped his arm around him you didn't see yourself last time your body can take it, don't worry when it's time will both be here to help you through the birth process. And just think next week's my turn.

Robert looked at Troy ha, ha, ha, very funny that is hilarious all your worried about is getting me knocked up and watching my belly swell.

Troy replied, well I am off next week so yes, I can set there what you swell up with my child and be there when you get ready to deliver stay with you 100% of the time that way you're not alone.

Robert smiled; that would be different to have someone by my side next time around.

Leo's phone rang; hello oh that's good that's just perfect I will open up and let you in, be right there. Robert, I hope you don't mind but I told Clay and Lonnie to come on over, there is a chance that you might let them witness the baby being born, but that's only if it's okay with you, since they're going be taking care of it.

Sure, the more the merrier in fact I might need someone's hand to hold as this suckers kicking like heck.

Leo open the door and no sooner then Lonnie saw Robert standing there, his belly all swollen out, he made a beeline to and hugged his neck.

I promise you this baby will need for nothing in life he or she will have everything they need and all the love that they can handle, you don't know how long we've been waiting for a child to call our own.

About that time Robert made moaning sound, and you're not going to have to wait much longer, oh boy here it comes I can tell you right now that was one hell of a kick and it kicked me right in the gut. Robert took two steps in his water broke, Leo and Clay grabbed Robert and carried him to the bedroom and placed them upon the bed. Troy picked up the padding and slid it up under Robert for the mess that was about to come forth. And they didn't have to wait long the pains were strong, the pains were rough in the kid. He pushed and pushed as hard as he could but was making very little headway.

About the time his get ready to give up he felt a sudden pressure on his lower region as the baby's head started to crown, he pushed real hard this next time and the baby started to emerge. This was nothing like the other ones this was 10 times worse he couldn't believe his body could handle it. Inch after inch the child slowly made its way out. With one exhausting push the baby emerged, it was a perfect little boy, Leo slapped the baby's ass and he started to cry. Everything was coming down when Robert said; guys there's another one and it's coming quick.

Robert was in pain as this one was coming out it was larger than the other one but it was deftly different, this one here was a little girl. Not only had Leo gotten Robert pregnant for the first time but he conceived twins.

Robert laid-back exhausted, Clay had one child and Lonnie had the other one in his arms. He leaned over and kissed Robert's forehead, rest my sweet prince you did good, you did very good.

There couldn't have been two children more loved in the world than those that Robert had just birthed for Clay and Lonnie. Lonnie made sure the babies were cleaned up and presentable, he went and took two bottles out of the bags that he had already made up. He made sure each child had formula a drink.

Clay looked like a natural holding his son there feeding him that bottle and rocking him. Lonnie had the little girl and was already spoiling her. Robert rubbed his stomach which was now empty and let out a deep sigh. Until next week folks the factory is shut down in fact it doesn't need any trespassers at night.

Troy chuckled; hey, don't blame me I'm not the sleep fucker that would be somebody else, Leo turned bright red.

Part-2 coming Soon.


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