The Nine O'clock News

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Jun 26, 2000



Synopsis: Two friends who work together end up as lovers. The characters are loosely modeled on real people (in my twisted mind) but only people who catch local Chicago news will know who my models are.


Dateline: Chicago

Jackie Berg glanced one last time in the mirror to see if there was any remaining pancake from the newscast she had just finished co-anchoring. Satisfied, she left the women's room to head for home. She almost walked into Dana Orlov, a beat reporter with the station as she was heading into the restroom.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dana. I didn't see you." Jackie said. "You made good time getting back from that remote on the West Side."

"Yeah, traffic was pretty light and Jim gave us the go ahead to come in right after I finished the report." Dana replied. "How was the rest of the broadcast? Everything go okay?"

"The show was good, you know, for a slow news night." The newswoman said before continuing, "But you know how that can be, filling in on the Morning Show."

"Oh yeah, it can be pretty hard to fill time. But to be fair, in the morning it's a lot looser and more fun. The only drawback is getting up so damned early in the morning to be here and ready by 6. I don't mind filling in for Roseanne, but I don't think I could do the early routine on a regular basis." The blonde reporter said. "But, excuse me please, I need to..." she finished, nodding toward the door.

"God, I'm sorry!" Jackie said stepping out of the way. She looked as the young reporter walked past, admiring the fit of her slacks. `Nice ass' she thought.

Outside in the studio parking lot, Jackie was looking for her car keys when she heard someone yell to her.

"Hey, Jackie! Wait up!" Dana trotted over to Jackie's car, smiling. "Did you have any plans for dinner?"

Jackie stood for a moment, then said "No, the rest of my night is wide open." Jackie didn't add "And so am I."

Dana's smile grew wider, "Great. There's a place on Ravenswood that serves until the wee hours."

"The Fireplace? Sounds good. I'll meet you there." With that Jackie climbed behind the steering wheel, started the car, and waved at Dana on the way out of the parking lot.

"I wonder what this is all about," Jackie mused aloud. "We've never been more than friends. If, however, she's interested in anything further, I'd sure like to let her know the feeling is mutual. Oh, who am I fooling?"

As she pulled into the parking lot, Jackie checked herself out in the rearview mirror. She saw a pretty, young lady with blond hair falling below her shoulders. The nose might be too big (she had her father's Roman nose) but it fit quite nicely with the rest of her face. She knew others found her attractive including many viewers, considering the amount of fan mail she received. As she finished her appraisal, headlights swept the lot and Dana pulled up next to her.

"Making sure you're beautiful for all your fans?" Dana teased.

Jackie replied, "No, not for all my fans." She stressed the word "all."

Dana cocked her head, looking thoughtful then led the way into the bar.

They took a table towards the back and relaxed. They chatted for a while about station politics before Dana stopped and asked "Where's the waitress? I'll go up to the bar. What would you like?"

`You,' Jackie thought. "I'll have a vodka tonic with a twist." She said out loud. "Oh, and don't forget a couple of menus."

"Definitely not. I'll be right back." Dana crossed to the bar, affording Jackie another nice view of her ass.

Dana returned promptly, and said "Here's your vodka tonic," and with a slight wiggle of her hips, added "and your twist."

Jackie laughed and, taking a menu, asked "Any specials? Any waitress?"

"No to both. She had to leave early; family emergency, the bartender said. And there are no specials on weeknights, but anything on the menu is available. And more besides." Dana muttered the last under her breath.

They took a few minutes and looked over the menu before the bartender came and took their orders. They both order the grilled chicken salad.

"You know us on-air personalities have to watch our figure" Jackie joked.

"Especially if you're wearing those jeans," Dana responded. 'And they hug your ass so well,' she thought.

"One of the perks of sitting behind the anchor desk. I can wear what I want from the waist down, within reason of course, as long as I have a nice blouse and maybe a jacket," Jackie said.

Dana looked thoughtful for a moment then asked, "Jackie, can I ask you something?" She continued at Jackie's nod. "Well, to start, I never expected to get fan mail. I'm a reporter, not a celebrity."

"Yes, but you are on TV, and to some that's the same thing. And why shouldn't you get fan mail? You're an attractive, young lady."

"Well, thank you. Do you get fan mail?" Dana asked. "I'm leading up to my question, in case you thought I was doing a `dumb blonde' bit."

"Yes, I do get some. Maybe not as much as the more-established anchors like Steve or Allison but I get several letters every week. Why?"

Dana looked thoughtful then said, "I get plenty that are complimentary of my reports and stories, but I also get some that are a little out there. You know, proposals, propositions, requests for used underwear."

Jackie replied, "Yeah, there are some sick people out there. You can't let them get to you, though."

"It's not that," Dana said, " but... Look, do you ever get sexy letters from...girls?"

Jackie started to answer when the bartender brought their salads. `Thank God for small favors. Gives me a chance to think of something without giving too much away.'

Finally, after they had their dinner in front of them and relative privacy, Jackie said, "I have gotten letters from men and women that would make the editors of Penthouse blush!"

"Do they get to you?" Dana asked.

"Only when I let them, and only some of them," Jackie responded with a smile.

"Which ones?" Dana asked.

"Look, are you really interested in the contents of my fan mail? Or is there something else?" the blonde anchor asked. As she waited for a response, she considered the young lady across from her. Dana had blond hair like Jackie but she kept it straight and cut just above her shoulders so that it framed her pretty face. Her grayish eyes had just the slightest elongation, suggesting perhaps some exotic bloodline several generations back. She stood 5' 7" and had a lithe, sexy figure. Jackie almost held her breath waiting for Dana's response.

Dana looked directly into Jackie's blue eyes for a moment and finally said, "Alright, I was fishing for information. I was trying to confirm what I think I saw earlier."

"What did you see?" Jackie asked.

"At the station, as I went into the ladies' room, I saw you in the mirror looking at my ass. I thought maybe I was imaging it but earlier, when I went to the bar, I saw you do it again in the mirror behind the bar." Dana took a deep breath and continued, "So, what I'm trying to find out, is if you're interested in me."

Jackie looked down at her salad and said "I, uh, I am interested in you. I think you are attractive, sexy, funny, intelligent, and I enjoy being with you. If you are offended, I'm sorry. I, ah, I don't know what else to say."

She raised her eyes to see her friend's reaction to find her smiling. Dana's eyes twinkled and her face lit up. Jackie felt hope well up in her breast, dissipating the fear that she'd alienated a friend.

"Well, I know what to say. Let's pay the check and get out of here. I want you naked and in bed as soon as possible!" Dana smiled and ran her tongue over her lower lip.

"Let's go," Jackie said throwing some money on the table stood up and went to the door with her soon-to-be lover.

In the parking lot, she asked "Your place or mine?"

Dana laughed, saying, "I never expected to hear that line from a woman!

"You live in Oak Park, don't you?" Jackie nodded. "Alright, my place. Just follow me. It's in Rogers Park, near the lake." And, giving Jackie the address ("Just in case."), she got in her car.

Jackie had no trouble following Dana home. Traffic was light and she had no intention of letting the sexy reporter get away from her.

Jackie pulled up to the curd behind Dana's car and followed her into the apartment building. Once again, she admired her ass but with the realization that soon she would see it without the hindrance of clothing.

Once inside the apartment, Dana turned and pushed Jackie against the door, pressing up against her body and tilting her head up slightly, pressed her lips to the taller blonde. Jackie opened her mouth and thrilled to the feel of Dana's tongue as it slid into and began exploring her mouth. She slid her tongue against the other girl's and into her mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Dana, breathing heavily, said, "Let's go into the bedroom." And, taking Jackie's hand, she led the way.

Once inside, Dana kissed Jackie again and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Pulling it free and dropping it to the floor, she leaned into Jackie and reached around to unclasp the bra as her tongue traced Jackie's ear, nibbling on the pierced lobe.

When Jackie's breasts were exposed, Dana leaned over and blew on the nipples. The stream of air was followed by her tongue as she snaked it over the right nipple before sucking the tip of the breast into her mouth. Jackie moaned and ran her fingers through Dana's hair.

Dana moved over to the left breast and began sucking and lightly biting the nipple while pinching the right nipple in her hand. After a few minutes, she pulled away and kneeled down to remove Jackie's tennis shoes and white socks. She ran her hands up the denim-covered leg to the waist and unsnapped the jeans. After pulling the zipper, she tugged the pants down over Jackie's hips. Her soaked panties got caught too and soon Jackie was standing above Dana, a beautiful nude figure.

Dana reached out and traced a finger through the slightly darker pubic hair down to her moist slit. Delicately running her finger along the moist outer lips brought another moan from Jackie.

Jackie reached down and pulled Dana up to her. She kissed Dana passionately and said, "I want to see you naked! I want to please you."

Dana laughed, and said, "Oh, but you are!"

She pushed Jackie back on her bed and stepped back and slowly started to gyrate her hips. "How about another twist?" the smaller blonde teased as she slowly removed her blouse. Turning her back, she unclasped her bra and let it slip to the floor before turning around with her arms crossed over her breasts.

Still swaying slightly, Dana kicked off her sandals and slowly uncovered her breasts. She slid her hands seductively down her sides to the waistband of her slacks and began to slowly tug them off. As they passed over her hips, she turned around and let them drop to the floor. She looked over her shoulder at Jackie and wiggled her panty-clad ass. She was pleased to see Jackie was slowly stroking herself and, by the gleam on her fingers, getting even wetter.

Dana teased her by saying, "This is what you wanted. Are you ready?"

Jackie hoarsely said "Yes!"

"Pull them off with your teeth." Dana ordered.

Jackie slid to the floor and crawled on her hands and knees to the shapely newswoman's body. Running her hands up Dana's legs, she kissed the small of her back and moved down and gripped the waistline of the garment in her teeth. She slowly pulled down, admiring every bit of exposed flesh.

When she had pulled it down far enough to drop free, Jackie released the panties and began to kiss and lick the round asscheeks of her friend and new-found lover. She reached between Dana's thighs and lightly brushed her lower lips as she traced a circuitous route around the lovely ass she had admired.

Dana spread her legs as Jackie played with her pussy lips and started to lick up and down her ass crack. Her tongue circled the tight little ring at the center, licking and probing causing Dana to raise up on her toes and gasp loudly.

Dana stepped away reluctantly and turned to face Jackie. Taking her hand she led her back to the bed. Jackie reclined on the sheets and Dana crawled over to her, her breasts hanging tantalizingly. Jackie rose up, lightly grasped Dana's left tit and gently swabbed the soft flesh with her tongue. Dana's nipple hardened at the oral ministrations being performed.

She pushed Jackie down and lay down on top of her, breast to breast, and pussy to pussy as she tenderly kissed her. Dana rubbed her body against the blonde beneath her and increased the intensity of the kiss until they were both panting into each others mouth.

Dana slowly started to gyrate her hips against Jackie. They could feel their dark blond bushes pressing against each other, their juices mingling. Both women experienced a series of minor climaxes from the friction being generated in their mouths, breasts, and loins.

Dana broke the kiss, almost reluctantly, and began to lick down Jackie's chin to her neck and on to her breasts. She resumed her oral caresses of the taller blonde's nipples before kissing and licking her way down her flat stomach.

Jackie shivered and moaned as Dana tongued her navel. "Oh God, this is fantastic!" she moaned. "I love your tongue! I love you!"

Dana smiled and continued to bath Jackie with her tongue, moving gradually to her pubic area. She could smell the other girl's arousal.

Dana kissed and licked the area around Jackie's bush and then moved to do her magic on her inner thighs while sliding her fingertips through the soft tuft of dark blond curls, all without touching the ultra-sensitive labia.

"God, Dana, please eat me! I can't take any more. Lick me!" Jackie pleaded as she squirmed on the bed.

The talented young reporter gave in to her lover's request, and, gently parting the outer lips, she blew softly on the exposed flesh. Dana could see the effect as Jackie threw her head back further into the pillow and moaned loudly.

Dana slowly traced the vaginal lips with her tongue, up one side and down the other, being careful to avoid the clitoris. She savored the tangy taste of the juices flowing from the other woman's pussy, it was like nectar for Dana. She licked and nibbled the outer lips before plunging her tongue into the hot, wet hole to lap up as much of the juice as she could.

Dana slid her index finger into hole and twisted it around. The girl was tight, just the way Dana liked it. After thoroughly wetting her finger, she traced it down between the other girl's legs to her anus. Jackie raised her hips slightly to give Dana a little more access and Dana moved her tongue down and licked and probed her little rosebud.

Dana pushed the tip of her tongue into the woman's asshole slightly then pulled it out and licked all around the puckered flesh. As she did this, she slid the cum-wet finger into the anal opening. Jackie gasped at the invasion but did not pull away.

Dana moved her mouth back to the other woman's cunt and began her oral assault anew while sliding her finger in and out of Jackie's ass. From the copious amount of fluid oozing from the aroused hole, Dana knew the writhing blonde was on the verge of orgasm.

She finally began to tongue Jackie's clit and that was all it took. Jackie's body started to spasm and she screamed, "Oh God! Oh God! I'm coming! Oh shit! I'm coming!"

Dana lapped up as much juice as she could, knowing there would be more in the very near future. She pulled her finger out of Jackie's ass and crawled up the bed nest to the thoroughly sated young woman.

Dana leaned on her elbow and ran her fingers lightly through the damp, blond curls between Jackie's legs as Jackie's breathing slowly returned to normal.

Jackie opened her eyes to see Dana's smiling gaze. She reached up and put her hand on the back of Dana's neck, pulling her down for a passionate kiss. Jackie licked her own cum off the younger blonde's face before plunging her tongue back in Dana's mouth.

Jackie and Dana continued to French kiss for several minutes until Jackie broke away, and looking her lover in the eyes, said, "Now it's my turn."

Dana felt a thrilling shiver course through her body. She lay on her back ready to receive her friend's loving ministrations.

Jackie began by kissing Dana long and hard before moving down to her smaller tits. She continued to exercise her tongue on the stiff nipples, kissing and biting one while pinching the other. From Dana's reactions, she knew she was returning the pleasure she had recently received. But the fun was only beginning she decided.

Jackie left the smaller blonde's nipples wet and aroused and moved down to Dana's feet. She licked and kissed the small toes and on to her instep. Dana tried to stifle a squeal of pleasure.

"That tickles," Dana protested.

"Shush!" Jackie replied. "Just lie there and enjoy."

Jackie kissed and licked up Dana's leg, pausing to swab the back of her knee and then the inside of her thigh. She moved over to the other leg and repeated the process with more tiny squeals from Dana.

Finally, she reached her goal. Without a pause, Jackie kissed Dana's outer lips before opening her lips and extending her tongue to swipe at the blood-engorged tissue. She didn't miss a millimeter of the reporter's cunt, with the exception of her clitoris. Like Dana did, she was saving that for later.

She turned the girl over and started to kiss the soft, round cheeks of her ass. She then began a tongue bath the led her to the puckered little rosebud. Jackie loved to lick girls' assholes and she proceeded to do just that to her new lover.

Dana pushed her ass back against Jackie's face in obvious approval of what the anchorwoman was doing to her.

All this while, Jackie continued to finger Dana's cunt lips and occasionally slipped the tip of her finger into her wet vagina. Eventually, Jackie lifted her face from between Dana's cheeks and again flipped the girl over.

Jackie moved her tongue over the pussy before her, inserting fingers into Dana's cunt and ass before moving up and nipping at the swollen clit. That was all it took before Dana screamed out incoherently and came all over Jackie's face.

Jackie moved up and lay alongside Dana, using her breast as a pillow and watching the lovely blonde slowly come back to earth.

"You are fantastic! I have never come that hard in my life." Dana looked deep into Jackie's eyes, thinking of what the taller blonde had said in the throes of passion, and asked, "This isn't going to be a one night stand, is it?"

Jackie leaned up, kissed Dana lightly and replied, "Not unless you want it to be. I want to continue with this and see where it leads. Anyway, I want the chance try out some of my toys on you."

Dana considered this, smiled widely, and said, "Right now I know one place it can lead. Join me in the shower? I'll wash your back and you wash mine"

Jackie smiled warmly, and said, "It would be my pleasure."

Holding hands, they walked into the bathroom, while Dana said in jest, "Whatever will the people at the station say?"

"Fuck `em!" Jackie said in all seriousness to her love.

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