The Oil Patch

By Rubber Rider

Published on Oct 23, 2009


My folks broke up when I was about 10 years of age, as result my Dad Neil brought me up for about three years, and then he arranged for me to move out to his brother place Uncle Mack. Dad said Jack my Uncle would look after me, as he had to go abroad for six months. He also said his brother would help me through me teenage years.

Dad came back after six months and then took off up north. He phones me about once a month but never was able to visit me. Eventually I finished school, got work at a major museum in town, over the next couple of years worked my way up the ladder, and finishing in the research department office.

I had my own apartment in town close to where I worked to save money, so eventually I accumulated a fair bank balance.

Jack was out touring the kinky areas of town; he noted several stores of interest some were specializing in Leather clothing others were displaying alternative clothing such as rubber and PVC.

I made note of the Rubber and PVC stores with the intention of doing a tour on them later. Well by the time, he had wandered for several hours I was foot sore, because my shoes were of poor quality. I decided to check out some of the boot stores as he felt he would get better support and more comfortable in long time wearing. After seeing many different styles of boots, I finally decided on some 20-hole steel toe safety boots of a well-known make.

At the store they advised him to get a pair large enough to wear two pairs of socks, Jack was asked what color laces he would like, he said I hadn't though about that what do you suggest. The assistant asked when he was going to wear these boots, Jack said with my Rubber gear, well then I suggest red or yellow. Jack could not make his mind up so he bought both colors.

I went back home as it was now getting late, so on leaving the Boot Shop he made his way to the subway and after a couple of changes he arrived home. He was in a rush to wear his new boots and it was very warm so Jack got rid of his pants and grab pair of cotton shorts.

Now the boots leaving his cotton sock on, he looks at the laces and choose the red pair, he slipped his foot into the boot and commenced to lace up the boot. As he pulled on the laces to make the boot shaft fit snugly to his leg eventually two wraps around the top of the boot,'s shaft and now tied off with the ends tucked into the top of the boot. Now the other foot is done the same way. By the time Jack had got his boots on, he is up walking around, however the boot feeling is really exciting him as his shorts well tented out and also showing a wet spot from pre-cum. Jack tries to get some supper together but his member needs urgent attention first.

Jack heads for what some people would call a family room but in this case, it is a real playroom in which he and some of his mates pass there time enjoying each other's company. On the way their Jack is stripping off his clothes, eventually gets his shorts off, and then lies down on the padded bench that is rubber covered. I should mention the floor is also rubber covered -- easy for clean up.

Jack goes to a draw and finds an inflatable rubber hood complete with a gag, then from the cupboard gets out both his fucking machine and his milking machine. The padded bench is all fitted out to take everything and to be secured in the correct places. Lastly he gets out the stirrups fitted into the bottom end so he can put his feet into them. Jack lubes himself up and the dildo that is fitted to the machine. Finally Jack lies down on the bench and allows the fucking machine to enter his back passage, while he lies there he turns the machine on very slow speed to check thing out. Everything feels good; turning the machine off again he now gets the milking machine fitted up and the sleeve fitted onto his member.

Next he gets his hood on with the gag in place that provides an air intake. There no eye holes or nose holes, Jack now zips up the hood making his head feel very secure as he lays his head totally blackout in the molded head support.

Jack cannot see now but he done this many times and so know by feel where everything is, he reaches down and gets the waist strap over his body and snubs it up tightly. Next he reaches the head straps that will hold his head in the head support and does that up again tightly.

This only left Jacks arms free, making sure the controls were in the correct place Jack then makes his arms secure by a device that he had made up so they would release when he push a certain combination on the control box.

Jack is now fully restrained and very secure, his member is straining inside the milking sleeve he start the fucking machine and the starts the milking machine that has been programmed to sense to stop before he would shot his load.

Jack is soon moaning and groaning as the program slowly increases its intensity. Jack wants to shoot his load but he is brought up to that point and the milking would stop.

While this is going on one of Jack mates Roger shows up and finding the back door open knows that Jack will not be far away and is looking for him, then on entry to the play area he see the stat Jack there and decides to have some fun.

Lucky for Roger he had taken his boots off before coming into the house and so he was not heard. Roger looks around, sees Jack's mini padlocks, and snaps locks on every point he can find.

Jack is still being mechanically worked over, enjoying this intense pleasure, finally the milking machine takes Jack over the edge, and he shoots multiple loads of cum.

As he rests Jack attempts to release himself, finding himself trapped, he starts to panic and in his attempts to get free he knocks the control panel onto the floor but both the milking and fucking machines are still working which is exhausting Jack as he struggles to get free.

Suddenly Jack feels some hands stroking his legs Oh help me is heard as a mumble coming from the hood, Roger says nothing except to kiss the air hole in the gag as he continues to slowly feel all over Jacks body. Jack is already hard again, Roger adjusts the control and speeds up the fucking and lets the milking machine continue until it had completed it job. It was not long before Jack was shooting large volumes of cum. By the time Roger decided to stop everything the milking sleeve had collected a shot glass full on good protein.

The machines are removed, but Jack remained totally secured on his bench.

Roger leaves Jack in this position and went and got two beers from his icebox, on his return he removed the locks and undid all the straps. I helped Jack to standup his next move was to hug him and give him a big kiss at the same time I was releasing the hoods zip and then get his hood off.

Jack first words were "Man that was something else", you know Roger you should try that out sometime. Well Jack I think you made a big mistake you really should not do that exercise on your own, just think about it. If you had been really trapped in that situation and you could not get free, just think of the damage you could do to yourselves. Well I done it many times, but have admit it is only recently that I began strapping myself down -- it seems that I enjoy the bondage aspect.

Well mate play safe as no one wants to come and find you badly injured or worse dead. OK I guess fucked up, yes mate you did and you also got a good fucking so that should make you remember!

So what are these new boots? They look good on you, where did you get them? Oh up in the east end at a worker store.

I'm planning on getting some more rubber as well, I want some jeans, shirt of some sort and possibly a jacket --Hum it sounds as if you going all out. How come all this expenditure well I got some money from my old uncle who was gay and as a kid I used to visit him as my Dad thought his brother could teach me the facts of life. I think my dad knew his brother was gay because when he came out to pick me up he said something and then winked at me, and then slapped me on my back saying good for you.

I went back for most of my summer holidays to Uncle Mark preferring that to hearing my parents arguing all the time. As you know they split up several years ago, Dad went away somewhere up north, he keeps in contact with me but I have not seen him for some long time. However I got a letter the other day asking what I was working at and as you know the my job at the museum is quiet respectable however Dad has suggested that perhaps I would do well to work with him in the Oil Patch.

So what sort of work is he doing, well I'm not sure but something to do with supplies. He has told me the work generally is fairly dirty but not to be concerned about a bit of dirt it never hurt anyone yet.

He tells me the crew is generally all men and no girls around however there are a few mature women but they are generally the wives of some of the crew.

At the moment I'm unsure what to do, I want to have a look and then make a decision. So Jack tell your dad exactly how you feel and see if you can go up for a couple of weeks to look around. That way you will see your dad again and have some time together and take it from there.

You know I might just phone him right now, I said hold on where exactly is he. Don't forget about time zones, as you will not want to wake him up.

Jack dialed his dad's phone number and after two rings he hears his dad's voice.

Hi Dad its Jack I thought I would talk to you about the suggestion in your letter. That is great Jack I was hoping to hear from you, Jack explains to his dad his thoughts of coming up for a couple of weeks to look around. Dad explains that he lives in camp because the nearest town is about 100 miles away.

The next thing his Dad explains is that if you come up you will have to be here for three weeks as that is the only times the company flies people in or out of camp.

Now firstly when can you get away and remember its for three weeks, I will have to check with my employer, OK let me check the calendar OK the next flight is next Sunday so you have a week to get things sorted out.

Now regarding clothing just jeans, tee shirts, and boots if you have any plus a warm coat and gloves, Oh also get yourself a toque to keep your head warm, I'll get you some insulated clothing and any other gear in order for you to see what goes on. Gee Dad you getting me excited already that's good and I'm looking forward also to getting close to you again Jack. Phone me back to-morrow about the same time and let me know how you have made out with getting time off.

Jack hangs up the phone and his eyes are sort of glazed over, OK Jack what's your old man say. He says I would need to be three weeks as that is the frequency of the company air flights. He told me just jeans, tee shirt, boots, toque and warm coat with gloves. The rest will be he will provide -- Wow! That great mate I'm glad for you.

You will possibly meet some great looking guys also only time will tell. The next morning at the office I ask my boss for time off, he says this is rather short notice what the reason is. I tell him I have the opportunity to visit my Dad who is in the oil patch and the fact I have not seen him for several years. After some discussion my Boss says Jack go for it, it will do you good to see some other parts of the country.

That night I phone Dad again and tell him its all setup, OK get your gear together just one bag and bring your camera also get a package of 50 Read only CD Disks. I'll phone you to-morrow and give you instructions on where to go and how to get your plane ticket.

Roger calls me and ask how things are going I ask him to come on over as there are a few things I want to discuss with you. Roger is soon over and I explain I need someone to keep an eye on my flat -- that's easy I can do that have no worries mate.

I get my marching orders from Dad the next evening and find I have to leave straight after work on Friday to get to the airport in time and also get my ticket etc.

We are to leave from a small private airport; on arrival there I see and talk to the one of the staff who says you must be Jack. Glad you made it OK your Dad is looking forward to seeing you, come into the office for a few minutes while I get your ID card. My photo is taken and printed on to a plastic card. Here a stainless neck chain to go with it -- wear it at all times. It's your pass and ID, I slip the dog tag over my neck and sort of felt a stirring in my jeans but luckily I'm wearing a jock as well as under pants.

We are going to leave early so please go down the hallway and you will see group of guys join up with them. Make sure you tag is showing it's your plane ticket.

After about three hours flight during which coffee and a package of sandwiches had been passed around.

Disembarking the plane I looked for my Dad, then I hear his voice hey Jack over here, I didn't recognize him as he had grown a dark beard, Ok glad you made it alright come on my truck is over here. I get into his truck; dad says a little tour is in order first. We get to a quiet area and the first thing dad does is to pull me over and give me a big kiss. I was sort of taken by surprise but I reciprocated by putting my tongue right into his mouth and rolled it around -- his comment Jack I'm so please you're here I think my brother has taught you well.

After being shown some parts of the operation we head for the office first as Dad had to check on something. On entry to the office I almost trip over a real good-looking guy, he is tall very slender and attractive I said sorry about that mate I guess I tripped. No problems you must be Jack I'm Allan, welcome to the oil patch see you around, Allan heads off somewhere.

Dad is soon back and says OK son lets hit my room, back into the truck and very shortly I see a complex with a name of "Home from Home" Dad parks the truck he grabs my bag and we head into the complex. This way Jack we will go to my room first, yours is right next door. On entry to Dads room I see it is well equipped with a coffee machine, frig desk TV phone, couple of recliner chairs. I'm sort of amazed, suddenly Dad has his hand on my shoulder well Jack pretty nice eh! Well come this way this is your room on entry I find I have a similar room I can't believe it. Hey Dad what sort of job do you do here? Well I'm the Boss I only report to head office back down south.

Now lets get serious Jack I want you to listen very carefully, you may not like the idea but to-morrow morning a 07:00hrs you will be joining a group of guys who are new to this operation and you will go through the company induction course that will last three days and it will take place in #2 training room. It will be advisable to have a notebook and something to write with as taking notes is essential. So here is your notebook and a couple of ballpoints. These courses will layout safety, emergency conditions and what is expected of you. You will also get a first aid course and everyone will have a valid basic FA Ticket. During the course you will all be taken through this complex that includes a gym, swimming pool, movie theatre, library and a concession where you can buy basic needs like tooth paste, letter writing material but few use this now with Email.

There is a room with internet access where you can get Email -- you will be issued with an Email address during this course so you can let you mates know how you are making out. Oh there is no barber at present and in fact I doubt if that job will get replaced as most guys now do their mates. The barber's room has all the require tools so if you need a cutting let me know and I can always do it for you and as a matter of fact I'm glad to see you have it fairly short anyway.

This means breakfast is at 06:00hrs so remember early to bed early to rise; oh something else please don't call me dad anywhere on this site just call me Neil -- Jack look surprised, Dad explains its better that folks don't know you're my son because they might think you are getting special treatment and I don't want to hear that.

Dad's phone rings he answer Neil hear, oh certainly Allan come on over. Very shortly there is a knock at the door, the guy that ran into at the office came in he sees me and says well Jack if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me I will hopefully have the answer for you. You're luck mate to have Neil here he really has helped me get over major problems I had a year ago. With that Neil handed Dad some papers, Dad looked them over, handed them back, and said send them off to night please Allan sure thing Neil.

With that Allan departed, I guess you may be wondering what I did to help Allan -- yes I was thinking about his comments.

Allan got mixed up with the wrong people and finished in Jail and our company provides help to inmates in finding suitable ones that might be interested in getting themselves squared up by taking on a commitment in learning a trade etc. Allan had worked only in offices before his problem and had proven in jail to be competent in the use of office software so I was asked to take him on with Allan's agreement to stay on site for 12 months. Providing he performs to our satisfaction his jail term will be completed after the 12 months.

During this time he was paid the regular rate but had to stay on base; that was three years ago. Allan only goes off base about four times a year and has been working in our office ever since, as you see he seems to be happy, he has been asked if he would like to work on the rigs but has said no despite the fact he would earn nearly three times to what he does at moment.

Neil looks at his watch; hey Jack we are late for dinner come on lets go. I follow Dad through various hallways and soon arrive in the dinning hall or should I say restaurant because that's the way it appears to be laid out. We sit at a table and very quickly a waiter is there, he says Neil we have some good steaks to night with all the trimming I think you will approve sounds good John and thank you lets have two steaks a piece, how would you like your Jack medium please John and thanks. John departs, dad hand is on my leg -- you hit it off with John just now you answered as if you had known him for a long time and respects you for that.

We talk; Dad asks if I have any girl friends I said no, and what about men friends yes several well that's good. So what do you guys for fun, I'm thinking do I tell dad everything and then suddenly I'm spilling the beans about my fetishes, we were only interrupted by John when he brought our food. John then asked Tea, Coffee, Milk or something else Jack -- Glass of milk please, same for you Neil yes please.

Dad says you know I'm very glad you have been open with me and I'm also pleased that you have no girl friends -- they sometime can cause so much trouble in more than ways than you can image.

I'm interested in your rubber fetish, lets see how things go over the next three weeks and what you think of coming and joining our family (or should I say crew)

Well Jack its bedtime, I suggest you use your bed tonight as you need sleep don't forget to set the alarm clock for 05:30hrs. Oh by the way most guys don't shave in the morning they do it at night. Jack hit showers down the hallway; there was only one other guy there. Hey are you new here, yes my name is Jack and you're - Bob came the answer and welcome to our home from home, so how long have you been here Bob, must be five years now and wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Everyone is great and everyone keeps his or her eye your butt!

I finish my shower wrap my towel around and head for my room carrying my pants etc over my shoulder. On entry to my room Dad is sitting on my bed! Hey Jack come and sit here for a few minutes and as I sit down Dad grabs me and get in a bear hug, saying Jack I really hope you will stay. I look at him and he says I like the fact that you opened up about your private life not to many guys are that open let alone to do that so willingly as you did. Dad grabs me again and pulls me onto the bed, he is kissing me, and I can feel he has got pretty hard. Mind you I'm not much better and I say I think we should lay down as I get up off the bed I start to pull the cover back, dad realizes what I'm doing and soon up and nips into his room and turns his lights off.

By this time I'm in bed and hold the cover up inviting dad to join me, he is quick to take up the invitation and slides into my bed. Oh Jack this is so wonderful to share your bed it's something I have dreamt of for the last few years.

Before I realize it Dad has gone further down the bed and is now licking my balls and rolling them around in his mouth -- Oh dad slow down you're going to make me cum too quickly. Let's switch around and go 69, second later we have switched around and I'm now getting the pleasure of working for the first time on my Dad, what a great scent he has.

Dad would you do something for me pleaseeeeee. How can I help Jack, well I've screwed around a lot as I have already told you but I want you to the first man to sow his seed in my back passageway. You mean son you have never been fucked, that's right Dad. Well you surprise me, you did better than I ever did I got fuck by all the soccer team after we lost a game and they blamed me for the loss, I think I was 16 years old at that time.

Well Neil was more than willing to help you out and fact he very privileged to carry this out. Now you're sure you want to go ahead. Very definitely Dad, well thank you son for the honors. I reach over to my bedside table, get a tube of KY Jelly, and ask Dad to "Lube me up"

Dad works on my rear passage first with two fingers and three fingers by this time my arse hole is feeling more relaxed. Suddenly I realize Dad has swapped his fingers for the real thing. Suddenly it hurts like hell, hold it there please -- Dad stops where he is and after a very short time the pain subsides - go ahead Dad its OK now. I feel Dad is right inside me, it feels so good, Dad slowly withdraws and pushes right back in again and slowly he builds up his momentum, Oh Dad FUCK ME HARD.

With that comment from me his animal instinct takes over and really starts to pump me in -- out, in -- out and all of a sudden my anal change clamps down on him and I feel him dumping his seed right up there inside of me.

Dad finally slips out of me -- we hug and fall asleep. It seems like only an hour has gone by when the alarm goes off. Dad is out of bed just like that and so up now! We both go and take a quick shower to freshen up, the shower room is very busy, guys are saying Morning Neil how's things? Just great thanks.

I have already headed to my room to get dressed as Dad comes into his room he calls out Oh Jack in one of the draws you will find your work gear, yellow boiler suits there should be three pairs just wear them over your under wear, boots of course and there a hard hat on the top of your closet with goggles and work gloves. Please wear that gear all the time and keep your gloves in your back pocket. You don't need any money on site your ID card covers everything hence you must wear it all the time. OK let's have some breakfast and then you must go to the training room and make sure you have your note pad and pen.

Breakfast over, I make a quick trip to the toilet grab my notebook and go to the training room. On entry there are already several guys there so I take a seat it's just before 07:00hrs.

A few moments before 07:00hrs Allan comes into the room and says; can I have your attention please. Now you are all new hear and the purpose of this training program is to formalize how all how to work safely on what ever job you are doing and also what we expect from you in an emergency.

I'm going to ask you all to identity yourselves just your first name is fine and please let folk know your age, and what type of work have you been doing prior to this special introduction course to the oil patch. We hold nothing back here so please be open with all here.

Lets start here and go around the room, the first guy say he is Jim been working as a construction laborer, next comes Paul working in a hardware store, eventually it's my turn, hi I'm Jack working for a museum research office and so it went on until all ten guys had done there piece.

Thanks guys, now to make it easier your ID card has you first name in bold print have it so it shows when around the site, that way who ever you are speaking too also knows who you are and vice versa.

Other simple items dealing with safety, your goggles; we often we get very strong winds that creates a lot of dust in the air -- use your goggle to save your eye's

Noisy area's use your earmuffs to reduce the noise level, don't be sky either in using work gloves, now they eventually wear out so take your old pair to the supply store or concession and get them replaced.

All our crews work as teams, and as a team you are a family and you look after each other and if you see something unsafe tell crewmates.

Well many things explained and then a guided tour of essential area of the site was made, yes we did a lot of walking. We finished for the day at 18:00hrs giving us an hour to complete a write up on the various subjects we were told about to day.

I get back to my room, strip off and head for a shower and get shaved. I then headed for dinning room and as I entered the dinning hall just behind a couple of the guys from to day's course. Hey you going to join us -- sure thing great, we find a table and very quickly we are asked what we would like, there is roast pork, beef casserole or chicken. Well we all decided on the roast pork -- we get talking and I find out the two guys have there dad's working here and they are here for a three week introduction the same as I'm. Well that made me feel better knowing I was not the only one, we had just about finished when a very tall man comes up to our table. Excuse me guys -- hey Paul did you make out to day? Great Dad; meet Ian and Jack. It's great to see you guys welcome to our "Home from Home" offering his hand to each of us in turn. See you later Paul sure thing Dad.

Paul suddenly says you know this is the first time I've seen my Dad for nearly three years after he and mum split up I stayed with my mother. Then Mum passed away during my last year at school. I suddenly found I had to find a job in order to live and to pay the rent or our apartment.

I was able to get a job at the local hardware store, I think mainly because old Jock the owner knew my situation and after about three month he said to me, look I got three small apartments over the store and one has got a vacancy would you like it? It will save you traveling and also the rent is $300 / month.

Now that was a saving of $300 as I was paying $600 in my present location. Of course I said yes and it's really worked out well, the place needed painting so Jock provided the paint and I was paid for the work not having to pay rent, he even lent me the company truck to move my furniture at no charge.

Ian that's interesting similar things happen to me, I start laughing what so funny well you know I'm in the same situation. We were all very similar it's amazing when you think about it. After dinner we went our own ways, I looked around the complex found the library, checked out the reading material, and found they even stocked up to date various fetish magazines. I decided not to take one out as I was unsure how to book it out, I'll ask Neil how to get books out.

On return to my room I'm feeling tired, our connecting door is open and dad calls out hey Jack come and let me know how you made out to-day. I tell him every thing including that I had found out about a couple of the guys had a similar situation to both of us. Dad simply says yes he knew that; that's why this course is run so as to help those Dads get together with their sons to know them better and also hopefully come and join our family here.

You're ready for bed Jack; because I'm about to turn in yeah I think so. Dad opens up his bed and after stripping off gets into bed and hold the cover up for me to join him, this time his bed. I quickly nip into my room turn the lights off and get into bed with Dad.

Well he says it's your turn to service me tonight; I need your seed inside me, you mean that? I wouldn't offer it unless I meant it so here use some KY and get to work now that will be the most physical work you have done today

Well I feel excited, I have fucked a couple of good mates but they never wanted to do it the other way around. I lube up well both Dad hole making sure there is plenty of lube up there. I lube my member well and stroke it a few times, which makes it even harder. I ask Dad are you ready, now Dad is on his tummy, he raise his butt and make it easy for me to simply slide in, and in fact before I realized it I was right in inside him. I pause for a few moments and then slowly start to fuck my Dad, after short while Dad is saying come on Jack don't pussy foot around give it me hard and heavy. With that I allow my wild side to take over and I pound him hard and heavy. I pound him for over five minutes at the same time I'm playing with his balls and cock when suddenly I feel my balls starting to tighten up I know what's happening, Dad senses this and tighten down on my member when I start to shoot my seed into Dad. I keep going and it seems the more I pump the more seed is going into my father.

Eventually I collapse onto his back, breathing very deeply. After time I get my breath back and I slide out of dad and roll over onto my back just simply relaxing Dad moves his face over and looks into my eyes and all he says that was awesome, that the best fucking that I've ever had, thanks Son you have proved yourself a man in my eyes. You could do well here just think about it, with that he rolled over onto his side and I spooned up into him and fell asleep very quickly.

Again very quickly the alarm went off, this my second day but it seemed to go like clockwork and were soon in the dinning room, and then off to the training room. The second day was first aid, this was a heavy session and to continue tomorrow morning first thing with an exam. At the end of the day I headed for the showers and a shave several of my group were there. I have to admit we played around and I enjoyed it like everyone of our group.

Several other guys came in and just ignored us and went there own way; however before we actually left I noticed they were doing what we had been doing. As we left they called out great to see you guys bonding well that's what we all like to see.

I went back to my room and got my notes out to do some study on this First Aid because I was determined not to fail; this could also be useful elsewhere and it was provided free.

Some time later I heard Dad come into is room, Hi Jack how's it going good just doing some study. OK I'm going to get cleaned up and I'll be back before we go for dinner.

Dad came into my room totally naked, I was not thinking but his cock was almost at my mouth. I simply put my hand up, guided it into my mouth, and started to suck on it. Oh Jack that is nice I'm so glad you agreed to come up here.

So put your books down for as few minutes and tell me about your day and the group of guys you are working with. Today I have only really got to know about five of them but they are great guys and what surprised me is that they all opened up and I found that all of us were in the same situation. In other words our folks had broken up and their fathers or an uncle was bringing them up originally just like Uncle Mark and myself.

Well I'm glad you know that because your entire group is in the same situation and the purpose of this three week work experience is to show you guys something different.

Oh by the way you don't know this is yet so keep it to yourself but this coming weekend you are all going to be shipped to the company resort area. Now this resort is different, everyone does not dress other than a jock strap, it's well warmed so you will not get cold. That's a point I assume you have some jock straps with you? Well I have one black one. OK I'll lend you several jocks so you are not short.

You will have the place to yourselves until Sunday morning when all the Dad's will arrive.

We expect you all to do a lot of bonding so that is telling you, now I'm giving you a box of 100 condoms and two large tubes of KY Jelly. So don't forget to use a condom for your own safety and use the KY for make easier for all of you. Dad you mean we are supposed to fuck each other and also get fucked a number of times -- YES that's exactly what I mean.

There is a very important reason for this, because as you get to know your crew you become a family and as a consequence you take much more care in looking after each other, this so important for plant safety reasons.

Well the rest of the week went well and on the Friday we took off for this resort by road using two 4-wheel drives Toyota's. After about 2 hours we arrived at a fantastic place, miles from anywhere over looking a small lake, some folk were swimming in those waters. We booked in and were allocated a large room in which we were all to sleep. I thought to myself I like this more and more, I could see what the others really look like.

Well after a slow evening, that night there were a few moans from a couple of guys about having to go basically naked they were not very happy. By the morning they seemed a little more relaxed. After breakfast the temperature outside was around 85oF and so some of us went outside into the gardens and I and a couple of mates went down to the lake and dive in. It was not long before everyone was in the water.

We all lay on the grass to dry off, by that evening the apparent problems of going just in a jock or totally naked did not come up again. That evening there was showing of several porno movies, the regular ones and then those involving leathermen and rubbermen.

Some of the guys were asking about leathermen and rubbermen, no one seemed to come forward so I answered explaining what these groups were.

The rubberman movie drew a lot of interest and questions and comments were going around the room some correct others way out. I decided to explain what made a rubberman, I gave them the following explanation and said a Rubberman is a guy like you and I that enjoys wearing rubber clothing in the same way some of you like to wear totally Blue Denim.

Now I'm a rubberman, I enjoy the smell and aroma of rubber; I go out in public in what I like to wear; now there are many items that are not suitable to be out and about in public that why this resort is on private property and hence only invited guests are able to visit. I have found out that many of our Dads's come up here for rest and relaxation.

As I think most of know our Dads are coming to join us sometime after lunch on Sunday so lets all become one family what do you say guys -- Hey Jack I'm sure with you and suddenly everyone is saying the same thing. So guys thanks for your support lets give our Dads the surprise of their lives -- Let's go for it was the general voice.

Peter who has been very quiet basically shy suddenly piped up and said lets all of us form a complete daisy chain so that we are connected, hey Pete that a great idea, that should blow there minds -- Ha Ha.

I thought to myself hey this guy is coming out of his shell, I wonder if he will carry through with his suggestion.

Well that weekend was good, the weather was good, we never split up and did everything together and the we realize our Dads were due to arrive. We were all out on the front lawn enjoying ourselves when I heard the sounds of a truck arriving. I said nothing I was happy with myself and could not care less if any one objected to me being totally naked; most of the crew was also naked. Let's face it that was the object of this weekend to bond with our group. I think we had all ready done that well and truly.

Well the Dads did find us in a daisy chain fucking each other; very quickly our dads had stripped off and were joining in. That night all of us went and joined up with our dads in their room and I think all of us sleep with our dads.

Early next morning we are woken up at 04:30 hrs, a quick shower is taken and to hell with shaving, into the dinning room for a good breakfast and then into the vehicles heading back to the Oil Patch.

Neil speaks up - Ok guys get changed into your work gear the fun is over for now and you all join up with your fathers in whatever work they are assigned.

Dad turns to me and says, well son you are going to get real dirty today but its part of your education you are going to pair up with Cody on Rig # 7 which is expected to hit oil today.

My day is dirty but you know I enjoyed it, I was covered in mud and oil, I really didn't care because I knew I could clean up later in the day Cody was a great guy to be with as he made sure I was never in danger. When the day finished I had to thank Cody so I gave him a great big very tight hug, he looked into my eyes and said mate if you join us I would like you on the rig.

I get into the locker room and strip off; Cody said throw all your gear into the laundry basket. Like everyone else totally naked and I feel no self-consciousness about being in the position, I head for the shower and start scrubbing down. Cody says hey Jack come here and get you back scrubbed to get that shit off. Cody really does scrub my back and then washes my back totally back including around my rear passage but does not interfere in that area, OK Jack now give my back a going over please and I repeat the same areas -- thanks mate that will do a good great job; Cody heads out, I rinse off and I also head to my room.

On entry to my room Dad is already in his room and calls our, you ready for dinner Yep, just let me get my jeans on and a tee shirt. We he head for the dinning room. This evening I notice all our crews are with their dads.

We order, dads having a steak I'm having steak & kidney pie. We start talking he asks me about how the others are getting along. I simply said the best thing that happened was the time at the resort it broke down all the barriers -- That what I want to here.

So how did you get on today? I enjoyed the experience, what about the dirty conditions? So what's that matter you get dirty you scrub up later. Actually I enjoyed the day very much and Cody is great guy, he is quiet but had his eyes on me I know most of the time so I didn't screw up. Well that a nice compliment to Cody thanks for that information.

I guess you are back in the classroom to get your marks relating to the First Aid Course and then assignment to a crewmember for the rest of your time here. Sound good to me says Jack, so what do you think of this operation as far as you have seen it. Well Dad I like what I see, I'm not a tradesman so all I can do is basically is a laborers type job, the only other area is office type work but I don't really want that. I prefer to be where the real work is, so that is my opinion.

Neil looks at me and says nothing he is in deep thought, Jack you tell me you don't mind the dirty work conditions -- that's correct I say. Well you surprise me; however I'm sort of pleased with your comments because it's going to be interesting to see what the rest of your crew says. Thanks for being honest with me so let go to bed. Dad says he has to be up early so we sleep in our own beds and close the communicating door

Next morning I shower dress in clean work gear have breakfast and head for the training room. A couple of the guys are already there and they ask me what I did yesterday, the comment was yuck I don't know if I could handle that. I found out both of them had spent there day in the machine shop. A few moments later the rest of the crew showed up with the First Aid Instructor.

OK guys lets all sit down, first lets deal with your FA Exams all I can say is some of you guys did rather strange things however it would not cause any problems to the patient.

I'm now going to call out all those that passed by your name to collect your certificates. Everyone is on edge suddenly I hear my name called! I go forward, collect my certificate, and sit down again.

By the time all the names were called out the instructor congratulations guys as you can see you all passed -- that really makes me very pleased because very often one or two don't make it the first time. Now in with your certificate you will see a little plastic bag attached with a color badge. I want you all now to attach this to your ID dog tag. Look at your dog tag and on the left-hand side at the bottom is totally clear this is where you attach this badge. Simply peel off the backing and attach it; please try and get it square.

The boss is coming in shortly and he is going to ask you what you did with your Dad's and try and find out if your dad's work interested you -- while the instructor is telling all of us about the Bosses visit Neil comes into the room.

Hi Neil says the instructor I have been telling our group about what you are going to be asking and by the way this entire group has their basic first aid tickets now. Wow that's really great, it's sometime since we have had a 100% passed and Neil shakes the instructor hand and to you guys congratulations also.

Now I'm going to start at the back of the room, please tell me you're Dad's name and then your name. Neil points to first guy, stands up and says Dads name is John Smith mine is Keith. So Keith what did you do with your dad yesterday, Dads a shift electrician and so I followed him around doing different repair jobs throughout the plant. Did you find it interesting Keith -- yes I did -- great thank you Keith, next one please and so it went on until we got to Tony.

He told us his dads name was Tom Brown and his was Tony, well dad does deliveries around the plant using a small truck he is attached to the supply stores. Neil asks were you interested in what your dad did. To be honest no I want to something more constructive, that's interesting Tony what do you have in mind? Well enjoy draughting relating to engineering designs -- thank you Tony I will keep that in mind.

Eventually it became my turn and when asked what I did yesterday I told it the same way I had told my dad the previous evening. When asked would like to work in that area all the time I said I felt it would be good to work in similar work for at least two years and then slowly move up as ultimately I want your job and the only way to have an understanding is to have actually work in those areas.

Yes some jobs are pretty dirty but so what it all scrubs off in the showers. Thank you Jack. Finally Neil had questioned everyone he collected his notes and left the room.

Our instructor said well guys you all have many different ideas and I congratulate you Tony you seem to know what you want that's good. I like also your thinking Jack so this afternoon we will all move around to a different Dad and go with him for the rest of the day.

The next day and for the rest of time at the Oil Patch we moved around to different dads so that we all got an idea of what really went on.

I didn't see much of my dad until Friday evening when we finally got together, Dad asked me if I would like to go camping Saturday night this way I can show you something of the countryside which to me is very beautiful. I said that would be great as we would totally on or own thanks I hope you would agree.

Well early Saturday we loaded up Dads truck and headed out, we had with us a fair amount of food and dad said we are going to stop and pick up a couple of cases of beer unless you Jack would prefer something else? No beer is just fine

Well Dad certainly knew the back roads; the scenery was fabulous eventually we ended up at a Pub where we had some lunch and a couple of beers. After this lunch I felt that Dad was finally relaxing. I offered to drive only requiring him to navigate. Eventually we finished up on a high ridge which gave a great view of the surrounding area -- I suggested we stayed here for the night -- Dad quickly agreed.

Well we setup our tent and sleeping bags which dad said zip them together it will be warmer for both of us.

We sat outside with a beer in our hands and a good fire going just watching the local scenery basically looking for wildlife.

Suddenly I see some Elk and nudge Dad to point them out, he smiles and puts thumb up, saying great good for you. It get dark early this time of the year so we went to bed early and not necessarily to sleep but to talk and enjoy each other company.

During our talk understandable Dad asks me if I was willing to join him in the Oil Patch. I looked at him and ask why you asked the obvious of course I want to come up here because I feel the camaraderie is great and every person I have meet is so supportive I just want to be part of it. When can I start?

Hey dad I need you to fuck me and make a real "Oil Patch Man" of me, no problem Son I will be delighted to carry out your request.

Well that night my Dad really did it to me he Fucked me on a continuous basis and I enjoyed knowing that it was my Dad and that in time I will no doubt's get fucked by others and I will also fuck a number of guys and I hope they enjoy my approach. We both fell asleep I think due to exhaustion, any way we eventually woke up around 08:30hrs the next morning that is really late for Dad and for me since I have been here.

Well we had a good breakfast of sausage, bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast a little burnt. We also made a big pot of tea and drink that until the pot was dry.

The Dad said to me are you sure you want to join our crew, I said yes! So what type of work do you want to do? Start at the bottom and work my way up because I want as I said before Your Job.

Dad said nothing for a period and then said Jack come here please and when I was within reaching distance he grabbed me and got me in a really very tight bear hug. Oh Jack I'm so proud of you, I like your attitude you have a job here so how long will it take for you to clean up your affairs down south.

Now don't forget to give your employer proper notice and ask them for a reference before you leave. Now the other thing how is your apartment rental setup? Oh monthly. Ok do you have much furniture? A small amount but nothing of any real value I got it mostly from friends and other sources.

There is one thing Dad you may not approve of is the matter of my rubber gear.

Dad is looking at me rather strangely, what do you mean by rubber gear. I explain and afterwards dad says I will be very interest to see this gear of yours.

Basically you are saying it will take you a couple of weeks to clean up everything -- yes I think that is correct. Now what sort of thing are you expecting to bring up here, well my computer, camera, clothing of course.

So did your apartment come supplied with pot and pans, plates etc? Yes actually it did; I have bought some extra items OK so what do you plan to do with them? Hadn't given that any though, so do you have a good friend that might store them for you? Yes Roger, Oh who is Roger? A great guy and like me enjoys wearing rubber clothing in fact we go out in our gear to some of the Gay local pub and clubs.

Does Roger have an Email address yes do you have it with you -- yes in my wallet OK then I suggest you Email him tonight and tell him of your plans and ask he can store these items for you. Come into my room and use my laptop -- by the way what about your bedding, why yes I have sheets and blankets of course. Well are they in good condition? They are some of those from your old house when you shut it down and disposed of it. Well I suspect they have pretty well had it. If they are still any good make sure they are clean and take them to the Sally Ann -- well that's sorted out.

Pack your goods in cardboard boxes mark on the outside what they contain and make sure your name is on the box in at least two places. Then take they to our air terminal ask then for fragile labels for your computer equipment.

You took a fancy to Cody didn't you, I look at dad and start blushing well yes I did he is a great guy from what I have seen of him.

I will check the flight schedules in the morning and let you know when the next return flight is to the Oil Patch.

Dad grabs me and said son; you're attitude is a healthy one, and I very proud of you. Now talking of attitude I think we need to get much closer and have some fun and you can tell me about this rubber gear and how you got into this fetish.

Well I explain everything how Roger and I often go out to get here simply as good friends we are not lovers or anything but enjoy each other company. Roger has a motorcycle and he has taught me to ride it and in fact for a short time I had a bike but I really was not getting a lot of use and then it was stolen. The police eventually found it all chopped up so the insurance paid me out and simply have never replaced it. That's a point do you have a car license. Yes but I don't own a car because work is so close I generally walk to work. So your license is up to date, yes in fact I had to renew it about two months ago -- good because you may need that here. Question do you still have your motor cycle riding gear if so bring it with you please, I said Oh looking question at Dads face, yes your O'l man has a dirt bike and takes off at times into the bush, this way I can have some company. In fact I think Cody also rides so you will have some common ground with him as well.

Well the time was fast approaching our departure day and that last evening a big dinner was put on for all the dads and sons to join together. It turned out that all but two guys wanted to return. That evening after dinner Neil my Dad got up to make speech and said how pleased he was at the support everyone has given to help educate these young guys as he put it and especially happy for all the Dads here who will be having there sons working close bye.

Now as we all know this is a dry camp however there are exceptions that allow for a special toast. Hey Allan where are you hiding, the dining room door opens and Allan has found cases of beer for all to celebrate. Once the beers are passed around Neil makes a toast to our new intake -- our Son's!

There is a lot of clinking of beer cans and every one is in a really happy mood, dinner is over and we all start moving around checking on different mates that we have come to know. I find out who is not joining us and once they tell me why I can fully understand their reasons. Regrettably in one case it turns out his father really didn't treat him very well as a kid and never kept in proper contact, the other already had a very good job that was paying far more than he would ever get here, however George said it's been a wonderful experience so see what his Dad really did and he is very thankful that he got invited up here. Apparently they plan for George to come up on vacation later in the year when his dad has time off and they are going camping.

I return and give my notice in at work, my employer asks me a lot of questions about the Oil Patch and tried to answer the best I could and in the end he said good luck to me and my future endeavors.

I got hold of Roger the evening I got home and asked, what you doing? Nothing much why? Well get your butt over here I have lots to tell you.

It didn't take Roger long to arrive and he came with a case of beer! So was so important Jack? Well I'm going to work in the Oil Patch; you're going to do what! Yes I have a job and I want to start at the bottom and work my way up. Roger's mouth is open but nothing is coming out his face is of total surprise. Good grief man what ever made you considers moving to an isolated place like that.

Well it may sound isolated but when you are living with people that are really friendly want to help you any way possible. Also there are lots of outside activities you can do. If the weather is lousy there is a swimming pool, gym, sauna, and library and so it goes on. The accommodation is good, your room is serviced daily the only difference being showers and toilets are communal but after all it's all men so what's the problem.

So what are you going to do about your rubber gear, take it with me -- believe or not might get my Dad might become a Rubberman; that will be a first says Roger.

Now here is something I'm going to ask you, can you store a few items for me until decide what to do with them. Basically it will be some clothing and a few other items. Sure no problem at all, so what are you going to do with your furniture, well I either had it given me or got from a thrift shop with the exception of the coffee table. I tell you what I could use some of this furniture it far better than mine and it would allow me to upgrade. That can be your payment of rent for life long storage. Oh thanks Mate you're great.

Well the next two weeks went fast and I was soon on my way, Roger drove me to the private air terminal with my computer etc all packed away in cardboard containers. On the way I fished out my ID dog tag and put it on Roger looked at me and says what's that? Well it's my ID, my plane ticket and anything else you can think of it even allows me to purchase items from the base at the concession.

It's my room key; it has my blood type and Social Security Number and other private info. If you got hurt on the job, the First Aid person runs his scanner other the bar code and blood type and medical number is displayed with out asking a lot of silly questions. It gives me access to all parts of the operation that I'm entitled to be. In other words it's your master key to the situation Well l guess that is a good way of putting it. We arrive at the air terminal and stopped at the gate, the watchman sees my ID and just said this friend delivering my freight for the oil patch. The watchman scans my card and says Hi Jack I'm Peter go around that way and you will see the freight building see Joe in there I will let him know you are on the way -- thanks Peter.

Roger looks at me, my god just like that you getting treated like as gentleman. We soon spot the freight terminal and on entry Joe is there calling out this way please Jack, so what have you got. Just four boxes two of them are fragile, immediately Joe gets the stickers and marks the boxes well.

We then head for the terminal building, just before leaving the car I give Roger a big hug and thanks mate please keep in touch. I'll send you my email address as soon as its setup sounds good.

On arrival at the Terminal building I see several of the others from my group they quickly come over and we all get hugs great to see you Jack you obliviously got everything tidied up OK, I said yes with the help of my Friend here this is Roger, nice to meet you Roger are you coming with us? Not at the moment may be later, well we look forward to seeing you one day because if you are a friend of Jack you must be OK.

We get word to move out on the runway, I give Roger a great big bear hug look after yourself mate and meet some other rubbermen there plenty around.

This time on the plane everyone is talking and the time goes very quickly, on arrival we are meet by a bus that takes us over to the complex "Home from Home", we are allocated our same rooms so that all our crew have an adjoining room with their Dads.

I head for my room and find my boxes already there much to my surprise, I look around the room and I see a suitable location for my computer so I get unpacked and connected up to make sure its working OK. I notice by the phone jack there is a network jack also. I checked my cables and I find I do have a suitable cable.

While getting everything together I heard Dad come in next door, very soon there is a knock at the communicating door -- come in Dad. Well I see you already got everything here that's good how you are making out. Here is your new Email address, password, and a help sheet with all the setting. You can change your password once you connect to the network. That's great I can send an Email to Roger that I have arrived with everything and this will give him my new address.

By the way Roger drove me to the air terminal with my freight. He is a little devastated that I have moved I'm beginning to think he does not have that large circle of friends.

So tell me about Roger what does he does for a living? He's a computer network administrator and also does repairs to machines on the system. Oh that's interesting I know the company is looking for someone with that type of knowledge by the way how long has he's worked for his present company, do you know? Well I first meet him at School and we have been friends ever since and I think at least five years, I know this company heard about him and went after him and made a good offer.

Give me his phone number and tell me who he works for please I'm going to pass his name on. Glad you made it OK I have some work to do I'll see at dinner later.

Well I eventually got all my stuff put away including my rubber gear motorcycle gear most of which I hung in the closet which was really bigger than one expects.

I decide to go down to the coffee shop to get something to drink, as I was so thirsty. While there a couple of my old crew John & Jim came in and so we sat together for a good BS. We all had very different stories about moving John said it was difficult about leaving a lot of his friends but one of then put it well by saying look John none of us really have a decent job our wages are not that good. Can you come down to visit us on your time off, yet you will be building your bank account whereas we have a difficult time in putting anything away. Go Mate make the most of your opportunity don't waste it -- were only jealous.

So John what's your choice here, I want to get an electrical apprenticeship however I have to work as a gofer for six months but I accept that. What are you doing Jack -- well as I said before I want to start at the bottom and work my way up the ladder. So I'm going to start on one of the drilling rigs, both John & Jim said oh man that's real shitty work do you think you can handle it -- YES I have made my mind up to do it because I want the Bosses job! Isn't that your Dad, yep that's right? There laughing you mean to say you are prepared to get really dirty, some of those guys look totally filthy I said yes but it scrubs off. Yes your back can get very dirty however the crew all help each other and wash there mates back to get the dirt off.

You think back we all shared a room at the resort why do you think that happened it was to see how we all bonded together lucky for all of us we did that in several ways. John & Jim are blushing, I start laughing, you two are funny because I'm sure you both made out with your Dad's the same as everyone else did. That was a very special weekend for me because I really got to know my dad very much better.

Due to circumstances beyond our control I think we are all Gay I know I'm and proud of it. Just look around and think how things are on this site. It seems like a very happy site, no one goes around flirting the fact they are gay either, it's just a known fact and totally accepted. You know Jack I don't think either of us had thought in that way you have put my mind more at ease because for all of us this it is a new experience.

I doubt if any one of our group has ever lived in camp before, despite all the facilities that are provided free of charge and although I have not had time to use them yet I intend too do so later today. Well I'm going swimming right now anyone else joining me? Oh heck why not dinner is another two hours away and so we all go swimming.

Eventually we go to our rooms, Dad is already there and calls out Hi Jack you got a minute sure dad be there in a moment, I enter dads room so did you get your computer working OK yes and I sent a message to Roger we will see what his comments are. Oh that reminds me don't say anything to Roger about what we were discussing earlier today, no problems dad. Oh dad what we talk about in our rooms stays in our rooms as far as I'm concerned. Thanks Jack, which brings me to something else I'm going to suggest we keep the connecting door closed.

The idea is should you wish to bring a friend into your room it is of no concern to you or me. If we want to talk or socialize we either phone the each other or knock on the door and wait for an answer.

You know Dad that's a good idea I'm all for it, while we are talking my phone rings Hi Jack here, It's Allan Jack from the office welcome to our family I'm so glad you have joined us. The reason I'm calling is we need you to join up with Cody on the drill rig to-morrow, I'm sorry but you are going to get thrown in right in to it as his crew has a guy out sick. By the way Cody asked for you and that's great he is a good guy and will never do anything unsafe -- Good luck Mate on your first day on the JOB.

Dad is looking at me sort of asking what was the call was about, oh that Allan advising me about work tomorrow I'm to join up with Cody and I was told I was getting thrown in as one of Cody's crew has become sick.

I tell you what we better all your gear together tonight because the rig crew starts at 06:00 hrs come on you need red coveralls, another hardhat a red one, and safety equipment. You had better get a better pair of work boots they have some real good ones and I suggest you get a size larger than you need and use two pairs of socks for comfort, they need to be 18" high sometime referred to as 16 holes. The work boots are charged to you and the cost gets deducted from your pay.

It didn't take dad long to get things organized and I finished up with four pairs of heavy weight coveralls which are flame resistant, the coveralls were all stenciled with my name across the back also my Hardhat also got labeled with my name and bar-code.

Well dad and I had dinner together we returned to our rooms, I did some more sorting out of my goods but turned in early; set my phone for an early call, this it totally automatic.

I soon fell asleep only to be woken up by the phone ringing -- Good you're awake the time is 05:15 hrs. Have a good day, work safe.

Well I show up at the pickup area I see Cody, great to see you Jack let me re-introduce you to the rest of my crew. Kim, Don, Joe well guys we are one family right and Cody put his arms around his crew and they pulled me in, welcome Jack lets go and do it.

We get into the van and head out, Don Say hey Jack do keep your goggles on shit flies around at times so at least are protected. What happened to the guy I'm replacing. They laugh; silly bugger was in the gym and dropped some weights on his foot breaking several bones. Oh dear that I have to admit is rather funny poor bastard, I bet it hurt like hell. Yes he says it did, so where is he at the moment. He is in the complex - medical center, he's been given the opportunity of going back down south while he recuperates however he says he prefers to stay here with all his mates.

Well that first day on the job went well as far as I'm concerned, Cody says well guys lets head to the showers so we take off in the van and return to the complex.

We head into the dirty room and strip off our boots, coveralls which get thrown into the laundry basket I follow suit as others are washing there hardhats and goggles. We eventually get into the shower, now I should mention the showers area arrange in groups of six with many showerheads

Well it feels good the hot water pounding ones back, Don says hey Cody you got your clippers handy I need a haircut please sure thing mate. Cody nips off back to his locker and then calls out come on Don Lets get you cleaned up. Cody basically shaves all Don's hair off and I must admit Don looks good, anyone else need a shave. Yes please Cody do me please OK Jack we going to make you a good driller right guys, Kim shouts out good on you Jack it's the only way to go.

Cody says want anywhere else shaving, I quickly look around and realize most are shaved in there public area, yes do my balls please OK lay on the bench. I lay there totally relaxed with my hands behind my head, Cody calls out hey Don come her please just hold Jack's Cock while I get around his balls, OK Jack front done roll over we need to get your arse done as well. Finally Cody has finished and I get under the shower to rinse of all the hair-clippings buy this time I have a real good hard on but I'm not embarrassed at all.

Kim says hey Cody you got a good driller here do you think he's up to it, Oh yes Jack can do just as well as anyone of us. Well this shower finished up with me getting fucked by all but I also fucked all my new mates. Finally Cody says Ok guys Jack here is certainly one of us as I slapped on the back by Don good on you mate welcome to our group, I get the same treatment from the rest of our crew.

I think its time we had some grub I'm hungry tonight says Cody; we put our gear back into the dirty locker and get our clean clothes out.

On entry to the dinning room I see my dad but I join my crew as I feel it's important to complete the bonding with them. We all have steak, baked potatoes, mushrooms and some salad, I grab milk for a drink, we talk a lot basically they are asking me lots of questions about what I did before coming to the Oil Patch also what I did for enjoyment. Did I go to any gay pubs or clubs, I said yes and I enjoyed the fetish nights, Oh was the answer so what did you wear cameo gear and boot etc. Yes sometimes I did but I also wore rubber gear, you did what I wore rubber gear and in fact I'm known as a proud Rubberman.

OK please explain what a rubberman really is, so I asked do you guys have computer yes was the answer OK go to the following address if you look carefully at last year pictures you will find me in some of the photos.

Anyway guys you have worn me out today I'm heading for bed see you all in the morning. I get into my room and the phone rings, its dad asking if I'm free, yes sure come on in. As Dad enter the room he looks and then says Jack I like your new haircut very sensible did Cody do it for you yes I said, then he laughed I guess you also got fully shaved and converted into a driller -- that's right dad and I feel really good about that. By the way I was glad to see all eating together that meant to me you have already bonded and that is so important in my opinion since in the times of an emergency the crews really help and look after each other.

Well the next few days went really well until we had a major lightning storm come in and everyone was pulled off the rigs for safety. Suddenly there was an all mighty explosion and we could see a fireball. The alarms went off, our crew still had their work gear on and Cody got paged to head out and help with a problem at number ten rig. Cody simply called out Guys we go now! Everyone went out and took one of the vans and head out to Rig ten. When arrived we found several crew members injured. Cody's on the mobile phone reporting what he sees and has indicated for us to an assist the injured well we all do what we can,

I have a guy who to me has broken his leg; I do the best I can by splinting it and with assistance get him on a stretcher ready to move out. We hear the ambulance coming. They load him first and there another two guys that have got blinded by the lighting flash they are escort tot the Ambulance also which then heads off back to the Medical Center.

We double check around for anyone else and can find no one and so we head back to base but on the way we call in to the Medical Center to find out how the guys are doing. My guy apparently I diagnosed correctly, I have to admit I was shit scared I might have make a mistake, the nurse ask who dealt with the guy I said I did nurse -- she said thank Jack good job done there. Well that made me feel better because I was as I said scared I might have made a mistake.

The emergency is stood down and we all go to the showers to scrub up. Same old routine scrub our hard hats and wash our goggles get our coveralls into the dirty basket for the laundry.

While in the shower Cody said quietly to me great job Jack; Terry will asking later who helped him because he will want to thank you most likely with a big hug, thanks Cody for your confidence in me. Must admit I was scared as hell that I might be doing the wrong thing -- don't worry you only do your best we are all here to support you.

Further more quit worrying; I was watching you while you attended to Terry and what is important you were compassionate in the way you treated him.

Now lets get your back scrubbed Jack; oh yes please. I get my back well and truly scrubbed and do the same for Cody. The rest of the crew is watching but staying out of it until Cody says hey guys give Jack the required congratulation for a job well out at rig ten. With that I was offered the entire crews arse to fuck.

I said guys I can only manage one at this time it your choice who is to receive my pleasure -- common voice was go for it Cody. So Cody leant over a stool exposing his arse to me. I decided to use my tongue first to get him worked up before actually fucking him. The others stood around keeping the scene sort of private, It was not long before I was fucking Cody and all that came out him; man do it hard and heavy Jack. Suddenly the animal instinct took over and I really went to town, I was able to keep this up for nearly ten minutes then suddenly I felt my balls rise and I knew I would be shooting very soon.

Quickly I was shooting load after load into Cody, I must have done about five or six loads when Cody calls out hey Don get me a butt plug please. Hold it there Jack I don't want to loose your cum, Don has returned with an inflatable butt plug which he slips in and inflate it, then removes the inflator.

Thank you Jack you going to do OK because you are open what do you guys say eh? Kim says I'm glad it was Jack with Terry and not me because I'm never happy doing first aid, that's fair enough but you always come through when needed that is the main thing. Well Kim this was my first time and I was scared shitless I would screw up, so join the club.

The next day there was a message for me to go and see Terry so after getting scrubbed up I went over to the Medical Center -- the nurse on duty said, oh hi Jack; Terry is in the bed down there on the left -- thanks.

I soon found Terry and I found him really cheerful, he sees me coming towards him. I say Hi Terry you asked to see me, yes so you're Jack not the best place to meet up. How long have you been here Jack, not long just over a week? That surprises me because although I had a lot of pain you were very professional in the way you worked. Come here you devil I want to say thank you, with that Terry pulls me towards him and gets me in a big hug. Then he says thanks for your help and he suddenly kisses me, I respond in the freely by rolling my tongue around the inside of his mouth.

Terry looks at me and says I think you worked on similar patch before coming here, I said no I simply came up here at the suggestion of my Dad and I joined the group know as the Yellow men under training! Well you certainly have learnt quickly good luck to you, please come and visit anytime. If I'm not here I hope to back in my own room #401 just phone me and I can tell you where I'm located.

I went into the dinning room a little late and most guys had left, my crew was nowhere to be seen. I simply took a table and as I sat down Dad came in and said you on your own, yes I was late getting here do you mind if I join you. Sit down Dad and how was your day I ask. Pretty good and you will be interested Roger has been contacted by the company and they are inviting him up here. Don't say anything just waits and see if he tells you ahead of time.

We have our dinner and go our own ways; I head to my room to check my Email.

There is a message from Roger, I read it carefully and he asking me what is the name of the company I work for because he has been invited to look at a job in the Oil Patch. He also says the salary offered is almost twice what he gets right now.

I Email him the name of the company I work for and say this offer sounds very good I wonder what the job really is and what sort of working conditions.

I then tell Roger of my experience in doing First Aid and how the guy hurt thanked me.

I kept it short as I said I was going to bed shortly as I had to be up by 05:15hrs since we started work at 06:00 hrs. I look for more info from you to-morrow.

A couple of days went by and Dad told me that Roger has agreed to come and visit the site. So firstly which are your days off for the next couple of weeks then you can tell Roger about the place. I'll also get a room for you two out at the resort. Which would be best two single beds or a king size bed it your choice.

Well Dad we have never slept together before but lets go for the king sized bed as we must break the ice and make sure he will fit in -- Right Dad! My Dad slapped me on the back, congratulations you fallen on your feet really good you know what we want.

I soon get a message from Roger that he is going to visit and has been asked to stay for a week, which he has accepted.

Due here next Thursday morning flight, which means he should arrive about 13:00hrs. His visit sort of excites me mainly because he has been a real good friend. My other thoughts are what I do with gear in store, Oh well I can always sell it and start again when I return south, which I think, is going to be a long time.

It seemed a long time for next Thursday to arrive, I told Cody what was happening and he says that sounds interesting, so what does your friend do that is special. Oh no wonder they want him, he going to get well looked after, will you get any time with him. I said yes I have room out at the resort for two nights with him. My job is to make sure he willing to get bonded -- Cody says that is great, I hope your friend cooperates and is willing to bond. I said he is a little shy but I have known him for several years so I'm going to try hard.

Well Jack if you need any help give me a call and I will come out and visit you both if that's Ok with you. You will do that for me, dammed right mate you are a crewmember and any member of (not my crew but) our crew will always help another member -- Thanks for that support.

Eventually Thursday arrives, we have a heavy day and lots mud around we all get well soaked, and all of us are well covered in mud. Suddenly I see Neil's truck stop bye and Roger is with dad, I turn and wave and so does the rest of the crew. We carried on and eventually quit, we all headed for the showers going through the regular routine.

We all get well scrubbed with the assistance of our mates, Cody says do you want a hair cut Jack, hey that's a good idea I'll have a shave else where please no problems. Hey guys we should all do the same thing please I'll explain later.

After my shave and haircut I shower again getting rid of any loose hair and I'm told to get out and dressed. Go enjoy yourself; I head off to my room as Dad is going into his room accompanied by Roger. Roger does not recognize me because of my new style haircut -- I chuckle to myself. I get a clean pair of jeans and a fresh tee shirt. The evening is warm so go with out sock and just my sandals.

The phone rings, its dad on the phone saying I've got someone here who would like to see you how about coming in via our door. Ok I'll be there in a moment -- seeing you shortly.

On entry into Dad's room I say Hi Roger it's sure nice to see you, Roger looks at me and then burst out laughing and says I didn't recognize you, what the hell have you done with all your hair. What's it look like, it's the new me and I tell you I should done it a long time ago. I walk over to Roger and instead of shaking his hand I give a big hug.

Well you too will have a lot to talk about now Jack go and show Roger around the complex so he can see what we have to offer here -- sure thing Neil. Once you're finished please bring Roger back here so we can talk.

Well I take Roger around showing all the facilities that the place has to offer and what was good most areas were being well used. Now I knew Terry was still in the Medical Center so I gave him a phone call and said I have a friend who would like to meet you is it OK -- Great says Terry no one has been in this evening, we will be there shortly. I explained to Roger someone gets injured at work and unless it's very serious it's all dealt with here. Terry the other day broke his leg, there was a blast of some sort and he get thrown around his work area and our crew got callout to assist in making the area safe and to help any of the crew that were hurt.

Roger's comment Oh so someone on the crew has a First Aid ticket? I said yes we all have to have a ticket and I got mine when I came up for that three-week trip prior to starting here. Actually to the best of my knowledge everyone has one but you can ask Neil about that. I get my ID dog tag out and show Roger the sticker indicating that I have a FA Ticket.

So you wear your dog tag all the time, yes we all do even in the showers they are 100% water proof and any thing else proof. By this time we have arrived at the Medical Center the duty Nurse oh hi Jack, Terry's looking forward to seeing you would you guys like a tea or coffee, I said that would be nice I'll have tea please Roger the same for me please. We are soon with Terry and the nurse has got one of the helpers to bring the tea in and coffee for Terry. Roger is asking how they are treating him here, real great my leg was X-Rayed this afternoon and to-morrow I'm going to be putting some weight on it so we are on the mend. That's quick for a break because Jack here tells me you only did this the other day.

Are says Terry I bet Jack didn't you half the story; he is the guy that fixed me up out there on Rig 10 and very grateful for what he did. Roger looks at me and I feel my face getting red with embarrassment. Well Terry we going to leave you I'll see you again tomorrow all being well -- see you Jack.

I head back for my room and on the way Roger says to me this place seems like great big family, everyone is so friendly I cannot believe it. So Roger what do you think so far? You know I really like what I see so far its all very attractive and the salary they are offering me in incredible. Well I hope you like the outdoor because they're some really great places to get away for a couple of days. The company even has a resort an amazing place -- tell me more asks Roger as we enter my room. Dad hears us come in, Jack bring Roger in here so that we can have a talk. I take Roger into Dad asks me where I have been that's good for starters. Now Roger please sit down there a few thing that I would like to discuss with so I start make my out of the room Dad says please stay Jack you may be of help here but before you sit down would you go to the concession and grab three ginger ales please. I head out and dad immediately asks Roger vital questions are you gay?

Roger looks very surprised at a question likes this and does not really know how to answer. Neil realizes he has possibly been too direct; sorry Roger but I know that you and Jack have been good friends for several years now and don't worry I know Jack is gay and I know about his rubber fetish because he has told me; for your information I'm also gay.

A great number of the crews here are gay and believe me they are the best guys to have working for you as they bond together and look after each other backs.

Roger got his second wind back and says, yes I guess I'm gay all my buddies are men. Neil gets up and shakes Roger's hand and then returns to his seat just as Jack arrives with the Ginger Ale.

Now to-morrow I'm sending you and Jack out to our resort I want you Jack to explain anything and everything about this operation and also what we call bonding, you're booked in for two nights, the second night I will join you to check on progress. I want you to enjoy yourselves and look forward to hearing all about what you get up too when I arrive.

Jack I have pickup available for you from 08:00 hrs tomorrow until it's return, just make sure the fuel tank is filled before you leave. Roger, have you a warm coat, if not Jack can borrow something from the supply stores for you.

Go and take Roger to his room he has #380 assigned to him while he is here. Come on Roger grab your bag and I'll show you where the room is including the toilet block.

You need your ID Tag swipe it over the pad and your door will unlock, oh that's pretty neat, and yes your ID Tag is set to open only those places that you are entitled to have access too.

I kick the door closed, and grab Roger pushing him down on the bed and say Mate you won't regret moving up here it's the best thing that I have done and I hug him like crazy and we start kissing. I start pulling my tee shirt off and undoing my pant belt, then getting Rogers pants down. We enjoy each other company for nearly an hour while we quietly talk about things in general.

Eventually I said I think we both need sleep you had a long day and so have I; as I leave I say I'm going to the showers before bed if you feel more comfortable having me there be ready in three minutes as I will stop bye and we can go together, oh thanks that sounds like a good idea.

I strip off wrap the towel around my waist and head for Roger, he looks a little surprised to see me stripped this far but I said we all do it this way.

There was no one showering when we entered I suggested Roger joined me in one of the multiply showers and offered to scrub his back. You'll scrub my back that will be a first for sure. Well we didn't waste anytime and soon returned to our rooms.

I could see Dads light was still on under door, he must have heard me because there was gentle tap on the door, so how did you make out -- Good dad, and Roger seems to like what he has seen so far. That's great, bye the way I have arranged for the room at the resort right next to the sling room which has great selection of bondage and other items available for you two to use, you also have a connecting door to that room which is your for the time you are there -- just enjoy. With that it was my turn to hug my Dad, saying I wish you had invite me up here a couple of years ago I just really cannot believe how everyone acts, so friendly and helpful. Oh by the way Jack take your rubber gear with you; I want to see it. Sure thing Dad I'll let you try some of it out .

Well I slept well that night and slept in until about 07:30 hrs when my phone rang it was Roger asking when breakfast was. So you're hungry eh! Hope you slept well -- his answer was yes and he dreamt all sort of things but can't remember any of them now, oh well that's the way it goes sometimes.

I tell you what; I assume you have already showered and dressed, well no I'm actually still in bed. OK I meet you in a few minutes in the showers and especially for you I will shower.

I throw a towel around my waist and head for toilet block, first a good crap -- Oh that feels better -- god that's strong, dammed good thing the ventilation is good.

I'm in the shower, and decide to give my head a shave and also else where, doing under the water is a good place, much easier when you have someone to help at those difficult places. Roger arrives, morning mate got a job for you, I want you to shave some awkward parts Oh I'm not sure I can do that in public, its fine we all help each other. While Roger is hesitate to help out Cody comes in for a late shower and see me. Hi Jack I thought you were heading out, yes I said later this morning, hey Cody come and meet my old mate Roger -- Great to see you Roger what is your type of work, computer programmer and network maintenance. A little to technical for me but I'm sure you a re good otherwise they would never invite you up here.

Cody can you give me a shave please, sure mate got your gear, yes it's here on the bench. Cody looks through my gear and says where are your clippers, should be there not to worry mine are in my locker Cody nips off back and comes back with his clippers. I assume you would like the usual sure go for it mate will do.

Roger is watching what is going on and the look on his face when Cody says you want the rest done, yes please OK lay across the bench and so I get my cock and balls shaved completely, turn over and I will do your arse. I get a smack on my arse that it now you can do me please. So the same routine is carried out, once Cody is finished he says to Roger well mate are you next.

Roger looks at Cody and then me and then says what the hell if it's good enough for you to have it done it has to be good enough for me. I might just as well get used to it since everyone seems to do it here and they made a dammed good offer to attract me to the Oil Patch.

That's great Roger who do you wish to do the job, well it's your choice I look at Cody and say go for it since you have more experience.

Well Roger looses his hair and actually looks good as he has a nice shaped head, so Roger would like anywhere tidied up? You mean you would do my cock and a ball sure if that is what you wish. Go for it please Cody, it does not take Cody long to complete. Several other guys have passed through and just say Hi nice job Cody.

Well all three of use shower and get well scrubbed just as we finish Roger surprised me as he hugged Cody and said thanks Mate! What this all about asks Cody well you shaved me and made feel like one of you guys, Cody slaps Roger on the back good for you he says and good luck -- by the way enjoy yourself at the resort it's great place. You taking your gear Jack sure thing, wish I was going to be with you guys but this is not the time. See you when you get back.

Roger and I have a good breakfast; I ask Roger what sorts of clothing have got with you. Just basic good pants dress shirt and also good jeans and a couple of tee shirts plus denim jacket of course some shoes and sandals. What size shoes do you wear Roger? Size 10 narrow fitting, OK then you had better use a pair of my boots I'll lend you some thick socks, to that bring your jeans, tee shirts and jacket your sandals and my boots will be adequate.

I decided we will get some additional gear from supply just for safety, did they give you a pair of coveralls yes there is a pair in my closet OK bring them and bring your hardhat. Now we go to supply stores and get a duffle coat for you.

So an hour later I have a set of keys for the truck and we have loaded our bags and head off into the bush. Roger is just looking at the scenery; finally he says this is beautiful I never knew there was countryside like this.

I stopped at good vantage point; Roger just got out of the truck and sat on some tree stump just admiring the scenery.

Well we eventually get to the resort as we approach the reception desk we see a guy, hi welcome my name is Peter you must be Jack sure glad to see you I assume this is Roger, Yes it is, that's great, have you had any lunch, no but we had a good breakfast before we left and we OK.

You're in room # 6 and you have the special room #5, there is a connecting door so you are totally private. Go and enjoy yourselves, your ID tags will open the doors required, thanks Peter.

We head off down the hallway Roger says you seemed to be known around here mate and you have only been here what two months all can say is you must have made an impression. No I was here before when our group came up here for a weekend in what was called bonding weekend, and then we all shared one large dormitory style room and slept in bunk beds.

This time its different so here we are Room #6 on entry the room is quite large with a king size bed and all the things that you would expect in a high-class hotel resort. Come on into my parlor Roger -- I Grab Roger and bear hug him almost squeezing the air out of him. Oh man I am so glad you are thinking of joining us here. Come on let out these clothes off, Roger is sure quick on stripping, mind you I'm not far behind and so we go and have a look at the special room.

I open the door and cannot believe my eyes, there is all sorts of gear there from Bondage Tables, Slings, and St Andrews cross. The is also enema gear so we can get well flushed out, you know I think everyone should do it at least once a week.

I open one of the closets and find a whole lot of leather gear and then they're a whole range of butt plugs plus a big stock of lube. Last item we saw before trying some of the gear was several large boxes of condom of different styles.

I left Roger for a short time and got my rubber gear out; I had previously lubed the inside well before leaving our "Home from Home" base camp. I got my full cat suit on and grab a mask as well. On return I see Roger is looking very closely at the leather gear that includes harnesses and several leather hoods complete with their gags.

I grab Roger and say do want to try some gear out, Oh yes please, well go for it mate it ours to make use of it.

You know I have always wanted to be tied down masked with restrictive breathing and then made to cum -- so you would like! OK let's see what we have for your pleasure, I check to lockers and find an array of different straps and masks. OK Roger into the table first we agree on a release word so there is delay in releasing the "Victim Roger".

I find everything I need and get Roger more that secure; I turn the lights down so he cannot see to easily. I find a suitable hood in my gear it's a two in one unit, the inner hood has a built in face mask which has air tubes that come out on the top of the hood, and there is also an inflatable gag if required. I get the inner hood into place and zipped up, and then the outer hood was laced up making sure it was really snug and finally the laces are trap in a pocket behind a collar strap that was buckled up and lock so the hood cannot be removed without a key.

I had found both a milking machine and a variety of vibrators so to work in trying to make Roger shot his load. He told me that he has been saving for over two weeks so the built up should be quiet spectacular only time will tell.

Well I found at first Roger was not that receptive to my advance however I change tactics and used a fucking machine since the table was equipped with means of using such a machine. Well I tell you this sure excites Roger he was soon moaning and groaning. Thinking about things because Roger going take it on me if I `m not careful. I leave Roger on the fucking machine while I try out the sling and decide I want to get fucked in the sling but by Roger if I can convince him to cooperate.

Suddenly I hear Roger starting to moan and groan, I see he is breathing more deeply, I get hold of his milker and just hold it -- I feel Roger is very close to Cumming and while I'm holding I suddenly realizing that Roger is shooting his load after load of good cum. Finally he is slowly down I start to release Roger's arms and he is wiping his fully rubbered face making noises and I then start to release the hood and once e the hood is off, the first words are Jack that's the most intense experience I've ever had -- Thanks.

I take my place in the sling and Roger gives me a dammed good fucking in the sling -- let me tell you that is one great experience because you feel that you are floating.

Finally we take to the shower and then into the Sauna. We sit there just talking about nothing special. I hear the phone ringing and grab the portable hi jack speaking. Hi Jack it's Peter from the front desk asking if we would like your dinner in our room or would we prefer to come down to the dinning room.

Well Peter I think it would be nice to have it in our room, OK go and check your menu and phone me back please -- Sure thing Peter.

Roger we have a job to do, come in, look at the menu, and see what you would like for dinner.

Roger looks through the items available and then says what are having Jack? That does not matter what ever you feel you would like is your choice.

You know I would like fillet minnow with all the goodies and perhaps a prawn cocktail to start with. That sound good you have convince me to have the same and we will have a bottle of wine also -- Wine says Roger I said yes why not we are not on the work site so it's OK.

I phone Peter and pass on our request; Peter says it should be to your room within 30 minutes. I tell Roger this and suggest we shower and return to our room and wait dinner.

Well we have hardly got back to the room when there is a knock at the door, I call out come in and Peter comes in with a waiter wheeling all the goodies. Between them they soon set thing up and as quickly start to depart, Peter if you need anything just call me please -- Sure thing Peter and thank you, you're welcome Jack.

We have a great dinner, then I say to Roger do you realize you are really relaxing and I must congratulate you -- Roger gives me an odd look and then I say well mate you are same as me we are both Gay and you were not at all concerned. What do you mean -- Ohhhhhh I didn't have anything on, so what's wrong? Nothing I say, we are no different to anyone else we are all built the same.

It's weird you know I seem to be totally relaxed here, something has happened to me, what is it!

Well Roger I think you may have come out of the closet and now feel comfortable with yourself and with the crew here because everyone accepts folks who ever they are; whether you are gay or straight it makes no difference.

Let me ensure you there many straight guys here but they have accepted the situation and in fact don't even care what a person's outlook is.

Well how about watching some porn movies I have several rubber videos, which might interest you.

I have this one just released called Living the life of a rubberman. Sounds interesting let have a look at it - putting the video into the player and just after it starts the phone rings.

I answer and find its Peter on the phone asking if there anything else they would like as since we were the only ones at the resort he was going to close down. My answer everything was great, and then Peter said would you enjoy some liquor, why that would be nice -- if it's OK I will grab a suitable bottle and bring it up to you. I said sounds great and why don't you join us as I think you might help convince our guest that he should take up the offer of employment -- sure I try and help thanks Jack see you shortly. I'll get a shower and change first, sure that's fine -- see you when you arrive and by the way no dressing up either.

We were into the video about 30 minutes and there was a knock at the door, I simply called out come on in! Roger looks at me and is about to get up; I just said Oh sit down you looking real good mate. The look I got was priceless, hi Peter as the door opened. Peter said I'm sure glad you are both sitting comfortably; I think I should do the same and with that Peter takes off his towel that was wrapped around his waist.

Peter produced the liquor and three glasses and then proceeds to fill the glasses. Well guys -- Cheers, the glasses clink, so what are you watching oh some video but it really is not that good.

Peter ask Roger so what do you think of this place, Roger looks at Peter and says I really find it difficult to realize that something like this exist in such a remote place, no wonder some people say you should go north. I'm just beginning to realize that those comments had so much more truth than I ever realized.

Well Roger I was somewhat apprehensive about coming north but I found that since I took the challenge I now wonder why I was feeling that way. For me it's the best thing that I have done. Now for me I'm gay and in some places folks look down there noses when they out but here you live a normal life and at the same time you realize that everyone here doesn't really care whether you are gay or not so long as you do your job as required. Now I have been here ten years and have meet so many great people I really have no need to move on.

The glasses are empty; Peter re-tops them, and well Roger I hope like your mate here that you will come and join us. With that Peter made a real advance on Roger by pulling him over and gave him long and serious kiss. Roger's eyes were glazed over when they came up for air -- Peter you're so kind and convincing what can I say. With that I joined in the love making, and said Roger you can be yourselves here give it a go mate pleases!

After some moments of silence; eventually Roger said, guys you're going overboard I have already made up my mind! When we get back I'm accepting the offer that made to me by Neil.

That's really great mate I'm so pleased because for once you can really be yourself and not worry about what other folk think.

The main thing here is you do your job to the best of your ability and don't try and bullshit any one because you will get found out and if it serious you could get fired -- not a good idea.

I finally said OK guys, now we must enjoy we let go into the other room and really use the equipment available. I will go and get my rubber gear because that might interest you Peter -- Rubber Eh! Oh yes I think you will enjoy.

I had with me the following: - Two cat suits both with feet, gloves and hoods attached, one of the also suits had a cock and ball sheath and an anus probe.

There were a couple of straightjackets, sheathed pants, chaps and a variety of different hoods. There were several different masks one specially modified to give reduced air intake and also for sharing your air with your partners and if required poppers could also be allowed into the air system.

Well all my gear got a good work over that evening and most of the night, eventually I guess we hit the bed around 03:00 hrs and were finally woken up by the phone ringing. It was Dad asking what we were doing. I said we has a heavy night and still in bed. Well that's great it's midday I'll see you about one hours time down in the lounge that way it will give you time to shower and freshen up --see you then.

Roger heard me talking to someone and asked who was that, I said my Dad he wants to see us both down in the lounge in about 50 minutes time.

What says Roger it the middle of the night, no it's not mate is midday all ready -- Oh shit! Come on up and out and I stripped the rest our bed sheets and blankets off the bed.

I head for the shower with a major hard on which is normal for most of us, a few moments later Roger comes into the bathroom and says I feel like hell, what the heck did I drink last night. The same as have, here come some protein for breakfast with that I offer Roger my cock to suck on.

Roger simply falls down in his knees and starts giving me a great blowjob, I don't hold back and so Roger is soon feed well as far as I'm concerned. Roger eventually stands up and after a few minutes under a cold shower says, whew!

That feels a lot better -- good then come on and get your jeans on we have an appointment, what do you mean an appointment just come Roger.

We head out down the stairs and I soon spot Dad, morning or is it afternoon Neil -- well Jack for me I have been up the last five hours so I'm to assume you both had a good evening.

Oh yes says Roger I still feel a bit drunk; I think I should drink some coffee. With that I get up and get a large mug of coffee for Roger, hey Neil would you like some? No I'm fine must leave some for Roger here as I get myself a small coffee as well.

Lets go for a walk says Neil, so as we get up and head out of the door, Neil quietly says to me, Jack once get a reasonable distance from the building please drop back I need to ask Roger some questions -- thanks. As we approach the lake I simply sit down on one of the benches there while Dad & Roger walk on in deep discussion.

Suddenly while I'm looking at something on the water I here my name called, hey Jack what you doing back there. I know my Dad is putting little show on so I play with it -- coming Neil and I soon catch them up.

Hey Jack guess what Roger here wants to join this operation, what do you think about that -- Well that is fantastic I think we will have to celebrate this one what do you think Neil -- One hell of a good idea says Neil.

So Jack you said you were going to bring some of your rubber gear up here so lets go back and have a look at it, have you seen it Roger? Oh yes Jack had me all secured last night. Oh Roger you not suggesting that my son Jack would do a thing like that now would you! I pipe up and said Oh yes dad I got Roger all secured in full rubber and if you ask Roger to answer if he enjoyed himself I'm pretty sure the answer will be yes. Is that so Roger -- Well yes it is -- Good for you at least you're honest -- I like that.

OK guys I want the same treatment, the look on Roger's face is priceless come on Dad lets get you fixed up.

Once back in our room I get my full cat suit out the one with the extras like cock and ball sheath and also inflatable butt plug. I take the suit and spray lot of lube on the inside, now Dad is slightly larger than me but that's fine it will make the suit look real good and hopefully no wrinkles.

OK Dad come and strip off and get into this suit of mine, the first comment Gee this is cold, don't worry it will soon warm up. I help Dad for his first time experience and soon find by the time his legs are into the suit he has already got a good hard on. I said lube your cock and balls up and then slide them into the sheath. This sometime can be awkward but in Dad first time everything went well. I helped him get his arms into the sleeves and the attached gloves, we were now close to zipping him up and I said the hood is next you OK with this? Go for it Jack I want to feel the rubber the same way as you do.

With that I bring the hood up and zip the two halves together and totally enclosed my Dad in shiny Black Rubber, I decided to snap a small lock on the zips so that he was secured. Then I put my rubber straight jacket onto Dad.

By this time Roger had some of my gear on; I actually believe he was still a little drunk from the previous night so I must keep an eye on him.

For myself I have another cat suit on but this one does not have gloves, feet or hood attached. That really does not matter I simply use some hip waders turned down, long rubber gloves and a special hood with a combined mask that I have.

I guided Dad over to St Andrews Cross and strap him onto the cross and then blindfold him I get his cock and ball sheath out, then signaled to Roger come on over and start on Dad with blow job, Roger is sort of reluctant which was understandable so I started off and then got Roger involved.

Very soon Dad was moaning so we slow down and kept this up for what seemed a long time and the eventually brought him right off. The sheath expanded a considerable amount and then settled down as his cum leak back into the suit.

We released Dad and I gave him a great big kiss, welcome to Rubber Dad. I slowly removed him from the cross and also released him from the straight jacket.

Dad said phew, you made me cum one hell of a lot, so now Dad we are going to try something else with my combine re-breather. OK I'm putting this mask on you don't get worried, making sure the mask is all nice and snug. I then put my own mask on. I say you OK Dad -- no problems Jack. Now the two hose lines are connected together and to this common point I'm going to connect a large reservoir for our air. Now take several very deep breaths and on the third one hold it in. I quickly attach the air bag, OK breath out and normal now.

We are now breathing each other air and both of us are very quickly getting very hard. We give each other a hand job and very soon shoot lots of cum again, I'm starting to feel a little light headed and so removed the air bag.

I hear Dad saying something, I listen to him what the hell happened I shoot another load of cum that has not happened for years. I remove dads mask, zip lock, and open his hood. Once the hood has dropped down, dad quickly pulled the front half of the mask to his face and was breathing deeply oh god that smell and tastes so good.

Jack I want some rubber gear we will discuss that later.

We tidy up after good nights sleep and head back to camp the next day.

Well Roger I guess you now have a good idea of some of the facilities we offer to our employees. Incidentally this resort is also available for those married ones that wish to bring their family up for a short holiday.

I know once I get back I hang my gear up to dry and then pack it all away I must admit I'm feeling fairly tired and so head to bed early. Roger is with Neil finalizing his arrangements.

The next morning Roger is up early meets me in the dinning room and see me comes on over to say Jack thanks for a wonderful time the last few days. You're going to have put up with more in the future -- I'm off this morning and will Email you later to day. I get up from the table and give Roger a real bear hug. The rest of our crew sees what I'm doing and they are right in there, saying it's going to be great having you here welcome to the Oil Patch.

Well Roger heads back to town and I join up with our crew and we have a good day out on the rig, for once everything seemed to right and we made good progress with the drilling. Usual routine, scrubbing up and showering with lots of talk going on. It seemed that all the discussions were all directed towards me as they all wanted to know more about Roger.

The discussion continued around the dinner table, and then went onto my interest in rubber clothing -- I offered to show any of them that wanted to see my gear -- they all wanted in on that one. I said let me get cleared up from the weekend and we then we can all get together another evening -- sounds good.

We went our own ways, I head for my room to checkout my Email and I find a letter from Roger in which he says -- thanks for a great-relaxed weekend. He then goes on about shutting down his apartment and makes some suggestions for storage of some personal items including mine that he is looking after.

Roger goes on to tell me the Company would like me start as soon as possible and I have indicated I'm on monthly salary so I have to give one months notice. The company has accepted this so in effect I have a month to clean things up.

After reading this letter I'm thinking, I wonder if I can get time off to go to town, help Roger, go through my own stuff, try, and reduce my items in storage. I hear a knock on my door, I call out, come in Dad -- so has your day been, I said real good thanks.

So have you heard from Roger yet? Yes I have and I tell him about the items I was storing at his place. Dad asks me well do really have anything there that is special, well there is some clothing and some books that have always liked.

Dad asks is there anything really special about the clothing, basically is gear that one would not wear here its more town wear other than a leather jacket and leather a shirt. So why don't you get rid of everything other than the leather gear, get Roger to list all the book titles and see if they're anything there to eliminate.

I reply to Roger and advised him to get rid of all the clothing except the leather shirt and jacket. Could you also look and list the titles of the book in one of the boxes so I can decide which one or all that can go.

Just before going to bed I check my mail again and receive a complete listing of my books plus a number other comments. I quickly reply -- talk to you to-morrow.

A quick trip to the wash room and a freshen up before getting into bed, I lay there in bed and think about the books and realize they really are not anything special with the exception of the set of Raincoast Chronicles. I turn onto my side and fall asleep.

The following evening I check my Email and as expected another letter from Roger. He is telling me that his boss was very upset that he was leaving complaining bitterly about only giving one months notice. Then Roger reminded him that he has owed three weeks vacation and if they were that upset perhaps he should consider taking his vacation in a week's time. Oh god where do you guys come from, you look at me I've been here 15 years and it's taken me all that time to get my present job. Sorry it's taken you that long; I'll point out to you I was invited to consider this job I did not apply.

It was not a pleasant meeting, and then later on during the morning I got a call from our general manager asking me to join him for lunch. I'm thinking to myself do I have to go through this crap again but decide to keep my mouth shut.

I meet as arranged glad you could make it Jack and by the way please call me Ben. Taken out into town by Ben for a very good lunch, however the attitude was the complete reverse. I was asked what the job was and how much latitude was I going to get, nothing but politeness and then out of the blue the general manger said here put this in your pocket it job reference for you, just keep it to yourself because I know your own boss is right pissed off but that is only because he does not know how to cope.

I guess I sort looked at the Ben; he then said the only reason that your Boss is still with us is because he is the son of our financial backer. Yes it's a case of the "Peter Principle" promotion above the level of incompetence -- and I'm stuck with him. I would like to offer my best wishes for the future and I see you have three weeks vacation make sure you take that time off and also suggest you apply for one week's Leave of Absence that has to come to me and you will get it.

Well Jack when I returned to work after lunch my Boss blew his top wanting to know where I had been, I simply told I was with the GM -- he went very red in the face.

I then filled my Vacation request and also one LOA! And handed it in -- again the boss started to rant and rave. Lucky for my just outside the office was the GM who over heard everything -- the GM simply walked into the office and asked what the hell is all this screaming about -- the answer he got a complete line of garbage, my Boss got up from his chair and started to walk out of the office, but his way was blocked by the GM -- Sit down now I want to know and I'm not leaving until I get a proper answer. I don't have to tell you anything says the Boss -- I'll quit rather than tell you.

The GM turns to me and says quietly please get me a personnel pad. I went out of the office I grabbed a pad off the secretary's desk smiling at her -- go for Jack!

I wait outside the Boss office door, the GM sees me and beckons me in, I hand over the pad, which he throws on to the desk and says, OK put your pen where your mouth is and quit.

Well in the state the Boss he quickly signed -- thank you. Kindly clear your personal items out, I'll have some in here before I leave to make sure you take nothing belonging to this company, The air is very thick, I attempted to leave but I'm asked to stay for a few moments to block the door. The GM is on the phone to the personal manager advising what is going on and asking him to come on over to oversea the collection of private materials and to collect his keys for the building.

A few moments later the personal manager is there and I leave with the GM, thank you Jack sorry to cause you so much embracement -- not to worry.

Looks like you have a few problems here; I can easily adjust my vacation request and cancel the LOA if that would help out. Ben looks at me, you would do that for us, yes I would because you have a problem and you need to keep the department up and running. You have to find someone to replace me; Don is doing well these days and is very good at his work -- so you are recommending that Don should take over your slot, yes I am. Phew that's a relief because I don't know the folks in this area.

Let's go over to your work area and talk, and I can see what Don looks like, as I don't know him.

Look Jack if you are willing to stay on but make sure you have enough time to clean up your own affairs here in town, I'm suggesting you take the last week off for this and if you are prepared to work the next three weeks I'll make it worth your while with a suitable bonus. We shook hands, great and then Ben gives me a bear hug!

Let's talk to Don; I get hold of Don and ask him come with me. Don the GM wishes to talk to you, the look on his face was that of a very worried person. Don relax says the GM, now firstly you know doubt have heard that Jack here is leaving, yes I have so it's not a surprise.

So how would think about taking over the work that Jack has been doing, Don looks surprised and then says do you think our Boss will agree. Don't worry about that for present he is no longer here for and I'll be looking after that job.

If you agree, Jack will be here for the next three weeks to help you into that job, if you are interested advise Jack please. Now I'm going to leave you so that you two can talk it over and Jack please give me a call in about an hour's time to advise me of Don Decision.

Ben leaves and Don looks at me and says what the hell is going on. I said our Boss has quit and the GM accepted his resignation -- you're kidding how the hell to manage that -- it's a long story and I don't wish to tell you for the present.

Now Don you know you can do the job and further more you will not get the hassle that I had put up with so you are very lucky. So is that the reason you changing jobs, not exactly I was asked to consider joining this Oil Patch company they in effect Wined and Dined me for almost a week and I like what I saw and decided to take there offer.

Look Ben what's your decision and let's be fair there is only one decision that you can make -- Right! Yes I guess you're correct -- I will take it now we have lost our old boss.

I phone the GM, hello Ben --Don's answer is yes -- that's great. I see its almost quitting time do you guys ever go to the Pub after work? Yes sometime on a Friday, Ok now its Monday which pub do you go too so we can meet and celebrate Don and your promotion.

The "Fig and Fin" on station street, Ok I'll see you there in about 30 minutes.

OK Don you and I are going to the pub to celebrate so put your tools and gear away we are leaving early.

Leaving the office the old Bosses secretary Sherry has a big smile on her face and I say were going to the "fig & Fin" please feel free to join us -- I'll be there she calls out as we both leave the building.

Don and I have just sat down when Ben arrives, what you two drinking draft bitter please. Then Sherry walks in, I get up ask what would you like Sherry just a G&T. Sherry is the first to speak and she simply says Guys I must say Jack I don't know how you kept your cool this morning when you were in the Boss office but you did. Then this afternoon, when luckily you Sir, over heard the ranting and ravings. Sherry please don't call me Sir my name is Ben, well Ben on behalf of the girls in the office we all would like to say thank you for what has happened today you got rid of the moron. Well thank you Sherry, it's nice to know that my action get this type of support however we are not hear for me to get pats on the back we are here to celebrate Don's promotion. Congratulations Don on your promotion I have every confidence in you and should there be any problems that I can help with please feel to simply ask; thanks Ben for your support.

Well on reading Roger's activities of the day my head is spinning. I simply reply by saying have a good stiff one before hitting the sack! Good night and sleep well signed "Rubbery Hugs -- Jack"

Over the next couple of weeks things are pretty busy on the Oil Patch, I get a daily commentary on what Roger is doing and how is disposing obvious things mostly to other friends or the Sally Ann.

Roger has taken the last week off as arranged and he is coming up on the Friday flight a couple of days early so he can get himself sorted out, I also said to Roger make sure you are only dressed in your denims i.e. denim jeans, shirt and jacket as sometimes things tend to get dirty on flight end you don't want to ruin anything.

Our crew was able to finish early today since we were waiting for special part for the drill. Cody was aware that Roger was due to arrive and so he made arrangements with Neil to collect Roger from the air terminal and told Neil that Roger was going to get a Driller's Welcome which meant none of us were going to clean up and Roger was to get a big welcome hug from all of us however dirty we were. Neil just laughed and said you buggers I'm going to have to watch this.

Well during the day I guess Neil had to visit several rigs and hence he was in his overalls and was as dirty as most of us. Well Cody calls the crew come on guys lets get the welcome crew on the road. On the way there we spot Neil truck and Neil is on the radio saying I'm right behind you. Cody answers and says you want in on the fun eh! Sure thing Cody we will do it good.

We are awaiting Roger coming off the plane, which is basically carrying, freight today as we come alongside. Cody has the window down and calls out Hey Roger over here mate. I get out, go over to him, and give the first bear hug. I quickly followed by the rest our crew. Then Neil gets into the act and I think he is dirtier than the rest of us!

Roger is over whelmed, guys slow down, looking at Rogers face it is really nicely dirty and his clothes have suffered to a certain extent but they will wash and clean up Ok. Suddenly Roger says you know guys it really feels like home and thank you so much.

Well I guess I must go over to reception and find out which room I have, don't worry about that Roger you are joining us all in the showers first because I think you need to scrub up because just look at your face it's as shitty as hell, as everyone is laughing. Hey Roger you got the room next to me if that's OK -- Oh that sound good.

Well we park the crew truck and then head for shower block and enter through the dirty section stripping off all out clothes. Neil says Roger just grabs a bag from the locker over there and all your dirty clothes in there and we can deal with getting them laundered for you.

Our crew is going through there routine of scrubbing hardhat, goggle etc and then into the shower. Roger is right in there with all of us having first looked at himself in the mirror and then with a big grin on his face, so what funny well guys I don't think my face has ever been that dirty before but you know you guys are the best what a welcome to give a new guy -- thanks to all of you, and with that Roger goes around the shower and hugs everyone saying thanks mate much appreciated.

You're not finished yet you know, Roger looks a little blank, sit on the bench and let's get clean up. Head shave man then you will look as if belong with this crazy bunch of guys, Ohoops sorry, well his head is shawn and asked you want the rest doing? Might as well and thanks guys, following the haircutting Roger takes a quick rinse off to remove any hair clipping.

Someone finds Roger a towel and he heads off to his room to find that all his boxes are already they're awaiting his attention.

The phone rings in Roger room, hi mate how are you making out? Asks Jack, good are you dressed? because its dinner time; come on drop what ever you are doing and lets go!

I'll meet you in the hallway right I'm on the way. Roger exits his door as I also come out. We head for the dinning room the rest of my crew is there and they call out hey Roger come and join us thanks.

Well there was lots of talk at the dinner table that evening with questions being mostly fired at Roger finishing up with Roger's account of the action of his old Boss that got fired! On his first day back on the job. In the end Roger said that the General Manager has been very supportive, in the end said if you ever want a job come, and see me anytime. However he complimented me on my choice of location as he said he work in the north when he was much younger and enjoyed his time in the north.

After some general talk Roger says well guys I need to get my gear sorted out so I'm heading back to my room -- thanks for the company -- anytime Roger is the comment from the crew.

The rest of us carried on talking for a bit longer; eventually we all went our own ways. I stopped by to see Roger and find out how he is making out. When I got there he was in the middle getting his computer hooked up. I asked him if he had the setting etc -- he looks at me and laughed and said no -- you know that is sort of funny when you think about it, I said I'll go and see what I can do.

I went to the reception desk Allan was still around and so I asked him if an account had been setup for Roger he said yes but where is he? Then I told him what happened, Allan just about doubled up laughing, you mean your whole crew greeted him I said yes but also Neil and he was no better because he had been out on several rigs and was just as dirty.

We gave Roger a full Welcome -- Oh I wish I had known about that, because I would have been there also. Jack that is really wonderful for a new guy to get such a warm welcome it really shows what an impression he made the few days he spent a few weeks ago.

Would you please give him this envelope and ask him to see me in the morning because we have got him through the First Aid course ASAP. He will find the network hook up info all in the envelope; thanks Jack see you around.

Entering Rogers's room, I say here mate is a package for you and you will find the network connection and Login id & Password.

It does not take Roger long to get on line, his first job like me was to notify all his friends of his new address. Now this is Friday night and I have the weekend off so I suggest that we will go out sight seeing since the weather is good, how do you want to travel ATV or Truck. Hey ATV sounds good; OK you had better find your riding leathers, helmet, boots and gloves. We can get a lunch package from the dining room and take some Tea for refreshment -- gee that sounds good.

Well I'm heading for bed see you at breakfast shall we say 07:30 hrs OK good night mate see you in the morning. With that I return to my room, I have hardly got in when the phone is ringing, Hi Jack, you coming to see me, sure thing Dad coming. I enter Dad's room he is watching some sort of movie, Hi Jack come and sit down. So how are things, pretty good and it was great to give Roger a welcome like that? Dad says Roger is the first person that I know that has fallen into our way of life so quickly.

You know a lot of guys that come here are very unsure of themselves and take an awful long way to bond, that's why I suggested that those single dad's got there sons up here to have a good look at the place. That program has worked really well because these young men like yourself have had a connection already here to help and guide and you know even in Roger's case you are his contact so don't be surprised if he wants to sit down and spill his heart at some time or other you're his contact. Well I never have thought about this way but now I can see your point, you know I like that approach it makes a lot of sense.

So what are your plans tomorrow, I have suggest to Roger that we go out and I'm going to show him some of the countryside, so how are traveling? I'm planning in using two seated ATV sounds good however I would suggest you use single seat ATV then if one should breakdown you still have transportation make sure you have a good tow rope and take a Sat Phone for emergency. By the way indicate to Allan in which direction you are planning going and he will also phone you about every three hours to confirm everything is OK that is apart of our safety procedure and don't forget it applies to all of us including me.

Well I'm heading for bed now night Dad and I give my Dad a healthy kiss and I receive a great hug.

I slept well, waking up sort of late time is 07:00 hrs, and I get out of bed and head for the showers taking my razor with me and decide to try shaving my head. Not an easy job while I'm attempting to do this Kim comes in for his shower and sees my problem. Hey come here let me help you Jack, Kim soon soaps my head up and is quickly getting rid of all those whiskers, Kim even offers to do my face -- all I say go for it mate. I think that's everything unless you want me to go further.

Well Kim was into the swing now why not everything does thanks. The job is done; OK Kim I guess you would like the same treatment yes please do everything please. So this is my first time using regular razor however all goes well and I complete the job on Kim. We both run out hands over our heads man they feel smooth. We take our shower and then go our own ways, I meet Roger in the dining room he was already wearing his leather pants and boots, we have a good breakfast and ask about a lunch bag for two, no problems what would like we have the following, after going through the list I choose egg salad sandwiches and Roger decided to have the same plus a couple of Bananas.

We left to get the rest of our gear on; I decided to wear my rubbers under my leathers once I changed I headed for the reception desk to register my planned route and to get a Sat Phone.

Well we headed out, the weather was really nice and warm, eventually we headed up one of the small mountains stopping at a vantage point to simply look at the panoramic view, Roger what view the horizon must be at least 40 miles away. After a period we moved on to an area that I found recently that was nicely sheltered but in the full sun. Stopping again just as the phone made a buzzing sound, it was Allan checking on us -- hi Allan we doing just fine thanks for check up. Enjoy guys wish I was wish you! I'm out.

Well we sit here for some time and decided to have some tea for refreshment. Roger moves closer to me and says Jack I'm so glad you moved up here, oh why? Well after you left I felt pretty depressed because you're good friend who takes things; as they are you don't stand for protocol.

At work things were getting rough because my Boss frankly was an idiot and did not understand what I really did, all he did was to bitch and complain all the time.

When you lived close bye in town I knew I could generally come over to your place we would have some fun especially since we had some common fetishes it was my way of getting into another world. As I said and then you left, I was feeling pretty low and looked forward to those Emails you sent me telling about his place. I have to admit I though some of things were stretch a bit but now I realize you told me as they realty were.

Then I got this phone call from some company asking if I was interested in working in the oil patch doing what I enjoyed. They had me come and visit them in town and I guess I must have spent nearly all day with different folk. They were all very courteous, they took me out for lunch and then Dinner that night at which they suggested that I came up to the oil patch for an assessment to see if I would fit in. Now look at me, we are together, I have a new job at over twice the salary with free board and lodgings what more could I ask for.

After listening to Roger I was smiling to myself and said mate you have missed out some very important information -- you bonded with crew and as a result the folks here have accepted you. You don't have to hide the fact that you are gay and you have leather and rubber fetish.

Don't forget you have not actually started work that comes next week and remember you will be going through the company induction course now in my case it took three days but our setup was very much different. In our case we were all sons of workers here and it was essential that we would fit in and also to see if we were interested in actually working here. However some of these items have all ready been covered by earlier events, I know you didn't realize why we went to the Resort for the weekend. Yes I was asked to see how you would bond with each other -- I tell you whether you realize it or not you passed with flying colors.

Now you have to get a First Aid Ticket that is mandatory for everyone on site, you also need to be shown around the site so as to get an idea were different areas are located because I know you will be visiting various places doing computer servicing etc. Something you possible don't have are some good work boots, now I suggest you get these via the supply store and get a size a bit larger so you can wear two pairs of socks one pair cotton the other heavy wool.

You know I have never worn work boots on the job, well some of the areas you will go to they are required for safety so just wear them all the time. Now we have to pay for our own boots but we get them at cost and any boot purchased here will conform to the company requirement for safety. You will also get supply with overalls for use in dirty areas. None of us wears anything other than underwear under our overalls.

Gee Jack you're a mine of information, no not really but you might as well know these things because this way everything will fall into place much quicker for you.

By this time we have been sitting on our arse's for a considerable time and mine is getting sore from the hard ground so as I start to get up Roger pulls me down on top of him, come hear you great big bugger and Roger is hugging really tight and giving me an incredible kiss, his tongue has found its way into my mouth I reciprocate. Thank you Roger MATE! No it's me that needs to thank you Jack because if you had not come up here I would still be in town working for that idiot of a boss that thankfully resigned. At least others there will now get better working conditions.

With all this activity I'm starting to sweat mostly due to rubber, Roger looks at me and suddenly says mate you're wearing rubber -- Yes I am -- that great because I also have some rubber on but I'm sure it's not as much as you are wearing!

I take my jacket off and then my boots followed by my pants. I go to my ATV, get the roll off the back, and undo the roll that is a high-density foam camping pad.

It's my turn now come here you goofy bugger I want you, by this time Roger got his leather off and he is in rubber jeans and a tee shirt and pulls from his pocket one rubber hood and pulls it on, I of course have my one piece suit on complete with cock and ball sheath. We go quickly into the 69 position, as I undo Rogers's jeans his sheath cock pops out so we both have really nice black weapons to suck on. We lay this way for a long time and slowly suck on each other but not enough to bring either of us off; well not just yet.

As time goes on we eventually decide to eat our lunch since our protein source was well-covered maybe we will have it later only time will tell.

We finished up the flasks of tea that went down well; mind you there is plenty of good water here with a great number of mountain streams flowing well. After our lunch we go back into the 69 position and this time we do allow ourselves eventually to cum. For me it felt as if I had shot a lot I think I must have shot at least five times into my sheath. Ultimately we get our leather back on and both agree we have to this type of trip on a regular basis. I said next time I must bring my camera and a tripod clamp for the ATV so we can get some photos of the two of us because I would like that providing you agree, sure that's fine with me.

Well we head back and on arrival let Allan know and turn in our sat phone. We park the ATV's and take our gear into our rooms. I strip off my leather jacket, boots, and then go next door to see Roger, hey mate you coming for a shower to clean up. Well take your rubber off in the shower then it won't get damaged, hey what if other see it, so what its only rubber! You never know someone else might be interested in our gear -- hummm do you really think so; I said you will never know unless we do it. I'm going to take the rest of my leathers off and will see you in the showers.

I head down the hallway, Neil see me and says I think you two must have had a good day -- sure did it was great out there weather was really warm. I'm in the shower letting the water run inside my rubber and like always it slips off very easily, I make sure it's well washed inside since I had shot a fair amount of cum into the suit. I know one thing my hood felt good on a totally shaved head, it just felt as a second skin and I had put lube in there and it made it very sensual.

Roger joined me after I had just got my suit off, he did like wise and we both hung our suits up to drip dry. I should add we have some racks in the shower area to hang items up and there are a couple of ceiling fans creating a good air flow over everything on the racks so our rubber dries off more quickly. By the time we have completed our shower and anything that was needed our rubber gear is dry to return it to our rooms.

During this time no one even came into the shower block that was sort of surprising as generally this place normally has some sort of activities through out the day.

Hey Roger come on over to my room and we can go and have some tea or what ever -- see in a few minutes. I was just pulling my jeans on when there was a knock at the door, come on in Roger.

Roger immediately hugs me and say thanks for a great day out I really enjoyed that, my answer was very simple just think of all those folks back in town getting frustrated with all the traffic congestion and the stink of the exhaust -- Yuck!

We headed for the coffee shop for some thing to drink, I have a tea and Roger drank coffee and then got talking and eventually I said to Roger, do you have any contact with your folks? Roger went very quiet for a few moments and then said I was brought up as an orphan and have no idea whom my folks were.

I never made friends easily there and have not had contact since I left to work in a Radio Shack store that was owned by a kind man because once he found out my situation he said look I have a spare room it yours if you wish. Well he was very kind to me but nine months later he passed away and the store closed. I was allowed to stay there while the family tidied up and was asked to find alternative accommodation. I stayed in a rooming house for about 3 months but that was awful so after searching around I spotted a job in a logging camp that wanted an office boy. Well I took the job because it provided accommodation and grub, however the accountant there was a great man he taught me a lot about computers and convinced me to take a course at a training college, and he even found me a room in a friend's house for a really reasonable rent. The course was sponsored by manpower and they also help with job placement.

Well after I graduated I got a job with a small company and that did not last long because suddenly they have gone out of business. So I chopped and changed several times and then the last job I had for six years you know the rest. I asked did you keep in contact with the accountant that helped you on your way, yes for a time and then he left the operation and never left a forwarding address so I lost contact, what was his name George Large. I think to myself that name is familiar then I remember there is a man with that name in this company I will have to ask Dad.

Suddenly Roger says I think it's about time I hit the sack and so returns to his room. A few moments later Dad is knocking at the door, come on in I call out come on in, Dads first words were asking about our day and I said it was awesome that good so where did you go and what did you do. I briefly told dad everything -- that's sounds as if you both had a good time and thanks for taking our new employee out like that. Come on into my room I have a couple of things for you. I see something that is most unusual a bottle of scotch and two glasses plus an ice bucket. Take a seat Jack and make yourself comfortable. With that Dad strips his shirt off and basically comes right down to his jock strap well it does take me many seconds to do the same.

Well I say that feels much better, OK Jack I'm treating you to a drink because you have earned it for all the work you did in helping to get Roger here and also to make him feel part of this operation so quickly. It would seem that his bondings not only with you, but also you're working crew that was exceptional and I thank you for that.

So what's planned for to-morrow, nothing at this moment well that's good because I think you and I should go out for the day and I can show you some other places that I'm sure you not aware of -- that sounds interesting.

Dad has poured two stiff scotch's cheers Jack and thanks, we sip on our drinks and just talk about things in general. Well I say time is getting late and I guess I should go to bed, so join me to night please Jack I would love your company.

I looked at Dad and smile saying I guess we need to do some bonding -- you got that right. Just a minute let me turn my lights out, by the time I return Dad is in bed and is holding the sheet up for me to join him. I slide in beside him and we hug each other and make love, eventually we spoon into each other with Dad behind me and in fact he is still inside me -- it sure feels good and comfortable. It doesn't take long before I fell asleep.

The next I thing felt was Dad moving around, his cock had slipped out and was trying to slide it back in -- I pushed back and soon felt the reconnection and so I push back even further. The feeling was Dad getting out of bed and I could see it daylight outside -- what time is it? 08:00 hrs Jack god I've slept well how about you -- a great night and thanks Jack for allowing the pleasure of bonding with you like that -- I said we must do it more often -- I would like that.

I get up and head for the toilets and then the showers; Dad soon joins me there saying want you're back scrubbed Jack that a good idea thanks.

We dry off and then head for rooms, the connecting door remains open, hey Jack how about wearing you rubber jeans today with a suitable shirt and perhaps you can lend me a rubber shirt of some sort -- Sure fine with me. I'm a little surprised but what the heck.

Let's not bother about breakfast, as I know where we can get a good brunch later on. We get our boots on and grab our duffle coats and head out for Dad's own truck, I take my camera, as you never know what we may see on route.

We get under way having first pickup a sat phone for safety, we head off in a different direction this time towards a place called Little Nail, I ask what there and all Dad said brunch! I sort of thought this sounded a little strange but I knew my Dad knew all sorts of places in and around about a 100 mile circle and even further in some directions.

Time seems to fly bye and we soon arrive at Little Nail, the only thing I can see is a couple of old building that look as if they have been there for years. Dad pulls up in front of one of them and says lets go in, as he opens his door, I follow and much to my amazement when he opened the door into the first building the place looks incredible modern and there is a bunch of guys there mostly dressed in Leather. Some turn and see Neil, and one of them calls out Hi Neil long time no see come and join us over here. I follow Dad over to this guy; he is very well dressed in leather shirt, pants, and boots and is wearing fingerless gloves. He holds his hand out to shake Neil's hand saying well mate it's sure nice to see where the hell have you been. Who is this with you and oh sorry Ken this is my son Jack who is now working at the Oil Patch. So what brings you over here, well firstly I plan to have brunch with my son and to show Jack some of the facilities that are available to members. Well Jack it's nice to meet you, what that you are wearing, oh it some of my rubber gear! Ken comes closer and takes a good sniff, hum I like the aroma well mate it sure looks good on you. Do you ever wear leather? I said yes mostly of the motorcycle style -- are you riding that's really great. Do you have a bike here, sorry no not at present -- well that should not be a problem, Neil here know where to locate dirt bikes which are the most suitable for this area.

So Neil you would like brunch for two OK I'll make sure your name goes in; it will ready in about 90 mins, well that's the planned time anyway. So Neil goes and shows Jack everything that we have available and makes use of any of the equipment that you fancy.

I follow Dad out of this general area and we head out across to the other building, and on entry it looks like a great big dungeon, complete with every type of device that you've ever heard of, come on this way Jack as we enter another section where there is a steam bath, showers and also a large bunkhouse room that looks as if it could hold at least twenty guys.

So Jack what do you think, I ask who owns this? Ken he lives here full time operates it; the company makes use of it a sort of PR deal and generally does repairs and such like. All the gay couples from the Patch have the use of this place and sometimes you have to book ahead because it gets really busy. I thought this might be a good place for you to start a Rubber Club! Say one evening a month staying over night, you guys could have it to yourselves. Ken is already aware of my thoughts and I would like your thoughts on something like this.

Well I like the idea but I wonder who would be interested? I think that is something I would like to talk to Roger about; OK just to sound him out but not actually say we have a place to meet; I could also say something the crew that I'm part of because they all know my interests in rubber gear, that's good then take it from there.

Now it's time to go the bar and have a beer and then brunch. Well we get over to the other building and as we enter, Ken sees us and calls out brunch is ready come and get it, Dad & I head for a table and we take a seat, a few moments later Ken asks if he may join us -- sure mate you are always welcome. So Jack what do you think of the other building? It's different however I like it mainly because it looks rundown from the outside but actually looks like a strong structure once you are inside. Well says Ken I hear you might be interested in trying it out to start up a rubber group say once a month. Well Ken the first that idea was put to me was about 45 minutes ago and it will take me time to see if there is support or not.

Ken says it does not matter if there is only two or twenty two guys coming the big thing is that you guys have fun in private so that you totally relaxed.

Then Ken asks Jack would you lend me some gear so I can join in the group for a start up meeting, sure Ken what did you have in mind, oh maybe a pair of jeans and a shirt of some description. Jeans will be difficult but chaps I can lend complete with a suitable rubber jock strap but your bum will be exposed, don't worry about that; it will be no different than a leather night just the fabric changes.

I tell you what lets make a provisional date for the end on next month, which gives you about six weeks to get some Rubbermen together. All I can say is thank you and only time will tell. I can I'm sure count on four people attending that would be Neil, Ken, Roger and myself then hopefully a couple from my work crew -- that sound good guys.

Well we had a great brunch and then Ken says guys why don't you use some of the equipment and then take a steam bath before returning. I liked that suggestion says Jack come on Neil lets go, can I join you guys asks Ken by all means was my answer -- thanks Jack.

Entering to the dungeon I look at the sling something I have not experience, I look at Dad you OK with this sure OK then its your turn in the sling because you had me all night -- I guess that's fair and no complaints either son; dad suddenly hugs me very tight. He whispers in my ear, why did I take so long getting you up here, I'm sorry Jack, oh quit it dad, I'm here now I'm very; very happy to be back with you.

You know Dad there is something I would like to do once I have earned vacation time is to invite Uncle Mack up here to show him around and show him how things really are. You know Jack that is one hell of a good idea, by the way did you tell my brother you were joining me; oh yes I did, he was very happy with that news I think he was crying because he was so happy. Well that's my brother, so Dad how long since you last saw him? It must be about 15 years -- shame on you not meeting up for such along time.

When we get back you must Email him and see if he would make a trip because I know he doesn't like to travel much, but in this case he would be in the bush and that is what he enjoys so much -- he hates going to town.

I got Dad into the sling now to much talk it's my turn now, I slip on a condom and lube both Dad and myself up well. Gosh that was an easy entry just as if the doors were wide open. Once in, the doors did close and gripped me very well. It did not take me long to get a steady rhythm especially with the aid of the sling. I played dad for almost an hour and then he said to me don't screw around I want fucking real hard -- the animal instinct took over, I only lasted about five minutes before I slide out and laid down on the couch breathing very deeply, I slowly got my wind back.

We used the sauna and ultimately return back to camp and headed for our rooms, I went in with dad and he said so what do you think about a rubber group, well dad it's a hell of a good idea I just hope I can get at least a dozen for the opening night. If we can do that then hopefully the group will become self-supporting.

Dads don't forget you have a job that's to Email your brother and make suitable suggestions. I will do the same but in a different way, however lets go and have dinner, are you changing? No why, I think I'm dressed decently this might help advertise the proposed rubber night. Jack I don't know about you, you sure are different to a lot of guys because you really don't care what others think of your style of dress do you! No I don't, there is nothing indecent in my dress so why worry!

After dinner we went our own ways, I stopped by Roger room to see how his day went. Apparently he had been very busy getting his things all organized (he is a very tidy guy and likes to be able to grab anything even in the dark without searching)

I tell him about my day and what went on and say I hope he is willing to join; the answer was of course surely you don't have to ask of course I would like to be involved. I didn't stay too long because tomorrow is a work day with the normal early start, however I did find time to Email Uncle Mack updating him on my activities.

Actually I have been telling my Uncle everything that I have been doing whether its work or play -- I hold nothing back. That's the way he brought me up; I respect his way very much, and would not have wanted any other way.

At the end of my daily Email to Mack I say, I want you to come and visit me here as my guest please, please consider this -- the countryside here is beautiful and you will enjoy the wildlife and many other aspects of this area. Also there is NO DRESSING up, you wear your regular clothes as you do every day, Flannel shirt, Carhartt's and boots.

The following evening I've hardly got into my room after getting well scrubbed and shaved and still just have my towel wrapped around my waist and Dad is knocking at my door, come in dad. Dad is smiling from ear to ear so what so important. Jack listen to this its from my brother he has agreed to come and visit and he says it will be a two in one visit because he can see both of us and is that great, I grab Dad that is really wonderful. When does he proposed to visit, he is leaving the dates to me to advise him and he has agreed to two weeks.

Lets look at your shifts and plan it around them so you can get maximum time with your Uncle, I said quickly you also need time with your brother and it will do you good to get away and re-bond. You know you're right anyway where your shifts are scheduled. I grab them while dad is studying the schedules. Look if he were to come up here on this Thursday that your last days before your break and we can spend time together then you return to work for your normal stint the you have this time off and that lines up with the proposed Rubber-weekend. Do you think he will join in; certainly I said, Mack is fully aware of my fetishes, this working out really well because it lines up with the company air schedule as well.

My Dad takes off and starts putting everything down on paper, I'll go and check my Email, I find a letter from Uncle Mack in which he says my Dad has just invited him to visit and has left the dates to him so we can all get together for a good time.

I reply telling him of a rubber weekend that he will be invited to; I offer him the use of some of my gear because we are of similar sizes. After some other talk I send the message off.

I get dressed and head for the dinning room, I join our crew and I tell them about my Uncle, Neil's brother is coming to visit for a couple of weeks, They say you're dad going to take time off, that will be a first -- he deserves it man for all those hours he has put in to keep this operation running smoothly.

Any idea what your dad's going to do, so I briefly explain and finish up with the rubber weekend. Hey what's this rubber weekend -- opps sorry I forgot to tell you so I explain everything? Well the whole crew wants to be involved -- so Jack we need some rubber gear how quickly can we get stuff up here.

I said I tell you what, I will make a phone call to a supplier and find out about delivery but first I need all your sizes so after dinner we need a tape measure and you are going to have to decide what you really want and I suggest you do not buy anything but basic items. Before you order we will go onto the Internet and I will show what some of the suppliers have to offer, from that we can make a shopping list. The rubber gear has to be on the Thursday freight flight from town.

Well after about two hours on the net the crew has decided on very basic gear like jeans, shirts of some type and also several hoods.

I got all the measurements down on paper and then phoned the owner of the store I knew privately and explain the situation, he said no problem Jack I have every thing in stock I'm sure. So what this all about, I tell him sound exciting, I tell you what I will include a couple of items to raffle off. I also told it all had to be delivered to the company air terminal marked for my attention.

I gave him my credit card number and ask that the bill be made as I gave him the list. I also said I will Email all this info to in a few moments saying give me 15 minute and then please confirm receipt -- no problem Jack and enjoy what a busy end of the day.

The next day was Roger's first day on the job, hence he reported to Neil at 08:00 hrs and a list of problems were given to him to investigate, also he was give the access password for the root access and advised to change them but put a record of them in an sealed envelope and give to me for keeping in the safe.

Here also are your contacts in town, talk to the system operator there he has helped us on a number of occasions.

Now you will need to take the First Aid Course, as we want all employees's to have a valid ticket -- talk to Allan at reception about that as he runs the course for us.

You have an office next to the computer mainframe room, get your key from Allan yes that one also has a key that bypasses the electronic lock. Please keep that key secure with you at all times.

Well I am going to let you go and start looking around and sorting things out. Any problems you find I would like to know about them and I am always available just call me on the phone. Roger headed out to located Allan, we then discussed several things, and Allan took me to my new office to find out what information had been left etc.

After my shift that day, the normal routine of scrub up and head for my room to get dressed. I had sat down and was watching the evening news on my TV when there is a knock at my door. I get up to find Roger there, hey come on in, how's your first day been. Hectic was his answer, just thought I would see if you were here as I just wanted a break. Sounds as if you have some difficult problems.

Not the normal types of problems but at some time changes have been made to the system but not all the setting have been put in correctly. It's going to take me some time to go through everything.

I said you know the best thing to do is go and have a good shower; it will clear your head and make you feel much better. That's find for you to day that but who is going to scrub my back? I laughed you daft bugger come on let's going, I quickly strip off again and grab my razor and shaving cream.

Roger gets in to the shower and I said I will give you something to think about, come on sit on the bench here and I'm going to give you a good shave. Eventually I have completed my work; Roger wants to shave me also to so I let him do it. We eventually return to our room and agree that we will now go and eat; I tell Roger about my Uncle coming to visit and what is planned, sound like he is in for a good time, well that the general idea.

After dinner we both went for a walk outside, it was a real nice evening with a very warm breeze blowing. Eventually returning to our rooms and I said I was going to hit the sack, yep I think I will do the same thing and thanks for your help earlier.

The next morning heading for the dining room I see Roger just leaving, hey you're up early -- a big grin on Roger's face, and I found the answer. What time did you get up oh about 03:30 hrs. That's early but I know you're just a crazy computer man.

I meet my crew in the dining room and we had our regular breakfast, fruit, bacon, eggs, hash brown, toast and jam.

Well the rest of the week went well, and I have to admit I'm getting excited at seeing my Uncle again. Its Thursday my Uncle is due to arrive

Well the gear all arrived on the same flight as my Uncle; the package of gear was delivered to my room. Neil meets his brother and then took him on a tour of the site stopping at our rig. I realized what was happening but had to ignore since I could not jeopardize any safety of our crew. Neil carried on elsewhere. At the end of the day we go though our normal routine scrubbing our hardhats cleaning our goggles etc. Then the showers, hey guys I need a really tight shave tonight, oh your on a promise eh, well you never know do you. It was Joe that did the shaving this day; he does a great job like every one else. He is very careful around your balls and cock but I tell you, you really feel clean with that hair all gone.

I eventually go to my room to find Uncle Mack sitting on my bed, he looks at me and starts laughing, well jack I never thought of you as a skinhead -- I said Mack you old devil how the hell are you, its so good to see you. You too Jack get that towel off let me see you in all your glory, suddenly I got a hard on just before removing my towel. Mack looks at me -- Jack you really look good and you have sure grown into a really great-looking STUD.

Now you know what all Stud's are expected to do, well get to it please well Uncle you also know what you have to do drop those pants. Uncle Mack response quickly, I grab some lube and get myself ready which was not difficult, Uncle is on the bed with his butt high in the air, some lube in the right place, I take it very gentle however I slipped right in much to my surprise. I slowly fuck my Uncle until he tells me to get on with it and then I really get into it and shoot a number of times into my Uncle's arse.

I said Uncle we need to get cleaned up and get some dinner, I phoned dad and say you ready for dinner, well that took you a long time that's for sure, I just laughed.

Well we all headed for the dinning room and Dad had arranged for a special table over in one of the nooks, which was very nice and private.

We had a good dinner, I asked which room Mack had been allocated and the Dad said my bother and I are sleeping together to night. Sorry I should not have asked! Tomorrow night we have a triple room at the resort, so Jack you take an ATV or my dirt bike and we will take your gear because we are staying out there for a few days.

I don't have explained how the weekend went, however a good time was had by all three of us with lots of good bonding, eventually I had to head back to camp for my next shift.

Everything went pretty well during the week, our crew was sort of excited about the forth-coming rubber weekend and eventually our workweek finished and we were able to head out to Little Nail with our rubber gear.

I'll leave you all to use your imagination, however this first weekend was a great success and everyone was looking forward to another event in the very near future.

Sorry this story is rambling to some extent but it basically as related to me some long time ago from good mate that joined his Dad in the Oil Patch. Yes there a lot of bonding between guys and some got very interested in wearing rubber gear.

This is one of several work sites that did a lot to help out single fathers who were trying hard to bring up there sons in a reasonable manner despite the fact they had to be away working to earn money. This basically is the story of one my good mates - Jack and his close friend Roger.

End Part One

Next: Chapter 2

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