The Oil Patch

By Rubber Rider

Published on Oct 24, 2009


Update 24 Months later,

Hi I'm Roger a computer tech working in the oil patch way up north, I have been very busy since I arrived some 16 months ago however I have found my home as we are one really great family and everyone is willing to help in any way they can. Although we are technically isolated it doesn't feel that way and I rarely go back to the big city down south the country side is absolutely beautiful even in the winter I now have a dirt bike plus the required protective gear and love to get out and just sit at some high point looking at the scenery and the wildlife. Since being here I expanded my rubber collection and frequently wear it when on my bike and also in camp as there are now a good number of rubbermen here. We all sometime have a weekend at Little Nail a special place for both leather and rubbermen to enjoy themselves.

I guess I really must thank my very good mate Jack who was the instigator buy telling his dad about my abilities this resulted in the company contacting me and ultimately offering a job after visiting the job site.

Talking of Jack, I have never seen him so relax and happy, he loves his work on one of the drilling crews, his attitude to the job is very sincere to the point he progressed up the ladder to assistant driller. Jack is still working with his very good friend and mate Cody.

So life goes on day by day, its not boring as there are plenty of things to do in non working hours such as swimming, quash and basket ball etc. During the good weather we also have a good soccer field which is well used.

Our rooms are very comfortable with plenty of room, there is also several large lounges one which has a good selection of book and magazines. Then the dinning area is better than anything you would find in a large city.

Last evening Jack came to my room with the biggest smile possible on his face and said you ever had a tattoo, I said no why well let me show you something and so Jack strip off his tee shirt and drops his pants and suddenly I see an Oil Rig then Jack works his member and you see a drill bit. I start laughing gee mate that must have hurt like hell anyway how come.

Well they need another drilling crew and I have been promoted to driller and Cody's crew decided I need fixing up.

Mate however much it hurts they must think a lot of you to do something like that any way I didn't know there was a Tattoo Artist here on site -- there isn't!

So how was it done, now it was Jack's turn to laugh it's a transfer and will last about four weeks with showering every day. You're kidding me Jack, no I'm not -- well has your old man seen it no not yet would love to see his reaction. Well you can come with me right now.

I simply slip my jeans on and throw my tee shirt over my shoulder and Roger comes with me back to my room. Once in the room I kick my footwear off and drop my jeans then grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. I then phone Neil hi dad you free, good come on through our door Roger is here with me, sure give me a couple of minutes.

Neil taps on the door come on in Neil as Neil enters the room Jack drops his towel and Neil bursts out laughing. Once he has got over that Neil say's congratulations on your promotion and I see you have been suitably inked it looks good on so I assume that was Cody's crew. So who are you selecting for your crew not made my mind up yet going to work on that after dinner as I want to talk to some of the drilling crews.

However I would like to have Terry on the crew -- that is a good choice I assume assistant driller -- yes. When you have the names together I would like to see your list before any are notified -- no problems Neil.

Going back to the Tattoo I assume it's a transfer? Yes it is but must admit I rather like it. Son don't go for any inking because it's difficult to have it removed later I know I had several at one time and it is a painful process. Thanks for the advice Dad.

Well guys I'll leave you for the present see you both later and with that Neil returns to his own room. Roger say's Jack I need to get going as well see you later and with a hug Roger he departs.

I lay on my bed thinking about who to select for my crew then I decide it would be good to have Terry involved but will have to ask Neil about that and where and when this extra drill will be setup.

I get dressed and head for dinner Cody's crew is still there so I join them and all are congratulating me yet again, then they ask I wonder what your ole man will say when he see it. I said he already has and burst out laughing and his comment was did Cody's crew do this I said yes his comment was good for them.

The he gave me some advise by saying don't consider getting inked as if you decide you want it removed it's a very painful process. Use transfers instead if you really feel you need some sort of decoration.

After the usual chit chat with the crew we all went out separate ways, I returned to my room and decided to see if Neil was there as the connecting door was shut.

I phoned, hi Neil, are you available to talk, sure come on in, tap on the door and entered Neil room. So how can I help Jack? I have several questions; so go ahead. Firstly where and when will this extra drill rig be? Neil gets the map out and I see it is well away from the other rigs by about one mile, the rig is not expected to setup ready for five to six weeks.

Next question Jack; I would like to have Terry involved with the selection of crew, no problem I'm glad to hear that. Anything else? Yes when is the next "Yellow men under training" due actually its week after next. Why do you ask, well there could be someone there for the bottom end job -- remember that's how I started. You have got a point there Jack I must look at who is coming; we will talk tomorrow evening as you have given me an idea. By the way talk to Terry and find out if he is interested in joining your crew but ask him to keep it under wraps for the present.

During the day we have a minor breakdown that is being fixed and Cody says to me lets go and see how they are coming with the repairs. Once out of earshot of anyone Cody says if you want a bit of advise ask Terry to be your assistant and involve him with crew selection he's a good man and further more you helped him out when he got hurt and I know he respects you for that; thanks Cody I will remember that.

End of the day we are in the showers doing what comes naturally and the guys asked to be drilled so I did my best to help them out and we all finished up laughing and hugging each other. Some of the other crews came in and said hey guys big party going on here looks as if they are enjoying themselves. Several see my tattoo and get a big chuckle out of it with the comment looks as if Cody's been up to his tricks again enjoy it while it lasts Jack it looks real good on you.

As we are drying off I said guys hope you don't mind but I want to have a talk with O'l man over dinner -- no problem we still all love you.

Getting back to my room our door is open, Hi Jack calls out Neil you got a couple of minutes please sure on my way.

Well I have looked through the list of guys coming up for there three weeks training etc however two of the guys are the sons of old employee's who have retired but would like to have there sons do the course in order to expand there outlook on life.

Now I'm wondering if you have spoken to Terry yet, no haven't had a chance but plan to do this evening -- good let me know how you make out as I'm thinking just perhaps you two could take these two guys under your wings and act as there dads while they are here. For your information neither knew their mother as they apparently buggered off when they were very young so were brought up by Grand Parents who have now passed away so the dad's did there best for them.

The guys are 25 and 28 years of age and been working in construction doing laboring work as I understand.

Dad let's go to dinner and find a quiet place where we can still talk, I've all ready told our crew I will not be joining them tonight but we had our fun earlier on so everyone is very happy -- Dad said drilling exercise I assume I said yes and he slaps me on the back good for you son and bye the way I'm sorry I never got you up here sooner -- we hugged each other and I said Uncle Mack sure helped me and I think he did a good job with my further education.

We head for the dinning room and bump into Terry at the same time, hi Terry how's things pretty good, you just in for dinner? Well it looks as if we are both later than usual how about joining us we are going to sit over in one of the nooks -- you sure don't wish to intrude father and son talk; you won't was my answer.

Our waiter gives us a run down of to-nights special which is fillet minion and all the trimming, I said that sounds real good medium please John, Neil and Terry chose the same. John could you bring me a large orange juice as well please no problem Jack anyone else wish any thing to drink -- no thanks.

Neil says Jack you were planning on asking Terry something why don't you do it here. Terry is looking puzzled, Terry I assume you know I have been promoted to Driller and to form a new for the extra well head that is going to be setup and I would like you to be my Assistant Driller and between us select and form a crew.

Terry is looking very surprised, gee that would be great I would love to take that position. Ok good now anything said here Terry including what I have just said is strictly under wraps for the present.

Neil say's thank you Terry now it is my turn, if my memory is correct you came here on the off chance looking for work some three years ago, that's right so are you aware of what the "Yellow men under training" scheme is, no not really. Its scheme for single Dads who have brought up there sons basically single handed and the son has quit school and now working in some job down south. The idea is help re-unite fathers and sons and hopefully improve the sons working life. Sound like a great idea how long has it been going on, some 3½ years now and we have been able to find work for all those interested. Jack can tell all about it as he was one of the "Yellow men under training".

Neil explains about the two guys who don't have fathers here but used to work here and now retired and I'm asking that between you; you act as there deputy fathers.

I can also add that I know the two guys are both gay according to there fathers.

So you two go away and discuss this and let me know your thoughts please, Terry lets go to my room sure OK says Jack.

Once there Terry says explain what goes on with the Yellow men under training, I try to get things in order but said I get a schedule off Neil, basically it kicks off with introductions where each trainee gives his name and his dads name there is a tour of the working site but you are not taken to close for safety reasons, safety is put over as strongly as possible the guys. This is followed up by a First Aid Training and exam the following day. At the end of the first week all the guys are transported to the Resort Lodge for two nights and are put in the big room so they all sleep together the idea is to see how they bond.

There first dinner they are allowed two beers if they wish. They get to use the full facilities out there the second night all the dads come out and join them for the night and hopefully by then things have got rolling. The staff keep an eye on things and apparently activities are under camera recording to see how things really go, in our group there were a couple of guys who were rather reluctant to strip right off at first but they soon lost there inhabitations and joined right in.

As you know Terry the bonding is very important; well on there return to the camp oh I should mention there dads and the sons had adjoining rooms like Neil and myself

Now I don't know what you think of being a temporary dad and I must admit it seems a little different but I'm willing to give a try.

During the time here the guys spend time with there dads doing what ever they do and then get swapped around. When I started I said I wanted to start at the bottom and didn't care how dirty I got and I was put with Cody right then. After that first on the job shift experience; the crew was really great and as we went to get cleaned up they guided me about the best way to do it and what to do. When I left the showers and dress in clean clothes I was just as clean as anyone else because I soon learnt you helped each other to get clean.

I remember the next morning we were asked about our experience and what we thought of the job we were on. When came my turn some of the guys said Yuck all that dirt and my comment was it scrubs off and a bit of dirt never hurt anyone.

During the last week Neil talks to everyone to find out who would like to proceed and what area they wanted to be in, there were only two guys that turned down the offer.

Things move on from there in my case I said yes and went back to my apartment and got a good mate of mine to help shutting it down, many items I disposed of some things I gave to Roger because they were better than his secondhand bits and pieces. I didn't know it the time but Roger a really was down in the dumps after I left at his job the boss was a moron. Anyway enough of that Terry what do you think of being a temporary Dad I think this could be fun lets go for it. You sure about that because I'll let Neil know tonight -- Terry grabbed me and said he needed drilling. I said it would be my pleasure after a great session I returned to my room as it was getting late.

Our door was open as I walked in, hey Jack how did you make out -- Terry will be a temporary dad and is very interested in the whole concept of the Yellow men under training scheme.

Sorry Dad I've got to get to bed, time is late see you tomorrow after work good night.

The next day morning contact Terry to see if he is free for the weekend and we will go out to the resort lodge.

I quickly get dressed in my normal gear headed for breakfast and lucky Terry was walking in at the same time, I quickly asked Terry he said yes and you know I have never been out there either. We will collect you Saturday morning but please come and see me after dinner tonight -- sure thing see you later -- have a great day.

After dinner Friday evening my phone rings, hi Jack are you home yes come on over very soon there is a knock at the door, come in Terry and grab a chair firstly which way would you like to travel truck, dirt bike or ATV any thing you might need for the weekend Neil is taking his truck. Well he says it's sometime since I have had a chance to ride so let's ride our bikes. That sounds great as I know Neil won't be out there until just after lunch so we will take a lunch and flasks. As far as gear take what every you want but just be relaxed I mean if you want to just wear a jock that's fine for myself I will using my rubber camouflage gear pants and tee shirt and what every else plus some alternative footwear to riding boots it's up to you if you want to shave as I know Neil don't care a dam how a guy is dressed, he is more interested in our plans and he no doubt will spring something else on us.

Well I can pack all that on my bike no let Neil take it will stay dry and clean should one of us finish in the mud you are evil Jack but I like your thoughts. We are going to have fun and I would not be surprised if Neil has his bike on the truck as well and I can tell you we will have fun rest assured.

My phone goes again and its Neil are you on your own no Terry is with me, that's even better, come on in Neil.

Once Neil is in my room I tell him that Terry and I are going to ride our bikes and take lunches plus flasks and will arrive about 2:00 pm now we wish you to take our gear that we will need out there -- sounds good to me but Jack please book out a Stat phone just in case of major problem and I know Allan will check on you during you ride when you get to the Resort Lodge tell him you have arrived please -- will do.

Neil I have tried to tell what goes on with "Yellow men under training" including the bonding out at the resort. Sounds good we will get down to work at the weekend and by the way Terry and Jack you will be paid for your time spent this weekend but where you are if you are asked Terry just say you decided to take a weekend out camping so just have your swag with you.

Bring your gear into Jacks room and I will collect it and bring it with me when I come out after lunch. With that I think we all need our sleep, Terry says what time Jack meet you for breakfast 8:00 am sounds good see you then and Terry gives me a big hug and a kiss, Neil has his arms out and also does he same. Night guys have a good night and thanks.

Jack come into my room please but make yourself comfortable first. I therefore stripped off and by the time I got into Dads room he was also stripped.

Well Jack you have earned something and dad gets out two glasses and we both have a shot of whiskey straight. It sure felt good as we talked about what we have done so far and a comment that came out. I'm going to have you both taken off shift and I want you both to assist Allan with the program all of which will be given to you both tomorrow.

Well I'm about to return to my room, Neil says please join me for the night I need a good driller! I laugh and said let me turn of my lights. On return Dad is already in bed and holding up the sheets ready for me to enter.

We played for a short while, then dad said I need a good driller do you know one. That started things off and I went to sleep with the drill still in hole. About 3 am I needed a great big pee so I slip out of bed and headed for bathroom and did I ever need a good pee.

On return I slipped into bed as quietly as I could, turned on my side and went to sleep again. When I woke due to the phone ringing I realize that dad had got the call.

Dads comment on the phone was OK I'll be there within 10 minutes, sorry Jack I have to go out. Dad went straight into overalls, boots and grabs all his safety gear and heads out. I look at the time it's 5:00 am I turn over and go to sleep till about 7:00 am.

I meet up with Terry for breakfast and afterwards Terry puts his gear in my room while there Neil returns says hi guys, I may be a little late getting out there but I will be there. Jack here is a soft bag take that with you its got my papers open it up and you two work on it please. If I'm delayed I will phone you but I'm sure you two will have no problem. Hopefully see you later enjoy yourselves but get there by 2:00pm and start work on this project and Jack don't forget any refreshments in reason are OK the resort has been advised of the situation.

We have a great ride and I can see Terry has become very relaxed, we stopped at a suitable high spot to watch any wild life -- we were lucky as we saw some caribou and many small critters scampering about on the tundra. We arrived at the resort about 1:30 pm and booked in. We are advised we have room #7 so we head for that room and on entry find it is equip with a large table and four chairs suitable for meeting in addition to the normal things you would expect in a good hotel room.

We strip off out riding gear and I realize I have left the brief case that Neil gave me on the bike so I head out to the parking area and grab the bag. On the way back I stop and pick up four beers and return to our room. When I arrive Terry has stripped off to his jock strap, I do the same and then get the papers out saying to Terry I don't know what is here but start reading please.

Lets sit in a comfortable chair and here's a beer the other two I put into the frig which is loaded with a variety of soft drinks including ginger ale and similar.

I find a couple of tall glasses passing one to Terry, thanks mate as Terry is reading the material.

I grab some other material and also start reading -- then I get a surprise; hey Terry they are asking that we also help out Allan during this three week period, you're kidding says Terry -- no read this please.

Finally we have read all the paper work, Terry says you know someone has a big trust in both of us to help with this project, Jack you went through it as a trainee program what do you think.

Well I feel it will be easy but that is because I know what went on and I'm sure you will do well don't worry, Allan is a great guy and very helpful and he runs the First Aid Course and is qualified examiner for the level required.

Terry I think we need to clear our heads so lets use the steam rooms, you know that sounds like a great idea. It does not take long for to wrap a towel around there waists and head down the corridor to the recreation complex. After a good shower they found they had the steam room to themselves. Well it was not long before they got into a 69 position and had a great time and eventually relaxed on the long benches provided. They are talking about all the reading they both have through when someone else comes into the steam room. The new guy calls out is that you Jack & Terry well I recognize the voice, hi Neil glad you made it, yes rough day so have you guys had dinner yet? No we were hoping that you would show up so we can all eat together, well that's nice thanks guys.

Well both Terry and I need to get out of the heat and scrub up again we this comment to Neil who says I'm really not in the steam room mode but I'm going to have a swim after scrubbing down. We will see out there in a few minutes and get your back scrubbed for you that would be really nice thanks guys.

Well Terry suggested I lay on the bench in the shower room and he really did scrub my back but it felt so good, so I rolled over and received the same treatment on my front yes I looked a bit red but I personally enjoyed the scrubbing, just hope I can make as good for Terry.

I'm just finishing of Terry when Neil joined us, Terry said that's the best scrub I've ever had I'm tingling all over. Neil showers and then lies on the bench so I start on dad, Terry say I will see you two in the pool sure thing.

Neil and I talk while I'm doing the scrubbing eventually we join Terry in the pool and we all have a good swim. Finally returning to our room, Neil has the adjoining room so the connecting door is wide open.

Neil says sorry guys about you not having a change of clothes -- we both laugh so what we were dressed in our jocks -- hum over dressed I would say says Neil -- we all laugh. Ok guys do you wish to go eat in the dinning room or eat here. Both Terry I looked at each other, I think it would be good to eat in the Dinning Room that way we don't talk shop -- sounds good to me says Neil.

We have a great meal and drank some nice wine finishing up coffee; the dinning room was 50% occupied that evening

We departed to our room stripped off and got down to business as Neil was asking our thoughts on the wad of papers he had passed over prior to leaving camp.

We discussed various parts of the three week schedule, then Terry asked do you have a power point presentation basically showing all the area's of the operation.

No we don't how ever we do have really good photo album, so Terry says they could all be scanned and then create a suitable presentation. Neil says I don't know what Roger has on his plate but I'm sure he can get that all together -- good idea Terry.

I have thought a lot about the question regarding the two guys who's Dads have retired and we are to in effect act on behalf of there Dads. Neil says don't worry these two guys are already aware of what is planned but when they arrive I'll meet up with them together and make sure they are fully aware and then I get you two guys to meet them and we go from there.

Now I believe Terry the connecting room next to you is not being used so that will be your guys room; I know the other next to Jacks is not in use. So Jack during this period we will lock our connecting door however you need to talk to me then phone me and use the hallway door. No problem Neil that way the trainee does know our connection and if asked just say your dad is away on vacation.

I will give you both the details of all the guys that have been provided with but we need to keep them secure so Terry do you have a computer desk with any draws, yes I do but they are basically empty, what about you Jack well the file draw is not in use. Ok I will get those draws made secure and you can retain all this material in that draw they will be fitted with regular locks and the spare keys will put into an envelope and will be held by me in the safe.

After a busy weekend we return to camp and returned our Stat phone; Allan says hold on guys I have a small package for both of you. Getting to our rooms we find our desks have already got the locks fitted. Opening the envelope I find the desk key I decide to hide it in my room however that will not be practical when the trainees arrive.

I give Terry a call and say I'm going to get a tea want to join me, sure thing but I'm going to shave and shower first. Not a bad idea I'll join you see you then in about 5 minutes. Just as I'm heading to the shower with my kit there is a tap at our door, come in Neil with our gear and he brings both mine and Terry's into my room. Tell Neil what is going on and he says I think we should both have dinner with Allan and Roger but I'll keep out of it for present.

Well I shave Terry, and he does the same for me, I'm surprised how much growth there was and it's interesting any hair under the tattoo grew through the tattoo with out damaging it. You know I sort of like this tattoo it causes a lot of humor in the showers and ribbing from the others.

We get dressed and I join Terry for Tea, his first question was do you have any hair clippers I said no well neither have I, why do you ask? It's general practice for the driller or his assistant to do any new guy who joins the crew soon after they arrive and I think we should be prepared. I'm sure the concession has hair clippers that are good I'll check it out.

After tea Terry collects his gear and my connecting door is open, Neil calls out hey Jack you got a minute please, yup -- I spoken to Allan & Roger and they will met you in the dinning room at 6:30 I suggest you use one of the nook tables. Then after dinner all come back here and I can then hear what you have come up with.

Oh bye the way an announcement will be made towards the end of this week about the additional rig being setup and who the driller and assistant driller will be.

As of next Sunday I will have you both scheduled off shift so you can have everything ready for the trainee session.

Things moved quickly and the trainees arrived, Neil meets up with Ken & Tim whose dad's are retired. Apparently they were quiet happy about the arrangement that Terry and I were going to be there alternative dads.

Neil calls us both in and the similarities between Tim & Terry were remarkable so hence Terry joined with Tim and Ken became my adopted son for the trainee period.

We then took the guys to there rooms to dump there personal items, this was followed by a quick tour of "Home from Home" showing what it has to offer. It was interesting to see these guys faces as they were shown around and one comment was did my dad live here? Sure he did and from what I understand made lots of use of the swimming pool and sauna -- well I be dammed was the comment. So what does it cost to use? There is no charge it is part of what is done to encourage folks to stay.

We returned to our rooms and I explained to Ken in the morning get dressed in your coveralls and boots just wear your underwear nothing else is needed and don't forget use your hard hat complete with goggles and put your work gloves in your back pocket. You will find all this in your closet and there are three sets of yellow coveralls, then after breakfast you make your way to the training room.

I look at my watch, we are late for dinner I phone Terry to tell him we are heading for dinner, and thanks Jack didn't realize the time.

On entry to the Dinning Room Ken say this is very posh and not even cafeteria either but I assume there is a cafeteria? I said no this is where every one eats what ever there job is; basically the only time overalls are worn in here is breakfast time because everyone's are clean.

Very soon a waiter is with us and tells us what the special is and also offers the menu. I choose prime rib with the trimming and a large glass of orange juice.

Ken does the same and then says to me I can't believe this its fantastic. I mention to Ken that the camp is a dry place and no beer or alcohol is available on site and this is for safety reasons further more you may not have any bottle either in your room.

I ask Ken did you know Tim before coming here, well I've seen him around but never knew him but we sat next to each other coming up here and talked about our dads and then we found out we were both in he same situation. Well I hope you feel comfortable with the arrangements that have been made -- no problems at all.

Oh by the way Ken the dog tag you have, keep it on at all times. It provides all the info should a mishap occur plus it's your room key and it open any doors that you are allowed into in fact it becomes part of you, you sleep with it, you shower with etc -- Oh that's different its sounds like the army routine, yes very similar.

We had a good dinner and sensible conversation, on the way back to our rooms I point out where there is internet connection so if you wish you can send email using your own service webmail.

On return to our room I said well Ken I'm going to leave you for a period as I have see some other guys.

Suddenly my phone goes, oh hi Neil -- Jack come and see me in about 10 minutes Terry will be there as well -- sure thing.

Well Terry and I meet up with Neil, the first thing that is asked how are you getting on with your sons. Terry so far great and I say the same, great was the reply; now I have some bad news Allan has taken a bad tumble and is over at the Medical Centre being checkout, they tell me nothing appears to be broken which is good however you two are going to have run the course and hopefully Allan will be able to do the First Aid course but you two may have to do some of the demo's work.

I will try and provide more time to help out -- thanks we are going to need it. So why don't you go and see Allan and get an update on his condition and then let me know.

Well we find out that Allan has a severe sprain of his ankle and will have to use a crutch plus he will need to keep his leg up for at least a week.

The medical staff have given some pain killers and has taken one and told to take another one when going to bed.

We report our finding to Neil who says at least there are no breakages and I will be there to start things off and then sit in for a period to give you both moral support -- thanks Neil.

We return to our rooms Ken is reading some of the printed material that has been supplied. I see the time is getting on and point out so we need to hit the sack, so set your alarm for 5:30am then hit the showers just wrap your towel around your waist and don't worry if should slip we are all guys here. Just I'm about to leave and Ken says thanks so much and grabs me and give me a great big kiss, I roll my tongue around in his mouth and eventually he says you're just like Dad -- well I'm glad of that. See you in the morning Ken have a good night you too and thanks again.

Next morning goes very smoothly, Ken is up and showered and already dressed in his coveralls. Morning Ken hope you slept well -- sure did great bed lets go and have breakfast. After breakfast I said to Ken I`ve put a note book and pen in your room take that with you please and I will see you in the training room at 8:00am.

The first day went well thanks to Neil who explained what had happed about Allan so a few things were being changed to accommodate Allan indisposition so the First Aid course will not happen until Thursday.

So it was decided to do a tour of the operation in the afternoon so while Neil was doing his bit and Roger came in to run the power point presentation, Terry and I got changed into our cleanest coveralls and other safety gear including boots. It was pouring with rain outside so we arranged to use two eight man buses.

Well the tour of all the areas went well, must admit I took my group to my old crew and Terry did likewise. By now the heavy rain had quit and it was very warm outside as well.

Cody saw us and called out hey Jack bring those guys up onto the rig, so I turned to the guys and said gloves and goggles on please we are going up on the drill rig, this is the crew I have worked with every since I was here and they are a great bunch of guys and love a good joke of the job.

Well I lead the guys onto the rig and the crew is making sure no one goes in the wrong direction, the crew is giving all the trainee's a big hug and saying welcome to our rig as a result the guys are now looking a bit grubby. I introduce Cody as the man in charge and his title is driller and what he says goes when the drill is running.

Hey Cody how come you guys are slacking; we waiting for more drill pipes to be delivered and the truck has run into problems but should be on its way anytime. The crew explains what goes on and then Cody get a call to advise him the pipes will be there in about 5 minute. Cody calls out guys I have to ask you to leave it will not be safe for you to be here while we unload -- thanks for coming. It was my entire group all gave the Cody's crew a big hug, several of Cody's bunch wiped there hands over the faces off the trainee's saying you will all do good here guys and enjoy the course.

This was the last stop and we headed back to the training room, Terry's group was all ready there and they were no different in appearance to my group all looking a little mucky! I thought that's good and so far no one has complained and that is even better. Then Neil enters to find out how they all like the tour and as he looks around there a smile on his face. Then he looks at Terry and I and says looks as if you had a good tour, so let's start at the back and see what you thought. Lets start with you John I was really interested in the welding shop as that is where my dad works, what about you Tim well my dad was an electrician and I can understand why he like it hear as he was always talking about it and I though he was bullshitting me but now I know he was not and so it went on and I guess the last one was Ken who said my dad worked on the oil rigs and I can now see how they look after each other.

Thanks guys I think it might be a good idea on getting cleaned up and I know Terry and Jack will advise you on the procedure with dirty overalls and such like. So Guys have a great dinner and evening use one of the lounges and talk about your experiences between yourselves and don't forget same time to-morrow.

So Terry and I said ok guys your dirty coveralls in this bin now you wash off your hard hats and goggles use some of this stuff it gets all the grease and dirty off. Now put your underwear and socks where you can find them and then hit the showers, help each other to scrub your mate's backs and please make sure you have cleaned everywhere, the showers will accommodate six guys so make use of them. Clean towels are over there so wrap it around you and head for you room take your other clothes so they can laundered, you will find a yellow bag in one of your draws put your dirty personal gear in there and label the bag with your room number then hang the bag on the outside of your door, then get dressed for dinner and we will see there.

Terry and I took a shower between the two groups of trainee's and we did what we normally scrubbing each other but held off doing anything else for the present.

Several of the Dad's joined there sons for dinner so it was a great family affair every one seem very happy. Both Terry and I reported to Neil to give him an update, on entry to Neil's room which also acts as a private office, so guys how do you think thing went today. Well there were no complaints from the trainee's and in the showers they soon caught on, no one held back except us.

Neil is now laughing, it's a great pity Allan couldn't been there to see the guys come back from there tour, tell me how did you get them dirty. Oh we were lucky as we had split into two groups Terry finished up at his crews rig and I did the same at my old rig and Cody said bring the guys up onto the rig. Terry said I guess Cody was in the same situation the truck delivering drill pipes so in my case Cody crew gave them a good welcome with a big hug, but then Cody got word that the truck would be there in about five minute so he said sorry guys you have leave sure nice meeting you and good luck. So on departure all the trainee's gave the crew a big hug saying thanks, some of the crew simply wiped there dirty hands over their faces. Well I sure like the reaction you are getting from these guys looks very hopeful.

To-morrow you will meet up with me for the first hour and then Allan and you will do the First Aid Course and he will need you guys to do some of the demonstrations as Allan cannot get down on the floor.

Fair enough then just jeans and tee shirts should be OK? No says Neil wear coveralls with full gear please -- no problem at all. However I do suggest you get some new ones from supply store I will let them know you will be having an extra set.

I feel this is better because if the guys have carry out first aid on the site they would be in work gear. Well that training room is fairly warm so for me its Jock Strap socks and boots, I'll go with that says Terry.

We need to get back to our sons, Neil laughs at that comment any way we both return to our rooms. As I enter I call out you in there Ken yes I'll be with you in a moment and so I strip off and slip a jock on. As I walk into Ken's room he is laying there reading. He looks at me and says you sure look like dad however dad generally went nude. Then do it Ken and be comfortable and should someone come to see you don't worry about covering up we are all guys. The only ladies here are in the Medical Center and they have seen it all and would not be offended.

Well that is nice to know, so Ken me please tell me about your work down south and do you have any good mates. He tells me the only job he has been able to get was on construction so I got stuck on the concrete crew, its heavy work and at time very dirty, its not the first time I've been covered with concrete and what a mess that is to get off.

You just hope someone will get a good hose on you to wash at least your head and clear your eyes. You finish up bitterly cold and the best thing is to get back to work to get warmed up. I said that was shitty doesn't the construction company do anything to help. No they are only interested was in is cost and will not even replace your clothes. Hence I get my work gear from the thrift stores.

Tell me do wear leather or rubber gear, well I have a pair of leather jeans that are comfortable and often thought about a leather shirt but so far done nothing about. However I saw one guy wearing a rubber shirt with leather jeans and he looked real good. Yes a good combination, so Ken a sort of strange question do you wear anything like that? Oh yes I belong to the local rubber club -- Hum!

Tell me surely you could have found a different job, well the problem was Dad not in the best shape these days and is waiting to go into 24 hour care, so what happening while you are away, my young brother Tony is helping out he is a great kid so what's his age? 19 He finished school just before I came up here and I want to make sure he gets a better job than I had. I'm going to ask you a question it's up to you if you answer; is your brother Gay?

Oh yes we are very much one. By now Ken is very emotional, I said Ken come with me please and turn your lights out I dropped my jock slipped into bed and held the sheet up inviting Ken to join me. Ken slipped into my bed and lay facing me I simply hugged him hard saying it's going to work for you don't worry.

We kissed and Ken said you really are like Dad, then I found Ken's hand was feeling for my member, all I said its OK go for it if you wish. Ken said to me I don't know if I should ask but I really need a good fucking would you please oblige. All I said was how would you like it, however suits you. Sure thing just hang on a minute I'll get some KY and a condom; I'm soon ready Ken just roll over on to your other side, I soon use my fingers and work his hole and then I slip into Ken's rear canal. I whisper are you ready to get drilled; go for it and do it hard may be you have hit some rock but I know you will break through. Well I carry out the wish and soon fell asleep totally connected.

Next thing I knew was he alarm was going off, cancelling the alarm I checked for morning hard on by Ken so I turned around and gave him a good blow job.

Ken woke up and said that he had dream of good things, I was out of bed come on Ken shower time and threw his towel at him come on guy wakey wakey and we don't shave either. Ken is soon following me to toilet block and we both head for the cans and as usual I have a good dump and loose my condom at the same time. Into the shower, 10 minutes later I'm heading back to my room and got dressed in jeans and tee shirt. I headed for breakfast and then headed to the supply store to get new coveralls in fact they were already with my name already stenciled on my back and over my front left pocket (Standard marking for everyone on site).

I returned to my room and changed into work gear while there Ken returns from breakfast and ask if I have minute -- sure thing. What up sorry, I broke down like that last night, all I said was you need someone's shoulder and mine is always available and with that I gave Ken a good kiss and said have a good day as you all will be doing the First Aid course and I will see you there later -- thanks Jack.

Ken headed to the training room, Neil started things off by explaining why it is so important as must have your ticket to work here. Like any work site there can be mishaps, if you suddenly find yourself in this situation as Jack did some months ago when there an explosion on one of the rigs and the crew he was part of was called out as they had just changed shift and were still in there work gear.

His crew then went to work and Jack took the nearest guy and found he had a broken leg so he splinted the leg hoping he had done the right thing. The ambulance soon showed up and took all the guys to the medical center. After the emergency stand down the crew were all a bit shook up understandably. They all headed for the showers got clean up. Jack decided to find out his guy had made out and went to the medical center and was told that Terry was in the Operating Room having a cast put on his leg. The nurse said congratulations you did a good job out there. So for your information the Terry who is helping with this training is the guy that got hurt.

Allan conducted the first aid course and all went well, the guys had plenty of study to do this evening followed by doing the test the next morning.

I notice some guys went to one of the lounges and thrashed out various problems others I assume had gone to there rooms to study. The next day will be Friday so the morning will be the exam and it is planned to get the results sorted out by after lunch. Then they will be told about going away to the resort for there bonding secession.

Friday both Terry and myself in theory were injured and the guys had to make a diagnose of the problem and what was required and take the required action.

The exams were completed by 11:00 am, Neil then took over while Allan, Terry and I went though the exam papers. It took us about one and half hours to get through with flying colors. Lets go and have some lunch hope we are not to late, Allan said they know we may be late so don't worry. Terry and I quickly changed into jeans and tee's and headed with Allan to the dinning room. We had a good lunch saying you realize we actually have a night to ourselves.

Allan gets the required FA stickers for the dog tags and we then head for the training room. Neil is doing his part and has already explained about the trip out to the Resort and what is all about plus the fact all the Dads will join there sons for the second night.

Time came to find out who had been successful with there first aid. Allan called out each guy in aphetically order eventually all were standing in front of the class room.

Neil then say congratulation gentlemen you have done well, now my I suggest when you pack your over night bag, just take your toilet gear, two or three jock straps, a tee shirt and jeans or shorts and wear clean overalls also I suggest you have a pair of sandals or slippers for use in the building but please wear your boots for the trip and in the vehicle will be a suitable jacket use it to keep warm in case a problem occurs so you do not get cold, take the jacket with you to your room.

I wish you all a good time so enjoy in what ever way you wish, so guys go and get ready the bus will leave at 3:00pm.

The guys all got booked in at the resort and shown to large room with all the bunk beds, one of the resort staff then took them on a tour of the place and told them that this was all available for there use whenever they wanted. Finally saying guys Dinner will be at 6:30 this evening and we will all eat in the bar.

From then onwards they were basically left on there own, they return to there room and talk about whatever and then realize it's almost dinner time so a number of them hit the shower and then put there jeans and tee on so everyone meet up for dinner at which they were allowed two beers if they so wished with the meal. The rest of the evening was there own, several used the sauna other did what ever and they all turned in by about 10:00 pm however movement of someone was always occurring.

Next day the Dad's all went out to the resort and joined up with there sons, it was reported that all the dad's were really happy since they learnt all the guys had bonded well no one was shy. It was now the dads turn to enjoy there sons.

On return to Camp mid afternoon Sunday all the guys went with their dads to there room and did what ever. Dinner that night was a joint family affair with dads and sons all around a very large table laughing and joking about what happened out at the Resort. One of the dads's hey guys I would like to say something to you all and I'm sure the other dad's here will back me up. This weekend is called a bonding weekend and its purpose is to ensure everyone will get along with any other member of this very large family. It also helps with safety because you will learn always to look after your mates (crew members). If any one has problems here any member of this crew will help out. It makes me proud to see you all got on so well, this was then echoed by other dads.

The next week the guys rotated working with there dads and them were swapped around to other areas.

During the final week Neil was asking each of the trainees if they would be interested in working here and what did they wish to do. It turned out that all wanted work so the process of getting everyone sorted out was handle by Neil and Allan.

Then late Wednesday evening a call is received from Ken's young brother to advise him that there dad had passed away that afternoon, as soon as Neil heard about this he talked with Ken and said the freight plane would be going to town to-morrow morning and he could be on that to help out at home but to keep in contact with Jack by email as there is a job for you here. Ken said thank you so much but I also have to help my brother who has just finished school as I don't want him to get some lousy job. Neil asked, what are your brothers interests he said computers, that's interesting always good work in that field but it takes time to break into it.

Get your personal things packed and I will let you know what time the flight goes in the morning now go and try and get some sleep, Jack I know you will help him here, no problems Neil.

Ken returned to his room and started packing his gear, I asked anything I can do to help no I don't think so, and I could see Ken was very emotionally upset which is very understandable. I got strip off down to my jock and was about to get into bed when Ken called out Jack would I come in to his room, he is in bed holding up his sheets so when I saw that I said just a minute like I'll turn my lights out and then I slide into bed with Ken; as soon as I get right in he is holding me very tightly.

Hell what am I going to about my young brother? All I could say just take it day by day, do you have any close members of your family living locally, yes our Uncle.

So is he gay? I'm not sure, well have you two had close contact with him? We would see him about once a month when he came over to see dad, they used to play cards for many hours before heading home.

I suggest you will no doubt meet up with him when you get home so test him out and ask if he is willing to keep an eye on your brother.

Lets see if we can get some sleep, Ken says thanks mate I love you and I suddenly felt Ken was holding my cock, I dived down under the sheets and we went into a 69 position. We both came very quickly and I came back up and then we kissed with our mouths full of cum. Ken wanted it all that was fine by me; after which we both fell asleep only to be woken up by my phone ringing. It was Neil to say get Ken ready his flight will be at 7:30am, sure thing Neil talk to you later.

Ken sort of roused when I got out of the bed but was in a deep sleep; it was a shame to have to wake him but I wanted him to have a good shower and shave plus breakfast. Anyway I woke him by giving him an early morning blowjob. Ken slowly roused and then I said sorry but you have to get up and you need a good shit, shave and shower your plane is leaving at 7:30 am that means we must leave her by not later than 6:50am and I will drive you there.

Well everything went well, Neil meet us at breakfast and gave Ken his and mine Email addresses and said keep in contact with us daily that is assuming you have computer access, yes said Ken I will be using my brothers computer.

Ken was home shortly after midday and found his uncle and Tony both there. Uncle George was consoling Tony in an affectionate way hey Ken come here please and lets all have a great big hug, Uncle George also gave me a big kiss, I ran my tongue around his mouth I'm glad you are that way Ken we will all get on just fine.

Uncle George wanted to know all about my experience up north, George was very interested in everything I told him and he finally said I guess you are going back. I said I'm sure going to do that but I'm concerned about Tony as I don't want him working in some dead end job like I was.

Oh Tony is your computer online yes he said why I need to send an Email to let them know that I arrived home OK but I need you please to show me how to do this please -- no problem big brother and thanks for coming home so quickly, well that is because the manager up there is a great guy and made arrangements for me to come back on the freight flight -- George says they must like you to do that! I said know the attitude is we are big family and when a guy gets into problems everyone will help just like you George as you came over to help Tony.

I make my Email and then I said look guys we should go to the pub and have a drink and a meal. Smart suggestion Ken I will vote for that so you are out voted Tony but I'm sure you will not object.

While in the pub I learnt a lot about what happened, dad had a massive heart attack and never came out of it. George said your dad had told me he wanted to be cremated and not buried and no service either and for you guys info the same applies to me also.

We had a great meal and while we walked home we all held hands. Once back into the house there was a big family hugs. I said George I would like to stay tonight and I'm inviting you to share my bed with brother. George at first looks surprised and then said I would be honored to do so.

After a few minutes Tony says he was going to check his email the calls out Ken you have a reply on my way so I go to read the reply. It was from Neil asking that Tony made contact with Roger their computer man. Tony read this please, Tony says what that is all about -- well brother it could be very good news for you please do what is requested but first make up a letter explaining what you know about computers and the various operating systems and include it you your reply. George grabs me and drags me into the other room. His first question how come they know about Tony?

I said I was very concerned about Tony getting into a lousy job, you really do look after your brother, now I know most camps up north are dry camps and when you think about it I guess it's understandable so I slipped out while you guys were at the computer and got a bottle of scotch as I feel you both need a good nights sleep.

Well emails go back and forth from both Tony to Roger and Ken with Jack after three days we get a message that Roger wants to meet Tony and is coming to town to see him. I emailed Roger saying I'll pick you up at the airport and you have a bed at our home please be our guest -- I got a quick reply; your on! I'll let you know when I'm due to arrive.

I use dads car and take Tony with me and go to the airports private terminals, Tony says the terminal building over there Ken I know but we are going to a private terminal, as we get closer I dig my dog tag out Tony says what that? I said you will see as pull up at the security gate, the gate guy says hi Ken how's things we are going to meet Roger coming in shortly, he looks at his computer screen and then says lounge two thanks -- the gates open and we go and wait for Roger. Tony says how come he knows you, I simply point to my dog tag.

We get back to our home Uncle George has cleaned up Tony's room and made it ready for our guest, I have to congratulate him on his efforts.

Over the next three days Roger spends about 12 hours a day with Tony, during this time George and I go about getting all the affairs clean up. We also found dads will and he asked that either George or Ken be the executor. Finally we also felt much more relaxed.

Roger talked to Ken said nothing but he stuck his thumb up with a big smile, I hugged him whispering in his ear thank you so much for your help it's a big relief.

We hug and kissed you are very welcome, I have already Email Neil my findings. Now to-morrow I'm going to catch a flight at midday back to camp and we will see you both there in a day or so and Neil said take your time because it's a hard time for both of you but at least you have your Uncle who seems to be big help.

Oh by the way when you return you bring Tony with any gear he needs he has a job with me. Tell him to pack his computer and mark it fragile however I think you already know what's what in camp. I ask does Tony know that he has a job no not yet however I will check my email a few minute later Roger returns and nods at me I know the answer.

I talk to Uncle George and said neither of us are going to need dad's house so it will have to sell? What do you mean Ken, this has not been announced as yet but Tony has a job, I intended to announce this at dinner tonight at some decent restaurant so where do you suggest?

George says look Ken I can easily deal with everything down here and I will keep in contact with you easily as I have a good friend who has email.

Well that night we got cleaned up and went out to eat, it turned out that Roger did not drink so we delegated him to be driver to take us home. We had a great time especially when Roger stood up and made a toast to Tony his face was priceless.

Roger then announced Tony you are going back with Ken and you have a job dealing with computers. So Tony what is your answer, gee it will make my mates very jealous and when I left school they said you will be luck to any job related to computer unless you go to university.

Roger said just tell anyone who asks you have a job as system assistant controller and then see their reactions.

George was next to comment with a round of drinks, lets all drink to both my nephews and I'm very proud like there father would be if he could only be here today.

Well three days later we are heading to the airport, get to the security gate I show my tag its scanned Ken just go around to the freight area with your brother's gear and then see the receptionist. This is my uncle and he will depart after we are unloaded no problem at all have a good flight.

Getting to the freight area both Tony and I have stuff for the plane after which we head for the receptionist desk show my tag -- Hi Ken glad to see again and I guess this is your brother Tony, I said yes that's him.

Tony please come over here we need your photo a few moments later Tony is handed his dog tag and was about to put it in his pocket sorry you must wear it I will explain in a few minutes. All the formalities are completed and we head for the departure lounge. On entering we see Terry here and I get a big hug, oh is so great to see you mate, let me introduce my younger brother Tony he is joining us in camp and has a job with Roger working with computers with that Terry gives my brother a real big hug.

We all sit down together and firstly I explain to Tony he needs to wear is dog tag 24 hrs a day, it your key to your room and any area that you are entitled to enter and finally in the case of a mishap it provides all medical information they my need. Also while we are going on this flight keep your tag showing the same as mine it's your ticket to get on the plane.

Well after 3 hour flight which went quickly we arrived at the camp landing strip. I spotted Neil truck there and he was signaling to come his way. We were soon on our way. Since Tony was with us we were given a tour of part of the operation before heading "Home from Home" our living quarters.

Neil says will see at dinner lets say 6:00 pm see you then. Ken you and Tony come with me please, we actually head for Neil's room. Well Tony it is great to meet you and from what Roger has told me you will do well here.

Now next week we have another group of "Yellow men under training" now I set it up for you to join this group it will give you big insight to what goes on here plus the most important thing is you do the First Aid Course and we require everyone on sight to have this ticket.

I understand you have a computer and it should be in your room by now so Ken will take you to see Roger or Allan and he will provided you with your email address and password -- you can change your password at any time. We will see you both at dinner 6:00 pm. Oh you are in rooms #309 is Kens and #310 is for Tony these two rooms have a connecting door so I leave it to you how you work things out.

Oh bye the way Ken make contact with Jack please as you will starting on Monday morning on the new rig and good luck. Before you go please explain what the "Yellow men under training" crew does thanks see you later.

Come with me Tony and lets get rid of some of your gear it's always warm here Ok Tony put the bar code over the pad, there is a click now you can enter. I go though the connecting door and see a whole bunch of boxes there here is all gear.

Tony is getting his computer out and setting it up, Tony sees a network socket and plugs it in. I guess I have to get id and password. Come on Tony lets go and get that right now and then you can let Uncle George we have arrived Ok.

I take Tony to see Allan, and say I guess this is your brother welcome here and if you need any thing please ask. I have an envelope for you enjoy.

We return to our rooms and very soon Tony is on line, he quickly sends an email from both of us telling uncle about everything and the signs off.

OK Tony I must give you a tour of our Home from Home as it is called, by the time he has finish we go and get a cup of tea our favorite drink and sit down in one of the lounges to enjoy and talk. Tony says we are going to live here I said yes I cannot believe something like this exists. I'm going to have to take photographs to show my mates back down south. My comment was only take them in here as there may be a no photo area but I will check before you do anything so hold off please, Tony looks at me and then says I can understand that.

Well we headed back to our rooms and started to sort things out, while there my phone rings -- hi Ken hope you have got things sorted out, may I came and visit sure thing Jack love to see you. About five minutes later there is a knock at my door I call out come on in. Jack comes straight to me and the sees my brother and right to him and gives him a great big hug saying welcome to our family Tony.

Tony was sort of flustered; Jack came to me and says I have sure missed you I hope all is working out OK. I then explain to Tony how we got together and then Tony you know you sure like dad did a few years ago. It was then Tony that started cry we both said it's OK let it all out and we all got tightly together, very soon Tony's composure was back to normal and he said sorry for that. Jacks comment was its better out that in, we are all here to help each other in these situations.

I looked at my watch and said we both need a good shower before dinner so please excuse us -- sure thing Ken see you later I'm in the same room.

Ok Tony this is going to be a little different for you as all our showers are very open and the toilets are in the same area. So strip right off use your slippers and simply wrap the towel around you and we you go together.

I point out all the lockers they are mostly all the tradesmen and those on the rigs that sort of get a little dirty, they have a dirty locker and a clean locker.

There are the toilets so if you need to go during the night this is where you come and don't be surprised if someone is totally nude, there are only guys here.

As we enter the shower area I see Terry up there and so we go and join him, sure glad to see you Ken I need a shave please my gear is over there. Well I simply get on with the job and then said anywhere else sure go for it please Ok lye on the bench and I soap Terry all up and set about the job once completed Terry said now complete the job if you don't mind.

Well once I was finished Terry comment was do you want the same sure thing my hair has got rather shaggy so I received the same treatment. While all this was going on Tony was standing there with his mouth open, I spotted this hey Tony this what is meant we all help each other and bye the way I'm going to be working with Terry who is the assistant driller and Jack who you have meet is the driller and is overall in charge of the drill rig and his crew.

There are no barbers hear on this camp so we all do each other so I can do yours at any time when you are ready but not to-night.

We had a good dinner with lots of discussion and since it was Friday evening I had the weekend free and I hoped to be able to show Tony some of the countryside if Jack was free to give a guided tour.

Well Jack was more than willing to provide a tour of the countryside so we meet up after breakfast, Jack had got the use of a crew cab, and we took a stat phone for safety.

We had a fantastic tour stopping at a small well out of the way place called Little Nail for lunch now this place is also the headquarters for the local rubber club and all the members are from camp so after showing us both around we later returned to camp during the afternoon.

Both Tony and I thanked Jack for his time, no problems anytime just ask.

We went back to our rooms, Tony said I never realized you can leave your home and in a matter minutes you are in beautiful countryside it's just un-real.

Tony ask questions about the training course so explained what took place when I took it the other week, I think you will enjoy the experience as it will open your eyes and be something that will stay with you I hope for many years.

Now something you do not have are work boots, we can deal with that tomorrow but I want to talk to Roger first about that. However you will need them for the training course anyway.

In one of the draws in your room you will find three sets of yellow overalls, work gloves, safety goggles and also a hard hat.

By the way, your dog tag is worn 24 hours a day; it's your id for safety and many other things.

On Monday morning you will need to be up at 5:30am, get a shower no one bothers to shave in the morning either, then return here and get dressed just wear your under shorts and vest then your overalls plus your boots. Go to breakfast like that after which return collect your hard hat, goggles and work gloves put them in your back pocket and then head for the training room not later that 8:00am. Oh you will need a note book and a pen I'll make sure you have that. So brother I hope you are feeling OK about this sudden move.

Well so much has happened over the last two weeks my head has been spinning and it's now settling from all turmoil.

Hey Ken I must email Uncle George and bring him up to date, plus I'm going email some of my friends and let them know that I've left town but not tell yet where I am.

Well Saturday night we slept in our own beds and both of us slept in till about 8:00am showered and went for breakfast, afterwards I left Tony to sort his gear out. I spotted Roger down the corridor and went after him and asked if he wore boots while working, he said yes because you never know where you may have to go and my coveralls are brown but Tony won't need them until after he has done the trainee's course.

So how is he settling in? His comment was the last two weeks my head has been spinning and it's now settling from all turmoil. I can fully understand that Ken anyway I'll see you later, thanks for the info -- you're welcome see you!

Back at our room I said Tony I don't expect you have any thick work socks, why no -- then we are going shopping and firstly what size shoes do you wear? Ten wide.

First we will get your socks, better have six pair and then boots for you and we will go for half a size larger but first you try them on. Now boots and socks you pay for and it will be taken off your first pay cheque.

Well we went to the concession and got socks and then the supply store for boots; Tony was kitted out.

It was a nice sunny afternoon so lets go for a walk and get some fresh air, we found there was a soccer game going on so we sat and watched that for a period. Tony comment at time, was Ooo they screw up there did you see that -- no I missed it. Well the game finished and they all headed for the showers to get cleaned up.

The soccer team was also in the showers laughing generally having a good time, a couple of them spotted Tony and asked was it you that was watching, yes it was. Do you play soccer - yes, what position is your favorite, well I always enjoyed playing goal do you want to join us, let me think about that and I'll give you an answer. Just call me I'm room #312 oh well I'm #310 and my name is Tony mine is Trevor.

Well Tony come Monday got right into the swing of things with the other trainees and were taken on tour of the operation the group was just six guys, several ask Tony when did he come up I said last Friday but I'll tell you more later.

Well after the tour Neil came in and asked what they thought so far and then afterwards explained that tomorrow will be a very full day and Allan will take you all though the first aid course to get FA Ticket, it is a company requirement that every one working on site must have other wise they cannot work here and as you progress you will fully understand. Now Allan a couple of weeks ago messed up his ankle so he will be assisted by Jack & Terry who are oil rig men.

You will also find that will have to study that evening ready for the exam the next morning.

The FA Course went off well and the exams everyone passed with flying colors so the look of relief on the trainee's faces was very evident.

After the tickets were handed out, Terry then enlighten then why it was so important relating his own problem following an explosion on rig #10.

Then Jack said you find yourself in that type of situation and you your best also comfort the guy be compassionate as well he will appreciate that very much.

Well guys we are leaving you now and good luck for the future as we both hope to see you all around and become a part of our family.

Allan then relates other examples and he also explained that the only ladies on the camp were the nurses in the medical complex and I think all of them have there husbands working here as well.

Now tomorrow you will all go with your dads, follow them around on what every job they are working at, now they are all aware that will going with them so what every time they are scheduled to work you go along even if they get called out for a breakdown so good luck guys we will see everyone on Friday.

Friday Neil is there first thing and is asking what they though about the work there dads did, there were some interesting replies. Now today we are going to switch you all around so you are with different dads however that will only be till lunch time when you will return here before eating.

When the trainees returned Neil explained that they were to get showered put on clean overalls and pack an overnight bag with there toilet gear, a pair of jeans, tee shirt, sandals or slippers and last but not least there jock straps as you will all be transported out to our company resort for the weekend.

The purpose of the weekend is for you all to get to know each other very well, I think will have a good time and by the way you can even have a couple of beers so that should make you all happy.

The weekend went off well and yes this bunch you could call them a right horny bunch, and I guess it was young Tony that really got things going.

Come Saturday the dads all showed up and I soon learnt about my young brother I laughed like hell and though that little bugger is going to do real good.

All though we dads had our own rooms we all decided to do our bonding with the guys this way they would not be shy in the future.

Not much sleep that night I can assure you, the resort realized what had happen and suggested we all had breakfast Sunday morning at the round table. We were also advised we were the only one there this weekend so it was to be Jock Straps for breakfast.

A great breakfast after which we all went to the sauna and then the pool. About midday Neil showed up and ask the staff how thing went, they said it was one of the best groups they had for a long time and were all 300% totally bonded. Neil was grinning from ear to ear. Oh by the way they are in the pool at present and the only thing any of them have worn is a Jock Strap and that was just as well as they a real horny bunch of guys and that includes all of there dads.

Let me have a room please so I can leave my gear there and I will join then in the pool.

Neil enters the pool and dives right in coming up in the group, hi guys I hope you are all enjoying yourselves yes thanks was the general answer. One of the dads speaks up and say's Neil as you know my other son is here working on site but his younger brother is far more horny however that young Tony from all accounts got everyone going Friday evening, and before you ask we all slept in the dorm last night sharing our love with our sons.

Paddy that is one of the nicest things I've heard for a long time, well guys I'm going to suggest we all have lunch so please get your gear together get back into your overalls and boots and I will see you all in one hour then after lunch I will take you all back to camp.

During the next week Tony made contact with Trevor and said yes he would like to play but didn't have any gear here, Oh don't worry about that we can find you some shorts and a jersey plus most of us play in work boots. We are planning a game next Sunday and will get together Friday evening I'll give you a call and leave a message if you are not there -- thanks Trevor look forward to seeing how you make out.

Well the Sunday game went well our team beat the other I was lucky only let one goal in, whereas our team got three in. Once in the showers what I didn't know was you fucked the loosing team however that was no problem I enjoy myself and became the goalie for the team and luckily we have been on a winning streak hope it lasts.

Well the last but one day of the course has arrived, Neil is there asking everyone if they wish to join the family and what sort of job they are looking for everyone wanted to work there and as it turned out the type of work requested jobs were available including some apprenticeships.

The following day we were signed up with the understanding we would be back on the following Friday flight with our gear. In my case I didn't need to go as everything was here.

That evening Tony said I notice everyone has shaved there heads would you mine please Ken, no problem at all we will do it in the showers, so that evening Tony went from a thick messy mop of hair to a smart looking young man, he also asked that he get the full treatment. Afterwards he said it felt funny down below but he thanked me in his usual way and all I said was anytime brother.

So Tony started work with Roger and found it very interesting and was soon fully involved. Some two years later Roger was promoted to become the system administer for the entire company network and I was promoted to take is place.

I joined Jack's crew as bottom end man on the oil rig; yes it was dirty work but no worse than working with concrete but here I soon learnt you always looked out for your crews butt and they were right there to help you out if you stuck.

So life goes on, Tony still email Uncle George daily, and George has visited three times now and both Tony and I really do enjoy his company. Uncle George was able to sell dads house and its content for a good price which provided a nice nest egg for both Tony and me.

So that is life in the north its fantastic you should all try it and although not spelt out here a great number of us go out to Little Nail Rubber Club for the weekend and have great times. Also what is nice you can sleep there if you wish either have a room or bring your own swag and crash out in the Dorm with others.

End Part Two

Next: Chapter 3

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