The Oil Patch

By Rubber Rider

Published on Oct 26, 2009


Five Years Later.

Many changes have taken place over the last five years. Tony is doing very well looking after the computer system on site his brother Ken has move up in responsibility on the oil rig and has in fact now worked several of the drill rigs and everyone like his attitude on the job. He is straight forward and expects any instruction give to be acted on promptly – he also listens to the crew and accepts suggestion from them.

Neil had an email from his boss Don in town and he was asking if it was OK to come up and visit the site for several days. Neil was surprised as he never seen this site after the second rig was installed when he got showered with mud and some oil.

Neil reply was I will be please to give you a tour of the site and stay as long as you wish. I strongly recommend that you have good steel toed work boots, plus a number of thick work socks. Please only wear denim jeans and shirt for travel. We will provide you with suitable Hi-Vis Overalls and other safety equipment look forward to seeing you Don it's been a long time.

Well Don arrives on the next flight that comes directly to our landing strip; I meet him on the strip as he disembarks from the plane. I'm glad to see he has a small bag and looks like a laptop. We shake hands and much to my surprise he gives me a big hug saying you look good Neil must admit I didn't recognize you at first with that thick dark beard but must admit it looks good.

Neil says I'll take you to your room so you can get your gear dumped off. We get to Don's room, and I suggest we will go on a tour; Neil says in one of the drawers you will find so please get dressed accordingly, there is a hard hat, goggles and gloves. The site is dusty so make use of your goggles please we don't need to have to take you to the medical center for attention.

So once you're ready I'm going to take you on a tour of the site, by the time we get back it was about 4 pm, I said look Don it's time to get cleaned up, so I recommend you strip in your room wrap a towel around your waist use your slipper and I'll take to the showers. Oh by the way everyone help there mates and scrubs there back – Oh that's different.

We eventually get into the dinning room and take a table in a nook, one of the waiters advises us what is special Don decided on steak, mushrooms with vegetables. That sounds good John I'll have the same – medium please.

Don says I'm glad I had those goggles as you said it sure is dusty out there.

Oh that remands me did you drop your overalls into the dirty bin? Well they were hardly soiled doesn't matter after dinner we will do that you have three pairs there and clean ones every day. Breakfast is the only time overalls are allowed in the dinning room since everyone has clean ones on, so Neil you are telling me we wear coveralls most of the time that is right Don.

Dinner was over and I suggested we go for a walk through the expanded recreation area's which you have not seen since you were last here; we eventually finish up at Neil's room. Well Don you have had a long day, so where do you wish to go tomorrow. Hopefully if you have time I wish to discuss staffing on this site and I have been looking at the personal records of pretty well all the crew.

So do you have an office or meeting room anywhere, Neil says this is my office but there is a meeting room ok lets use that please is it reasonably secure but I can adjust the bar codes to tighten it up.

Let me have your dog tag please and Neil swipes it through his card reader and adds him to the meeting room – handing the card back. Neil then goes to the meeting room lock settings and removes all other access so it's only Don and himself. – Done

Neil looks at the clock and says Don sorry but I need to get to bed as I get up at 5:30 am take a shower, by the way don't bother to shave in the morning but do that at the end of the day. Breakfast is at 6:30 am – 7:00 am, the crew's heads out at 7:30 am as some have a fair way to travel.

Don says I'll see you in the morning and hope you have a good night, thanks Don see you tomorrow.

I have a shower and get dressed as usual in my overalls and boots and head for breakfast, Jack comes in and joins his crew then Don shows up and I'm glad he is in overalls. Don is looking around the entire room and says how come everyone has shaved heads? I laugh and said that started with the oil rig workers because at times they get showered in mud and other crap and then they had the job at the end of the day they had a job cleaning up. At that time we had a barber and he suggested getting a brush cut to the crew but a couple of them went the full hog. The barber retired and then everyone got there own gear and the crews help each other out. Then our maintenance crews saw the befit especially when it is hot now you won't see anyone here with hair everyone is shaved. That is very interesting but it makes a lot of sense.

Well Neil I know you like to do your rounds of all the crews and I will see when you get back, I'll be in the meeting room OK Don I suggest you grab some soft drink of your choice it is all in the rack over there and I will arrange for soup and sandwich for lunch and we can have it while we work – excellent Neil that sounds good.

Neil takes off and during of his tour of the rigs he visits were Jack has his crew and says sorry I'm not available at present I have my Boss up here and I feel there will lots of discussion going on – thanks for telling me Neil I leave it for you to phone me when you have time.

Neil is back after a wash and scrub up he meets up with Don.

Don first comments are Neil I believe you need some sort of relieve as in my opinion we should appoint an assistant directly under your command.

So I have been looking at all the oil rig crews and the length of time they have worked for the company as I believe they are the ones that take most of your time since the maintenance crews have there own foremen under your control

My list is alphabetical, so let's look at all the names so does anyone really stand out in your opinion and I know your son is in this list but forget the family relationship lets go on abilities. These are discussed very thoroughly eventually Don comes back to Jack, Don lists several items that he is familiar with, brought into operation two oil rigs and it looks as if he going to the same again shortly. He appears to be capable of getting a good crew together.

After starting to work for us on a rig when he got called with the rest of his crew to help out with injured crew members and handle that situation very well, I believe when he first came bottom end man some years and assisted following that explosion, the reports I got he was very compassionate after splinting the injured. He checked on the guys situation after getting cleaned up, as a result they became good friends and then several years later he selected injured man to become his assistant driller – that is correct Don.

Then through a series of mishaps he and Terry basically ran Yellow men under training with you as backup on one occasion.

So Neil your thoughts on promoting Jack to that slot? Phew you really have been doing your home work Don. I have to admit Jack does have a lot of additional knowledge. Would you be happy with this suggestion that we promote Jack?

Well Don we must discuss this with Jack as he loves the work on the oil rigs and never complains about dirt, don't worry about that he can deal with oil rigs problems so he can get just as dirty and Don is laughing at Neil you my friend should have some assistance and this will allow you to get time off much easier as you will have someone you trust to take care of things. OK I see the time is coming up for 3:30 so lets get showered and scrub perhaps you will do my back please and I also could do with a hair cut no problems at all. So let's get this all covered up and head for the showers sounds good to me says Neil.

Well as Neil heads for the showers he meets Don walking bare footed and his towel over his shoulder, Neil has his hair cutting gear, Neil washes his hard hat off and goggles and dumps his overalls into he the dirty basket. Don does the same, so Don asks where do you wish me to lie down. Let's use this pair of benches so Don how short do you wish me to go as I have the hair clipper guides. Neil I want a full drillers cut. Don did I hear you correctly yes you did get rid of all of it it's been bugging for to long. Neil gets all of hair off and then gets his razor out and then shaves everything clean. Well there you are Don all done; I said full drillers cut you have not done my cock and balls yet. Neil asks are you sure – very sure as Neil is finishing up Cody comes in for his clean up and says nice job Neil good work.

Don is now complete and heads for the shower washes all loose hair off and Neil is scrubbing Don's back and everywhere else that is difficult to get access to on your own. As Don & Neil finish up, Neil says just grab your underwear and carry it to your room if it need laundering you will find a yellow bag in one of your draws just make sure your room number is marked on it and hang it on the outside of your door.

Don says I know this site is dry but is there any Tonic water available, yes there is some in cans can you grab one and then come to my room please before Dinner which I think is in about one hours time. I grab a can of Tonic and head back to Don Rm, I knock come in Neil. Don has two glasses out and a small bottle of Gin, Don does the honors and pours two good stiff drinks and then lends back in his Chair and says there is another change I would like to do. I know Jack is on one side of you is the room in use on the other side. Not at present, I would like to see the size of the room. Because I would like you and Jack to have a proper office accessible to your own private room your thoughts on that one. Neil says you jumping the gun assuming Jack will accept this proposal.

Don I suggest I give Jack a phone call and see he will join us after dinner in my room. That sounds good, I just caught Jack as was about to leave his room and head for a crew meeting prior to Dinner.

Don and Neil head for the dinning room and they arrive about 6:15 pm; Neil there is a table here lets use this one as we are in the middle of all the crews and you know I do not stand out like a sore thumb. I feel I blend in better and you know I am enjoying my self up here, glad to hear that that Don. Well I see Jack and his crews are heading out, lets finish up here. Do you feel like a coffee Neil but I will get myself a Tea; and take back to my room. Oh, by the way I will sit on my bed leaving the chairs for you and Jack. Suddenly my phone goes and on answering hi Jack come though our door, please I have someone here who wants to meet you. On my way, Jack slip his tee shirt on and taps on the door come on in Jack Neil says I would like to introduce Don to you he is my Boss from town. Jack offers his hand but Don pulls Jack to him and gives him a big hug and then says take a seat please Jack.

Well I think this is the first time we have every meet, yes that is correct says Jack so I understand you like your job so what is your aim. Jack remains very quiet and then Neil says tell Don what you said when you were one on the Yellow men under training and I have never forgotten that comment of yours.

Jack looked a little embarrassed – finally Jack said I want your job but first I must start at the bottom in order to have an understanding in what all the crews have to do however dirty. So you have got dirty yes, so what it all washes off and your mates scrub your back and you become as clean as anyone else does.

Jack I understand you and Terry got dropped into a situation of running the bulk of the Yellow men in training, well I guess we did but Neil here also help out, and you also you help two young guys who's Dads had retired and you acted as one of the deputy father.

So tell me Jack how did this guy accept you, when I look back it could have been very difficult but in fact, it was the complete opposite. Then a sad situation occurred his father passed away from a massive heart attack that afternoon. Neil here was able to get him on the freight flight early the next morning to get with his younger brother telling he had a job once things had been sort out and keep in contact via Email daily. Ken said he was most concerned about his younger brother getting a dead end job he wanted to see him do much better.

Prior to going to town, both Neil and I asked him a lot about his brother Tony to me it showed a lot of love between the brothers. The result Roger our computer man asked for lots of information. Roger meets him in town and the result he was offered the job of assistant system administrator to-day he is now our system admin when Roger was promoted to head office.

Well I'm going to offer you something Jack, the work load on this site is over loading in my opinion Neil here and I feel we need to create an assistant superintendent and I'm offering you that job and I hope you will accept my offer.

Don then passes a piece of paper with the pay for the job, Jack shallows twice and then says this is an honor are you sure I am the right man. Jack your experience on this site is extensive. Thank you I will accept but first we have to find suitable crew for the bottom end, as I believe we can move all the crew up.

Neil when is the next group of yellow men due two weeks time, who do we have in that group sorry have not had that list yet. Don says I will get that moving right away.

Don sends an Email to head office and asks for that list tomorrow it is urgent thank you Don.

Don says to Jack please keep this all under wraps until I make an announcement which will be in roughly six weeks time. However, your pay will go up as of the start of next month. Oh by the way I made the selection and after pointing out the pro's and cons of all the drillers and your experience had the most to offer.

Jack I will see you tomorrow evening for dinner please and I'm going to leave you two on your own. Dad I cannot believe what has happened this evening you know I do not know really what to say, is that correct you had nothing to with the selection that is correct Jack but look back on what you have done. You took over with Terry for the Yellow men, you consoled Ken and comforted him, you have worked on a number of oilrigs including bring two new ones on line plus which not mention you have good relationship with your crew and they respect you.

So I think it would be a good idea for a stiff nightcap as I think you need it, I know I do. Well we sip our drinks and Neil says it makes me very proud to have you as my assistant. Tomorrow Don and I are going to look at how we can create a good office between our rooms, as we need two desks three armchairs etc so any ideas you have will be welcomed tomorrow.

Well Dad I have to go to sleep look at the time – is that late well good night

That night Jack has problem getting to sleep as his mind is churning around thinking about the so many good times he has had with the crews especially when the mud and other shit is flying about – I'm going to miss that part of the job. I eventually fall asleep only to be woken up by my alarm clock at 5:30 am. Jack drags himself out of bed and has a good shower eventually going for cold water to really wake him up.

Cody comes into the showers and says Hi Jack; oh I'm glad to see you mate, so what the problem mate sorry but I need a good drilling to get me going. Oh that serious you know there really is not enough time right now but this evening I will certainly help you out and so will my crew assist your crew if that what you wish.

Jack gives Cody a great big Hug thanks mate you are one of the best, Cody says if you want to talk I'm always available, Jack said sorry but I have to keep my mouth shut on this one for present – I understand. Well let's go and get breakfast and have a good day.

Well the day went well and yes Jack did get dirtier than normal but he was happy at that, so back at the showers regular routine, Jack decided he need a hair cut and shave, Terry notice this saying ok Jack on the bench we will all get you fixed up just lay there and relax. Jack had a number of his crew assisting and they really shaved him well including his backside. Cody came over with a large bottle of skin lube and proceeded to work this in especially his head and face, he then got Jack to lay on his stomach and did his back and then slipped into his rear canal and gave Jack a real good drilling. By the time the whole crew had completed his job Jack got up and pulled every one into a big circle saying thank you so much I really needed that.

Well that got everyone going, we had just broken up when Neil and his Boss came in for there shower. Jack decided to wash his backside out well and then use some more lube on his head as it produce a real good shine. Don calls out hey Jack don't forget see you at Dinner no problem Don. Jack crew is still all there and Jack says to them sorry guys I can't have dinner you tonight as I have to meet up with Don, Neil's boss.

After getting dressed I phone Neil saying can we talk, come on through. Firstly did we get the list of yellow men, an interesting list of what they have been working at? Here you look at the list one I suspect he is working for the same outfit Ken was at and look how he has turned out a great hard working guy. Well I go through this later so how did you make out regarding office accommodation?

Well Don came to the conclusion we need four rooms the middle two open right up as he agrees we need two desks and plan table, two filing cabinets plus two or three arm chairs and that would not fit into a single room. Hopefully I say that will provide enough space, actually we can easily go to two arm chair and we will have the desk chairs anyway and that gives more space. That makes sense Jack please remember that.

While we are there Neil's phone goes and it is Don asking can you grab another can of tonic. Neil says Jack is with me at the moment. Even better grab another glass please and come to my room. Well Neil gets a glass and I get the tonic and we head for Don's room. Once there Neil knocks and a voice says come in guys make your self at home please. Don straight away gets the G&T made, so Jack how do you feel about this job? Well I have to admit it took sometime to get to sleep last night and I don't feel that I got enough – well that is fair enough at least you are honest and I appreciate that very much. So have you had a chance to study the yellow men list, well I have looked at it but need to go through it with a fine tooth comb. Don I believe you have a list of all oilrig crews is there any chance in borrowing it, no problem I'm sure Neil can easily get a copy made for you. Why do you ask, well I notice a couple of applications don't have there dads here but on another oil field.

Don says that is easy to answer this is the only oilfield that runs this program and occasionally our company gets requests to consider an external applicant. The arrangement is they work us for not less than one year assuming they are successful.

Neil say's Dinner time it is passed 6:00pm so we all head for the dinning room and use a nook table.

The only thing discussed was the office setup and ultimately we all agreed on the changes.

Jack said he was going to concentrate on the yellow men project as he will be looking at suitable bottom end men. The one that I thought might be worth having I confirmed that Ken knew him and as he put it, I think he is full of bullshit and used to miss work for no good reason, thanks Ken anyway how are you doing these days? Fantastic I love the work and my young brother I have never seen him so happy for years I'm so glad the company took him on and just look where he is right now.

I gave Ken a great big hug it's a long time since we have done that must not leave as long – thanks Ken for your info say hi to Tony for me please will do mate answers Ken.

Oh well I know how to sort the wheat out from the chaff, Once Neil has done all the intro and since the number is small this time we will arrange that these guys come out to a rig and get shown around and give them a drillers welcome. There reaction will give a good indication.

Neil is laughing saying you bugger but you know I love that idea I will advise Allan of our plans. When Allan heard of this he almost doubled up laughing and then said you know I really like that idea if we do that on the first day when we tour the site that should sort them out. We will go to both Jack's & Terry's rig and I know the crews will have fun as well.

So one the first day, Neil does his normal introductions and tells them about the first aid course they will all have to pass if they wish to work here and finally in the afternoon they split into two groups Allan has one and Neil has the other group and they finish up at the respective oil rigs, the crews were aware of what was happening. Well Terry's crew really excelled themselves mined you Jack's crew really did as well.

After leaving the rigs both Allan & Neil said we will hit the showers but first wash your boots off in the tray and then use the hose pipe, please do it like this and that will get rid of any oily mess from the soles of your boots. So then take your boots off but keep your hard hat and goggles with you. Grab a pair of slipper or what ever and head for the showers we both will meet you at the showers.

As the Yellow Men arrived either Allan or Neil said first wash your hard hat off using some of the special soap rinse well and leave it wear you can find it now strip your off and place them in the dirty basket here, then get your partner to scrub your back and places where you cannot get. Once all the Yellow men were in the shower we joined them Allan scrubbing my back and I did Allan's watching at the same time how they were handling this situation.

I called out hey guys please when you have finished and don't take to long just put your jeans on and head for the training room for a brief discussion thank you.

Within 15 minutes they are all there so that me what interested you the most? A couple said the machine shop; another couple said welding two more said the electrical department and the last two said the drill rigs. So Neil asks what is special about the drill rigs well you are exploring under ground and you never really know when you are going to hit oil, so what about the other guy who said he was interested in working on a rig, he comment was interesting I don't really understand how the drill rig works but I can see you can get very dirty but then you have shown us everyone can get cleaned up plus a little bit of dirt never hurt anyone and this dirt is better smelling than sewers where I have work the last several years.

I believe two of you don't have your Dads working here is that correct, yes came the answer and it turned out the one from the sewer job and one wanting an electricians job. So which oilfield are your dads working on they both said Tad #6. Well that is close by. How long since you saw him the sewer one says about three months ago the other said several years now ever since my Mother walked out and that happen during my last year at school, luckily I had an uncle there I who took me in while I finished off school. As a matter of interest which school did you attend Park High School. Sorry I cannot see your name what is it please – Glen thanks Glen.

Well guys its dinner time and tomorrow you will all start your first aid work so hopefully you all have a ticket by the end of the week as it is a company requirement that all employees must have a ticket to work on this site and Allan will be your instructor.

So go and enjoy Dinner and have a great evening we will see all back here at 8:00 am in the morning.

Once everyone has left let me know tomorrow Allan your thoughts on this bunch of Yellow Men please.

I meet up with Jack and said look through the list for Glen he attended Park High School see if any other intake was there. Well it turn out both Ken & Tim were there so I will go and talk to them.

They both said they knew of the guy but had never talk to him and I said would you be willing to just find out how they are enjoying this program – Sure no problem Jack can you point him out. So we take a walk into the lounge area and have a look around, no luck lets check the pool – I point out that's him. Well he has changed a lot in appearance leave him to us and we will let you know – Thanks guys.

Tim & Ken make contact with Glen by going up to him and sayings is that you Glen and were you at Park High School so how is it going these days. Glen looks at both of them and says your voices are familiar but I'm sorry I don't recognize you. We both laugh and say that is we like every one else here has a shaved head. So what have you been doing and where have you been working.

That side of me is not good because I got into drugs and my Dad who does not work on this patch but is at Tad #6 put a good word in for me and hence I'm on this Yellow Men in Training program. So how is it going here really good and I'm enjoying the experience and the more I see the more I like it. I had to laugh at some of the comments of the other guys on the course who made comment in the showers, they didn't really want to get that dirty every day buy admitted everyone got cleaned up with assistance of there mates. Well that is how we all work, I'm going to ask you a very personnel question do you consider yourself gay and I should mention that most of the crews are. Glen is very quiet and then says I never admit that I'm gay because you generally loose your job.

Both Tim & Ken said don't have any worry here, the managements attitude is you perform your job but what you do in your own time is your affair and they are not at all interested. Glen asks so how long have you two been here? A good five years now and I love it, Ken says I even have my younger brother here and he is the computer system admin. Glen asks is that Tony by any chance? Yes it is well be dammed. I tell you what let me see if I can get hold of him and let Tony tell you his story. I make a couple of phone calls and get Tony to meet us at the pool area.

Well Tony comes along and of course his shaved head stalls the recognition, good grief fancy seeing you Glen as Tony give him a great big hug welcome to our world.

So how did you finish up here, it is a long story but Ken here was worried about me when our Dad passed away and he had made comment to Neil the site superintendent. This result in me tabulating all the operating systems I understood and Roger their Computer man came to town and over three grueling days I finished up with the job of assistance systems admin man.

Ken & Tim let Jack know it was a very positive meeting and is enjoying himself while here. Now I will a question to you two from what you have seen so far would you have him working as bottom man on your rig. They both said first they would like to have him for several days first and see how he works out a sort of test. Well that is easy to arrange I'm sure. Thanks guys for your input so have a good night – see you all at breakfast.

The next day the Yellow Men in Training start there first aid course which is run by Allan. The following day is exam day in which everyone passed with flying colors and once the tags all had there first aid sticker attached they are told to pack a small bag with their jock straps, pair of jeans, tea shirt and a pair of slipper or sandals as they are going to be taken to the company resort for the usual bonding exercise. However wear clean overalls for the trip and your boots plus a warm jacket.

Every thing at the Resort went very well, especially when the Dad's arrived on the second afternoon including the two from Tad #6.

The weekend was over and now all the Yellow Men were going to follow their Dad's on what ever job he was doing. However the two guys that needed further checking out were placed on two different rigs as gofers.

After two days they all meet back in the training room when Neil asked them where they worked and give their name and there Dad's name.

So Neil then asks did you enjoy the experience, one of them said he wanted an apprenticeship as a machinist, basically all wanted to work here, the two on the rigs said they really enjoyed it because everyone helps you get cleaned up afterwards and that really helps, they also said they both would like to get a full drillers haircut as it made so much sense even if they did not get a job here.

Well Jack had been taken off shift for a few days and so he was called to provide the required service which he did with ease, he had an interesting time as he was able to question both of the guys at the same time while doing the haircuts and shavings.

After both were done they looked at each other and also checked in the mirror, both were laughing saying you know when we go into the pub no one will recognize either of us.

So Guys get a good shower and scrub each other well and by the way I need my back scrubbing please that's your payment to me and thanks. Well I got a great scrubbing and also was given a good blowjob – what else you could ask for.

I told them both they would all be seen privately in the morning and until then go and enjoy yourselves the rest of the days is yours.

I must admit the reports I got about there attitude on the rigs was very positive, there safety approach was also good.

The following morning they were all seen privately and asked a lot of personal questions ending up with a job offer. Everyone accepted there offers and were given advice on what to bring in the way of clothing etc.

They were advised they had one week to tidy up affairs in town and to return on the Sunday evening flight. If something happened while in town they were given Neil's email address to advise him what had happened etc. They were all reminded that the site is a dry site and that no liquor was permitted in there rooms as all as it was part of the site safety.

Now to-night is your completion Dinner Night and you will all be joined by your Dad's so have fun. Thank you l look forward in seeing you all next Sunday week.

Well the dinner went well, and Allan produced enough beer for one bottle each to go with there meal. Dinner was over by about 6:30 pm and so the Dad's and Son's went there own way.

Next morning early everyone was up and dressed had there breakfast and departed at 7:30 am for town arriving there approx 12:00 noon

The Sunday came almost too quickly for some, others were glad to get out of town, anyway they all arrived in time for the flight to camp.

Just before boarding they were given a lunch pack and had a choice of different juices or pop but were told please take your empties off the plane when you disembark – So Guys have a good flight.

Some 3.5 hours later they arrived at the camps runway and disembarked, they were picked up by a bus and transported to the office area where Allan gave them there room numbers in most cases they had an adjoining room to there Dad's. The two Tad #6 guys also had rooms next to each other.

Allan handed a package to each guy and he said read this carefully once you get your room, it will tell you where to report for work in the morning and the time suggested for getting up. If you have any questions just come and see me and I will help you out. Thanks Guys and we are very happy to see you all enjoy your life here.

Everyone headed for there rooms, I wish I could be a fly on the wall to listen to what was being said by all.

The next morning everyone was up and on time in there overalls and full safety gear, the two guys that wanted to work on the rigs got there dark red overalls etc and seemed to stand out from the others looking very proud.

Well over the next couple of weeks a close watch was kept on everyone and it was obvious that everyone fitted in well. The two on the rigs both got showered with mud and oil and all they could do was laugh, in both cases another member of crew got a clean rag and wipe there face so the shit did not get into there eyes.

At the end of the shift these crews were in the showers starting to clean there hard hats and goggles etc but still had there overalls on when the respective driller's said we need to give our new guys a driller's welcome and with that the two crews got the new guys into a huddle and rub there dirty hands all over there heads and faces plus a great big hug from everyone.

Finally they stripped and started to shower and doing what comes naturally. The new guys were sort of boxed in and were asked when last were you fucked by a driller? The answers never by a driller but my mates have; so guys I think we need to get you all fixed up.

With that the lube came out and both guys were taken on by there own crews and there no complaints either. All the Guys said thanks crew you have really made us a crew member and I will never forget your effort; please give us shit if we fuck up.

During this time Don went back to the office for a few days and then returned, this time he was wearing his overalls as he disembarked the flight complete with what looks like new work boots and his hard hat with goggles attached.

Neil said you look good Don, and it's sure nice to see how you dress. Don laughed and said he went to work like this and shocked the whole office but didn't care what folk thought, then he says I can see why you wear overalls most of the time they are much more comfortable than a tight belt around your waist.

So how are thing going Neil great the new well should come on line this week. You know Neil I would like to be there when that happens providing I'm not in the way and I assume Jack is bringing it on line? Yes that is right I just want to see for myself how he performs, don't worry I have no worries about Jack he is the right man for the job.

Well Don get his chance to see Jack perform in a very cool rational way, there is little talk on the rig at this time as everyone is concentrating on there job. When they hit there was a heavy shower of mud and oily sludge and I think most of it went onto Don due to a change in wind direction but so what it didn't seem to concern Don one bit.

Neil was sitting in his pickup some way back for safety reasons but watching all the proceeding. Suddenly Jack calls out Don those clamps by your feet bring them here please; Don did as asked.

Jack finally said well guys you have done a great job and thank you all for you efforts, we now have to wait until the well is connected which will take place on the night shift. So Guys get your gear together and we will go and get cleanup, Jack looked at Don and busted out laughing, hey Don how come you got dumped upon; Don got a real drillers welcome and every one is laughing while heading for the showers. Don's comment was if it's good enough for Neil and the other crew members it is good enough for me – OK guys lets get cleaned up.

Well the crew had the showers to themselves on this occasion and everyone got a good clean up including a driller's shave. Don was asked have you ever been fucked he said yes but a long time ago so everyone got him fixed up. By the end Don said that was wonderful and much appreciated and I hope I was not in the way, the crew laughed saying no problems Don but you really did get dumped on however so what it's all part of the game.

Once Don got shaved and scrubbed and finally cleaned up he made his way with just his towel over his shoulder. Once in his room he phoned Neil and Jack and said he was running short of tonic water. They both laughed and said they would deal with the situation.

Very shortly Don is giving them very stiff G&T's, then his comment was you know I really did enjoy the experience to-day it has made me realize what can happen to the crews and until you have personal experienced that you don't appreciate what they go through and to you Jack my compliments on how the crew performed very professional.

Jack said it is a pity you were not at the crew meeting prior to the work on the rig because you would have had an even better understanding of what was expected of everyone. It was one of those occasions when I call for total silence on the job unless a warning or an instruction is being given. Normally the crew is often chatting about what ever which is fine an it creates a comfortable working environment.

Neil said generally he was on a rig that was to be brought on line and this was the first time in years he was not there, however I was within a short distance sitting in my truck watching everything that was going on. Don said that's great Neil because Jack will be taking your place under these conditions as he loves to get truly dirty and I now can understand why. Don stands up and says Jack come here you bugger and Jack is then given a great big hug and much to his surprise a kiss, he allows Don's tongue to enter his mouth which then proceed to roll around, Jack does the same to Don.

As Don sits down he says thank you Jack I know we are all on an even keel what a great family this operation really is. You know folks I was up here several years ago and got pretty dirty and though yuck I don't need to go there again. Bob Smith the company CEO asked me how long is it since you were last up in the oil fields and all I said several years ago.

His comment was I think you had better contact Neil up there as he is the man in charge and make arrangements to go there and see what is really going on and what makes that site work so well.

Prior to contacting you Neil, I did a lot of homework on the crewing as in the back of my mind I had the idea of possibly getting an assistant for Neil since the work load had increased from two wells and now there are nine wells in operation plus another due on stream shortly.

Now it's my fault for not coming here more often, and you know I come to love this place and Neil you are the man that has made things run so smoothly which I thank you so much. Enough of this you all know the rest, so next week we will make the announcement re Jack appointment so Jack how would you like this done.

Jack answers quickly by saying we are a family here and that includes all folk on site and therefore in a family the family elders meet together first and we advise them but ask them to keep the info to themselves for 24 hours then the next day we post the notice.

Don looked quiet surprised but you know I have never looked at it that way it makes so much sense, so Jack who do you consider the family elders? Maintenance Foremen (3) Drillers (10) and we three. Now that number is too many for the meeting room so let's advise the Maintenance Foremen first, these guys can come over during there working time and then after dinner the same day we get all the Drillers to join us – Don looks at Neil and then says a good plan Jack I like the way you think.

The private meetings went well and when the drillers all meet and were told about Jack's promotion they all went over and gave Jack many hugs and good wishes and all said he was the right man for the job – Don was all smiles at the response from the drillers. Don said to Neil we can now get the carpenters on to the modification as discussed. Jack have you switched room yet? Yes I did that over last weekend oh great and for your info we are going to get a proper office setup for Neil and Jack so they have in effect two rooms joined up for office and each will have there own entrance through the connecting door. It was Cody who spoke up and said Neil it's about time you stopped sleeping on your office desk the others laughed.

Everyone then went there own way, Jack, Don and Neil all went back to Neil's room where Neil poured a stiff scotch out for everyone to toast his son Jack. Everyone stood up and Neil said Jack come here you bugger and he started to hug Jack, Don said let me in please it was a very happy evening all around.

Jack took up his duties the following day and had switched from Drillers overalls to Hi-Vis ones but said he was going to keep on hand two sets of Drillers overalls as you never know when an ugly problem may occur and they are much tougher than the Hi-Vis ones.

Don stayed on until the office arrangements were completed and then said I guess I must go back to the office but have no fear I'll be back in about three months time; Don said I'm going to feel very lonely back home this is such a wonderful family. I'm going to have a long talk with our CEO on how you Neil have got this place setup I think there are many things that can be done back at the office.

There is one question I would like to ask, would object if I brought Bob Smith up on my next visit so he can see for himself how you have things working? Neil & Jack look at each other, then Jack said I think that would be great and as a matter of interest has Bob every been to an oil field, Don's answer I don't really know but I rather suspect the answer is no however I will find out and let you know ahead of time.

Neil said you know the dress regulations here; we can easily provided Bob with suitable and other safety equipment. Don's comment was he would be traveling the same I now do – Thanks Don

Well Don went back to town after the modifications were done to provide both Neil and Jack proper office space.

Don kept in touch more than ever before, and then about three months later Don said he would be bringing Bob Smith with him on the freight flight next Wednesday.

Well Neil said he would meet Don and Bob when they arrived out on the landing strip.

It seemed as if Wednesday came very fast, Neil meet the guests and took them there rooms to dump there gear and then said lets go to the office and have a coffee before we start a tour. Bob said he needed the bathroom, Don said I will show you where they are and we will both join you Neil at the office in our few minutes.

Neil got to the office, found Jack had put the coffee maker on, and it just completed as the guests arrived. Well folks welcome to Home from Home that is what we call this complex. Neil asks Bob so what experience do you have on the oil fields? Sorry I have to admit I lack a lot of education in this area and welcome the experience.

Thanks Bob for being honest; I think the first area we will look at is this complex, which I think, will surprise you at what is offered to all our crews and incidentally this place is run as a large family.

Being such a large family there are the Elder's who often meet to discuss any changes that might need to be made. Don broke in here and said that was how the notification of the appointment of Jack to become Neil's assistant was made to the senior staff. Then the following day a general notice went out notifying the rest of the crews what was taking place.

Neil said lets go for a walk around thought this complex, it became obvious that Bob was very impressed at the standard of the facilities, when saw the dinning room his question was I assume there is another dinning room for the workers. No was the answer and the only time overalls are permitted is breakfast time when everyone has clean overalls on everyone eats here. It is such a high quality, Neil cuts in and says this is everyone home here.

After a period Neil escorts the guests to his crew cab, they go around his site, and Neil can see Cody's drill was down, he stops there Cody see Neil and signal ok to come aboard. Neil asks are you waiting for pipe yes he says expecting it here in about 10 minutes. OK do you mind if I bring up two guests one is Don the other is Bob the company CEO – go for it Neil.

Neil signal Don and shouts down make it quick please, Cody explains the workings while Don is talking to the crew he also says don't give Bob a driller hug or such like not this time – thanks for the warning but you might get a double treatment – all Don says you buggers and goes away laughing. Cody's radio comes alive about four minute you say; yes OK I will clear the deck thanks Joe.

Cody turns to Neil and says clear the deck now please, Neil hustles Bob off but Don gets his treatment, his face was well muddied, however Don is laughing – Neil hand Don some clean rag to wipe his face. Bob looks at him and ask what happed oh do not worry it was the crews departure gift; it does not worry me calm down Bob.

By now, it is about 3:00pm as we return to the Home from Home complex. Don says I am going to get showered and I need to get a shave, are you going to join me Bob not a bad idea must admit the dust around makes you feel pretty dirty. Let us go to our rooms and I will explain how things go.

So Bob reluctantly agree to Don's advice and gets a pair of sandals and then follows Don who says first clean your hard hat and goggles using this special cleaner and rinse off. Next strip your overalls off and put them in the dirty bag right here, finally put your gear where you know were to find it.

Now we will hit the showers, by this time Neil and Jack have arrived complete with shaving gear to help Don Jack says hi Don you need your back scrubbed oh please so Jack goes ahead.

I hear Cody's crew got you this afternoon, you're lucky it was not my old crew you really would have been dirty, they are both laughing. In the mean time Bob has dried himself off and headed for his room.

Don say please shave me, full treatment please. Don is soon laying on the benches and Jack handle one area while Neil does his head.

Don says Bob seems to be very up tight and I will try and calm him down so leave him to me please – thanks Don however I think we should all eat together and oh bye the way Neil I have two packages for you and will deliver them to you very shortly. True to his word, Don shows up and says this is between we three only.

With that, Don returns to his room, and gets his jeans on and then knocks on Bob door. He finds Bob laying on his bed and he starts to say I don't really like what I saw today and if this is the way this company operates I'm sorry it's not for me I think I must seek alternative employment.

Don sat quietly and then said, that is only your choice however the co-operation here between everyone one is fantastic. Let me give you an example of something that happed about 5 years ago. I am sure you have heard of the "Yellow Men under Training" yes I have but realty do not fully understand the theory behind it. Fair enough, however one of these Yellow Men got word that his father who used to work here for a number of years and now retired suddenly had a massive heart attack at home and died.

As soon as Neil had the message, he called young Ken into the office and advises him of the situation and Neil had him on the freight flight next morning. Now young Ken had completed the basic training including getting his First Aid ticket and was to be offered a job here. Neil gave him his Email address and asked him to keep in contact as he had a job hear once everything was tidied up. Ken said his worry was his young brother who had just finished school and he did not want him to get into some lousy job. Neil asked him what his interests were he said computers.

Ken arrives home to find his Uncle there helping his young brother out and after some chit chat Ken asks Tony his brother saying I need to send an Email will you show me how please. Ken advise Neil he has arrived home and that his uncle is there helping out.

Ken says we are going out for a nice supper to-night, they have a good meal there Uncle wanted to pay but Ken said no it is on me tonight.

When they got home Tony says there is an Email for you Ken. Well cut this short Tony was asked to list everything he knew about different computer operating system. Well Tony got onto this very quickly and bye the following morning the Email was ready to be sent but first he ask both Ken and Uncle to read through what he had written – Ken said send it.

While this is all going on Uncle asked how the hell they knew about Tony. Ken answers I said to Neil I was worried about Tony getting stuck in some dead end job.

There Uncle says thank you Ken you really do look after your brother, bye the way I assume you are going back up north Oh yes, I really love everything I have seen, everyone is so supportive.

End result Roger came down and spent about twelve hours a day for three days and end result; Tony joined the operation as assistance systems admin of the computer system and now when Roger moved to head office Tony became the system admin. That Bob is examples of how people are looked after on this site so do not rock the boat.

Bob says that is an amazing story, bending over backwards like that is dammed good PR. Don I'm going to bed what time is breakfast, 7:00am in one of your draws there you will find clean overalls that is the standard dress on this site. Good night Bob I hope you sleep well.

Don leaves Bob and phones Neil asking are you home yes Don Come on over be there in a few minutes. Don grab some ginger ale and heads for Neil's room and knock on his door come on in Don.

Well I think we both need a stiff drink what do you say – one hell of a good idea so how did you make out with Bob. Sorry at present that is something cannot discuss at present but as soon as can I will tell you all, it is not a happy situation.

Neil is there a flight back tomorrow, no sorry but the next day it leaves at 12:00 noon can we get on that flight, I see no problem it's the cargo plane I see no problem good then I will take Bob back to town.

Once Don & Bob are in town, Bob gets changed into his civilian clothes and leaves the office. Don stays in his overalls and goes and visits the engineering section and sits down with the dept head Keith and asks a number of very personal questions amongst them is are you Gay and if not do you mind working with folk who are gay?

Don got the answer he was looking for, Keith is single and gay no interest is women seen to many failures of marriages. Thanks Keith for being honest with me, have you any idea about the rest of your staff. My young draughtsman I'm pretty sure is gay, the other engineer his wife walked out on him and is getting over that problem, in his case I don't know.

By the way have you every been to the companies oil patch? No I have not but would like to see where our work is being used. Well I will see what I can do about that – Thanks Keith I plan to ask similar question to the rest of your crew if you have no objections. No problem on my part would you like to use my office where it is private, which would be nice. OK let's talk to your young guy and you introduce me to him please and then you talk with the other engineer and find how he is making out with his private life.

On the way through the office I get introduce to John the other engineer and then to Bill the draughtsman. Don backs away and I ask Bill would you mind answering some rather personal questions and if you prefer to do this in private we could use Keith's office. Bill says here is just fine, so Don goes through his list of question and finally ask young Bill if he is gay. Bill goes very quiet so Don says it's OK Bill to be gay with this company and for your information I'm gay. Bill looks Don straight in the eyes saying I thought if I admitted that I would get fired. Look Bill this company's policy is so long as you do your job then what you do out of work is of no interest to this company. Thanks for being honest, Bill said thank you Don you have taken a load off my mind. We shake hands and I head to Keith office and said Bill is gay he thought he might get fired if that came out, anyway I have put his mind at ease.

So how is John making out in his private life, well he does not seem to know what to do, his wife caught him giving another guy a kiss, however he has since found out she has been messing around with several guys. It sounds as if she was looking for a way out, did they have any kids yes one son who is in his last year at school.

How heavy is your work load right now? Average, well I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to take the whole office up north for a week. I think you will find it very interesting and at the same time you all can get your first aid tickets, which takes basically two days. The one thing everyone will need is good steel toed work boots not less than 16 holes overalls similar to what I'm wearing right now. You would take pair of plain jeans, underwear and some tee shirts and your shaving equipment. If you wish to take your laptop then it is carry on luggage plus your camera. I suggest everyone gets a real short hair cut prior to going up there as the site is rather dusty. Other safety equipment will be loaned to you there. I'll talk to John tomorrow as you have had a long talk today and I don't want to increase his worries.

Sounds good Don and thanks for stopping in, as Don passes through the reception area Julie calls out Don there is letter here for you. Don opens it and reads it.

Don how dare you belittle me in front of other workmen by insisting that I look like a common workman wearing lousy overalls and heavy work boots. It is obvious that this company does respect quality in a man therefore I'm quitting as I personally would fire everyone and start again but I know that is not practical so it leaves me no choice. – Bob

Julie how did this letter arrive? By courier roughly 10 minutes ago – thanks. Oh is the company secretary in, to the best of my knowledge yes please phone him and let him know I'm on my way to see him urgently.

I get to t he top floor and see Frank's door is open; I tap and enter, Hi Don what is up? Don passes over the letter for Frank to read, pompous arse was Franks comment and he then said he has never fitted in.

So Frank what is the procedure for replacement? Well last time when our original CEO was replaced due to illness we used a placement service, but I can assure you that will not happen again as I think this is a job that should be by promotion within the company as who ever that is they will know how we work and our ways.

Look Don leave it with me I will contact the other Directors and be in contact with you to-morrow. Oh bye the way I like the way you dress these days it really suits you, thanks Frank and I still have on my work boots so I can kick arse if needed. That made Frank really laugh as he got up and gave Don a big hug and said I think it is time you went home.

Well Frank I have one job I must do is to cancel Bob's key card so he cannot get into the building and I assume he does not have a bypass key. Frank pulls out his key register and double checks – no nothing issued thank goodness. Who has bypass keys just you and I says Frank – Thanks, good night.

Don arrives home, strips off and heads for a good soak in the bath and has a shave when his buzzer goes, on answering Hi Don it's Frank can I come up please sure thing. Don does not bother to dress other than a jock strap and a towel around his waist. Don cracks open his door, soon there is a gentle tap, come on in Franks I'm just pouring myself a drink what would you like. Do you have a G&T sure do let's go though to the sundeck and get the evening sunshine.

Frank is passed his drink, cheers Don – I have had a conference call with directors and they all would like to meet you in the board room at 9:30 am to-morrow morning, please don't dress up I suggest denim Jeans and Shirt. They are interested in hearing about the your trip up north with Bob. I can also say they all got a good laugh from the letter you received.

Frank asks what are you doing for supper to-night, well since my frig is rather bear I was going to the pub for a nice meal. That sounds like an excellent idea do you mind if I join you? Not at all. Frank says however I do need to have a good wash if I may use your bathroom, no problem all if you want a shower there are large bath towels in the cupboard. Frank finishes his drink and soon is showering, must admit he looks a lot better in an open neck shirt than collar and tie, in the mean time I have put on some good jeans and a tee shirt, socks and sandals.

Frank ask how far away is the pub just one block we can walk if you like, that sound a good idea. During the dinner a fair bit of shop talk takes place including his idea of taking all the engineering office up north for a week and that will include them getting there first aid tickets as I feel every employee should have a ticket as you never know when misfortune might occur better to be prepared. I like that idea says Frank but how could we do the rest of the office.

Well Allan up north is the instructor we could bring him down say on a Wednesday and cover the cost of his motel as he like most don't have a place in town anymore so that Thursday and Friday would FA days, Allan then returns on the Sunday flight.

If we got Keith's engineering crew done first we could do the rest later and all phone calls could go to Keith's department while the office is being dealt with, however there are many way in achieving the desired result.

Frank says you know Don I like your ideas they make a lot of sense and I like them thanks for your input, I think we should head back and I must collect my jacket etc.

Frank and I return I offer Frank a night cap but he says better not I have to drive home so I will say good night and I also enjoyed your company this evening; see you in the morning at the office – Bye.

Next morning Don has a good breakfast of bacon & eggs with toast, jam and tea and then heads for the office arriving there about 9:00 am. Julie asks me is it true that Bob Smith has quit – yes. Her comment was good riddance he was a moron in my opinion – I just smiled and headed for my office to check my Email and find a message from Neil saying Bob left his dog tag behind – I simply replied cut it up please and destroy tell you more later. Time now was 9:20 am so I head for the wash room have freshen up and use the toilet then head for the Board Room to find the door was wide open.

I knock Frank see me, come on in Don please shut the door Don. Frank does the honors of introducing me to the various members of the board please take a seat. One of the directors said the letter you received gave me the best laugh I have had for a long time what was your reaction Don.

To be honest I thought you pompous arse. That got the rest of them laughing, thanks Don at least your honest with us. So please tell us what happened up north so Don tells exactly what went on; so basically he really only spent part of one day wanting to come back to town the next day – yes that is correct.

So Don tell us what would you expect of a CEO; hum that's a big question but basically he should have a though understanding of all the working of the company and its policies. He needs to be available to any member of our family and by that I define the family as all our employees. He should also meet up on the various job sites at least three times a year.

The Directors made some interesting comments to my views saying you know that is something we should all do. So Don if you were in this job what thing would you like to see achieved? #1 I would like all employees to have there First Aid tickets as you never know when something might happen, that course take about a day and a half including the exam. #2 I have already started talking to our engineering department which is three guys and said I would like them to go up north to see where there work is being used and at the same time get there FA Tickets and I'm planning this when the next batch of Yellow Men under Training is to take place. That means Allan doesn't have to make a special deal for them.

With our Engineering group if they went up on a Sunday flight and see how they are making out there I would take them all out to the resort for at least one night, a sort of appreciation for all the good work they have done over the last few years.

Frank breaks in and says, Gentlemen what do you think of Don ideas? I think Don has some excellent thoughts here and I really like this FA Ticket idea go for it Don.

The Directors then say to Frank why don't you and Don go for lunch at a suitable place and we will join you shortly. Frank says we often go to the "Three Foxes Pub" two blocks down the road, and they also have a private room for business groups.

Sound real good Frank we will see you in about 15 minutes, with that Frank and Don depart, on arrival at the Pub Frank asks if the private room is available and also says there four more coming in about 15 minutes. The barman unlocks the door and puts the lights on, would you both like something to drink yes please says Don half pint of bitter please, and I'll have the same please. The beer arrives and Frank said I think you did a great job this morning and you got them all laughing, Don's comment was well he was a pompous arse.

A few minutes later the rest of the group arrive, the barman brings in the menus and also takes orders for the others refreshments. Once everyone one has there beers and the orders taken they ask Don to come over to the other side of the table. They all have their hands out and say we would like to offer you the CEO Job as we feel you know how this company works and its attitude to the gay men of which form most of our employees.

Don looked really surprised at what was being offered and Frank passed a note to him with the starting salary. We hope you will except as we feel replacement should be from within – Don looked again at the salary and then said yes he would accept the position as CEO.

One of the Directors said this companies labor relations is top of the list for peaceful operations as compared with other oil fields and for that we have to thank Neil for the peace and quiet and that is a man we would all like to meet.

Don said that could be arranged and would suggest a three day stay; however you will all need safety boots and suitable thick wool socks the rest of the required safety equipment will be loaned to you for the stay. No business suits, just jeans, and some tee shirts and either slippers or sandals.

The reason I suggest going up north is you will see Neil in his own environment and how he works, I have recently appointed an assistant for Neil as his work load had got very high. Jack only took up that position about three months ago so he needs to get a good grounding in all areas especially the maintenance crew side, however there are three good foreman in that area and will always help out.

Now if you do not wish to go up north we can get Neil down here, however it will not allow you to see what is provided for the entire family, they are in my opinion way ahead of many work camps. This is there home so much so many of the guys only come to town once or twice a year they prefer to go out in the bush camping and fishing because the wild life and scenery is really spectacular. So for the hard ship of wearing heavy work boots and overalls as standard day dress you could well miss out on what I believe will be a wonderful trip.

Don you are very convincing and I think we should go up there whether as a group or in pairs I leave that to Don to sort out – thanks.

Change of subject do you have anyone in mind to fill your gap here in the head office, yes I do but I have been thinking I will cover both job for about two to three months and then talk to Neil as he is the most logical one to fill the slot, then Jack would move up and he will need replacement and I have an idea who he will pick. I will not bet on it but will put the name in a sealed envelope and give it to Frank here to hold. That move also depends on when the next yellow men training course takes place as I'm sure we will need a good guy for the bottom end of one of the rigs.

Don tells about the yellow men and how the name came about, firstly yellow was the color of overalls that were supplied hence yellow men and the name has stuck. It was Neil's idea as he knew many of the crews had been married and for some reason or other that had fallen apart but there were son's in most cases still at school who lived either with a grandparent or an uncle. A number of them had gone to work and had lousy jobs as one guy here today put it he worked on a building site and many time got showered with concrete, the best he could do was wash himself off with cold water to get the muck out of his hair and clothes then he was freezing cold. The foremen couldn't care less about the crew only the loss of time and would not allow anyone else to assist making sure the guy was OK. Today this man is working on one of the rigs and as happy as hell he says what a difference everyone looks after everyone's butt and if you get coated with mud and muck the crew looks after you because you know it could be any of the crew everyone helps it's a family.

The Yellow men group was also a way of re-uniting the sons with their fathers so it is a two fold thing, today in most cases the fathers and sons have adjoining rooms they all respect each other.

The training course starts with a tour of what is known as "Home form Home" complex which is the living quarters, it includes the library, swimming pool, two different lounges an internet room, a small shop for personal items like toilet gear, socks and such like. At one end there are two training rooms which are used for various courses. There is also a dirty entrance for the oil rig workers with means of washing there boots off of oil gunk and mud, those crews have lockers to store there hard hats and other safety equipment plus there boots, warm air flows through these lockers to ensure everything is kept dry. This is followed by an outside tour where they all travel in two buses going to different sections of the operation.

The last couple of times a dirty trick has been played on them as by arrangement the group is split into two groups and each group visits one of the oil rigs they all get a Driller welcome which means they all get big hug from each of the crew members and on leaving there faces get a little smeared the crews hands. So they finish up a little dirty. Now the purpose in this exercise is to see how they react to a dirty situation, some hate it others just laugh it off.

They are now taken to the showers and shown what to do, fist clean your boots, then clean your hard hat and goggles. Next strip off your coveralls and place then in the dirty bin hit the showers and get your mate to scrub your back and those awkward places that is difficult to get at. I should mention the showers are totally open and we tell the trainees don't worry if someone comes in we all men. The only ladies on site are the nurses and some wives who do housekeeping and they are all mature and all seen it before.

Thanks Don that is a very interesting insight, Don then says if you choose to except the offer of going up north, never be surprised if in the night you need the toilet and you are heading that way and another guy is coming towards you in the nude, do not be concerned. I regarding to underwear and other clothing there is domestic laundry on site and you simply place your dirty items in a yellow bag which you will find in one of the drawers just make sure you have you room number on it and simply hang on your outside door knob do that in the evening and you will find your gear all clean on your bed when you return at the end of the next day.

End of Part Three

Next: Chapter 4

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