The Oil Patch

By Rubber Rider

Published on Oct 29, 2009


The next morning Don contacts Frank and asks please, do not publish my appointment yet as I want to see Neil first before publication of my appointment.

Franks comments was I could fully understand that please let me know once you have had your talk with Neil and then I will go ahead with the publication. Neil said he would go up North on the Sunday flight and will most likely be there all week, as I need to have other discussions. I next Email Jack advising of my forthcoming trip but ask him not to tell Neil as I want to surprise him. I quickly get a reply from Jack saying I will meet you when the flight lands have a good trip.

Come Sunday I board the flight to the north and grab a lunch box, I find I am joining a bunch of the drilling crews so we all have many good laughs hence the flight time goes fast. As we land, I see Jack is there plus a bus for the driller's transportation.

I grab my bag and laptop and join Jack in his truck, so Jack's first question is what going on nothing but good. Do you know where your old man is; yes, he is in the office great. Jack says you have your normal room so I dump my gear there and go down to the office knock on the door and enter and sat Hi Neil how are you? Where did you come from? Just landed at the landing strip I asked Jack not to let you know I was coming up. You buggers that all I can say, well says Neil the time is 3:30 pm I am sure you need a shower and shave you got that right. So tell me what happened to Bob and why did you say destroy his dog tag. Neil produces that letter from Bob, he reads it twice and then bloody arse-hole so what was your opinion pompous arse.

Lets get scrubbed up and shaved I'll meet you in the showers. I returned to my room got my boots and socks off then head for the showers. Neil was just behind me I drop my coveralls off in the dirty bag and strip the rest off. Neil says OK lie on these two benches and we will get your head done, as Neil starts, Jack arrives and says ok Neil I'll start further down. Well between them, I am cleaned up very quickly and it sure feels much better. All this is followed by a good shower and scrubbed.

Don says we have roughly an hour before dinner so one of you gets a couple of cans of ginger ale and come to me room please, you had better bring your own glass.

It is not long before there is a tap on my door come on in you two, the first question Neil asks who is going to replace Bob Smith? Don with a great big grin on his face as he says you are looking at him -- sorry, I am the new CEO. It has not been published yet as I asked no to do that until I had let you know personally. Neil says get up and come here you great big bugger and Don get one of the tightness hugs he has ever had, Jack does they same. Jack then says may we offer our congratulation on your promotion thanks guys, much appreciated. So let us enjoy our refreshment before dinner. Neil said it was now 5:45 pm so let us head for dinner, we quickly finished our drinks use the washroom and headed for a nook table.

Soon one of the waiters was over to see what we would like we all said to-night I think all of us would enjoy a really nice steak with all the trimming, would you like chips or a baked potato everyone said a baked potato with some butter chives and bacon bit please.

Would you like salad to start with, Jack said yes just a small salad with blue cheese dressing the other declined anything to drink small glass of milk please is that for everyone yes please John. If my memory is correct, I think you all like your steaks medium oh please John.

Don says after breakfast tomorrow I want to sit down with you Neil for a period, so how long does it normally take you to do your rounds Jack? I assume you are the same as Neil as that being the first job of the day. Jack answers about one hour sound good as I would like you to join us as I have some ideas that I would like to pass by you both before I implement anything.

Well lets relax so Jack how have things being going for you in your new position, really well everyone has been very supportive of my move -- that is good news.

So Neil what about you, the biggest thing is I don't have to work my evening getting everything entered in the computer, it means in general the evening are free and I feel more relaxed -- good for you that is really nice to hear.

So when do you expect the next bunch Yellow Men, my guess is about three months time as too the best of my knowledge we have no retirements coming up for at least a year, however there might be some outsiders from Tad #6.

We had a great steak meal the best ever

Well I see the time is getting on come back to the office for a nightcap, Jack says I will have a small one and then hit the sack. Well Jack slipped away to his room and Neil beckons me to his room, shutting the communicating door, and then poured Don another shot and say I'm so pleased to see the Directors had sense this time.

Well I think Frank the company secretary had more to do with his than the directors did did however, I made them all laugh several times. Well Don it must have been hard having to wear suit with collar and tie -- it was my turn too laugh no I wore some plain blue jeans denim shirt and that will be my office attire or coveralls in the really warm weather. I have already shaken the office by staying in coveralls though out the day. The funny thing is Frank the day I went back with Bob and then received the letter I headed for Franks office and his comment was you sure look good dressed that way. It wouldn't surprise me if Frank drops wearing a suit and switches to jeans and a denim shirt.

We finished our nightcap and then headed for bed. Once Don got to his room he Emailed Frank and asked him for suitable salary's for Neil replacing him and also Jack taking over Neil's place. I'm going to talk to both to-morrow and if I can get that info by about 9:30 am to-morrow it will be of a great asset.

Don slept well that night as he has used to this room having now spent a number of weeks here.

Don gets up about 6:30 am has a quick wash and uses the toilet gets dress in his coveralls and boots and heads for Breakfast, he sees Neil is still there and so joins him and they chat about this and that., Neil says he is still laughing at the letter it was priceless. Well Don finished his breakfast, Neil said shall we get a soup and sandwich order or change into our pants and shirt. Don said that a lot of work no let get an order for three as I'm hoping Jack will be available by then as I want to include him in the discussion.

Well Neil and Don head for the office; the first question Don asks Neil how long have you been working up here and I assume you have no place of your own in town. Neil said I'm not a 100% sure but it has to be around 20 years as I came here with only one well operating and I was the driller on that rig and I guess that's why getting into the muck does not worry me, mind you I had hair then and it was a problem to keep clean. It was my old crew that started the shaved head routine and our barber had originally suggested a tight brush cut then two of my crew said shave it all off.

In answer to your question re a place in town the answer is no. Don is looking at his watch and says I'll be back in a moment as I'm expecting an Email. Don checks his Email and Frank has sent the info requested. Don makes a note of the figures and heads back to Neil's office once there Don says I have a proposition to make to you and I hope you will agree.

Neil I would like you to take over my job in town in about three months time, we can offer you the following salary and remember it does not stop you making visits back here on a regular basis.

I realize it's going to be an upheaval for you, now I have a very large condo with 4 bedrooms and I will offer you two rooms for your personal use one for your bedroom the other as a sitting room where you can have your privacy. Its located 5 minutes drive from the office. My unit is the penthouse suite with a roof garden which is totally private ideal for nude sun-bathing if you wish.

Where did Jack stay when he was in his teenage years, oh my brother looked after him and he lives about 25 minutes from the office on a rural property.

Anyway what we discuss here must stay within these four walls and I'm assuming you will except my offer of the job and providing your happy I will offer Jack your job. Neil starts to laugh, well it looks as if his intention are coming home to roost as he said when he was "Yellow Man in Training" saying I want your job.

Don said the reason I'm suggesting it will be in roughly three months time as I have a feeling I know who Jack will recommend to fill his present job and this will result in needing another guy at the bottom end on one of the rigs.

Anyway one thing I want to implement in the head office is that everyone must have a first aid ticket, Neil says good for you I really agree with that one.

Neil thinks about the offer and we will not discuss this while Jack is here but I would like answer ASAP. Neil leans back in his chair and says are you sure I'm the right man for the job? Don comment there is no one else within the company with excellent labor relations, plant expertise, you are the only man further more I'm still there and can always help out. Neil gets up from his chair and walks over to Don to shake his hand and say thank it will be a privilege; Don gets up and hugs Neil with a very tight hold.

The phone goes, oh hi Jack come on in please. Jack enters the office and Neil asks if there any problems no he says things look good, however I think there may be a problem on #7 rig as it is vibrating more than it should be so I'm going back there shortly but first I'm going to change. Jack returns in his driller's gear and sits down.

Neil says Don is going to get all the head office through the first aid course, then Don cuts in by saying if it's OK with you guys I'm planning on bring all three of the Engineering office up here for at least a week. The purpose is firstly to get there First Aid ticket when the next batch of Yellow Men come in also to allow them to see where there work is being used. Keith department head and Bill is the Draughtsman, they are both gay. John the other engineer has major domestic problems and I will find out more when I return but I suspect he is also gay. I would like them to spend also at least one night at the resort, Jack says I like that idea.

Then in order to get the rest done I would like to borrow Allan and bring him to town say on a Wednesday afternoon and we put him up in a motel until the return flight on Sunday. This way the Engineering office will handle all phone calls for those two days so the office stays fully operational. Jack looks at Neil and they nod to each other -- we see no problem there.

Suddenly Jacks & Neil's radios come to life, can you come to rig #7 ASAP, Jack answers we are both on the way. Don grabs his hard hat and follows and get into the rear of the pickup. Jack is driving; Neil's says Don stay here but keep your goggle and gloves on stay on the far side of the truck. Jack call's the driller and says clear the rig now.

The crew is coming off in an orderly manner when suddenly there is a very loud explosion one guy coveralls are burning he is hit with a cold water hoses. The others are getting there crew member moved away. Neil calls for the fire crew and the ambulance.

Fire crew answers we heard the bang and on our way, Ambulance on its way says Medical center any idea how many injuries at least one with burns. Jack and Neil are checking everyone out, it turns out it was the driller who has been burnt. The rest appear to be OK but they will all go to the medical center for a check over especially there eyes.

Ambulance arrives and they take Peter the Driller quickly for treatment, the rest of the crew Neil drives them over for check over.

The Fire Crew does good work and soon gets the fire out and Jack goes in and backup by two fire crew with the hoses on him so he can close off several valves one valve was very hard to move and he call Don over and says grab that pipe Don and we will use it as a lever to get this valve moving and you are going to get very wet -- Don said lets get on with it. Between them they got the valve closed successfully.

Jack says to the fire crew, just continue to cool down everything and I'll be back shortly as I need to check on the crew. OK Boss don't worry everything under control.

Don and Jack walk back to the truck and they look at each other and start to laugh. Jack grabs Don and gives him a real drillers hugs and wipes his face with his dirty hands. They head to the Medical Center; Neil is still there and says so far so good the burns appear to be too bad; everyone else's checkup ups are almost completed.

I'm going to get them to get cleaned up and then have some lunch and we will see I send then out afterwards. It was then Neil realize Don was suitably dirty and wet what the hell happened, Jack said I called him in to help close of the oil line and we had the fire hoses on us, and by the way Don thanks for your assistance much appreciated.

So all the crew got taken over to get cleaned up and suggested they got there jeans and tee shirts on and we have lunch and discuss what went on, Neil Jack and Don joined them in the showers and then the dinning room where they took the large round table. Once everyone was there Neil introduce Don to the crew as the new CEO of the company. They all shook hands and one of the crew said I bet you're the first CEO on the oil patch to actually get right in there thanks for your help.

First thing that is asked how is Peter. Neil said they tell me the burns are not too severe thankfully and that the quick action by you guys getting cold water on him did a good job. The nursing staff does not think he will have any blisters either which will reduce the chance of any infection and because of that Peter wants to stay here but if things look worse we will fly him to town on the Lear Jet.

There was lots of discussion and it was young Ken the assistant driller who said I think we hit a bad pocket of gas as sounded as if it was boiling and was gradually getting worse when Peter called you guys for assistant, Jack said as we got there we could feel the truck vibrating that when we called evacuation now.

Well thanks for your input I will talk to Peter when he feels up to it, now I would like to get back on the rig to see what damage has been done so repairs can be got underway and I hope you all feel up to it after a bad scare however I expect you all want to go and check on Peter first so I suggest you get changed back into clean working gear and then head for the rig. Please don't stay too long and tire him out in fact I had better check with the nursing staff and make sure its ok just hang on please. Neil makes his call and is advised no more than 10 minutes total time -- thanks.

Ok guys we will see you out on the rig in about 20 minutes, Neil looks at Jack and Don come on you two lets get changed. Jack says I have extra driller coveralls it will be better to wear them much tougher. Jack says I'm jumping the gun but I assume you want to join us Don -- dammed right I do; have to earn my living the same as you guys.

We get there as the crew shows up, so Don asks how's Peter doing -- he is very sleepy as they have him doped up for the present and we saw no scares on his face at all which was good. Ken the Assistant Driller takes charge and says lets go up on the platform and look around and he also advises the fire crew everything feels nice and cool so thanks guys for being so quick getting here -- our pleasure mate see you later and take care.

The deck was basically undamaged however the drill had been blown part of the way out, going down one level all was ok, finally at the bottom one line was damaged. Ken asked when were these valves closed Jack said I did that while were taken to the Medical Center for checkup and Don gave me a hand.

Ken said to Jack I would like the detergent truck brought over and well soak this rig to remove and oil and other muck, then we will need the high pressure water track to wash every thing down. Sounds good Ken I will get that arranged for you right now, then the evening shift can continue with the cleanup.

Oh Ken I will check the shift schedules and find you a bottom end man while Peter is away and until then I would like everyone to move up. Do you see any problems no Boss - great when you do the timecards remember to-day is a split day because from the time of the explosion you will all get paid the higher rate until Peter is fit to work. Thanks guys I'll see you all later and I may come to your crew meeting tonight.

Well we three get back into the truck and Don says I'm very impressed on how everyone pulls together, Neil says we are one big family and we look after our family members and that is why we have this bonding process for the Yellow Men and this is why I will not have anyone working on this site without a first aid ticket. Neil looks at Don and says where is your FA sticker. Don swallows and says sheepishly I do not have one. OK Don when we get back I'm going to get Allan to assist you in correcting that situation pronto.

We again head for the showers change gear and since it is 3:00 pm now they go for jeans and tees. Jack says he has some paper work to do; OK we will let you get on with that and then meet up later. Neil and Don head to see Allan, Hi Guys what can I do for you asks Allan, Neil says we have a bad oversight here and I guess it's my mistake but Don here does not have a first aid ticket. Allan oh not good at all can you get him fixed up over the next couple of days please. No problems Neil but I need you or Jack there to be the patient. Just a minute Don here take this book and study this evening and it will give you an insight of what is required however it is my only copy so I will need it back in the morning.

Allan asks can we use the meeting room, certainly OK we will meet there at 8:00 am, thank Allan -- no problem see you later.

Don says to Neil I feel badly about that situation and there is me preaching that I want all the office staff in town with FA Tickets as well. Neil says come back to my room please I wish to talk to you. Don you have made me an offer yes I will accept providing Jack is happy on taking over. It's going to be a big change for me as this has been my home for so long. Don says it does not stop you from coming up here at any time to check on things and you know there will always be a room here for you -- they both hug each other. Now from the end of the month your salary will be adjusted to your new rate however I think you can understand why it will be about three months before you actually take over but I would like you come back with me for a few days when I go back so I can introduce you to all our staff, I know they know who you are but now they will be able to put a face to your name -- what do you say? Further more we will update your tag for office etc.

That actually sounds like a good idea, let us go and see how Jack is making out. As we enter the office Jack is just clearing his desk and about to leave, Don says hang on please Jack unless it is urgent -- no I thought you two might have wanted to talk privately. Don no it's you I want to talk too; several months ago when you were appointed to this job I asked you what your ambition was and after some prodding from your Dad you eventually said I want your job.

So Jack is that still your ambition, yes it is why because your Dad Neil here is going to become the head of operations and will still be your boss as I'm the new CEO.

Jack mouth dropped, you're kidding me! No said Don, however the actual change over will not take place for roughly three months as you will need an assistant.

There has been no announcement until I knew I had a replacement and that will be published shortly. So Jack are you willing to become the Superintendent of this operation? Don hunts in his pocket and find what he is looking for and hands Jack a piece of paper with his new salary, if you accept your new salary will be come effective as of the first of next month -- Jack said as before if you two think I'm good enough for the job it will my pleasure to accept.

Don turns to Neil got any tonic water, no but I can soon rectify that, Neil is soon back and Don is pouring three stiff G&T's. Don next comment is thank you gentlemen and by the way I was very please to be able to see what happens when things go wrong as they did today, Jack thanks to Don the drill head valve was almost frozen open but with his assistance we got it closed and Don for a guy that is not used to all that muck it did not fizz on you and that was great thank you. I can tell you your name will be through the site as I know the fire crew will make comments and be asking the drilling crew who you were -- it really help to make you one of the family.

Neil looks at his watch, and say lets go and check on Peter and see how he is doing, So they all walk over there and talk with the Nurse on duty asking if it's OK to see Peter sure is he is sitting up complaining we will not let him get up out of bed and I know he will love to see you.

We soon locate Peter and say how's it going Peter good from all accounts the nurses do not see any blister forming and they told me someone got the cold water hose on me very quickly but I don't remember, Jack said I think it was Ken but not sure, well none of them will admit it. Terry is looking around and says I don't know your name but were there help Jack here closing valves -- are then you are Don -- Peter hold his hand out and they shake hands, Don says I'm sure glad to see you bright and hope you get a good nights sleep. No problem there the Nurses want a good night as well and they will no doubt doped me up so I lay still and sleep.

Come and see me again whenever you have time please as I know you are all busy. We leave Peter and once out of the building I told you Don everyone will soon know what you did -- Don is laughing good old bush telegraph eh!

We head for the dinning room and Peter's crew is just arriving as well, Ken calls out hey Jack why don't you three join us your part of our crew now. Neil says thanks guys we will and so we spread ourselves around the table so we all have drilling crew on each side of us. Neil says I should introduce Don over there; he is the new CEO of the company and also my boss. The next comment was well it sure makes a nice change to see an un-stuffed shirt getting as dirty as us. Don said as you know over the last few months I have so spent a lot of time up here. And when I went back to town I continue to wear my coveralls and don't care what anyone thinks far better than a pair of pants with the belt tight around you waist. Also I never did wear a suit and tie basically blue jeans and denim shirt you need to be comfortable. Gee that's a change from most operations -- congratulations to you Don -- thanks guys.

Jack said we had all been to see Peter and he was sitting up in bed feeling good, and they have told him there appears to be no blisters on his back so who hosed him down, there was silence now I know there was two hoses in use I think one was Ken and the other and a hand goes up, it was little Timmy there bottom end man. Well congratulation because between you, you have saved Peter a lot of pain and possible infection.

We had a great meal, Neil said he was going to stay behind and listen to what was said at the crew meeting so you and Don take off. Don said I sure would like a cup of coffee, ok it's over here grab a mug and we will take it back to the office. I grabbed a good strong tea.

Once in the office Don ask have you a small sheet of paper and some scotch tape. Don writes a name on the sheet and then seals it up and gives it Jack. Now don't open that until I say so -- ok Jack is smiling and puts in his office drawer.

So Jack who do you think would be suitable to become your assistant, now forget friendship look at abilities and what they have done being here on this site. Oh that is a tough one. Well as I see it you have ten drillers and it be anyone of them, you got your list of drillers handy yes then let's go over each one. Well six of then have only been drillers for seven months so we cross them out that leaves four to closely exam #1 he has been here roughly 19 months never been involved in bring a rig on line. #2 similar situation ok so those two are out #3 been involved in bringing on line three wells now and was my assistant for a long time #4 again similar to the first two but worked for us about 4 years very stable man does he have any other major thing that he has done, would have to check with Neil on that one. So let's go back to #3 didn't he act as a deputy father and also help run the Yellow Men course after Allan had his mishap. Yes he did says Jack; well I believe he is your man. So next question do you trust him -- oh definitely I would never have had him as my assistant driller if I didn't trust the man.

With that Neil comes into the office, Don says we are looking at all the drillers to find a suitable one hopefully to become Jack's assistant. Neil says I know who I would pick. Stop Neil sorry write your name on this piece of paper and fold it up so jack cannot see it.

Jack is leaning back in his chair and says I think Terry is the only choice, Don says interesting so Jack please get that sealed note I gave you and open it. Jack reads it all is says is Terry. OK lay it face down now open Neil's selection it says Terry, turn the other one over is say Terry. That is great we really do all agree, so Jack do you like the way we examine the various possibilities -- yes I do and I will remember that don't worry.

So tomorrow I'm busy I have to get my FA ticket and should go to my room and start studying so I will see you both at breakfast tomorrow -- Good night Don.

Jack says well what a day, did you find out anything at the crew meeting, yes I now know who got the hoses on Peter it was Ken and little Timmy. I congratulated both of them on there fast response and said that had no doubt prevented Peter from getting bad blisters and possible infection in his back.

I talked to Ken afterwards and learnt Timmy is fairly shy but does his job and responds promptly. Getting him to admit and than getting a little praise will really help him within the crew. There was nothing else that came up other than what we know already. We could have had a real disaster on our hands if you had not been quick enough to order clear the rig now.

Things moved along well, the require repair to #7 rig were almost completed by the morning. Ken starts a careful check of everything and the only thing is the drill bit need to be pulled out and examined, he decides to call on Jack to help with this as he has not pulled a drill right out before.

As he gets his radio out Jack stops bye, how are things going Ken good but I could do with some advice please no problem and Jack is soon on the deck. Ken explains his thoughts and Jack agrees the drill does need pulling. Just hang on a minute I need to clear my pockets and quickly change into my heavier coveralls, two minutes later Jack is back on the deck. So what is the first step we take, get all the tools required on the deck one of the jobs but first get all the crew here and tell them what we are going to do and also were it will safe and especially unsafe. So just take your time as we will most likely have to change drill bits. When you are ready start the drill hoist and slowly attempt to lift the drill, at first it moved well but then stuck, let it down a little way and raise it again. Good this time it is coming up, eventually the bit was free you doing OK Ken. Remember next step is to get the bit clamp on pipe just above the bit and have the crew snug it up real tight and have the eye bolt facing that way. Now use the other crane and hook it into the eyebolt on the bit, then by raising that end you can slowly lower this end but keep it off the deck for present. You doing great now slowly lower both end keeping it level until it sits on the deck block. That it now slacken off both cranes and remove the crane hooks, raise the hooks above head height as we don't need anyone getting head injuries.

Lets look at the drill bit it was knackered! I said hey guys come and have a look at this drill. We will have to get another drill bit and replace this and I suspect the entire shaft may be bent as well.

I will arrange that, so I suggest you get this bit down on the ground stands so that the deck is clear when the new bit arrives.

Ken says thanks Jack for your guidance, that ok I would rather be called than have an accident occur. Ken give Jack a big hug and the crew gives him a good driller welcome including little Timmy. So Jack stops and talk to Timmy asking how he is making out real good thanks so Jack said you did a good job earlier to-day and the crew will respect you for that and Jack wipes his dirty hand over Timmy face.

Jack get back to the office and Neil's says what happened, nothing much Ken was unsure how to get the bit right out and I gave then a hand with the job. I also spoke with little Timmy and asked how he was making out finishing with a drillers hug and wiped my hand across his face, the smile on his face said it all he was a very proud young man especially since he has only been on the job three months.

The Neil' goes oh Hi Allan you need a patient clean or dirty, jack is dirty as hell and I'm clean, lets have Jack please more realistic.

I turned and said please go and be Allan's patient your nice and dirty make it more realistic according to Allan. Jack gets up laughing I get him for that. Allan meets Jack outside the meeting room and puts the blood on Jack in several places. Neck, arm and leg I will distract Don and you slip in quietly and get on the floor then push a chair over too make a good noise and we will see what happens.

Jack does as requested pushes the chair over and start moaning, it startles Don who say what the hell happened to you, then he see the blood coming from his neck. Don calls out Allan I need a pad held firmly over that neck wound, I will check the rest of him out, Don is doing a good job. He next says hang on there a minute I'll get something to clean up the back of your hand, Don cleans the oily mess away rinse it with some sterilizing agent that phiss some what, and put a dressing on the wound. He carefully feels around the leg and can find nothing broken so then attempts to straighten the leg out and the patient scream out. Don ask try and straighten your own leg out please. Don looks at Allan how the bleeding there it seems to have stopped just keep the pressure up please. The patient has now straightened his leg out ok. One of us must go to the medical center and maintain that pressure on the neck wound. I'll give the ambulance call for transportation. Finally Don asks how are you feeling Jack, better than I did.

Allan says OK Don any comments you wish to make yes, in a normal case I would have slit the pant leg to exposes the entire leg, I was concerned about the neck bleeding because that can become very serious, you can loose so much blood that way via the main artery and a person can die. I might have called the ambulance earlier. Well Don you have done well so far keep it up, thanks Jack I guess you need to go and get cleaned up. Study all the notes you have and we will do the written test to-morrow morning. Yes OK -- I must admit I never heard Jack come in and when that crash took place I thought what the hell is going on - Allan is laughing I told Neil I would get you for not having your FA Ticket. Go and enjoy the rest of the day see you same time tomorrow.

Well Don decides he needs to shower and shave so gets his boots and socks off collects his shaving gear and head to the shower in his sandals, he find Jack is there and no one else. Jack calls out Don come and scrub my back please as I got all mucking again this morning. No problem Don; be with you in a moment Jack goes through the regular routine throws his coveralls into the dirty bag and realizes his under wear is also crappy. As he starts scrubbing he says looks as if you need a good shave as well, I have my gear with me if you wish. Please go ahead and I do you as well. Full drillers cut I assume certainly I would not have anything less it is the only way to go.

Well they are both done and head for there rooms, Don says I will see you and Neil before dinner in the office I have some thoughts see you in a few minutes.

Don soon arrives in the office and says I think we will all go to the resort if there are rooms available this weekend and then I would like you Neil to come with me to town. I expect you will be there 4 or 5 days and it will give you time to visit your brother but to start with please stay at my place. Is that OK with you Jack then when Neil gets back talk to Terry about becoming your assistant and offer him the same salary as you are receiving. Bye this time we will know when the next Yellow men will be coming and all being well there will be an additional three guys from the Engineering Department so that can get there FA Tickets. When we know that date we will have the date for moving everyone around.

Well all three went out to the Resort and had a relaxing time; Don had never been there before and really did enjoy the outdoor aspect. They returned Sunday afternoon and so Neil packed a small bag for his trip to town and Don & Neil left on Monday morning freight flight for town. Don asked Neil when were you last in town -- about 6 months ago I guess. I rarely come in as I enjoy like you did the scenery and the outdoor life and frankly I always seemed to be busy with work.

Well we were soon in the office, Julie looks up and says Neil it's a long time since I saw you how are you, great thanks. Don asks is Frank in? Yes give him a call and tell him I'm on the way up please. We take the elevator to the top floor and head for Frank's office, the door is open and we hear a voice come on in Don.

Don says Frank I would like to introduce Neil to you our new Operations Manager. Frank gets up and gives Neil a real good greeting and he is laughing saying we look like twins with the exception of my beard. So Neil may I please congratulate you on your appointment, and please feel free at any time to talk with me. I'm like you I wish to see this entire operation as one very large family and your efforts over the years has really help create this feeling.

Don asks is there anything special I should be made aware of, yes John our assistant engineer is having real bad domestic problems and is thinking of moving away, but you know we really cannot afford to loose him as he has done good work with new designs to make some of the rigs operate more smoothly.

Neil says Don maybe your idea of bring the engineering crew up when the Yellow Men come aboard should be adjusted and take the engineering crew up there on my return and then retain John on site. It will be easy for him to have two rooms as we have plenty of spare rooms. I like your thoughts says Don, let's go down to the engineering office right now, I'll make the introductions and then I will talk to John while you talk with Keith the department head.

Well as we walk into the engineering office they all stand and are applauding Don and come over and all give him a great big hug saying congratulation Don, dammed glad we got rid of that moron. Don holds his hand up and says Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Neil who is talking over my slot please make him welcome.

Suddenly I'm getting the same treatment, and they introduce themselves. Don is now talking to Keith and so I decide to discuss talk with John and start off saying I hear you are having a rough time domestically. That information sure gets around quickly, well we were both told by Frank of your problems so is there anything we can do to help you out.

John looks at me and then starts talking giving me the whole background as to what happened and says I really enjoy this work but I feel I need to get away from town for at least three months to allow thing to settle down.

Well John I think I might have an answer for you shortly as we don't want to loose you either as you are a dammed good designer. John I hope you don't mind but are you gay, John goes very quiet and is thinking when I said well I'm am and so is every one else in this room -- you're kidding me. No and I do not kid on such matters and as far the company is concerned as long as to person is doing there job well what they do in there private life is of no concern to the company any way I'll get back to you very shortly. John say thank you so much you have taken a weight off my shoulders. Suddenly John is all smiles as he goes back to his work.

I join up with Don and Keith in Keith's office. Don says Keith is very worried about John and I saw you having a long talk with him so how did it go -- very well and John said at the end I had taken a weight off his shoulders. So Don have you discussed advancing the FA Ticket situation just briefly, so what do you think Keith? I agree that everyone should have a ticket, and did Don say anything about when this might take place, I think he was about too when you returned. Suddenly Keith sees John I don't know what you did Neil but you certainly turned John's happy face on again.

Lets go out into the office and have a quick talk with everyone together and I will advise them of my plans.

Don says go ahead it's all part of your crew, Keith looks at Don with a query look.

Keith asks everyone to stop what they are doing for the present and come and sit around the table. Don says go for it Neil, well I think most of you have seen my name and have been for a long time the Superintendent at the oil field site where we now have 10 rigs operating. Well since Don here has been promoted to CEO I have been asked to take over his slot in the organization and hence will become Operation Manager but for the present the actual change over will not take place until we have a bottom end slot filled in but in the mean time you will see me in and out of the office here but I'm always available via Email.

Lets get down to the nitty gritty, both don and I want everyone in this organization to have there first aid ticket and we were originally planning on doing this in about three months time but due to other reasons we are bring this forward to next week. Now since all of you have never been on site up north we are going to ship you all up there, give you a quick tour of the operation and the next day Allan our FA Instructor will take you all through the course which is one full day and the second day you right your exam and all being well you get your certificates and sticker for your dog tag. The next two days will give you a chance to see some of your design work in operation. After all this we will transport you out to the company Resort for a weekend of bonding and relation. You will then return late on Sunday evening as it is a 3.5 hour flight.

Now there is one thing that you will need and that is a pair of high leather boots, the company has arrangements locally for a healthy discount and it is recommend you get what is known as 16 hole boots with full safety toes and steel insert arches, you will also need a half dozen thick wool work socks. Coveralls, hard hats, goggles etc will be loaned to you.

The standard form of dress on site is coveralls and you have a clean pair each day. As far as other clothing is concerned wear jeans and tee shirts as the build in warm, should it get cold out side you will be loaned suitable gear. Don't worry about laundry of personal gear that is done on site and return to you the following day.

I hope you are all agreeable to my proposal; I shall be here in town all week thanks guys sorry I know this is rather sudden. Keith can we go to your office please once in the door is shut. Keith regarding John, I think he is doing design work for the maintenance section, yes that is right. None of us want to loose John and he does not want to leave but feels he needs to get out of town for an extended time. My proposal is we move John and his office equipment up north, we can easily give him access to this offices section of the computer, Roger & Tony will do that for us. So while he is up north with the rest of your crew it will give John an idea of what he will be walking into. He would return with the rest of you, the following week sort out what he needs up there and then send him up on the following Sunday crew flight. From my point of view it gets him out of town which is his wish and we don't loose him or his proven abilities. You Keith are in contact with him and can his work the same as you do now via the computer.

Your thoughts Keith, this surprises me that you would consider this for a guy that has problems. Look Keith this is one big family and you will learn while up north of a number of cases that have been helped out. Well Neil I sure like your approach to this rather touchy subject, Don interrupts and says that is why we don't have the labor relation headaches that some companies have and on the oil patch that is due to Neil and his work in this area. Don leaves the room and goes back into the main office area and asks how do you two like this idea of a week away. Bill says he is looking forward to the trip already, John says he wish it was longer. I smiled well John in your case we want you to see what you will walk into because life up North is totally different to anything down here I can assure you. We want you to be your office crew and then come back for a week and then move up north for at least three months doing what you are doing right here but at the same time you will be able to see your work come to life and make any adjustments right there.

I'll discuss this with you more in depth before I leave, John says I'll be able to work up there on my own yes that is right we will arrange for you to have your own office which will be next to your private room and full internet connection with this office computer so you simply be working the same with the added advantage of checking on the installation of your work on the equipment. Also Don and I will make out a list of recommendation regards clothing on site which we briefly covered earlier.

I'm going to leave you now as I have other area here to visit and with that Neil beckons Don and quietly says lets move on. Don turns to Keith thanks for your time and we will stay in contact.

So Don where next, I think you should meet some of our ladies in the general office and payroll. As we enter this area one of the ladies calls out; hey ladies look who has just walked in, congratulation Don on your appointment and who is this hansom man with you, now Neil is feeling embarrassed.

Ladies let me introduce Neil I know you know his name and now you can put a face to the name finally. Neil will be taking over my old job in the near future and I wanted all of you to meet him so if he came into the office you would know he is one of us.

Thanks ladies as we are doing the rounds of the building see you later. With that Don & Neil depart. Don says to Neil we should go to your new office come this way please. They take the elevator again back to the top floor, and Neil points out where his new office is and then where Neil will be located. Down the end here is the board room and there is also a small office next to the bathroom and I'm going to propose we enlarge the bathroom and add a good sized shower stall.

Let's go into your office, and I will show you a few things, these shelving units are for what ever and then this door has coffee making and we will get a kettle etc because I know you drink tea and small frig for milk or cream and other things. Now this door has remained locked for a long time but it goes directly into my office. Don gets his pass key out and releases the lock. Now on this opposite wall are to deep lockers and are intended for hanging a suit etc but we will not need that, however it might be a good idea to have good clean jeans and denim shirt here in case we have to go more formal and suitable footwear. Don all I can say it is a pretty fancy location just look at the view it is really nice. Oh yes if the sun is catching your eyes just here on your desk are the blind controls let me show you. Good grief almost hot and cold minions as Neil laughs.

So let's sit down and relax for a short while let's have something to drink as I know I have some beer here that sounds good -- Don does the honors and while that sit Don says I sure like the way you handled John's situation and is he gay? Yes he is; he opened up when I said everyone else in the room was gay at first he didn't believe me and he finally said I had taken a big weight off his shoulders.

Don got out a recommended list of personal items to take including a couple of jock straps. And make sure you all are wearing your dog tags showing your name and it is your flight ticket.

Well the rest of the week went well, I emailed Allan asking him to do a FA course next Tuesday and Wednesday for three guys and Jack to let then know what was happening and said I would be bringing out the engineering office crew for the week and also please make arrangements for two nights at the resort.

The engineering crew returning on the Sunday evening flight and Neil went out to see his brother who wanted to know how Jack is doing and everything else. We had a great time together and finally I told him about my promotion.

Well Neil I want you to come and live here and as you know it's nice peaceful. I don't want to be a burden on you; if I agree then we must share all costs fair enough, there three large bedrooms upstairs and a large bathroom, I sleep downstairs and use the lower bathroom so you can have peace and quiet when you need it.

The flight leaves at 11:00 am on Sunday so I arrive there about 10:15 am and parked my company truck and as I saw the others arrive I showed them where to park and asked them to leave a spare key here in case the truck had to be moved. Many of the other crew were also there and I did introductions all round they were made welcome by the others, every one grabbed a lunch box and a can of juice. We board at 10:45 am and took off for the oil patch. The engineering groups all had window seats and were taking lots of photos on route. I could sense excitement from those guys as no one had ever been up north.

As we come into land I spot Jack is there with the crew cab and I tell the engineers to follow me, the rest of the crew head for there bus some of them shout see you later guys enjoy.

I introduce Jack as my Assistant here and he will be taking over my spot in due course, we go straight into our reception area. Hi Allan these three guys Keith, John and Bill are our engineering office in town so which room do we have for them #410, 411 & 412 great I will take them there so they can dump there gear and get there coveralls on and then I'm going to steal the crew cab and show our friends around the site.

Once we get to their rooms I point out there dog tag will unlock the door. Lend me your tag please Keith and I go to 410 I hear the click and can open the door, the other do the same. Now in your drawer are three sets of coveralls I suggest you get changed into them and since it is fairly warm most of us just wear out underwear underneath.

Put your boots on, grab your hard hat and goggle and work gloves. Now when we go out side it can be rather dusty at times so please use your goggle to protect your eyes. First we will do a tour of this complex which we call "Home from Home" while you get ready I`ll meet you at the end of the hallway near where we came in.

I nip into the office and grab my radio and hard hat etc, as I get back I see the other coming towards me. We do a tour of the complex and I see they were very surprised at the quality of everything.

Ok Guys lets go for a ride, and I head for the maintenance block and show them around. Young Bill says this is a really nice shop it is so clean much better than some in town and everyone appears to be so cheerful. We carry on and eventually get back, and I take them into the small meeting room. Any question? Keith says I never realized that this complex was so luxurious, my answer was you have to remember basically the folk working here have no other real home, this is there home and we try to provide a good standard it all part of the companies PR to the crews. Many of the men here have there sons here also and they joined us through the program which we call "Yellow Men under Training" it is a way of re-uniting sons with there fathers and at the same time providing they pass the course they will be offered a job on this site.

John said I sure like that idea I think it is something that many companies should operate. I will also add 99% of our crew from top to bottom are gay and we as the company could not care less because that is a private matter and what a guy does after hours is their own affair.

One very important aspect of the Yellow Men is the bonding weekend, they all sleep in the large dormitory room out there for the first night and then their fathers come and join them for the second night and I can assure you there is a lot of sexual activity that takes place.

This bonding as we call it has made all the crews more family oriented and if one member of this large family has a problem there is also someone that will help out. The most dangerous area here is the oil rigs and as a result they are a very close knit bunch of dammed good men. The weekend at the resort will be your bonding weekend.

I see the time is now about 3:30 pm so I think we should all shower and I will show you the procedure, go to your room get your boots and sock off, keep everything else on grab your slippers and come down the showers I will meet you there. The guys do as requested and as I meet them, first thing coveralls off and into the dirty bag here then your hard hat and goggle you wash off using this special crap remove rinse off and leave it where you can find it after showering. Once you are showered dress in your jeans and tee shirt sandals or slipper that is your choice and I will take you to Dinner.

Put your underwear with everything else then hit the showers and scrub each other back and any where else that is difficult to reach. As I'm giving guidance to these guys Jack come in and they see him doing exactly what they have been advised to do. Jack calls out hey Neil hope you need a shave because I do please. Lets do it and then you can scrub my back please. Well I lay down on the bench and Jack gets going and I know we are being watched, Jack says I assume you want a full drillers shave -- of course. Terry crew arrives and the engineers see they are all very dirty looking but again doing the same thing.

Terry says nice job you are doing Jack. I then do Jack and we hit the showers and automatically scrub each other back. I then see Bill start on John and the swap around some calls out hey mate (this comment was aimed at Keith) would you like back scrub and the answer I thought you never ask. Everyone is laughing now and much more relaxed.

Jack and I are out of the shower drying off. Jack spots Keith trying to get his underwear back on and he simply goes up to him and says just wrap your towel around and carry your underwear back and if you need anything personal washing simply put it in the yellow bag which will be in one of your draws make sure your room number is on it and then hang on the outside of your door knob it will be back in your room tomorrow afternoon.

Neil meets up with his engineering group and says ok guys please follow me, I think tonight we will take a nook table and that will leave room for Jack to join us.

Soon a waiter is over with the menus, and he also tells us what is on special tonight which is baron of beef. It turns out everyone is having the same; Jack has joined us and asks for a small glass of milk. I should mention that Jack and I are sitting with our back to everyone in the room sort of deliberate. You could see there eyes' roaming around watching what was going on in general.

It was Bill who asked how come everyone has a shaved head Neil laughs; well it was my crew when I worked on #1 Rig here some years ago. The barber here suggest to our crew we should consider having a very tight crew cut, two of the crew said no shave it all off and within a week we all had shaved heads, then the maintenance did the same thing as it was a very hot summer and over the next two or three month everyone had a shaved head. Then the barber retired and he was never replaced. Now everyone basically have there own gear but most guys let there mates do it for them. Full drillers cut is when you get your Cock & Balls shaved as well. Hope that answers your question.

Bill said Cock & Balls why? Well just sometimes you get smoother in oily shit and may and make everything so much easier to clean up later. Thanks I can see that says Bill the others are nodding acceptance of the procedure; Keith said that it sure different here you know when we got to board the plane the crew members said hey you guys these seats and you will good view I thought that very generous and then when we left some one called out shout see you later guys enjoy.

It made me feel and I'm sure the other felt the same way as they wanted us here. Neil said I've said this before we are on big family we look after each other.

That reminds me Jack, how is Peter doing really good they are taking of releasing him from the medical center at the early of next week oh that is great, and how has Ken made out -- really good and the big thing to his credit if he is unsure he asks, I think he has learned a lot these last few days. Oh bye the way we had to replace the drill bit it was damaged and I think the shaft also got bent, in the explosion.

I must go and see Peter this evening, if you guys wish to see our medical center you're more than welcome to join me.

Now don't forget you all wear your coveralls and regular work gear and make sure you have a note book and pen with you I'll make sure you have those and the class starts at 8:00am and you will meet up with Allan who conducts this course. Neil turns to Jack and says any chance of getting Terry released for the day -- I'll check the schedule and see what we can do -- Thanks.

It appears that Terry has an extra man as his crew also has a gofer on the crew. Jack phone Terry and tells him what is going on and asks who he feel if the crew all moves up, no problem there it will be interesting in seeing how the bottom end guy makes out - that great.

Where are you right now? In my room doing some Email etc. Mind if I come and visit no problems mate look forward to seeing you old friend - be there shortly.

I said to Neil I'm going to visit Terry re- tomorrow, see you later Jack.

I visit Terry so what is going on, so I explain that the Engineering office staff are all here, there are three guys all gay and tomorrow they are doing there FA Tickets as it is part of what our New CEO wants and for your information that is Don who has spent a fair bit of time here on site the last six months. I know who you mean he help you out after Peter got hurt that's right. Any way Terry I need you to become a patient hope that is OK so just wear your regular clean coveralls. I'll leave you to advise your crew that you will be off for two days and sorry we will bring up the old story of you getting your leg buggered up hope you don't mind, and either Neil or I will point out what happened when Peter got hurt. To me it makes it sound much more real and help to emphasize the reason why we insist on the FA Tickets.

I would do it myself but want to be free in case Ken has any problem so I'll in my drillers gear tomorrow. So tell me how has Ken been making out actually really good and if he is unsure he asks for guidance -- oh that's excellent. An example was the day after the explosion he called me as he could not get the drill bit out, so I went to help out. Yes it was stuck well and eventually we got it released and put it on the deck racks.

I asked who did the hosing down of Peter there was dead silence, then I said I know there was two hoses on him thankfully eventually Ken he was one and finally little Timmy put his hand up. He is a very shy guy but likeable. Well guys for your information that action you took no doubt have saved Peter from a lot of pain you both did very well. Suddenly the whole crew is hugging Timmy and they wipe his face nicely so he was well oiled. The look on this guys face was priceless and he suddenly realized he was part of the crew. That's a nice story Jack I like that and good for the crew.

The next two day the engineering office did there FA training and were given the written test. Once that was done Neil of followed the normal practice asking questions about what thought of this place so far etc. Lunch was brought in plus a juice of there choice. After lunch Allan returned with the exam marks it was a 100% pass of the group, he also had the FA stickers for there dog tags and told them where it had to be placed. Then there was brief comment on the dog tags that they must be worn at all times just like the army they become part of you. It has all you medical info, blood type etc encoded within the bar code and should you get hurt seriously the ambulance crew can read the tag and pass the info on to the medical center.

Let your name be visible also so that if you are taking to someone it makes it easier to know who you are talking too.

So to-morrow John you have done some design work that is attached to a couple of the rigs we will visit those rigs and find out how the changes are working out and you will be able to see for yourself. Keith I'm going to suggest that you and Bill visit the maintenance department and we will see if they are having any problems with items that have been specially designed. Then all being well we will swap around and do the same thing but in different areas.

Friday there, maybe something you wish to go back too and look at again, then that afternoon either Neil or I will take you out to the resort for the weekend. Once at the resort the engineers were put in the dormitory room and Neil had taken everyone out showed them what was available and if they would like a beer that was OK also as they were not on the oil patch. Well dinner that night was in the bar with lots of talk.

Neil said so guys what do you think, John said I could not believe the place it has so much available and its standard is so high. So who can use this place? Neil says some times folk come here for there holiday and go exploring during the daylight hours. The ladies that deal with housekeeping and such like are often married to some of the guys and those couple make good use of this place.

To keep everyone happy and safe you need something like this because everyone needs to relax. Dinner was finished John said to me can we talk for a few minutes certainly where would you like to go where ever you suggest Neil. OK my room we are very close.

Once there John say's Neil two things I want to return ASAP and I would like to get a full driller shave the total thing is it possible before we all return to town. Neil says firstly I am very glad you wish to return I am sure you will be very happy here and secondly yes I have my shaving gear with me and I am wiling to oblige. Please go ahead. OK John go to your room and gets stripped off totally, as if you were going for the sauna and I will meet you in the shower area of the sauna. I will there in a few minutes. As I pass though the bar, area I said to Keith & Bill go and enjoy yourselves John and I will meet you in about 20 minutes in the Dorm

End of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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