The Olde Curio Shoppe

By Steve

Published on Mar 5, 2006






I had just dropped off my son at school and as usual begin my walk to work. As I crossed the street to avoid some building construction I saw a store that I had never noticed before called "The Olde Curio Shoppe". I thought it strange that I had never noticed it before because I am always on the lookout for the authentic old antique stores and not some new shop made to look old. I glanced in the window and noticed that there were six Venetian goblets. I know Venetian glass well since my wife and I collect it. In fact, we have made several trips to Italy in search of the older glass made during the time of the Doge which is rarely found today even in Venice itself. I was sure that I was looking at genuine antique Venetian glass. As I entered the shop it was very dimly lit virtually blocking out all sun. I squinted trying to find the proprietor and called out if anyone was there. A voice answered virtually at my side which was totally unexpected and startled me because I had not noticed him. I would guess he was of Slavic ancestry given his rather broad face and that he was quite old but there was no mistaking the strength and power that emanated from him. His clothing seemed to be that of a different era and there clung a smell about him of unwashed flesh that is not unusual in the very old. How may I serve you sir he asked. Serve me, I thought this guy must come from what my dad called the old country. I told him of the six goblets in the window and he said I was expecting you. What a strange comment since I had neither seen him nor his shop before and when I looked into his eyes to see if he was joking I seemed to lose myself in the pools of blackness I saw there. I said to him how much do you want for them and he said one dollar. I said to him you must be joking why would you sell them to me at such a price. As he reached down to his crotch to adjust himself, he said because you were meant to have them. Then he said to me why don't we step into the back parlor to finalize the transaction. In the blink of a second he was at my side leading me to the parlor but I never saw him move. Once in the back parlor he stood next to me and said that he hoped I realized the irreplaceable beauty of such rare goblets as he began to openly rub his cock through the fabric of his pants. His cock looked enormous as it snaked down his pant leg, very long and thick. He said it is so pleasurable to touch myself I sometimes forget and have the crude manners to do it in front of strangers such as yourself. But I like being a crude person he added. I thought to myself if this fucking old fag thinks I will let him suck me off in exchange for those goblets he is even more dotty than I thought. Playing with his cock and saying that he is crude, indeed! I thought to myself I'm leaving. I can phone him later negotiate a fair price and get the fuck out of here, but I could not move. He looked and said would you like to see it many men have given their lives to see it, their souls to touch it. I was transfixed as he began to unzip his pants. He looked at me there was a smirk on his face, which became a smile which turned into a laugh. The laugh chilled me to my bones it was not human, it was demonic. He allowed his pants to fall to the floor as this appendage rose before my eyes, it was pure black not ebony black like that of certain African descents but the blackness of an endless tunnel devoid of all light. Men laugh and talk about the size of their cocks but this was nothing to laugh about; his cock was like a python with its own life separate from his body. I realize that the only way his snake remained in his pants was to coil upon itself. Whatever its length did not mater you could not speak of length as you could for a human cock because there was no similarity to a human cock in size and girth. His cock began to hiss and he said to it you shall feed soon my precious. As it continued to unravel I glimpsed the sac of the beast, if you can call it that. It seemed to be like leather and also seemed separate from him as it began to extend down his thigh to just over half way to his knee and expanded and contracted in some form of breathing. Would you like to touch him he said to me, would you like to play with him. I knew in that moment I wanted to do exactly that more than anything I had ever wanted in my entire life. I heard myself calling him my master and promising my soul if I could only do that. All in good time he said to me but first you must talk to him directly and invite him to feed on you. I said to this serpent cock please come on to me I am yours to be taken in anyway you please and then I began to undress. Once I removed all of my clothing I knew without words to spread my legs as far as was humanly possible (SEE PICTURE ENCLOSED) to allow him unobstructed access to me. When I felt the lips of his cock touch me I knew where I would spend the rest of my life if the master would only let me. I felt his fangs savagely bite into my thigh where my sac attaches to my body, I swooned in ecstacy as he sucked. He stopped removed his fangs from my leg and then made a tearing bite to my scrotum allowing the blood to spill freely, there was no pain or if there was pain it was pleasure to me. He feed on me noisily and ruthlessly but just as I felt myself weaken and began to fade he stopped and snorted. The master said he had stopped short of taking my life for the moment but that I now belonged to him. He said your wounds are bad but will heal quickly here let me help you. I looked down and I was covered in blood, the flesh of my thigh was mangled and chewed and my ball sac was ripped open with one of my balls hanging half out but my cock stood hard and tall and I felt a power in my cock that I had not felt before. The master using a sharp claw on his little finger sliced open the underside of his wrist and let the blood ooze on my wounds. I felt a heat burning my wounds and when I looked down again they were healed.

The master said I command that you begin your procurement of cock for me that you are destined to do for all eternity. I said I will do as you say my master. He said you have been picked because you are handsome, masculine and have a particularly large cock and will attract many men. Are you not aware how they follow you with their eyes when they think you are not looking. Are you not the prize bull at the urinal they all wish to see and be near. We have no time for petty modesty he continued. You must use what is between your legs for our advantage and in my service. Now, he said I want you to go to the men's toilet in Smith Park just as night falls. Many men go there before going home to their cunts in order to at least look at the beauty of cock. Do whatever, I repeat whatever, is necessary but I order you to bring me at least two men to begin my feast but I intend to feed on many young men because my huger is great. The younger the better.

I was at the toilet before dusk but my vision was beginning to blur in the bright light and I was unable to see any potential prey entering. The master was right when he said that men always were trying to look at my cock when I took a piss and I know now I sometimes flaunted my manhood in mock pleasure of my superior heterosexuality compared with these fucking queers. Now there would be no mockery involved. I very much wanted cock but in my savage way. The toilet was not too crowded but I saw two twenty something year olds obviously together holding on to their cock and not even pretending to piss. I stepped up to the urinal between them and took out my cock. I could feel myself become more animal like next to my prey. It felt good to unzip myself and I took out both my cock and balls. When I released myself to piss it shot out of my cock in a heavy stream and noisily splattered into the urinal. I moaned in pleasure from the release of my piss and then my cock began to thicken and I began slowly to caress myself. I have always had a big cock but since being with my master it has grown considerably larger. I moaned again spread my legs wider although they stared at my cock they initiated no move. I said in a low voice that I love to do this and took my hand away from my cock and let it pulse openly and visibly as I moaned and said I needed to cum. I triggered my dick with my mind so that rope after rope of thick cum hit above the urinal and began to slide down the wall. I turned to the one on my right and said I am so good with my cock I could make that sweet little ass cunt of yours feel pleasures that you never thought possible. Cum was still oozing from the head of my cock I milked it as more spilled into my hand. I licked the cum in the palm of my hand but raised my cum slick fingers to his mouth. He hesitated and then put both fingers in his mouth and sucked them clean. As I zipped up I smiled to the one on my left and said I always did like a double fuck. I knew they were mine. It was no problem getting them back to the shop.

The boys entered the back room with me and I told them to remove their clothing and then slowly remove mine. I liked the feel of them touching and licking me. I knew I could do with them as I pleased their want was so strong. Then the master stepped out. I said to him these two are ready for you to begin master. I had never seen him naked and he was a powerfully built man. One of the young men said to me what the hell was going on that he was not fucking around with any old man. Then as if in a trance he walked to the master. My master threw him to the floor, pounced upon him and began to bite and suck blood from various parts of his body. There was a platform in the room like a bench but much wider. He then told the young man to kneel on it but put his face down with his rump at the master's cock level. Spread the cheeks of your ass he told him as he tried to ram his cock in him but that was impossible the master was so large. I saw talons extend from both the masters hands as he tore open the boy's ass and sunk his cock as far as he could go. I saw blood pulsing through the master as he drained it from the boy with his cock ramming harder and harder into the his very bowels. When my master came he howled like a wolf digging his talons into the boy to hold him firmly as his ass pivoted rapidly into the boy and then he let the limp body of the boy fall away. My want became uncontrollable. The master said you develop quickly my apprentice and must fulfill the destiny of your desires. His richness has been used but his hole is bloody and full of my mucous and cum. Indulge yourself and learn to enjoy with your cock what remains of my discard. My cock became engorged with blood and I too allowed the animal in me to sink my dick into the torn insides of the boy. Before I came I heard my master say wait hold your cum juice you can feed with me on the second one. I looked over to the other boy who had stood trance like waiting, his cock pulsing in passion as he watched the fate of his friend.

The master said to me we must have patience with this second one and enjoy him fully before he is consumed. He said I will bring him out of his trance and he will feel a terror more intense than he dreamed possible and you and I will build on that terror to circulate his blood so rapidly that it will become hot and thick and bring a special intensity of flavor to his blood. The master said I will now release him from his trance and we will begin to rotate him between us bitch slapping him harshly in order to break the skin and allow the cuts to ooze with blood. He said to me is that to your liking my fucking apprentice. I grabbed my cock and I said look here to the throbbing of my cock for your answer, I am ready for whatever the night holds. My slaps at the beginning were hard but still somewhat tentative until I saw the boy's lip split and blood began to trickle down his chin. I could feel the power and desire enter my arm as I back handed him harshly and a spray of blood flew from his mouth. The master said to me you are learning well but prove your ruthlessness not just with a hit but also with your mind. I ordered the boy on his knees before me and told him to open his mouth and stick out his tongue. I believe that he thought that my cock would be given to him to suck. I had no intention of giving him that pleasure. I ordered him not to move or close his mouth and then begin to spit in his mouth and on his face. Taste my mucous you fucking mortal I said but now I will give you a kiss of an immortal. I looked to my master as he walked to the boy extending his black tongue into the boys mouth and giving him a suck kiss as he pierced his fingernails into the boys nipples. The boy tried to pull away from the pain and that is when I saw the molars of my master crushing and chewing on the boy's tongue. He ripped the boys tongue from his mouth began to chew on it and then walked to me opening his mouth as we shared the meat and blood. He said now we must tie him down. The boy was terrified but was only able to gurgle and the master continued to kiss him drawing blood from the severed tongue. Then he began to caress the boys cock, balls and inner thighs and eventually began to fuck him in the ass deeply with his massive tongue. In spite of the boys pain he became aroused as his cock hardened. It was a beautiful cock, uncircumcised with a well developed hood covering the entire head. He said I want to taste him peel him back. I sucked his cock in to my mouth, firmly grabbed his hood between my teeth and slowly tore it off the head of his dick. Chew it and swallow it is very special my master instructed me. The master said he must stand now but he must be spread as far as possible and tied very tightly so that he cannot move. The master opened the drawer in a bureau and took out a leather case adorned with many different symbols. He opened the case and removed a long thick cylinder made of iron with barbs of metal and slivers of iron hanging from the side. He closed his fist around the cylinder and slid his hand forward tearing skin and tendons, bleeding profusely but it started to heal immediately. Then he took out a billy club with the same physical characteristics which could only be some form of ancient dildo used for torture. I was not sure how the cylinder object could be used. He said we will take turns and touched the boys bleeding cock that became immediately erect. The master said I will jack him off by sticking the torture cylinder in his piss slit as you fuck him with the dildo club. The instruments will tear and rip his flesh inside his cock and cunt which will provide us juicy bloody tasty chunks of flesh. We can stop as often as you like to enjoy and feed. After saying that he placed the cylinder at the piss slit of the boys cock and shoved it down a few inches. He nodded to me and I inserted the dildo partially in his ass. The master and I continued our rotation and the boys cock and ass became more and more open to the instruments of torture. The master said our cunt boy needs to get off and I need to taste his cum so that instead of just pushing inward we must pull back and forth when he releases it will be very sweet with its combination of fuck juice and blood. The master squeezed the boys balls as he jacked the cylinder deeper and deeper in his cock until the boy began to squirt blood and cum from the sides of the cylinder. I never saw my master move but there he was with his black tongue licking and sucking at the boys cock. The master told the boy to bend over and he said to me tear the dildo from his ass, he is now ripe to relieve the passion of your cock. I fucked the boy without mercy I wanted him to feel the pain from my large throbbing dick, I enjoyed giving him pain. I began to cum uncontrollably and then the master said your transformation will begin now. He had removed the cylinder from the boy's cock and the aftermath of his feeding left his face covered in blood and cum. I kissed my master passionately and he told the boy to stand and present his cock to me and the boy obeyed without question. My master said to me drink of him until your belly is full but stop short of taking his life only I am permitted that special pleasure. Remember you must stop short of that and it will be difficult to stop once you start. The master took the talon from his small left finger and sliced off the head of the boy's dick which began to spout blood in its engorged state. Drink he said to me. I savagely pushed the boy on the platform his blood squirting on my face and grabbed his slippery bloody cock and put it in my mouth and begin to drink. I could only feel myself pulling and sucking the blood as fast as I could. As if in a dream I heard a roar and found myself thrown to the floor as my master said to me that is enough. He then began his feeding on the boy until he too was drained of blood and met the same fatal conclusion as his friend. It was as if I was in a stupor as the master came over to me and began to play with my body. I felt his rough animal like tongue begin to lick my body. Sleep he said I will clean you for your baptism.

When I awoke and he was next to me we reeked of death which sexually excited me. I noticed his eyes were open and he said get up expel your bowels and use that water device to rid yourself of any human waste. I did and as I cleaned myself and stuck the enema probe up my ass my cock became hard. I walked back to my master displaying my hard cock and we laughed in mutual pleasure. He said to me you must do this of your own free will and it will grant you immortality but you will hunt and feed on blood and cock forever always wanting more. I said do you think that I could ever settle for straight cunt again having tasted the richness of a bloody dick. First he said I will allow you to suck the seed from my cock. What I am about to give you is never given lightly so you must prove your sincerity and desire for it through my cock. I had never sucked cock before but now I wanted it. I licked, sucked and rubbed his massive cock (SEE PICTURE ENCLOSED) which gave me wonderful pleasure. He allowed me to play and adore it for quite a while before he said take me deep in your throat and beg for my seed with your mind. I did just that and found myself swallowing squirt after squirt from his cock which went on for several minutes. He said you now tasted your communion. On your back he commanded and grab your ankles pulling them forward. He tore into me as I too felt my flesh rip and he said who is your master and I replied only you. As he wickedly fucked me I began to cum and once he was finished he said that was good because you must give to me your human body fluids of cum and blood. He said I will now suck the blood remaining blood that has not spilled from your bowels. You will be on the abyss of death when I bring you to your new life. As he drew my human blood from me I could feel myself grow weaker and felt my heart beats begin to slow to the point of almost stopping. He used his talon to open his cock and fed his dick into my mouth for me to nurse until I was reborn.

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