The Only Chinese Boy

By Chris Lee

Published on Jun 8, 2020


The Only Chinese Boy by Clee

This story contains sexual activity between two friends of high school age. Please do not read if you are under 18. This story is a product of the author's imagination, any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental. It's a slow burn, please be patient for the juicy parts!

The Only Chinese Boy Part 1

I finally gathered up the courage to approach him, today was the day. No more excuses. I was skinny and tired of it. At 16 I was tall enough at just under six feet, but I only weighed 125 pounds. I wanted to make a change, but I didn't know how. I was afraid that if I brought this up with my friends, they would tease me, so I decided to ask a complete stranger. As I entered the cafeteria that day, my eyes scanned the large and loud room until I spotted him, sitting alone at a table along the far wall.

I grew up in a small town north of Boston in the mid 1990s. The students at my New England high school were almost all white. We had one Asian classmate: Eddie Li. I had known Eddie for four years, since the seventh grade; or should I say I knew of him. Eddie kept to himself, he spoke to no one. In junior high Eddie was scrawny like me, but I had noticed in passing over the last year or so that he was getting pretty muscular. I really wanted to ask him how he had made such a miraculous change, but his silence and expressionless face made him intimidating.

I took one last deep breath and walked purposefully across the cafeteria to Eddie's table. I sat down across from him and took my lunch out of my backpack. He didn't look up or acknowledge me in any way. Finally, after a few awkward minutes, I bit the bullet and spoke. "Eddie," I started hesitantly, "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He looked up at me silently and the world stopped.

Behind the nerdy round wire-framed glasses, I was confronted by two very narrow, coal black eyes. They seemed to be looking into me, not at me. "What do you need?" I suddenly realized that this was the first time I had heard Eddie's voice. It was surprisingly deep and slightly raspy. I had to look away in order to respond. I wondered if he was aware that his gaze had this effect on people; or maybe it was just me?

I took a deep breath and blurted out, "I know we've never met, I'm Billy Taylor. I've noticed that in the last year or so you've really gotten into shape and I'm wondering how? You're not on any teams here at school. I'm sick of being skinny, can you help me?"

I looked back at Eddie and he continued to stare at me with those eyes and his always blank face. Jesus, was this kid a robot? After about 30 seconds, he tore a corner of notebook paper off from his schoolwork sitting next to his lunch and he began to write. He gave it to me and said, "Come to this address on Saturday at 7:00am." He then looked back down and resumed eating his lunch, ignoring me again. My time was up so I quietly finished eating, got up and left.

As the week progressed, I wondered what Eddie had in store for me. Why did I have to get up so early on a Saturday morning? I was dying to ask him for details, but every time we passed each other in the hallway, robot boy was the same as always. He never acknowledged that we had spoken, greeted me, or even looked at me.

Finally, Saturday rolled around. I got up at 6:30am, threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and rode my bike to the address Eddie had given me. A few minutes later I arrived at a store called Li's Oriental Foods. Duh. I had known about this store for as long as I could remember, but I never put two and two together. Eddie was standing there waiting for me. "Hi Eddie" I greeted him as I rolled up.

"Follow me." He turned and was already entering the store as he said this. I chained my bike to the rack at the front and walked into the store. I caught up with Eddie as he walked down an aisle toward the back. He wore a sleeveless T-shirt and baggy shorts. As I walked behind him, I noticed that he was a couple of inches taller than me and his shoulders were quite broad. His back tapered down to a narrow waist. To me he looked like a swimmer or a soccer player. We walked through a swinging door at the very back of the store and into a large stock room. At the back of the room was what looked like a large, open garage door leading to the loading dock. Suddenly it dawned on me why I was there and my mouth dropped open.

Backed up to the loading dock was a big cube truck with its back door rolled open. It was full with boxes of all different sizes. Eddie entered the truck and began emptying it of its cargo, placing boxes onto a hand cart and wheeling them into the stock room. He pointed to another hand cart with his chin, signalling me to get to work. As we worked and the hours passed, it became increasingly hot in the truck. We both began to sweat, Eddie's wavy black hair eventually becoming plastered to his forehead. His shoulders glistened and every time he raised his muscular arms, I could see the thick, straight black hair that grew there, now soaking wet and matted to his skin. He worked quickly and silently, except for the occasional grunt.

Finally, the truck was completely empty. I was exhausted. Eddie disappeared for a minute, then returned with two bottles of water. He handed me one and said, "Come back at the same time next week." This was our only conversation.

I thought to myself as I road my bike home that although this isn't what I had in mind, it will definitely get me into shape. Once I got home, I took a shower and collapsed into bed. I felt dead.

This routine went on for several weeks. After the third week, Eddie stopped telling me to return, it was just assumed that I would. At this point there was virtually no conversation between us. We saw each other every weekday at school and every Saturday morning at the store, but we never spoke. Eddie literally defined the strong, silent type. After I approached him at lunch that day and he (sort of) agreed to help me, I thought that we would get to know each other on some level, even if we weren't destined to be best friends. That wasn't happening; in fact, I knew nothing more about Eddie after a month than I did on day one.

Just as we were finishing up on Saturday number seven, Eddie suddenly said without looking up, "Stay for food." This was the first thing he had said to me in a month and I was stunned.

"Okay, thanks," I replied. I didn't know what else to say.

We walked down some narrow stairs from the loading dock and across the back of the store toward a staircase on the back of the building. We went up the stairs and through a door, entering into the kitchen of the Chin's home above the store. In the kitchen was a pretty, middle aged Asian woman at the stove cooking something that smelled amazing. She turned and smiled at Eddie, then saw me. When she did, her eyes popped open and she dropped the spatula in her hand. Eddie said something to her in Mandarin and she began to smile. "Hello Eddie's friend! Please eat with us."

"Thank you," I replied, "my name is Billy."

Eddie ignored our exchange and left the kitchen. I rushed to catch up with him. He walked down a short hallway and into his bedroom. I waited outside the door, not sure what to do. He came out holding two pairs of shorts and two T-shirts. "Shower first," he said and pointed to the bathroom across the hall.

I went into the bathroom and took off my sweaty clothes. Looking up at myself in the large mirror on the back of the door, I suddenly noticed a change. Although I was the same cute boy (I thought) with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, my body was filling out. I had the beginnings of developing pecs and my arms were bigger. "I don't believe it," I though to myself, "the Eddie Li system works."

The shower was in a large, old fashioned claw foot bathtub with a big curtain that wrapped around it. I had only seen tubs like this in movies, I couldn't believe how big it was. I climbed in, turned on the water and began to rinse off. As I was soaping up, I heard the bathroom door open and close. After a few seconds, the curtain was drawn aside and there stood Eddie, completely naked. I almost dropped dead. He nonchalantly stepped into the tub and I instinctively stepped aside, my hands flying down to cover my privates. "Eddie! What are you doing in here?" I shrieked. I was mortified.

"Friends shower together," he replied, stepping under the stream of water to rinse off, not even looking my way. Friends. He said we're friends. The horror of being naked in the shower with another person suddenly disappeared as I realized that over the past few weeks, Eddie had drawn me into his very small world. With time I would learn to stop speculating and agonizing over how he felt. With Eddie, actions always speak louder than words.

Silently we finished our shower and as we dried ourselves off, I realized this was the first time I had ever seen Eddie without his glasses on. He looked cuter, younger, somehow more vulnerable. Also, I couldn't stop glancing at his dick, I had never seen a foreskin before. In fact, I had never seen another penis besides my own before. "You're looking at me." Eddie didn't look up as he dried his calves. "Sit here." He chin-pointed to the toilet.

I sat down and he approached me, his crotch even with my face. I became lightheaded and nervous; I couldn't believe this was happening. "This is how my foreskin works." Eddie took hold of his penis and began to roll back the skin that covered the head. His dick was darker than the rest of him, almost brown. As the skin retracted, his pink head was exposed. It looked smooth and shiny compared to mine. I also noticed that his pubic hair was thick, practically straight and jet black. It was so different from my own curly brown pubes. It reminded me of a black lion's mane. Although we had just showered and he was clean, I could smell Eddie's personal scent. It was incredibly exciting to me; I had never been naked with another person before and this felt so intimate.

"Let's eat," he said in a voice that was suddenly huskier than before. We silently got dressed and went to the kitchen where his parents were waiting for us.

End of part one

Your feedback is welcomed, email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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