The Open Window

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 26, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"It's a lovely apartment." my mother said when we moved in and I first saw the place.

"But Mo-om!" I moaned. "What were you thinking?"

"You know that I can't afford any place better." Mom said. "Now that you're in college, I don't get child support payments any longer. Your father is giving you money for college, but he's not giving me a single penny any longer. I have a job, you're grown up, there's nothing more he owes me or I owe him. Or owes you, if it comes to that, buster, just be glad this place has two bedrooms or you'd be sleeping on the couch."

"I'm sorry, Mom." I said. "I'm glad you're letting me stay here with you while I go to college." I'd wanted to get a room on campus, where I could finally start living my own life and having sex with another man without worrying about when Mom or Dad would be getting home, but there just wasn't enough money to pay room and board on top of tuition. The down side of an unfriendly divorce, my family had gone from being reasonably wealthy to living paycheck-to-paycheck, and paying for two households on top of that. Two cars, two televisions, two single-again adds up to no college fund for Junior! Which was me, their only son, my fund had gone to help pay the attorneys. Not to mention that, caught up in their own struggles, I had foregone letting them know I was gay. I was still waiting to lay that one on them, and had now decided to wait until I could have a job and be on my own. Only another four years.

After graduating from high school, I'd been staying the summer with Dad (he lived in Hermosa Beach not that far from the ocean--great for surfing!) but with college coming up, such as it was, I had gone to stay with Mom. She had just moved into a place not that far from the university I was going to attend, a short bus ride and I'd be there. She did it to get back at Dad, of course, their divorce was still rankling them. But with the location, going to stay with her was sensible...then I'd seen the apartment!

There was a problem with this apartment. A very big one. Its location. It was a ground-floor apartment and separated only by the alley was the back of a blue-collar bar. I was going to be listening to redneck music and fights and who-knew-what-else every night while I tried to sleep. And until the temperature went down, I was going to be doing it with my window open.

Mom had an answer for the noise level; I was going to put a fan in my room, not for the air (which flowed through the apartment pretty well without that, the buildings on either side of the alley formed a sort of ventilation shaft), but for the noise. An old, noisy, creaking, roaring fan.

It all wasn't so bad, I found out when nighttime came. There was loud music in the bar across the way, yeah, but the back was closed, and so distance muted it from being anything more than a sort of racket, and with the fan going, it became a sort of throbbing sound, rather like a giant's heartbeat. The apartment was hot, about eighty-five degrees at a guess, but my stripping down and lying on top of the covers and having that fan play on me, I felt all right; I'd been sleeping like this all summer for the same reason, people at the beach don't go for air conditioning much. As for the noise, you can get used to that pretty fast. I was falling asleep about as well as anyone does in a strange bed in a strange place that first night, when I heard a noise that wasn't a giant's heartbeat. More like a harp!

Someone was taking the screen off my window!

I know, the place should have had security bars on it, in such a location. The window, due to the slope of the ground, was only about two feet off the ground, a person who took off the screen could just step right into the room!

Which is what was happening, and damned fast! The screen wasn't fastened in right, I guess, it just sort of gave that "twang" I'd heard and popped right out. A guy crawled in the window, by the simple expedient of lifting one leg inside, sitting down and sliding over so his inside leg was on the floor and scooting out by hopping the rest of the way. His execution of this maneuver was enough to show that he was intoxicated but not totally drunk. Feeling no pain, ready to share his light with the world, but not ready to fall down and spare us that light.

"Hey, there you are!" he said. "Naked as promised, eh?"

The fan was noisy, my voice was the muffled thing you have when you've just been rousted after nearly falling asleep. "Muh? Whuh's thah?"

The guy was wearing only a white tank-top t-shirt and blue jeans, he must have taken off his shoes on the way in, because he undid his buttons and shucked them faster than a fireman! Inside that was an untamed, raging hard-on unfettered by briefs that he aimed at me and said, "Now, let's get this going and...shit, you're a guy!"

"I was trying to sleep!" I said. "And you're not dressed right now, either!"

"Humph!" the guy seemed to consider it. "Ah, hell, I'll fuck you anyway."

I was so astonished by that comment I just stared as he walked over. I could see him better now. Big, rugged, handsomely square jaw shadowed by beard stubble, his body a strong triangle of muscles from broad shoulders now to a slender waist. His cock was large, firm, uncut, ripe, rich!

Damn, I didn't know what was happening here but this was the stuff of my jerk-off fantasies! Who hasn't fantasized about a handsome stud crawling in through your window and climbing into your bed, like this guy was now doing? All I had to do was keep quiet while he got straddle of my chest and plunked that thick cock onto my throat. "Come on, get to sucking." He ordered.

He lifted his dick, I opened my mouth, he popped it in with an imperious thrust of his hips forward, and I had a hard dong throbbing halfway down my throat. God, I couldn't believe it!

"Come on, get to sucking it!" he said when I hesitated, just enjoying the feel of it all, and he grabbed my head and began to hunch at me.

I took charge of the sucking, and he let me. After a time he got up and stood on the bed, and I got to my knees and took back his cock. This gave me greater range and he stood there, his head nearly brushing the ceiling, grinning down at me. "Damn, yeah, I'm glad you've moved in here." he said. "Cute young stud servicing my hard cock, yeah, shit, yeah! Better'n any woman I've ever had. Get back down again, I want to try something."

I lay back down and his idea was to sit on my shoulders, almost, and folded his legs underneath me, like he was sitting cross-legged. It pinned me a good bit and he took back over, holding my head at the back, keeping me up but otherwise making me work his pud. It helped, my head had his hands, or at worst, the calves of his legs, to rest on, and both would let me hang onto his prick. All I had to do was lunge forward and fall back and I was sucking cock the way he liked it. He reached back and got a killer grip on my pud, not holding it but crunching it against my balls and I groaned. Pain, yes, but a sort of delightful pain, the sort you can get into, he was in charge, he was doing what he wanted with me, I had to serve him or he'd make me feel his displeasure, that sort of pain. Not unbearable, a prod but not a stab.

"What have we got here?" came a voice and I looked over to see another guy sitting in my window. "Is this on the up-and-up?" He was wearing a t-shirt, blue-jean shorts and a baseball cap, had a thick mustache and a rough attitude.

"Yeah, got a young guy here who wants hard cock and a lot of it, right, kid?"

"Mph! Mmm-hmm!" I affirmed.

"So you want to share him, or wait your turn?" the guy said. "He's giving one hell of a blowjob, but you can fuck him if you want to."

"Sure you don't mind?"

"Naw, I want to watch his face as you stick it in him." the first guy said. Let me call the first guy "Tee" for the t-shirt, and the other "Cap" for his baseball cap.

They were discussing me like a piece of meat, and somehow that fit into what was going on, this open window, the bar next door, the men climbing in without my permission, why would they ask me what they could do to me? So I kept silent as Cap came over and doffed his baseball cap and then tugged off his t-shirt. His chest was hairy, his crotch was a mass of tangled pubic hairs in which his cock swam like a porpoise, his hands were rough as they grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, and I was afraid he planned to shove his cock in just like that. I couldn't see what he was doing there, but it took him a while and when his hands gripped my legs and pulled them upwards again, I was relieved to feel the slick sheen of oil, and his lubed cock was savage enough as it plunged into my ass.

I guess my groans as I was fucked by Cap brought Tee his expected pleasure, he watched my face grimace as Cap fucked me and he groaned, his cock grew hot in my mouth and he grabbed my head and this time there wasn't anything gentle about his grip, nothing supportive, he had hold of me because he needed to get off, and right then and by God, my mouth was where it was going! And so he came, his hot jizz spurting into my mouth and down my throat, and he was grunting and I looked up helplessly at his face as he looked down at mine, his glare fierce and grimacing like a snarling beast, and he pumped his load into me and watched me the entire time, making sure I took it, all of it, and I swallowed.

His chest blowing, Tee got off of me and Cap leaned down as he did, and now I was looking right into Cap's eyes, dark glowing balls of fire as he hauled my legs up to my chest, his elbows locked into my knees, and he humped at me roughly, his cock was mauling my ass and I was crying out in pain and pleasure, for there is pleasure to be fucking by a man like this, used like this.

"Is this where the action is?" another man said and he looked in. "Yeah, here he is, guys!" he called back over his shoulder.

Guys? I watched one man after another crawled in through my open window. Five of them, watching me being fucked by Cap. All of them were rough, rugged men, construction workers, truckers, men who worked with their hands, men who lived their lives close to the earth and nature, men who sweated and labored and when the day was done, needed to live their pleasures just as rawly. And here I was.

There was a sort of courtesy about it, odd to say, when you set aside the fact that I was there to be used by them. They waited their turn to climb onto my bed, shove it into me. None of them fought over me, which turn was which. More than once I had two men with me in the bed, but each time, it was a case of them agreeing to share, the way Tee and Cap had. It went on and on until nearly three o'clock in the morning, when the bar had been closed for an hour, the men departed with the bar's closing, the men finishing with me and then leaving, and I finally went to sleep with the bar silent, the world resting, my bed splattered with come and sweat and raunch, but that smell was sweet, oh, so sweet!

I slept in the next morning for obvious reasons, my mother not questioning why I was abed until almost noon. I couldn't keep this up, she said to me, you start school next Monday, you know. I nodded, my mind still wondering. What had brought these men through my window? Had there been someone here before me, perhaps, who the men thought was here? They acted like they'd been invited somehow. But not by me, or by Mother, I was sure of that. It was a puzzle, and that was what I was thinking about while my Mom nattered on and on about stuff I didn't care about and never would, like where to put the bedsheets and which grocery store we would shop at and should we subscribe to the newspaper or just pick it up on Sundays for the coupons?

There was a knock at the door and I went over to get it. An indignant woman was standing there, a teenaged boy about thirteen with her. "Pardon me, but I'm Mrs. Frye and we live right upstairs." she began.

Uh-oh, she'd heard the parade of men in and out of my window, and was outraged! I started to explain what little I knew when she went on.

"My Sidney here owes you an apology." she said.

"An apology? To me?" I was shocked by this. I should be apologizing, if they lived right over me.

"You don't know what he did?" she asked me. "He hung a sign out of his window, an arrow pointing right down at your window." She pulled out a poster sign and handed it to me. "Here it is. Just read this!"

I did. "Hot and Horny!" It proclaimed. "Come on in and get me!" And the arrow pointing down to my window.

Oh! I set the poster aside and said, "Well, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Mind if I speak to Sidney here alone for a second?"

"Take all the time you want." she said to me, and left.

I waited until she was gone and then looked at Sidney, who was looking at me wide-eyed and frightened. "I just have one thing to say to you, Sidney." I said.

"Yeah?" he quivered out.

"Yeah." I leaned down and said, "Thanks! Can you keep this sign and hang it up again tonight?"

And I handed him back the sign! I was going to be awfully busy with college, but this would take care of my sex life the next four years!


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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