The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 15, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part I - Chapter 2 - Manoel, comparisons between boys

Manoel went back to the large kitchen.

рSo then, Manoel, what told you the master?с Lucas asked him, stopping to greedily munch a roasted maize cob.

рLucas! Since when did you become the fazenda's confessor?с the cook grumbled.

Manoel answered, рHe said he will think about it, and also that you have to go immediately to see him.с

The black boy at once went out, leaving the half eaten cob on the table. Manoel took it and asked, рCan I eat it?с

рYes boy, finish it. You boys have to grow up. If the master told you he wants to think about it, in my opinion this is a good sign.с

After a while Lucas was back in the kitchen and cried out, рHey, my cob!с

рYours?с his mother asked him shaking a ladle. рYour name wasn't written on it, and even if it was, you are not able to read, wooden head! Tell me instead, what the master wanted.с

рHe said to tell you to settle Manoel, to find him a place to sleep and to make him eat with us until he makes a decision.с

рA sleeping place? He will sleep with you, if Manoel can stand you.с

рWith me, Mum? Why with me?с Lucas protested.

рWhere else? Up at the second floor it depends from the superintendent, not from me. And here, surely not with your father and me, and even less with your sisters, therefore look for a pallet and put it at the side of yours, and don't make me lose my time with your stories, as I have to finish preparing the masters' supper.с

рBut Mumис

рThe master said I have to decide, did he or not? And I decided, so hurry along now or else you will get this pan on your pate!с

Lucas left the kitchen with a long face.

Manoel said to the cook, рI'm sorry to give you problemsис

рProblems? I don't see any. The master said I had to decide and I decided. May Lucas like it or not! He is not a bad boy, my son, I grew him up well, but at times he likes raising difficulties.с

At suppertime Manoel met the rest of Idalina's family. Her husband was the master's coach driver; the three daughters worked at home to clean and helped their mother in the kitchen. Lucas instead was charged with the coaches' maintenance and also supervised the stable boys' work. The stable boys were living in the slaves' quarters.

When it was time to go to bed, Lucas took Manoel to his room. He had already added a pallet near his own. In the room there were also a chest and a small closet. The only window in the room looked onto the internal garden. The two boys lay down on their pallets and Lucas blew out the candle.

рMy Mum told me that you ran away from the orphanage. Is it so?с

рYes, we were ill treated in there.с

рTherefore you didn't know your parents?с

рNo, neither of them.с

рFor sure it has not been an easy life for you, has it? But here you found a good place.с

рIf the master decides to hire me, as I'm not able to do anythingис

рDon't worry, here either you learn orи you learn! And anyway, I can give you a hand, in case.с

рI got the feeling you didn't like meис

рNo way, just figure it. At first I'm always somewhatи so, with everybody.с

After a long silence, Manoel asked, рAre you asleep?с

рNot yet. But if you don't keep silent, of course, I can't fall asleep.с

рSo then it's better we now try to sleep, right?с

рEh, yes, it will be better, as tomorrow morning I have to be up at six o'clock.с

Soon the two boys were sound asleep.

It was still the middle of the night when the two boys were awakened by the insistent sound of the bell that usually called the slaves. They heard excited voices, yells and from the window they saw people running with torches in their hands.

They had just gotten off their pallets when Lucas father peeped around the doorway. рLuca, hurry up, the roof of the coffee storehouse gave way because of the rains and we have to move away all the sacks or it will be a disaster!с

Lucas ran headlong outside knowing if their master's business went bad the slaves would also suffer hard times, even risked being sold, separated from their families to pay the master's debts.

Manoel on instinct ran after Lucas. The two boys got to the storehouse where the slaves were already loading full sacks of green coffee grains on their shoulders under the supervision of the master, his two sons and the superintendent. The slaves were moving the sacks into a dry place in the coach depot. The coaches had already been taken out to make room for the sacks full of the grains.

Other slaves were trying to spread tarpaulins over the broken roof, but the gusts of wind moved them away. Manoel took a sack on his shoulders following the others to take it to a dry place. The sack was really heavy for the boy, but he was caught up in the general rushing, and for the fact that nobody was sparing his efforts, Manoel found within him a strength that even he didn't think he had.

Then, all of a sudden Manoel slipped in the mud and fell under the weight of the sack he was carrying. He let out a piercing scream. He tried to stand up, but a shooting pain shot through an ankle which made him collapse again letting out another scream of pain.

Nicolau who was nearby went to him and asked, рDid you hurt yourself boy?с

рMy ankleи my ankle,с Manoel answered with a pined grimace.

рCan you manage to get back to the house by yourself?с

рYes sir, I think I can manage. But the sackис

рI will care for it, don't worry.с

Manoel dragged himself in pain towards the house. At the door Idalina saw him approach limping, so she ran to meet him to hold him up and to help him, taking him to the kitchen.

рGreat Mother of God! You look almost like a ghost, all wet and dirty with mud as you are. What happened my boy?с

рI slipped like an idiot! I'm afraid I broke my ankle.с

рSit on the bench and let me seeис

The slave knelt in front of the boy and checked his ankle that was already starting to swell. She tried to move it and Manoel let out a scream.

рNo, Manoel Branco, I don't really think it's broken, it's just a bad sprain. I will now prepare a decoction for it and see to bandage it in some way. And for some days you should not walk on it.с

рBut then the master will not hire meис

рIf you try to walk on it, you risk you will never be able to do any other work. A sprain cared in time heals soon, but if you don't care for it as you need to, you can have problems and limp all your life long.с the woman said in a brisk tone.

Outside the slaves were still working under a strong rain, and when daylight came, they had just ended the task of moving the last sack to a safe place.

The master and his two sons went into the kitchen.

рPrepare us something hot Idalina,с Euclides said.

рA good and hot coffee is already for everybody, master. And if you want in it some brandy, here is the bottle,с the cook answered.

рYou always care about everything Idalina,с the man told her with a smile.

Getulio addressed Manoel who was sitting near the fireplace, and said, рThe sissy was here to keep warm while we were outside to crash out our souls!с

Nicolau intervened at once, рIt is not at all so. The boy sprained badly his ankle, hoping it's not a fracture, while he was carrying sacks bigger than him! I sent him here after he hurt himself.с

Getulio disdainfully turned his back to them and sipped his coffee.

Nicolau added, рAnd all summed up, he still doesn't work for us, so he could have even gone on and slept if he wanted.с

рYes, he evidently came out only to be hired,с Getulio retorted angrily.

Their father intervened, рEven if he came to give a hand only to be hired, I think he did the right thing. There are just two possibilities, either Manoel is a good hearted boy or he is a smart boy, and whatever he is these are two good qualities.с He then addressed the cook, рSee that the boy cleans up. Find some clean clothes for him, as I think that the boy doesn't have a change of clothes.с

The master and his two sons went away and after a while Lucas returned, soaked and dirty too.

His mother at once told him, рLuca, take a basin with warm water to your room. You two undress and wash, then give some of your clean clothes to Manoel. Help him walk, as he hurt himself. Lock yourselves in the room, as I don't want your sisters to see you without clothes. And be careful not to soak the floor, or else you will have to clean it. Is that clear?с

рYes, Mum. Can I first have some coffee?с

рSure, and give some also to Manoel. Pour in a finger of brandy so you will get warm inside, but just a finger, understood? I'm going to take the big coffeepot outside to the men. Just a finger now!с

рYes, yes, Mum, don't worry!с the boy answered.

After both the boys drank their hot coffee, Lucas seized Manoel at his waist. рPut your arm on my shoulder and don't walk on your broken foot.с

рIt's not broken; your mother said it's just sprained.с Manoel said.

рSo much the better. Let's goи Here, sit on the chest now and wait until I bring the big basin and hot water,с the black boy said, then went to the kitchen to fetch all they needed.

When he was back he put the wide copper basin on the floor and near it the big pot of steaming water. He carefully locked the door then turned and approached the white boy.

рFirst of all let's take off everything, so later my sisters can wash our clothes.с

рEverything?с Manoel asked, anticipating the pleasure of seeing the other boy totally naked.

рOf course! What's that, are you ashamed?с

рNo, no, I'm not at all ashamedи You knowи I've never seen the cock of a black boy, up to nowис

рNeither I that of a white boyи Put your dirty clothes in this basket.с Lucas said starting to undress.

As they were undressing, the two boys were looking at each other with open curiosity.

When they were naked, Lucas said in a low voice, but with some pride, рMine is bigger than yours!с

рBut mine, when it gets hard, becomes almost twice bigger than now. I've noticed that a cock, the bigger it is when soft, the less it becomes big when hard.с Manoel retorted.

рDid you see many cocks?с Lucas asked him.

рNot a few,but never that of a black man.с Manoel repeated, then he asked, рDid you see many?с

рJust three or four. May I touch yours?с

рIf you let me touch yoursис Manoel answered with a cunning smile.

In a while the two boys were fondling each other's genitals and both soon got a hard-on.

рYou see? Mine now is almost as big as yours!с Manoel said.

рYes, you're right. Mine is anyway still a little bigger than yours.с

рThe important thing is not how big or how long it is, but how one uses it.с Manoel retorted.

рDo you like? You already did it?с


рUsed itи I mean.с

рWhy, you didn't?с

рBut did you alreadyи use it with a girl?с

рI neverи And you?с

рMe neither. Here the girlsи you cannot draw too near. Their parents always keep them within eye sight, and if you try to touch one, they break you in two pieces.с

рBut wouldn't you like?с Manoel asked.

рHow can I know, as I never tried?с

They stopped touching each other and washed themselves. Then Lucas looked in the chest for some clean clothes and they both dressed.

рLay down now. I'll go throw away the dirty water and give our dirty clothes to my sisters to have them washed.с Lucas told him.

Lucas had just left when master Euclides came in the boy's room. Manoel tried to stand up from the pallet but the man gestured for him not to move.

рStay down boy, I want you to heal quickly.с

рI thank you sir. I'm sorry thatис

рNo, no. I would rather thank you. Listen, Manoel Branco. I talked about you with both my superintendent and my secretary. I decided to try you out by giving you some tasks to carry out as soon as you heal. As a start, you can give a hand to my secretary, Mister Greg≤rio Alves Romero, as you are able to read and write. He has to rearrange the entire library on the first floor. He will explain to you what you will have to do and how, as soon as you can move without problems.с

рThank you sir, thank you very much. I will do my best so that you will be happy with me.с the boy said with shining eyes.

рAnd I will tell Mrs Ermeninda, the governess, to give you some decorous clothes, possibly adapting for you the clothes that my sons don't wear any more.с

рI thank you again; you are kind and generous sir.с

Euclides made a gesture with his hand, indicating to the boy he didn't need to be thanked so much. Without adding any further words, he left the small room.

Manoel was happy he could possibly be starting a new life in this fazenda.

Idalina later came to the room with his lunch. Manoel was quickly eating when a well clothed man as the masters came into the room.

рYou are Manoel Branco, aren't you?с

рYes, sirис

рI am Greg≤rio Alves Romero. Mister Quadros Dutra told me you are able to read and write.с

рSufficiently well, I think sir.с

рVery good. When you are able to walk, you will come and see me and I will explain what you will be doing. The master decided to gather all the books in this house and create a library. He just had new shelves made to transform two rooms on the first floor into the library. While I will file them you will move them onto the shelves in correct order.с

рAre there many books sir?с

рYes, Marquise Ortensia loved culture very much during her life here. Beside the books she brought with her from Italy, the master bought her many books - stories, poetry, travel accounts, and essays on various subjects. I have just started to inventory them. I think there are more or less five thousand books and even more, some even rare editions and precious ones.с

рFive thousand books? At the orphanage we had at most a hundred, and they were old and in a bad state, at times a page was missing, yet they seemed to me to be so much and so beautiful!с

рDo you like reading? Or were you just looking at the illustrations?с

рI liked looking at the illustrations when there were some, but I also liked to read them. In a book everything becomes possible, even for a foundling like me can discover he is a princeис Manoel said with a dreamful expression.

The man smiled. Manoel looked at him and thought he looked as an agreeable and well-mannered person.

рMarquise Ortensia was the master's wife?с he asked.

рYes, Ortensia Ugolini marquise della Castellina was a noble lady from Florence, that is a city in the centre of Italy, the capital city of Tuscany Grand-duchy. Do you know where Italy is?с

рYes, a little farther than Portugal, isn't it? It's the land in the shape of a boot where also the Pope lives. But how did they meet, the master and the marquise?с

рWhen she was seventeen, she accompanied her father to Rio de Janeiro, as he came here to set up a business to import coffee and sugar. They met at a party at the residence of marquis Itanaha▐m and it seems that it was love at first sight. Dom Euclides' father and the marquis Ugolini della Castellina saw at once with a good eye their union, so Mister Euclides went to Italy, to Florence, where he married the young marquise that he then brought here to Santo Andr▌.с

рThe portrait that is in the master's studioис

рYes, it portrays Marquise Ortensia. It is the work of the famous French painter Le Breton, who came to Rio in 1816, if I'm not wrong, anyway just after young master Getulio's birth. The marquise and Dom Euclides' second son.с

рThe marquise was really beautiful- beautiful and elegant."

рYes, but above all she was really very good hearted. It has been a big loss for everybody, her premature death. Everybody loved her, from the slaves to the most important people of the state. All Santo Andr▌, a good part of the important names of S┴o Paulo and even of Rio de Janeiro came here for her funeral. Well, Manoel, I hope you will heal soon, so you can start your work and give me a hand.с The secretary concluded and, greeting the boy with a gesture, went out.

Later the governess, Mrs Ermeninda also arrived to meet the boy and check his size to adapt for him some of the master's sons' clothing that they didn't use any more. They talked for some time and Manoel asked her too about marquise Ortensia.

рOh yes, she was a really beautiful and good lady, she loved the arts, not only the books. You see the garden that lies behind the mansion was made in the Italian style, like the gardens that are in Florence, and it was planned personally by the marquiseи Mister Euclides often goes to sit in that garden, when he feels the loss of his wifeис

рAlso Mister Euclides seems to be a good and generous master.с Manoel said.

рYes he is a fair master, severe with those who don't do their duty, but human with everybody. They really were a splendid coupleис

рAlso Master Nicolau seems to be really kindис

рHe resembles very much to his mother, both for his character and physically.с

рAnd Master Getulio? I have the feeling he doesn't like me at allис

рHe is still so young. I think he will be a very good businessman, because he is really intelligent and skilled, determined. At times he is somewhat rude, that's true. He possibly lost his mother too soon.с the governess said, then left Luca's room.

After supper Lucas went back to his room to go to bed.

While the black boy was preparing to go to bed he asked Manoel, рYou should have been really bored all the day long here alone.с

рNot too much, as the master came here, his secretary, then the governess. I talked with each for awhile."

рWell, we can now have a good sleep.с

рWhat did you do all day long?с

рIt has been a rather hard day, like all the others, but nothing special happened. You know, the storehouse roof to repair, a thousand things to setис

рI thought of you often during the day. I would have liked seeing you earlier.с

Lucas looked at him somewhat surprised, рOh really? And why?с

рBecause I like you - that is why.с

рThat is? What do you mean?с

рWhat I mean is I think you are likeable, and you have a really nice bodyис

рHear that! It's odd, because I too though of you today while I was doing my work.с

рWhat did you think about me?с

рI asked myself if you were bored being here all by yourself, and I would have liked to be able to keep you company, to be here near youи toи oh, you knowис Lucas said.

рThen come here near me now.с

рYes, butи I feel somewhat ashamedи you are a white boy, you aren't a slave like me.с

рSo then? We are almost the same age and we call each other by our names, don't we? Just pretend I'm a black boy like you.с

рI don't like thinking that you are a black boy like me.с

рWhy?с Manoel asked.

рBecause you are different from the other boys I met before.с

рDifferent how?с

Lucas sat on Manoel's pallet and answered, рIt's so little that I got to know about you, and yetи and yet, I can feel you are special.с

рSpecial how? You saw me all naked, and also touched meи what did you find special, besides our skin colour?с

рBecause you are sensitive, you are sweet, different from the other boys, the slave boys I met before.с

Manoel pulled Lucas to him girdling his shoulders and kissed him on the mouth. Lucas didn't withdraw but he didn't return the kiss either.

рDid my kiss bother you?с Manoel asked.

рNo, not at all, but I never kissed anybody.с

рI like kissing a boy that attracts me.с

Lucas bent over Manoel and tried to kiss him. The boy at once returned his kiss and for a while they played with their tongues.

рLucas, did you ever make love with other boys?с

рYes, at times, in the storehouse, but just a quick fuck, because we were both scared that somebody could come, orис

рDid you like it, anyway?с Manoel asked.

рYes, rather.с

рIf you lock the door, we can make love, you and me, quietly, safely, don't you think?с

рMmmm, we could do it butи Don't you know that making love between men is a sin?с

рOh yes, at the orphanage the priests told us so, but then there was one of them who took us in his bed to fuck us. So, if the priests do it, why should we not do it too?с

рCome on! It really did happen? Aren't you pulling my leg with that story?с

рNo, not at all, it is the truth, so when I was not even thirteen I learned what it is like, and I discovered I like doing it a lot.с


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 3

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