The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 19, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part I - Chapter 3 - Manoel yields to temptation

Manoel stopped talking, lowered his hand between his companion's legs and felt his warm and hard member under the cloth of his wide breeches.

"Wait a moment; I'll go lock the door..." Lucas said, standing up.

He then went back and sat on Manoel's pallet, near him, and the white boy at once started to undress him. After a short hesitation, the black boy also started to undress his roommate. Soon they were totally naked and embracing each other. Manoel kissed him again. This time Lucas returned the kiss, while their bodies were rubbing one against the other and their desire was flaring up. Manoel caressed all over his companion's body, enjoying the feeling of his firm muscles under his fingertips.

"You have a beautiful body Lucas, lean and muscled, not like mine..." he whispered.

"When you have to toil all day long, you develop muscles your body is beautiful too, smooth like silk and white like ivory... It's good touching each other in this way..."

Manoel looked at the beautiful ebony endowment on Lucas, cupped it between his two hands and bent down to kiss it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lucas asked in total amazement.

Manoel didn't answer, but started to lick and gently bite the ebony beauty he desired with increasing pleasure. Lucas emitted a low moan and abandoned all resistance to the unexpected pleasures. When Manoel made that beautiful meat column slip between his lips, Lucas emitted another, louder moan.

"Don't raise any noise or we will be heard from the other rooms!" Manoel reprimanded him, but with a smile.

"Great Mother of God! Nobody ever did this to me..."

"Don't you like it?"

"Yes indeed!"

Manoel dove again to suck it with a real gluttony - it was his first time with a black boy and the light reek emanating from that beautifully muscled body made him even more excited. After a while, at first shyly, then with growing self-assurance, the black boy also went down to suck the hard member of his companion. They were immediately intertwined in a passionate sixty-nine. While Manoel was going on skilfully sucking Lucas, he placed a finger between the buttocks of his less experienced companion and began searching for his anus. Lucas stopped sucking.

"You want to fuck me there, don't you?" he asked in a whisper.

"I would like..." Manoel answered. "Have you already taken it there?"

"Several times... And you?"

"I have too. And do you like?"

"What? Taking it there or receiving it?" Lucas asked, in turn teasing the white boy's hidden hole with his finger.

"I like both receiving and giving. And you?"

"Yes, I like both too... even though more frequently I had to take it."

"Then we can do both things, you to me and I to you can't we?"

"Do you want to go first?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. Lie on your back and raise your legs up on my shoulders then."

"This way? Why?"

"Because I like it facing you better so I can see your eyes. Have you never done it this way before?"

"No, I always did it standing up and from the back, there in the storehouse or in the coach depot."

Manoel leaned on him, moistened his companion's hole and his rod with saliva, and started to push his dick against the hole. He penetrated and sank inside Lucas without any difficulty. Lucas fluttered a light smile as they gazed into each other eyes.

"Do you like it?" Manoel asked when he was finally all inside.

"Yes, I like. And you?"

"Oh yes!"

"So then, start to fuck me now. Go on!"

Manoel started to pump inside him with calm determination. Lucas was biting his lip and from time to time emitted a weak pleasure moan. While he continued to fuck him, Manoel put his hands on his companion's chest and started to rub his nipples. Lucas uttered a chocked groan.

"It's good in this position... much better than how I did it with the other slaves," the young black man whispered.

"Yes, isn't it? Did you fuck often?"

"No, only about once a week, sometimes even less. But never did it feel so good. You really know how to fuck Manoel!"

Manoel continued to piston inside Lucas. Once in a while Manoel would bend down and kiss him on the mouth. Lucas was passionately responding with growing enthusiasm. Suddenly Manoel stopped and slowly withdrew.

Lucas looked at him surprised. "Are you already tired?" he asked, somewhat disappointed.

"No, not at all. But you now take me, or else I will come too fast. You also try not to come too fast, so I can fuck you again, then you me, and so on... Do you understand?"

"I think we will not sleep very much tonight!" Lucas answered merrily.

The two boys exchanged positions, and Lucas started to take his companion with some vigour, almost roughly.

"Hey, take it easy!" Manoel protested.

"Did I hurt you?" Lucas asked, stopping with a worried expression.

"No, it's not that. But you see, if you do it in a more gentle way, it will be best for both of us."

"Yes, you really are different from the others," the boy answered and started to move inside him more gently. "You are right; it's best in this way... But who taught you all these things? Was it that priest?"

"No, I learned them a little at a time, going with other men..."

"You white people always do it in this way?"

"Not everybody. There are also people who just want to have a fuck and come fast, without any gentleness... But I like it better this way when I fuck with somebody I really like."

"This means that you like me?" Lucas asked with a pleased smile.

"Yes. But now talk less... Kiss me, caress me as I'm doing to you Lucas, go on!" Manoel spurred him.

The young slave's eyes were shining with pleasure. He went on taking his companion for a good time; then they swapped their positions a couple more times.

It was again Lucas taking Manoel when he murmured, "I think that this time I won't be able to hold back, you know?"

"So then just go on," the white boy said with a pleased smile.

When he felt that Lucas was really getting close to the final explosion, Manoel brushed with more vigour his dark, hard nipples, until he felt that Lucas was starting to unload inside him. Lucas shut his eyes, bent his head back and through his closed lips he let out a long low moan. He then stopped, panting, opened his eyes and smiled at his companion.

"I never enjoyed it so much Manoel. Thank you..."

"I'm glad for you..."

"But now you too want to take your pleasure, don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

They swapped once more their positions. Manoel sank again into the small and firm arse of the young slave and this time he rode him with growing vigour and pleasure until he too unloaded in the hot depths of his roommate, strongly panting then gradually calming down. He then gently slipped out of him and emitted a long sigh.

"So then Lucas, did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, sure, very much."

"When was your first time Lucas?" Manoel curiously asked.

"Seven years ago while a special occasion, a party to celebrate prince Dom Pedro being named heir to the throne was going on. The coach diver of one of my master's guests, with the pretext to have me help him repair one of the leather straps on his master's coach accompanied me to fetch the tools he needed from the tool shed. Once inside there we were alone, just the two of us, he just pulled down my trousers and took my cherry... Then, as he was a friend with another slave of my master, he told him that I took it in my arse without raising any fuss, so a few days later that man also tried it with me... You know, here the slaves do it with each other before they marry when they feel horny... In spite of the priests telling us it is a sin..." Lucas concluded with a giggle.

"Well, now it would be better to put on our clothes again and try to sleep." Manoel said.

They dressed back up in silence; Lucas then went to his companion's pallet.

"May I kiss you again before going on my pallet?" Lucas asked, almost shyly.

"Sure, come here!"

They exchanged a long French kiss, tongues playing in each other's mouth. They wished each other a good night, Lucas blew out the candle and the two boys, satisfied, fell asleep.

A few days later Mister Euclides was in his studio with his son Getulio. He put the 'Gazeta de Rio de Janeiro' on his desk and said to his son, "At the parliament there has been a debate between the Justice Minister Diogo Ant™nio Feij˜ and the tutor of our Emperor, dom JosŽ Bonifacio... and as a result Feij˜ gave his resignations..."

"They are like rabid dogs; they rip off each other... Could we have problems now that Feij˜ resigned father?"

"I don't think so. We still have good acquaintance in the Parliament, people who are able to defend their interests and who in doing so will also defend ours. Anyway, there is a rumour that Feij˜ will be named senator with an imperial decree. He is a zealous, courageous, independent man..."

"Is he not a former priest?"

"He is still a priest, even though he doesn't wear the priest's soutane any more as he embrace a political career. Also, he uselessly fought for the abolition of priests' celibacy... He is a man of great experience, and when he had to take shelter in England, when our land was still under the Portuguese Crown, he tied many useful contacts with English politicians."

"You, father, admire Feij˜, don't you?"

"I met him in S‰o Paulo, and I deem him to be a really great man, a man of exceptional value. He is just two years older than me, and he already has accomplished great things."

"You too father have accomplished great things. You inherited this fazenda from your father and tripled the land and quadrupled the production... I hope I can become like you... differently from Nicolau, who seems more interested in literature and arts than to business and commerce..."

"Each of us has his own interests Getulio, and each has to follow his own road." the father said in a conciliatory tone.

"But he, with his ideasÉ I am sure he would be able to cause to fail all grand-father and you have accomplishedÉ all this mainly because of his ideas against slavery."

Euclides didn't answer back. He was conscious that his son was trying to convince him to leave to him, in due time, and not to his brother, the management of the fazenda. On a purely financial basis, he could not disagree with Getulio. But at the same time, he didn't have the least intention to disinherit his elder son at the advantage of the younger one, even though he had to admit that Getulio was more suited to manage the fazenda. To cut short that subject that made him feel ill at ease, Euclides sent his son to make an inspection, a tour of the fazenda.

Manoel, who in the meanwhile was healed, had now a small room all for himself on the second floor of the east wing of the mansion, together with the white staff of the fazenda. The governess had already altered several articles of clothing of the master's sons, so now the boy had his own discreet and elegant wardrobe.

Since he was moved upstairs it had become difficult for the two boys to still have sex together, and they both regretted that, but on the other hand Manoel was happy for his new life.

For a few weeks Manoel started to help the secretary reorganize all the books in the new library on the first floor, and he was fascinated by this work. Some of the volumes were in Italian, others in French or in English, but most of them were obviously in Portuguese,

Nicolau, when asked one time by Manoel what a book in Italian was about, asked him if he wouldn't like to learn that language, as he fluently spoke Italian fluently, differently from Getulio, as he had learned it from his mother and also because about once a year he travelled to Italy to meet his maternal grand-parents. Manoel accepted at once with enthusiasm. So every day they started to meet for the lessons of the Italian language.

Besides that, Manoel got the habit, when he was free after supper time, to go with his lantern to the library where he enjoyed researching some books, reading them and taking some notes on the copybooks that Nicolau gave him to read. Manoel was really thirsty for culture and decided to make use of that rich library to become a cultured boy.

Late one evening, while Manoel was as usual researching a book, taking notes, Getulio by chance passed by the library door and saw a faint blade of light come from under the door. Made curious, he went in and found Manoel engrossed in his private studies.

"What are you doing here at this time, Manoel?" he asked, frowning.

"I'm... I'm reading, Master Getulio."

"I can see this by myself, I'm not blind. Did anyone give you permission to come here and use our books?"

"No sir... nobody... but I didn't think I was doing anything wrongÉ" the boy apologised, blushing.

"Ha, you didn't think you were doing wrong! You act here as if you were the master and you didn't think you were doing wrong! You cadge a meal and instead of working you are wasting your time here..."

"Today I did all my work, sir..."

"Not enough evidently, as at this time you still don't feel the need to sleep and you waste your time! And what are these copybooks?" the young man asked seizing them and throwing them on the floor with a despising gesture.

"No, please, sir..." the boy protested.

At that point Nicolau also entered the library, hearing the arrogant voice of his brother and wondered what was happening.

"What's happening Getulio?" he asked as he entered.

"The sissy here, instead of working, dared to play with our books as though they were his property!"

"Come on Getulio, what's wrong if he likes reading? He is not eating our books, is he? Moreover I think that in his free time he has the right to read a book, if he likes doing so..."

"The right? What right? We are not maintaining him here to let him do as he likes are we? Moreover, I would like to know where he stole those copybooks!" Getulio, getting more and more worked up said, trampling on them.

"He didn't actually steal them Getulio; I gave them to him when he told me he would like to study... Come on, I really don't see the need to raise a fuss over a problem that doesn't exist."

"Then it was you who gave him the authorisation to come and help himself to our books here in the library?"

"No, I didn't, but if he had asked me, I would surely have given him permission. I can't see anything wrong in it, on the contrary..."

"Nothing wrong! If he sleeps too little, he works less. This is what is wrong, Nicolau! Is it possible that you are not able to understand it by yourself? You would allow everybody to trample on your head, including the slaves!"

"Come on Getulio, don't exaggerate now. He works for Mister Greg˜rio Alves Romero, and it doesn't seem at all that Mister Greg˜rio ever had a reason to complain about his work, on the contrary..."

"It is obviously evident that he doesn't have enough work to do, if he wastes his time in this way. I will see to it that we find him some more duties!" Getulio said and went out of the room in anger.

Nicolau picked up from the floor the crumpled copybooks, gave them back to Manoel and said, "Don't worry. I will settle this matter. I will talk with my father about it tomorrow..."

"Thank you, Master Nicolau."

"Do you like studying?"

"I like learning new things..."

"What would you like to do as a job someday?"

"I don't know... I would possibly like to become a teacher."

"Studies to become a teacher are long... long and difficult my boy. Now go have a good sleep, as it is indeed rather late."

"Yes sir... and thank you again."

That night Manoel slept poorly. He could feel Getulio's hostility towards him increase and could not understand why. He knew that in a couple of months Master Nicolau would leave for one of his journeys to Italy, and he feared the period when he would remain at Getulio's mercy without anybody protecting him. He thought, without a doubt, that as soon as Nicolau left, Getulio would make him pay dearly.

Three weeks later the entire mansion was busy and bustling with activity, because the master decided to throw a party for Nicolau's twenty-first birthday, that came a few days before his planned departure for Italy. He had invited several families of friends and acquaintances both from Santo AndrŽ and from S‰o Paulo. Manoel worked hard helping with the preparations so the great hall would be ready, all decorated with fresh flowers and the tables full of food and drinks.

When the party day came, just before the arrival of the first guests, Mister Euclides and Manoel crossed paths on the great stairway.

"I wanted to thank you boy, as I saw that you busied yourself very much, you didn't stop a single moment. But now go wash yourself and wear the best clothes you have, as you have to take part in the party..."

"Me sir?" the boy asked, amazed.

"Yes, Nicolau wants you to take part and I fully agree with him. Go on, hurry up, go and make yourself elegant. In a while the guest will be arriving."

Manoel ran up to the second floor and chose the clothing he loved best, one altered that had been Nicolau's.

Then, with the bundle of the clothes in tote, he went down to the kitchen and asked, "Idalina, the master ordered me to wash and to change. Can I have some hot water please?"

"You know that the cauldron on the right always has boiling water don't you? Take all you need."

"Where can I go to wash myself?"

"Go in Lucas's room. Be careful not to wet the floor, I'm already busy enough today! You know where the basin and all the rest are don't you?"

"Of course Idalina, thank you." the boy said.

He put the clothes he chose on Lucas's chest, prepared everything and started to undress just when Lucas came in.

"Hi Manoel! Mum told me you were in here." Lucas greeted Manoel with a wide smile.

"Yes, I need to wash myself."

"Undress then... I want to wash you."

Manoel smiled, "I'm afraid that if you wash me... I would like to... you know what, don't you?"

"Well, it's been a long time since we did it in a proper way... I wouldn't at all regret doing it again right now."

"Well, we have some time for it... Lock the door well, go on... and undress too."

The two boys hurriedly undressed and lay down on Lucas's pallet in each other's arms. They passionately kissed and gave free vent to their mutual desire, far too long unexpressed. Lucas pulled Manoel on top of him with his legs girdled around his waist and with his arms on his shoulders.

"Take me, Manoel go on, take me! Last time I took you, therefore now it's up to you to take me!

Manoel didn't need to be told twice. Helping himself with his hands, he drew his hard rod between the buttocks of the young slave and slipped it all inside his hot channel. When he started to move in and out, Lucas kissed him on the mouth. Both were strongly aroused, so the vigorous ride didn't last too long. As he reached the top of his pleasure, Manoel unloaded inside him with strong jets. He then freed himself from his companion's embrace and went down to give him some head until Lucas also poured his contribution into the welcoming mouth of his white friend.

Sated, they got off the pallet.

"Now go sit in the basin and let me wash you my friend." Lucas said with a satisfied expression. "It is a pity we had to do it so quickly. It is always wonderful doing it with you."

"I too like it a lot, you know? Both how you take it and how you put it in me... I will miss you..."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked, starting to brush and to wash Manoel's body.

"Nothing..." Manoel answered biting his tongue.

"What you mean by just saying nothing? Do you by chance intend to go away?"

"Master Getulio hates me... Thus, now that Master Nicolau is leaving, I thought it would be better I go away..."

"Go away, where? And do what? After all Master Nicolau will be away just for four months, won't he? And Mister Euclides treats you well, doesn't he? In my opinion you don't have to go away; that would just be a big mistake."

"No, I though to over well... I am sure that Master Getulio will make me pay dearly for all the times that Master Nicolau defended me..."

"When do you think you will be leaving?"

"I still don't know, but quite soon. Now, you have to swear that you won't tell anyone."


"No, you have to swear!"

"Alright, I swear it on my soul, may I go to hell!"

After he dried himself, Manoel dressed in his elegant clothes and Lucas helped him to set them nicely.

"Well, I must go to the hall now..." Manoel said.

Lucas held him back taking his arm, embracing him and deeply kissed him on the mouth, "I'm sorry you are leaving Manoel... I too will miss you a lot... And in my opinion you should reconsider this decision..."

"Possibly!" Manoel answered and went out.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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