The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 27, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part II - Chapter 5 - Jo‰o of Vila Velha

Luis was merrily riding the young Jo‰o who, bent forward at ninety degrees, was quickly masturbating himself with a hand, while with the other was keeping himself steady against the larder's wall, not to lose his balance under the vigorous assaults of the young man.

"Do you like, eh, Jo‰o, do you like my big cock inside your little arse?"

"Yes..." the boy answered, enjoying that strong ass pounding he was receiving.

"Tell me you like it! Tell me!"

"I like it Louis, I like it, you know I like it!"

"What do you like?" Louis asked him, his voice broken with excitement, "Tell me what you like..."

"How you're fucking my arse." the boy answered, panting.

"Yeah... you really have a golden arse Jo‰o, hot and soft, just what I like!"

A slight noise startled the boy. "Pull out Louis!" he whispered with urgency trying to escape from his companion and to pull up his breeches.

"No, I'm almost ready to cum..." the young man answered with a progressively hoarse voice.

"Somebody's coming..." the boy protested trying to wriggle away, but Louis held him in place and continued hammering his ass with unchanged vigour and pleasure.

"Come on, Antonio is downtown buying provisions," Luis said, "And only he and I have the larder's keys..." as he went on briskly fucking the boy.

But Jo‰o was right - suddenly a voice raised in the larder's semi-darkness, "Oh, well, good! I see you two are amusing yourselves!"

Luis stopped and turned, his eyes widened, "Oh my god, Antonio!" he moaned.

"When the cat's away, the mice will play, isn't that right?" the man said with a severe expression.

The two tried to quickly tidy up. The black cook towered at the larder's door, blocking it with his huge body and an amused sneer folded his lips.

"Antonio... I... let me explain..." Luis stammered tying his breeches, terrorized.

"There is very little to explain, I clearly saw what you two were doing!" the cook answered, then seizing the boy's arm, added, "So you, Jo‰o, let Luis fuck you in the arse... Well, well..."

"I... I..." stammered the boy trembling like a leaf.

"Antonio, please... you aren't going to tell the master, are you? Or anybody else? Please, don't ruin me..."

"Bah, why should I say nothing to Dom Graciliano or to the superintendent, or to anyone else? Give me a good reason..." the man said, without releasing his hold on the boy, and seizing Luis' arm.

The two, caught red handed, didn't know what to say and were both trembling. They knew well how severe their master was, mainly about things concerning sex.

"How long has this been going on?" the older slave asked, looking to one, then the other.

"Two years..." Luis, the cook's assistant, moaned.

"Four years..." Jo‰o, the son of the maidservant, murmured at the same time.

"Two or four?" the cook asked, with a gruff manner.

"Two with me... before with others, I think..." Luis said.

"Is it so, boy?" Antonio then asked him.

"Yes, it's so..." the boy admitted.

"And who were the others with whom you do, or did it boy?" Antonio asked.

"With... with... some of the other slaves... the ones not married..." the boy confessed.

"Ha! So then you are everybody's little bitch!" the cook concluded with another sneer. He then fondled the boy's arse, "Well, I have to admit, you do have a nice arse, and when one has nothing better... yes, I can understand... I have to admit, before marrying, I too at times took my amusement with some little arses of boys like you... Should the masters forgive it or not, should they know about it or not, it has always been so..."

"So then, you will not report me to the master?" Luis asked, starting to hope.

"Bah! Possibly not! I will possibly not report you... but in exchange... Jo‰o has to give me his nice little arse each time I want it and I feel like fucking him."

"But you're married, Antonio, you don't need that." Luis tried to protest.

"I always have loved fucking the arse of kids like Jo‰o, I confess... Moreover, my wife refuses to give me head, as I would like at times. Well... do you know what I think? If Jo‰o lets me fuck him any time I feel like, I'll let you have him Louis. Yes, a good idea - I will ask the superintendent to move Jo‰o to help us here in the kitchen, and I will make him sleep with you Louis... You will have him at your disposal every night, if you want to fuck him, and when I want to fuck him, I've just to take him to your room while you are on guard outside so that my wife or anybody else will not know about it, and I can fuck him safely."

"Would you like to come and work in the kitchen with us Jo‰o?" Luis asked him, his eyes shining in anticipation.

"Way better than cleaning the masters' toilets and to carry around heavy loads all the day long. But I never worked in a kitchen..." Jo‰o said.

"We will teach you, right Louis? It will be enough you let us relieve ourselves in this nice arse of yours..." Antonio said with a giggle.

So Jo‰o, with their master Dom Graciliano assent, was moved to work in the kitchen and put to sleep with Louis, as Antonio said. And the cook, instead of having another pallet added near that of Luis, exchanged it for a wider one, often used for two slaves of the same sex before they married.

"So it will be more comfortable when we fuck tight assed boys!" Antonio merrily said.

Thus, on the very first night they slept together, Luis made Jo‰o lower his breeches, and lying on a side at his back he took the boy for the first time safely and quietly, enjoying him as long as he wanted. The day after, during a moment when there was little to do in the kitchen, Antonio told Luis to be on guard and took Jo‰o in Luis' room to amuse himself for a while with the boy.

The man sat on the pallet and opened his breeches. "Come here, boy and make it nice and hard with your mouth so I can shove it all at once up your tight little ass."

Jo‰o knelt between his legs, took between his lips the juicy sausage and started to carefully suck it. He liked feeling it grow and harden inside his mouth, so hot and strong. Antonio had a fatter member than Luis, but not as long. Jo‰o was different from the other male slaves, including Luis, as he was never attracted to women. On the contrary, seeing a handsome man just half naked gave him lustful sensations, and frequently a nice erection too.

He always made jokes or silly witticisms about girls with the other slave boys of the house, like all the black boys usually did, but he secretly always desired to be with a handsome boy. Because of that, each time one of the unmarried slaves tried to seduce him, since he was thirteen, he never stepped back.

When Antonio felt satisfied as Jo‰o had him hard and well lubricated, he had the boy go on all fours and knelt at his back. With a set of short but strong pushes, he shoved it all inside the boy; he then seized him with both hands by his coat, almost as if he held a colt's reins, pulled him to himself and started to hammer inside him.

Different from Luis, Antonio didn't talk while having sex. He was pumping inside him with energy, panting from time to time. Jo‰o on the contrary, at times let out a low pleasure moan, as he liked very much being filled in this way with the pole of a male in rut!

His first time, when he was just twelve, had been the younger brother of his father. Using a bit of menacing enticement, the uncle managed to convince him to let him take his virgin little arse. His uncle was a twenty-three year old man, not handsome, but really sensual and passionate, and Jo‰o, in spite that at first he felt some pain, he soon loved doing it. Just one year later his uncle, together with four other slaves that worked with him in the storehouses were sold because they tried to rebel against the superintendent's orders.

However, before being sold, his uncle had the time to confide to a couple of other young slaves who were his friends that Jo‰o was available to take it in the arse and also to suck it without too much fuss, so the boys services were often on demand. Then one of these two told it to other slaves, so soon the rumour got to Luis' ears... Jo‰o didn't complain; all summed up, he rather liked being so appreciated.

Everybody was always very kind with Jo‰o, some simply because he was a very kind boy, always merry and serviceable, others because they could relieve their sexual needs with him.

But all of them, sooner or later, got married then stopped asking him to have sex - Jo‰o was conscious he was nothing but a palliate for almost all those young men. But possibly like any adolescent, the boy dreamed he would someday find somebody like him, a twin soul, a sincere and true lover. For the moment he contented himself to be requested by those young slaves thirsty for sex, who liked him for his beauty and his availability.

Life was not bad in the house of Dom Graciliano. The man was one of the most important import-exporters of that area, a severe master, at times even hard, but also more than hard with the slaves was his superintendent.

Dom Graciliano's daughter, Graa Maria de Moraes Barbosa, anyway mitigated such harshness directed to the slaves.

Graa Maria, who was twenty years old, was a pretty girl, not really beautiful, but of a rare intelligence and a really modern girl with an open mentality. She was decidedly against the concept of slavery - if it depended only on her she would have freed all the slaves and paid them a salary for their work. Of course her father did not agree at all with his daughter ideas, and judged them just as the expression of a silly idealistic juvenile.

When Graa Maria was eighteen, she stubbornly opposed a project to sell the three small children of a couple of slaves who worked in her father's storehouses, and so she did everything she could, insistent the little family not be separated. In the end, her father had to yield and sold instead two not yet married young women. After that, all the slaves were really affectionate to the young mistress. Graa Maria didn't limit herself to that incidence, but she also cared to go to assist ill slaves and to make sure they were not sent to work until they were totally healed.

The young mistress was fiancŽe with a young lawyer of Curitiba who was working at Vit˜ria, the Esp“rito Santo state capital. He was the marquis Idelfonso De Fonseca Fernandes, a young man of twenty-seven, who assisted Dom Graciliano for some legal problems. That so independent girl, with so clear and strong ideals, and with a lively and ready intelligence, gradually fascinated the young lawyer, who had to go often to Dom Graciliano's home.

It wasn't a first sight love, on the contrary, it had matured little by little, but finally the two youths were planning to marry and to move to Rio de Janeiro, with the blessing of their families. Idelfonso was also an idealist; he too opposed slavery and on these grounds, the two youths started to appreciate each other and to gradually become closer.

Graa Maria, as a young modern with an independent spirit, one morning went to see her father to tell him she intended to buy a young slave to make her coach driver so she could do her tours alone with the gig. At first Dom Graciliano jokingly said, "How come, Graa, darling, you such a convinced abolitionist, why are you now asking me to buy you a slave? Do I have to deduct that your ideals become somewhat altered when it comes to your personal needs?"

"No way, dad! The fact is, for the moment if we want the services of a coach driver, there is no other means than to buy one, as it is not easy to hire a white one. Anyway, I know you well enough to know that, even if I found a white driver, you would have denied it to me because in the long run, it would be much less expensive for you to buy a slave than to pay the salary to an employee. I well know how careful you are when you have to spend money."

"Very right, Graa, very right. Therefore I tell you - if you want to buy a coach rider, go to the slaves market in Vit˜ria and buy a young slave just brought from Africa; they are less expensive that those born here. Go and see the superintendent and ask him for the money, then call Gregorio and have him drive you to Vit˜ria."

The girl left in the family coach. Once she was in Vit˜ria, she asked where the announced auction of slaves freshly brought from Africa was held. She reached the place with her coach, got down, and with the old driver at her side joined the small crowd of perspective buyers and curious people that usually gathered for those occasions.

Graa looked at the slaves who were placed on the small stand, and listened to the description presented about each slave by the authorised seller. She saw some young men pass, but she did not bid. Many were in their full male muscled virility, and were bought mainly by the owners of cotton plantations. There were also some girls, bought as house slaves by the rich or well-off people.

She then saw that a boy who looked to be in his twenties led on the stand. His chest was bare, wore wide and long hemp breeches closed at his waist by a rope and had naked feet. The girl was impressed by the proud gait of the boy, by his refined face features, his bright and luminous eyes, and at once desired to buy him.

"Now you can appreciate a slave just brought from Angola who already speaks Portuguese. His name is TomŽ, he is nineteen years old, he is healthy as a pure breed horse, and he even is able to read and to write well enough. This slave can be useful more as a house slave than for a plantation, and in dress attire he would cut a fantastic figure. The auction base is two hundred. Who offers two hundred? Two hundred for such a handsome boy is a good price..."

A man went on the stand, as at times buyers do and turned the boy around carefully checking him from head to toe. Then another white man went on the stand and tested his arms muscles, then tried to part his lips with two fingers to check his teeth. The young slave snapped his jaws as to bite his fingers, and when the white man snapped back, the boy laughed, amused. He then showed him his teeth and in a perfect Portuguese, asked, "Are you satisfied, sir?"

The seller hit him with a cane, "Shut up, ill mannered boy, don't be disrespectful to these gentlemen, or you'll pay dearly for it!"

Graa decided she had at all costs to have that slave. The offers were not many, but each time Graa made a higher bid, more than ever determined to take the boy home, a man raised her bid. TomŽ looked at her, intrigued and their eyes met. Graa instinctively smiled at him, and the boy returned her smile.

"Three hundred and fifteen!" Graa said aloud, waving her hand to be noticed by the auctioneer.

"Three hundred and twenty!" a man at her back shouted.

"Three hundred and twenty five!" shouted the girl.

Another man from the opposite side said, "Three hundred and fifty!"

If the bids continued to rise, Graa risked not being able to buy him. "Three hundred and fifty one!" she said,

Everybody laughed; nobody ever raised a bid by such a small figure.

"Four hundred!" the man at her back shouted.

Graa turned back and gave him a withering glance, but the man smiled back with an empty expression. The girl turned again and raised her bid, "Four hundred and five!"

The man at her back shouted, in a tired tone, "Four hundred and twenty!"

Graa turned again to look back and saw that near that man appeared Idelfonso, who greeted her with a smile and came to her side. "Four hundred and twenty five!" the girl shouted. Then turned towards Idelfonso and said in a low voice, "I have only four hundred and fifty... Do you have some money with you? I have to absolutely buy that slave!"

"You can raise your bids as much as you like, Graa Maria, I am well known in town and my signature will be enough to cover any sum you will need."

"Four hundred fifty!" the man at their back said.

"Five hundred!" Idelfonso then shouted.

"Five hundred and ten!" the man at their back shouted.

"Five hundred and fifty!" Idelfonso said, impassive.

"I leave..." the man at their back mumbled.

The auctioneer, as no more bids were made, announced, "Five hundred fifty and one, five hundred fifty and two, five hundred fifty and three! The slave TomŽ is knocked down to the gentleman with the honey top hat and the green tailcoat!"

"Thank you Idelfonso... Here is the money my father gave me. I will give you the difference when you come to Vila Velha..."

"No, Graa Maria, take that money back to your father and allow me to make you a present of that slave, as you desire so much to have him!"

"You are so exquisitely kind Idelfonso..."

"You know I love you, don't you?"

"I certainly know... and I hope we can celebrate out wedding as soon as possible..."

"As soon as I can open my studio in Rio de Janeiro and also buy a residence worthy of you, my adorable one..."

The young man went to finalize the acquisition of the slave boy. He signed the needed papers then addressed the boy, "What's your name boy?"

"TomŽ, sir."

"Well. If I have your chain removed, you will not try to run away, will you?"

"Where would I go here? I know nothing and no one sir. I promise I would not try to escape sir."

"Take the horrible chain off the boy," Idelfonso ordered the seller.

"At your orders, sir marquis." the man said with unctuous obedience.

"I beg your forgiveness Mister Marquis, Master. I didn't know you are a noble man..." TomŽ said studying the expression of the young man.

"I am not your master, not yet anyway. I bought you as a present to my fiancŽe who wanted at any cost to have you at her service. I hope you will not disappoint her. Graa Maria, my promised spouse, will surely be a very good mistress for you, if you will behave properly."

The young slave then looked at the girl who was at Idelfonso's side and recognised her as the girl with whom he had exchanged a smile earlier. Instinctively he smiled her again and Graa was more than ever conquered by the luminous smile of the slave and smiled in return.

"Are you going back to Vila Velha at once Graa Maria?"

"Yes, my father and my mother are waiting for me to do lunch together... Why don't you come too?"

"Unhappily, I have an important work meeting in the afternoon. But next Sunday I will come without any doubt and with infinite pleasure." the young man said and, after kissing her hand, said his farewell and went away.

"Your name is TomŽ, am I right?" the girl asked, addressing the just purchased slave.

"Yes mistress."

"Good, come with me to my coach, so we can go home. Have you ever driven a coach?"

"No mistress, but I can learn."

"I've no doubt. Gregorio, my father's coachman who will take us home will teach you. You should sit next to him now so you can start to learn how he does it..."

"Certainly so, mistress."

"And please, don't call me mistress, it annoys me. Just miss will be good."

"As you wish miss... But I was ordered to call all white men master and the women mistress..."

"In my opinion no human being should be the master of another human being. Were you already a slave in Angola?"

"No, miss. I was living in the village of my tribe, the Libolo... I was the assistant of the mission priest... He taught me to talk Portuguese, and to write and read. His name was father Ignacio, he was a Franciscan friar..."

"Then why were you sold as a slave?"

"Our tribe's chief had made heavy debts with an Arab merchants' caravan... so they took three of us and gave us to those merchants to sell us as slaves, to cancel his debts... Father Ignacio tried to oppose their action, but they thrashed him..."

"That's horrible! A man can't be deprived in such a way of his freedom!" the girl protested.

"Of course they can, they did exactly so!" the slave answered with a smile.

"There should be laws forbidding slavery. It is a shame, it is inhuman... and it is not worth of a people who claim to be Christian!"

"But also in the gospel is written that a slave has to obey his master..."

"It could have been right a thousand years ago." the girl retorted, sullen.

"But father Ignacio said that in the gospel is also written that the master has to treat the slave as a brother..." the black boy whispered with a shy smile.

"I will try to never forget that TomŽ." the girl answered him with a friendly smile.

"Your eyes are good miss, and your smile is sweet..." the young slave said.

"Also your eyes are good, even though your smile at times is mischievous..." the girl jokingly answered. "Well, this is my coach. Go and sit at the driving place near Gregorio. Gregorio, this is TomŽ, and he will be my coachman. Try to teach him well the job please."

"It will be a pleasure miss. Can we go back home now?"

"Yes Gregorio."

When they were back home, Graa called the superintendent, ordered him to find a room for TomŽ and to have suitable clothing made as soon as possible for the boy, both for working at home and outside as a coach driver. The superintendent gave TomŽ a small room above the coach depot, on the opposite side than that of Gregorio who, being married and having two children living with him, had a larger room.

The girl went to see her father and returned all his money. ŇAs you can see father, I've been thrifty. I got my coachman without spending even a single milreis!Ó she said jokingly.

The man counted the money and laughing asked her, ŇHow did you do this? Did you seduce the auctioneer?Ó

ŇNo, my coachman is the gift of my fiancŽ, Idelfonso.Ó

ŇHa, that young man really spoils you. You are lucky to be fiancŽe to him - he is noble, rich, generousÉÓ

ŇI know I am lucky, but above all, because he is good-hearted, intelligent and handsome!Ó

ŇAndÉ how is your new coachman?Ó

ŇA really handsome boy who will make me cut a nice figure when I will go around on my gig driven by him.Ó

ŇConceited even about the coachman, I see.Ó

ŇDad, to be admired, it is not enough to wear a nice dress that is in fashion, when you are escorted by an old and ugly coachman.Ó

ŇSomething to complain about Gregorio, possibly?Ó

ŇOh no, DadÉ Gregorio is neither old nor ugly, but he is more suited to you and he is your coachman, not mine. Ah, please tell that stingy superintendent of yours to have an elegant livery made for my TomŽ.Ó

ŇWho is this TomŽ of yours, your new coachman?Ó

ŇOf course Dad.Ó

ŇTry not to give him too much confidence. Slaves are to be held at bay, if you want them to carry out their duties properly. Is he already able to drive a gig?Ó

ŇDad! He just came from Africa! I really don't think that there in their villages they gave gigs or coachesÉ and possibly not even horses. But I already asked Gregorio to teach him. He seems to be a boy full of good will and also a clever one. I think he will learn fast.Ó

ŇYes, let's hopeÉ You are the usual enthusiastic girlÉ Listening to you all the slaves are good, clever, honest, workersÉ When will you open your eyes, dear daughter? Only the whip keeps them in their place, never forget that.Ó

ŇAccording to some fathers, also to keep one's own children in their place, a whip is to be usedÉÓ the girl objected with a smile of an affable teasing.

ŇEh, yes, I should have possibly used it with youÉÓ her father retorted merrily, threw her a kiss with a finger and winked.

Graa asked herself how could a man who was so good and gentle with her, be so hard with the slavesÉ a man so merry and playful, and be so surly with the othersÉ At times she really wasn't able to understand her father.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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