The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 6, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part II - Chapter 7 - Mistress and protectress

"So, today is the day for the second course?" Jo‰o asked with a mischievous smile.

TomŽ, joking but with a very serious expression, answered, "No, today I'm not hungry."

Jo‰o looked at him surprised and disappointed, "But how? I thought that..."

"Are you not able to think of anything else?"

"No, I'm not able to think of anything else! How can I think of something different? Only you are in my heart, in my head, in my soul!" Jo‰o protested.

TomŽ then sweetly smiled, "It was just a joke my beloved one. Of course, now we will taste our second course!"

Jo‰o brightened and asked, "And what is there in our second course?"

"Meat or fish, evidently. You should know better than me, that the second course is always based on meat or fish..."

"So then, today we will make love for real?" Jo‰o asked, excited.

"Not yet, my little fish. But we can finally taste each other..."

"I've already tasted your kisses, anyway!" Jo‰o objected.

"There is nothing else you would like to taste?"

Jo‰o giggled with a cunning expression, "Yes, a beautiful sausage like this one you have here. What do you think?"

"Well... all in all... I have to think about it..." TomŽ jested, caressing his lover between the legs, "For me, you could even taste this sausage of mine, but only if you let me taste your own, as I too am starving!"

"So then, what do you think if we start to take them out of the oven?" Jo‰o said starting to open his companion's breeches.

After a while both were naked on the pallet, and greedily sucking each other with extreme passion. Jo‰o already had had occasions to do that service to others, but only once one of the slaves did it to him, but never at the same time he was doing it to him. Doing it now with TomŽ was giving him a joy and an emotion that he never experienced before.

He liked the hard and firm thickness of that beautiful pole of pulsating meat that was filling his mouth, at times reaching his throat, as well as feeling the lips and tongue of his lover taking care of his member with such loving devotion. They were joined in a circle of passionate sensuality, of sweet lust, and competing with each other to give the ultimate pleasure to their companion.

When TomŽ felt he was ready to explode with pleasure, he gently pulled from his lover's mouth.

Jo‰o looked at him a little surprised, and asked, "Why?"

"Because I nearly came my love, and it is not yet time."

"Why?" the boy asked again.

"Because we are not yet at the fruits." TomŽ said, shaking his head.

"But then, this is a swindle, I thought that..."

"My love, a true gourmet knows very well that you do not taste sausages and bananas together!"

"Ooof! It would have been better then we had just a fast snack, or a single dish instead of a gala dinner!"

"I don't agree at all my love. Or else our beautiful union, our reciprocal discovery, would end being just one of many quick fucks!"

"But then, you mean each time we make love, we will have to pass through all these courses?" Jo‰o asked somewhat sullen.

"Yes, of course, but the next time we will not eat just one course a day or even every other day as we are doing now; we will eat all the courses, one after another, like at a real banquet."

"Ah yes, happily!" Jo‰o exclaimed cheering up. "But now, without getting to the fruits, may I have another taste of that tasty sausage?"

"Surely! I too would like tasting some more..." TomŽ answered and they resumed their love play.

The next day Miss Graa called TomŽ and ordered him to prepare the gig, as he had to take her downtown to do some purchases, to visit one of her friends, and to meet her fiancŽ.

While the young coachman was attaching the horse to Miss Graa's gig, Jo‰o entered on tiptoe into the depot snuck up to his friend's back and put his hands over his eyes.

"Who am I?" he asked disguising his voice.

"Who can you be? Sas" Perer perhaps, he who always plays nasty tricks!"

"But I'm no ghost, feel this!" Jo‰o said, pushing against him with his erection.

"And how? I'm really feeling the only leg that Sas" Perer has!"

"Hey, foolish boy, aren't you able to recognise the sausage you tasted just yesterday?"

"Ah, but then you are Jo‰o!" TomŽ said laughing, turned back, took his friend in his arms and kissed him.

"Do you know that I love you to die for?" Jo‰o whispered.

"And do you know that I love you so much to become crazy?"

"But I love you more, because I know that without you I would die."

"And I love you more, because I am older than you and so I learned before you what love is."

"And I love you more, because before knowing you I only knew of sex, but thanks to you, I discovered what love is..."

While they were exchanging these joyous love expressions, spaced with kisses, Graa came in the depot without the two boys noticing her presence. The girl, seeing them in each other's arms and hearing their words, stopped disconcerted.

At first she was somewhat shocked, but then, when she realized by their words that the two boys were in love with each other, she smiled feeling moved and decided not to make them feel uneasy, not to disturb them, therefore she silently turned back to withdraw.

But, before the young lady could reach the gate, TomŽ saw her and with a shocked voice exclaimed, "Oh my god! The miss!"

Jo‰o turned to look back, dumbfounded, froze, and responded in a low voice, "Holy Mother of God!"

Graa, understanding she had been seen, stopped and turned facing the two boys.

TomŽ, almost trembling said, "Miss... we... I... you saw... everything, didn't you?"

"Yes..." the girl almost whispered.

"Miss, for mercy's sake, don't report us to the master... moreover... it's not Jo‰o's fault, it's only my fault..."

"It's not true, it's not true, it is only my fault, Miss, TomŽ had nothing to do with it, I caught him by surprise, he didn't know..."

"Calm down, calm down boys, nothing happened... You have nothing to fear... Not from me anyway."

"You will not report us to the master Miss?" TomŽ asked in a hesitant voice.

"No... why should I? You didn't do anything bad..."

"But if it is known... Oh, Mother of God!" Jo‰o almost stammered.

"Calm down, boys." Graa repeated with a smile. "So, then... you two are in love with each other?"

"Y... yes." TomŽ admitted, trying not to divert his eyes from those oh his mistress.

"Then it is something beautiful." the girl said in a low voice drawing nearer to the two young slaves who had at that point released from their embrace and were in front of her with a downcast expression.

"Do you really think it is a beautiful thing?" Jo‰o shyly asked.

"Why, don't you two also think it is beautiful?" Graa asked with a light smile.

"Yes miss, we both think it is a very wonderful thing. But we also know very well that many think that it is a very bad thing that two people of the same sex could love, desire each other... and make love. They also say it is a sin..." TomŽ murmured.

"Oh well, my boys, they say that it is a sin doing so many things... But if you two really are in love, I don't believe it could be a sin." the girl gently said.

"Not even... not even if we two... if we make... if we make love?" Jo‰o asked widening his eyes, unbelieving.

"Well, yes, not even if you two make love. If you are in love with each other, it seems to me something quite logical you would also make love. Just... you well know how almost everybody thinks about it here in our land... you must be more prudent. If instead of me seeing you it was the superintendent... or my father..."

"But the priest says that one has not to make love when he is not married, isn't it so?" Jo‰o then asked.

"But as you two can not marry, neither in the church nor in front of the alcalde, anyway, you don't have this problem. If you really are in love, I think that it is like if you were married."

"What you are telling us, Miss Graa, is very beautiful..." TomŽ said, for the first time hinting a smile.

"Sincere love is something really beautiful." the girl repeated. Then she added, "I know that few people, very few think as I do, but I am sure about what I told you. Therefore, be prudent, my boys, but don't be afraid, not of me, at least."

At this point TomŽ found the courage to tell her what for days he had in his heart, "Miss, as you are so kind with us... may I dare asking you a really huge favour?"

"Yes, my dear TomŽ you can ask me and if I can do it, I will grant it to you more than willingly."

"You see, miss, when you will marry with marquis Idelfonso... you will take me away with you as your coachman, won't you?"

"Certainly yes, I don't intend at all to lose a handsome, likeable and good coachman as you."

"Well, I know that I am daring too much, but..."

"Tell me TomŽ." the girl encouraged him.

"Jo‰o and I, at the thought that on the day when you will marry will have to be separated... we two..." TomŽ started to say, asking himself how to best formulate his request.

Graa guessed what the problem was and what her coachman wanted to ask her, "TomŽ, I promise you I will do my best to make my father give me also Jo‰o as my cook and to take him with me... Is that not what you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh miss, you will really do it?" the young coachman asked, deeply moved, as tears filled his eyes.

"I promise you TomŽ." the girl answered with a sweet smile.

TomŽ then took her hand and kissed it, wetting it with his tears.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, miss! Jo‰o, also thank the miss! I swear I will forever be faithful to you, forever!"

Jo‰o, also very moved, said, "I too, miss, will be the most obedient and devoted slave you could ever have!"

"Yes, Jo‰o, but I have a condition to make." Graa then said.

"What ever you want miss, all you want, really!" the boy enthusiastically said.

"Before I get married, you have to become a skilled cook, how else can I justify my request with my father?"

"Miss, I will do my very best to become a really skilled cook... but then Antonio should teach me and not only make me wash the dishes..."

"Very well. I will order Antonio to teach you all his secrets and tricks. Or, even better, I will have my father order it. But now, TomŽ, is my gig ready? You have to take me downtown, as you know."

"Yes miss, it is ready. We can leave now, if you desire."

They went to Vila Velha. As they got downtown, Graa went with TomŽ to do her purchases and the boy carried her parcels and loaded them in the gig when she was through shopping. The girl went to visit her friend next, while TomŽ waited for her, standing near the gig on the street.

While he was waiting for his young mistress to come back, an elegant young man with a top hat and a walking cane passed in front of him and looked at him with an intense glance. After a short time the same young man passed again near him, always looking at him from head to toe. He stopped in front of him.

"Whose slave are you boy?" he asked.

"I am Miss Graa Maria De Moraes Barbosa's slave sir."

"Do you know that I like you very much? I very seldom see slave as beautiful as you."

"You are very kind sir..."

"Do you have to wait here for a long time?"

"I don't know sir; I have to wait for my mistress."

"I know where don Graciliano lives... he is her father, isn't it so?"

"Yes sir."

"Wouldn't you like earning some good coins boy?"

"As a slave of Dom Graciliano's house I have all I could possibly need."

"Regardless, I will come soon to Dom Graciliano's, and we will find a way so that I can take profit of your graces. Would you let me... submit to me, wouldn't you?"

"It doesn't depend on me sir. You should ask Miss Graa Maria..." TomŽ impassively answered.

The young man laughed, "You well know that I cannot ask her of such a request. We should meet in secret, without anybody knowing what... what we will do."

"You are asking me something out of my choice, sir. I cannot and don't want to do anything hiding from my mistress..."

"I would reward you well slave... I will give you good money, each time you will let me take you!" the young man insisted.

"I am sorry sir, but being at the service of Miss Graa Maria, I am missing nothing, I need nothing, and I would do nothing that would mean hiding it from my mistress. You see sir; I cannot put on sale what doesn't belong to me..." TomŽ said in a kind but determined tone.

"Go to hell then, idiot of a boy! Some day you will repent having spit on my generous offer." the young man reacted angrily.

"No sir, I am just a slave, a slave faithful to his master." the young coachman answered in a low voice.

The young man went away. Quite soon Graa Maria returned.

"What did that young man want from you TomŽ?"

"Nothing, miss..."

"To be wanting nothing, it seems that he talked with you for quite a long time. I was watching from the window... Come on, tell me what he wanted from you... to make you so much vexed and to go away even more vexed than you!"

"Miss, really... nothing important, I assure you." the boy insisted, feeling ill at ease.

"You are a reserved boy and... and this makes you honourable. I can guess what he wanted from you... I noticed how he was hanging around you and how he was looking at you. And I have to deduce he didn't get what he was asking you."

"I am the miss' slave... and nobody else's slave." TomŽ said in a low voice. Then added, "And I feel really lucky to belong to the miss!"

"Thank you, TomŽ. I too consider myself lucky having a coachman like you. But now, take me to my fiancŽ's studio. You do remember where it is, don't you?"

"Of course, miss." TomŽ answered and gave her his arm to help her in getting into the gig.

When they got in font of the studio of Ildefonso De Fonseca Fernandes, Graa went in to meet him. They talked about different matters, then the girl decided to tell her fiancŽ about TomŽ and Jo‰o, as nobody could overhear them.

"Listen Idelfonso, I have a particular subject I want to tell you. I decided that when we marry, besides taking with me TomŽ that you bought for me, and who is a very good coachman, I want to take with us also Jo‰o. The young slave working in my father's kitchen."

"Jo‰o? I don't remember him..."

"You possibly didn't notice him, as the boy is almost always in the kitchen."

"Well, is he such a good cook?" Idelfonso asked.

"To tell the truth, not yet, but he will learn."

"But then, wouldn't it be better we bought an expert cook?"

"You could even buy one, as long as also Jo‰o comes with us."

"Sorry darling, but I can't understand your insistence in wanting to take with you an unskilled slave."

"Anyway, if my father gives him to me, he would cost you nothing."

"I agree, but this still doesn't explain to me why you want him at our house."

"Idelfonso, do you promise me that what I am about to tell you will remain a secret?" the girl asked with a serious expression.

"As you ask, my darling, not a single word will certainly come from my lips."

"The fact is I don't want the two boys to be separated, as, you see, the two boys are lovers."

Idelfonso frowned his forehead, "What are you saying? Lovers? These boys are therefore two sodomites? And we should favour them taking them in our house? Don't you think you are asking me too much?"

"Idelfonso, my dear, I thought you were a person with a more open and modern mentality."

"This is not a question of being open-minded or modern. Sodomy is condemned both by our laws and by the church."

"But is it not you who quite often criticise both the church and our laws!" the girl retorted with a small ironic smile.

"I criticise them for what they have of wrong, not for what they have of right. Would you really support that it is right for two people of the same sex to have sex with each other!"

"I didn't study either law or theology. I am neither a lawyer nor a priest. But, thank god, I have always tried to be a person able to reason with my head and my heart. In my opinion the law, be it that of god or that of man has to forbid only what causes harm to others. Would you explain to me, my dear Idelfonso, what harm do they do to you, or to me or to anybody else these two boys if they are in love with each other and if they therefore express it also with their bodies?"

"Come on, Graa Maria, even though I can agree with you that they do not bring harm to anybody, it still remains something against nature, because sexuality is only finalized for procreation and within the limits of marriage!"

"Good. If they do no harm to anyone, the law has nothing to do with it; and if the law noses in that, it clearly is an unfair law. About the fact, then, that sexuality is only finalized for procreation... also all the couples that have sex but without wanting or without being able to have children would be against nature! Not to talk about all the gentlemen, including my father, who have a mistress or who attend certain saloons about which you certainly have knowledge, where sexuality is only finalized for the pleasure and not for procreation."

"You would be a good lawyer, my dear Graa Maria! I know you are against slavery, that in your opinion school should be open to everybody, including the children of poor people and of slaves, and that according to you there should not be any difference between noble people and common people, but I would never have expected to hear from you that you now also support and defend sodomites!"

"Did I disappoint you, Idelfonso?" the girl asked with a touch of coquetry.

"No, darling. I am just a little surprised. About slavery, the schools, the titles of nobility, you know that I do almost totally agree with you, but..."

"Well then, try to consent a little with me also about what concerns respecting a sentiment of love, disregarding the sex of the two people who love each other with all their hearts."

"You are a little romantic girl, my dear!"

"If I weren't, I would possibly not be so much in love with you! So, then, do you accept my desire that these two boys will come to our house, when we will marry?"

"You know that I would never be able to deny you anything, my sweet one. But the fact that they have such a relationship, and under our roof, troubles me, I can't deny it."

"Will you promise me that you will not treat them differently than any other, now that you know what I told you?"

"I will do my best not to do so, as it is you asking me; and if I did, you are authorised to scold me, my love... Not in front of them, anyway, please. Just think that everybody says that you women are the weak sex! Surely this is not your case, my love!" the young man concluded with a smile and, taking her in his arms, he deposed a light kiss on her lips.

They talked some more, then said goodbye, making a date for the following Sunday.

Graa went on her gig and said to TomŽ, "Do you know, I talked of it with my fiancŽ..."

TomŽ at once understood what his mistress was referring to, and looked at her in silence, waiting for her to go on telling him more.

"... and Idelfonso accepted to have both of you in our house when we will marry, even now that he knows what you are for each other."

"Really miss? The marquis didn't raise any objection?"

"Of course he did, but I succeeded in convincing him that what binds you two is something beautiful and worth respect. Idelfonso is a good person, honest and generous; therefore I was certain he would understand."

"So then you can also ask Dom Graciliano about Jo‰o?"

"I will certainly do it, but only when I see he is in a good mood, as I don't want to risk a refusal from him."

TomŽ was slightly alarmed, "But if the master gives you a refusal?"

"I know very well how to talk to my father, how not to leave him any escape and not leave him in peace until he gives me a yes. But, I prefer not to have to come to argue or fight with him, unless it is absolutely necessary. Don't worry, TomŽ, you will see that everything will turn out for the best."

Back home TomŽ put the gig in the depot and brought the horse into the stable. He then ran to the kitchen. Jo‰o was washing the kitchen's stone floor. Antonio was not in sight and Luis was outside at the well drawing water.

TomŽ went near Jo‰o with a wide smile on his lips. He first told him about Miss Graa and marquis Idelfonso, then also about that gentleman who proposed for him to have sex with him in change of money.

"And did you refuse?" Jo‰o asked.

"Why, would you have rather liked I accepted and gave you the money he offered me?" TomŽ asked him, jokingly.

"No, don't say such a thing, not even as a joke."

"As you refused Luis and Antonio, I could only refuse that offer. When two are really in love, there is no room for anybody else between them."

"Hey, TomŽ..."

"Tell me, love."

"Do you know that I really have a big desire to finally have some fruits?"

"Can you come up to my room after you end your chores here in the kitchen, tonight?"

"Yes, I could, but I'm afraid that Luis, seeing me go back late, could suspect something."

"Then we have to wait for the fruits until tomorrow, my glutton boy!"

"Eh, yes, never mind!" the boys said with a funny and resigned expression and started again to rub the floor, then looked upward, towards TomŽ, "But if you now don't immediately leave this kitchen, I'm afraid that Luis coming back will find me with your banana in my hand and he will understand everything!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 8

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