The Other Part of the World

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 13, 2009


THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on January 12, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Bert Carley


"THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Part II - Chapter 8 - The future smiles to Jo‰o and Tome

"At long last!" Jo‰o sighed embracing his lover's naked body, "You really kept me waiting for this fruit!"

"Why, my little fish, don't you think that I too desire to get to the fruit at least as much as you? But you know we have to be cautious, don't you?"

"Yes, but now, let us not waste more time, please!"

The two boys united with all their youthful passion and with ardent desire, each of them happy to be finally able to fully taste the lover's beautiful member to get to obtain the pleasure fruit. It was almost as if they were competing, while caressing and fondling all over each other's body, to give pleasure to the other, the utmost pleasure, leading the lover, step after step up on the stairway of enjoyment.

When they finally crossed the last step, each boy gave to the other all his love liqueur, they felt intoxicated drinking it, felt happy as they never had before, forgetting for a moment their condition of slavery, their poverty, their privations - they were finally feeling like they were the richest and happiest men in the world!

When the vigorous orgasm contractions were over, they detached to embrace again and tenderly kiss.

"Do you know Tome that I would die for your taste?"

"And I would yours too, my adored little fish!"

"But I?" Jo‰o said with a mischievous expression.

"Yes? What?"

"When will you bring yourself to take me? Why don't you take me now? I'm dying with the desire to feel you inside me, to be all and totally yours!"

"That would be the cake, my love? so you'll have to wait some more, you know it."

"Don't you feel the desire to taking me? To shove it all inside me? Don't you like my little arse?"

"You know, my love, that I like everything about you. Of course I'm feeling the desire to take you, but we decided not to go too fast, didn't we?"

"To tell you the truth, it's you who decided, not I." Jo‰o said pretending to put on a sulky expression.

"But you agreed, my sweet Jo‰o. Can't you make up your mind? Are you sorry having accepted my idea?"

The boy, seeing the worried expression of his lover, opened in a sweet smile, "No, my Tome, I am not at all sorry. You are right, all this waiting makes what we are doing seem even more beautiful. It's just that I am really burning with desire to feel this beautiful bolt of yours finally slip completely inside me, move inside me, fill me and give me the joy and pleasure of being totally yours. You know, you are making me desire it so much that when you finally do it, I for sure will feel as if it was my first time?"


"Yes love?"

"Why did you fall in love with me?"

"Because you are the most wonderful boy I ever met. I don't mean just because of your splendid body, or the way you make love with me, but just thinking about you, or being near you makes me feel like I am in heaven."

"It is the same for me too? Do you think that when we are in the service of Miss Graca Maria and marquis Idelfonso, living in their house, they will let us sleep together?"

"I think they will, as they know about us? We therefore should be able to even ask them, don't you think?"

"Possibly yes. Our young mistress is really kind, isn't she?"

"Yes. We have been lucky it was her the other day that caught us embracing and kissing. I believe that, up there, there is a star, our star, that is smiling and protecting us." Jo‰o said and kissed him with infinite tenderness.

"If you kiss me so, my little fish, you make me aroused again?" Tome warned him with a smile.

"Having a second helping of fruit is not bad for the health, on the contrary?" Jo‰o answered with a sly smile, intimately caressing him and making his beautiful erection awake again.

The two boys devoted themselves again to each other, restarting to make love with renewed enthusiasm and desire.

February arrived, and with it the birthday of Graca Maria. Idelfonso gave her a present of a Nova Lima gold pendant with a diamond extracted from near the Jequitinhonha River mounted on it. Dom Graciliano presented her with a dress-length of soft green velvet imported from England, and a length of very refined Flanders lace so that she could have a beautiful evening dress made. The girl was happy and excited. She noticed that her father was also in a very good mood, so she sat near him.

"I would have one more present to ask of you, my beloved Daddy?" she said coquettishly.

"Let's hear, what do you desire? Possibly a French perfume?"

"No? You know that sometime next year Idelfonso and I will marry?"

"Yes, of course?"

"Well, I would like to have as our cook that boy who is working in the kitchen, you know, the one called Jo‰o?"

"Wouldn't you like better Luis, or Antonio, instead?"

"No, Dad, Antonio is married and has two sons, and I don't want to take him away from his family. Luis possibly may also have a girl he is already making the sweet eyes? Jo‰o is still a boy, and I would like him to grow up in our new house, you understand?"

"You, as always, have a tender heart? I don't see it posing a problem darling, Jo‰o is yours."

"Thank you Daddy, you're adorable. So then, since he has to become my cook, can you order Antonio to teach him well all the tricks of his art, before I get married, instead of just washing dishes, scrubbing the floors, warming the water and caring for the fire?"

"But these also are jobs to be done in a kitchen?"

"Of course, dear Daddy, but Antonio could have one of his sons do them, couldn't he? Don't you think it would be a good idea?"

"But his sons have to work in the storehouse, you know it."

"Come on Daddy, one less boy at the storehouse would not pose a problem? Don't you want to make me happy?"

"You well know Graca Maria that I will do everything within my power to make you happy. All right then, I will order Antonio to take one of his sons to the kitchen as a scullery boy and to start teaching his work to Jo‰o. Does that make you happy?"

"More than happy Dad, more than happy!" the girl exclaimed and kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you from my heart!"

Dom Graciliano turned towards his future son in law, "You see Idelfonso, how little it takes to make my daughter happy? She always manages to get anything she wants! You have to be very careful, my dear marquis, Graca Maria, with her smiles and her wheedling, will always have you do anything that is running through her pretty little head!"

"Besides being pretty, she is very wise and sensible, Dom Graciliano, therefore I don't worry at all, on the contrary? Your daughter will surely be a perfectly magnificent house lady and an adorable wife."

"At what point is your project about opening a studio and a house in Rio de Janeiro? Do you really think that everything will be ready within next year? Have you already decided where in the capital city you will settle?"

"As you know, the senator viscount de Itabora", my uncle, is the president of Rio province? He is looking into finding a piece of land where we will build our house, not far from the town centre and for a reasonable price."

"Yes, your uncle, so young and already so important? It seems that all the roads and all the doors are always open for him. If I am not wrong, he is just six years your elder, isn't it so?"

"Yes, he was born in 1802, exactly six years before me. In reality the viscount is a cousin of my mother, but as it has always been, we call him uncle. He always had a great affection for me and for my brother Afonso."

"Your brother Afonso is a doctor, isn't it so?"

"Yes, he has a medical studio in Curitiba, and among his clients are the best of society of that town."

"Isn't your brother yet with a fiance?"

"No, not yet. I think he likes his bachelor's life to much, at least for the moment. Curitiba's best saloons compete for his presence; there is no party where he is not invited. Besides being more handsome than me, my younger brother, he is also one of the most elegant men of all the Paranc?"

"Judging from how you are talking about him, you seem to be greatly affectionate to your younger brother." Dom Graciliano observed.

"Yes, because he is very good hearted and this makes him lovable. Of course I am also very affectionate to my sister too, but I always had a very good relationship with Afonso, a very special one."

"You know Idelfonso, I am dying with desire to finally get to know Afonso?" Graca Maria said.

"You will know him, and I am sure you two will get along very well. He too is a romantic soul exactly as you are darling."

Two days later Antonio went to the kitchen together with his son Tobias, a fourteen years old boy. He at once put him to work, and then called Jo‰o.

"The master ordered me to make you a skilled cook, as he decided he wants to give you to Miss Graca when she gets married, and you will be her cook? I really can't understand why he didn't choose Luis for that, as he already knows some of the job? but, he is the master. I don't know what I can shove into your head in a few months, but let's try?"

Jo‰o tried to hide his exultancy and said, "But I will do my best, Antonio. I want to become a very good cook for Miss Graca Maria."

Antonio raised an eyebrow in an incredulity gesture, but at once started to explain to the boy the kitchen techniques and secrets.

As soon as he had some free time, Jo‰o went hurriedly to look for Tome. He found him in the depot where he was polishing the gig.

"Tome, do you have some time to talk now?"

"I have to finish here?"

"Couldn't you stop that, even just for a few minutes?"

"You know that you are tempting me my little fish? I bet that you want us to go upstairs in my room?"

"Yes? please?"

"You don't need to insist. The young mistress should not need the gig this afternoon? I can finish cleaning it later."

"Can we go then?" the boy invited him with a smile coloured with lust.

While they were going upstairs in Tome little bedroom, Jo‰o told him what Antonio had just said. Tome was happy.

"You see that miss Graca is really helping us, my little fish?"

"Yes, we are lucky having her as a mistress. But now, let me strip everything from your body, my wonderful man!"

They undressed each other, caressing and kissing, and then lay embraced on Tome's pallet. After long preliminaries, as both of them had become used to doing, Jo‰o took the beautiful face of his boyfriend between his hands.

"But now, isn't it true that you will take me? We finally have reached time for the cake to be served, haven't we?"

"Yes, my love, we finally can taste of the cake too."

"How do you want to take me? Do you want me on all fours? Or do you want me to lie on my belly and lay on top of me? Tell me?"

"No, I want you to lay on your back, I want to take you facing you?"

"Facing me? And how?" the boy asked amazed and curious.

"Yes, as Rui taught me? I will unite with you so I can look at your beautiful face and also kiss you?"

"This way? Is this right?" Jo‰o asked lying down.

Tome caressed Jo‰o's peg pointing upwards, already hard with excitation, "Yes, and now spread well your legs, as much as you can?"

"So?" the boy asked, readily complying.

"Yes?" his lover answered and kneeled between the well spread thighs of his boyfriend.

Tome sat on his heels, glided forward, slipping his knees under the boy's thighs. He then took Jo‰o's legs and rested them on his shoulders, slipping some more forward so his beautiful straight and shuddering member showed itself between the small and firm buttocks of Jo‰o. The boy at this point guessed how Tome wanted to unite with him and smiled up at him.

"I didn't know it could be done in this way too. I like it? Go on my love, push it all inside me!" he spurred him on, filled with lustful desire.

Tome parted his perfect little buttocks with the tip of his member, found the small hidden and pulsating hole that was greedily waiting to welcome the spear of his beloved one. Guiding it with a hand to prevent it from slipping away, while with the other hand he gently kneaded the turgid member and the contracted sack of Jo‰o's testicles, he started to gently push.

"Oh yes! Push, go on, don't be afraid to hurt me? I'm longing to feel it all inside me?"

"A good cake is to be savoured in small morsels, slowly?" Tome said with a tender smile.

"Not too slowly, please!" begged Jo‰o, starting to caress his beautiful chest and his hollow belly.

Tome pushed slightly forward. After a first, short, gentle resistance, he felt that the boy's sphincter was beginning to yield, to open to receive him.

"Yes?" Jo‰o sighed opening in a luminous smile, "Come my love, take possession of what belongs to you!"

"As a just crowned king enters his palace, as a bishop just consecrated enters his cathedral, slowly and majestically advancing to take possession of what is due to him!" Tome whispered starting to sink into the warm channel greedily flung open to receive him.

"Yes, my Tome, you are my king? Come, I'm yours? Oh, how good! I can feel you, I'm feeling you? you are filling me? how great! Go on, my love, you are so beautiful, so strong? and I am all yours!"

"My love, my little fish, how good you feel; I am so welcomed by your smile, by your warmth, by your body wanting to be mine! "Sure, all of me want to be yours, my perfect male! I love you, I adore you! You are my life Tome!"

The young coachman started to tease the small and dark nipples of his lover and went on slipping inside him with a continuous and determined push. Their luminous eyes weren't leaving each other even just for a moment, like fascinated seeing the joy and the emotion that the two lovers were mutually giving each other.

Finally Tome was totally embedded into his beloved boy and his testicles were strongly pressed against Jo‰o's spread small buttocks. Then the handsome coachman bent on Jo‰o making him part more his legs, and deeply kissed him on the mouth. He then started to move back and forth inside the hot love channel and so doing his belly was brushing the hard peg of his companion. Their tongue merrily played while they were mutually teasing their nipples, caressed and fondled each other unceasingly.

"Tome, it's way too good?" Jo‰o whispered, feeling full of happiness.

"Yes, it's true. Do you know that I love you?"

"Yes, I feel it? Go on, go on ride me, my beautiful coachman!"

Tome seized the boy's waist and started to hammer inside him with shorter and faster strokes. Jo‰o was starting with each stroke, tossing his head right and left, filled with uncontrollable joy.

"Do you know that it really is as if it was my first time, my love?" Jo‰o murmured.

"The same for me, my little fish! Because this is the first time that you and I are living in a world of love!"

"I love you, I love you so much, my Tome! And I am finally yours, totally yours!"

The two boys went on to make love with all their youthful passion. When one of them was feeling too near to the no return point, he made the other stop for a while until the excitation lessened enough to allow them to restart without risking to end too fast their first total union.

"Tome, I didn't think that making love could be so beautiful, do you know?"

"I neither though it could be so. You opened for me the heaven's gates, my little fish."

"Miss Graca Maria said that it is as we two are married?"

"Yes, it really is so, my beloved!"

Tome accelerated the rhythm and vigour of his pushes. Jo‰o instinctively was moving under him to give an even greater pleasure to his beautiful lover. Finally neither of the two boys was able to control himself, their breath became shorter and deeper, short pleasure moans and groans accompanied their movements, increasing as they were gradually approaching the no return point, the magical moment that they both were yearning for with each fibre of their being.

Finally, first Jo‰o, then Tome, reached the peak of the pleasure and emptied themselves in a really sweet and long orgasm, the first of them spreading his seed between their compressed bodies, the second flooding the hot channel of his lover with wave upon wave of warm liqueur. Tome deeply kissed his so sweet boyfriend again.

Then they laid one on top of the other, lightly panting and filled with happiness without boundaries, caressing and exchanging tender kisses.

"It has been too great my Tome, really too beautiful! I am now totally yours, yours forever!"

"Yes, it has been wonderful my beautiful little fish. I too am yours forever, in a world without end!"

"Do you know my love, that while you were coming inside me, you became more wonderful than ever?"

"You too Jo‰o! You became incredibly beautiful when you received me inside you. We reached heaven together."

Tome slowly slipped out of the warm and soft love channel of his boyfriend, they parted and dressed in their clothes, almost regretting they had to part so soon. Then, on the threshold of the small room, Tome took Jo‰o in his arms again and deeply kissed him with tenderness and love.

The young coachman went back to the depot to carry out the work he interrupted for that splendid love parenthesis, and Jo‰o went back to the kitchen. When Luis saw him enter, greeted him and looked at him with curiosity, he immediately noticed the happiness radiating from the boy.

"Hey, what's up with you Jo‰o? I never saw you so."

"So, how? There is absolutely nothing."

"How not! If happiness were water, you would already have flooded the entire kitchen! What's making you so happy?"

"Bah, it's just that I am really glad that Miss Graca Maria decided to have me as her cook after she gets married." the boy lied.

"No, no, you are not going to make me swallow it! What's up, did you by chance fall for a girl?"

"I? Don't be silly. How, where and when could I have met one, if I am always shut inside here?"

"Well, possibly the daughter of one of the house slaves?"

"No way, I said!"

"Yes way, I say! I can feel you are lying to me. That glance, I know it well, it typical of a boy who had his first fuck! Yes, I can't be wrong."

"Don't make me laugh Luis! You should be the one who knows well that I already had plenty of fucks, before now!"

"That's different. Up to now it was always the others who fucked you. Moreover? isn't it because of that you suddenly didn't want any more Antonio and I to fuck your nice little arse? Yes, it should really be so - you finally met an obliging nice girl and you today finally became a man!"

"You are a total fool Luis, total fool and full of a morbid fantasy. I swear on the Carmel Virgin that I really never fucked any girl, and that I have any girl in view I can fuck!"

"I then bet that you fucked a lad! Who is he, is he by chance Antonio's son? I too have thought a little about him, do you know? He is not handsome like you, that boy, but he too has a nice little arse and he should still be a virgin in his back, for what I know? That's why you are so happy today? Did you take Tobias' cherry?"

"Do you think I'm mad? I don't want to be bumped off by his father! You can try it with him if you want, but I don't really want to take such risks. Moreover, I told you, I have really nobody who would like to be fucked by me! And now stop talking this bullshit. You just think about fucking man? It's really you who needs to find a girl!"

Jo‰o decided to ignore Luis and started to prepare all that was needed to start cooking the supper, according to the instructions he got from Antonio, hoping that the man would soon come to the kitchen. He in fact was longing for learning new things from the skilled cook. While he was waiting for Antonio, he was recalling with tenderness and love his so beautiful Tome?


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 9

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