The Page and the Canvas

By Willow Lemon

Published on Feb 9, 2018


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"Excuse me, Master Alistor, you saw me clean this room until it sparkled yesterday, didn't you?" Ali was passed out on the rug in his study. Piles of books, open books, papers, and magazines were strewn everywhere.

"Nope." He turned his head away from me.

"Liar!" I pulled the sweatshirt he had balled up and was using as a pillow out from under his head. His skull thudded on the floor. "How did you even make a mess like this in one night?" I threw the sweatshirt at him. "Tavis and Courtney will be here with the new baby soon! How am I going to get this cleaned in time?"

The man looked at me with death in his eyes. Jesus, could he ever not wake up in a bad mood. I don't suppose my abuse is helping matters. "Just forget it." I glared back at him. "We'll just have to keep this door shut."

"Where do you get off talking to me like that when I just finished working all night?" He never lost any of his speed no matter how tired he was. He snatched my hand and pulled me down to the floor, my back against his chest.

"Where do you get off making this mess?"

He started nibbling the back of my ear, as one hand went up my shirt and the other went down my pants. "Ali, cut it out! They'll be here any second."

"I've been so busy, we've hardly gotten to talk lately." His hand went around my cock, jiggling it up and down. "You must have felt so neglected."

"Ali! Stop! Oh, fuck!" His hand was overtaking me.

"No need to be shy. Come real fast for me." He kissed my neck.


The doorbell rang.

"Shit. They're here. You've got to stop." I tried to push him off.

"Not until you come. Hurry up now so you can answer the door." His hand pumped faster as he ground his erection against my ass. "Come on, darling. Soak my hand. If you're good, maybe I'll let you suck my cock later. I still haven't let you yet, have I? Do you want to taste me?"

I cried out as I came, feeling the warmth spread over my crotch. Now I've got to answer the door to my brother with come in my pants. I was going to kill Ali.

I could feel Ali laughing at me as I answered the door. "Good morning!"

"Hey you guys! Thanks for letting us visit!" Tavis offered as he came in with Courtney, the baby in a papoose on her stomach.

"Don't be silly. You're always welcome!" He looked as fresh as morning dew, somehow. I wanted to murder him.

I ran upstairs as soon as I could and changed. I hope no one noticed I was in different pants. And I swear to god, if Ali said a word, I was going to thump him. Going straight to the kitchen after I changed, I made the tea, because god forbid Ali help out. Bringing the tray into the front room, I watched as Mason pulled himself up on his knees and start crawling. "Mason is crawling already!"

"Not too steadily, but yeah." Tavis was the proud papa.

"Wow!" I watched him scoot around. "Babies grow up so fast!"

Mason started crawling toward Ali where he sat on a sofa by himself. "Oh, Mason, do you want a hug from Uncle Ali?" Courtney thought it was adorable.

I saw the expression of pure horror on Ali's face and ran over grabbing up Mason, holding him over my head. "Here, Uncle Kip will play with you!" I gave him back to Courtney after he grew bored with me, and went and sat next to Ali. "He's just a baby," I whispered harshly at him.

"I'm not comfortable with creatures ruled by instinct," he told me.

"Pot, meet kettle."

"So, I spoke with your advisor Kip." Tavis set his mug on the table. "She says that if you get a good enough internship, and if you take those summer classes that you were planning on, that you could graduate two, maybe even three semesters early."

"Piece of cake!"

"Good for you. That'll have you out of here in about a year. Enjoy it while you can."

"A year? Why?" I was confused. Why would I leave?

"What do you mean 'why'? The deal was that you'd only need to stay here through college. No more taking advantage of Ali's kindness."

"Oh, um, yeah..." Damn! Why did I have to sign up for summer school?

"Tavis, I'm forcing him to do all the chores in lieu of rent. So..." Ali tried to put in.

"I know, but once he's working full-time he's officially an adult. He can't just take advantage of other's kindness forever. You need to draw a firm line. He's not a child anymore."

"I'm late, Ali! I'm heading out!"

He came into the entryway, puffing on a cigarette. "Where?"

"School." I threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Isn't it spring break?"

"The seniors are having a special showing of their work for potential employers. Kind of like a reverse job fair. A few people from study group are showing."

He tugged on my scarf. "I'm the only one that needs to show you something."

"Ha, ha. You're hilarious. I can't spend all my time with you. I'll be back later, okay."

Looking at all the senior's work over their years here at the school, and talking to perspective employers got me thinking about the future and what Tavis said yesterday. I had the desire to be self-reliant, but at the same time it kind of makes me sad that I won't get to live with Ali and yell at him every day anymore. A small part of me still wanted to believe it was because of the fantastic apartment, and not having to worry too much about money, but I knew it was Ali that I would miss.

When I left the show, the clock tower was chiming. Was it 11:30 already? I should make it to work okay, but I'd better text to say I'm cutting it close. Taking my phone out of the side pocket of my bag, I immediately noticed that my Galileo Galactic spaceship phone charm was missing. "No!" I started digging through every inch of my bag and person. It's a special edition that I had to enter in a contest to win, it can't be gone!

I couldn't find it and I was starting to flip out. Calm down, Kip! Calm down and retrace your steps. Please let it be somewhere on this path. I started scanning the ground franticly.

I almost made it all the way back to the building when I saw a glint of silver on the ground. There it is! I raced to it. I was just about to bend to pick it up, when someone got to it first. It was a skinny guy, with short tidy black hair and brownish green eyes, and he was staring at my charm like it was a found diamond.

"This is the limited-edition Galileo Galactic spaceship you had to enter a drawing to win!"

"Um, excuse me, but that's mine." Please god, I don't have time to fight him for it, but I will. "I accidentally dropped it there."

I was so relieved when he handed it back to me. "Can I ask you something? How many times did you enter?"

"You mean the drawing for this? Um, about thirty-five, I think..." I was embarrassed to admit what a giant nerd I was.

He looked dejected at the news. "I see...I sent five too few."

He was a fan, too? "The volume that's about to come out..."

"The Landing in Karapos arc, renowned as the greatest masterpiece in years! And everyone who buys the limited edition gets an Aire the cookat figurine!"

"Already preordered!" I pointed a thumb at myself for clarification.

"I'm buying three!" He held up three fingers proudly. And then we both stared at each other realizing that we had both just met a super fan.

"Hey Trae! What's the holdup?" someone from a nearby group called over, causing him to turn.

"I'm coming," he yelled back. "Bye."

"Oh, uh, bye." And then he was gone. Man, it was awesome meeting someone so into Galileo Galactic as I am. Maybe I should have gotten his name. Nah, that'd be weird.

"Oh my god!" I screamed. "I won an invitation to an autograph session with Mr. June!" I found it in the mail when I got home from work. "I'm so happy, I can't even cut up this apple I'm shaking!"

"Cut them into bunnies," Ali ordered me. "Or maybe put the knife down until you calm down."

He picked up the letter. "San Diego? You can't afford a trip there."

My hands had stopped trembling, so I was back to cutting apples, into bunnies no less. "Thanks for your concern, but unlike someone else I know, I economize, so I have savings. Oh, hey! I met someone today who seemed like a Galileo Galactic fan. Maybe that was fate or something." I ignored his scowl. "I wish I'd asked his name so I could make friends."

"You can't go that day." He slammed the letter on the table. "I have a research trip then."

"So? I'm going by myself, so your schedule doesn't..."

"You can't go." He picked up the newspaper like it was the end of the discussion.

"I'm paying my own way. What's the problem? I'm only getting an autograph and coming right back home anyway."

"You can't go," he repeated.

"What's your problem? What do you want from me?" I was starting to get pissed.

"I want to lock you up someplace where you can only see me to make sure you never love anyone but me, and make myself your entire world."

"No quarantining me!" I demanded. "Stop being so childish. I'm going out into the world soon, you know." I set the dish of apple bunnies in front of him.

He lit a cigarette. "Are you really going to leave here when you get a job?"

The corners of his mouth were turned down, which meant he was upset. That's why he was being overly possessive. "Is this about what my brother said? Well..."

"I'm prepared to tell Tavis about our relationship."

"What?! You've got to be joking. Please be joking," I pleaded. "He'd faint dead away!"

"I'm just saying that I'm prepared to deal with that. What about you?" My mouth couldn't form words, or really, I didn't know what words to say. "What do you want to do?"

Tavis doesn't know about us. How could I tell him? I don't think we're doing anything bad, but...but this means that Ali's really been thinking about us. I understand that you'd have to prepare yourself to tell the person you used to be in love with, and are still good friends with that you're dating his little brother. So...what am I prepared for? If I stay here, I'll have to tell Tavis why. If I can't, I won't be able to stay. Which do I choose?

Ali waited long enough. He stubbed out his cigarette and came over. "Kip." He put his large hands on my hips and backed me up the couple of steps to the wall, coming in close. "Just so you know...I don't intend to let you go. What about you?" he asked again.

"Um...I-I don't really know...yet." I hated the pained slant of his lavender-gray eyes.

The doorbell rang; a reprieve! "Someone's here!" I jogged to the door.

"Alistor! Long time no see!" I swear to god, I just opened the door to a miniature version of Ali. The man coming through the door, bypassing me as though I weren't there, looked exactly like Ali, but smaller, but still taller than me. Suit and all.

"Layton? What are you doing here?" Ali wasn't smiling.

"I finally got some time off, so I came home from France for a visit. I came here straight from the airport."

Ali looked at the stack of luggage in the hall, and Layton turned, seemingly to notice me for the first time. "Oh, are you Kip?"

"That's me." I was completely wary of this guy already.

"I've heard all about you from Uncle François. I'm Layton Smallwood; Ali's cousin." He offered me his hand.

"Pleased to meet you." His hands were cool, just like Ali's.

He jerked his hand and pulled me towards him. "This is it? I thought you'd be pretty amazing, but you're nothing much." He started squeezing the crap out of my hand. What the fuck was his problem?

Pulling my hand away, I looked at him like he was crazy. "Judge people on sight much?"

"Shut up Layton. Don't talk to Kip like that. This is his home, so feel free to leave." Ali went back into the living room, leaving Layton to follow him. "Your trip must've been exhausting, and your family probably misses you. I don't have time to deal with you right now. Go home."

Layton plopped down on the sofa opposite of Ali. "Wow, it's been five years since I last saw you, and you haven't changed a bit." He picked up a postcard out of the mail on the table. "That's from Karis. She's at a confectionery school in Switzerland, right? Do you stay in touch?"


I went into the kitchen and started making tea out of habit. Maybe I'd give his cup a spit shine. He came straight here without seeing his family first, and he seems fond of Ali. Plus, he seems to hate me for some reason. I can't see how any of this adds up to being good in any way.

"Why are you even here?" Ali rudely questioned.

"To see you, of course." It irked me that he laid down and lounged on the sofa, smiling sweetly at Ali.

He must be jealous of me, it's the only explanation for why he hated me. It wouldn't be the first time that someone didn't like me because they wanted Ali all to themselves.

"Can I stay here tonight?"


"What? Well, I figured you'd say that, so I brought you a bribe." He went and got his suitcases, opening one of them.

"You can't win me over with presents."

Well, whatever. Even if he did want Ali all to himself, Ali will just kick him out with his usual "can't be bothered" scowl. Yeah. This happens all the time, so there's nothing to worry about.

"Here it is." He slid a slim paper bag across the table to him.

Ali opened the sack and pulled out an old fabric-covered book. "Wow! Now this is a bribe." He opened the book, looking at it.

What the hell?! That wasn't the usual reaction. Why? What was going on?

"I'd given up on this one. I figured there weren't any first editions left in the US." Ali smiled. He smiled at someone other than me. I don't think I've ever seen that.

"I came across it in a used bookstore. It gets premium pricing even overseas."

Well, why not? Even he's gotta smile sometimes. Right? His smile can't be only for me. And maybe I'm wrong about Layton. Maybe he's just got a strange sense of humor.

"I know I asked you to search the bookstores, but you never wrote back."

"Of course not. That's not just rare, the author has a lot of intense fans. Plus, he's the type who revises things whenever there's a reprint."

"That's why I really wanted the first edition." Ali was really animated.

He sure knows a lot about books. Something I'm not proficient in at all. What's with me? Why am I so annoyed by all of this? He should be able to talk about books with whomever he wants. "Shit!" I dropped the tea tin.

"You okay, Kip?" Ali was looking at me.

"Yep. No big deal," I tried to come off as casual. Layton smirked at me. I nearly threw the tea tin at his face.

Really, this was nothing new. Loads of people are into Ali. I can't afford to sweat all of them. It's just...him finding them interesting doesn't happen all the time. And what if Ali let's his guard down and starts spending time with this guy?

I'm such an idiot. Seriously, what pissed me off the most was how disgustingly pathetic my thoughts were!

"Ali, is it okay if I come in and change your sheets now?"

He was coming out of his bathroom. "Is he asleep already?"

"Yep. I guess he was tired.

"I'm taking him home first thing tomorrow morning, so I won't need breakfast." He started striping the bed. "I'll eat out on the way."

"Oh, okay. So, how are you and he related?"

"He's my cousin on my dad's side. He went to a boarding school in France and he stayed to work at the Smoak Corporation branch there through college. He was always a bookworm. I guess he hasn't changed much." He placed the dirty linens in the basket I was holding. "Maybe I should take him to the used bookstore since he's here. I might be back a little late. You need me to pick up anything while I'm out?"

"No, nothing I can think of. And anyway, you should come home quick. You're on a deadline."

He started taking off pillow cases. "I can afford one day off."

The thought of him and Layton walking through bookstores, perusing dusty shelves had me griping the basket hard. "Do you remember how many times that 'one day' has almost been fatal?"

"Who are you, my editor? Let me have fun for once. I've been working nonstop for two months." He dropped the pillowcases in the basket.

'Have fun,' with someone other than me. I didn't like it. "That's not what I..."

"Kip, what's up with you? Are you trying to imprison me here?"

I know, I know I'm being unreasonable, but... "The thing is..." I grabbed the back of his shirt before he walked away. "I-I think you should just pay attention to me!"

What? What did I just say? It was something unbelievably stupid, wasn't it? Oh my god!

His hand came down on my head. "Ah, I see. You're the same as me. You want me all to yourself."


"Now I get it. I was wondering what you were so worked up for. So, you finally understand how I feel now?"

I was so embarrassed. "Here, take your sheets." I threw them at him. "Good night." I made a run for it.

I soon found the sheets wrapped around me along with his arms. "I'm so happy. I don't know what to do. Get even more jealous. Get so jealous you can't think of anything but me." Turning me around, he pressed his mouth to mine.

He gets jealous over the tiniest things, and worries like a little kid. I can't take my eyes off him for a second. I don't see how I could ever part from him. I do want to be with him, but what can I do to make myself ready for all that entails.

He kissed me until I was breathless. "Now, I believe I owe you a present for being so good yesterday. You may take off my clothes."

"Ali, there's a guest down the hall!"

He flipped the door shut. "Problem solved. Now, tie first, then shirt, then pants." My dick was practically jumping up and down for joy at his command. Forget Layton. If he heard something it's what he deserves for forcing himself on us.

I did as I was told and striped him down to his silk boxers as he watched me intently. I stood back when I was done, and he questioned, "Why didn't you finish?"

"You said tie, shirt, and pants. You didn't say anything about your boxers." I smiled slyly.

"Oh, you are asking for it, aren't you? It's fine. I guess you're not ready to see my cock yet." I suddenly realized what a horrible mistake I made. Making a sound of disappointment, he smiled. "Take off your clothes, all of them." I was rushing. All I could think was the faster I got them off, the sooner I could have his dick. I nearly fell over taking off my slacks. I was out of breath when I was done. "Come kneel in front of me." I can't believe this was finally happening. He ran his fingers through my hair. "Do you want to suck my cock?" I nodded. "You want to know what I taste like?"

I swear I started salivating. "Yes!"

"Do you think it will fit down your throat? I don't want you to choke on it. I don't know if you're ready. Maybe I should let you beat me off and let you practice some on popsicles or something."

God me jacking him off sounded wonderful, too. The only time I had ever actually touched his cock was when I was holding it steady to slide down onto it. I had always been too scared to. "I-I want whatever you want. I promise to try my best."

"Oh, fuck Kip. You already are the best, darling. I promise you, no matter what, I will love it. Take off my boxers." I slid down his black silk boxers and his erection bounced in front of my face. "Take your time and down what you like, but go easy until you know more about your gag reflex, and don't use too much teeth. Now, put me in your mouth." Oh god. I had to reach down and grab my dick when he said that, I was so excited.

And also, so incredibly nervous. "Should I put my hand here, at the base?"

"If you like." Ali was smiling and patient. "You can touch it for a bit, if you want."

I wanted to very much. Still keeping one hand on myself, grasping tightly, unmoving, I wrapped my hand around him. It felt so different than mine, longer and thicker. I moved it back and forth a few times, just getting used to the weight of it in my hand. And then steeling myself, I went in. Just taking in the tip, I put his smooth head in my mouth. My hands clamped down on both mine and his dicks. The taste was so different than I expected. I knew what his skin tasted like, but this was richer, Ali intensified. I didn't realize until this moment, that Ali was my favorite flavor. I wanted to gorge myself on him.

I did as he suggested and went slowly. I took it in, keeping my tongue flat along the bottom. I was concentrating so much on making certain that my teeth weren't scraping his tender skin too much, that I hadn't realized that I had managed to swallow his entire cock until my lips hit my two fingers I was using to hold the base. Ali's hand that had remained in my hair, suddenly pulled quickly, and then stopped. Just about to pull back to ask if I hurt him, Ali gasped, "Leave it to you, my darling, not to have any gag reflex and down my dick like a champ. I didn't think I could love you more..." His hand gripped my hair again and now I could tell that he was just trying not to pull too hard.

Knowing that he liked it was my driving force. I started moving back and forth, pushing and pulling with my lips, as my fingers followed their path. I was consuming him more quickly, reveling in the fact that I could fit his expansiveness in my mouth and down my throat with such ease. Bringing him bliss made me harder than I thought possible. Soon both of his hands were dug into my hair, grasping and pulling, and I loved the sting of it. I was pounding him with my mouth with as much speed as I could muster. "Ah, yes! Fuck!"

Remembering something that Ali sometimes did to me that I loved, I took my hand off my own dick, I cradled his balls in my palm and used my middle finger to rub the patch of skin between his balls and asshole. "Kip! Christ! Oh my fucking god! I'm going to come, so you need to decide where you want it to go." I kept my mouth exactly where it was. My heart was thudding out of my chest in anticipation.

My first thought when it hit the back of my throat was how hot it was; I hadn't expected that. It reminded me of a vegetable that I had never tried. It was Ali, and I loved it. I sucked on the head of his cock until he was finished, licking away every last drop. About to look up at him, he made it unnecessary by kneeling down. He kissed my lips, forehead, eyes, cheeks, and neck, and back again. Crushing me against him, he admired, "You are so perfect. I couldn't have made someone more perfect for me."

I put my hands on his face. "Ali!" I stopped him.


"I love you so much."

"Oh, Kip, I love you too."

I heard a door shut down the hall. I don't know what Layton heard, but he was awake.

A few days later, Layton was back at our door. "I guess I'll be staying here for a while. My parents turned my bedroom into a gym. Cruel, right?" he told Ali, ignoring me like I wasn't there. "It's just for a short time before I go back to Paris."

"No. Go away." Ali didn't pull any punches. "Your parents have eight bedrooms."

Layton ignored him, too. "Bring the boxes in guys." He waved some moving men through the door.

"Hey!" Ali stepped up.

"Don't worry, I'll give you compensation. I would never ask you to let me stay here for free. Another gift." He rolled a suitcase over.

"Do you think I'll just keep letting you bribe me?"

Ten minutes later Ali was going over an entire stack of old books, and I was seething. "Thanks for letting me stay, Alistor. And you too, Kip." He offered me his hand, but I just stood staring at it.

"No thanks. I need my hands for painting...and other things." I glanced over at Ali.

Layton's eyes turned stormy.

Next: Chapter 19

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