The Page and the Canvas

By Willow Lemon

Published on Dec 3, 2017


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I set the eggs, bacon, and fruit on the table for breakfast, lining it up with the cutlery and plates. Fresh squeezed orange juice in the middle... "Perfect."

Ali should be coming soon. I stood staring at the clock on the wall as the last few seconds to seven a.m. ticked down. At seven on the dot his bedroom door crashed open and Ali stumbled out looking like death warmed over. There were dark circles under his eyes, his untidy hair almost completely covered his eyes. His shirt was severely wrinkled and a cigarette dangled from his lips haphazardly. He made a noise that could have been mistaken for a grumpy bear.

Plopping down at the kitchen table in his usual spot, he barely looked awake. "Morning."

"Mor-ning," his voice was raspy and half gone.

"Did you finish your work?"

"Yeah." He didn't elaborate further. At least he responded. "Thanks for the food," he said as he picked up a fork. I merely nodded.

Looks like Ali pulled another all-nighter. But no matter how busy his is, he always keeps his promise that we'll eat our meals together. Incidentally, having grown up in a wealthy household, the born-and-bred Lord Rich Boy is apparently drawn to the idea of normal family life.

Holding up a bit of fluffy scrambled egg on the end of his fork, he announced, "Eggs are great, aren't they?"


"They're just so yellow, somehow." He got a bit strange when he was punchy. "What time do you have school today?"

"What?" He took me by surprise. "Oh, 8:30."

"Then I'll take you."

"That's okay. It's only fifteen minutes on the bus."

"It's fine. I'm taking you." He left no room for refusal.

Cleaning some paintbrushes, I called out to him, "Ali, if you have any dirty clothes, bring them out. I'll do the laundry before I go to school. Also, I'll leave your lunch in plastic wrap, so just nuke it..." Suddenly two arms wrapped around me, his body leaning into mine. I was so stunned, I stupidly asked, "Um...excuse me?"

"I'm out of Kip," he said into my hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I was abstaining until my work was done, so I need to recharge."

Managing to drag me to the couch, he pulled me down into his lap. I could feel his erection easily. I squirmed against it, feeling uneasy. "H-hey, Ali, don't play with me!" His arms were an iron clasp around my waist.

"For all that, you're responding nicely." He cradled my growing bulge.

"Hey! What are you..." My throat made a strangled cry as he started moving his capable hand against me.

"Were you doing it yourself while I was away?" Yes, but I wasn't going to admit that to him. His rubbing was maddening. He nibbled on my ear, and a moan escaped me. I closed my eyes, unsure if I was ready for this. God if felt so fucking good, though. Soon I was wishing that he would slip his hand into my boxer briefs and tug it until I came like before. My bottom moved of its own will, rubbing his cock against me. "So innocent."

"Shut up!" My toes dug into the carpet as he cupped my balls, caressing them with expertise. How could he make me feel this way so quickly, even when I was so unsure of what I wanted? Then when his hand moved lower and began running a finger over my entrance through my thin pajama pants, I was shocked. That was one place I had never been touched, not even by myself. I jumped off his lap. "Quit it!" I half-heartedly shouted.

In my clumsy escape, I tripped over a stack of papers next to the coffee table. Tripping and falling like an oaf. Paper went flying everywhere. "Shit, that hurt!"

"Hey, now don't scatter my manuscripts all over the place," he stated as though he had nothing to do with it.

I sat up angrily. "Don't stack your manuscripts out here!" He lit a cigarette, exhaling on an annoyed sigh. Picking up a piece of paper next to me, I was shocked to read my name. The pat on his head came as a surprise, and Kip stiffened.

I was livid. Shaking with rage, I stood, my fingers digging into the paper. "You bastard! Turning me into a character without my permission! And using our names! At least with Tavis' book you kind of changed the names!" I shouted at him.

"I was on a roll today. The words practically wrote themselves," he answered blithely. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to include, 'This story is a work of fiction, and in no way refers to actual people or organizations.'"

"That's not the issue!" I screamed, tearing the sheet of paper in my grip. The tearing of the sheet gave me an idea. I started ripping it to shreds. Then I picked up more and proceeded to tear all of them into tiny pieces. "How do you like this?! You won't be able to publish it now!"

Holding up a zip drive, he gloated, "What are you, stupid? The real thing's over here."

I roared. Stomping after him as he walked away, I raged, "Hand it over! It's a human rights violation! It's libel! Why do you always do this kind of thing, anyway?" I pointed an accusatory finger at him. "Don't you get it? This is sexual harassment! It's a criminal act!"

Ali turned back toward me. With a cigarette hanging from his mouth, he offered, "Why, you ask? What a pointless question. The answer is obvious. Because I want to." He stood up straight and proudly, as though he were invincible.

I'm going to kill him!

Ali still insisted on giving me a ride to school. I didn't speak a word to him, sitting there in his ridiculous cherry red sports car.

Who was I kidding? His Acura NSX was ridiculously cool.

The second the car stopped in front of school, I jumped out. Great. Everyone was staring at his fancy car.

"Call me when you're ready to go home. I'll come get you," he told me before I could shut the door.

"Sorry to trouble you," I jeered sardonically, somehow managing not to the slam the door; it wasn't the car's fault its owner was a jerk.

Ali rolled down the window and called, "Kip."

"What?!" I turned back toward him.

He grinned. "See you later." He drove off.

I barely stopped the words, 'Take care,' from falling off my lips. No! Bad, bad! Don't fall for that smile! That gorgeous, perfect, straight, pearly white smile.

I did my best to ignore everyone staring at me as I walked into the courtyard. Who knew a car could so easily impress? But they didn't stop staring. In fact, some people backed up as I walked past. I heard someone whisper, "Here he comes!" There they go again. Why does everyone avoid me? Going inside, students were still staring. They're totally avoiding me. Come to think of it, it's been like this for a while now.

Walking into my first class, they all stopped talking and stared at me. Why?! How come?! I don't remember doing anything that would make them avoid me! What should I do? If I have to lead this lonely existence for the next couple years...

Not focusing on what I was doing, I tripped on the stairs, dropping my book bag, spilling most of its contents. This is bad... I might seriously develop an aversion to school.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked.

Looking up to see a guy holding my copy of Methods & Theories of Art History, I felt relieved that someone was talking to me. "Oh, yeah," I mumbled.

"You can sit next to me if you want." He walked off with my book.

"Oh, sure." I hurriedly scooped up my belongings. No way! This is the first time someone's talked to me in ages!

"From the 10th century into the 11th, the same learning text was..." the professor was droning on.

"You're a sophomore? What's your major?"

"Fine art and art history."

He had the look of an artist about him. His shaggy black hair partially obscured his wire-rim glasses. He wore a hunter green button down over a black turtle neck and black slacks. "Seriously? Then, we're in the same line of study."

"Uh, um, I'm Kip Lexington," I introduced myself.

"What? Your name's not Smoak?"

"Huh?" I didn't understand what he was asking.

"I mean, the guy who's always driving you to and from school is the author Alistor Smoak, right?"

Did this have something to do with why people were avoiding me? "Um, if it's just my imagination, feel free to ignore me, but I get the sense that people are always watching me from a distance. Like I'm being avoided."

"Well, you start coming to school in a luxury car, not to mention, your driver is none other than Alistor Smoak. All the girls are saying, 'The great author Alistor Smoak has such a dignified aura, and here this guy uses him as transportation. Just what is his relationship with Alistor Smoak? I want to ask him! But I can't!' So they say."

So, this is all his fault! "Um, I'm just staying at his place because of certain circumstances. I'm a nobody, through and through. Chauffeuring me is sort of like whimsy on his part."

"Oh, I thought as much. You've got the aura of a nobody." He gave a half smile to show he was joking. "You always seemed kind of down, so I figured I'd say hi for once. Riley Baher. Nice to meet you."

When I picked Kip up from school, he didn't seem upset with me anymore. But now I was the one who was getting perturbed. "And Riley is really cool! He said he's been kind of worried about me for a while now. He's a member of a club called the Hot Springs Research Society. So down-to-earth, don't you think? I wanted to join too, but..."

"If you've got time for that, get a part-time job," I quipped for no apparent reason.

"I know." Kip didn't even hear the peevishness in my voice. "He said he'd give me a referral for that, too. A bartender position! If I work late nights, he said the hourly rate starts at $14!"


"Why not?"

"If you're going to work, do it in the morning or afternoon. Otherwise it'll hurt your studies. You'll fall behind before long. Besides, your brother doesn't want you to work."

"You just said for me to get a part-time job!" I didn't answer. "Yeah, sure. Unlike some top-of-the-class graduates of Princeton University, like you and my brother, my brain isn't so well-constructed. But I'm managing like an idiot, as only an idiot can."

"Don't be silly. This is a matter of your attitude. Don't spend too much time around frivolous characters."

"You've never even met him, so don't badmouth him."

"Think about Tavis, who's paying for your tuition." Finally, he shut up about Riley.

When Ali unlocked the apartment door, the phone was ringing. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I told the impatient phone. "Hello?"

"Hey! It's me!"


"How are you doing buddy? You doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm doing good."

"Are you sure? Because if there's anything you need, you just let me know, okay?"

"You worry too much."

"Is Alistor around? I need to talk to him?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll put him on." Ali was standing in the entry sorting the mail. "It's Tavis." I handed him the phone.

"Right." He took the receiver. "Tavis? Hey, it's been a while. How's Seattle?"

What a moron. My brother calls at least once every three days.

"I'm doing the same as always." I kept one ear on their conversation as I headed to the kitchen to start dinner. I started washing some tomatoes and eggplant for the Mediterranean roasted eggplant salad I was making. What's with him, anyway? It fucking pisses me off. He finds faults with my friend, but then he comes home and gladly takes a call from his friend. I guess he's the only one allowed friends. "Did you get through it alright? Then you got your wish. What?"

Ali was in love with my brother. "I didn't know that...I see." Like a fool, he devoted himself to his one-sided love for nine whole years. And my oblivious brother got married without ever noticing it. Though, that may be exactly why they've maintained their friendship. But just because you've lost your love, does that mean you have to rationally accept it and move on? "That's so like you, Tavis." I'd never be able to do that.

I started cutting up the eggplant. But then, why is Ali always putting his hands on me? He never does it to anyone else. Why just me? A substitute? "I'm relieved, Tavis. I hope you'll call again." In place brother. I chopped a hunk off with way too much vigor.

The next day, after class, Riley and I ended up on a bench outside. "Wow, so Alistor was in the same class as your brother? The world sure is small," Riley acknowledged.

"Yeah, I guess."

"But you're commendable. Seriously, you've got my respect."

"For what?"

"I mean, with your brother in the mix, you can't get into any weird fights, right? It's not like he's a total stranger, either, so it's kind of a complicated relationship. Does he ever compare you to your brother?"

It was like Riley knew exactly what I had been thinking. "Well...My parents died in a traffic accident when I was fourteen years old. Ali always kept watch over my brother as he went through all that. I'm nothing compared to my brother. But, you know..."

He looked at me sideways, propping his head on his hand. "You talk about nothing but Alistor."

"What?! I do? I'm sorry!" Mortified wasn't a strong enough word for what I was feeling to be called out like that. "I didn't realize it."

"Actually, it's fine. Talk more. The way you talk is so enthusiastic and earnest. I like it."

That's not what I was expecting to hear. "Right..." We both laughed. I changed the subject anyway.

"Alistor! Not that I really care, but don't use my library as your personal bookshelf."

I came to the school to pick up Kip early to call on my friend who was a professor there, Barclay Bainbridge. I was hoping to get my mind off the prickling jealousy I was feeling toward Kip's new friend. It was a bit over the top. But, to my detriment, as I sat down at the desk chair, I glanced out the window only to see Kip and his new pal Riley in what appeared to be a heavy discussion.

Turning away, attempting to ignore it, I told Barclay, "Your eccentric collection is far superior to that of any local library." I held up a worn copy of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

"I'll loan you these because we've been friends since the fifth grade, but they're rare books, so you'd better take good care of them."

"I will."

My eyes were once again drawn out the window to Kip. It looked like Riley was attempting to incite some sort of horseplay. First rubbing Kip's head, and the grabbing his shoulders and Kip laughed exuberantly.

I kicked the wall with the toe of my loafer.


I was so fuming that I couldn't even apologize to Barclay.

I was leaning against the side of my car waiting when Kip and Riley came around the side of the building. "The Hot Springs Research Society is talking about going to Steep Ravine. If you'd like..."

"Oh." Kip noticed me and came over.

"We're going home," I stated clearly around my cigarette.

Riley sidled up next to Kip. "Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Riley. I've heard a lot about you from Kip."

I looked off to the side. "Nice to meet you," I deigned flatly, taking a drag and then blowing it in his direction.

Kip didn't notice my bad temperament. He only had eyes for Riley. "Hey, I'm gonna go eat with my friend now, so I'm gonna be a little late. Dinner's in the fridge, so just nuke it and..."

"No, we're going home."

He looked as if he found that noisome, but before he could respond, a group of guys in the concourse shouted over to them. "Hey! Riley! Kip! We're going to a mixer. Come with us!"

"Kip, go tell them that we're going on a date, so we can't make it," Riley ordered unctuously.

"A date?!" Kip looked anxious.

"Not together. Like a double date. It's the only way they'll let us beg off." He rubbed to top of Kip's head.

I wanted to punch him. I glowered at him.

"O-okay." Kip ran over to the guys.

I wondered why Kip had to be the errand boy, but then it appeared Riley wanted to talk to me one on one. "When Kip told me that you were his roommate, I took it as a good opportunity to read one of your books," Riley told me sweetly, with a smile spread over his face.

"Why, thank you." I extinguish my cigarette in my Starbucks cup.

Still smiling that annoying smile, he continued, "But I must apologize. I'm stupid, so I didn't really understand it." I could tell that he thought the stupid one was me. I never got how people thought that saying they didn't understand something was a slight on the author. All that it showed was that he was an imbecile.

Kip jogged back over as Riley and I eyed each other. "They said that we'd better make it to the next one."

"Thanks man." Riley finally looked away and over at Kip.

"So, we're gonna get going, Ali."

Going over to him, I grabbed his arm. "We're going home," I told him again. I started to drag him to the car, but he resisted.

"What? No! Like I said, I'm going with Riley to..."

"The first promise we made was that we'd eat our meals together," I asserted. "Hurry up and get in."

"You just have to push the buttons on the microwave!" I ignored him and pulled him again. "You don't make it to some meals because of work! I've got my social obligations, too!"

I didn't want to have to explain myself. I just wanted him to do what I said. "Hurry up and get in! I've got more work waiting for me. I don't want to waste time here!"

"Then why don't you just go home alone?!" He attempted to wrench his arm away from me, but I wouldn't let him.

"You're too young to be going out drinking!" I was reaching for anything.

He got his arm free. "We're going to eat! Not drink! And besides, you told me you've been drinking since you were thirteen."

"Quit throwing pointless arguments at me! Tavis would be so disappointed," I flung at him.

That got his attention. He hung his head. "What the hell? You're bringing up my brother again?" he remarked quietly. Then louder, "Then go home! If you've got the spare time to pick me up, why don't you go talk on the phone with my brother?"

"What?" I was perplexed by his comment.

"You talk on the phone forever with him. So, what? Only you can have friends?"

"You're starting to get way off topic here."

"Shut up!" Kip shouted. "Why are you being such a giant pain in the ass?! I don't understand why you're acting like this!" he blustered.

I didn't know what to say. I knew I was acting like an ass, but I couldn't seem to stop.

"Uh, no, that wasn't... I didn't mean it like that," Kip repented guiltily. "What I want to say is..."

I was just about to feel bad when I looked over and saw Riley smirking. That was it. While Kip was distracted trying to figure out what to say, I opened the car door and hurled him inside. "Wait! What are you..." I slammed the door shut, got in my side, and left Riley standing there as I sped away, lamenting the fact that the parking lot wasn't gravel so that I could spray him with rocks.

When we reached the apartment, the phone was ringing before we opened the door. Kip ran to answer it. "Hello? Oh, Riley. I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I'll head over there now, so..." I took the phone from him and slammed it down. "What did you do that for?!"

The phone rang again. This time I picked it up. "Yes? Tavis."

Kip disconnected the call. "Why did you do that?" I asked him, wondering why he would do that to Tavis even if he was mad at me.

"Shut up!" he yelled petulantly. "I'm spending the night at Riley's place." He started to walk away.

"No you won't." I went after him. I grabbed his arm and turned him around. "Kip!"

"Shut up! Don't touch me!"

I had reached my limit a long time before. I pushed him down on the sofa. I couldn't tell if the look on his features was surprise or fear, so I reached down and cradled his face with one hand. "Who do you think you are talking to in such a manner?" Then I laid claim to his mouth. I dove deep, using my tongue to subdue him, my lips, my teeth, everything I had. At first, he let me, clung to me. I felt him start to respond. But somehow, he remembered that he was mad at me and pushed me away. It broke my heart, but I stepped back, giving him space.

"Quit it!" he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "I'm not a substitute for my brother!"

"Substitute?" Where had that come from?

"I mean, you loved my brother, right? Then, there's no way you could get over him so quickly. I don't want to be compared." One tear, and then two streaked down his cheek.

Oh god! He mustn't feel this way. He has to know... Going to him, I placed a hand on top of his head in a gesture that I wanted to be just mine. "You cried when my heart was broken, remember? I was confident that I could hide how shaken I was. But a brat I'd known for just a month saw right through my heart, and I watched him cry his eyes out over something that wasn't his concern. So, right then...I thought, 'Oh, he's the one.'" Kip looked up at me, but I kneeled in front of him so that he wouldn't need to. "That's why I lose my cool when it comes to you. I don't ever want to see the one I love snatched from me before my eyes again." I wiped away his tears and he pressed his face into my hand.

"Um...could it be that you were jealous of Riley?"

"What if I was?" With my hands in his hair at the back of his head, I lowered my mouth to his, and kissed him gently. I kissed his fore head. I kissed his eyes and his cheeks.

"I feel like my heart's about to burst."

We tumbled back on the couch as I kissed him once more. And then I did something that I had been longing to do for a while. Moving down his body, I pushed his pants down and took him in my mouth. His small cry was delightful. I took tender care with him, using my lips to guide him down my throat. Licking the taste of him until it drove me senseless. Cupping his balls in my hand I rubbed him with my thumb, before giving them a small tug. Drawing him in and out of my mouth was pure ecstasy.

"Ali," he was panting. "This is a bad idea." He was about to come, and he didn't know how to handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if this was his first blow job. I showed him that he could.

He gushed in my mouth and I sucked on his tip like a straw as he groaned sensually. When he was licked clean, I removed his pants and laid them over the back of the sofa, and then began undressing myself. When he saw that I wasn't done with him, he murmured, "Um...Ali? Let's not do this after all. Not today." He was scared. I ran the back of my hand over his face, soothing him. I moved his legs up, rubbing the tip of my erection over his entrance. He closed his eyes and threw his head back. "Ali, there's no way. Any more of this and I'll..." He wasn't used to this much pleasure. He had no idea how much more he could enjoy.

I eased myself into him slowly, watching his face the entire time, wanting so very much for his first time to be perfect. He brought his hand up to cover his face, unsure how to process what he was feeling. Grabbing his hand, I placed it over my heart and let him feel how strongly it beat for him. He finally opened his eyes and gazed into mine. When he was calm again, I promised him, "Kip, it'll be okay." He reached for me and I experienced true joy. As I pressed myself the rest of the way inside of him, I ordered him, "Kip, don't let anyone else touch you." I withdrew and came back. "All you have to do is choose me." His hands went into my hair as he moaned the small noises that only he could make. I forced myself to be gentle with him as I thrust in and out of him. I kissed his neck, and didn't mind as he pulled my hair. Gliding my way to completion took less time than I would have liked, but I didn't want to over tax him his first time, and it was enough that I knew his pleasure echoed mine.

Next: Chapter 4

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