The Perfect Storm, TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jul 27, 2014



March - April, 2012, The Perfect Storm

By Joyce Devries, Yahoo Chat ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

This dairy entry is actually a series of diary entries, in order to completely understand the entire eventual theatre outing and day and evening of it, I combined all of the diary entries into one. It is a long read, but I think definitely worth it, at least I enjoy re-reading it.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, no this was not a TV/TG event. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a trip out to my favorite dinner theatre on a date with a GG Lesbian, Cheryle, I dated a couple of years ago, and we double dated this time with my GG husband Sharon, and her Bi GG lover, Brenda. ===========================================================================

The beginning of this wonderful weekend started with an email from my husband Sharon, telling me that there was a production at Stage West ( that she really wanted to see (which was a romantic comedy called "The Perfect Storm"), and as it turned out so did her GG lover Brenda. Now Sharon knows how much I love going to Stage West, as it is one of the last places that you can actually get dressed up formally for on a Saturday night (without an occasion) and not look out of place, and even better yet, there is a strict dress code, especially for women, only a dress or skirt is permitted, no slacks (kind of like the dress code at my female job at the Bridal salon). Now, usually, we would double date, Sharon with her GG lover Brenda, and me with Brenda's husband, Brad. However, Brad wanted nothing to do with the theatre, so Brenda came up with the idea of asking if her GG Lesbian friend Cheryle would be interested in being my date. It turned out that Cheryle was ecstatic with the idea of going on a date with me again (yes she knows who and what I am, but loves my feminine appearance). So with the stage set (so to speak), here is what transpired.

The emails started flying around, between all 4 of us, and it was firstly trying to find a date that worked with all of us, as I had to make arrangements at my female job, Brenda had to make arrangements around her real estate job, and Cheryle and my husband were rather flexible. The date was set, one month in advance, for Saturday April 14th. I got a couple of emails from Cheryle telling me how she was looking forward to seeing me again, as it had been just over a year since I had seen her, and that was a quick Lesbian fling in the hotel room on New Year's Eve 2010, and almost three years since we had a very romantic all Lesbian weekend together.

As always the first thing that comes to my mind is "what to wear?", and since it was not a New Year's Eve Gala, and I was not restricted to only wearing floor length dresses, I was able to choose from the 60+ formal dresses in the closet. The only thing that was a rule with me when I got out in mainstream public is that I wear something I have never worn out before, and with the number of formal dresses I have, that was not going to be a problem, it is just which one?. Since the occasion of getting out in public in a formal dress is few and far between, as and time to simply dress up and go out without a specific occasion was getting less and less in mainstream society. Even though it was over a month away, I start thumbing through my formal dresses and start pulling out old favorites, some new LBD's I had gotten, long dresses, short flirty dresses and started hanging them up in my bathroom on the curtain rod. I kept thinking of what I wanted to wear and the image I wanted to portray, and decided that as the date got closer, and I found out what the other girls were going to be wearing, would narrow my choices down and make my final decision.

It was about a week later and I got an email from my husband's GG lover, Brenda, and it was addressed to Cheryle, Sharon and I asking if we all wanted to get together for lunch and then have a "girls afternoon out", shopping, as she needed to find a dress for the upcoming theatre trip, and the email thread started, and Cheryle also needed to find a dress for the trip to Stage West. Sharon emailed everyone back saying that she definitely could not get any time off work, so she was out, I on the other hand could get the time off and so could Cheryle, so it was decided that it was just going to be the 3 of us going. So it was decided that on Thursday March 8th, we would go out for lunch and then shop for dresses for both Brenda and Cheryle (I needed another formal dress like a hole in the head, so was not shopping for one). The logistics of the day were that Brenda was going to pick me up and then we would pick Cheryle up at her place as she would come home from work and wait for us, after we picked her up we would go shopping. The discussion started of where to go, and for me there was only one logical place and that was my favorite all time mall, Square One in Mississauga, and I suggested it, and Brenda said she had never been to it, and surprisingly neither had Cheryle, even though she lives only a 10 minute drive from it. I assured the other girls that I knew the mall very well and that even as large as it was, I could direct them to the appropriate places for getting their dresses. So it was set, Brenda would pick me up around 11:30am, then we would drive into Mississauga and pick up Cheryle at her house and head for lunch, aiming at around noon, then go shopping.

So with the logistics set, then some of the details started to get firmed up and for me as always, was what was I going to be wearing. Now I knew Brenda was coming from work and as a professional real estate broker, she definitely would be in a skirt suit, now knowing Brenda, the colour of her blazer would be the thing she would change and it definitely would be a black skirt of some kind, I had two brand new skirt suits that I got for my female job, and was planning on wearing one of them. Cheryle was the wildcard, as I knew she worked as an executive assistant at a lawyers firm, and knew her attire was going to be business, but not sure if she was going to be dressed business formal, or business casual. Also, I thought about the restaurant for lunch, and there was one right in Square One, and thought it would be the perfect choice for many reasons. The restaurant I was going to be suggesting was "Earl's", this is a rather interesting restaurant chain, basically based out of Western Canada, it is an upscale type of restaurant, but the key feature is that all of the customer facing staff, all the way from the bartenders to the wait staff to the greeters are all females, and not just regular females. All of those staff are not employees of the restaurant, but are contractors, and all are contracted from modelling agencies, so the girls are literally models waiting to be discovered, so the only thing they have to abide by for a work uniform is that they have to be in a skirt, and it, and the top has to be black, all the rest is up to them. Definitely geared towards a male clientele, call it an "upscale hooters" but in this case, for us it will have a different clientele looking on. Now I did not tell Brenda or Cheryle what kind of restaurant it was, and was really looking forward to see their reaction. So I sent out an email to Cheryle and Brenda and it said:

====================================================================== Ladies,

Ok, looks like we are set for Thursday, now we know where we are going for lunch and shopping, now I have a question, what is everyone planning on wearing?, I just ask so that we do not end up going out and people saying, "I guess they talked this morning about what to wear", so let me know, and for the record, I am planning on a new work skirt suit, colour is navy, I really look forward to seeing you both again, as it has been a long time.

Kisses, Joyce =======================================================================

Both of the girls got back to me and Brenda said she would be in a red blazer, and Cheryle said that she would be in something other than red or blue, and that she had an executive meeting she had to attend and participate in for the morning, so she would be dressed up business formal for work, which I knew would be a skirt suit. So with that all set, I decided to pull out one of my two new blue skirt suits, both were navy blue, and were almost identical, with a fitted single breasted jacket for the top, and a matching knee length pencil skirt on the bottom, both had 3/4 length sleeves and the only difference was that one was pinstriped and the other was not. I tried them both on and decided to go with the solid rather than the pin striped navy blue. Next was the top I was going to wear under the jacket, and I decided to go with a red silk shell that the model on the Sears web site was wearing when I chose the skirt suit, and decided on that. The colour of the hose, was going to be nude, and the heels were going to be my 3 1/2" navy pumps to match the suit. I decided for accessories that I would wait until the day of the outing to choose those.

Thursday March 8th, 2012 Shopping Day

So the day of the get together with the girls came and I woke up and started laying things out on my bed and let my husband Sharon take the first round in the shower before she headed off to work, and I heard her call out downstairs, "I am leaving, have a great day out with the girls". After she left, I went upstairs and jumped into the shower and got myself nice and clean and then headed downstairs to my bedroom to get ready for the day. Now, the time was 9:30am, so I had lots of time, and put on my blue terri cloth robe and decided to chat on-line for a bit, then at 10:30am, started to get dressed. I started with carefully doing my nails, and making them the same shade, deep red as the lipstick I was going to be wearing and that was one of the ones that Sharon and I have matching. Once my nails were dry, I moved to my bathroom to start putting on my makeup for the day. Makeup was going to be my "usual", business application, same as I would wear to work, and that was a noticeable application of eyeliner, not too dark, but enough to highlight my eyes. Then I moved to my eye lids, light purple on the lower lids and light pink on the upper, and then to finish it off, a healthy application of mascara, it set my eyes off perfectly. I applied just enough blush to give my cheeks a healthy glow and decided to wait till the last minute to put on my lipstick. I then thought about what perfume I was going to be wearing, and had a few choices, and for the daytime look I was going for, I decided on Halston's, and sprayed my body with it, hitting all the right places. I then moved into my bedroom and started getting dressed for the day. I slid off my terri cloth robe and then put on the bra for the day, and I went for my burgundy satin and lace bra, and the matching satin and lace bikini panties, next was the Veronica foundation garment. I then grabbed a pair of white satin gloves put them on then opened a brand new pair of ultra sheer nude stay ups, carefully sliding them up and ensuring not to put a run in them, I loved the way they made my legs feel silky smooth. I slipped on the red satin shell and grabbed for the pencil skirt and absolutely loved the way the satin lining felt as I slid it up my legs and in place, and like my black pencil skirt, fit like a glove, just below the knees and tight, accentuating my hips and butt, and no back kick pleat so the restrictive nature of the skirt, makes it a challenge for walking in heels, so no big steps, only feminine small ones.

Once I tucked in the red silk shell, and did up the skirt, I reached for the matching blazer, and put it on. Next was the 3 1/2" navy blue pumps and carefully put them on, I literally had to sit down and hike up the skirt, as it was so tight around my knees. I went and looked in the full length mirror at the look so far, and really liked the look, it was the first time I had seen all of the pieces together at once, and it looked chic and professional and a bit sexy all at the same time. I walked around the basement a bit to get used to the skirt, and absolutely loved the restrictive nature of the skirt, definitely made you ensure you were walking like a GG, small steps and hips swaying, and forget about bending over to pick something up, even properly bending down in this skirt was tough, as you had to hike the skirt first, over the knees. I then went back to my room and stood in front of the full length mirror and started thinking about accessories. I decided on a pair of new long silver dangly earrings, and went with a 20" strand of pearls for the necklace. I sat down at my desk and pulled out a silver anklet and had fun trying to get it on my right foot, as I had to hike the skirt way up to bend down to put it on. I put on my casual watch on my left wrist and a silver and gold bracelet on my right wrist. I finished off with my rings, which were my Wedding rings, silver Lesbian pinky ring, and to complete the whole "blue" look a blue sapphire ring on my right ring finger. I checked the clock and Brenda was about 20 minutes away from picking me up. I was just in the middle of checking my purse, when she called my cell and told me that she was on time, and would be at the house to pick me up shortly. I finished up checking my purse and pulled out my lipstick, one of Sharon and I's matching and out on a healthy coat and packed it in my purse and took one last look at myself and headed upstairs to meet Brenda.

As I got into the kitchen, I checked the temperature, and thanks to a bizarre winter and literally no snow, the temperature was in the mid 50's, so there was no need for even a spring coat, the skirt suit jacket I was wearing would be fine. I was about to take a trip to the bathroom to take care of business and Brenda pulled in the driveway. I took out my keys and headed out the front door and locked it and headed towards Brenda's car, I opened the door and Brenda immediately told me that she loved the outfit I was wearing, and I carefully slid into the passenger seat and put my purse at my feet. Brenda was smiling at me and leaned over and gave me a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and brushed her hands against my breasts and gave me another kiss, she smiled and told me, "you smell so nice, and look so sexy, Cheryle will not be able to keep her hands off of you today". I blushed a little and thanked her and she pulled out of the driveway, heading to Cheryle's place. As we drove, we chatted about a number of things, first was of course the New Years Eve Gala, and she asked how I enjoyed Brad, and I told her very much, and she told me she enjoyed my husband Sharon very much as well. I then checked out what Brenda was wearing, and the first thing I noticed was the large amount of weight she lost, she looked around my weight, and was about 30 lbs lighter, she was wearing a red blazer, a black slip dress, falling well above her knees, ultra sheer black hose, her nails were done to match her lipstick, which was dark red and I could see that she had on 3" black strappy patent heels. As we drove she would occasionally stroke my hand and talked about the upcoming trip to Stage west and how she was looking forward to it. We also talked about what she was looking for as far as a dress and she told me, "something to show off my new figure, something sexy, yet classy". We continued to chat about the mall and life in general and eventually got to Cheryle's apartment building, and Cheryle was waiting for us outside, as I had texted her as we came up her street.

As we approached I got to see what Cheryle was wearing, and there was going to be no doubt that we would turn a few heads as we walked into Square One, so that would make three of us looking like that television series, "working girls" as we walked along, looking like we just came from the office, all in skirt suits. As we pulled up, I got a closer look at Cheryle, she too had lost weight, and was wearing something very similar to what I had in my wardrobe, and was glad I asked what everyone was wearing. She had on a fuchsia single breasted blazer, however hers had white polka dots on it, and a well above the knee length black skirt, just peaking out from under her blazer, under her blazer was a black lace camisole peaking out. She was wearing nude hose and surprisingly, instead of her usual 2" black velvet clunky heels, a pair of 3" black kid pumps. As we pulled up she was smiling and slid into the back seat, and I could smell her lovely perfume. Pleasantries were said all around, and Brenda then started to drive to Square One. I looked in the makeup mirror on the visor to get a look at Cheryle and could see that she looked as pretty as ever, her long curly blond hair framing her face and her makeup was perfectly done, and she was wearing long gold dangly earrings. She caught me looking at her in the mirror and smiled and blew me a kiss, I blushed a little and could not wait until we stopped to give her a nice hug and a kiss.

As we drove along, we all chatted about the day and how it was wonderful that we could get together, and then started talking about Stage west and how we were all looking forward to it and the day ahead and what we were going to be shopping for after lunch, Brenda then told Cheryle what she told me and what she was looking for and Cheryle told both of us she was looking for something the same "classy and sexy and appropriate". Then one of the comments from Brenda and Cheryle for that matter came, that would define what would happen in weeks to come and Brenda asked, "so what about you Joyce?, are you not shopping for a dress for the Stage West evening today?". I smiled and told them both, "oh I have more than enough choices, I already have about 10 picked out, but will be determined what you girls wear, and it will be fun to help you pick yours". Cheryle piped up and said, "trust me Brenda, I have seen her closets, it is like a formal dress shop on steroids". We all laughed, but deep down I closed my eyes and started thinking about the dresses I had in mind and could not wait to pick one of them. What I had in mind was one of my many LBD's, but which one?, some were very sexy and flirty, while others were more conservative, yet pretty and sexy all at the same time, other dresses were ones I have been dying to wear out on a formal night for years, some longer, some short and a couple of "second round" Bridesmaid dresses. I guess I was so used to my husband Sharon driving us to Square One, I did not even think about it and realized that neither Brenda or Cheryle had been to the mall, we ended up on the very East side of the large mall, and for a second I was totally lost when Brenda asked where we should park. We were just about to pull into the far East entrance of the mall, and I realized that if we parked there, I would be totally lost as to where to go, and told Brenda to keep driving and hit the next major road South then turn right. As we drove along, both of the girls commented on how large the mall was and how they had never realized that it was even there. We eventually got to an area I was familiar with and told Brenda to make another right and then pull into the first lot. It was weird, like the last time Sharon and I came to the mall on a GDO, there was tons of parking, when normally it is packed and I told Brenda to park close to the entrance of the Bay.

Once she parked, all of us grabbed our purses and got out of the car, just as I shut my door, Cheryle was right there and came and gave me a big hug, and not just a light kiss, but a big lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. After we broke the kiss, she whispered in my ear how "yummy" I looked and how sweet my perfume smelt. Brenda broke it up with, "alright ladies, you can get a room later, let's get going". We started walking towards the entrance of the Bay, a walk I have done probably 100 times with my husband Sharon, and knew exactly where I was going however, Cheryle and Brenda did not so I took the lead and both girls behind me said, "glad she knows where we are going", and I was thrilled to hear our three sets of heels clicking in unison. We entered the Bay and I told the girls that we would be using this place as the place of last resort if they did not find their dresses. As we entered, Cheryle came up and walked beside me and I looked up and down her complete look and had to comment on her heels and how she went from 2" clunky suede shoes to 3" black stiletto's, and she smiled and patted my hand and said, "all thanks to your inspiration dear", to which I smiled. She also made mention that my heels matched my outfit and thought it was a nice touch and told me how chic and professional my look was, and asked where I got the skirt suit and I told her, and she said she was going to have to check it out sometime, and I told her it was Sears and we would be stopping there, she smiled back and said "perfect". We entered the mall and I asked the other girls if they still wanted lunch first, and Brenda spoke up and said, "sure, let's beat the lunch rush and we have all afternoon for shopping". I then knew exactly where to go and that was elevator right outside of the Bay and from that elevator, Earls was right around the corner on the lower level, so we headed for the elevator.

When we got on, it was just the three of us and we did not have to wait for it, once at the bottom level, I took the lead and we headed towards Earl's, I loved hearing the three of us walking along and our heels clicking in unison, and caught a few people around us, sneaking glances, both male and female as the three of us walked along, I was loving every minute of it. I was very surprised to find that there was no lineup to get into the restaurant, usually there is, but again, it was a Thursday, I took the lead and was greeted by a hostess that was stunning to say the least. She had long blonde hair probably 25, very fit and shapely, 5'5", and was wearing a tight black spandex miniskirt, a low cut black top, very figure fitting lace over satin blouse, obviously a push up bra, to show off her more than ample breasts, and to top it off, perfect makeup and 4" black patent stiletto heels with ultra sheer nearly black hose. She smiled at me and asked, "just the three of you for lunch ladies?", and I told her yes and she asked us to follow her to a table, and when we were seated she told us our waitress would be by in a minute and left with saying, "have a nice lunch ladies", as she gave us all menu's. Deep down inside I was laughing as I could see Cheryle, and Brenda, looking her up and down as she left the table and salivating.

Then our waitress came, and she was a brunette, the same height as Cheryle and I in about 3" black kid heels, almost matching Cheryl's heels, her hair was straight and below shoulder length, her makeup was perfect she was about 5'4" and I guessed 25 years old and she was a 100% knockout. She was in a "scrunched" black spandex mini skirt, nude hose, and a low cut black scoop neck black blouse, showing off her breasts. I noticed her nails were perfectly done. As she came to the table she said, "good day ladies, my name is Cassidy, and I will be serving you today, any drinks to start with?". I ordered a cooler right away, but the funniest part was watching Brenda, and especially Cheryle, fumbled around with words as they were staring at our waitress, and eventually, each blurted out, "whatever she is having", pointing at me. She smiled, with her perfectly painted lips and said, "thank you ladies, I will be back in a bit to take your orders". We all watched her saunter off and I was laughing huge on the inside, but smiling on the outside, and caught Cheryle and Brenda staring around, and I was glancing around too, and of course all of the customer facing staff were "dressed to impress" to say the least. Brenda was about to say something when our waitress came with our drinks, and asked if we were ready to order, when in fact the other girls had not even opened their menus. I told her that we would need a few more minutes, and she made the comment, "I take it a special occasion at the office today ladies?", again, Brenda and Cheryle were tongue tied, and I spoke up and said, "yes executive board meeting, so we are ducking out to escape for while", she smiled, and said, "well you all look very nice, I will be back in a bit to take your order".

Cheryle leaned over to me and whispered, "I will take an order of her to go". I smiled back and quietly said, "I take it you like the atmosphere?". Brenda and Cheryle then said, "what is this place?", I laughed out loud and took a sip of my drink and innocently said, "I have no clue what you are talking about, it is only a restaurant". Brenda then said, "bullshit, look at the waitresses, they look like they are ready to hit the clubs on a Friday night, and none of them are slouches, how can they get away with hiring girls that literally are model material, and there are no males waiting tables?". I laughed and told them they had been set up by me, and that I thought they would like the scenery, and said, "after all, they are dressed to impress the men, but little do they know what other clientele they are impressing, right ladies?". Brenda and Cheryle, almost in unison, said, "you got that right". I told them that they should at least open their menu's to decide on what to have before our waitress came back. They asked me what was good and I made a few suggestions, I actually had made up my mind before I got to the restaurant. Eventually our waitress Cassidy came back and said, "ready to order ladies?", I went first and ordered a Caesar salad, and an order of dried peppercorn ribletts, and another cooler, Brenda order a pasta dish and garlic bread, and Cheryle went with the soup and salad special, also both ordered another drink as well. Cassidy took our menus telling us the food would not be that long, and walked away from the table, leaving us all staring at her very curvaceous butt in the tight skirt. I finally broke down and explained that the wait staff was not employees, but rather contractors, all from modeling agencies, then I got a "well that explains it", from both of them. Then the fun started, with all of critiquing and pointing out of favorite serving ladies, it was quite comical, if there was only a table of men within earshot, would have made it even more fun, but we had nobody sitting that close to us. We all had our favorites, but it was Cheryle who said, "Joyce I would love to see you in a tight black spandex short skirt like Cassidy is wearing", I laughed and told her I had ones identical in blue and red but not black, and she said, "perhaps today we should change that?". I smiled and told her that the mall certainly had a number of shops that definitely cater to that style of clothing for younger girls.

After the girls had settled down, I knew that I had to take the lead and started the conversation of what the rest of the day was going to be like and what each of the girls was looking for as far as a dress for Stage West. In between watching each of them scanning the restaurant and scooping out the lovely creatures walking around us, I managed to find out what they were hoping to find to wear for our double date to Stage West. For starters, Cheryle told us that she pretty much just had work clothes, and the only dress she once had in her wardrobe was the Bridesmaid dress that she gave me a couple of years ago, and that she had no need for an occasion dress until now. Brenda on the other hand said that she had quite a few dresses to choose from, but either did not like them, or due to the weight she lost, did not fit right and thought it was time for another dress and style anyway. About that time, our waitress came and put down our food and said, "enjoy your lunch ladies", and left us with a little smile, and I knew Cheryle was looking right at her when she said that, and I smiled at her and started eating my food. So then Brenda asked, "so Ms. Devries, our tour guide, where are we going from here?". I told them that now I knew what they were thinking of, we would do my "usual" route around the mall, and that was a walk from the Bay, down the mall, turning towards Sears, and on the way, there was lots of shops that cater to female only fashions, and younger female fashions as well. Next stop after Sears was either going to be "Laura's" or "Bramear" both upscale female fashions, I could not remember which one was first along the way, then there was a couple of other ones, I could not remember the names of and then finally, if we found nothing, then the Bay as we left.

We were just finishing up lunch when our lovely looking waitress came by and asked is we were all done, and Brenda spoke up and asked for the bill, and Cassidy asked, "separate bills ladies?", Brenda was quick to respond, "just one bill please, and ladies, I will be using my company credit card today", she smiled and placed it down. Cassidy smiled, and I caught her looking directly at Cheryle, and said, "thank you ladies, I will be right back". After she left, I turned to Cheryle and said, "I think she likes you?", Cheryle said back, "God I hope so, I would take her into my bed in a heartbeat, she already has my panties moist". We all laughed and when she came back with the receipt, she wrote on it, "it was nice serving you today ladies, Cassidy", and had a smiley face on it, and Cheryle was quick to grab it and stuffed it into her purse. With the bill settled up, I told the girls, I needed to use the washroom, and they both agreed that they did as well, so we all got up and grabbed our purses and headed towards the washrooms. Since I knew where I was going, I took the lead and we ended up at the entrance to the ladies washroom, I entered first, and there was no one in it, so I was a bit sad, but I loved the look of it all over again despite the fact we were alone, as I remembered it once before when I went in, very classy and upscale, not a ladies room, but close, just missing the couches. There was 4 stalls and I took one of the two middle ones and Brenda and Cheryle took one on either side of me. I entered my stall and hung up my purse on the door and carefully hiked my skirt and slowly pulled down my foundation garment and panties and sat down and did my business. It was comical actually, as on either side of me, was Cheryle and Brenda and I could see their heels, pointing forward like mine, and I could hear them peeing just like I was. As I thought both Brenda and Cheryle were finished before I was, and I heard them clean up and leave their stalls. I was not far behind them as I cleaned up and adjusted my skirt and grabbed my purse, and left the stall, both Cheryle and Brenda were at the sink touching up their lipsticks, and I joined them and opened up my purse and pulled out my lipstick and touched up as well.

The three of us packed our purses and put away our lipsticks and then all smiled at each other in the mirror and headed out back into the restaurant. As we left the hostess said to the three of us, "have a nice day ladies", and I was loving it. Then Brenda said, "ok Joyce, show us the way", and I told them I would. Now, I started thinking that the only way I could really do this right was to go back upstairs to where Sharon and I usually separate out of the Bay for our annual Christmas shopping trip and then leading the girls to my usual route, thus I would know where the stops were. We headed to the elevator, and like the time that we went down, we were alone as we entered. After we got off the elevator on the upper level, I told the girls our first big stop was going to be Sears, however there were all sorts of other stores that cater to females, but and mainly career and casual clothing ones. As we walked along, our heels clicking in unison, I was in the middle of the other two girls, and as we walked along was pointing out the stores I talked about at lunch and one in particular we past was a store called "Garage". Now "Garage" is a store geared towards teenage girls, and in the store window was a mannequin that was wearing a tight black spandex miniskirt, almost the same length and style as the waitress that served us at Earls. Cheryle was quick to say, "Joyce let's go in and see if we can get you into one of those", I laughed and told her I doubt they would have my size, as their sizes pretty much stop at a junior dress size of 3 or 4 maximum, normal adult female sizes would be a 0 or a 1, which I am more of an 11/12. So with that comment from Cheryle, I knew deep down, at some point during the day I was going to be trying on a black spandex miniskirt someplace at Square One. We continued on and passed a number of my favorite stores like "Le Chateau", "Dynamite", "Suzi Sheir", and I kept on pointing them out to the other girls. However, the goal was to find the girls their dresses for Stage West and we definitely would not find them in those places. I loved the restrictive nature of my skirt as I walked, and with the three of us in skirt suits, we were getting looks, from both men and women, and I was loving it, again, especially our heels clicking in unison.

Our first stop was Sears and I knew exactly where I was going, and led the girls through the first of many manufacturers of female clothing, and before I knew it, ran into the designer "Jesscia", which was the designer of the skirt suit which I was wearing, and there it was in the career section. I was happy to see it and pointed it out to Cheryle and we all walked over to the rack and Cheryle was quickly checking to see if there was one in her size and there was and she was about to try it on, and decided not to, saying she would come back later and possibly have a look. We eventually got to the area that features all designers and just formal and semi-formal fashions. As we entered the area, all three of us split up and started looking around. I started to find that most of the dresses were the strapless kind and started looking for a strapless LBD for either of the girls. I found all kinds and even though strapless is not a style that I can really wear, I even started looking for myself. So every once in a while we would gather together and discuss what we saw, and what they thought. Cheryle found one, a black LBD, it was short and cute, and the skirt was kind of the "runched" style, and she decided that she wanted to try it on, Brenda on the other hand found a dark green spaghetti strapped dress, straight A line style, and said that she wanted to try it on.

Both the girls headed off to the change rooms, and I kept looking around and found a few darling dresses that would have probably looked good on me, but decided that I did not need another formal dress in my already packed closets. I kept looking around for a bit and then headed over to the change room area, and a "50 something" woman came and asked if I needed any help and I told her I was fine and was waiting for my friends to come out of the change rooms. She smiled at me and I took a seat and waited for the girls. The first one out was Cheryle, and she looked great in her LBD, it was a "scrunched" style, form fitting and strapless, and she had removed her bra and there was obviously a built in push up bra cups in the dress which displayed her breasts nicely. She did not wear her heels and came out in stocking feet, and started walking up and down the mirrored change room area, and smiling and looking at me back through the mirrors. Cheryle definitely looked hot in the dress and I was imagining her in heels to set the look off, and then Brenda came out. Brenda came out not in heels either with stocking feet, and she was still wearing her bra and the dress was definitely not flattering on her, it was pretty, but with her chest and body style, really did not look right. I sat and watched each of the girls looking each other over and about that time the "50 something" woman came to check on them. She asked if everything was alright and both Brenda and Cheryle told her that they were fine, and then she commented on both of the dresses they tried on and said they were "lovely", and walked away. Both of the girls came to me and asked my opinion and I told them, it was basically that Cheryle looked hot and Brenda did not, and besides, Brenda wanted a LBD anyway. I told them and they both went back into the change rooms and came out almost at the same time and told the "50 something" woman came back and they both told her that we would be back if they did not find anything else.

We then started to head out of Sears and I told the girls that the next place we were going to hit was the place I found one of my formal dresses for a Christmas party two years previous, and was one of my favorites and that was "Laura's" (petites). I loved it as we walked along, checking out the other women around us, and was pleasantly surprised that in Sears, almost all of the sales staff was in skirts like us, as well, as we went into the mall, there was more than an average number of other females in skirts and dress shoes. As we walked along to "Laura's" I started to remember the couple of years ago on Sharon and I's Christmas shopping trip, and how wonderful the sales support was and was hoping it would be the same when we went in. As we entered, I took the lead and I have no clue how sales women that see people only once every couple of years remember, this "50 something" sales woman in slacks and a white blouse came up to me and said, "hello dear, nice to see you again, here for another dress?, the last one you got must have been a hit at your Christmas party". I smiled and thanked her and looked over at Brenda and Cheryle, and they were both smiling with the "if she only knew look", and I went on to tell her that I got many compliments about how feminine and lovely the dress was and looked, just like she told me it would. I told her that I was not shopping for a new dress, but (pointing at Brenda and Cheryle) they are. I took a step back and let Brenda and Cheryle talk with her and as she looked them over, asked them what they were looking for and they got into a discussion with her. It was fun to watch as the woman pretty much went into the same routine as she did with me two years earlier asking the girls about their dresses and the occasion. Once they both told her pretty much exactly what they told me, the woman led the girls to an area of the shop that had basically, LBD's styles in one form or another, some were basic black and some were other colours, but all definitely cocktail style dresses. Like two years previously, the same sales woman started making suggestions to the girls, like she did with me. She pulled out 3 dresses for each girl, all 6 were black, and asked their size, and much to my surprised they told her that they were 13/14 in formal fashions, the same as me.

So the sales woman showed them both to their respective rooms, and hung up the dresses and told them that she would be back a little later to see how they were making out. I took a seat on a comfortable couch on the end of the rows of mirrors and a very big one at the end of the hall. Now I knew that in the change rooms, all 4 walls had big mirrors, and one was a three way mirror, so you could see what you looked like from all angles. Cheryle was the first to come out and her dress was off the shoulder on one side, figure hugging and definitely showed off her assets, it fell just above her knees, she did not put her heels back on, and started to look around and I stood up and came and checked her out more closely. The dress was plain with some sparkles near the breast area. Brenda then came out and she was in a figure hugging off the shoulder black dress, again, plain black, but she looked like a "stuffed sausage", she also was in stocking feet. I was just about to give them my opinion when the saleswoman came back and she started complimenting the girls, and asked what they thought and they told her that they wanted to try on the other dresses first. As the saleswoman turned and left the area, Brenda said to Cheryle, "can you believe these prices?, mine is $450", and Cheryle said that hers was as well. I encouraged them to try at least one more and the both agreed and went into the change rooms and I went and sat back down and closed my eyes and thought about the time I was the one going into the change room and what it was like and just smiled. Cheryle again was the first one to come out of the change room and my jaw dropped when I saw what she was wearing, it was a LBD, with sequins on the front and black satin in the back, and I had the identical LBD in my closet!. Cheryle looked great in it and the cute boat neck allowed a bit of cleavage and it hugged her body perfectly, falling just above her knees, again she came out in stocking feet. I stood up and walked up to her and told her I had the identical dress in my closet, and then I saw the tag with the price and it was $475, and I got mine at Reitman's for $55, and Cheryle loved the look of the dress. About that time Brenda came out in not a LBD, but a black dress, just below the knee, she too was in stocking feet, her dress was nice, more of a matronly style with a slip dress with a black lace cover over the top, it fit her figure well, but we all agreed it was not what she was looking for, as well the price tag was $400. The "50 something" woman came back to check on the girls. She looked them over and of course complimented them on how "lovely" the dresses looked and asked if they had made a decision, and both of them said they were still not decided, and thanked her and told her that we would still be looking and would be back later if they made a decision.

I sat back down and waited for the girls to change and they did and came out and we got together and left the change area and ran into the sales woman and thanked her and were off into the mall. As we walked along, heels clicking in unison, Brenda started the most interesting conversation of the day. She asked what my dress size was, and I told her the same as her and Cheryle, and she looked over at me and smiled, then said, "I have an idea, and it involves visiting another formal dress collection, and it is not in this mall". I knew exactly where she was going and looked at her and smiled and said, "so you would be comfortable wearing another woman's clothes for a special occasion?". Brenda smiled and said, "for one occasion, I am not willing to spend $450 on a dress and as long as you are fine with it, so am I". Cheryle smiled and loved the idea as well, and then we started talking as we walked we talked about getting together and trying on things to wear from my closets at some other date. At that point, we were not looking in any more dress shops, and we started heading back to the Bay, and Cheryle suggested we start looking around for a black lycra miniskirt for me. I really did not want to shop for one, but Cheryle was insistent that we do.

I knew the stores to look out for, but was not sure where they were in relation to where we were in the mall, after we left Laura's, so the plan in my mind was simply to keep walking until we ran into them. The first shop we ran into was "Le Chateau", this store caters to women aged 18 to 35, pretty much all casual clothing, with the occasional formal dress here and there, but usually only near Prom season. as we walked in we were greeted by a cute "20 something" girl in a knee length black skirt, mauve silk blouse, sheer black hose and low black pumps. She walked up to us and I know she was looking us all over and said, with a big smile "good afternoon ladies, anything I can help you with?". Cheryle immediately piped up and said, "yes we are looking for a black spandex miniskirt". I noted that she said "we" and not her or me, and the sales girl smiled and told her they might have what we were looking for and took us to a rack of skirts, and lone behold there it was, I swear it literally looked like a belt, a black belt, about at most 14 inches long. The sales girl looked at Cheryle and said, "I see you are a medium", she pulled one out and handed it to Cheryle who handed it to me smiling, and the sales girl looked at me and said, "oh it is you trying it on, please follow me". she lead me to the change rooms and opened the door to one and I went in, unlike the dress shop we were in the rooms were smaller and not really in a separate area, and did not have mirrors inside, so if I wanted to see how it looked I would have to go out to the main room where there were mirrors and the general public to see me in it.

I smiled and thanked the sales girl and then closed the door and decided to simply reach back and undo the zipper of my skirt and let it fall to the ground. I slipped out of my heels and took the skirt off the hanger and slipped it on, and I could hear my husband's words ring in my head as I slipped it on, as I tried one on like this years ago on a GNO shopping, "nice belt, oh sorry, I mean skirt". I slid it on and it literally fit like a belt, tight, slightly restrictive and stretchy, and literally just barely covered my foundation garment and panties. I knew that the girls would want to see what it looked like on, and as I looked down, I realized the jacket I was wearing, you could not see the skirt, as it covered it was that short, it was like I was wearing nothing under my jacket from the waist down. So, I took off the jacket and was standing there in the red silk blouse and the skirt, and smiled thinking what it would look like on me with my new 5 1/4" black patent heels, as I stood in front of the mirrors outside of the change room. I did not bother to put my heels back on and headed out of the door of the change room to meet the girls smiling at me. I walked out in my stocking feet and spun around then got a look at myself and was stunned at what I saw. The skirt hugged my hips and formed a tight bond around them, and fit literally just above my panties, it was sexy and figure flattering all at once, it definitely looked exactly like the skirt the waitresses at Earls were wearing, and quite frankly was definitely nothing more than a belt as my husband described on one of the skirts I had tried on before. The only thing that I was glad about was that there was just other females in the area, as the tops of my stay ups were boldly showing, and they were obvious. The sales girl came over and quietly said, "my how cute, it looks great, but of course if you get it, will need to consider other types of hosiery". I laughed nervously, and agreed, as I was modeling the skirt, I noticed Cheryle had wandered off, and it was just Brenda and the sales girl looking me over, and I was about to go and change Cheryle came back with a black top in her hands and said, "Joyce, try this on with the skirt", and handed it to me. She was smiling as she handed it to me and I took it and went back into the change room and carefully slipped out of my red silk shell, and then put on the black top, which was all lace with long sleeves and had an inner shell. It was tight and form fitting, and the front featured a low plunging neckline. I tucked in the blouse under the skirt and then headed out of the change room, to a waiting crowd of Cheryle, Brenda and the sales girl, who all were smiling and the sales girl told me how good the top looked with the skirt, and told me the skirt really showed off my legs and told me how good they looked. When I turned around and saw myself in the mirror, I could not believe what I looked like. What I saw reminded me of what Sharon and I used to wear back when we first met and went clubbing as two single girls, definitely dressed to impress and get noticed, but that was back in the early 90's, and I was allot younger. As I stared at myself in the mirror the neckline was nice and plunging, and how the overall look would be with my new 5 1/4" black patent heels, and ultra sheer nearly black hose I mentioned to the girls that a nice wide belt would be perfect to complete the look and they all agreed. I paraded around for a bit, then told the salesgirl I had seen enough and went back into the change room and slid out of the skirt and top and got back into my skirt and silk top and jacket. I left the clothes in the change room and headed out of the change room and the sales girl asked me if I was going to take the skirt and the blouse and I told her that I was going to be doing more shopping and possibly would be back to get it later.

The three of us left the store and Cheryle was laughing and told me how cute and sexy I looked and that she would love to take me out on a date wearing that, and I told her that possibly 20 years ago would be right, and she smiled and laughed and said, "nonsense, you look perfectly fine and sexy". We all had a good laugh, and decided that we were done for the day and started to head back towards the Bay to leave. Again as we walked along, our heels clicking in unison, I was loving it and yes, we were getting looks from other women and men, after all, except for about a handful of other females we saw all day in a skirt, the sight of three women dressed in business formal attire and in high heels together, would have turned any head in curiosity, as we walked I closed my eyes and loved the feeling of the restrictive nature of my skirt. As we walked along Brenda spoke up and said, "so when are we going shopping at the 'house of Joyce'?". I suggested the upcoming Saturday, but would have to confirm with my husband Sharon if that was alright, as I am sure that she would want to get in on the fun. We got through the Bay and back to Brenda's car, and was about to open the passenger door to get in and Cheryle grabbed my hand and lead me to the back of the car and opened my door and asked me to get in. I slid in and saw Brenda's face in the mirror and she was smiling. As Cheryle slid in her skirt rode way up, mine did not as it was a pencil skirt, after buckling in, Cheryle, leaned over to me and grabbed my head and moaned "alone at last", and pulled me in for a slow long and sensuous lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. I was lost in smelling her perfume and tasting her lipstick, I don't even remember Brenda pulling out of the parking lot. Cheryle was caressing my breasts as we kissed and I moved my hand to her thigh and started caressing her well exposed silky nylon covered thighs. Brenda started laughing at one point and said, "Ok ladies get a room!", we broke our kiss and apologized with a slight laugh, and Brenda said, "in a month you will have an entire two days for fun in private". The rest of the way back to Cheryle's apartment we held hands and smiled at one another. When we got to Cheryle's apartment, we both got out of the car, and Cheryle came around to my side of car and met me. She did not care that we were in public view in front of her apartment, as most of her building knows that she is a Lesbian, and embraced me and gave me another long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. She broke our embrace and told me that she could not wait for our upcoming time together, and gave me one last quick kiss and I slid into the front seat of Brenda's car, and all Brenda could so was smile. As we drove home, all Brenda did was pat my hand and say, "I think Cheryle is looking forward to the theatre date.". We got back to the house and Brenda pulled in the driveway and leaned over and gave me a friendly light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, and said, "hope to see you in a few days". I left the car and headed into the house and got out of my jacket, blouse and skirt and put on my blue terri cloth robe and left on my heels and sat down and answered a few emails and chatted for a bit on line. I eventually cleaned up and then was done for the day and started writing in my diary about the day.

Sunday March 11th, 2012 Trying On Dresses

On the Thursday when Brenda dropped me off I sent an email off to my husband Sharon and she was thrilled with the idea, but told me that there was something happening on the Saturday for the family, so we decided on the Sunday. Sharon suggested that we make it an afternoon affair and she would get snacks and wine in for the occasion and make sure the house was clear. I emailed Brenda and Cheryle and they both said that they could make it, and I let Sharon know, so the date was set and the time was going to be getting together was at 1pm. What I did in the meantime was go through my closets and start pulling out all of my LBD's and was shocked to find out that I had 16 of them, some definitely would not be appropriate as they were more for clubbing and getting noticed than appropriate for Stage West, but others were more than appropriate. I then started looking through them, except this time picking out the one I was going to be wearing, and it was going to be one of my newer LBD's. With a sheer peek-a-boo bodice and shoulders and short flutter sleeves, and the dress was A line, fitted and had a runched style skirt about three inches above my knees, very figure flattering. It was almost like what Cheryle tried on at the dress shop, but did not have the peek-a-boo bodice. I took this dress and put it out of the selection the girls would have on the coming Sunday.

On the Saturday, the day before the girls were to come over, I decided to have some fun, and put my dress for Stage West on and then do a "dry run" of what I would like to wear with it for the outing. I pulled out my new white push up padded strapless bra and slipped it on and a pair of my not so sexy panties and foundation garment. I then held the dress up to my body and stood in front of my full length mirror and thought about a few things, jewelry, makeup, heels and hose colour. Since it was going to be a special occasion out, I decided to make the LBD look a little more special, and decided on ultra sheer nearly black nude hose colour, I was debating on whether it was going to be Stay ups, or was the dress too short (as I had it altered for my height, a few inches above my knees) or would I have to go with sheer toe to waist pantyhose?. I grabbed a pair of white satin gloves and put them on and decided to try the more practical stay ups, and found a used pair in my lingerie drawer and slipped them on. I then took off the gloves and slipped on the dress and walked in front of the full length mirror and had a look and definitely thought the ultra sheer nearly black hose were the right decision, as it gave me the look I was going for, the extra bonus was the stay up tops were not showing. Next I thought about the shoes; they were definitely going to be black patent, but were they going to be my usual 4 1/2" ones, or my new 5 1/4" ones?. I tried on both, and since I was going "all out" with the hosiery, decided that since we were only basically doing minimal walking, I would go with the 5 1/4" black patent heels. As I stared in the mirror, I had an idea about my bra, as I had seen in the media, a bra strap showing through sheer material was a fashion trend, and apparently men find it sexy, so I stripped off the dress and the new padded strapless bra and slipped on one of my lacy black conventional bras, then back into the dress. I stood in front of the mirror, and had to agree, even though the dress on its own was sexy, the bra showing through the sheer material, certainly made it even more sexy. I slipped on the 5 1/4" black patent heels and looked at myself in the mirror, and knew the whole outfit was perfect. I thought about my jewelry, and new that since recently I was going for the silver look, that it would be silver, but was not sure of exactly I was going to be wearing, so I started to go through my collection. I grabbed a formal silver formal watch for starters and put it on my left wrist, next was my silver charm bracelet on my right wrist. I grabbed one of my 3 silver anklets and put on my right leg, the one with two hearts, My earrings were going to be large silver hoop ones. Then then the decision of what to wear for a necklace, I stared at myself and thought about my entire look, and the look definitely points anyone male or female to look towards the breast area, due to the sheer bodice material. So, the necklace was going to be one that was perfect for the occasion, and was a new one to my collection and was a silver chain with a dual female symbol at the end, which screamed Lesbian, and since I was going to be a Lesbian date for Stage West, it was perfect. I put it on and it definitely drew your attention to it as soon as you looked at me, there was going to be no doubt that evening what my sexual orientation was, nor the girl I was going to be paired with. So except for my makeup and perfume, my outfit for the evening was set, and I even walked around and tried sitting down to ensure my stocking tops were not showing and they were not. I stayed dressed getting more used to the 5 ¼" heels, and started organizing things for the weekend. The way I set it up is that all the dresses for the girls were going to be in the main downstairs closet. Afterwards I got out of the all of the clothes and started packing them way to get ready for the Stage West weekend.

I emailed all of the girls and told them that my dress was chosen and that things were set up for the date to try on the dresses. Cheryle and Brenda both responded and told me that they were really looking forward to it, and I told them that they should wear under things that they might wear on the day of the theatre event to make sure the dresses fit right, to which they responded that they would. Sharon emailed me and told me that she was all set for the wine and the snacks, and she wanted to be part of the fun, and wear one of my dresses to the theatre event, which I said would not be a problem.

Sunday morning came and the time was set for 1pm, and at 11am, I went into the shower and got squeaky clean, as I wanted to get into my complete outfit for the theatre event, I put on my blue terri cloth robe and headed to my room. I was not sure what I was going to do with makeup, and decided to wait until I got dressed and see how far I was going to go with it. I told Sharon that I would be up around 12:30pm to help her with things to get ready, and she told me not to worry, she had everything already prepared and it was in the fridge and just had to be pulled out, I also reminded her that if she a dress in mind in my wardrobe, to slip into the right undergarments, and she told me that she would, but had something in mind in her wardrobe that she might be wearing. I went into my room, and started to get changed, I started with the lingerie, the black lace bra, and the matching panties, over the latex vagina, the foundation garment, and an old pair of ultra sheer black stay ups, they had a slight run in them, but it was more to complete the look, new ones would be used the night of the theatre trip. Before I put on the dress, I thought about perfume, and although I had 4 choices, Halston, Obsession, Curious or Fantasy. Now, Curious was out, as that was Brenda's favorite perfume, and I knew that her and my husband Sharon was going to be wearing it, and Obsession was out, as that was a perfume I always wore on a formal date with a man, Halston's was my "go to work" work perfume, so I was left with Fantasy, and I applied a reasonable amount on my body, I certainly was going to be applying alot more on the dinner theatre day/evening date. I then slipped on my dress and then started with the jewelry, first was all of the rings, and then the watch, anklet, charm bracelet, sparkly dangle earrings, and silver Lesbian symbol necklace. I finally slipped into the 5 1/4" black patent heels and looked at myself in the mirror, and then realized, I had to put on at least some makeup. I sat down and first did my nails with the vibrant red polish Sharon gave me for Christmas, as they dried, I checked the time and saw that it was 15 minutes before the girls were to arrive. I then moved to my bathroom and quickly put on a light coating of eyeliner, a little bit of blush and put on one of Sharon's and I's matching lipsticks. I grabbed my new black patent clutch purse and headed upstairs to meet Sharon. Sharon looked me over and had a surprised look on her face and said, "what is this dear?, we are not going to stage West for another few weeks, but I do like it, and you smell lovely". She was in a pair of jeans and a comfy blue sweater and socks. I was helping her put the food from the table out from the fridge and as I was walking around she commented, "seriously, you are going to wear those CFM's?", I told her in a matter of fact way, I did not have a problem, and she rolled her eyes and we kept on getting things ready.

Just after 1pm, there was a knock at the door and it was Cheryle and Brenda. Sharon told me to get it and I went and opened the door and there was Cheryle and Brenda there. As soon as I opened the door, they both commented on how I was dressed with a, "WOW!", both loved how I looked and I invited them in and of course Cheryle came and gave me a big hug and a long kiss with her coat still on, commenting immediately how sweet I smelled. Sharon came and joined us and of course went up to Brenda and gave her a big hug and a long kiss. As Sharon helped the girls off with their coats hanging them up, both of them told me to walk around and show me what I was wearing, and both were blown away, with comments like, from Brenda, "what a perfect LBD, and so well put together, I love the necklace very appropriate and the anklet, darling!", and Cheryle with "I love those heels, makes your legs so sexy and what a cute tushy". Cheryle came and gave me another hug and light kiss and told me she could not wait to show me off on our theatre weekend. It was odd with me in the heels, I was looking down at her as she was wearing black loafers, she rubbed my ass and told me how much she loved it and gave me another light kiss.

Sharon invited the girls in to sit down and be comfortable in the living room and already had the snacks laid out. We all sat down on two different couches, myself next to Cheryle and Sharon next to Brenda, and Cheryle had her hand immediately on my silky smooth thigh and was telling me how silky smooth and sexy my legs were. I smiled and told her I was glad she liked and moved in and gave me a light kiss. Now for me it was an awkward moment, as I was the only one in a skirt/dress, let alone nylons, and in heels. Brenda was in slacks, black, and loafers and a white sweater, Cheryle was in jeans, sneakers and a red sweater, only thing we had in common is all of us had on minimal makeup. Then all the attention turned to me after Sharon poured the wine and we started talking. Sharon then said, "so what do you both think of our little darling Joyce?". Cheryle was the first to speak and said, "she is lovely, and love the necklace, such an appropriate touch, and her perfume smells divine, the bra showing is a nice touch as well, I better keep you close to my side at the theatre, or some handsome guy will come and scoop you up looking the way you are, or girl for that matter". Brenda was next and said, "I do hope your closets contain more cute dresses like that one you are wearing for us to try on?". I told all of the girls, I counted 16 LBD's in my closets, and had them all ready for them to try on. Almost at the same time Brenda and Cheryle said "16?!", I smiled and told them I did, they both, including my husband Sharon shook their heads. As we sipped on our wine and ate the snacks, Cheryle made the comment to Sharon, "you should have seen what we got Joyce into when shopping". Both girls had fun describing the outfit to Sharon, and Sharon commented, "sounds like what we used to wear clubbing years ago, and I bet she looked cute". Brenda and Cheryle both said I did and Cheryle made the comment she would love to take her on a date out wearing something like that, and I told her, "maybe when I was 20 years younger", she leaned in and leaned in and gave me a little kiss and said, "nonsense, you looked amazing, especially wearing the heels you are now, you would definitely get noticed and be a knockout". I laughed, and said, "again 20 years ago maybe, but not today and said, definitely noticed for sure as maybe a MILF", we all laughed.

The conversation then shifted to the planning of the theatre trip day. Cheryle was the first to pipe up and say, "well I am picking Joyce up at noon and we are going to the 'enjoying the afternoon'". Which of course was news to me, and Brenda said, "well, I am picking up Sharon around 11:30am, and we will be going for lunch, then to the Salon and getting dressed at my place and since Brad is out of town, she is staying over with me after the show". Cheryle leaned into me and caressed my arm and said aloud, "and Joyce, you will be staying at my place after the show". I kind of knew this was going to happen, but we never had discussed it, Cheryle and I, but I was fine with it, and then my mind started racing as what I was going to have to pack, as I never saw the final plan coming. Cheryle leaned in and caressed my silky legs and gave me a light kiss, and said, "and girlfriend we are going to have fun for what I have planned". We all agreed that the final details of who, what and where, were going to be discussed between the individual couples. The final plan was that we would meet at the theatre at the seats and my husband Sharon gave Cheryle and I our tickets. Cheryle took our tickets, packed them right away in her purse, and told me, "you are my wife for the day and night, let your husband take care of things". I looked over at Sharon and she just smiled and Brenda kissed her and said, "and you are my wife for the day and evening", smiles were all around. We all finished our glasses of wine and my husband Sharon announced, "ok ladies, time for dress trying on time, let's us retire downstairs", after she said that she filled all the wine glasses and we all headed downstairs.

Now all of the dresses were in the common closet downstairs and my husband suggested that the girls use my bedroom to change and then come and model the dresses. Sharon suggested I take the lead and show the girls what I had pulled out for them to try on. I stood up and walked to the closet, with Cheryle saying, "Again, I love those heels and those legs and the dress looks so cute". I smiled and blew her a kiss, then walked to the closet and started pulling out dresses, just for fun, I started showing them Sharon and I's clubbing dresses, definitely LBD's, but not appropriate for Stage West, tight figure hugging and dressed to impress dresses, inches from the panty line. The girls had a good laugh, but Brenda said, "Joyce, show us some of the more appropriate dresses for us". The first few I pulled out were calf length dresses, not quite LBD's, but black feminine and lovely all the same, some females would consider them LBD's, but they were below then knee length, more conservative. Then Cheryle said, "what about something above the knee like you are wearing".

Well, what the girls did not know is that I had already picked out two dresses for them and was hoping they would like them, I had a third ready for Sharon, but she had already told me that she might have a dress of her own picked out from her closet, so it would be up to the girls to choose. The three dresses were sitting at the front of the line of dresses I hung up, so they could not miss them, and Cheryle was the first to pick and she pulled a dress I got at Reitmans, sequins on the front, and satin on the back, above the knee, scoop necked and squealed when she saw it at how she loved it. Brenda was behind her and pulled out a silk slip/lace cover dress, which she said she loved. Cheryle was the first to head to my bedroom to try on the dress she grabbed. While Brenda held up the dress to her body, she told me how much she loved it and asked me where I found it. I told her at Sears, and she said one day we would have to spend an entire day out shopping together and my husband Sharon said, "now that would be dangerous".

About that time Cheryle came out of my room in the dress she picked and looked amazing, she was barefoot and had no nylons on, but looked great. Both Sharon and Brenda told her how good she looked, she modeled it around for a while, she told me that that she looked at her self in the full length mirror in my room, but felt something was not right in the look. Cheryle looked me over and asked me what I would wear with the dress and I told her when I wore it on a date I was in the same hose and heels I was wearing. I asked her if she wanted me to model the dress with the heels and hose I had on, and she said, "no, I would like to see what I look like in them", I smiled and asked her what her pantyhose size was, and she told me what it was, and it was the same as mine, so I grabbed her hand and took her into my bedroom, leaving Sharon and Brenda alone. We got to my bedroom, and Cheryle, hugged me and gave me a long and inviting lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, and as we broke it she told me how she could not believe I have that many LBD's in my closets, and loved the look and feel of the dress she picked, and told me that I must have looked amazing on my date when I wore it. I told her the occasion was a Wedding and I wore it for the reception and it was very well received, but I had to admit, I took off the 5 1/4" heels when dancing for some songs. She said, "I can imagine, but they do like fun to wear and a bit of a challenge, and again, your legs look awesome as you wear them, and are so graceful in them". I told her they were a little challenging at first, but you easily get used to them, after lots of practice. She told me I obviously got used to them as it looks like I have problems walking around in them and look very natural. I then went to my lingerie drawer and looked through it and came up with a pair of used ultra sheer nearly black pantyhose and pulled them out and handed them to her, they had a run in them, but she wanted to see the look and did not care, and sat down on my bed, hiked up the dress and started to put them on, showing me her white cotton panties. As she was, she asked me what I was wearing for hose, and I hiked the skirt of my dress and showed her, and she said, "oh stay ups?, well that gives me an idea, you look so sexy in stay ups". I had no clue what she was thinking, but thought it was that she was going to get stay ups as well (she had other plans as I would later find out). She asked me what brand of hose I buy, and I told her, and she asked if I always wear that brand and I told her I did and even for work, and she made the comment I made a good choice as they are very sheer and silky, as she stood up and felt her own legs.

She stood up and modeled the dress around in my bedroom, staring at herself in the full length mirror loving the dress and the way the hose looked, and then asked if I would not mind letting her try on my shoes, as she wanted to get the complete look. I asked her what size she was and she told me, she was a half size larger than me, a female 5.5. Then I got another idea, I smiled at Cheryle, she looked at me and I said in a sexy way, "want to make our romantic dinner theatre evening more special?", She smiled and said, "what do you have in mind?". I smiled and walked up to her, and it was funny as I was in my 5 1/4" heels and looking down at her in her stocking feet and leaned down and gave her a little lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, and told her that I had an idea. I then went to my closet and pulled out a box, and a matching pair of 5 1/4" heels in black suede and handed them to her. Cheryle smiled and said, "now you are talking girl!". She sat down and slid them on, even though there were not a perfect fit, she got them on and stood up and literally almost fell over, and I grabbed her. I had to tell her the trick was to lean back a bit when moving forward. She walked around a bit and started to get the idea, but thought that if she was going to wear them to the theatre, she would have to practice at home. I told her to take them home then told her I had the matching clutch purse for them and went and grabbed it and gave it to her and she again paraded around and loved the look. She then came up to me and had a sly look on her face and said, "I have ideas, cannot tell you all of them, but what if we go to the theatre as matching as possible, makeup, perfume, hose, heels, you know, all out?, we will both be in LBD's dressed to the nines". I told her I was definitely interested in that, and I told her I had matching lipsticks as well. She then came up to me, as we were both in the same height heels, we were face to face, and she leaned in and we went into a long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. She broke the kiss and said, "dear, when we go for lunch and the theatre, we will be a Lesbian couple, not a closeted one, you will hold my hand the entire time and be my wife for the day and evening". I was a little taken back by the comment and had no clue about her plan for lunch, and she could see that, but told me to not to worry, just to be as feminine as possible and she would take care of the rest and pretend I was Sharon and let her "be the man". I gave her a light kiss back and told her that I definitely would.

Last thing she asked, before we went back to see Sharon and Brenda was the perfume I was wearing, she wanted to put some on, and I went into my bathroom and handed it to her and she put on a light application, and gave me a another light kiss telling me how much she loved the scent and how we matched. She grabbed my hand, and we went back into the room where Sharon and Brenda were, she was NOT stable on her heels, but as we went into the room (not due to too much to drink), I was supporting her arm, both Sharon and Brenda, said "OH WOW" at the same time. Brenda said, "what, the Barbie twins?". We all laughed, and Cheryle spoke up and said, "you have seen nothing yet", I looked over at her and she gave me a little kiss and a smile. I looked over Brenda and she looked great in my lace over satin black LBD, even though she did not have on hose or heels, she looked amazing. Then my husband Sharon spoke up and stood up and said, "well I am obviously way underdressed, guess I better find something to wear for the theatre, as well, what I had planned was way longer than what you ladies are wearing, and we should be close to matching". I told Sharon that I had another black lace over satin dress that I wore with her to stage West a few years ago that I could pull out to match her lovers Brenda's dress. Sharon said, "nonsense, we cannot show up as 4 women in LBD's, I want something different, Joyce, what about that purple lace over satin short dress you got on our last Christmas shopping trip?". I stood up and went and got it from my bedroom closet and handed it to Sharon and she left the three of girls talking and came back with it and then Sharon went to my bedroom to change.

Cheryle reached over and gently grabbed my hand and said, "I love this nail polish, I would love to wear that, what do you say for the theatre, we try and be as matching as possible, makeup and all". I liked the idea and told her that I had rhinestone necklace and earring sets, and other jewelry like anklets as well to match, interestingly, she smiled at me in a sly way and said nothing, just stroked my hand in a sexy way, and about that time, as we sipped on our wine, Sharon came back into the room, wearing the short lace over satin purple dress I got at H+M a few months before, Christmas shopping (for a steal). She modeled it around for a bit and Brenda stood up and went to her and gave her a long kiss and told her that she was stunning looking in it. Sharon sat down and the planning for the big day began, first order of business was if we were all going together or if we would separate. Sharon then asked if Cheryle and I wanted to join her and Brenda at the Salon, as they were going to make an appointment before the theatre for hair and makeup. Cheryle immediately spoke up as she was grabbing my hand and said, "NO!, Joyce and I have other plans!, we are going to lunch and then back to my place to get dressed", then smiled and gave me a little kiss. Sharon and Brenda, looking over at us holding hands, Brenda said, "guess you ladies have other plans for the afternoon?". Cheryle leaned over to me, gave me another light kiss, then stroked my silky covered leg, and said, "oh yes I do", I looked over at her and she gave me another light kiss and looked me right in the eyes and said, "remember, trust your husband". Sharon and Brenda were smiling at us and holding hands as well. I then asked Sharon what lipstick she was going to be wearing for the theatre as I did not want all 4 of us possibly matching and she said, "everything with wine", and I told her I would have Cheryle and I wearing the other of our two matching lipsticks, and also told her she could wear the Curious perfume, as Cheryle and I would be wearing what we wearing for the dress trying on, Fantasy, and she could get it from my room at any time, and Brenda was smiling as it is her favorite for Sharon to wear. Then basically, Sharon and Brenda starting talking about what accessories and hose and heels each would be wearing and Cheryle and I started talking about our final details. For Cheryle and I, well, the hose and heels were finalized and I started talking about what different jewelry I could get to make us more matching, and she gave my arm a gentle rub and leaned in and gave me a little kiss and said, "I will take care of it", with a sly smile. I then asked her about makeup, if we were going to use hers or mine, and she laughed and said, "I have a very limited amount of colour choices, you apparently have much more than me, you make the choice and bring it over to my place for when we get ready". I told her I would and then looked over her face closely as I was going to have to pick eye shadow shades that would compliment us both as she was fair skinned and am more olive in complexion. The day ended up with all finishing our wine, and then a recap discussion, I asked Sharon and Brenda if they had decided on everything, and Brenda spoke up and said, "well Sharon and I will be shopping after our lunch as we need to get matching pantyhose", I asked if they had decided on a colour and they agreed on nude pantyhose. The day ended with the girls getting back dressed the way they came. I went and grabbed a couple of plastic dress bags and as Brenda and Cheryle came out, I put the dresses in the bags, as well, Cheryle took my 5 1/4" black suede heels, and my velvet clutch purse and put them in her bag. We went upstairs, and all hugged and kissed, and again it was interesting as I was still in the 5 1'4" heels, so I was bending over to do it to all of the girls. My husband and I hugged and kissed after the girls left, and she smiled and told me we all probably were going to have a great day. I then left Sharon and went downstairs to my bedroom and got undressed and then into my blue terri cloth robe and started writing in my diary about the day.

So the planning for the big day and the final tiny details started, I now knew Cheryle was going to take me out to lunch on a date so I started to figure out what to wear, as well, I knew that we were going to be sleeping together overnight at her place and had to decide on what to wear. I emailed her over the next week, and I got ambiguous answers, like, "wear whatever you are comfortable in for lunch and overnight". I was expecting her to ask for something specific, and thought nothing of it, so I started the packing after grabbing a large black duffle bag, with one of my favorite long pink lace and satin peignoirs for overnight. Then I had to start thinking about the outfit for not only the trip to lunch, but home the next day as well. I decided since it was going to be a Saturday for dinner formal and coming home on a Sunday I was going to stay casual, and when I contacted Cheryle about what she was wearing for lunch all I got was, "wear whatever you are comfortable with, we will look fine together", which again I found odd. So I started looking through my closets to decide on something appropriate for a casual Saturday day out, of course a skirt, but not one of my skirts I wear for work, but was thinking one of my many jean skirts, I wear for casual outings. In my closet I have very short and very long jean skirts and decided on the middle, a knee length one and the for the top, since it was casual, and cool out and went with a white turtleneck comfy wool knot sweater. Hose was going to be nude stay ups, ultra sheer, and a pair of 2" black kid heels. Jewelry was going to be my usual rings (alternate Wedding rings) and a pair of silver dangly earrings. Lingerie and makeup I was going to leave until the big day to decide.

Saturday April 14th, 2012 The Day, Stage West Dinner Theatre Day/Night

So the big day arrived, and I started by laying my clothes for the day out and started double checking my overnight bag for staying over at Cheryle's. Sharon and I talked the night before and I was going to have the bathroom for a shower first, so I headed upstairs and jumped in the shower and got "squeaky clean". I then slipped on my blue terri cloth robe and headed downstairs to my room, Sharon was not awake yet, but as I started getting things finalized I could hear her moving around. I still had a couple of hours and after putting my dress in a dress bag and my black patent 5 1'4" heels, I started double checking the overnight bag. I added the sparkly jewelry for Cheryle and I, and the silver anklet for her, new black patent clutch purse, my makeup bag was going to be the last thing to add. I then sat down and started with doing my nails with the nail polish Sharon gave me for Christmas a year ago. After they dried, I decided to start to get dressed, and put my makeup on after I got dressed, so I would not get any makeup on my white turtleneck sweater. So I started with deciding on my lingerie, and since this was a white turtleneck sweater, I grabbed my favorite white lace front closure bra and slipped it on, and then for panties, I rummaged through my lingerie drawer and went with my very first pair of panties from a girlfriend, red, lace and satin. I slipped them on over my latex vagina, and then my foundation garment. Next, I slipped on a pair of white satin gloves and opened a new package of ultra sheer nude stay ups, and carefully slid them on.

Then it was time to get dressed, but not before I doused myself in my perfume for the day, which would be Cheryle's as well, Fantasy, and put it everywhere, behind my ears, breasts, ankles. Then it was time for clothes, first was my knee length blue jean skirt, and then my sweater, followed quickly by the 2" black kid heels so I would not put a run in my nylons as I walked around doing my makeup and the final touches. I moved to my bathroom and started my makeup, and decided to go light, slightly lighter than I wear for work. Eyeliner was first, and I applied it as I would if I went to the office, and knew that for the theatre I was going to make it darker. Eye Shadow I still had not decided on what Cheryle and were going to be wearing to be matching for the theatre. So for lunch I went with my standard light blue on the lower lids and light pink on the upper lids, finished off with a healthy application of Lashblast Mascara. Blush was light, just barely enough to give me some colour/contour, and of course lipstick was the other matching one Sharon and I had, that we decided I would be wearing. So with makeup all set I decided to put on the final touches, and I heard Sharon call out, "I am leaving now, see you at the theatre, and have fun this afternoon", and heard her leave through the back door. I checked the time and realized I was taking my time and Cheryle was only 15 minutes from arriving!. Now all I had left to do was put on my jewelry, rings were my alternate Wedding rings, my Lesbian rings, then my casual watch, I did not decide on my charm bracelet, I packed that for wearing it for the evening, next was a silver anklet and the long silver dangly earrings. Last thing I packed was my makeup bag, and I was all done packing and brought everything upstairs, and just as I did, Cheryle called me on my cell phone and told me she was a few minutes away and I told her I was ready. I checked the temperature and it was almost freezing So I knew I would need my long winter coat and grabbed it and put it out. I went downstairs and grabbed my purse and made sure I had everything and I heard a knock on the upstairs front door.

I was tingling with excitement and headed upstairs and opened the door, and met Cheryle. She walked in and gave me a big long passionate lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and told me how cute I looked. She had a large gift bag in her hand and was dressed in black slacks, black loafers, a double breasted black blazer, and under her blazer, what looked like a white lace camisole. She had on almost no makeup, maybe some lip gloss and eyeliner, a double female Lesbian label charm on and a silver necklace, the same as the one I packed for the evening, and a pair of double Lesbian symbol earrings, and a Lesbian pride lapel pin. She smiled at me, and handed me the gift bag, and said, "this is for you my darling wife, can you please go put all of this on, and wear your necklace for tonight, as well as your bra, and heels the 5 1/2" black patent ones you are going to wear tonight, and ditch the purse and just take your clutch to lunch, and make me happy". I was speechless, and then she said, "and while you are changing, can you give me the nail polish you are wearing and the perfume", then gave me another long kiss. I paused for a moment, and then went into my duffle bag and pulled out the perfume and the nail polished and handed it to her and she was smiling wildly and told me to take my time, as she really wanted to show me off. I took my duffle bag and dress bag downstairs to my bedroom. I opened the gift bag and was blown away, in it was the skirt I tried on at "Le Chateau" on our shopping trip out, Brenda and Cheryle and I. In the bag also was the, the black spandex miniskirt, and the lace over satin blouse, as well a pair of sheer to the waist nearly black "Silks" pantyhose, finally a 3" wide black patent belt.

I was floored again when I saw it and pulled everything out and started to get undressed. I had to be careful to take off my anklet and then my turtleneck. I then stripped down, to just my foundation garment and stay ups then pulled out the black lace push up bra, put it on and the then my white satin gloves and carefully pulled off my stay ups and put on the ultra sheer toe to waist nearly black pantyhose. Next was the blouse and then I slid on the skirt, and like when I tried it on in the store, it was extremely short (as my husband would say, "nice belt"), but soooo sexy, finally the belt and then the 5 1/4" black patent heels, and went to the mirror and looked at myself. I thought to myself, "I am going definitely get noticed, and where are we going for lunch?" (I had my suspicions). I was dressed for a Friday or Saturday night to go out clubbing with women 20 years younger than I. I finished it off with the lesbian charm necklace, and silver anklet. Then pulled out the black patent clutch purse and moved over the essentials to it, my lipstick, tissues, blush, compact, house keys, and then headed upstairs with the duffle bag and the dress bag and the black patent clutch purse.

I got upstairs and Cheryle was waiting for me, and smiling and I put down the duffle bag and dress bag and asked her "are you serious?", she came up to me and she leaned up at me and gave me a light kiss and said, "oh yes dear, today you are my trophy wife and I am showing you off, you look awesome, now where is your charm bracelet?". I told her it was packed away for the evening, and she told me to get it as she wanted me wearing it. I got it out of the duffle and she put it on my right wrist, Then she told me to take off the top and bra, "I said here and now?'. She laughed and told me that it was nothing she has never seen before and I proceeded to take off the belt, the blouse and bra and she told me to turn around and undid my bra. The she reached around and cupped my breasts and pinched my nipples and kissed the back of my neck and told me how she was looking forward to dealing with them later and loved how I smelled. She then told me to grab my breasts and push them together and up, I asked her what she was doing and she said to trust her and that I would like the look. She then proceeded to put a medical bandage under my breasts, around my torso and pulled it very tight. Then she handed me my bra and told me to put it on and then the blouse and belt, and then we would be almost ready to go. She them said, "one final touch", and abruptly pulled off my long silver dangly earrings, putting them in her right blazer pocket, and pulled out of her left blazer pocket, a pair of earrings, and proceeded to put them on me. They were the matching Lesbian ones she was wearing, and then said, "good, now we are close to matching for jewelry, there will be no doubt of our sexual orientation". She then asked if I was ready to go, and I told her "I guess so". Then she handed me the perfume and the nail polish and I packed them away, then she grabbed my long winter coat and helped me slip it on. She then grabbed the bags and told me she would meet me at the car. I grabbed my casual purse and pulled out the keys for the house and left and locked the door and found Cheryle waiting for me at the car. She had the door open on the passenger side and before I slid in she gave me a light kiss and a big smile, and I slid in and put my purse at my feet. As she walked around to get in I opened my coat so she could enjoy my silky legs, and never bothered to tug my skirt that had rode way up.

Cheryle got in and smiled and leaned over and gave me another little kiss and immediately stroked my silky thigh and said, "oh we are going to have a wonderful weekend". I looked down at her hand and saw she had the same lesbian ring as my husband Sharon had and what I was wearing, and asked where she got it as well as the necklace, and she said a Gay and Lesbian store on Queen Street in Toronto, and that is where she got the earrings as well. I also made the comment that the nail polish looked great on her and she said, she really liked the colour and was looking forward to the matching lipstick for the dinner theatre. She kept one hand on the wheel and the other on my well exposed silky thigh, knowing full well, we would be full matching for the theatre, and I would be caressing hers at some point. As we drove she kept stroking and smiling at me and I asked where we are going and as she drove she said, "oh you will like it, and will fit right in". Right then and there I knew it was Earls, and I made the comment, "am I going for a job interview or lunch?", we both laughed, and she said, "you never know". Me knowing full well at my age, and the fact all of the staff were models, and in their early 20's, that was not going to happen. As we drove, I noticed on her left ring finger was a Wedding band and I asked her about it, and she said, "I pulled it out of my jewelry box, after all, what is a husband without a Wedding band". She grabbed my hand and smiled at me and told me that she wanted the illusion of a female couple to be husband and wife as real as possible.

As we approached Square One, Cheryle asked me for directions, as the time she went to buy my outfit, she parked at another place at the mall, she was lost and she eventually found the store, but wanted to park where I directed us to go when her Brenda and I went, as she knew I knew how to get to it quickly. I must admit I was a little nervous as we pulled into Square One, being the way I was dressed and were we where going for lunch. I told Cheryle where to park, which is where Sharon and I always park, and that was out side of the Bay, but I forgot it was a Saturday and the lot was packed. Cheryle found us a spot, but it was quite a distance from the Bay or the main mall entrance, but after she parked, she gave me a little kiss and said, "ready?", with a big smile. I told her was and she quickly came over to my door and I grabbed for my clutch purse at my feet and she had opened the door and waited for me. I swung my legs over and I carefully stepped out of the car. Cheryle smiled and I knew I flashed, how could I not in a skirt as short as I was wearing and she just smiled and said, "nice panties", I got out and did up my coat and Cheryle gave me another little kiss, then grabbed my hand and started leading me towards the entrance of the Bay. I tried to pull my hand away and she grabbed it tighter and told me, "oh no, today the whole world will know we are a Lesbian couple". As we walked along hand in hand I had a hard time keeping up to her in the 5 1/4" heels, with them clicking along, she was walking so fast in her flat feet, I asked her to slow down and she apologized and said she would. We got to the entrance of the Bay and Cheryle was of course playing the "male" role and opened the doors for me, and as soon as we got in through the doors grabbed tightly onto my hand again and lead me along. It was a weird feeling as we walked along, being slightly led/dragged, hand in hand with Cheryle. She knew where we were going and lead me through the Bay and through the cosmetics area on the way to the mall. As we walked along, with my heels clicking, I looked around and as usual saw the cosmetic girls in the cosmetics area in skirts and heels, and again like usual most in tights, dark in colour. Cheryle just smiled at me as we held hands and walked along. I was surprised, no one seemed to notice us or pay any attention to us. We got to the elevator and Cheryle pushed the button, and right in the mall, pulled me in and gave me a little kiss as we waited for the elevator. I looked around and surprisingly, no one was looking at us, as we waited for the elevator, a mother and her baby in a stroller came up and stood next to us. With Cheryle holding my hand and rubbing it and smiling at me, the woman had a puzzled look on her face. We all entered the elevator and took it down to the ground floor, when the doors opened, we all smiled at one another and Cheryle took the lead and knew where we were going and lead us to Earls which was not too far from the elevator.

We got the entrance of Earls, and there was no lineup and Cheryle of course took the lead and we were met by a blond hair gorgeous 5'5" girl, in a scrunch black miniskirt, white silk blouse, hose coloured almost identical to mine my only about 2 ½" black kid heels. She smiled and said, "just the two of you for lunch today ladies?", Cheryle told her it was and as she grabbed two menus, Cheryle asked if we could have a booth and she said that would not be a problem, so hand in hand we went to the booth and followed her. As we got to the booth, I Cheryle took off my coat and I slid in and Cheryle went to the other side of the booth and slid in and immediately came and sat right next to be and grabbed my hand and put our hands on the table and with her other hand caressed my arm. The hostess smiled and definitely noticed that and said, "your waitress will be with you shortly ladies, enjoy your lunch". Cheryle smiled and then caressed my well exposed leg, and said, "wonder what she thought?". I said nothing, but did enjoy the sensation of Cheryle caressing my silky nylon covered legs. Our waitress showed up and she was a totally stunning 5' 6" knockout with long black hair almost to her waist, a skirt almost exactly the same as mine, and a blue silk blouse, unbuttoned enough to show off her more than ample push up bra cleavage, sheer nude hose and about 3" black patent heels. She said, "good afternoon ladies my name is Nancy and I will be serving you today, can I start you off with something to drink?", Cheryle immediately spoke up and said we are both going to start with a glass of white wine, while still holding my hand. She smiled and said "I will be back in a bit to take your food orders", with a little confused look on her face. Cheryle leaned into me and caressed my arm and then nuzzled into my neck and we definitely were making a scene as I could see people looking over at us, male and female, and then she whispered to me, "time to go and touch up your lips dear". I told her I did not need to as I just applied a fresh coat before we left, and she caressed my arm and gave me a light kiss and said, "go to the washroom my dear, how can I show you off while you are sitting here in the booth,? fix your lips".

I grabbed my clutch purse and then carefully slid out of the booth and I certainly felt vulnerable, but decided to at least give Cheryle a show. However, it was not Cheryle I was putting on a show for, I felt eyes on me as I walked towards to the washroom, not only male and female eyes, as well as the waitresses. My walk was slow and deliberate, I made sure I was swinging my hips and taking small steps in my 5 1/4" heels. I got to the bathroom, and again remembered how elegant it looked and since I really did not have to use a stall, went right to the sinks and put down my purse and pulled out my lipstick and even though I really did not have to do my lips but I did them anyway. Before I even got to the part of putting my lipstick, I was floored at what Cheryle had done, the bandage across my chest literally made my boobs look at least one cup size larger and pushed them way up, not only our waitress, but I had ample cleavage as well!. As I was my touching up my lips another girl came out of a stall and joined me at the sinks, she smiled at me in the mirror, she was a middle aged woman in slacks and a blouse and adjusted her lipstick and said, "you girls are busy today with lots of customers, and I have no clue how you do a shift in heels, let alone the height you are wearing". I was a little shocked and basically internally calmed down and said, "I can manage". She smiled and we both basically packed up our purses at the same time and I was fluffing out my hair and she left. I thought "holy crap she thinks I work here". I then went to the full length mirror and adjusted my skirt and tugged it down a bit more for modesty and then left the washroom.

As I was walking back to the table the moment I will never forget in my life happened. I was walking by a table of 4 guys and one of them said, "excuse me miss, I know you are not our waitress, but can you tell our waitress that we would like another round of drinks". Ok, I was freaked out, I had no clue and blurted out, "sure I will let her know". I got back to the table and carefully slid in and Cheryle said, "mission accomplished, you definitely got noticed, that was fun to watch". Within 10 seconds after her saying that our waitress Nancy came to the table and asked if we were ready to order, and Cheryle spoke up and said we would need a moment. She was about to leave and I had to speak up and told her that the men at the table (I pointed) wanted another round of drinks, and she said, "and how do you know that?", I told her they stopped me when I was coming back from going to the washroom and asked me to get their waitress. She started laughing and said, "dear the way you are dressed, you could be working here, and by the way ladies, what is the special occasion?, no customers come dressed up on a Saturday with no reason". Cheryle spoke up, grabbed my arm, then caressed it and pulled me in for a light kiss and said, "today is our Wedding anniversary". I thought the waitress would freak, but she just smiled and said in a "matter of factly way", "so how many years ladies?", Cheryle answered 9 and she said, "well congratulations". She left and I am sure when she got back to the serving area, the other waitresses will be told, and sure enough about 5 minutes later, I could see each one of the lovely creatures walking around, making sure they came close to get a look at us. Cheryle was definitely making the most of it, by caressing my arm and every once in a while giving me a peck on the cheek. I told her that I wanted what I had the last time we came to Earls, Brenda said she said that it looked good and that she would join me in having that.

Our waitress came back and asked if we had decided and Cheryle spoke up and said, "yes the both of us would like the Cesar salad and the dried riblets", Nancy was smiling at us and said, "I must say you two make a lovely couple". Cheryle leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and, "I think I will keep her", I of course turned 2 shades of red, and she smiled and grabbed our menus and walked away and Cheryle made the comment, "not sure who looks better in that skirt, you or her?". She smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips and said, "of course you do" as she caressed my silky leg. As we waited for our food, we both looked around at all of the lovely waitresses, and we both made comments, it was a lot of fun.

We talked about the evening and I told her I was looking forward to the entire look, her in the LBD, the hose and heels. I then asked if she had time to pick up the matching pantyhose and she leaned in and gave me a little kiss and a rub of my arm and said in a sexy way, "oh yes dear, and a little more", which made me wonder what she was talking about. Our waitress came back and asked if everything was alright, and Cheryle asked for two more glasses of wine, and I loved the fact mine had lipstick stains on it, and Cheryle's did not, and she saw me noticing it and said, "right after lunch dear, you are taking another trip to the washroom to fix those pretty lips". Our waitress came back and of course Cheryle made it a point of showing lots of love for me and as she put down the glasses and picked up the empties, Cheryle asked for the bill. We sipped on our wine and finished our lunch, I could tell Cheryle was getting hot, as her caressing was getting more aggressive, and she then started leaning into me and saying things like, "I cannot wait for those lips on my tits and pussy" softly in my ear. She kept on checking her watch and said, "finish up dear, we have a schedule to keep", and I checked my watch and it was only 2pm, and we had at least 3 hours before we had to get dressed for Stage West, so I thought something was up.

We eventually got finished and Cheryle said, "I am ready for act #2, go and fix your lips". She gave me a little kiss and I grabbed my clutch purse and headed to the Washroom, and again, I felt lots of eyes on me, male and female, at this point the wine was having an effect and I did not care. I walked again, slow and deliberate, making sure to not only give Cheryle a show, but the entire place. I got to the ladies washroom, and this time I had to use a stall and found one in the middle and there was a woman in the next one to the one I chose. I hung up my purse and turned around, hiked my skirt and sat down and made sure I made the right tinkling sounds and the woman next to me was out of her stall before I started to clean up. I stood up, adjusted my skirt and left the stall for the sinks and mirrors. I put down my clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick, unfortunately, I never saw another woman in the washroom. I made sure my lips were perfect and packed up my clutch purse and then went to the full length mirror and made sure that my skirt was adjusted right and then headed back into the restaurant. Again, I knew I was being looked at and headed to the table, keeping my eyes forward, and walking sexy and slow. I got to the table and Cheryle was waiting for me and grabbed my coat and asked if I was ready to go and then asked me to put my clutch purse down and then helped me on with my coat I did it up and then grabbed my hand and lead me out, and the hostess that greeted us said, "have a wonderful day ladies and enjoy the rest of your anniversary day". I was floored, but as all females do, gossip, the word must have spread that there was a Lesbian anniversary couple in the establishment.

Cheryle took the lead and hand in hand we went to the elevators, the elevator was waiting for us and we went up to the main floor and then through the Bay to the parking lot. I did notice again the girls at the cosmetics area in their short skirts and heels hard at work, and smiled. We got to the car, and Cheryle opened the passenger door and gave me a little kiss and I undid my coat and slid in, and never bothered to tug down my skirt, Cheryle slid in and caressed my legs and gave me another kiss and told me how she loved showing me off at Earl's, and how she loved my new tits. We held hands and every time we stopped at a traffic light would give me a kiss and caressed my legs and arm.

Cheryle's apartment was not that far away and we were there in no time, and as were driving, Cheryle handed me the receipt for the bill and it said, "Happy anniversary ladies from the staff at Earl's", and it was signed Nancy with a big heart on it and Cheryle told me that I want might to keep it as a memory of the day, and I put it my purse. We got to her apartment and I thought she was going to do what she did at Square One, instead she gave me a kiss and handed me her apartment keys and told me that she forgot something and that I should go up and make myself at home and she would be there in about 20 minutes. I was a little confused and told her I did not mind going with her and she just smiled and gave me another kiss and told me to go up and she would bring up my things when she got back. I grabbed purse and she gave me one last kiss and told me which key was for the front door and which was for the apartment. I got out of the car and she drove off and I headed to the front door of the apartment, I entered and had to fumble with the keys and I found the one for the front door and went in and went to the elevator, her apartment was on the sixth floor and when an elevator became available I went in and was all alone and got off on her floor and headed to her apartment. Again, I fumbled with the keys and finally found the right one and then went in and the front hall closet was right there inside the door and put down my purse and hung up my coat and then went into the main living room area and got a shock.

Standing in the main living room area, was Cheryle's gay male friend, Joe, who loves dating me even though he knows what is between my legs, but loves the fact he can enjoy a male that appears as a female. I had dated him once before and serviced him orally in a Wedding gown 4 years before wearing Cheryle's Wedding gown. He had a dozen red roses in his hands and was smiling and said, "surprise". I was stunned and did not move, he walked up to me and said, "Cheryle was right you do look stunning and very sexy", then handed me his cell phone and on the screen was a message from Cheryle,

"Surprise dear, have fun with Joe, and when you are done he will be texting me to let me know".

Joe handed me the flowers and gave me a light kiss on the cheek and told me how lovely I smelled and how he had missed me and my lovely lips. I was lost at what to do, but he came to me, pulled me close and slowly kissed me on my lips and then told me to take care of the flowers and he would like me to join him on the couch. I took the flowers to the kitchen and laid them on the kitchen table as I did not know where Cheryle had a vase. The flowers were held together with an elastic at the base of them, so they were not going to separate, and then headed back into the living room and Joe was waiting for me with two glasses of champagne in his hands, sitting on the couch. Joe was in the exact same suit he wore when he dated me and took me as his date to an awards dinner a couple of years previous, a dark blue suit and red tie. Now, I always love the company of Joe, and he is an awesome kisser, and obviously this was a setup and I decided to go along with it and enjoyed it as it had been a while since I had enjoyed orally pleasing a man. I was just about to sit down and Joe asked that I walk around and let him enjoy my look more, which I did and even went as far as not doing the non ladylike thing when picking up my purse (I as I needed my lipstick) and flashing him while simply bending over in the tiny skirt and he made the comment "now that is lovely".

As we sat there, Joe moved his one hand to my ultra silky thigh and started gently caressing it and telling me how lovely my legs were, and all the while we were sipping our drinks and every once in a while, he would lean in and give me a little kiss. When we were done our drinks, Joe poured two more, leaving our glasses on the table, then leaned in and the real heavy kissing started. He grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me like no tomorrow and I reciprocated, his tongue was snaking in and out of my mouth and his hands were all over them, my legs and breasts, and we both were enjoying the encounter. He eventually started moaning, and that was the time I reached down and started caressing the front of his pants and of course found a large bulge there, and massaged it. The kissing and caressing continued and finally he could take no more and moaned, "please". I knew what it meant, we continued kissing, and I reached down and undid his fly and pulled his hard member out from his underwear and slowly started stroking it, smearing the pre-cum are around the head of it. He broke our kissing and was breathing hard and stood up and undid his belt, kicked off his shoes and pulled down his pants and underwear down and off all in one motion. He stood before me and I returned to stroking his hard member and then I leaned down and started licking the head of his member and enjoying the pre cum. I was about to engulf his lovely member between my lips and he stopped me and told me he wanted to watch, and suggested the full length mirror in the hallway that was actually the doors to the closet I hung my coat in and he wanted me on my knees.

I told him that would not be a problem, and I grabbed my purse and a pillow off the couch and followed him to the mirror. I put down the pillow and my purse and he gave me one last long kiss as I stroked his hard member and then we broke our kiss and kneeled down on the pillow, and gave the head of his member a kiss, then another lick to enjoy his pre cum. I then opened my purse and pulled out my lipstick and applied a healthy coat and packed it back up and then I got comfortable and started enjoying his lovely member. I knew Cheryle was waiting for us to finish before coming back to her apartment, and she wanted to have some fun with me, and we still had to get dressed and to the dinner theatre, so I was not going to make Joe wait until I wanted him to cum, and let him cum when he was ready. I started by slowly opening up my lips wide and slowing taking him all the way in and clamping down my lips and leaving a lipstick ring down around the base of his cock and getting him all nice and wet, he smiled as he looked down and saw it. I then, with my usual technique of concentrating on flicking my tongue all around the soft underside of his member, which made him start to groan and moan. I was also caressing his full balls and from time to time, would take a break and go and suck on his balls, still stroking him. His moaning was getting more and more and I decided to engulf him as much as I could and started bobbing up and down flicking my tongue wildly and caressing his balls and he grabbed my head and grunted loudly and he came about 6 times, good and hard, filling my mouth and I was able to swallow him all down. When he calmed down I let his member go with a "pop" and then licked him up and down to clean him up and then grabbed my purse along with the pillow and stood up. Joe was still panting when I walked back to the living room and tossed the pillow on the couch and put down my purse and grabbed my champagne glass and took a sip to clean out my mouth.

Joe came back into the living room and came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that as always my lips were incredible, and his member was not so soft, not hard, but he was getting excited again, and I reached down and caressed it and told him he was as always, "yummy". He told me that he wanted me again, and I smiled and said, "sure you have enough in there for me, as you certainly gave me a huge mouthful", and he assured me he did, but wanted me to change before I took care of him again gave me another kiss on the cheek and told me to go to the bathroom, as there was something for me there. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom, and on the sink was a box from La Vi En Rose, which meant high end lingerie. I opened it pulled out the silky and lacy lingerie, it was candy apple red, two pieces, a long gown, all silk with lace all around the bust area, and a sexy slit up the front left side, and then a matching robe, all silk, and lace all around the edges of the gown, it was absolutely stunning. I took off the belt, skirt and blouse, and finally the bra, and had no choice but to leave my breasts taped up, as I could not reach around to undo the tape, it was too high up my back. I slipped on the peignoir and the feeling of the silk was amazing as I slid it up my body and adjusted the spaghetti straps to fit my breasts. I loved the silky feeling all over my body, and loved the way it felt against my breasts. I then put on the gown over the peignoir and did up the silk sash around my waist. I would have touched up my perfume, but it was still in the trunk of Cheryle's car, but pulled out my lipstick and put on a healthy coat. I then packed it back into my purse and headed back into the living room area of the apartment.

Joe was sitting on the couch as I walked in and was smiling as I walked towards him and asked if I liked what he got for me and I told him I did, I made a mental note that I was going to have to get it hemmed, as it was almost touching the ground with me in my 5 1/4" heels. We were both smiling as I walked slowly towards him, and he was sipping on his drink with one hand and stroking his hard member with the other. He told me I looked "ravishing", and loved the slit and how it showed off my legs, I commented, as I grabbed my drink and sat down next to him, "decided to start without me", and then reached over and moved his hand away and started stroking him slowly, moving the pre cum on his head all around with my thumb. He leaned in and gave me a little kiss, we both put down our drinks and he pulled me in close and started kissing me passionately. Caressing me all over and moaning how lovely my body felt encased in silk, where the slit was he was caressing my silky legs and as we kissed I continued to stroke his hard member. We broke our kiss and I stood up and slowly undid the sash of the gown, and in a sexy way, let it drop to the ground and then sat back down and he was caressing my lace covered breasts, and I went back to stroking him and we kissed passionately. He then moaned, "I am ready", and we broke our kiss and I grabbed my purse, pulled out my lipstick and in a deliberate way staring at him, applied a healthy coat, then packed my purse back up and quickly leaned down and started assaulting him hard member with my lips. I used all of the techniques I did the first time, and like the first time, I knew time was running short and never let up or played games, Joe was moaning loudly and finally grabbed my head and grunted and fed me about 4 strong spurts and then relaxed, I let his member go with a "pop", and cleaned him up and got off the couch, put the robe back on and took a sip of my champagne. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and one last stroke of his limp member and grabbed my purse and headed to the bathroom.

I put down my purse and then hiked down my foundation garment and carefully pulled down my pantyhose and panties and sat down and did my business and cleaned up. I pulled out my lipstick and fixed up my lips and then grabbed my purse and headed into the living room, Joe was already all dressed and waiting for me, and came and gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled me in close and caressed my silky ass and told me how wonderful my lips were again. I told him how I enjoyed pleasuring him and was glad he had so much for me, and thanked him for the lingerie and the flowers. He gave me one last kiss on my cheek and told me that he texted Cheryle and that she was the way up and that she wanted to me to stay in the lingerie. He then left and I went and sat down on the couch and sipped on my champagne and 2 minutes later Cheryle walked in with my dress bag and duffle bag and a couple of other bags. She hung up the dress bag and then put down the duffle bag and her purse and came to me smilingly and said, "well stand up girl, I want to see how it looks".

I put down my glass and stood up and twirled around and she said, "looks like I got the size right". She came up to me and grabbed me close and gave me a long and soulful Lesbian to Lesbian kiss, and it was much different than Joe, it was soft and warm, and she held me tight and like Joe, caressed my silky covered ass. She grabbed another glass and poured herself a drink and told me to sit down on the couch, and she took a few sips and then stared at me and in a sexy voice, "so how many times?". I told her it was two times and she smiled and said, "well I am sure you had a good time, and now it is my turn to enjoy those lovely lips and tongue". As I sipped my drink, Cheryle said, "so what do you think I am wearing under my jacket?", I told her I knew exactly what it was and she proceeded to slowly take off her jacket to reveal what I thought and that was the matching white lace teddy she and I own that she bought for me when we dated as a couple of years ago. Then kicked off her black loafers and undid her slacks and slid them off to reveal nude stay ups. She then came and sat on the couch with me and we went into another passionate Lesbian embrace, and her hands were all over me and mine all over hers, she was caressing my breasts and telling me how she loved them, and I was caressing hers through the white lace of her teddy. Her nipples were hard and she pulled off one strap of her teddy one at a time and I leaned down and started to caress and lick and suck on them, and she rubbed and caressed the back of my head. I reached down and started caressing her pussy through the lace of the teddy and she was soaking wet. She reached down and undid the snaps and I took the hint and started fingering her very moist pussy and concentrated on her clit while licking and sucking on her breasts. She was moaning and pushed my head away and said, "I have been waiting all day for this, lick my pussy".

Cheryle laid back on the couch and I moved up on the couch and we had a long Lesbian kiss we broke it and then I kissed my way down way down to her dripping wet pussy. I spread her lips open parting the hair, and saw her clit was hard, lips glistening, and slowly starting to enjoy her lovely juices. I took my time, and like Joe, enjoyed the experience of servicing her orally and loved tasting her lovely juices again. She immediately started moaning and there was no doubt she was looking forward to getting her pussy licked as she started grinding into my face and telling me over and over how good it felt, and then asked me to put in a finger, which I did and then she asked for another. I looked up and she was pinching her nipples and moaning and groaning, eyes closed and head back, and I kept on licking faster and faster, moving my fingers around inside her wet pussy. I would stop every once in a while to blow on her clit as I held her pussy lips open and every time she would squeal in disappointment and reach down and push my head into pussy and tell me to keep going. I was licking and sucking for at least 10 more minutes and finally Cheryle screamed out and started bucking wildly as she orgasm. When she calmed down, I took out my fingers and got up off the couch and moved over to her and stood there and licked her lovely juices off her fingers and she pulled me in for a long and sensuous kiss, and proceeded to lick her juices off my face and they were spread everywhere. She was flush and caressed my silk covered body and told me she was waiting for a pussy licking from me for weeks, as she has not had intimate encounters with another woman for over 6 months, and I did not disappoint her, and she loved it.

We both sipped on champagne for a bit and she saw my lipstick marks on my glass and laughed a little and said, "guess I know who was drinking from what glass when I was gone". I laughed along and said, "well it is not colour last lipstick", and she asked if I brought her one for her clutch purse and I told her I did and she asked for it, so I grabbed my purse and pulled out the one for her and handed it to her. She then stood up, picked up all her clothes and said that I should go to the bathroom and freshen up and that she would meet me back in the living room. I had to go to the washroom any way, so I grabbed my purse and headed to the bathroom and closed the door and put down my purse, then proceeded to pull down my foundation garment and then pantyhose and panties and did my business and then cleaned up. I was just pulling out my lipstick from my purse and I could hear Cheryle, who obviously put on heels, walk by the door from her bedroom, and called out, "leave the foundation garment in the bathroom please". I fixed up my lipstick and packed it away and grabbed my purse and went back to the living room.

Cheryle was standing there and I was blown away she was wearing the identical peignoir and robe as I was, the 5 1/2" suede heels, and she had put on the lipstick, and she came up to me and said, "another surprise", and pulled me in and hugged me and we went into a passionate and deep lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. As we kissed we both caressed each others silky covered bodies, and I could tell Cheryle wanted more attention to her pussy. We broke our kiss and sat on the couch and grabbed our drinks and I asked Cheryle when the idea of the lingerie came up, and she said Joe wanted me to buy some for you, and then I decided I wanted something new and sexy to sleep in so I got one for myself. I told her she looked stunning in hers and she leaned in and gave me a light kiss and told me I looked ravishing in mine and then asked where the flowers were and I told her they were in the kitchen, and asked me to go and get them as she wanted to see them. I got up and went and grabbed them, and walked into the living room to show her and Cheryle started laughing hysterically, I was confused, and she blurted out, "do realize how you are holding them?", I looked down and then realized I had both my hands on them poised in front of me like I was either a Bride or Bridesmaid walking down the isle, and with Cheryle still laughing, said, "girl, you have taken the whole Bridal experience to a new level when you instinctively hold flowers in that fashion, guess it proves you have walked down the isle as many times as you say you have". I had to admit I subconsciously did it and had to laugh along. Cheryle told me that she would get a vase, and got up off the couch and opened a hutch and grabbed one and told me to follow her into the kitchen.

I looked down and she was in the 5 1/4" suede heels I loaned her and made the comment she was walking fine in them, and she laughed and said it took almost 2 weeks practicing every night to get used to them, and she said one day she wore them to work, and got lots of comments about them from her co workers. After we put the roses in a vase and water, we walked back to the couch and sat down and grabbed our drinks. I got her to tell me the comments and the stories, and it is always was fun hearing stories about my clothes as they get borrowed. We finished our drinks and Cheryle grabbed my hand and said, "it is time for more fun", she pulled me off the couch and lead me down the hall to her bedroom, our 5 1/4" heels clicking in unison. She had put on the dark red satin sheets like she did when we dated as Lesbian lovers 2 years before and slept together. She dimmed the lights and said, "I put on the sheets just for you my dear", my mind was racing on what it was going to feel like, in satin lingerie on satin sheets. She then came and gave me a long soulful lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, and then reached down and undid my gown satin belt and pulled it over my shoulders and let it drop to the floor, as we were still kissing, she motioned for me to do the same and I did.

Now just in our peignoirs, she lead us to the bed and guided me on beside her, the feeling of satin on satin was incredible, and then feeling Cheryle in satin was even more amazing. We started another long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian embrace, smooth and slow and sensual. Again we started slowly caressing each others silk covered bodies and she was caressing my breasts and nipples through the lace and I was doing the same, eventually, my right hand went down to the hem of her peignoir. I tugged it up and started caressing up her silky legs until I got to the tops of her stay ups and then moved my hand to her again wet pussy and started fingering it through her panties and she started moaning and the eventually broke our kiss and said, "it is time". I knew exactly what that meant and she rolled over and opened her nightstand and pulled out the familiar two vibrators, one small and the other large and the nipple clamps. She handed them to me and told me that she wanted to be first. We went into another long Lesbian kissing session, and I slowly pulled the spaghetti straps off her shoulders of the peignoir to expose her breasts and then broke our kiss and moved down and slowly started sucking and nibbling on her nipples to get them very hard and then at the same time reached down and started fingering her wet pussy. She tugged on my head and told me she was ready and handed me the nipple clamps and I slowly put them on one at a time and she flinched both times, she then handed me the vibrators and some lubricant and rolled over on her knees in a doggie style position. I applied the lubricant to the small lipstick sized vibrator and turned it on and slowly inserted it into Cheryle's rear, and she moaned when I did. I then turned on the large vibrator and slowly started massaging her clit and at the same time, occasionally gently grabbing the string between the nipple clamps and tugging on it. Cheryle was moaning and with my other hand was caressing her lovely ass and her silky covered back. From time to time I would slip in the vibrator into her wet pussy to keep her clit moist and eventually Cheryle could take no more and screamed out, "NOW, NOW", and I pulled off the nipple clamps and her whole body shuddered in a wild orgasm. I pulled out the small vibrator and she collapsed on the bed, still panting I brought the big vibrator up to her lips and we both licked it and cleaned it up, then started a long Lesbian kissing session and then she said, "now it is your turn".

She told me to lie back and then got on her knees beside me and pulled down the spaghetti straps to my peignoir, and started licking and sucking and nibbling on my nipples and feeling all over my satin covered body. She then stooped and said "ready?", I told her I was and she proceeded to put on the clamps, and at first the pain was unreal, but after about 30 seconds it was gone. She then told me to assume the position, and I rolled over and got on my knees and put my rear in the air. After pulling up my peignoir, she slowly inserted the small vibrator and as always it felt like it was going to fall out, but it did not and buzzed away. She then turned on the large vibrator to medium and started to search around on the outside of the latex vagina to find the "sweet spot", as I was tucked so far under, and I jumped when she did and she cooed, "now I know where to go", then turned the vibrator on high, and grabbed the string of the clamps tugging on it, and started moving the vibrator over the "sweet spot". Now, I had just gotten Cheryle off two times, sucked Joe off 2 times, and got the trill of a lifetime in a clubbing outfit, so my mind was racing. Cheryle knew this and would stop with the larger vibrator from time to time and caress my silky back and tease me with comments like, "my you are a busy girl today, making cocks hard, then sucking them, and then eating pussy, and showing off in that cute sexy outfit". She continued with the comments and then I could take no more and I yelled out, "NOW", and she ripped off the clamps, I saw stars but exploded in my latex vagina at the same time.

Cheryle removed the smaller vibrator and I got off the bed and raced to the bathroom, quickly pulled off my panties and heels and jumped into the shower stall pulled off the latex vagina and dumped the contents of my latex vagina on the stall floor. I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned up and put the latex vagina back on and then pulled up the panties and they were wet, I did not move fast enough, they were soaked with my own juice. I was just about to put on another coat of lipstick and Cheryle came into the bathroom, in a white terri cloth robe, the 5 1/4" heels and I noticed she had changed her hose to nearly black, sheer. She told me that she was almost ready to get dressed for the theatre, as we only had about 45 minutes to get ready and then there. I told her I had to get my duffle bag as all of the makeup and accessories for us were in there and she smiled and came and gave me a little kiss and told me that she would get it and that should start getting dressed and I told her, I needed the bag to start getting dressed and she gave me another little kiss and said, "go into the bedroom and start getting dressed there and I will get your dress and your bag and bring it to the bathroom".

I went into the bedroom and sitting on the deep red satin sheets was a black merry widow, satin and lace, shoulder straps, 4 garters attached to it and a pair of black lace and satin panties, bikini style, and finally a pair of Silks, ultra sheer nearly black stockings. I was not sure what to make of it, but a little note was on the lingerie and said, "I want to thank you for lending me the dress and make we are even more matching for tonight, please wear this under your dress, kisses, Cheryle". I picked up the lingerie, and the merry widow was not cheaply constructed. I stripped off my lingerie and left it on the bed, and I saw Cheryle's matching lingerie was on a chair in her room, I slipped out of my heels, and very carefully pulled down my sheer to toe waist pantyhose and slipped them off, as well as the wet panties. I started with the Merry widow, stepped into it and slid it on, as it has a stretch fabric instead of laces or snaps, so there was no need to help get into it, the push up bra was perfect for my taped up breasts, helped pushing them up even more, the straps needed adjusting, but I thought I would wait for Cheryle to help with that. I then sat down on the bed and carefully opened the new package of ultra sheer stockings and one by one slid them on and then did up the garters. Next was the silk and lace panties and they were lovely to slip on and fit perfectly, then my foundation garment, finally I put back on my 5 1/4" heels and moved to the bathroom to put on my foundation garment. Just after I put it on, I heard Cheryle walking in her heels and then she walked into the bathroom, and handed me my duffle bag and I took out my pink satin makeup coat and told me how hot I looked and came and gave me a long sensuous Lesbian to Lesbian kiss, then opened up her terri cloth robe and saw she was in identical matching lingerie, from the merry widow to the stockings to the panties. She then said, "when we get back from the theatre, that foundation garment is coming off". I turned around and asked Cheryle to help to adjust the straps as they were a little loose and I could have done it, but with her right there, it was so much easier, she did it and had me turn around and adjusted my breasts as well and leaned in and kissed them and told me hold sexy they looked. I then put on the makeup coat and Cheryle asked if I was ready for "putting on our faces", which I was. I was floored and asked her where she got the lingerie, and she said, "believe it or not Sears, and it was on sale". She did up her robe and handed me my duffle bag and I started to pull things out the makeup bag and final touches for the evening.

I put my makeup bag, and the Fantasy perfume on the bathroom counter, Cheryle and I stood side by side and started to put on our makeup for the evening. Cheryle looked at me and said, "ok dear, you are the one that knows what she is doing, I rarely wear makeup, some eyeliner and lipstick and that is it, so where do we start?". I told her that we were going to start with eyeliner and I took the only one I had, black, out of my makeup bag and told her that since it was going to be low light conditions, we would have to put on an application that would make out our eyes a little more dramatic, she told me that she would trust me. I started first and applied my usual formal night time eyeliner application, and Cheryle said, "that much?", and I told her again that we were going to be in a low light situation, and it was going to be appropriate. I finished and then handed her the eyeliner and she was fumbling and I was watching her in the mirror as she tried to duplicate what I had done. While I was determining what eye shadow we were going to be wearing I had to giggle in my head as she was grabbing tissue to make the application right. I helped her out and eventually she got it close to mine with no smudging, I then decided we would go a little more "mysterious", with dark gray, both on upper and lower lids, and applied it as Cheryle was finishing up with the eye liner. I was quickly done and handed Cheryle the eye shadow and she looked at me in the mirror and said, "that fast?", I told her that I can put on my makeup faster than my husband, and she aid said, "again, are you are sure you are not a real woman?". I assured her I was not, and it was just a matter of practice, I was done my eye shadow and was putting on "Lash Blast Mascara", and Cheryle was just starting her eye shadow, I quickly finished my eyes and started to apply my formal blush and put on a healthy coat, a formal application. Cheryle needed a little help with her eye shadow and I advised her on what to do, and it was comical when I handed her the mascara, and she said, "I have no clue how to use this", I laughed and asked, "how did you put it on when you were a Bridesmaid?". She told me they had a girl doing the makeup and she did it. It was funny, there I was a non-GG teaching a GG on how to put on Mascara, she eventually got it on, and her eyes looked amazing and even she commented she has never had more dramatic looking eyes. It was the same routine with the blush, I had to show her what to do, but she had the same looking glowing cheeks as I did when she was done. She looked at herself in the mirror and gasped and told me that she thought she looked amazing, almost like the day she was a Bridesmaid, and she thanked me, and told me I looked amazing as well.

I told her we should have one last kiss before we both put on our lipstick, and she smiled wildly at me and grabbed me and we went into a long and deep passionate Lesbian embrace, caressing each other all over the place. We broke our embrace and Cheryle smiled at me and said, "lets get on out dresses and then the final makeup touch will be our lipsticks", I told her before our dresses we should freshen up our perfume, and handed her the bottle of Fantasy perfume. She smiled and looked at me and then handed it back to me and told me to show me where she should apply it. I grabbed the bottle and put a healthy application on, behind my ears, my breasts, wrists and finally my ankles. Cheryle was smiling as I handed it to her and she did the same, and said, "I always wondered how I could smell you everywhere", and did the same. Smiling, she then grabbed my hand, heels clicking in unison and we went into her bedroom, both our dresses for the evening were lying there, on her red satin covered bed, she had taken my dress out the dress bag and laid it out.

She walked up to me and pulled me in for another long and deep soft passionate Lesbian kiss and reached down and undid my pink silk makeup coat and slid it off my shoulders and it fell to the ground, I did the same with her terri cloth robe and soon it was the two us deeply kissing in our lingerie and heels. She broke the kiss and said, "shall we my dear?", she reached down and handed me my dress. Since both were slip on dresses, we both put them on at the same time and mine had a button I had to do up at the back and when I was done looked over at Cheryle and she smiled at me and said, "now the finishing touches?". I told her they were in the bathroom, and she grabbed my hand and we walked with heels clicking to the bathroom.

We both had our matching lesbian earrings and necklaces on and I had on my charm bracelet on my right wrist and pulled the remaining jewelry from the duffle bag and handed Cheryle a sparkly bracelet and she put it on her right wrist, and I put on a silver formal watch on my left wrist. The final touches was two matching silver anklets and we both took turns in putting them on each others right ankle. The final things in getting prepared was both of us moving things from our regular purses to the clutch purses and I made sure I had a compact, tissues, Cheryle and I's matching lipstick and a comb. We both fluffed out our hair, and Cheryle said, "one last touch, but before that", and moved in and gave me another long and slow passionate sweet Lesbian kiss. We then both pulled out our matching lipsticks and smiled at each other in the mirror as we put them on and after we packed them into our clutch purse leaned in and gave each other a little light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. We headed back into the living room and sat down and started talking about the evening and at that time Cheryle called for a taxi, and told me it would be arriving in 10 minutes. We had to both giggle, as if we were not careful, both of us would be flashing the tops of our garters as we sat down and got up. We finished the last of our drinks, and Cheryle grabbed her clutch purse, and said, "shall we?". We got up, clutch purses in hand and went to the front hall closet, and Cheryle helped me put on my gray long winter coat, and she put on her shorter Blue winter coat, and we left the apartment, and after locking the door, she grabbed my hand and we headed for the elevator, clutch purses in hand.

We got to the elevator and Cheryle was smiling and telling me how pretty I looked and how she was really looking forward to the evening. we got into the elevator and we were all alone and Cheryle hugged me and pulled me in for a little lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and we got to the 1st floor and left the elevator hand in hand. We went through the lobby our heels clicking in unison and the taxi was waiting. We went out into the cool night air, and we got to the taxi, Cheryle opened the door for me and I slid in, and she walk around to her passenger side of the taxi and slid in. I opened my coat to expose my legs and when Cheryle slid in, she the did the same. Cheryle told the taxi driver where to go, and we were off. As the taxi driver drove, Cheryle kept leaning into me and caressing my silky legs and blowing in my ear, softly telling me how she could not wait to get back after the theatre to enjoy my lips again. I reached over and was rubbing her silky covered leg and every once in a while she would pull me in for a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. Also, every once in a while she would slide her hand up my skirt to near my thigh and tug at my garters and say, "better watch out for not flashing these", and I did the same and said the same, and we both giggled. I am sure the taxi driver was getting a good show and enjoying it but we ignored him. We pulled up to Stage West and Cheryle paid for the fare, and both did up our coats and got out of the taxi. Cheryle came around to my side opened my door and said, "now where to dear?", as I slid out and she grabbed my hand and helped me out, I told her I knew where we were going and lead the way, but she would not let go of my hand.

I got out and then we went into the hotel lobby hand in hand and the doorman smiled at us as we walked by him. As always I was thrilled to go into the lobby of the Stage West hotel, and this time was very special with another woman and walking hand in hand with her as her lover and our 5 1/4" heels clicking along, immediately we started to get looks, from males and females, I was loving it. We got to the coat check area, Cheryle helped me off with my coat and she slid hers off and handed them to the coat check girl, and got our tags and she packed them in her clutch purse, and immediately grabbed my hand and asked again where to go. I told her I knew and we just had to walk down the hall. I was tingling with excitement, as we walked the very familiar walk to the entrance of the theatre that Sharon and I had done so many times before, and we followed a few other couples that were formally dressed and as we got near the entrance of the theatre, the clicks of heels was like a sweet song, as 5 or 6 of us in heels walked along on the marble floor. We stood in line and waited and eventually the hostess, a mid 20's girl in a black skirt and white blouse, low heels and opaque black nylons came us to us smiling and Cheryle produced the tickets and she smiled at us and said, "right this way ladies".

Hand in hand we walked to the table and it was booth #76, as we approached the booth, both, my husband Sharon and Brenda were there already. They definitely went to the salon and both hair upswept hair and their makeup was about as good as ours, with matching nail polish and lipstick, almost identical to ours, and like Cheryle and I, had there eyes done in the same matching shades for their lids, there's was a more blueish tone I also noticed they both were wearing some of my sparkly jewelry, earrings and necklaces. Brenda was the first to speak up and jokingly said, "oh the Barbie twins are here", making comments about our dresses, shoes the Lesbian jewelry, and as per protocol, the wives sit in the middle and the husbands on the edge of the booth so I carefully slid in first and sat next to my husband Sharon, and then Cheryle slid in next to me. I could smell the Curious perfume on Brenda and Sharon and Sharon made the comment that the two of us look and smelled wonderful, and I told her that the two of them did as well.

It was quite the thrill for me right off the bat, as all of us were wearing MY clothes, perfume and jewelry, only thing that was not mine was the lingerie and hose. We all settled in and Cheryle never let go of my hand and we all started chatting, we found out Brenda and Sharon had gotten to the table a few minutes before us, and we all we went on complimenting each other about how lovely we all looked. Cheryle was in the middle of stroking my arm when our server for the evening came to the table and said, "good evening ladies, my name is Amanda and I will be serving you tonight can I get anything for you to drink?". She was a 20+ something girl, in a black knee length skirt, white blouse, nude hose and low black heels and a very cute face and well done makeup. Cheryle immediately spoke up and said "two glasses of white wine here for us" looking over at me holding my hand, and Brenda spoke and said, "the same for us" as she grabbed Sharon's hand. It was classic to see the look in her eyes and she walked away and said, "I will be back shortly with your drinks ladies". After she left, Cheryle cuddled in with me and Sharon and Brenda did the same, and I was loving it, looking around and seeing all of the other formally dressed females, it was like all of the other times we have been to Stage West loving the scenery, but this was a little more special as I was with a Lesbian partner, the enforcement of the dress code was truly enforced, and no women were in slacks, all in a dress or a skirt as per the code, soon, like any other group of females together, we started critiquing the other females around us and their attire, I was in heaven.

The most magical part of the theatre trip came when our server Amanda came back with our glasses of wine and placed them down and was smiling at us, Cheryle was cuddled into me and Brenda and Sharon were doing the same and she said, "I take it is a 'girls night out' and you left the husbands at home?". I quickly glanced over at Cheryle and she was smiling, and she was still holding my hand and I quickly leaned in and gave her a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and looked over at Amanda and said, "I never left my husband at home", and smiled at her while Cheryle was smiling and rubbing my arm. Sharon leaned in did the same to Brenda and said, "nor did I". The look on Amanda's face was priceless, but she gained her composure after the shock, and said, "well, you both make lovely couples, and I love your dresses, you all look great, the buffet is ready when you ladies are". She smiled, then walked away, Cheryle leaned into me and gave me another lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss this time a longer one and smiled and told me how much she loved that moment. Sharon was the one that got us moving, and said, "shall we get something to eat ladies?" With that I opened my clutch purse and pulled out the strap to make it a regular purse, and Cheryle looked at me with the "what are you doing?" look, and I leaned in and gave her a little kiss on the cheek and said, "hard to carry a plate and your clutch purse all at the same time". She smiled and did the same as me and said, "again, sure you are not a real female?, as I would have never thought of that", Brenda and Sharon had already done their conversions.

We all slid out of the booth, Cheryle did not let go of my hand and Brenda and Sharon did not hold hands but were close. Cheryle told me to lead the way, and I did as we walked up the stairs to the buffet, and I was loving it as we definitely were getting looks from males and females alike. We got to the buffet and Cheryle followed my lead and Brenda did the same with Sharon, we all grabbed plates and that was the first time since we entered the theatre that Cheryle let go of my hand. I got my usual, salads, veggies and bread, and then at the end, got the roast beef. I waited for Cheryle and then she came and joined me and then we waited for Brenda and Sharon and then all walked back to the table together. Sharon made the comment, "I have no clue how Cheryle you are walking in those shoes, I know Joyce has worn that height out many times, but you?, you do not even wear heels to work", Cheryle was the one that spoke up and said, "easy, lots of practice and since I dated Joyce I do wear heels to work, not this high mind you". We got to the table and assumed the same spots in the booth and put down our plates. As we ate, we were all looking around and commenting on the other females around us and what they were wearing. Some of the younger females even went with daringly short black miniskirts and heels, as high as Cheryle and I were wearing, others females were more conservative with longer skirts/dresses and others in LBD's almost like the 4 of us. I did not want a second helping of dinner, but Sharon and Brenda went and neither did Cheryle, so the two of them went off and Cheryle moved in and cuddled with me and gave me a little kiss and told me how much she was looking forward to dessert, and I told her I was, but not the sweets in the buffet, she smiled and said, "oh you will like the dessert I have planned for you when we get back to my place", I smiled and we both rubbed each others very silky legs under the table and told her I was looking forward to it and enjoyed the snack in the afternoon, and she smiled and said, so did I and I loved serving it to you, but tonight will be more special". She leaned in and gave me a long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and rubbed my arm and caressed my silky legs, if anyone was watching, we sure were making a scene.

Sharon and Brenda came back and as they started their second serving, Cheryle and I decided to go to the buffet for dessert. We grabbed our clutch purses and slung them over our shoulders and headed back to the buffet for dessert. As we left the table Cheryle immediately grabbed my hand and we were off, Cheryle now knowing where we were going lead the way I was loving it and all the attention we were getting, up the stairs to the buffet we went. As we entered the buffet area, I caught quite of number of people catching glimpses at us and we both spotted the desserts and Cheryle took me by the hand to them. She let go of my hand and grabbed a plate and handed me one and we both started to look over what was there. Cheryle went for a couple of pieces of pie and I went for a couple of éclairs. We then headed back to the table, with a plate in one hand and Cheryle holding mine with the other. We slid and Sharon and Brenda made the comment on how "yummy" the desserts looked. I had a big smile on my face and looked over at Cheryle and said, "yes they do" and slowly licked my lips. Cheryle smiled in a knowing and way and rubbed my arm and came in and gave me a light kiss. As we ate, we continued chatting, and Sharon said, "so, what did you ladies do to pass the time this afternoon while we went to the salon?". Cheryle smiled wildly and said, "well Joyce here, for starters was quite the scene at Earls". Sharon said, "oh do tell", and Brenda spoke up and said, "well, remember the outfit we got her to try on when we went dress shopping?, Cheryle bought it for her to wear to go to lunch", Sharon's mouth dropped and she said, "are you kidding me?, that one?". Both Brenda and Cheryle said in unison, "yes that one". Cheryle quickly pointed out that she had me wear sheer dark nearly black hose and the heels I was wearing now. Sharon moved into me and stroked my silky covered left leg and said, "my you must have been quite the sight". I was a little embarrassed and quietly said, "well I certainly fit in". My husband Sharon said, "well you definitely would have". Sharon then asked, "so what was the rest of the afternoon's activities, as you did not go to the salon like Brenda and I?". Cheryle had a big smile on her face and said, "Joyce had surf and turf after lunch". Sharon said she figured the "surf", but what was the "turf", and she told her it was Joe. Cheryle told Sharon that I was quite busy all afternoon and went through a bunch of lipstick. Sharon leaned into me and whispered, "my quite the little slut today are we not?". I said nothing, and almost at that moment the announcement that the show would be beginning in 15 minutes.

I was smiling huge as this of all times I have gone to Stage West are the two most anticipated times were the chances to go to the ladies room when a bunch of the women would be rushing to them. I immediately converted my purse back into clutch and so did Sharon and Brenda by tucking in our straps, and again, Cheryle was looking at me and asking what we were doing and I told her it was time to go back to clutch, and she said, "and how the hell do you know this is what you do?", I smiled back and gave her a little kiss and said, "my husband taught me well, and tuck your purse straps in". Cheryle did and Brenda and Sharon both of them left the booth, Cheryle was about to leave and I grabbed her arm as to not to follow them, and I told her to stay. Now, where we seated was in the center of the theatre, there was a smaller ladies room to the left, Sharon always liked that one as it was not as busy, Sharon and Brenda went there to that one. The main one to the right, which was a longer walk, I told Cheryle, that is the one we were going to, but I wanted to wait. Cheryle was confused as she had to really use the ladies room, but I asked her to wait (waiting would mean we would have to be in longer lineup), and about 2 minutes later I told her it was time for us to go. We slid out of the booth and I told her to follow me, but not before she grabbed my hand and walked beside me. As we walked she said, "so why this one and not the other one?", I told her "two reasons, one you wanted to show me off so a longer walk, and this one always has a longer lineup to get in, so even more time to show me off". Again as we walked along we got tons of looks and stares from males and other females and I was loving it.

I was loving it even more as we got to near the ladies room, there was a huge lineup, and not like the other females, lined up single file to go in we were side by side, Cheryle did not let go of my hand, and leaned in to me and quietly said, "I really have to pee, so let me go first", I told her that was fine. As always, watching other females come out of the room and walk by us and giving the female to female accepting smiles was always a thrill, but this time was more special as two females holding hands got a second, and a third look!. It was fun to watch the men come out of their washroom and check out all the females in the line, always a special time for me, and this one even more special, hand in hand with another female, they definitely focused on us. We eventually got to the entrance to the washroom, then we were the next two for a stall and that is when Cheryle let go of my hand and turned to me and in front of about 20 other females gave me a little lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and gently caressed my face and told me out loud she would meet me by the door and went to the next available stall. Of course all of the other females in the line ups, stalls and mirrors were looking at me, but I kept staring straight ahead and waited for the next available stall. I walked towards the next available one as the female came out of it and we exchanged the usual, female to female smile and I went in and put my clutch purse down on the shelf in the stall and hiked up my dress and pushed my panties out of the way and sat down and did my business, of course making sure to make the right "tinkling sounds", like the other two women on either side of me. I loved peaking down and seeing high heels shoes on either side of my stall. I finished my business and cleaned up and stood up and arranged my foundation garment and my dress and grabbed my clutch purse and headed out of the stall, and was greeted by another female coming to the stall, and we again, shared the usual female to female smile, and I headed to the lineup for the sinks and mirrors to touch up my makeup. I looked around for Cheryle and she was already standing by the door her clutch purse held by two hands at her waist waiting for me, smiling, and I noticed her lips were touched up. It did not take long and it was my turn at the sink and mirrors and I opened my clutch purse and took out my lipstick and put on a healthy coat and was loving it as I was staring at the two other females standing beside me as we were doing the same, each staring at each other in the mirror, smiling at each other with the usual female to female smiles. I fluffed out my hair, packed up my clutch purse and headed to the door to join Cheryle waiting at the door.

As soon as a I got to the door, Cheryle, grabbed my hand and lead me out the door, and past the line of women still waiting to get in to use the ladies washroom, and I was thrilled again, as we got stared at as we walked back to the table hand in hand. I was surprised when we got to the table that Sharon and Brenda were not back, but shortly after we slid in, they came back to the table with their desserts. As they ate their desserts I noticed our dessert plates were gone. Cheryle and I finished our wine and we all chatted and Sharon as asked if we had a good time going to the ladies washroom, and I smiled and gently rubbed her silky exposed leg and told her we certainly did. A server came by and he took the girls plates from their dessert and smiled at the 4 of us. Then Amanda, our server came by and asked, "hello ladies, another round of drinks before the play starts?". Cheryle spoke up and said, "yes, we will please", Brenda did the same for her and Sharon. She smiled and walked off, again, I was soaking in the atmosphere and cuddling in with Cheryle. At one point I leaned into my husband Sharon and told her that she and Brenda smelt lovely (again, wearing my Curious perfume), she told me Cheryle and I did as well. Our server Amanda came back and put down the drinks and said, "enjoy the show ladies".

The lights went down and the play started. I cuddled in with Cheryle and Brenda and Sharon followed our lead. As the play went on, Cheryle would from time to time, lower her hand under the table and caressed my silky legs all the way to the garters and whisper in my ear, "mmmm, how sexy", and I would do the same and from time to time lean in and give me a little lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss. Normally I go to Stage West with dates, including my husband Sharon, and the play is just a distraction with all of the female to female interaction, and being just another female amongst other females that have to obey the dress code in a skirt or dress. However, this show was different, we all were laughing, and the bonus for the 4 of us, there was a scene with all 4 of the female main characters in lingerie as they played their parts as part of a slumber party scene, as the scene went on, Cheryle leaned in to me and very quietly said, "take notes dear". I told her she should do the same and she quietly said, "that brunette in the pink lingerie, I would invite her into my bed any day". The caressing under the table and the cuddling from what I saw, by all 4 of us was going on, until the intermission came and the lights came up, then we all stopped.

Now, this is always the best part of Stage West for me personally. Sharon and Brenda, grabbed their clutch purses and took off right away towards the smaller bathroom obviously needing to use the washroom, and Cheryle was about to slide out and I grabbed her arm and told her to wait again. She asked why and I again told her that most of the other females would be rushing to the big ladies washroom, and I wanted a much longer lineup to enjoy the experience. She smiled and said that we would wait, and clutched my hand, and about 5 minutes later and watching the rush of the other formally dressed females heading to the ladies washroom, I told her it was time. We both grabbed our clutch purses and slid out of the booth and Cheryle immediately grabbed my hand again and lead the way as she now knew where the larger ladies washroom was, as always I was loving the look, the other women and men as well looking us up and down as we walked hand in hand as a Lesbian couple. I planned it perfectly, the lineup for the females was all the way down the ramp leading up to the ladies washroom, much longer than the first time. The men were coming and going to their washroom and checking all of females out and Cheryle never let go of my hand as we stood in line, I was loving every moment of it. The lineup started eventually moving slowly and Cheryle was not letting go of my hand, the men were checking all of the women in line and so were the other females checking us out as females as they left the ladies washroom, we were checking them out as well (as we all females do). We got to the entrance of the washroom, and Cheryle eventually let my hand go and we got into line single file with me ahead of Cheryle. I eventually was at the head of the line and the next stall came available. Before I went to go for it, Cheryle, again, in front of many other females, gave me a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and told me she would be waiting for me, I could feel all the other females eyes on me in the room. I went to it and as the other female left I shared the usual smile and went in. I quickly put my clutch purse on the shelf as I really had to go and hiked up my dress and pulled my panties out of the way and sat down and did my business. One of the girls next to me made a loud sound as she relieved herself and since I had to go real bad, did not bother with the "tinkling sound", as went as loud as she did, as again, I really had to go. I cleaned up and then tugged down my dress and grabbed my clutch purse and smiled as I left the stall with the woman walking in towards me, again exchanging the usual female to female smiles. I was surprised, there was no wait for the mirrors and the sinks and went in between two other females that were fluffing their hair and touching up their makeup, I also noticed oddly, I had beaten Cheryle out of the stalls. I opened my clutch purse and grabbed my lipstick and was putting it on when I noticed Cheryle had come and joined a line of other females behind me waiting for the mirror and I smiled at her as I packed up my clutch purse and left and went and waited by the door like she had done for me the last time. It was such a thrill watching other females leaving and sharing all of the usual female to female smiles, and all the while checking them out as they checked me out. Cheryle eventually got to the mirror and I watched as she put on my matching lipstick and then packed up her clutch purse and came and joined me and immediately grabbed my hand and again in a crowded ladies room gave me a little lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss in front all of the other females and lead me out of the ladies washroom hand in, I was thrilled.

We left the ladies washroom and headed back to the table and Sharon and Brenda were already there, sitting and watching us as we got to the table. I immediately noticed that they had touched up their lips and smiled at them as we slid in. Sharon's usual comment, "enjoy yourself?", as she smiled at me and I said in a matter of fact way, "yes we did, and I see you both touched up your lips". Our server Amanda came and put down 4 new glasses of wine and two bills one for each couple and said she would be back before the play started the second act. Obviously Sharon and or Brenda ordered the next round of drinks. Cheryle pulled out a $20 bill and so did Brenda and when Amanda came back she took both of the them and both Cheryle and Brenda told her to keep the change, and it was a nice tip and she smiled and said, "It was very nice serving you ladies this evening, enjoy the rest of the show", then before she walked away, Sharon pulled out her cell phone and asked her to take a picture of us, and she smiled and said she would love to and she took several pictures of both couples and all of us together, made for some special pictures and handed the cell phone back to Sharon. Just before the second half of the show started Sharon leaned into me and under the table discreetly slid her hand up under my dress and along my silky nylon covered leg towards my crotch and tugged at my left garter and whispered in my ear, "you do know that you and Cheryle have been flashing your garters all night tonight in those short dresses as you walked up and down the stairs in the heels?". I leaned back into her and told her that we were both in matching merry widows with garters attached and Cheryle bought them for us. She just smiled and said, to me, "just thought I would let you know, and very sexy".

The second half of the show started and the same routine between myself and Cheryle and Brenda and Sharon started, with the caressing and the cuddling. The second half of the show was surprisingly and entertaining as first half of the show, but no more lingerie scenes, but the memories of the actresses in their lingerie was still on my mind, and I am sure Cheryle and the other girls at the table as well. Eventually the show ended and the lights came up, and as the people filed out, the 4 of us got up and walked as couples to the coat check area, Cheryle and I hand in hand. I was loving it as the four of us were walking across the marble floor leading to the coat check area and our 4 sets of heels in unison clicking along. When we got there Brenda and Cheryle took the lead and went and got the coats and Sharon and I stood back while they did. They came back with their coats on and each helped us put on ours, we definitely were getting looks but I was loving every minute of it. It was at that point we separated as Sharon and Brenda had parked near the theatre side of the hotel, and Cheryle and I were going to catch a cab at the hotel entrance. Before we went our own ways, Cheryle and I hugged Brenda and Sharon and exchanged light friendly lipstick to lipstick kisses. As we separated my husband Sharon walked up to me and whispered in my ear, enjoy Cheryle and see you in the morning, and lick her pussy well, as I will take care of Brenda and she will me".

With that, Cheryle grabbed my hand and we headed to the area where the taxi cabs would be wait ing and Sharon and Brenda went in the other direction. Cheryle took the lead as we walked out into the cool night air and we both smiled at the doorman that called up a taxi cab and Cheryle took me by the hand and lead me to one of the passager doors and gave me a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and I slid in. She got in on the other side and told the driver where to go, and we were off. Cheryle leaned into me and whispered how she was going to enjoy the rest of the evening while caressing my silky legs. I did the same to her and we held hands all the for the short ride to her apartment building.

We got to her apartment building and Cheryle paid the taxi driver for the ride and then came and opened my door then helped me out of the taxi, and hand in hand we walked into her apartment building. we got tot he elevator and were alone and Cheryle hit the button for her floor and after the doors were closed, came to me and grabbed my head and starting sensuously and slowly kissing me in a lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss, caressing me all over. We got to her floor and we broke our embrace and then went into the apartment, Cheryle took off my coat and hung it up along with hers. Cheryle then told me to have a seat in the living room and get comfortable and she would bring some wine for us. She came back with two glasses and then poured the wine and we sipped on it, but the sexual energy was in the air nothing was said just gently caresses, each enjoying each others silky nylon covered stocking legs. We finished our wine and Cheryle moved in for a another long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and broke it and told me it was time that I go and freshen up and to take off only my dress and foundation garment and join her in the kitchen for a special surprise.

I stood up and grabbed my clutch purse and went to the bathroom and carefully slipped off my dress and foundation garment and put them on the counter and checked out my makeup and found it was not that bad, except my lipstick, which I opened my clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and touched my lips up. I could hear Cheryle moving around with her heels clicking and then silence. I grabbed my clutch purse and headed to the kitchen, in just my Merry widow, panties, stockings and 5 1/4" heels, and sure enough, what I thought I would see was there. All the lights were off and Cheryle had lit several candles, and she was sitting on her kitchen table like she was years previously when we dated as a Lesbian couple for the first time. She was smiling at me and her legs were spread wide open, on her elbows, exposing her lovely pussy, and sitting on a towel. She still had on her heels and stockings and matching merry widow with no panties, and in a sexy way said, "remember how to do this my dear?", next to her was a tub of warm water, scissors, and a female razor, shaving cream and a wash cloth. I told her I definitely did and I came to her and we went into a long lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and she broke it and said, "get to work girl, I want my pussy to be hairless for the next part of our lovely evening".

I then sat on a chair in front of the table and took the scissors and started to carefully clip away the longer hair of her pussy area, and she was already moaning and pinching at her nipples, with her head back on a pillow. As I was clipping away I could see her pussy lips were glistening with her pussy juices in the candlelight, she was definitely turned on. After clipping off all of the longer hair I grabbed the shaving cream and applied it and grabbed the razor and very gently started removing the rest. Dipping the razor in the bowl and slowly removing all of the hair, Cheryle was moaning louder and louder as I cleaned her pussy hair off. When I was done, I took the towel and wiped her pussy off and in the candlelight could see her bare pussy was wet and glistening in the light, she was moaning and groaning and she moved her hands down and spread her pussy lips and said, "lick me off". I did not need any encouragement and slowly started licking her tangy juices off her pussy lips and she was moaning telling to "lick, lick, lick". I started licking on her clit quickly and nibbling from time to time and she was moaning and groaning louder and louder, and eventually started grinding her pussy into my face and then at one point almost at the point or cumming, push my head back and cried out, "fingers, fingers", and I slowly inserted two and thrust them in and our and about 30 seconds later she shuddered violently and screamed out as she came. As she calmed down, I moved over beside her and she grabbed my head and we went into a long deep passionate Lesbian kiss, she then broke the kiss and she licked my face to clean up her own juices, telling me over and over how wonderful my lips and tongue were, "I cannot believe you are not a real female, you sure know to lick like one". Finally grabbing my fingers that were in her pussy and taking them to her mouth and licking off her own juices, Smiling at me after she did.

She then got up off the table and grabbed my hand and both picked up our clutch purses and we walked, heels clicking in unison to the living room. She lead me to the couch and we exchanged allot of light kisses and caresses and she then told me to go and freshen up, and she would as well, but I use the bathroom, she would go to her bedroom. I got up off the couch, and hand in hand she lead me to the bathroom, and went in and she gave me a light kiss and went to the bedroom. I went into the bathroom and pulled out my lipstick from the clutch purse and put on a healthy application and then packed it back up. I heard Cheryle's heels clicking back and forth down the hall, so I was not sure where she would be, also fluffed out my hair. I grabbed my clutch purse and with heels clicking left the bathroom, and heard, "in here Joyce" coming from the bedroom.

I entered the bedroom and Cheryle had lit 6 candles and was standing at the side of the bed with her satin red peignoir on, with no robe, and mine in her hand and slowly an sexily in her heels came up to me and handed it me and came in for a light lipstick to lipstick Lesbian kiss and told me to slip it on, as it was time for bed, she removed her heels and slid in and I saw she was still in her merry widow as well. I slipped my peignoir on and then looked at a smiling Cheryle that had also touched up her lipstick and she slid on to the red satin sheets and said, "one more thing to put on", pointing at the floor, and on the floor was a strap on dildo, and she said, "just step into it dear and I will do you up, then you can make love to me, I am sure you know how to do that". She had laid out the straps so even in my heels, I was able to step into it, which I did and hiked up my peignoir, and pulled it up into position. When I did Cheryle told me to turn around and come to her and she pulled the straps tight, then with me still holding up my peignoir, I had about a 9 to 10 inch thick dildo sticking out, Cheryle had pulled up her peignoir and exposed her bald pussy. She told me to lean down and kiss her and we went into a long and deep sensuous Lipstick to Lipstick Lesbian kiss. She broke the kiss and reached down after tugging up her peignoir while she slowly massaged her clit, said in a sexy way, "now fuck me with that thing", and spread her legs and reached down and then licked her fingers and started rubbing her clit. Then said, "I am ready my dear".

I of course knew what to do, took off my heels and crawled up on the bed and took the massive dildo and steadied myself with one hand with the other grabbed the dildo and slowly slid it in her pussy, and she gasped as I put it in and she groaned, "this is the first time anything this big has been in my pussy, I bought just for this occasion, make love to me". It was strange as I had to get used to how the straps worked and felt but eventually managed to get into a rhythm, however, Cheryle wanted it all into her and screamed out, "all of it Joyce, put it all the way in me". Cheryle was constantly licking her fingers and feverishly rubbing her clit as I was pumping the large dildo in and out of her pussy. Her head was back on the pillow and she kept crying out, "harder, harder, deeper, deeper, lick and nibble and suck on my nipples", which I did. Cheryle must have been really enjoying the stimulation as about 10 minutes later she screamed out and started shuddering and came. When she calmed down I withdrew the dildo from her pussy and got up off the bed and then Cheryle told me how incredible it was and told me to turn around as I was holding up the peignoir. She undid the straps and I lowered the harness down and stepped out of it, Cheryle was moaning and still gently massaging her pussy, and said, "I want to watch you lick it clean, show me what you did to Joe earlier today". I smiled at her and leaned down and picked it up and slowly licked and sucked all of her lovely pussy juices off of the large dildo, when I was done she ask if it was all clean and I told her it was and she told me now it was my turn for fun and then time for bed. I knew what was coming and I put the strap on harness with the dildo on the night stand and crawled up onto the bed, loving the feeling of my satin peignoir against the satin sheets. Cheryle and I went into a long and deep Lesbian embrace (lipstick long gone), and kissed for about 10 minutes caressing each others satin covered bodies and silky nylon covered legs. eventually she broke the embrace, and said, "now it is your turn and then time for bed", as she rolled over took out the two vibrators and the nipple clamps from the night stand, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 2:30am, and she was right, it was time for bed.

She then started by pulling down the straps to the peignoir and the merry widow and exposing my breasts, then told me to roll over and took off the tape around my torso for my breast cleavage. Then started sucking and nibbling on them and caressed my satin covered body at the same time, I was totally turned on mentally. When my nipples were hard, she reached over and grabbed the clamps and put them on, and again, the pain was intense. As the pain subsided, what I was to do next was routine and I rolled over and Cheryle turned on the small vibrator after lubricating it and tugged my panties aside and inserted it and then turned on the large vibrator and started moving around my pussy area. I t did not take long before I jumped as she found the sweet spot and then concentrated on there moving it back and forth, then to stimulate me even started talking to me in a sexy voice about how sexy I looked and how good of cocksucker I was and an equally good pussy licker and how all evening she was turned on the fact she was wearing my clothes, perfume and jewelry, and was wet for most of it. All the while tugging the string of the nipple claps, eventually after about 10 minutes, I cried out "NOW", and she ripped off the nipple clamps and I exploded into my latex vagina. She pulled out the smaller vibrator and then I quickly got off the bed and raced to the bathroom, and jumped into the tub and took off my now damp panties and dumped the contents of the latex vagina in the tub. Then after taking a washcloth and cleaning up and drying off, but the latex vagina back on and the damp panties, and head back to the bedroom. Cheryle had blown out all of the candles, expect for one, and I crawled into bed with her and she asked me if I had enjoyed the day and evening and I told her I definitely did and after one long last Lesbian caressing embrace, and one long last passionate kiss she blew out the last candle and she pulled up the covers and told me to rest my head on her breasts, was not long before I was asleep.

Sunday morning came and I awoke to the sound of the shower, Cheryle got up before me and I was still groggy from the night before. I looked at the clock and the time was 11:30am, I heard the shower stop and Cheryle came in just wearing a towel and said, "good morning sleepy head", she came and leaned down and gave me a little kiss and told me the bathroom and shower was all mine and then in a sexy voice said, "but do you want "one for the road?, I certainly want another pussy licking, as I am still horny for those lovely lips". I told her I probably did not look very good and she said, "no woman looks good first thing in the morning before they put on makeup". She dropped the towel and was completely naked, and crawled up and we went in to a long deep Lesbian kissing session with her caressing my still silk covered body, and lied down beside me and asked me to lick and suck her nipples and play with her pussy, which I did. She was moaning and then said it was time and I thought that she was going to get out the clamps and the dildo's and instead, she just crawled up on the bed and grabbed the headboard and straddled my face, and I knew what to do and started licking and sucking her lovely bald pussy. I concentrated on her hard clit, and reached up and caressed her breasts and nipples and she then started to ride my face rubbing her pussy all over moaning and telling me how good it felt and got faster and faster, and finally she cried out and her body shuddered in an intense orgasm. She then crawled off me and came and kissed me and licked her own juice of my face and thanked me for yet another intense orgasm, and told me I smelled of sex. Then she told me it was my turn and this time, she grabbed for the clamps and the dildos in the nightstand. The routine was the same, she pulled down the straps to my peignoir and merry widow and started sucking and nibbling and caressing my breasts until my nipples were hard, then applied the nipple clamps. As usual the pain was intense, but it died down, and I rolled over and got on all 4's, putting my head in the pillow and she turned on the small vibrator, and moved my panties out of the way and slowly inserted it. Then turned on the big vibrator and knew where to go and immediately, I jumped and she concentrated on that area, and like the night before, started in a sexy voice telling me how sexy I looked and how she loved showing off my tits and how good of a pussy licker and cocksucker I was, images of the day and evening flashed through my mind and I cried out, "NOW!", and she ripped off the clamps and I exploded in my latex vagina. She pulled out the small vibrator and then I quickly got off the bed and I hurried to the bathroom, and Cheryle made the comment, "take your time, I have put your complete outfit from yesterday in the bathroom, I will see when you are all pretty, and I will pack up the dresses our clutch purses, and the rest of my outfit and your merry widow and peignoir, I left the duffle bag in the bathroom".

I rushed into the bathroom and stripped off my panties and latex vagina and dumped the contents into the bathtub and got out of my lingerie and carefully took of the ultra sheer nearly black stockings after unclipping them from the merry widow. I jumped in the shower and got squeaky clean and dried off and started getting dressed for the day. Now it was odd, it was a Sunday, and the very casual outfit I had originally chosen for Saturday for lunch and to go home on Sunday was changed to the clubbing outfit that Cheryle had gotten me and it was way over the top for a Sunday morning, but I had no choice, only saving grace was that I was going to be wearing a winter coat over it, so except for the 5 ¼" heels, which were too much for starters but, no one would know what I was wearing under my coat. I started with my lingerie, and it was the black lace bra and matching black lace panties, and I had to laugh, they had a white stain on the front of them. Unfortunately I did not have my white satin gloves and carefully put on the sheer toe to waist sheer nearly black pantyhose. However, at the very last tug, right near the top of the right leg, I started a run, and was hoping it was high up enough that even as short as the skirt was it would not show. Next was the blouse and then I slid on the skirt and luckily the run did not show, and finally the wide black belt. I then stepped into my 5 ¼" black patent heels and moved to put on my makeup, I could hear Cheryle shuffling around, and figured she was not in heels as I could not hear her heels clicking around. Next was my makeup and I decided that since I just had to look presentable in case we ran into someone on the way to the car, it was a simple application of eyeliner, just to give my eyes some shape, then a light application of purple eye shadow and no mascara. Then a very light application of blush and finally the same lipstick I wore the night before, and did not go for perfume. Once I was pleased with how I looked I packed up everything, all the lingerie, my makeup, into the duffle bag, grabbed my clutch purse and left the bathroom and headed to the living room.

Cherlye must have heard my heels clicking down the hall as she was standing waiting for me and was smiling and told me I looked as sexy today as yesterday. She came and gave me a light Lipstick to lip gloss Lesbian kiss, it was funny as I had to lean down to kiss her as she was in flats and I was the 5 ¼" heels. Cheryle was in jeans, a pink sweater, socks ballet flats and jeans, only makeup she had on that I could tell was a light eyeliner application and some pink lip gloss. She asked me if I was ready to go and I told her sadly I was, as I had enjoyed the entire weekend with her and she said it was the same for her. She told me she already took the dress bag down to the car, and the only thing left was the duffle bag I was holding and my roses. She suggested that we get the roses after we put on our coats. Cheryle helped me on with my long winter coat and then she slipped on a pink and purple bomber style coat, and then went the kitchen and got the roses and told me she would help me out and carry them down to the car. We got to the elevator and noticed that she had put an elastic band around the base of them and then we got in and then went to the ground floor and out to her car I put the duffle bag in the back seat and she opened my door and I slid in and handed me the roses and jokingly said, "now how does a Bride or Bridesmaid hold the flowers when in a car?". I just smiled and placed them in my lap as she went around to the drivers side and got in. I made no attempt to tug down my skirt when I got in and my legs were very exposed, and Cheryle saw this and caressed them and told me how sexy they looked and felt. As she drove, not much was said, but she was enjoying my legs and caressed them all the way to my house.

When we got home she came and opened my door and I got out with the flowers and pulled out the house keys from my clutch purse and saw that my husband was not back from her date weekend as her car was not in the driveway. I went and opened the door and placed the flowers in the kitchen and by that time Cheryle had come in and brought in the dress bag and my duffle bag and put them on the couch in the living room. She then helped me off with my coat and hung it up in the front hall closet. The came to me and said, "guess the end of the weekend", and we went into a very long and soulful lipstick to lip gloss Lesbian embrace. Cheryle was caressing my miniskirt covered behind and I was caressing her breasts and finally she broke the embrace and told me that she loved having me as her Lesbian partner for the weekend and gave me one last little kiss and left.

About that time I heard my cell phone chime, and it was downstairs in my bedroom, and I went down and it was a text message from my husband telling me that she was on her way home. I decided to stay dressed and went back upstairs, put the roses in a vase, and then grabbed all my things from upstairs and took them to my bedroom downstairs. I unpacked the dresses and hung them up in the closet and was just about to unpack my clutch purse when I heard Sharon call out, "I am home". I gave her a few minutes to settle in and then freshened my lips and then headed upstairs. Sharon was waiting for me on the couch, sitting reading a book in jeans and a T-shirt and no makeup, and put down her book and smiled and said, "my you must have been quite the site at Earl's, the girls were not kidding and I love the 'belt of a skirt you are wearing' you are wearing, better not bed over in that skirt". I told her I was definitely noticed, and she laughed and said, "I would think so, in that top and skirt and those come fuck me heels, any man with a pulse would have got hard looking at you, so did you get offered a job?". I told her no, but told her about the guys stopping to ask about getting another round. She just laughed and stood up and went to the front hall closet and grabbed a dress bag and came and handed it to me and came and gave me a long kiss and I could taste and smell the musty scent on her face. She said "that was from Brenda and I, we both want to thank you for lending us our attire for the evening and the perfume, which is all in the bag". I then said, "have a nice breakfast?", she smiled and said, "yes and she definitely was yummy".

I took the dress bag downstairs and unpacked it and hung up the dresses and loved the smell of the Curious perfume scent still on them. I stayed dressed and then grabbed the lingerie that Joe had bought me and took it upstairs to show Sharon, and she said, "how lovely", then told her Cheryle bought a matching set, and said, "mmmmmm, where have I seen that routine before?, kind of like ours?". I told her yes, and she said, "you must have looked lovely together, just like at the dinner theatre". I smiled and went back downstairs to my bedroom and since we had the house to ourselves, felt like putting on proper makeup and trying on a few outfits and getting Sharon to take pictures, but decided not to, as I was so tired. I stayed dressed for about another hour and chatted online and started documenting the weekend. Then finally changed and went and stripped down, changed into the new lingerie I got and went down for a nap.


So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the diary entry above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON- smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?

Joyce Devries, My MSN Chat ID: My Yahoo Chat ID:

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