The Perfume Girl

Published on Sep 7, 2020


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The Perfume Girl

Chapter Ten

By Chris

Theresa went to meet with her friends and Layla left to see Ashley for the last time since Ashley was graduating and would be moving to her new job. Theresa arrived a little early for her monthly meeting with Ginny and Haley arriving shortly afterwards. They talked as they waited for Melinda who was never late and they all began to worry.

"I just got a text from Melinda," Ginny said.

"Is she on her way?" Haley asked.

"No, she got her period today and her PMS is flaring up in the worst way," Ginny told them.

"If anyone needs to get on birth control, she does," Haley said.

"She's a lesbian, why would she even need birth control?" Theresa said frowning at Haley for coming up with such a stupid idea.

"No not to keep from getting pregnant but get the shot that stops her periods," Haley told her.

"Oh..." Theresa replied feeling stupid herself. "Wait a minute, I talked to her last week and she said she was having a bad day and to make it worse, her period had started."

"Then why did she say that she had just started her period?" Ginny asked and she saw that Haley was about to ask the same question.

"I don't know but something is going on," Theresa said beginning to fear that something really was wrong.

"Maybe she found someone," Haley said hopefully.

"Maybe..." Ginny said but Theresa could see that Haley didn't think that was it and neither did she.

"No, if that was it, she'd be here telling us all about her. Then she would leave early to be with her." Theresa told them. "Something is going on."

"Then we need to go there," Haley said.

"No, just one of us," Ginny said and Theresa saw both Haley and Ginny was looking at her.

"Okay, I'll go." Theresa said and she knew they were right, she talked to Melinda more often than either of them. In fact, she tended to be the one doing the calling with all of them.

"Let us know what's going on." Haley said.

"I will," Theresa said getting up with Haley and Ginny doing the same.

On the drive over to Melinda's house, Theresa went over everything that she could think of but nothing she came up with prepared her for what she was going to face.

"Why you here," Melinda asked when she opened the door.

"You tell me, you told me that your period started last week remember," Theresa stated and she knew something was bad wrong as she could see that Melinda had been crying.

"Yeah, I forgot I had told you that until after I sent Ginny the text." Melinda stated as she stepped aside to let her in.

Theresa went on into the living room setting her purse on the end table as she sat down on the couch. She waited for Melinda to sit down with her on the couch.

"Fess up," Theresa told her.

Theresa saw Melinda start to tear up and she knew whatever it was, it was bad. "I found a lump on my right breast..." she stated and then she began to cry.

"Oh god," Theresa said reaching for Melinda and holding her tightly.

Theresa began to cry to while she held a sobbing Melinda, holding her tighter as she thought about Jennifer and how much it hurt to lose her. It would hurt even more if she lost Melinda too. They both cried for a while before Melinda regained control of herself and pulled back.

"I'm sure it is just a cyst, it's nothing..." Melinda said and then she began to hiccup from crying so hard.

"Let me get you a glass of water," Theresa told her getting up to go to the kitchen, however she grabbed her purse along the way.

When she entered the kitchen and out of Melinda's eyesight, she pulled out her phone. "Melinda found a lump in her breast, get your asses over here," Theresa texted Ginny and Haley.

"What did you tell them?" Melinda asked taking the glass of water and gulping it down to stop her hiccups.

Theresa smiled at getting caught, "I told them that you found a lump and to get their asses over here."

"I'm okay, you don't need to worry them," Melinda stated.

"We're going to get you through this, you won't face this alone." Theresa told her and she saw Melinda begin to cry again.

Theresa went to her pulling her in close again and once again she began to cry with her. "thank you," Melinda said softly. Then she made Theresa cry harder when she added, "I'm so scared."

"We're here for you and we won't leave until we get you cured and being a bad ass bitch again." Theresa told her.

She heard Melinda laugh as she pulled back from her, "A bad ass lesbian bitch," she said with a smile.

"Yes, a bad ass lesbian bitch, with three other bad ass lesbian bitches by your side." Theresa told her with a laugh making Melinda laugh with her.

Melinda began to tell her how she found the lump as she did her self exam that they all did on the day of their monthly meeting. About ten minutes later, Ginny arrived and they cry began again with Ginny hugging Melinda this time. It was another fifteen minutes before Haley arrived.

"What took you so long, had to fix your makeup?" Ginny asked as Haley had a thing about her makeup being perfect all the time.

"No, I knew I was coming to meet three horny lesbians and I wanted to make sure my pussy was perfectly shaved for you all," Haley told them making them all laugh and more importantly relieving the tension that filled the room.

"Well this horny lesbian wants to see," Ginny said getting up from the chair she was sitting in. "Come on girls, let's check her freshly shaved pussy out."

Theresa seeing that Ginny had the right idea to relieve the tension even more and she knew that Haley would play along. "I want to check her pussy out, let's see if she really shaved her pussy." Theresa said getting up and grabbing Haley's left arm since Ginny had the right one.

"You get the honors Melinda, take her skirt off," Ginny told Melinda as Haley tried to pull away from them though not putting too much effort in it.

"My pleasure," Melinda said with a grin.

"You all are crazy," Haley protested.

"Remember, we're horny lesbians," Melinda said quoting Haley while she unzipped Haley's skirt.

"Pull it down, pull it down," Ginny starting chanting with Theresa joining her in the chant.

"Don't you dare, you crazy bitches," Haley said as her skirt came down.

"Bad ass lesbian bitches," Melinda said taking ahold of Haley's panties and pulling them down.

"Well I'll be, she is freshly shaved," Melinda stated.

"Let me see," Theresa said letting go of Haley's arm.

"You all want to see, well look," Haley said stepping out of her skirt and panties that were now at her ankles.

As soon as Haley did that, Ginny grabbed them both from the floor. "where you going with my panties and skirt?" Haley asked reaching out for Ginny but missing her.

"You won't be needing these tonight, we all want to enjoy looking at your freshly shaved pussy," Ginny said with a laugh.

"Fine, take a look," Haley said like she was mad but then she laughed. "fix us a drink while you're at it." Then she went over to a chair and sat down though with her legs closed.

Ginny returned with four wine glasses and a bottle of wine. She poured them all a glass and they sat down to talk like four friends would do when one of them was facing a crisis. They talked about everything but the one thing that Theresa was sure was on all of their minds, Jennifer. She was like the elephant in the room, there for all to see but not mention. When Theresa went to the kitchen to get another bottle of wine, she saw her phone. She texted the one person that she needed to talk to the most.

"We're all at Melinda's house... she found a lump in her breast..."

She was hoping that Layla had had phone nearby but she didn't get an immediate reply. She got the wine from the refrigerator and was about to return when her phone dinged.

"Oh god... No" Layla had texed.

"I'm scared for her" Theresa texted back.

"Do you need me to do anything"

"Not sure when I will be back home... just be there for me," Theresa told her trying not to cry.

"K" was Layla's reply.

By the time that they had finished off the second bottle of wine, they were all pretty well lit so Melinda found them all something to wear since they all were too drunk to drive. Ginny and Haley used the guest bedroom and Theresa slept with Melinda. Once in bed, Theresa pulled Melinda in close to her and she heard Melinda whisper, "I'm so scared. I don't want to die like Jennifer did."

"We are scared too but we're going to see you through this, you won't have to face this alone. And you're not going to die." Theresa whispered back hoping that would come to be.

Melinda soon fell asleep with the help of the wine but sleep wouldn't come for Theresa. For some reason, the effects of the wine had worn off and she was left with her thoughts. She knew Melinda needed her there and she wasn't going to leave her but at that moment, she needed Layla beside her reassuring her that it was going to work out.

Theresa arrived home just a little before noon and as soon as she opened the door, Layla was there waiting for her with open arms. "I can't lose another one of my friends to this fucking disease," Theresa said as the tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"You haven't lost her yet, babe," Layla said coming to her and Theresa felt Layla comforting arms envelope her.

"I'm so scared, I don't know what to do," Theresa sobbed.

"I'm scared too," Layla said softly and Theresa could hear the genuine fear in her voice. "And what you need to do is what you and your friends are already doing, be there for her."

Theresa knew that was true and she would be but right now she had her own needs that needed to be filled. Layla was doing just that, holding onto her tightly as the gut-wrenching sobs shook her body. She cried for a while before she began to regain her composure, she felt Layla releasing her and she let go though it took her a moment to do so.

"Sit down and let me make you a cup of coffee," Layla told her pulling out a chair and making her sit down.

"Who is with her now?" Layla asked as she made the coffee.

"Ginny is staying today and I'm going to stay tonight with her. Haley is going to take Sunday and Sunday night," Theresa told her.

"Good, they need to keep her busy," Layla said.

"Ginny already has the day planned and knowing Haley, she will keep her going tomorrow," Theresa told her.

"That's what she needs, she doesn't need to sit there and worry," Layla told her giving her a cup of coffee which Theresa immediately took a sip.

As soon as Layla sat down, Theresa began to tell her about the whole night including the part where they took Haley's skirt and panties off making her sit all evening naked from the waist down. That got a laugh from Layla and Theresa found herself laughing remembering Haley letting herself be the joke of the night.

When she had finished the story and her second cup of coffee, the night had caught up with her and she began to yawn. Layla made her go lay down, not that she was arguing any, she needed to sleep after being awake for over twenty-four hours.

That evening, Layla helped her pack an overnight bag and walked her to her car. "If Melinda needs you to be more than a shoulder to cry on, it's cool. Just don't tell me about it, okay."

Theresa was more than a little surprised and it showed on her face, she was sure. "I won't cheat on you," Theresa told her.

"That's not cheating, that's being a friend." Layla told her giving her a kiss and then putting her into the car.

Theresa took Melinda out to eat going to where she knew Melinda liked to eat. That night after they had gotten into bed, Theresa found herself thinking about what Layla had told her as she was leaving to come to Melinda's house.

"What's on your mind honey?" Melinda asked her.

"Oh, it's nothing," Theresa replied.

"If it was nothing, you wouldn't be staring off in space. Tell me what it is, you know I can still be a shoulder to lean on too." Melinda told her and that made Theresa smile.

"It was something Layla told me as I was getting into my car to come over here," Theresa said.

"And what might that be?" Melinda asked.

Theresa turned to face Melinda, and she said, "she told me that if you needed me to have sex with you, then she was cool with it. Well she didn't say it that way but that was what she meant. She just didn't want to know." Theresa told her.

"You know if you ever drive her away again, Haley, Ginny and I are going to beat the ever-living shit out of you." Melinda told her being very serious. "she's a very special girl and she's perfect for you."

"I know and I won't," Theresa said and then she smiled. "Besides, I'll never find another girl that's kinkier than I am."

"Oh... this I got to hear," Melinda said scooting in closer. "Tell me..."

"You can't let on that I told you," Theresa told her.

"You know I won't. So tell me already..." Melinda said impatiently.

Theresa figured between having sex with Melinda or telling her all their secrets, Layla would rather her tell about their sex life. "first off, she loves for me to tie her up... tie her anyway I want..." Theresa started and she went on through her spanking Layla and then getting Layla to spank her pussy. Theresa's saw Melinda's face started to obtain a reddish hue, not from embarrassment but arousal. So, Theresa began to give her all the kinky details and she saw movement of Melinda's right shoulder and she knew what Melinda's hand was doing, and the slight moan she gave out when she got to the watergames Melinda's movement gave Theresa conformation that Melinda was frigging her clit. When she got to Layla giving her a very intense pussy spanking, she saw Melinda gritting her teeth as her first orgasm passed through her body. The hard spanking with her grandfather's that she gave Layla brought forth Melinda's second orgasm. She gave Melinda time to recover before she told some more stories of their lovemaking and that brought forth Melinda's third and final orgasm.

"I think I need to steal her away from you," Melinda told her once she could talk again.

"You try and it'll be you'll be getting that ass kicking you promised me," Theresa said with a laugh with Melinda laughing with her. They talked for a little while before falling asleep.

It was a little after ten the next morning when Theresa came in from the garage. She saw Layla sitting at the table with her book and papers spread out in front of her. "Hi babe," Layla said though there was a bit of a worried expression on her face.

"Morning," Theresa said putting her purse on the table and setting her overnight bag down. She gave Layla a kiss to her offered cheek as she went over to start the coffee maker that Layla had already set up for her.

"So how did it go last night?" Layla asked.

"It went great," Theresa replied with a mischievous looking grin.

"Oh okay, how is Melinda?" Layla asked.

"She's doing good, Haley has a busy day planned for her," Theresa told her.

"That's good, she needs to be kept busy," Layla replied.

The coffee was beginning to flow, so Theresa swapped the coffee pot with her cup letting it fill before switching back. She put the cream and sugar in and then she went to the other side of the table to sit down. Theresa could see that there was more than Melinda's wellbeing on Layla's mind. "go ahead and ask me," Theresa told her.

"I told you that I didn't want to know," Layla told her.

"I know you told me that but the truth is that you do want to know," Theresa replied.

"No... I don't," Layla said but her face said otherwise.

Theresa kept quiet though she never took her eyes off of Layla. Finally, Layla said, "Okay I do want to know."

"I never touched her and she didn't touch me... well except for a hug and kiss on the cheek." Theresa told her and she could see the relief in Layla's face and body.

Theresa then smiled as she said, "However I did make Melinda cum a few times..."

The relief was turned to confusion and just a wee bit of anger. "How did you manage that without touching her?" Layla asked and Theresa could see that Layla wasn't sure what to believe now.

"I did something that might make you mad at me but Melinda needed something to relieve the tension and fear without me cheating on you. Beside Melinda would never do anything to hurt our relationship. For some strange reason, she thinks that you are the only one for me. I don't know why she or anyone one of my friends would think that, maybe they just don't know what a pain in the ass you are to me being such a high maintenance girl that you are." Theresa said and that made Layla smile again.

"Tell me what you did so I will know why I'm not speaking to you anymore," Layla told her.

"First off, I told her what you said about it being okay if I had sex with her," Theresa said.

"Tell me you didn't!" Layla said in shock.

"I did," Theresa said with a big grin and she paused for a moment. "Actually, Melinda was talking about how good you are for me and all that bullshit and that I had better not lose you again." Theresa said which made Layla smile.

"I agreed with her, saying that I would never meet anyone who was kinkier than I was," Theresa said.

"Tell me you didn't tell her that," Layla said with a frown.

"Yep, I started off innocently enough, just telling her how you love for me to tie you up. She knows that Jennifer turned me into the bondage games. Anyway, I was telling her a little about that not going into too much detail when I saw movement under the covers. I knew what she was doing and since there was no way that I would have sex with her and she wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you, I did the only thing I could do, get her off with my words. Since I'm not that creative with words and creating stories, I told her the truth. The more aroused she got, the more I told her, even the water games you turned me onto."

"Oh god, you didn't tell her about me letting you pee on me," Layla said with a reddish hue coming to her cheeks.

"I did, it was the only way I knew to get her off and oh god did she cum, she had at least three orgasms as I told her what we do. She needed to get off and I got her there the only way I knew how." Theresa said trying to explain why she said what she said.

Layla sat there for a moment and Theresa wasn't sure just how Layla was going to react to this. She didn't look pissed at her but she wasn't pleased with her either.

After a minute or so of silence, Layla finally spoke, "Well I guess that was the right thing to do... however that won't get you out of the pussy spanking you're going to get once this is over."

"I'll hold you to that," Theresa said reaching her hands out to Layla who took them in her hands giving them a squeeze.

"How will I ever face Melinda again," Layla said. "I'll be so embarrassed that she knows all about me."

"You'll give her a hug and as you pull back, you'll give her a wink showing you know what I told her; she'll be the one blushing then." Theresa said with a knowing smile.

"I doubt that, I'll be blushing more than she will," Layla replied.

"It's cool, she'll never tell anyone and I would hazard a guess that she'll never even mention it again," Theresa assured her.

"I know she won't," Layla said.

"So... my Mistress is going to give me a pussy spanking..." Theresa said feeling a need arising within her.

"Yep, and your Mistress is going to give you a little taste of what is to come right now," Layla said releasing her hands and getting up from the table.

"You coming?" Layla asked as she got around the table.

"Oh fuck..." Theresa replied feeling her pussy starting to become moist.

When they got to the bedroom, Layla turned toward her giving her a kiss as she took her into her arms. They kissed as their hands explored, caressed while they undressed each other. They made love without any ropes or toys, just using their fingers, lips, and tongues. They made love slowly giving each other what they both needed. They made love until they were both spent and they rested before starting over again. Layla did give Theresa her taste of her pussy spanking that was to come, however, it was only a playful spanking that just fueled Theresa in to an intense orgasm.

Monday morning Melinda called Dr. James's office, who they all used as their ob./gyn Doctor. They were able to fit her in late that afternoon. Theresa was glad that Melinda was able to be seen so soon but it also worried her that the doctor wanted to see her so soon. Theresa didn't have any afternoon classes so she went with her. She even insisted on going back to the exam room with her, though Melinda said that she was a grown woman who could see the doctor without her mother coming along. Theresa agreed with her while escorting her to the exam room.

Dr. James obviously knew Theresa though she was surprised to see her there with Melinda. The doctor checked Melinda over asking a million questions as she did so. She did the breast exam last and Theresa tried to read the doctor's expression but she was a professional and Theresa didn't have a clue if it was bad or maybe not so bad.

"I think it may be just a cyst but I won't know until we can get a good look at it. I'm going to have the nurse schedule you an MRI. No matter what it is, it needs to be taken out or treated." Dr. James told Melinda.

"So... it's not cancer?" Melinda asked hopefully and Theresa was just as hopeful.

"I didn't say that, I don't think it is but we can't take a chance on me being wrong. Just don't start worrying until you need to," Dr. James told her.

"To late for that," Theresa told her. "We lost a close friend a few years ago to breast cancer."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but again, don't worry until you need to." Dr. James to her.

"Okay," Theresa told her.

"Since you're here, let's go ahead and check you out too," Dr. James told Theresa.

"I'm good," Theresa quickly replied.

"All the same, here's a gown to put on while I get the nurse to set Melinda up for the MRI," Dr. James said going out of room.

"That's what you get for insisting on coming back with me," Melinda said with glee.

"Oh shut up," Theresa said with a laugh.

So as Theresa undressed, Melinda got dressed; with the doctor coming back in once Theresa had her gown on. Theresa always hated letting Dr. James exam her breasts, it always felt like she was trying to push her fingers through her breasts into her chest. But she also liked that Dr. James was so intent on finding anything that was there that shouldn't be.

Melinda called Ginny and Haley telling that about what the doctor said while Theresa phoned Layla. The soonest that the MRI could be scheduled was a week away. Theresa wanted it to be sooner but still that was relatively quick. They continued to take turns staying with Melinda with Layla insisting on taking a night. Theresa assured Layla that Melinda wouldn't mention what she had been told and to Layla's relief, it never came up. In fact, Layla said that she got all kinds of dirt on her but she never told Theresa just what that dirt was and Theresa tried hard to get it out of her.

Haley went with Melinda to get the MRI though they didn't find out anything there. It was the following Friday morning when Melinda went to see Dr. James that they found out what it was. Ginny went with her this time and Theresa was on pins and needles as she gave her lecture to her class. She wasn't sure if her students learned anything that class, her mind just wasn't on what she was teaching.

Melinda's appointment was at ten and by eleven Theresa was almost in tears with fear for her friend. She just knew that the delay was because the lump was cancerous and she just knew she was going to lose another friend to breast cancer. Finally at eleven-thirty, she got a call from Melinda who immediately put her on hold while she got Ginny on the phone with them.

"It's a cyst, it's not cancer," Melinda said cheerfully.

"Oh thank god," Theresa said and Ginny said something like that though Theresa wasn't sure exactly what since Ginny was crying so hard. Then Haley got on the phone complaining that Dr. James insisted on doing an examine her too.

"That's what you get for laughing at me," Theresa told her.

"Oh shut up," came Haley's reply and Theresa could hear Melinda laughing in the background.

Theresa wanted to have a party that night to celebrate but Melinda said they would once the cyst was removed. She also insisted that she could stay alone now and this time they agreed with her. The crisis had passed now but it wouldn't be completely over until the surgeon removed the cyst and it was tested.

They all went back to their normal routines though they all kept calling Melinda each night, just to reassure themselves that she was still with them. This came too close to home for them all to be able to get past quickly. The memory of Jennifer was just too fresh in their minds.

Three weeks went by before they were all at the surgery center at six A.M. for Melinda's surgery. She was the first in line, she even waited a couple of extra days just so that she would be first. They all wanted to go back with Melinda and wait in the room until it was time for her surgery however a very attractive but also very stern nurse made them wait in the lobby.

The surgery went fine with the surgeon telling Melinda that it was just a cyst however she would send it off to be tested, just to make sure. About eleven, they took Melinda home, she was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia so she slept most of the afternoon. She was awake enough that evening to help plan the celebration party though she insisted that she would be the one throwing the party. Theresa, Haley, and Ginny agreed that Melinda shouldn't have to throw her own party but Melinda was wake enough now to say it was going to be at her house or it wouldn't be held. Melinda was back to her old self and no one was going to argue.

They had to wait another two weeks for the party but Melinda wanted first to get the results back on the lab test on her cyst. That way the party would truly be a celebration party. She also insisted on everyone dressing up for the party with each bring someone with them. This caused Theresa do something that she hated to do, go out and spend a lot of money on a dress that she would rarely wear. Layla on the other hand, loved the idea.

Theresa was stuck spending a perfectly good Saturday with Layla dragging her from one store to the next hunting for just the right dress and shoes. Layla finally picked out what the perfect dress for her, one of which Theresa said she hated but had to admit looked sexy on her. It was a long black dress that left her back bare and the front having two parts coming up and tying at the back of her neck. The waist was tight and flared out from there. Theresa felt like she had more uncovered than covered though it wasn't that revealing, it just felt like that to her. Layla also picked out a black dress that seemed to form to her body, while it covered much more, it also showed how sexy her body was. The only thing that Theresa got her way on was the shoes, while they did have heels to them, they were only an inch or so.

The party came and when Melinda's door was opened, it wasn't Melinda who opened it. It was a very attractive lady who said that her name was Cindy and she was a friend of Melinda's. She was obviously a new friend but something about her was familiar to Theresa, she just couldn't place her. It took her a few minutes for her to realize who Cindy was, the attractive but firm nurse from the surgery center. Obviously, Melinda made a new friend while she was there.

Once everyone had arrived and they all had greeted each other, Melinda asked Haley, Ginny, and Theresa to join her on the patio. From how serious Melinda was being, Theresa felt a shiver of fear go through her. She looked at Haley and Ginny who didn't obviously didn't have a clue as to what was going on but Theresa could see the same fear that she was feeling in them too. There were four seats around the table and on the table was a shot glass filled with Jennifer's favorite drink.

Once they were all seated, Melinda came to her seat though she remained standing. "I got something to say and I want you all to hear me out," Melinda said.

"Okay," they all replied but now Theresa was really getting scared. She so feared that another shoe was about to fall and it wasn't going to be good.

"Since I found the lump in my breast, I've been doing a lot of thinking. A lot of that thinking goes back to Jennifer. She brought us together when we were in college and back again with her death. She was the tie that bound us together. But..." Melinda said and she paused for a moment as if she was needing a second to get the words right. "but I think it's time that we let Jennifer rest in peace. I don't think we need her to keep us together, to keep us being friends, to keep us being there for each other. You all never left my side when I needed you and I don't think we need her to continue to remind us to be there for each other when one of us needs help."

There was complete silence as each thought about what Melinda was saying that is until Haley stood up, "You know what Jennifer would say."

"What?" Ginny asked.

"About fucking time, you fucking lesbian dykes figured that out." Haley said.

Theresa found herself nodding her head. That was exactly what Jennifer would say. She looked over at Haley to see that she was smiling, obviously agreeing with Ginny.

Melinda reached for her drink and they all stood up with their drinks in their hands, "To Jennifer," She said.

"No," Theresa said before anyone could repeat the toast, "To the Fucking Lesbian Dyke Club!"

"To the Fucking Lesbian Dyke Club!" they all echoed and then they downed their drinks.

"Can anyone join?" Theresa heard Layla ask from behind her. They all turned to see their girlfriends standing by the door to the patio.

"Are you a fucking lesbian dyke?" Melinda asked.

"Yep," Layla said with a smile. That was followed by three other "Yep's."

"Then you're all a new member to our club," Melinda said with a smile.

Layla came over to Theresa who whispered into her ear, "You're also my Perfume Girl."

"Only yours," Layla said giving her a kiss

The end!

I want to thank my adppted daughters for all their help that they gave to me on this story with all their advice and edits. Also for giving me the ending to my story that would never have happened if not for them. Love you both!!

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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