The Perfume Girl

Published on Jul 12, 2020


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The Perfume Girl Chapter Three

By Chris

"Let's go shopping," Theresa heard Layla say as she was studying her class schedule and setting up her office hours for the fall semester.

"What?" Theresa said looking up from her laptop to see Layla holding up her tablet which had a sale ad.

"The outlet mall is having a sale today, let's go," Layla said getting up off the couch where she was sitting.

"I don't need any more clothes," Theresa said knowing full well that wasn't going to get her out of going shopping with Layla.

"Every girl needs more clothes," Layla said reaching for her laptop.

"Let me save this first and log out," Theresa said pulling her laptop away from Layla's hands.

"I'll drive," Layla said.

Theresa did finish posting her office hours while a slightly impatient Layla waited. She did at least hurry when she got dressed to go shopping. On the way there, Layla talked about the shops that she wanted to go to which she had plenty of time to do since it was a little over an hour away. Theresa made a mistake when she mentioned that her downfall was shoes. So she wasn't too surprised that was the first store that Layla took her.

"You know flats are boring," Layla said while Theresa tried on a couple of pairs.

"You try standing in front of a class for over an hour teaching and then another half hour answering questions, not to mention walking a couple of blocks back to my office." Theresa told her. "What do you wear going to class?"

Theresa saw Layla thinking that over for a few seconds before replying with, "You know I saw a couple of real pretty flats that look really comfortable, let me go get them."

Theresa just laughed and laughed harder when she heard Layla say, "Oh shut up."

Theresa walked out of the store with two pairs of work shoes and she even got Layla to buy a pair of flats that were cute and Layla liked though she said that she only bought them to please her. Next was a sports shoe store and there Layla bought a couple of pairs of tennis shoes and she got Theresa to buy a pair.

They spent the rest of the day shopping, not really buying all that much though Layla did talk Theresa into buying a skirt that Theresa thought was much too short for her. And Layla bought a pair of tights that was a size too small for her which got Theresa starting to imagine Layla wearing and how sexy she would be in them.

On the way home, they stopped to eat and across from the restaurant was a movie theater that was showing the latest horror flick that was supposed to be very scary. Theresa had always loved horror flicks so it didn't take much for Layla to talk her into seeing it.

"I don't know why you wanted to see that movie so much, you spent most of the movie with your face pressed against my arm," Theresa told Layla as they exited the theater.

"I liked being scared," Layla said with a laugh, "Plus it gave me an excuse to hold onto you."

"You don't need an excuse to do that," Theresa told her putting her arms around her shoulders and then giving her a kiss on the cheek.

When Theresa came out of the bathroom and entered her bedroom, she saw Layla laying naked on the bed with the ropes to her right side, obviously ready for Theresa to tie her up. However, Theresa had another idea for the evening, she came to the side of the bed and picked up the ropes. She pretended to be thinking of her to tie Layla up. She stood there for a moment before turning and putting the ropes on the table.

"Aren't we going to play tonight?" Layla asked with the disappointment showing on her face.

"Yes but no toys tonight, just us for a change," Theresa said softly while getting onto the bed and laying over Layla who gave her a smile.

"I like that too," Layla said as she brought her right hand up placing it on the back of Theresa's neck.

Theresa let Layla's hand pull her head down so that she would kiss her. Theresa kissed her softly and then pulled back for a moment before kissing her again, this time letting her lips open and slipping her tongue into Layla's mouth drawing a slight moan from Layla. Theresa kept kissing Layla's lips and around her face before moving down to her chin and neck. She slowly kissed her way down to Layla's breasts holding them in her hands while she kissed and sucked on Layla's hard nipples getting deeper moans from Layla. She left Layla's breasts wet with her kisses as she moved down to Layla's pussy that was very wet with how aroused she had become.

She kissed Layla's clit, sucking on it for a few seconds before going to her pussy to lick the juices from her lips. She loved how Layla tasted and she slipped her tongue between those lips to get more of her juices and get Layla that much more aroused. She felt Layla's hands at the back of her head holding her to her pussy while she pushed her hips upwards. She took her time bringing Layla along getting her more and more aroused going from her clit to her pussy and back to her clit.

Eventually she felt Layla's fingers grip her head holding her to her clit and Theresa knew that Layla was needing to cum. She first licked against Layla's clit and then she drew it into her mouth sucking hard causing Layla to moan loudly as she came hard.

Theresa licked her juices flowing out of Layla's pussy from her orgasm only stopping when she sensed Layla coming back down from her climax. She came up in the bed giving Layla a kiss with her lips coated with Layla's juices.

Layla returned the kisses and once she had her energy back, Theresa let Layla move her onto her back. Layla's lips latched onto her right nipple sucking hard on it while her fingers teased her left nipple getting Theresa to let out a moan. Layla quickly moved her lips to her left nipple sucking on it and Theresa felt Layla left hand move down her to her pussy. She felt those slim fingers teasing her clit while Layla sucked and tenderly pulled on her nipple with her teeth. Theresa let out a moan and she wanted Layla to continue but instead she felt Layla moving down her body until her mouth replaced her fingers on her clit, sucking on it at first before licking against it.

Theresa was just getting close to a climax when Layla released her clit to go to her pussy using her fingers to pull her lips apart. She felt Layla's tongue go inside her pussy and she was in heaven again. Layla licked and sucked on her pussy before going back to her clit, staying there this time until Theresa cried out that she was cumming and she felt her orgasm hit her hard.

When she came back to life, Layla was lying beside of her giving her sweet kisses. Theresa turned to her side facing Layla and they began to kiss. Soft loving kisses that Theresa wanted to continue all night. But eventually those kisses became more intense and Theresa slipped her right hand between Layla's legs to her pussy tenderly caressing and teasing her clit. Soon she felt Layla's hand between her legs and they caressed each other's clits and pussy until they both came one more time holding onto each other as they did so.

They rested for a few minutes holding onto one another as they kissed again, this time they were light loving kisses that slowly ended and they closed their eyes letting sleep overtake them.

The rest of the week, Theresa went back to tying Layla up and paying attention to Layla's asshole that she could see that Layla was getting into. She could also sense that Layla was waiting for her to use her grandfather's belt on her and Theresa was planning on using that real soon.

Friday was the third Friday of the month and that was a special day for Theresa and her friends. They always got together on this day of the month and since Theresa had missed a couple of these Fridays, it was especially important for her to be there. The problem was what to do with Layla, any other time that they got together, it wouldn't be an issue to bring her but with her just getting to know Layla, she didn't know how to explain things to her or if she was ready to do so. She went to her office as she did have things to do but mostly, she needed to call Ginny whose girlfriend Grace knew the story and thus respected their ritual that begun the evening.

Theresa had barely begun to explain her problem when Ginny stopped her. She told her that Grace was off and she was bringing her, she would have Grace keep Layla company. Theresa asked her how and Ginny told her not to worry and then she told her she had to go as Grace just got up and was wanting something to eat. Knowing Grace and Ginny as well as she did, she had a feeling that it wasn't food that Grace was wanting to eat.

"Are you sure you don't mind me going?" Layla asked as she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel after her shower.

"For the tenth time, I want you to go. If it didn't, I wouldn't have asked you." Theresa told her.

"Okay," Layla said with a smile. "What you going to wear?"

"I don't have a clue," Theresa said looking through her closet.

"Wear that new skirt," Layla said slipping in beside of her and pulling it from the closet.

"I can't wear anything that short, I don't know how I even let you talk me into buying it in the first place," Theresa said taking the skirt from Layla and hanging it back up.

"Wear it, pleaseeee..." Layla said pulling it back out and handing it to her.

Theresa saw the puppy dog look on Layla face and she decided to play Layla's bluff. "I'll wear it if you'll wear those tights you bought."

"I'll have to borrow a pair of your no-show panties," Layla said going toward Theresa's panty drawer.

"Nope, if you don't have a pair here that you can wear with the tights then I guess that you'll have to go without," Theresa said knowing for sure that would get her out of wearing the short skirt.

"Okay," Layla said with a grin.

"Shit!" Theresa said and Layla laughed.

Theresa then turned back to her closet and started to look through it. "what you doing?" Layla asked.

"Finding a blouse to go with this damn skirt," Theresa said.

"Cool, I'll help," Layla said slipping in front of Theresa who stepped back and let Layla pick her top.

Theresa couldn't help but to watch as Layla put on her tights and she had to admit that Layla had the body and ass that were made for tights. The tights gave her a bit of a camel toe and also curved around her ass showing it off perfectly.

"You're going to have every girl there wanting to dance with you tonight," Theresa commented once they were both ready.

"You too, you look so sexy in that skirt," Layla said coming to her and giving her a kiss.

"It's too damn short, I'm afraid to move in it," Theresa commented as she tried to pull it down a little to cover her a bit more.

"It's perfect," Layla said pulling it back up.

"Quit that," Teresa said popping Layla on the ass.

"Ouch!" Layla said pouting but then she laughed.

"Come on, we don't want to make your friends wait," Layla said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door to the garage.

When Theresa opened the car door, she started to get in but then she realized that her short skirt would ride up as she did so.

"Well get in," Layla said from the passenger seat with this big grin on her face.

"Fuck it!" Theresa finally said hiking up her skirt and getting in with her panties showing.

"Shut up!" Theresa said to Layla who had starting laughing at the way she got into the car.

Theresa let her laugh and she did too but once they got on the road, she knew that she had to let Layla know that there one part of this evening that she couldn't play a part of, she just didn't want her to feel excluded. Layla was talking away and she tried to pay attention while she thought but driving, listening to Layla and thinking was a bit more than she could manage at the same time.

"Something's on your mind, isn't there?" Layla finally asked.

"Yeah," Theresa answered with a sigh.

"If you don't want me to go, it's cool," Layla said but Theresa could see the hurt in her eyes.

"No, it's not that, it's just that on the third Friday of each month is a special day for my friends and I. We always start the evening by honoring a friend of ours. It's something that just the four of us can do and do alone. Ginny is bringing her girlfriend Grace and she will keep you company until we are done," Theresa told her.

"Did this friend die?" Layla asked softly.

"Yes... yes she did," Theresa said remembering her friend.

"Will you tell me about her one day?" Layla asked.

"Yes honey I will, but I can't right now," Theresa told her and then she felt Layla's hand on hers and she felt Layla giving her hand a squeeze.

"I can wait until you are ready to talk about her," Layla said keeping ahold of her hand.

Theresa smiled and she knew that when they got home, she would tell Layla about Jennifer and what her relationship with her was like.

"Just who are these sexy foxes?" Melinda asked as they came to the table.

"I don't know but one of them is coming home with me tonight," Ginny said and then she made a cat call whistle.

"The hell they are," Grace said to Ginny.

"Okay they both can come home that way we both get one," Ginny said.

"I can live with that," Grace said with a laugh.

"I do have to admit that I never thought I would see you in a dress that sexy," Melinda said.

"But damn you look great in it, I wish I had the legs to pull a skirt off like that," Haley said.

"You can blame this girl on that, she talked me into buying it and then wearing it tonight," Theresa said.

"She is sexy in it isn't she," Layla said.

"This one is the sexy one, take a look at her ass," Theresa said turning Layla around much to Layla's embarrassment.

"Oh damn, and I got to be the first one to dance with her, come on girl," Grace said getting up and coming to Layla.

"Help me make Ginny jealous so that she will pay special attention to me tonight," Grace said taking Layla's hand and leading her to the dance floor.

"She seems to have gotten to you..." Melinda said as Theresa sat down.

"No thanks to all of my so-called friends, you stuck me with her and now I can't get rid of her," Theresa complained giving them all the evil eye.

"I do believe that maybe just maybe Theresa has met her match," Haley said with a knowing smile.

"I thought I would scare her off that first night but hell she keeps coming back for more," Theresa said now smiling knowing she wasn't ever going to fool the women that knew her so well.

"We're happy for you," Melinda said patting her hand affectionally.

Glenda, their usual waitress showed up and placed four shot glasses in front of them, not saying anything as she did so. As soon as she left, they all turned serious and each picked up their shot glass and each in turn said, "to Jennifer." They then downed their drinks, each making a face as they did so. Theresa felt the liquid burn all the way down and she felt her eyes water but it was as much from thinking of Jennifer as it was the drink itself.

"Whose turn is it to start?" Haley asked.

"I believe that it's mine," Theresa said and she had already thought of the story of Jennifer that she wanted to tell. This was a funny one and it got them started off with a laugh but before they were all done there were tears of laughter but also of sadness.

Once they had finished, they all visited the bathroom to get their makeup touched up and to share a hug or two. When they returned, Grace and Layla were sitting at the table waiting for them.

"I've ordered us a round of drinks and a "Jennifer" for Layla," Grace said as they sat down.

"What's a Jennifer?" Layla asked.

"You have to drink it to be able to sit at our table," Melinda said.

"When I had to drink mine, I couldn't see for three days, I had to call into work sick," Grace said in all seriousness.

"Yeah right," Layla said though Theresa could hear a bit of doubt coming through in her voice.

"I'm telling you the truth, I swear," Grace said still acting serious but then she began to laugh.

"It won't blind you but it does burn so it's best to just down it," Theresa told her.

Theresa saw Layla looking at her and she could see that Layla was hesitating about something and she didn't think it was over the shot glass sitting in front of her.

"What is it sweetheart?" Theresa asked.

"I don't know anything more about Jennifer other than she is why you are all here tonight, I would like to toast her before I drink her drink?" Layla asked.

Theresa wasn't sure how her friends felt about this though she was okay with it so she was glad when Haley answered for her.

"Yes honey, I think that would be more than appropriate," Haley told her.

Layla picked up the shot glass and she held it up, "to Jennifer," she said and she put the glass to her lips and drained it.

At first there was no reaction from Layla and Theresa thought that maybe Layla was more of a drinker than she had thought. But then her face turned red and she began to cough. "Holy shit that burns," Layla said trying to catch her breath as the fiery liquid hit her stomach.

They all laughed watching Layla now gripping the table as the powerful drink took effect. "One more of those and you all will have to carry me out of here. I think Jennifer was more of a woman than I'll ever dream of being," Layla said now smiling.

"Honey, even Jennifer couldn't drink more than one of those," Melinda said laughing.

"Here, take a drink of this," Theresa told her giving her the other drink that they all had.

"Welcome to the club," Haley said holding up her glass and they all touched glasses before taking a sip.

"This is definitely a lot milder than that other drink," Layla said taking another sip. "It almost tastes like it doesn't have any alcohol in it."

"That's because it doesn't, none of us want to get drunk and we would if we drank much more after that first drink," Theresa told her.

"Cool, so what happens now?" Layla asked.

"I don't about the rest of these ladies but I want to get another look at the two sexy ladies that came in with those tight tights and short skirt. And the best way to do that is to ask one of them to dance," Ginny said getting up and going to Layla. "come dance with me so that I can make Theresa and Grace jealous by grabbing that cute ass of yours as we dance.

"You're not making me jealous, I'm dancing with Theresa," Grace said getting up.

"I guess we are stuck with each other, come on sweetie," Melinda said to Haley.

"My pleasure," Haley said with a laugh.

They all danced and talked the rest of the evening though Theresa and Layla just danced with Theresa's friends or each other, something that didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the group. When she was dancing with one or the other of her friends, they did ask her about Layla and as much as Theresa wanted to deny that her feelings for Layla were growing, she couldn't, not on this night. It was a night that they didn't hide anything from each other, not that they ever did anyway.

"Here put this on tonight," Theresa said handing Layla a pair of pajama shorts and top.

"Is there a reason we're dressing for bed?" Layla asked.

Theresa looked up at Layla and to her surprise, she didn't seem disappointed but rather more curious. "because I want to tell you about Jennifer and my friends and I can't do that if you are naked and looking so desirable," Theresa told her with a soft smile.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready to do so," Layla said coming to her.

"Honey, it's not that big of a deal," Theresa told her but she couldn't look her in the eyes as she did so.

Theresa saw and then felt Layla's fingers on her chin raising it up so that she had to look at her. "Yes it is," Layla said then she gave her a hug.

Theresa let her hug her and then she began to feel her eyes watering up, "enough of that or you will get me crying," Theresa said softy as she pulled away from Layla's arms.

"Crying isn't a bad thing," Layla said softly.

"I know," Theresa said with a smile and she gave Layla a hug before releasing her and going to get a pair of pajamas to wear.

Theresa put on a similar pair of pajamas before getting onto the bed sitting cross legged facing the foot of the bed. She waited for Layla to sit down in front of her sitting much the same way.

Theresa took a deep breath and began her story, "I met Jennifer the first night at the university, well we all met her that night. I was more than a little bit nervous and yes already getting homesick when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the clock and saw that it was two AM and I had no clue as to who would be up that late and like a dummy, I got up and opened the door to see this blond hair beauty, dressed in a long old fashioned nightgown much the same as I was. She said that she couldn't sleep and needed to walk and asked if I would join her. Before I could come up with a reply, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. She went on down the hall knocking three other doors that were answered by three girls that looked as nervious and homesick as I was. The four of us naturally followed her down the hallway to the elevator."

"My guess would be that was Melinda, Haley, and Ginny," Layla said smiling.

"Yep, Jennifer had picked us to be her friends and she was a natural leader. By the time we got off the elevator, we all knew each others name and where we came from, also what we were majoring in. She just had that personality that drew people in and so that is what she did to us. We walked all around campus just talking and having fun. She made sure to get our cell phone numbers and we didn't get back to the dorm until around six. She allowed us only two hours sleep before she had us back together going to breakfast and then getting our schedules. The funny thing is that Jennifer was the type that could have been the most popular girl on campus but she chose just the four of us and she was determined that we all would be friends for life." Theresa said and she had to pause and smile for what would come next.

"When pledge week came, she got a bet going that whoever got invited to join the most sororities, had to serve the others breakfast. Jennifer tried her best not to get invited but she couldn't hide her personality and she got invited to almost all of them. When we got to the dining hall the next morning, she made us all sit and she went and got our breakfast and drinks. Then she would stand and refill our drinks as we ate. She made it fun, she made the whole year fun for us all. Jennifer could also see what was inside of people and what they needed to say but couldn't, even to their friends." Theresa said pausing before saying, "I need something to drink, you want something?"

"I'll get you something, what you want?" Layla said already getting off the bed obviously anxious for her to go on with what was about to be revealed.

"A water would be fine," Theresa said.

Layla returned quickly with a strawberry water for her and a lemon flavored one for herself. "So what happened next?" Layla asked as soon as she had sat back down.

Theresa smiled and she took a long sip of her drink before she began again. "We were all sitting in Jennifer's room talking when Jennifer decided it was time that we all had to tell something about ourselves that no one knew and who you could only tell to your best friends. She then looked directly at me and then so did everyone else. I about peed my pants as I knew the one thing that I hadn't told anyone else there and what I knew that I would eventually have to tell. I took a deep breath and I said "I'm into girls, I'm a lesbian." I then looked at everyone else and I saw the surprise on their faces, well except for Jennifer who gave me a reassuring smile. I just knew that I was about to be kicked out of the group. But then Melinda spoke up and with her voice cracking, she said that she was into girls too. I looked at Haley and Ginny and I saw relief in their faces and they too admitted that they were also into girls. Then Jennifer stood up and said, "I guess I got a bunch of lesbian dykes as friends," Theresa said and she paused to see the shock on Layla's face.

"She didn't!" Layla said.

"Yep, those were her exact words." Theresa told her.

"What happened then?" Layla asked.

"Jennifer then smiled and said that it was a good thing that she was a fucking lesbian dyke too," Theresa said.

"And you didn't kill her for scaring you all like that," Layla asked.

"No, we were too shocked by what she did next," Theresa said pausing there for effect.

"Which was?" Layla asked when she didn't immediately go on.

"She said that it was past time that we start acting like lesbians and she began to undress. We all just sat there and watched her not knowing what to do but Jennifer being Jennifer knew what she was doing. Once she was naked, she came to me and pulled me up and she began to take my clothes off. She then went about undressing the rest of us. When we were all naked, she kissed each of us, a real kiss and we finally got over our shock and began to kiss each other. When Jennifer got back to me, she took me to her bed laying me down and she made love to me. Before the night was over, each of us had made love to all the others. It took our friendship to another level and tied us to each other in a way that nothing else could. For the next four years, none of us ever went outside the group for sex. We didn't need to; we had our best friends to give us what we needed and desired." Theresa said stopping there for the moment.

"That's not the end of the story is it?" Layla stated.

"No, it isn't, there's much more to come" Theresa said knowing the most important part of the story was yet to come.

"At the end of the spring semester, we all decided to move out of the dorm and find a place of our own. The problem was finding a place that would fit the five of us. We finally settled for a two-bedroom apartment with bedrooms large enough to fit king size beds. That meant that at least three of us would be sleeping in one bed." Theresa said and she saw Layla smiling.

"Not that any of you minded that," Layla said.

"No, we didn't," Theresa said smiling remembering some of those nights with all five of them in one bed. "Once the semester was over, we moved in and went shopping for beds and things to fill the apartment. Once we had it set up, Ginny, Melinda, and Haley all went home for the summer. The classes that they wanted to take were offered online and their parents wanted them to come home. That left just Jennifer and I there..." Theresa said pausing for a moment and she took a long drink of her water.

"You fell in love with her didn't you," Layla said.

"No, Jennifer was a free spirit, not a girl that anyone could expect to be with just one girl," Theresa replied and she could see in Layla's facial expression that she didn't believe her and she waited for her to challenge her but she remained quiet.

Theresa continued, "Jennifer and I had a lot of fun over the summer and she was the one who decided to try tying each other up though after the first few times, it ended up with mostly me tying her up. She just seemed to enjoy being tied up and me playing and teasing her. When the other girls came back for the fall semester, we went back to the way it always was, we all changed partners depending on who wanted to be with who or we all just piled into one bed and had fun. The next summer, it was back to just Jennifer and I and we fpund more games to play including me spanking her with my grandfather's belt. Then after we all graduated, I stayed to complete my doctorates degree and they all went on to start their careers. Then about a year later..."

Theresa stopped there to catch her breath and get ready for the hardest part of the story about Jennifer however Layla prevented her from doing so.

"Before you tell me about Jennifer dying, I need for you to tell me the truth about something you lied about before," Layla said looking her directly in the eye.

"I didn't lie about anything," Theresa replied forcefully though she couldn't keep looking at Layla as she said this because she knew she had indeed lied about one thing.

Theresa felt Layla's fingers under her chin making her raise it and look her in the eye, "You fell in love with Jennifer that first summer together, didn't you," Layla stated.

"Yes... I fell in love with her and I fell hard which made it hard to see her with Ginny, Melinda, and Haley when they came back. I wanted her for myself but what I said about her being a free spirit was true. After she died, I got to know her mother better and she told me that Jennifer did love me but she needed all of us to be friends and she could never choose one over the others. For the first time in her short life, she found friends who accepted her as she was and loved her for who she was." Theresa said and she felt the first of what would be many tears begin to flow.

She saw Layla reaching out for her but she pushed her hands away, "Let me finish this."

"Okay," Layla said softly.

"They all moved away including Jennifer as I stayed to finish working on the doctorates thesis. I tried to stay in contact with everyone but I got caught up with my work and my focus narrowed. In a way, I drove away the best friends that I ever had in my life and also the woman I loved most in the world. That thesis made me famous but it cost me my friends. However, Jennifer came to my rescue much like she did that first night at school however this time it came with a price. I got a group text from Jennifer telling me to come see her on Friday and I saw that the text went out to Haley, Melinda and Ginny too. We all called each other to find out what was going on but like me, Jennifer wasn't answering any of our calls. Jennifer was at her mother's house which didn't make sense. We all greeted her and each other like long lost friends as it had been a couple of years since we all had been together. We went out to eat and dancing having a great time. When we got back to her mother's house, we all put on our pajamas and got on Jennifer's bed. As calm as can be, she announced that she had breast cancer. We were all in shock but Jennifer was convinced that with her friends by her side, she was going to beat it. They had done a body scan that week and on Monday she was going in to see how it went and then how they were going to treat it. We were all crying but Jennifer stopped the tears by stripping off her clothes since this would be the last time, we would all get to play with her breasts since she was sure that she would have to have them removed to cure her of cancer." Theresa told her and she was trying hard not to cry but seeing Layla crying made that almost immpossible to do but she was able to hold them off for the moment.

"I wanted to tell her that removing her breasts would only be the start of her long journey to be cured but I didn't have the heart. We all stayed over and we went with her and her mother to the doctor's office. I really didn't think the doctor would let all four of us and Jennifer's mother come into his office but she did and I should have known what was coming. The doctor then broke the news, the cancer wasn't just in her breasts, it attacked all of her body and there wasn't anything to be done. The cancer had been caught too late, not that it would have mattered, the type of cancer she had, very few survived. We all was crying our eyes out but Jennifer, she decided that she would live out what time she had left having fun with her friends. So... we all dried up our tears and went out to a fancy restaurant for lunch. None of us cried in front of her again, we did that when we were alone or with each other away from Jennifer. Ginny, Melinda and Haley quit their jobs and found jobs near me so that we could all take turns being with Jennifer. We were determined to spend every minute we could with the girl that brought us together in the first place and who we all were in love with in our own way. The night before she died, we were all with her talking and remembering all the fun we had together. She made us promise to always be friends and to always be there for each other. And to do our breast exams, even laughing that it would be more fun if we did it to each other. That night I went to sleep knowing that I would never see Jennifer again. We all stayed together and were in my bed when I woke up about three in the morning. Melinda said I was screaming Jennifer's name. A moment later, my phone rang and it was Jennifer's mom saying that she had passed." Theresa said seeing that Layla was crying freely now but she managed to keep her own tears in check.

She paused to sip on her water before continuing. "The days leading up to the funeral were tough. We had to keep it together for Jennifer's mom but also for each other. We were determined that it be just us to take Jennifer on her last journey but the funeral director feared that we wouldn't be able to carry the casket since there was a slight incline leading up to the grave. Jennifer's mom suggested that we have a couple of Jennifer's cousins to help. Jennifer had been their baby sitter when they were young. We weren't sure about letting them help but Jennifer's mom convinced us to talk to them, so we did." Theresa said pausing a moment as she thought about James and John, Jennifer's cousins.

"There's obviously a Jennifer story with them," Layla stated.

"Oh yes, they had their story too..." Theresa said, "she worked her magic on them too."

"I bet," Layla said smiling with her.

"James was six and John was five when she came to spend the summer with her aunt who needed someone to handle her two mischievous boys. Anyway, when we saw them, James was a senior and John was a junior in high school and they both played football so they had grown up to be big strong boys but I could see the sadness in their eyes. Jennifer's mom introduced them and then she left us alone so that they could tell their story... and what a story it was..."

"I remember the day that Jennifer arrived and John and I were determined to show her who was the boss and no teenage girl was going to tell us what to do..." James said.

"Mom told her that if we misbehaved then she had her permission to punish us, which of course we didn't believe that she would." John said with a smile that let us believe that they were a handful when they were young.

"Once mom left, we told Jennifer that she wasn't our mom and that she couldn't punish us and that we were going to do what we wanted. Jennifer just smiled and went out the door to her car. We watched her open the back door of her car and she pulled out this long switch, when she came in she held the switch and asked which one of us wanted a taste of her switch and she added that we would get it bare assed," James said.

"She didn't scare me," John added.

"Bullshit, you were about to piss your pants when you saw that switch," James said and John laughed saying that he was that scared.

"Then they said that by the end of that first day, they were arguing about who was going to marry her when they got grown." Theresa said pausing again to think about how even then Jennifer had that gift to make people love her.

"We listened as they told their stories about Jennifer and how they begged their mom to get her to come back the next summer to baby sit them. As they talked, we could see both of their eyes tear up. They loved her as much as we did and by the time they were done talking, there was no question that they needed to help us. They were in the middle on each side and they probably carried her more than us but that wasn't the point, we all had to walk her to her resting place. I did okay until she was lowered into the grave and we all had to throw a little dirt onto the casket..." Theresa said and she had to pause to catch herself. "I don't know why we had to do that...."

Theresa then heard Layla say softly, "You were returning her to the earth from which she came. You were saying goodbye."

"I know..." Theresa said and then she did lose it. The tears came and she couldn't stop them. She felt Layla's arms around her and she fell into them letting her hold her as she cried.

She didn't know how long she had cried but she slowly got it back together and pulled back from Layla's comforting arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose it like that. I should have told you the happy parts about Jennifer, not the saddest part."

"To really tell me about her and how you were affected by her you had to tell both parts so that I could understand." Layla said getting a tissue for her and for herself.

Theresa blew her nose and Layla surprised her by taking the tissue to throw away and then getting her another in case she needed it which Theresa hoped that she wouldn't.

"So... do you and your friends still... you know..." Layla asked and Theresa knew what she was trying to asked.

"Do I still have sex with them?" Theresa asked.

"Yeah... I mean it isn't any of my business or anything and you don't have to answer," Layla quickly said.

"No, it's cool. And the answer is yes and no. It is like if one of us has just gotten out of a bad relationship or some girl has broken our heart, we are there for them but otherwise, we have chosen to go our own way. We are, for the most part, just close friends." Theresa said giving Layla a soft smile.

"Okay," Layla said and Theresa could see that she was glad that she didn't have to compete with her friends.

"May I ask you something?" Layla asked.

"Sure, anything you want," Theresa said curious as to what Layla wanted to ask.

"What would Jennifer think of me, would she like me?" Layla asked.

Theresa started to say that Jennifer liked everyone so of course she would like her but that wasn't what Layla was asking and not what she wanted to hear. "You know what she would say to me?" Theresa said.

"What?" Layla asked.

"She'd look you over and then she would whisper in my ear, "I think this one might be a keeper, you'd better not screw this one up or I will come back and haunt you."" Theresa said with a smile.

"I don't know about me being a keeper," Layla said though Theresa could see that she was pleased by that answer.

"I wished I could have met her," Layla said.

"I don't," Theresa immediately replied.

"Why?" Layla said obvious a little taken aback by what she said.

"Because she would have cast all of us aside and kept you for herself," Theresa said with a smile. "and then she would have done this."

Theresa put her hands to Layla's shoulders pushing her back onto the bed and then she lay on top of her. She put her hands to Layla's cheeks giving her a kiss. First, she just used her lips before she opened them to slip her tongue into Layla's mouth getting a moan from her. She slowly ended the kiss and she kissed Layla's chin and then her throat. She slipped on down and she unbuttoned the top two buttons of Layla's pajama top, just enough for her to get to Layla's breasts. She kissed and sucked on the right nipple and then the left. She moved back and forth between Layla's nipples feeling them getting rock hard and hearing lots of moans from her.

She kissed both nipples a last time before slipping on down Layla's body leaving Layla's breasts exposed but her top still on. She settled down between Layla's spread legs and with Layla's pajama shorts being loose and Layla wearing no panties, she was able to pull the leg opening to the side revealing Layla's wet pussy. She lowered her head giving Layla's clit a kiss before she gave Layla's pussy a long slow lick ending back up at her clit where she licked it several times. She went back to her pussy licking and sucking in the juices that Layla was producing. Leaving Layla's pajama shorts on limited her bit with having to keep holding them to the side but Theresa found making love to Layla this way so erotic and aroused her all the more. She took her time slowly bringing Layla along going from her pussy to her clit and back again. Thought when she felt Layla's hands on her head holding it to her clit, Theresa licked and suck on the sensitive bud until Layla moaned loudly and her body stiffened for a moment when her orgasm hit.

Theresa licked up Layla's girlcum giving her another mini orgasm or two and then she came up over Layla kissing her until Layla came back to reality. Layla began to return her kisses and then is when Theresa pulled her lips away.

"I always wanted to make love that way," Theresa said with a smile.

"It was a little different but I like it," Layla said. "but the question is do you like being made love to while still being dressed?"

"Only one way to find out isn't there," Theresa said rolling off Layla and onto her back.

"Yes. There is," Layla said rolling on top of her.

Layla gave her a light kiss, then she moved down to unbutton the top couple buttons of her pajama top. Layla was smiling at her as she did so and she lowered her head down kissing Theresa's right nipple.

"Oh fuck!" Theresa cried out feeling like she could almost cum just from Layla kissing and sucking on her nipple but then she was so aroused by making love to Layla that she was already on edge. Layla spent lots of time on her breasts getting so aroused that she was about to push Layla on down to her pussy but she didn't have to with Layla doing so on her own. She felt Layla pulling her pajama bottoms to the side and then she placed her tongue on her pussy. She let out a long moan and pushed her hips upward into Layla's mouth. Layla licked her pussy parting her lips with her tongue and also making sure to pay attention to her clit sucking and licking it. She went back to her pussy licking and sucking on her lips but when Theresa felt Layla's tongue on her clit, she cried out with her orgasm hitting her hard, much sooner than she would have liked but it felt great all the same and that was what mattered.

When Theresa came out from under her orgasm, Layla was laying just to her side and she turned to her side to face her. "We may have to try that again," Layla said with a smile.

"I don't why it turns me on so much but seeing you in those pajamas I just had to try it and besides I needed to relieve a little emotion there." Theresa said.

"I know, we both needed that," Layla said softly giving her a light kiss.

They were both silent for a moment but Theresa could see that Layla had something on her mind that she needed an answer to but was afraid to ask, at least it looked that way to her.

"What is it you want to ask?" Theresa asked.

"Oh... it's nothing," Layla said but Theresa could see that it was something important to her.

"You can ask me even if it is about Jennifer, I won't get upset, I promise," Theresa said and she put her fingers to Layla's cheek caressing her.

"You mentioned that Jennifer got you started with being tied up..." Layla said and she paused for a moment. "when you do that now, do you... I mean..."

Theresa at first wasn't sure what Layla was trying to ask her but then she saw the confusion on Layla's face and she began to see what she was really asking. "when I tie you up, who am I really tying up, you or her?"

"Yeah, is that bad of me to ask?" Layla asked obviously worried about her reaction but still it was important enough for her to ask now that she knew the whole story.

"Honey, Jennifer is in my past, yes she is an important part of my past but in my past all the same. When I am with you, it is just you and I in the room, no one else. The only thing that is the same is that you both seem to like being tied up. The weird part is that I never understood why Jennifer liked me to do it to her so much, being the way that she was, that was opposite of her personality." Theresa stated now a bit confused about it now that Layla had her thinking about it.

Layla seem to think about this and Theresa was doing the same but then she saw Layla smiling. "What?" Theresa asked.

"I think I may know why she liked being tied up," Layla said.

"Okay why?" Theresa asked not believing that someone who had never met Jennifer could figure out something that she couldn't.

"I think maybe she liked to be tied up because she saw that you liked doing it to her," Layla said.

"Why would you think that?" Theresa asked not believing that Layla could come up with anything close to being right with what little she had told her.

"It's a couple of things you told me before. The first being that Jennifer seemed to be able to see into people, like their secrets and the second thing was that she liked to please all of you. She needed and wanted all of you to love her. Maybe wanting to try being tied up was at first just a game but once she saw that you liked tying her up more than being tied up yourself then she went with it to please you. She took what was already there and brought it out in you," Layla said and then Theresa saw her biting her lower lip like she was fearful of her reaction to her thoughts.

Again, Theresa wanted to argue but she couldn't find a way to do so. Everything Layla said now made sense to her. "Okay that makes sense, you may very well be onto something that I had never thought about or had a reason to do so until now."

"You okay with me saying that?' Layla asked.

"Yes I am sweetie, you're cool," Theresa said giving her a light kiss. "but now I got a question for you."

"Shoot," Layla said smiling again.

"Why do you let me tie you up?" Theresa asked really wanting to know the answer.

"A couple of reasons I guess," Layla said with a grin.

"And they are?" Theresa asked.

"Well one main reason, I guess. I mean I'm not sure why I like it in one way. I guess I am more submissive than I realized and I like being at your mercy but only yours, I trust you to not do anything that would really hurt me. The real reason is that I like that I am at the center of your attention, with me being tied up, you are doing everything to me, you are focused on me and pleasing me. Plus, you make me cum harder and more often than anyone has ever done before." Layla said.

"Okay, I can see that," Theresa said. "what about when I use my grandfather's belt on you, that would hurt."

"Yeah, I know but again I trust you," Layla said and she paused a second. "when are you going to use your belt on me?"

"Do you want me too?" Theresa asked.

"Yeah... I do. I want to know what it will feel like and how you'll do it," Layla answered thought she was also blushing a little as she said it. "but what if I don't like it?"

"Honey, there are lots of games we can play. That is just one of them and we can never use it again if you don't like it," Theresa said assuring her or hoping that she did so.

"I have a feeling that I will like it..." Layla said blushing more.

"I think you just might too," Theresa said giving her a kiss and then pulling her in close.

Layla snuggled in against her and it wasn't long before Theresa realized that she had gone to sleep on her so she did the same needing the sleep as much as Layla did.

End of Part Three.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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