The Perfume Girl

Published on Aug 2, 2020


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The Perfume Girl

Chapter Six

By Chris

While Layla really wanted to stay with Theresa over the holiday, Christmas was a big deal to Layla's mother and thus with her whole family so she really had no choice but to spend the time off with her family. Layla knew there would soon be a time that she wouldn't spend Christmas at home but that time hadn't come yet and Theresa encouraged her to spend her time with her family while she could.

Layla had only been gone a couple of days when Theresa came upon an article written by a conservative economist that went against everything that she believed in. Supply side economics had been around for a while and it had never worked but this economist had found another way to prove that it was the right way to go. Normally this wouldn't get her ire up but the President had decided that the economist was right and he was using the economist to support his own beliefs about the economy. Theresa began to gather her own data to prove that this was the wrong way to set the US economy. She put all of her time into proving her point that this would only help the rich and leave the middle class and especially the poor worse off. When she talked to Layla on the phone, this was what she mostly talked about and not really listening to what Layla was saying. Without realizing it, she was going back down the same path that had ruined all of her previous relationships.

On the day that Layla was to arrive, Theresa was in her office working on her new project. She got a text from Layla a little after two in the afternoon saying that she was in and asking where she was. Theresa texted back that she was in her office working and would be home soon. Throughout the afternoon, Theresa got several more texts and a phone call all of which she ignored. She had just told Layla that she would be home soon so she saw no reason to tell her the same thing again.

The problem was that when she got her mind on something like this, she lost track of time and what seemed like a few minutes was in reality was a few hours. It wasn't until she felt that her mind was beginning to fail her that she looked at the time on her phone and saw that it was past ten in the evening. She also saw that she had several text messages and she looked at them and saw that Layla had sent her more than a few texts and had called twice. She saw that Layla was getting worried that something had happened to her. Theresa started to call but she decided to just go on home and explain that she had lost track of time. She told herself that she had told Layla how she got when she was working on a new project so she would understand.

When she came into the kitchen, Layla was waiting for her and her expression on her face was filled with worry. "Are you all right? What happened to you? I got scared that you had an accident." Layla said all in one breath as she came up to her giving her a relieved hug.

"No baby, I'm fine. I was just working on proving that asshole wrong. You know I told you that when we talked while you were at home." Theresa told her sure that would calm Layla down.

She was more than a little surprised that Layla suddenly pulling back and her expression had changed from worry to anger. "I've been gone for two weeks; couldn't you have taken a day off from that and come home?" Layla asked but it was more of a statement than a question.

"I meant to but I lost track of time, I told you how I get when I'm working on a new economic theory," Theresa told her.

"Is proving that guy wrong more important than I am to you?" Layla asked.

"No, but this affects more than just you and I, it's important for me to be a voice that puts an end to the supply side economic theory once and for all." Theresa told her wanting Layla to understand how important her project was to the US and the world for that matter.

"Just how much longer are you going to be working on this?" Layla asked.

"Just a few more days, I promise. I have about all the data I need," Theresa told her.

Layla stood there a moment not saying anything and then she asked, "Well can you take tomorrow off and us spend the day together?"

Theresa almost said "No," but she caught herself before she could utter that, "I really need to work on this, I'm at a critical point." Theresa said but she immediately saw that didn't make Layla happy in the least. "How about I work tomorrow morning and then we can spend the afternoon together."

She saw that wasn't what Layla wanted to hear which surprised her since she was willing to spend part of the day with her. Layla finally seemed to give in and she finally said, "You promise?"

"Yes baby, I promise," Theresa said leaning in to give Layla a kiss that for some reason she didn't fully return.

Theresa pulled back and said, "Let me take a quick shower and we can talk."

"Okay," Layla said and she walked past her heading toward the bedroom.

Theresa relieved that Layla had given in, went on to the bathroom to shower. When she came into the bedroom after the shower, she saw that Layla was already in bed however she had her back turned to her.

"Honey, you asleep," Theresa asked and she got no reply.

She came on over to the bed and she saw that Layla had a nightgown on and she could tell that Layla wasn't really asleep but acting like she was. Theresa then knew that Layla really was pissed at her and she knew she needed to make up to her. She thought about trying to get Layla to talk it out but then she figured it was better to do exactly what she said she would do and only work for a few hours the next day.

Layla didn't get up when she did which sort of pissed Theresa off but she vowed again to work only a few hours and then come right home. However, for Theresa, the saying that "good intentions lead straight to hell," was accurate. She got to her office and soon was lost in her work. She ignored the texts that Layla sent, vowing each time to work just a little bit more and then go home. She did make it home a little earlier, nine in the evening. Layla wasn't in the kitchen waiting for her, she found her in the bedroom again with her back turned away from her and again appearing to be asleep.

"I'm sorry honey, I really meant to spend the day with you. I just got caught up with my work. I told you how I get when I am working on something like this," Theresa said coming to the side of the bed.

She got no reply so she turned to go take a shower feeling more than a little angry that Layla wouldn't answer her and obviously not understanding how important her work was. Her mind so lost in her anger and her work, she didn't hear a sob come from the far side of the bed nor did she see the tears rolling down Layla's cheeks.

The next morning, Layla again stayed in bed and didn't even move when she kissed her cheek and told her that she would try and come home early. She did come home a little earlier, making it home a little after seven only to find a note from Layla saying that she was with Ashley. Theresa went on and took a shower and grabbed a bite to eat. She went to her bedroom with her laptop and worked a little while she waited for Layla to return.

It was midnight when her eyes got tired and she closed out her laptop. She picked up her phone to see that there were no texts from Layla so she texted her asking when she would be home.

She got an immediate reply, "I'll be home in a few minutes."

Theresa sat there for a few minutes and when Layla didn't come in, she opened her laptop and worked a few minutes waiting on her. A little after one, she sent Layla another text asking where she was and when she would be home.

Again, she got an immediate reply, "I'll be home in a few minutes."

Theresa then knew that Layla was giving her a little of her own medicine though she was a little pissed that Layla would act this way so she decided that if she wanted to play this game then she would let her. She thought that Layla was being little childish but so be it.

She turned off the light and lay down to sleep. However, sleep didn't come as easy as it usually did and when she did go to sleep, she didn't sleep as well. She also had a dream that she had misplaced something and she couldn't find it. The next morning, she went on to her office and worked for a while but her mind wasn't as into her work as she felt it should be. She tried to call Layla a couple of times but each time it went directly to Layla's voicemail. She also texted Layla a few times getting the same reply as she did before in that she would be home in a few minutes. After a couple of days of Layla not taking her calls and getting the same response from her texts, she decided that whatever she had with Layla was over. She knew that she had screwed up but still she felt that Layla should give her a break, she was doing something important and vital to the economic wellbeing of the country.

A couple of weeks after Layla had left her, it was time for her monthly night with her friends. For once, she was the first one there as she really wanted to talk to her friends so that they could reassure her that this really wasn't her fault. She wasn't sure why she needed this but she did.

Theresa was the last to tell her Jennifer story, she had her story about Jennifer all planned out but just when she started to talk, her mind went blank. She tried to think but there was nothing, well nothing about Jennifer, there was lots about Layla swirling around her head.

"Layla has left me," Theresa said and she saw the surprise and sympathy in Jenny's and Haley's face but not Melinda's. "you know I've been working on this supply side thing that the president so loves and she got pissed that all my thoughts were consumed by the project."

"And you're surprised that she left you..." Melinda told her showing no compassion for her situation.

"Yes, yes I am, I told her that when I get on a project like this that I tend to get obsessed with it until I finish," Theresa told Melinda and she looked to Haley and Genny for their support but she found none. In fact, they seemed to have turned against her.

"You know Theresa, this is exactly what ended your last relationship," Haley said.

"And the one before it," Melinda added unnecessarily.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too. I don't know Layla that well but I don't think she is one who takes being ignored well. She needs to have the attention on her," Haley said.

"So, you all think it is my fault, I'm solely responsible. I mean Layla is the one acting childish, she needs to grow up." Theresa said getting more than a little pissed at her friends.

"And you're not being childish by not wanting to accept any blame?" Melinda told her.

Theresa looked at each of her friends and she began to feel that just maybe they weren't her friends after all. "Well fuck all of you! I thought you all were my friends!" Theresa said and then she decided that she had enough of this bullshit.

She wanted to say something else but stopped herself, instead she got up, grabbed her purse and coat and walked off. She got outside the door and started for her car when she stopped. She felt like crying and she so didn't want to but the tears came despite her will to stop them.

She was standing there crying when she heard Melinda say from behind her, "You know we are your friends but sometimes friends have to say things that you don't want to hear."

Melinda came on around her and she found that she was in Melinda's arms. She wanted to break free but she couldn't for some reason. Then she felt Ginny and Haley at her sides.

"We do love you Theresa but we have to tell you what we think just as we expect you to do for us." Haley told her.

As her friends held her, Theresa began to think about what they had said and slowly she began to realize that they were right. It was all her fault and that made her cry harder. It also caused her friends to hold her that much tighter, almost to the point that she was having trouble breathing.

She cried another few minutes before she could get control of herself. "She did once tell me that the reason she liked to be tied up was that all my attention was on her and she was the center of attention." Theresa admitted.

"Do you want her back?" Melinda asked.

"Yes," Theresa also admitted to them but more importantly to herself.

"Then let's go back inside and let your friends tell you how to get Layla back," Melinda told her pulling back and wiping the tears from her cheek.

"How are you going to do that?" Theresa asked wanting more than anything to know.

"We'll think of something," Haley said.

"We will?" Ginny said.

"None of you have a clue do you," Theresa said.

"Nope, but like Haley said we'll think of something," Melinda told her.

"What would I do without friends like you," Theresa asked.

"Masturbate a lot," Ginny replied taking them all by surprise.

"Oh god!" Theresa said and then she started to laugh with her friends laughing with her.

"Let's go inside, I think we have put on enough of a show for everyone out here," Haley said.

"Yes, we have," Theresa said now noticing that they were being stared at by several women that had gathered nearby, though they all suddenly had someplace to go either inside or toward their cars.

When they got back to their table, Theresa ordered them all a drink. "So what do I do?""

They all were silent for a moment and they looked toward Melinda who just smiled. "I guess I'm the one who has to come up with something."

"Yep, you always have something to say," Haley said with a laugh.

"If you really want Layla back or ever have a relationship with anyone, you're going to have to change," Melinda told her.

"I know that but change what. I can't give up trying to solve economic problems, it's my life." Theresa told them.

"That's not what Melinda meant," Haley told her.

"No, it's just that you're going to have to not get lost in your own world when you do it. You have to make time for the people that you care about." Ginny said.

"And the person that you love," Melinda said.

"Don't bring your work home, when you are with Layla then she must be the center of your attention," Haley told her,

"Why did I have to fall in love with an attention freak?" Theresa asked.

"You tell us," Melinda said.

"I don't know it just happened," Theresa told her friends and she got doubtful looks in return. She hoped that they wouldn't push it since at that moment she really wasn't sure.

"What I need to know is what do I do to get her to talk to me since she no longer answers my texts or answer my phone calls," Theresa told her friends mainly because that is what she needed from them and also to keep them from asking again why she fell for Layla.

She didn't get an immediate answer from any of them which worried her. She feared that they didn't have an answer either. A moment later, Ginny cleared her voice and she like Haley and Melinda turned to her.

"Have you gone to her apartment?" she asked.

"No... should I?" Theresa asked.

She got an immediate reply not just from Ginny but Melinda and Haley too.

"Yes," they said in unison.

"When?" Theresa asked.

The answer wasn't in unison but they all said the same thing. "Now!"

"What do I say if she does agree to talk with me...and what if she doesn't want to see me?" Theresa asked.

"What your heart tells you to say," Melinda told her.

"What if it doesn't tell me what to say," Theresa asked scared that she wouldn't know what to say.

"It will, now get off your fucking ass and go get your love back," Haley told her and then all three of them got up leaving her sitting there.

Theresa looked at each of her friends and saw that they expected her to do what they said and she knew that they were right. It wasn't something she should have done on her own but fear stopped her.

"Will you all be there for me if she rejects me," Theresa asked as she got up.

"Always," Melinda told her and Haley and Ginny echoed the same sentiment.

"Thanks for being my friends," Theresa said giving each a hug before getting her coat and purse to leave.

When she got to the door, she looked back at her friends getting an encouraging smile but she sensed that they were just as fearful as she was that this would work.

All the way to Layla's apartment, she practiced what she would say but everything she said didn't sound right. She parked at the apartment building looking up to see that there were lights on in Layla's apartment. That was a good sign that someone was home but a part of her hoped that Layla wasn't there. She knew that she had fucked up and nothing she said would get Layla back. She had been down this road before and each time she was left alone.

She hesitated at the door trying one more time to come up with what to say and still there was nothing in her head that she felt would get Layla back. Her hand was shaking when she finally got the courage up to knock on the door. The door opened a lot sooner than she hoped it would and she saw Ashley standing in the doorway and to her surprise she saw a smile.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Ashley said stepping back to let her in.

"Is Layla here?" Theresa asked.

"I'll get her," Ashley said turning to go get Layla.

She could hear Ashely talking to Layla but she couldn't hear what was being said but it didn't sound like Layla was willing to come out to see her. After a couple of minutes, she did hear Layla say, "Okay I'll see her."

When Layla appeared, she had a robe over what looked to be a pajama pant set with no makeup on but still she looked beautiful to Theresa and she felt her heart pounding which told her that she really had fucked up letting this girl go.

"You still working on your project?" was what Layla said to her and she didn't seem happy in the least to see her there.

"Yes... but I can no longer concentrate on it, all I can think of is you and how I let my work get between us." She told her and that didn't seem to have any effect on Layla, she seemed even more upset with her.

"So you want me to come with you so that you can get back to what you truly love... your work," Layla said with more venom in her voice than Theresa would ever have expected. She then knew that it was over but she had to try.

"No, that's not why. I just want you back in my life, I need you." Theresa said and that obviously wasn't what she needed to say either.

"You need me so that you can work," Layla said still with the same anger if not more so in her voice.

"No, I just want you, I don't know why but I can't live without you and will do anything you ask to get you back," Theresa said and she felt the tears flowing down her cheeks, she didn't even know when she started to cry but she was crying all the same.

"You need to go," Layla said folding her arms across her chest.

Theresa then knew that it was over and she wasn't ever going to get her back, "Okay," she said weakly and she went to the door and went out, leaving Layla's angry stare stuck in her head.

She closed the door and her knees went weak and she fell back against it crying her heart out. She then heard through the door Ashely yelling at Layla, "You stupid bitch, you going to let her go just like that? She came here to get you back and you have been crying over her since you came back here."

Theresa got her legs back under her and she opened the door, stepping just inside, "She isn't the stupid bitch, I am. I screwed up and I'm sorry." Theresa said and she stepped back out closing the door behind her to face life alone once again.

She cried all the way home barely able to see the road with the tears flowing down her cheeks. When she got home, she went to her bedroom and changed into her pajamas. She got in bed and picked up her phone and she did a group text to her friends, "I lost her."

She got an immediate reply from Haley and Ginny telling her that they were there for her and would come over if she needed them. She told them that she was okay but appreciated the offer. She was surprised that Melinda didn't immediate reply but no sooner than she thought that, she got the reply from Melinda.

"Give her time, don't give up yet," Melinda texted her.

Theresa didn't believe her but it did give her some measure of hope. She started to reply but she didn't know what to say back. She put her phone down and slipped under the covers turning off the light as she did so. She pulled Layla's pillow to her chest and began to cry again.

She didn't know how long that she had been crying when she heard the garage door opening. She then heard her phone ding, telling her that someone was entering her house. She didn't look at her phone fearing that it was one of her friends or all of them. She just hoped that it was the one person she wanted to see. She turned on the lamp and she realized that she was shaking from fear or hope, she wasn't sure which it was. She waited and waited getting more scared as every second ticked by. Finally, she heard footsteps outside her door and then there was Layla standing in the doorway still in her robe and pajamas.

"I know why you can't live without me," Layla said softly and Theresa saw that Layla had been crying too.

"Why?" Theresa asked sitting up in the bed and swinging her legs over so that she could face her.

"Because you gave your heart to me," Layla said.

"I did," Theresa said softly feeling the tears running down her cheek again.

Layla didn't say anything nor did she move from the doorway. "What do I need to do to get you back?" Theresa asked willing to do anything Layla asked of her.

"Do you remember what I told you about why I liked having you tie me up," Layla asked.

"Yes... ah no... I can't think, I know you did..." Theresa said searching her mind but all she could think about was that Layla was actually there in her home.

"I told you that I loved it because I knew I was the center of attention, the center of your attention. I'm a spoiled selfish bitch who has to have the attention on me at all times... your attention centered on me and only me." Layla told her.

Theresa got up and went to Layla and she got down on her knees in front of her, she took Layla's hands in hers grateful that Layla allowed her to do so. "You will have all my attention, all of it. But you got to help me..." Theresa told her.

"I can't help you do that. You got to figure that out on your own, if you can't then tell me now," Layla told her.

Theresa looked up at Layla who was waiting on her answer and she knew that if she gave the wrong answer, Layla would leave and never come back. She also knew that whatever she said had to come from her heart, she just hoped that Melinda was right, her heart would tell her what to say.

"You're right you can't help me. I won't promise you that I will be able to do it cause I've broken too many promises for you to ever believe any promise that I make. I will find a way to give you all the attention that you need not because you need it but because I need to give it to you. Your need may be to get attention but my need is ever greater than yours, I need to give it. You are the only woman that I've ever been with that was able to fill every need I have ever had and did so with so much love in your heart. I did give you my heart, all of my heart. And I pray that you will one day give your heart back to me, when and only when I have earned it again." Theresa told her and it was her heart that was speaking now.

"Theresa, you never lost my heart, I never took it back and I don't want to." Layla said with tears running down her cheeks. "Now get up and kiss me you fool."

"Oh god," Theresa sighed and when she tried to get up, she found that her legs weren't cooperating.

"Hell girl, you can't even get up without my help. How did you ever survive without me," Layla said but she was smiling now and helping her to get back on her feet both physically and emotionally.

"I didn't," Theresa said and she didn't give Layla her kiss, at least not at first. Instead she pulled her in close hugging her so tightly not ever wanting to let go. The best part was that Layla was hugging her back just as tightly and with the same need to hold and be held by her.

After a few minutes, they both were able to loosen their hold and Theresa gave her the kiss that she had asked for. It was a kiss so filled with love that healed her broken heart and gave her hope again.

When the kiss ended, Theresa asked, "Are you going to move your things back in?"

"I never moved them out, if you had bothered to look around you would have seen that most of my stuff is still here. Hell, I had to borrow panties and bras from Ashley," Layla said.

"Oh..." Theresa replied feeling a bit embarrassed that she hadn't thought to check the drawers that Layla kept her clothes or even that some of Layla's clothes were still hanging in the closet. At first, she was so preoccupied with her work and then about Layla leaving her that she never thought to look. She then hugged her again and when she breathed in, she realized that Layla had put on her special perfume.

"You're wearing your perfume," Theresa said smiling for the first time.

"Only for you," Layla replied.

"Shit, you're making me cry again," Theresa said hugging Layla tightly again.

Layla hugged her back but after a minute, she pulled back, "I got to go pee."

"Well go, I don't want you peeing on my floor," Theresa said with a big smile.

"Our floor," Layla corrected her.

"Yes, our floor," Theresa said giving her a kiss before letting her go.

Theresa went back to her bed, sitting down. After a moment, she realized that she needed to text her friends. "She's back!"

"Who you texting?" Layla asked as she came into the bedroom sitting down beside of her.

Theresa just gave her the phone and she saw Layla smiling and then she laughed.

"What?" Theresa asked.

"You need to see this," Layla said handing the phone back.

"That's great, I told you to give her time. Now don't fuck it up again." was Melinda's reply to the group message.

Following that reply was two more, "Yes, don't fuck it up again" and "Listen to your heart and you won't." was Ginny's and Haley's replies, respectively.

"I won't," Theresa texted making sure that Layla could see what the typed.

"I don't believe that you will either," Layla said giving her a kiss to her cheek.

Theresa sat there for a second and looked over at Layla, "I'm worn out, do you mind if we layed down?" Theresa asked.

Layla smiled, "I'm tired too, it's been an emotional day for both of us."

"Yes it has but a good day," Theresa said giving Layla a hug.

Layla returned the hug but after a moment or two, she pulled back. "Ahh... I've got my period..."

Theresa smiled, "Well at least that hasn't changed, we're still in sync."

They both got up with Layla going to her side of the bed shedding her robe before slipping under the covers. Theresa turned off the lights and turned toward Layla who snuggled in against her.

"I'm glad that you're wearing your perfume for another reason," Theresa told her.

"What's that?" Layla asked.

"Your scent had worn off your pillow and I couldn't smell it anymore," Theresa told her.

"That's sweet," Layla said giving her a soft kiss. "wait a minute, that means you haven't washed the sheets since I left."

"Nope," Theresa replied.

"So I came back to you and you have me sleeping on your dirty sheets," Layla said.

"Yep and I'm not washing them now that your scent is back on them," Theresa told her.

"Well enjoy it while you can cause I'm washing the sheets in the morning," Layla told her.

"No you're not," Theresa replied pushing Layla onto her back and moving her upper body onto her.

Theresa felt Layla's hands on her back pulling her down to her and Theresa laid her head on Layla's shoulders. "Yes I am," Layla said softly and then she added, "I'll wear my perfume tomorrow night for you."

"Thank you," Theresa said snuggling in against Layla with her perfume filling her heart.

Theresa was just getting comfortable and was close to falling asleep when she heard Layla whisper, "Hey, I'm supposed to be laying on you, not you laying on me."

"Not tonight," Theresa whispered back.

Theresa then felt Layla fingers combing through her hair and she let out a sigh, a contented and happy sign. She closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

For the first time since Layla had left, she slept through the night and when the sunrise came, she was still asleep and still laying on Layla with her scent filling her dreams.

She only woke when she felt Layla moving, "Don't get up, let's just sleep all day." Theresa said sleepily.

"I'd love too but if I don't get up, we'll both drown." Layla said.

Theresa didn't move but slowly she began to feel some pressure in her bladder, "shit now I got to go pee," she said as she fully woke up.

"Me first," Layla said moving again and this time Theresa rolled off of her.

"You better be done by the time I get in there or I'm sitting on your lap," Theresa told her.

"The hell you will, you're not peeing on me," Layla said with a laugh.

Theresa had to smile; her Layla was back. "watch me," Theresa told her as Layla got up off the bed.

"Yeah, right," Layla said sticking her tongue out at her before turning and heading to the bathroom.

Theresa sat up on the edge of the bed pausing just enough to give Layla time to get to the bathroom. She got up and headed to the bathroom that Layla used and not the one attached to her bedroom. Layla had just started to pee when Theresa entered the bathroom.

"Well I warned you," Theresa said putting her hands to her hips to push her pajamas pants down.

"You wouldn't dare," Layla told her.

"Is that a challenge?" Theresa asked pushing her pajama's down and stepping out of them.

"Yep," Layla said just as she finished peeing.

Theresa came over to her and she straddled Layla's legs and sat down. She did notice that there wasn't much blood on Layla's pad so her period was ending just as her own was.

"You should know better than to dare me," Theresa said with a smile scooting up so that her pussy was just over Layla's.

Theresa acted like she was going to pee though she really had no intention of doing so, that is until Layla said, "well go ahead."

Theresa was more than a little surprised at Layla's response and still not really believing that Layla was serious until she felt Layla's hands on her hips and slipping around to her ass pulling her pussy up against Layla's body just above her pussy.

"You serious?" Theresa asked.

Layla paused for just a second or two before she smiled and said, "sure, we might as well start over doing something new."

Theresa never thought of playing water-games before as it never really interested her but the thought of doing so now did excite her a little. Theresa tried to relax but...

"Shit now I can't go," Theresa said.

"Just relax," Layla said giving her a light kiss.

Theresa put her arms around Layla's head and kissed her with the kiss growing passionate and she felt Layla's mouth opening and the kiss became really passionate. As they kiss, Theresa did relax and allowed her pee to start flowing. Her pee hitting Layla just above her pussy and she could feel the warm liquid between their bodies.

She heard and felt Layla moan as they kissed and that caused her to moan just as their lips parted. "stop a moment," Layla said in a lustful tone.

Theresa was able to and she looked at Layla to see if maybe she was regretting what she had her do though the look in her eyes and Layla moans told her otherwise. "Scoot back a little, I want to watch." Layla told her.

"Oh shit," Theresa moaned feeling her pussy getting wet by more than her pee.

Theresa scooted back and they both looked down. It took Theresa a moment to be able to pee again and when she did, her pee came out splashing against Layla pussy causing them both to moan.

"Oh hell this is kinky," Theresa moaned.

"Fuck!" was Layla's reply.

It was so erotic to Theresa seeing her pee hit Layla's pussy and then falling into the toilet water. Just as her pee ended, Layla did something even more kinky. Her right hand went from her ass to her pussy and Layla began to caress her pee- soaked lips and then her clit.

"Ohh... fuck yes," Theresa cried out feeling her clit becoming so aroused and before she knew it her orgasm hit. "Fuck I'm cumming!"

She pulled Layla into her body as Layla caressed her clit through her orgasm. Layla's fingers left her clit just before it became too sensitive and she felt those wet fingers back on her hips.

Just as she recovered, she pulled back, "Shit I can't believe how erotic that was."

"Me either," Layla moaned back.

Without thinking about it, Theresa moved her right hand down pressing it against Layla's pussy. "Pee," she told her.

Immediately she felt Layla peeing though it was only for a second or two but that was enough for Theresa to feel her warm pee. She then began to masturbate Layla's pussy getting her to moan and quickly bringing her to orgasm just as she had cum so quickly.

"Is this something we're going to do again?" Layla asked breathlessly.

"I believe so," Theresa said giving her a kiss.

"Me too," Layla relied with a wicked grin.

"I think we need a shower," Theresa said after the kiss.

"Together?" Layla suggested.

"Of course," Theresa said giving Layla a quick kiss before getting up.

Theresa went to the shower and turned on the hot water letting it warm up. She had just got the temperature right when Layla stepped in around her. "Hey what you doing?" Theresa asked.

"I can't help it if you're old and slow," Layla said sticking her tongue out at her.

"I'll show you old and slow," Theresa told her stepping in behind her.

"Talk, talk, talk," Layla said with a laugh as she got herself wet. "Now wash my back," she added as she stepped back from the water.

"Why don't you wash my back first?" Theresa asked getting the bath wash all the same.

"Hey, I'm the one who likes all the attention, remember," Layla said.

"I believe you have mentioned that a time or two," Theresa said with a smile and then she gave Layla a kiss to the back of her neck.

"Yep," Layla said turning her head and Theresa saw that sweet smile of hers.

Theresa poured a dab of the body wash in the palm of her hand and began to wash Layla's back. She slowly worked her way down from Layla's shoulders to her cute ass. She moved her hands all around Layla's ass cheeks going between them to wash her cute asshole that she caressed more than washed getting a moan of approval from Layla. She moved her fingers down between Layla's legs that Layla had opened for her. Theresa washed her pussy again doing more caressing than washing. She could just feel Layla getting wet when she pulled her hand away getting a groan from Layla.

Theresa got more of the body wash and she divided it between her hands. She moved up against Layla's body pressing her breasts against Layla's back. She moved her hands around Layla's body placing them on Layla's breasts.

"Mmmm I like that," said leaning back against her.

Theresa moved her hands all around Layla breasts caressing and pinching Layla's nipples though she couldn't pinch very well with soapy hands and fingers. She worked Layla breasts for a couple of minutes before she slowly worked her hands down Layla stomach and down lower to her pussy. She washed her pussy using her fingers to caress Layla's lips feeling Layla's juices flowing onto her fingers. She soon had Layla moaning and moaning louder when her fingers began to concentrate on her clit. By this time, she had more of Layla's juices on her fingers than soap. She used a circular motion first getting Layla very aroused and then she went to more of an up and down motion while pressing harder against Layla's sensitive clit.

"Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum," Layla moaned and Theresa rubbed harder and faster until she felt Layla arching her back and letting out a long moan with her orgasm crashing down on her.

She rubbed her a moment more before stopping to hold Layla up while her orgasm coursed through her body. When Layla could stand on her own again, Theresa stepped back with Layla turning around to face her. Theresa reached for the body wash putting more on her hands but then she surprised Layla by starting to wash her own body.

"Hey, I wanted to do that," Layla protested.

"Today you get all the attention," Theresa told her.

Theresa saw a little smile appear on Layla's lips and she knew for the first time in what seemed forever, she told Layla the right thing, the one thing that Layla wanted and needed to hear. But then she frowned and Theresa knew what Layla was thinking.

She leaned in close to Layla, "Don't worry I'll be sitting on your face real soon..." And that made Layla smile again and seemed to satisfy her need to give her pleasure in return.

They finished showering and after getting dressed. They headed for the kitchen to fix something to eat. "So... what we doing today?" Theresa asked.

"Well I got some studying to do this morning and then you're going to take me somewhere," Layla told her.

"Where am I taking you?" Theresa asked.

"How do I know; you haven't told me yet. But it will be fun, I know that," Layla replied grinning.

"Oh great, how about putting some pressure on me," Theresa told her though she was smiling when she said it.

Layla came over to her giving her a little kiss, "don't worry, whatever you decide, I will enjoy it as long as we are together."

Theresa smiled as that did take all the pressure off, "don't worry, I'll think of something fun." Theresa said hoping that she would actually think of something that Layla would think as fun.

They talked as Theresa fixed them something to eat and while they ate with Theresa mostly asking about Layla's classes and what all she would have to do this semester. Theresa avoided talking about her own work and especially the project that she was working on, that had caused too much trouble already. However, as they were washing dishes, Layla did ask.

"Are you about done with what you're working on, have you proved your point?" Layla asked.

"I thought that I was but then the numbers didn't add up, the data I had didn't prove my point. Or at least I didn't think it would be enough to convince someone who believed the opposite," Theresa told her.

"So you're having to start over?" Layla asked and Theresa saw the worry on her face.

"No, I just got to look a little more and rethink my argument." Theresa told her and that she knew wasn't what Layla wanted to hear.

"Okay," Layla said but Theresa saw in Layla's face that there was more to this than how far along she was with her project.

Theresa waited for the next question but Layla was silent but there was something she wanted to say. "what is it that you're really asking? I'll tell you the truth." Theresa said and she put down the towel she was holding and faced Layla.

Layla was silent for a bit and Theresa waited patiently for Layla to say what she wanted to say. "I was just wondering... I... oh never mind, it isn't important."

Theresa stepped toward Layla and took her hands in hers, "Yes it is; it's very important so tell me what is on your mind."

"I was just wondering if maybe you started to need me again was that you were done with what you were working on and then you missed me." Layla said.

"No honey that wasn't it. I don't know when I will be done. Hell, I could still be working on this next year at this time. It just took me a while to realize that no matter what I do, it doesn't mean anything if I don't have someone to share it with. And the only person I wanted to share it with was you." Theresa told her and that made Layla smile again.

"I'm sorry, it is just that I needed to know that you didn't start missing me until you were finished," Layla said.

"No, I came to realize just how important you have become to me," Theresa told her.

"You're important to me too," Layla said giving her a kiss.

"What are you going to do while I do my homework?" Layla asked.

"My homework," Theresa said with a smile.

"Oh," Layla replied.

"How long will you be working on your homework this morning?" Theresa asked.

"Until I'm done," Layla answered with a mischievous smile.

"That tells me a lot," Theresa told her.

Layla laughed, "Just this morning, if I don't finish then I'll do the rest tomorrow morning," Layla told her.

"Well go ahead and start and I'll finish here," Theresa told her.

"Okay but I need your help getting some things from my car," Layla told her.

"Let's go," Theresa said letting go of Layla's hands.

When they got out to Layla's car, Layla opened her trunk and Theresa saw that they were a couple of bags of clothes and Layla's makeup case. "You really were intending to stay, weren't you?" Theresa commented.

"Well Ashley made me pack my stuff, I wasn't going to bring anything back," Layla confessed.

Theresa smiled, "that's okay, Melinda, Haley and Ginny convinced me to go to your place last night.

"I guess we're even," Layla said with a little laugh.

"Yep," Theresa said grabbing the bags by their handle and Layla's make-up bag and shutting the trunk while Layla got her laptop and school books.

Theresa carried Layla's bags to the bedroom and she started to put her things away but then she decided to let Layla do it so she would know where it was when she needed it. When she got back to the kitchen, she saw that Layla had taken most of the kitchen table with her books, laptop, and tablet. Things were definitely back to normal and Theresa realized how happy she was that kitchen table belonged to Layla once again.

Theresa was wiping off the counters when she heard Layla ask another question. "Does it bother you any that I'm so high maintenance?"

Theresa stopped wiping and she thought for a second, "I never cared much for women who were as you called it, high maintenance, it was just too much trouble and too many headaches but then something happened that changed my mind."

"What was that?" Layla asked and though Layla had her back to her, she could almost see the smile on her face.

Theresa came to Layla and whispered into her ear, "You and that damn perfume you wear."

"And I thought it was just my cute ass that got you," Layla said.

"That too," Theresa said. "now get to studying."

"Yes mommy," Layla said with a laugh.

"Yes Mistress," Theresa corrected her and that made Layla giggle.

Theresa finished cleaning up the kitchen and she gave a kiss to Layla's cheek, who smiled though she never looked up from her laptop. Theresa got her own laptop and seeing how Layla had taken up most of the table, she went to the couch. She figured that she would be better off in the living room since sitting across from Layla would distract her more than she needed right then. She had to take advantage of what time she could get while she could. Her work was still as important as it ever was, she just knew that if she wanted to keep Layla, she would have to limit her time more than she had ever before.

She had been working for a couple of hours when she realized that she was thirsty so she got up going to the fridge to get a bottle of water. She got Layla one while she was getting one. She was just leaving the kitchen when suddenly an idea popped into her head and she said aloud, "I got it!"

"Got what?" Layla asked looking up from the pad that she was writing upon.

"Nothing," Theresa replied going on out of the kitchen. She was afraid that Layla would follow up but she didn't.

But she was safe from that because she had one thing in common with Layla, when they were working on something, their concentration was solely on that and only that. The difference was that Layla had figured out that there came a time to stop and let what she had studied sink in. If she was studying for a test, she always stopped somewhere between nine and ten in the evening figuring that if she didn't know it by then, she wasn't going to. If she studied all night then she ended up doing worse on a test. Her brain was overloaded and she was too tired to think clearly during the test. This was something that Theresa had to learn and soon. She had set her alarm on her phone for noon and she was going to stop when it went off.

She did stop when her alarm went off and she felt better for it. She was keeping her promise to Layla but she also realized that this would give her time to think over what data she had gathered and know where to start when she went back to it.

"You about done?" Theresa asked as she entered the kitchen.

"Just about, give me five more minutes," Layla replied not looking up from her work. That five turned into fifteen but Theresa wasn't going to argue, Layla did put her work aside where before Theresa had lost track of time and gotten herself in trouble with Layla.

"So what we going to do today?" Layla asked as Theresa backed out of the garage.

End of Chapter Six.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 7

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