The Perfume Girl

Published on Aug 30, 2020


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The Perfume Girl

Chapter Nine

by Chris

Theresa, now back awake, replied, "It has hasn't it."

"Yeah, only this time I want you to use it like you really want to," Layla told her and Theresa could see in Layla's eyes she was being very serious.

"You sure," Theresa asked knowing that this spanking would be much more intense than the previous times she had spanked Layla with the belt.

"Very sure," Layla said giving her a light kiss.

"I think I can come up with something soon," Theresa said pulling Layla in close and kissing her.

They kissed and cuddled for a bit before Theresa turned off the lights and they settled in for some much-needed sleep. That night Theresa had a dream, a very nice dream and when she woke up, she knew just how she was going to make Layla's wish come true.

For the next week, every time she tied Layla up, she saw Layla watching to see if she took down the belt but she didn't much to Layla's disappointment. She did make it up to Layla with several orgasms that made Layla forget about the belt at least for the rest of that night. When Monday rolled around, she began to put her plan into action. Layla had been coming home a little later and that gave her time to set things up. When Layla came in, she went directly to the shower and Theresa brought her in some clothes to wear so that Layla wouldn't go into the bedroom. Theresa sat with Layla while Layla ate her dinner and they sat and talked for a while before Layla decided it was time to go to bed. Theresa told her that maybe tonight they would just pillow talk as she was tired from her day. Layla was cool with that stating that she was tired too.

It wasn't until Layla had slipped into bed that she noticed something different about the bed. "What's that?" she asked pointing to the foot of the bed.

"What's what?" Theresa asked innocently.

"That foam thing on the bar," Layla stated pointing to the end of the bed where there was a piece of foam wrapped around the bar that went across the foot of the bed, which was not about six inches higher than it normally was.

"Oh that, I thought that you did that," Theresa said again all innocent like.

"You know I didn't do that," Layla told her.

"I guess a fairy did it," Theresa told her.

"Fairy my ass, you did it," Layla told her.

"If you say so," Theresa said and then she turned off the light pulling Layla in close giving her a kiss.

Layla let it drop and soon they were both asleep. The next night Theresa placed a spreader bar about two feet from the end of the bed when she had got up from the couch to go pee. This time Layla didn't say anything and she wasn't disappointed when Theresa didn't get the belt when she went to the toy table. The following night, there weretwo ropes tied to the two side bars holding up the canopy. Again, Layla didn't say anything and she let Theresa tie her up not bothering to look to see what Theresa would get to play with her. Thursday there wasn't anything new added nor did the belt come down. Friday night she noticed that Layla was a little nervous going to the bedroom and more than a little disappointed that Theresa didn't use anything that she had set up.

Saturday Theresa kept Layla busy giving the house a spring cleaning which took most of the day and then she had Layla go with her to do the grocery shopping since it had been a couple of weeks and they were running out of everything. Theresa fixed their dinner making sure it was a light meal that wouldn't sit in their stomachs and make either of them sleepy. Not that would happen to Layla since she was antsy all day and barely touched her dinner. Layla was sure that tonight would be the night and she was right. Layla was too nervous to just sit so she offered to clean the kitchen and Theresa let her.

Theresa turn on the TV going to one of Layla's favorite shows, they were showing several episodes which was perfect for her to set the last part that Theresa had planned. Layla came in about halfway through the first show. Theresa wanted to smile seeing Layla trying to concentrate and sit still both of which she wasn't managing to do. Theresa let her hang until the middle part of the second episode before she suddenly reached for the remote turning off the TV.

She turned to Layla looking at her with a serious and very upset expression. "You know I wasn't going to say anything but I just have to, I'm so pissed at you!" she stated.

She caught Layla off guard which was what she hoped to do, "What? What did I do?"

"What did you do? I can't believe that you'd even ask." Theresa said and before Layla could respond, she went on. "You were flirting with that very pretty lady running the cash register at the grocery store. With me standing there like I didn't exist. I was just waiting for you to set up a date with that pretty lady and she was flirting right back with you."

"We were just talking, and she was doing most of the talking," Layla said. "Besides she wasn't that pretty, nice but not pretty."

Theresa so wanted to smile at Layla's distress, and Layla was right, the lady was very nice but she was in her late forties with four kids which was what she was talking about, especially her baby girl that was about to graduate high school. The kids had added more than a few pounds and a few more gray hairs.

"You should know better than to flirt with another woman with your Mistress standing right there," Theresa told her.

Theresa could see that Layla wanted to say, "You bitch, you had me scared there!" but she caught herself before she could. Instead she lowered her head and said softly, "Yes Mistress, I'm sorry."

"Well saying your sorry isn't going to cut it this time. You know what happens when you displease your Mistress," Theresa said playing Layla's game that she had used on her. Only Layla knew what was going to happen to her while Theresa had no clue about what Layla had planned for her a couple of weeks ago.

"A spanking with your grandfather's belt," Layla said.

"Oh... you're about to get more than a spanking," Theresa told her getting up. "and if I was you, I'd be naked when I got to the bedroom."

"Yes Mistress," Layla replied again with her head down.

Theresa headed for the bedroom but she did glance back seeing Layla standing by the couch. She didn't show any signs of nervousness which surprised Theresa. She picked up her pace wanting to make sure she got to the bedroom a moment or two before Layla. Once there, she began to unbutton one of her father's old shirt that she sometime wore around the house. She then shed her jogging pants so that now she was wearing a sheer G-string panty and an open cup bra that left most of her breasts bare. She went to the closet and grabbed a pair of sandals with long straps. She feared that Layla would walk in while she was getting them wrapped around her calves. She got them on and went over to the foot of the bed figuring that Layla would walk in any second now. However, she didn't do that, Theresa was just beginning to wonder where Layla was when she heard the toilet flush. "So, Layla was more nervous than she was showing after all," she thought to herself.

Layla did walk in a few seconds later naked as ordered and she was biting her lower lip with her head still lowered. When she did look up, Theresa saw a brief smile come to her lips.

"Come here girl," Theresa ordered.

"Yes Mistress," Layla replied lowering her head again. Her first step was a little shaky but then she got her legs back under her. She walked to where Theresa was standing and her eyes went from Theresa's feet slowly moving up her body pausing at her panties and then again when she got to her open cup bra.

Theresa let her look for a moment enjoying the look of lust on Layla's face. She knew she wasn't nearly as sexy in her outfit as Layla had been when their roles were reversed a couple of weeks ago. But obviously her outfit met Layla's approval which was what she was hoping for.

"Face the bed and bend over the bar," Theresa ordered her.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said before turning and putting her hips against the foam-covered bar and she bent over it leaving her ass in perfect view.

Theresa so wanted to just stand there admiring Layla cute ass but she knew there would be time for that real soon. She went to the right side of the bed, "Give me your right hand," she told her.

"Yes mistress," Layla said holding up her right hand.

Theresa picked up the leather cuff that she had placed at the side of the bed. She was needing to tie Layla up tight and she didn't want to hurt Layla's wrist or cut off the circulation. She put it around Layla's wrist and she grabbed the rope that was a couple of feet to her right. She tied the rope to the cuff and she went to the other side of the bed. Layla had already raised up her left hand and Theresa put the cuff on it before tying the rope to it. She stepped back to check out Layla's position and then she tightened that rope up a bit and went to the other side tightening that rope. When she stepped back again, she saw that Layla's upper body was stretched out at about a forty-five-degree angle and her breasts were just ripe to be touched and fondled. She resisted the urge for now going to the foot of the bed. She squatted down putting the cuff of the spreader bar on Layla's left ankle and then the right. She then pulled the bar wider opening Layla's legs further. Once the bar was at the right length, she locked it in place. There was one more thing to do, she grabbed the center of the bar pulling it toward her. She didn't stop until she had Layla almost to her tiptoes.

She had one last thing to do before she could begin. She went to the side of the bed leaning over putting her mouth to Layla's left ear, "Are you okay? This position isn't hurting you any?" she asked.

"It's perfect," Layla whispered back.

"Mmmm... looks like I got you in the perfect position for a little spanking that you so deserve for flirting with that pretty girl," Theresa said getting back into her Mistress role.

"Maybe I should spank these cute little breasts after I'm done with your ass," Theresa said reaching out and cupping Layla's left breast.

"Oh no Mistress, not my breasts," Layla quickly replied however that was followed with a moan as Theresa gave the breast a squeeze.

"No, this time it will be just your ass but if you do it again..." Theresa said giving the breast another squeeze.

"Thank you Mistress," Layla said.

"However... that doesn't mean I won't pinch and pull on them," Theresa told her moving her fingers to Layla's nipple that was already hard.

She then gave the nipple a pinch but it wasn't a hard pinch but one to tease it and get Layla aroused. It obviously had the desired effect when Theresa heard a moan escape Layla's lips. She was rewarded with a louder moan when she rolled the nipple between her thumb and index finger. She moved her hand over to Layla's right breast, cupping then pinching and rolling the hard nipple. She switched back and forth another time getting more moans and then saw Layla's trying to move her hips up to get some friction on her clit. However, with the way that she had Layla tied up there was no way for her to get that friction. With the way her upper body was stretched out and her legs spread with the spreader bar, Layla could get no leverage to move.

"I think it's time to work on that cute ass of yours," Theresa said giving the nipple she was holding a pull.

"Oh fuck!" Layla moaned.

Theresa wasn't sure if the "oh fuck" was for the nipple pull or the fact that she was about to get spanked with the belt but she figured that it was more from the former than the latter.

Theresa moved to the foot of the bed, standing just behind the spreader bar. This time she could just stand there and admire Layla's cute ass, not to mention her very wet pussy and little pink rosebud.

"I do believe I'm going to have so much fun with that cute ass of yours," Theresa said lustfully.

"It's yours to do as you please Mistress," Layla said just as lustfully.

"Yes... yes it is," Theresa replied.

Theresa squatted just behind Layla realizing that while she loved the way the spreader bar kept Layla's legs spread wide, it did get a little in the way but it wasn't something she couldn't get around. She dropped her knees onto the floor with her ankles over the spreader bar. She placed her hands onto Layla's ass cheeks, spreading them a little more. As much as she wanted to start spanking Layla, that cute little pink rosebud was just too tempting.

She gave a little kiss to it getting a moan from Layla. She them began to lick it drawing a louder moan from Layla. She could feel Layla flexing her asshole against her tongue. She went from licking it to using the tip of her tongue to tease it. She went around and around the tight little hole before placing the tip of her tongue against the center. As she pushed her tongue into Layla's ass, she placed her right hand against Layla's pussy finding it very wet. She pushed her tongue in and out of Layla's ass with her right-hand fingers now pressed against Layla's clit. She began to rub the sensitive nub as she fucked Layla's asshole with her tongue. Layla moaned louder and louder until she cried out with her orgasm. Theresa felt Layla's ass squeezing against her tongue. She also felt Layla's girlcum soaking her palm.

Theresa then took her tongue and hand away from Layla's asshole and pussy letting Layla's orgasm course through her. She knew that Layla was already on edge with being tied up and having her breasts played with so she figured she needed to cum before they really got started. Plus, she just couldn't resist that ass of Layla's. She got back up on her feet and waited until Layla had recovered from her orgasm.

"I think it's time for my grandfather's belt..." Theresa said seeing Layla turn her head toward her.

She slowly reached up to her grandfather's belt taking it in her hands. She turned toward Layla and she took the end of the belt to her hand with the buckle thus doubling up the belt. She saw Layla's eyes grow wide and her ass wiggling in anticipation for what was to come. She slapped the belt against the palm of her left-hand hearing Layla let out a moan.

"Let's see if I can teach you not to flirt in front of your Mistress," Theresa said walking toward the foot of the bed.

"I promise that I won't flirt anymore," Layla pleaded.

"I'm sure you won't after I get done with your ass," Theresa told her.

She stopped when she got to the right side of Layla's ass and then she got an idea to play this out just a little longer. "Ask your Mistress to spank your ass for flirting," Theresa told her.

She saw that this took Layla by surprise and she had to wait a moment for Layla to reply, "Please spank my ass with your grandfather's belt, Mistress," Layla said.

"And just what type of spanking shall your Mistress give you?" Theresa asked.

This time Layla was ready with a reply, "Mistress please give me a long hard spanking so I won't flirt with all the pretty girls anymore."

"A long and hard spanking?" Theresa asked and she slapped the belt against her palm to make her point.

"Yes Mistress, very hard on my ass and thighs too," Layla said with a moan.

Theresa brought the belt back and swung it forward catching Layla across the center of her ass. "Fuck!" Layla cried out as the lick caught her by surprise and it was much harder than she had been whipped before.

Theresa stepped forward placing her hand on Layla's ass seeing the red mark the belt had left. "Mmmm...that was a nice start, are you ready for your real spanking?"

"Yes Mistress," Layla replied unclenching her ass as the sting began to fade.

Theresa stepped back pausing a moment before she swung the belt again. She hit Layla's ass in pretty much the same spot getting a groan from Layla. This time she didn't stop to caress Layla's ass but immediately swung again, going a little lower. She began to spank Layla with the belt feeling her own pussy getting wet soaking what little material she had covering it. She moved the belt up and down Layla's ass getting it nice and red. She spanked Layla for only a couple of minutes before stopping.

Theresa stepped forward laying the belt across Layla's lower back. She then placed her hand on Layla's ass feeling the warmth there and also seeing that Layla's ass now had a reddish tint. She lightly caressed Layla's ass getting a moan from her. She slowly eased her hand downward until it was at the bottom of Layla's ass. She paused there increasing Layla's anticipation before she eased her fingers between Layla's legs feeling how wet Layla's pussy was.

"Oh my, I do believe that you're getting aroused. You're supposed to be learning not to flirt," Theresa told her.

"Oh no Mistress, I'm learning," Layla replied trying to not moan however that was when Theresa pressed a couple of her fingers inside of her.

"Oh fuck," Layla moaned.

"You're not supposed to be getting off when I'm whipping you with my grandfather's belt," Theresa admonished her while pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy.

"Noooo Mistressss..." Layla moaned.

Once her fingers were coated with Layla's juices, she pulled them out of her pussy and pressed them against Layla's asshole. She pressed harder and Layla's asshole began to open letting her two fingers slip inside.

"Fuckkkkk!" Layla cried out.

Theresa pushed them all the way in and then she began to fuck Layla's asshole with her fingers. Layla moaned louder while trying to push her ass out though she was limited to only an inch or so with the way that she was restrained. Theresa slipped her left hand around Layla's hip placing her fingers against Layla's clit.

Theresa had only stroked Layla's clit a few times before she cried out, "I'm cumming Mistress!" and Theresa felt Layla's asshole grip her fingers as Layla's orgasm crashed down on her.

Theresa pulled her fingers from Layla's clit and her asshole since she didn't want Layla to become too sensitive as she had a couple of more orgasms planned for her. What Theresa hadn't planned for was her now sticky and slippery fingers which would make holding onto the belt much harder. She knew how to cure this problem; she placed her fingers into her mouth licking them clean while getting to taste Layla's sweet juices. She then noticed that Layla was looking back at her grinning. Theresa knew how to wipe the grin off of Layla's face.

"You know, I don't think you're getting the message, I do believe I need to spank harder and work those thighs a little," Theresa told her.

"No Mistress, not my thighs," Layla pleaded.

"You telling me what to do now?" Theresa asked.

"No Mistress," Layla replied.

"I didn't think so," Theresa replied taking the belt from Layla's back.

She stepped back enough for Layla to see her double up the belt and when Layla turned her head forward, Theresa stepped up and swung the belt landing on the center of Layla's ass with a loud smacking sound of the belt against bare skin. She did swing a little harder as promised but not that much harder. She only wanted it to sting and not hurt.

Theresa paused for a moment and then she began to spank Layla again working up and down her ass with the sound echoing across the room joined by the sounds of Layla grunting and moaning. She spanked her a couple of minutes and then pausing again. Theresa swung again this time aiming for Layla's left upper thigh using a much lighter swing.

"Fuck!" Layla cried out flexing her left leg as much as she could.

Theresa moved downward a few inches and then back up seeing the back of Layla's left thigh turn a deep hue of pink. She switched to the right thigh getting another "Fuck!" from Layla and lots of moan as she turned the right thigh the same pink hue. She moved the belt up to Layla's ass, swinging harder and getting a louder slapping sound when the belt contacted Layla red ass cheeks. She gave her several hard licks before stopping.

She moved over to Layla again placing the belt on Layla's back. She placed her right hand onto Layla's ass feeling how warm it was and also seeing that the cheeks had a deeper red hue to them. She caressed Layla's ass cheeks with a tender light touch that had Layla letting out soft moans. She ran her hand down Layla's right thigh and back up to the ass and back down Layla's left thigh. As she moved her hand back up, she curled her fingers to the inside of the thigh and on up to her pussy that was so wet.

"Oh god..." Layla moaned and she moaned louder when Theresa thrust two of her fingers inside of her.

She finger fucked Layla's pussy until she had Layla really moaning and her fingers were coated with Layla's juices. She pulled them out and then pushed them into Layla's ass hearing Layla moan loudly. She fucked Layla's ass for a few minutes before she used her left hand fingers to caress and tease Layla's clit. It took her a little longer to bring Layla to orgasm but not much with Layla being as aroused as she was.

This time after licking off her fingers, she picked up the belt and just as Layla was coming out of her orgasm, she began to whip her again. "Fuck!!!!" Layla cried out as the belt landed again and again on her ass. She only spanked Layla's ass a couple of minutes before going to her thighs. Layla was getting pretty red and she knew that she had whipped her enough. Besides her own pussy was soaking wet, to the point that her juices were leaking down her own thighs. She found that she couldn't resist it any longer as she slipped her fingers of her left hand inside of her tiny panties feeling just how wet she was. She went back to Layla's ass spanking her ass as her fingers were rubbing her clit hard. Just watching her grandfather's belt striking that cute red ass of Layla's was more than she could take, she hit her several more times across her ass and a couple of times on her thighs before stopping when her orgasm hit. She soaked her panties even more and she hopedthat her moans were covered up by Layla's own moans.

After laying the belt across Layla's back, Theresa moved behind her getting down on her knees. She first placed several kisses around Layla's ass feeling how hot Layla's ass was on her lips. She kissed her way down Layla's ass crack to her asshole where she started to lick it. She could taste Layla's juices around it where she had finger fucked her ass using Layla's own juices to lubricate it. She pushed her tongue inside fucking the tight little hole. When she moved her mouth down to Layla's wet pussy, she placed her thumb against her asshole teasing it while she licked up Layla's juices. She licked her lips and then inside before moving her tongue to Layla's clit. Just as she started to lick the hard, sensitive nub, she pressed her thumb into her ass. That was all Layla could take as she almost immediately began to cum with a hard orgasm.

Theresa licked up all of Layla's girlcum tasting a little pee when Layla had squirted a little from her orgasm. Before getting up, she kissed Layla's hot ass several times loving the feel of the hot flesh against her lips. Theresa finally got back up observing Layla's red ass for a moment and then going to her toy table. She saw Layla coming out of her orgasm and looking over at her. She did look so cute tied as she was with her body soaking in sweat and looking spent.

"I just got to fuck that pussy of yours," Theresa told her just as she pulled out a double dildo, one that she hadn't showed to Layla before. She saw Layla's eyes light up and she also saw a wirily grin forming on Layla's lips. She fed the larger end into the harness and then she turned toward Layla as she stepped into the harness bringing it up her legs. She guided the smaller end into her pussy before tightening it down. The dildo felt good inside of her with the base of the dildo pressed against her clit.

Just as she started toward the bed, Layla surprised her by saying, "Mistress, I think to truly learn my lesson, I need ten more very hard spanks from your grandfather's belt."

Theresa stopped in her tracks and she started to argue but then she remembered that she had pretty much done the same thing when Layla was spanking her pussy.

"I believe that you're right and I think you should count each one," Theresa told her.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said bowing her head like she was at her Mistress's mercy.

Theresa started to walk toward the end of the bed and she felt the dildo that was inside her moving. As aroused as she was, she wasn't sure that she could make it to the bed without cumming. She did manage to get there and get the belt without cumming but it was close.

"You ready to count?" Theresa asked to make sure that Layla was ready and also give her a chance to back out though she knew she wouldn't.

"Yes Mistress," Layla moaned.

Theresa brought the belt back and she swung very hard and the belt landed on Layla's ass with a loud smack and Theresa could see Layla's ass cheeks indenting and then bouncing back. She could also feel the dildo moving inside of her with the swing of the belt and she grunted herself.

"Ohhhh... One!" Layla moaned.

Theresa swung again just as hard with Layla crying out, "Ohhhh... Two!" Again, the dildo moved inside of her pussy and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out herself.

Theresa slowly worked her way to ten with Layla saying "Ohhhh" and the count on each lick. By the time that she reached ten licks, Theresa was about to cum herself and Layla's ass was beet red.

"Two more for good measure," Theresa told Layla who said "Yes Mistress weakly.

Theresa swung really hard and immediately swung again. This time they both cried out, Layla from the lick of the belt on her very sore ass and Theresa from the orgasm that was rushing through her body. When Theresa came out of it, she found that she had one hand on the bed rail to hold herself up and then other gripping the dildo that she was wearing. The belt was laying on the floor beside of her while Layla was panting and letting out soft moans.

She quickly got herself back together and slipped in behind of Layla. She could see how red Layla's ass was she felt her pussy pulsing on the small dildo inside of her. She stepped over the spreader bar holding Layla's feet apart and guided the head of the large dildo to Layla's wet pussy. She pushed the head of the dildo inside of Layla getting a moan from her. She slowly pushed the rest of the dildo into Layla's pussy going slowly since this dildo was a little larger than she had used on her before. When she felt Layla's hot red ass touch her skin, she felt a shiver go through both her and Layla.

She put her hands to Layla's hips and slowly withdrew the dildo until only the head remained inside of Layla. She paused for a second before she pushed it back in and she began to fuck her. The base of the dildo rubbed against her clit and with every stroke she could feel the dildo inside of her move and the base rubbing against her clit which was getting her so aroused.

She wasn't so sure who was moaning louder, her or Layla but they both were enjoying the fucking that they were doing. The sight and feel of Layla hot red ass against her body just added to her excitement. Her need to cum was just as great as Layla's, she just hoped that she could make Layla's have an orgasm before she did. When she felt herself at the edge, she slipped her right hand around Layla's hip and touched her clit. It only took a few rubs before she heard Layla cry out and when Layla's pussy clamped down on the cock inside of her, it made the end inside of Theresa move more and the base rub her clit harder. Her orgasm crashed down upon her and she laid over Layla's back feeling her orgasm rush throughout her body.

It took her a couple of minutes to recover, she straightened up and she slowly pulled the dildo from Layla's pussy which didn't seem to want to let go. When it slipped out, she heard Layla groan like she wanted it back inside of her. She almost tripped over the spreader bar when she stepped back but recovered before she fell flat on her ass. She loosened the harness letting it slide off her hips with her own pussy trying to keep it inside. She squatted down to release Layla's ankles from the spreader bar and then she went to right side of the bed to release Layla's right wrist. Layla had recovered enough to support herself with her right hand on the bed while she rushed around to the other side to release Layla's left wrist. She saw Layla trying to get up but she was spent and didn't have the energy to do so.

"Wait a minute baby, let me help you," Theresa told her softly.

"Thanks, I don't think I have the strength," Layla replied.

"I know the feeling," Theresa told her giving her a kiss to the cheek.

When she got to the foot of the bed, she leaned over and gently began to pull Layla to her feet however her legs were just as weak as her arms. "Let me help you to the bed and you can rest," Theresa said putting her arm around Layla's waist and guiding her toward the side of the bed.

"Just give me a few minutes to catch my breath and I will make you cum too," Layla said with a soft smile.

"Baby, you've already made me cum twice," Theresa told her.

"Oh... I see," Layla said with a grin.

Theresa helped Layla to lie on the bed, on her stomach of course. "Oh baby, your ass is so red and I may have bruised you a little," Theresa said now fearful that she went too far.

"It's cool, I loved it. That's what I wanted and it got me off," Layla assured her.

"Let me get some lotion for you," Theresa said rushing off to the bathroom and returning to the bed.

She sat down on the bed and put a little lotion onto her right hand. She brought her hand to down to Layla's ass touching it tenderly. "Ohhh that's cold," Layla said.

"Sorry," Theresa said.

"It's cool," Layla said pausing for a second, "that feels nice, don't stop."

"I won't," Theresa replied.

She slowly and tenderly moved her hand around Layla's hot ass and she saw Layla relaxing. She put a little more lotion on her hand and placed it back on Layla's ass getting a coo this time. As she caressed Layla's ass, she saw Layla parting her legs a little and her coos became moans, not from pain but arousal. Theresa began to move her hand closer and closer to Layla's pussy before finally touching it. She found fresh juices there and she moved her fingers along Layla's slit with her hand becoming coated with Layla's juices. She began to put more pressure against Layla's pussy working her fingers between her lips and then inside of her.

"Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum again," Layla moaned.

Theresa finger fucked her for a couple of minutes and then she moved her fingers to Layla's clit. She rubbed it harder and faster until Layla was on the edge of an orgasm, she then began to give Layla's ass a few light slaps with her left hand.

"Fuck!" Layla moaned loudly as her orgasm hit her hard. Layla reflectively shut her legs trapping Theresa's hand between them and on her wet pussy that was oozing out lots of her girlcum.

Theresa kept her hand pressed against Layla's pussy until she began to relax and her legs parted enough for Theresa to retrieve her hand. She brought her hand up to her mouth licking it clean of Layla's delicious juices. She laid down beside of Layla putting her arm around her shoulders looking into her eyes as they fluttered open.

"That was fucking intense," Layla said softly.

"Yes it was... I didn't go too far, did I?" Theresa asked.

"It was perfect," Layla said pursing her lips to be kissed and Theresa did just that.

"Did you really cum?" Layla asked.

"Yes baby twice... ahhh... no three times. I forgot about when I masturbated when I was spanking your ass and thighs," Theresa told her feeling her face warm as she confessed that to Layla.

"You bad girl, getting off on spanking my poor ass with your grandfather's belt," Layla said grinning as she did so.

"Yes I am... it is a bit embarrassing but you know how excited I get when I spank you," Theresa told her.

"Don't worry, I get off spanking your pussy so we're even," Layla told her.

"Then we're both bad girls," Theresa replied.

"Bad and kinky... don't forget our new pee games," Layla told her.

"You know, drinking pee isn't something I thought I'd even get into," Theresa confessed.

"Drinking my pee..." Layla corrected her.

"Yes, only yours," Theresa told her giving her a kiss.

"I love drinking yours and feeling you pee on me," Layla told her and then she yawned.

"Rest my love," Theresa said giving her another kiss and then she saw Layla closing her eyes.

It wasn't long before she saw that Layla's breathing slowed and she knew she was asleep. Theresa sat up careful not to wake Layla and she started to pull the sheet and blanket up to cover Layla when she saw Layla red ass. She resisted the urge to caress it though her eyes were caressing that ass. She saw how red it was and her thighs too. She also saw a couple of light bruises on that cute ass. Her right hand found her pussy and it was wet with fresh juices. Without thinking, it began to caress her pussy then rub her clit. In just a couple of minutes, she was on the edge of an orgasm, she pressed and rubbed her clit harder and her orgasm hit her hard. She had to bite her lower lips to keep from crying out not wanting to wake Layla. It took her a couple of minutes to recover and then she covered them both up and telling the lights to turn off.

She was just about to fall asleep when she heard Layla whisper, "You are a bad girl, masturbating while looking at my red ass."

"Busted," Theresa said feeling her face get warmer than it already was.

"Yep," Layla replied with a little giggle and then she was back asleep.

Theresa awoke to the smell of coffee and bacon which made her mouth water. It was only the need to pee that kept her from heading directly to the kitchen. She sat there thinking of how Layla's cooking was ruining her healthy diet but her cooking was too good to resist. At least she did help her work off the bad things that she got her to eat. As she finished peeing, she realized that was the least of the ways that Layla had changed her.

"Good morning," Theresa said as she gave Layla a kiss.

"Good morning to you too," Layla said after the kiss.

"It smells good," Theresa said turning to get a cup of coffee.

"Me or the food?" Layla asked turning to her.

"Both," Theresa said with a laugh.

"Good answer," Layla replied turning back to the stove.

Theresa fixed her coffee and took a sip of her coffee. She then turned to Layla and asked, "How's your ass?"

"It's fine," Layla said much too quickly.

"Let me take a look," Theresa said putting her coffee on the table and heading toward Layla.

"Oh no you don't, just because you fell for that trick, doesn't mean I'm going to," Layla told her.

"What trick?" Theresa asked, stopping behind of Layla wondering what she was talking about but then it hit her.

"Oh yeah," Theresa said with a laugh. "I'll just look, I promise."

"Are your fingers crossed?" Layla asked with a laugh.

"No, besides I told you that doesn't really work." Theresa said with a laugh.

"Okay a quick look but no touching," Layla told her.

"I promise," Theresa said squatting down and lifting the back of Layla's robe.

The redness was gone, of course, though there was a couple of small bruises to each cheek. "I think I spanked you too hard," Theresa said feeling a little bad about bruising her.

Layla turned around pulling the robe from Theresa hands, "Look at me," she said putting her fingers under Theresa's chin making her look up. "No, you didn't spank me too hard, it was perfect and I expect you to spank me just as hard when we play that game again. You hear me."

Theresa smiled, "Yes I heard you, now turn back around."

"No playing, we'll do that this afternoon," Layla told her.

"I promise," Theresa said again.

Layla did turn around and Theresa raised her robe. She crossed and uncrossed her fingers before planting a kiss to each cheek. "You promised not to touch," Layla admonished her pulling her robe back down.

"I had my fingers crossed," Theresa told her as she stood up.

"Funny," Layla said smiling and she gave her a kiss. "Now go sit down and talk to me while I finish our breakfast."

"Yes Mistress," Theresa said making Layla laugh.

They did make love that afternoon and again that evening. Winter slowly turned into spring with them both learning more about each other and that made their love grow. When Theresa wanted her pussy spanked, she'd lay out Layla's black panty and bra outfit. When Layla wanted a hard spanking, she'd lay out Theresa half bra and sheer tiny panty outfit. That way they both were sure of what each wanted. They also made up new reasons to go along with the game, though Theresa liked the flirting thing and she made up new versions of how she caught Layla flirting.

There were arguments along the way too, but again they learned to argue without it going to the point that it threatened their relationship. Sometimes Theresa would give in or Layla would and when neither could give in, they just agreed to disagree though that rarely happened. And when Theresa went to meet her friends once a month, Layla would go to her old apartment and talk to Ashley to catch up on what was going on in her life. Sometimes she would spend the night and sometimes she would get home when Theresa returned. When May arrived, Theresa was faced a crisis that brought back memories that she didn't want to have to relive.

End of chapter Nine.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 10

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