The Photo Booth

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Mar 17, 2005



Title: The Photo Booth

Author: John O'Connor


Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Sam and Janet.

Category: Established relationship.

Date: 17 March, 2005.

Series: None.


Disclaimer: "Stargate SG-1" and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, SciFi Channel, Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.

Summary: Photo booth hi-jinks. Another PWP.

Janet sat forward on the couch, setting her cup of tea down and picked up the thin strips of black and white photos she had set there earlier next to a photo album. They made her smile even as she glanced around guiltily.

'Cassie's still at school, you idiot,' she chided herself. She knew that and wouldn't have gotten the pictures out otherwise.

She glanced at the album and wondered aloud, "Should I put the whole strip in or trim the pictures?"

Setting the strips back down, she flipped through the album hoping it would help her decide. Pictures of Sam, pictures of her, pictures of them together. All were Polaroids or computer prints from their digital camera.

And all were for their eyes only.

Janet paused on an 8x10 color computer print. It was one of her favorites. The camera, which had been sitting on the dresser with a perfect view of their bed, had captured Sam at the peak of her orgasm while Janet's face was pressed to the blonde's core. Trying to focus her eyes further, Janet could swear she could see her tongue inside Sam.

Or was that just a happy memory?

There were plenty of other shots of Sam and Janet in varying stages of undress and doing various things that could get them booted out of the Air Force if they ever came to light. But this one was Janet's favorite - the look of exquisite bliss as Sam cried out her climax was so beautiful. And to know she was the one who brought such pleasure to her lover made it even more special.

Then again, she did enjoy the picture of Sam, wearing a strap-on, as she fucked the petite doctor's ass. Sam looked so focused and determined while Janet's face was screwed up in what anyone else would think was agony. Janet knew it was pleasure, she remembered that session well.

Then there was the one of them pleasuring each other, Janet on top and nearer the camera. The camera had been angled to show both women and anyone looking would know they were both naked. However, no one could identify either one since their faces were pressed tightly into their lover's mound.

'I think we were both asleep for this one,' Janet thought with a smiled as she looked at another. Here Sam was laying face down, her head pillowed on her arms with her eyes closed. Janet was laying between her legs on her stomach, her head pillowed by Sam's soft ass.

The pictures weren't helping her. They were becoming a major distraction for her actually. She really wanted to get done before Sam got home. She had promised Sam she'd have their scrapbook updated and Sam always looked forward to that.

And Janet always looked forward to Sam's personal thank you.

'Alright, let's just see what would be cut out and what wouldn't...' Janet thought as she again reached for the photo strips.

There were six of them. Each strip had four black and white pictures on them. The first was typical of photo booth pictures but Janet knew it would fit in the album, if only as a precursor to the rest.

Janet thought back to the previous week. Both she and Sam had the day off and Sam drug her to an arcade. Janet saw the photo booth and wanted to get a picture with Sam.

With a lot of effort, Janet managed to pull Sam away from one of the near-antique games - Tempest - and over to the booth.

Sam balked at the price but relented when Janet said it was on her. After feeding three singles into the machine, they ducked inside.

Sorting through the strips to put them in sequence, Janet lamented to herself about running out of dollar bills. She could've spent the rest of the day in the booth with Sam behind the closed curtain. Then she remembered how much fun they had on the way home - she almost ran off the road when Sam poked her in a wet, sensitive place - and even more fun once they got home.

Fortunately, Janet managed to set the alarm clock to go off before Cassie would get home. Sam, her mouth full of Janet, tried to reach the snooze alarm but didn't quite make it.

Smiling broadly, Janet was again happily surprised at how it was to have Sam in her life and her bed. The woman may be shy and a bit naive about human nature but, once she was motivated, she was a dangerous sex maniac.

Janet finally turned her full attention to the strips of photos.

Picture #1: Janet gazing at Sam while Sam looked surprised by the flash of light.

Picture #2: A still surprised Sam with Janet laughing at her friend and lover.

Picture #3: Sam obviously still trying to figure the timing of the flash while Janet held two fingers up behind Sam's head.

Picture #4: Janet's fingers were pulling her mouth wide, exposing her teeth while she forced her tongue out towards the lens. Sam had the forefinger and thumb of one hand pulling down her lower eyelids while the finger of her other hand was slipped up between them and pushing the tip of her nose up.

Chuckling, Janet laid that aside. She already decided to put two strips to a page. And they would be in sequence.

The second strip was when it got more interesting, the petite doctor thought to herself.

Picture #1: Sam gawking at the camera while Janet stared at her, licking her lips exaggeratedly.

Picture #2: Janet kissing Sam while Sam seemed to struggle in momentary surprise.

Picture #3: A more relaxed Sam while Janet's tongue tip was licking across the blonde's lips.

Picture #4: A lovely full French kiss. Lips pressed together with just a hint of their active tongues as the supple muscles danced in their mouths.

Janet stared at that one for a long time. She never realized just how sexy they looked when they were kissing. Something about the stark black and white aspect made it more...elegant.

Putting that strip aside finally, she looked at the next. This was the first one she really had to make sure no one else saw - although them kissing was dangerously erotic too.

Picture #1: Janet pulling up Sam's t-shirt, showing her braless breasts. Sam was looking suitably shocked.

Picture #2: Janet's tongue tip touching the already-protruding nipple. Sam still had a look of shock and surprise on her face.

Picture #3: Janet's mouth completely enveloping the blonde's areola. Sam was less shocked and more turned on - that was the only way to describe the expression on her face.

Picture #4: Janet's teeth holding the hard nipple as she worried at it, her tongue caressing the tip. Sam's eyes were screwed shut and her head was thrown back.

Gazing at this strip, Janet could almost feel the pebbly-hard nipple on her tongue. Soon she'd get the real thing...

Trying to ignore the pleasant dampness between her thighs, Janet picks up the next strip. This one took some doing, as did the last two strips, but Janet got Sam to go along with her.

Picture #1: Sam's pants are down out of the picture and she's standing on the bench with her head out of sight, Sam's shapely ass was facing the camera while Janet planted a soft kiss on one of her cheeks.

Picture #2: Janet tickling Sam's mole on her other cheek with her tongue.

Picture #3: A profile of sorts with Janet's face pressed between Sam's cheeks.

Picture #4: Janet smiling broadly at lipstick prints centered on each soft cheek.

Already Sam had been getting excited and was straining not to make any noise. Janet loved to stress out her lover this way. The risk always added to the joy.

Janet had always loved the danger of sex in public. While they never chanced anything on any military reservation, she had managed to get Sam off in a department store dressing room, a movie house rest room, and under the table during a night out.

'Where next?' Janet mused as she held up the fifth strip.

Picture #1: Sam's hips face the camera. She is still standing on the seat, her face out of the shot but her breasts peaking in at the top as she leans on Janet. Janet's fingers are tickling the dark blond thatch of fur between Sam's legs.

Picture #2: Sam and Janet are angled slightly to the camera as Janet's tongue is slipping between Sam's labia.

Picture #3: Janet's fingers spread Sam wide and her tongue is pressed flat against the sensitive flesh within.

Picture #4: The tip of Janet's tongue is on the tip of Sam's extended clitoris.

Smiling as she remembered rushing out of the booth to grab this strip as she had with the others but this time there was a teenager apparently waiting to use the machine.

Janet even found herself lying to a teenager that they were there to repair the machine and the kid would have to come back later.

Sam, in her very aroused state, managed to mention it might have been easier to ask why the kid wasn't in school but Janet barely registered that as she was fixated on the blonde's exposed vagina.

Picture #1: Janet had three fingers poised at the entrance to Sam's wet center, spread wide by Janet's other hand. Sam was again leaning on Janet's shoulders

Picture #2: The fingers are partially in Sam now as Janet leans close, her tongue extended.

Picture #3: With her tongue lapping the erect clit, Janet's fingers are completely inside Sam.

Picture #4: Lips are wrapped around Sam's clit while the fingers are retracted slightly. Sam's hands are clenching Janet's shoulders.

Janet recalled they lost track of time as she brought Sam off. She had still been enjoying the taste of her blonde lover when she recalled the pictures in the bin outside.

The teenager was standing nearby playing a shoot'em up game when he was Janet exit the booth with Sam's essence still glistening on her chin. He smiled broadly and Janet knew this kid's sexual fantasies had been amped up for the foreseeable future.

Janet and Sam shared a laugh in the car when Sam mentioned seeing the kid adjusting himself after seeing Sam leave the booth.

While amused by the memory, the pictures had really gotten Janet worked up. She decided not to wait for Sam...

When Sam entered the house, she was pleasantly surprised to find Janet laying on the couch, naked from the waist down as she was bringing herself off.

After watching for a few hot moments, she decided to help her eager, sexy lover...

John O'Connor Site:

God is a comedian who's playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.

"If I'm laughing at what I think I am, it's really very funny."

-Homer J Simpson

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