The Pit

By D One

Published on Jun 26, 2008



The group stood around the edge of the hole. Draber held the hose which was still spraying the dirt turned mud.

Sacko stood defiantly with two of his equally beefy shirtless friends.

Darrow wasn't as sure as Sacko appeared. There was going to be a fight and Darrow accepted the challenge. Fearing bloody nose, ears, face and other body parts he agreed to a wrestling match instead of fist fight.

"And the winner owns the loser for the weekend" Sacko countered when he saw Darrow and onlookers agreed to the mud pit wrestling.

Darrow nodded and stripped to his jeans immitating Sacko.

"OK boys it's ready" Draber announced after testing the depth of he mud with a stick.

Sacko smiled and removed his jeans. Darrow muttered "shit" and did the same. The crowd got larger as word spread about the fight.

Sacko was an asshole according to the many who feared his threats or had fielded his fist from time to time. One would think his days of being a playgrond bully were over but they became campus bully in the local community college.

Darrow had ducked his threats for years but it was different now. He had written many inflamatory articles in the campus newspaper not sparing names or descriptions.

Sacko took offense at the journalistic defamation of his bike club, of the bad football team and specifically at the "Old bullies Never Learn" article.

Sacko peeled his shorts off and jumped into the pit naked. The crowd cheered.

Darrow hesitated.

The crowd chants of "strip, strip strip" and Sacko's name calling inflamed the situation until a red faced Darrow pulled his own shorts off leaving him naked for all to see. He didn't care he knew he was going to loose and wanted to get over it all.

Darrow jumped into the pit and the fight began.

Sacko quickly learned that flying muddy fists merely knocked hios opponent around and any injury inflicted wasn't seen.

Darrow let his fury, embarassment and the excitement being naked in public amidst cold mud release the unhesitant animal in him as he rammed his head into Sacko's stomach.

Stunned at first Sacko smiled at his opponent knowing this was indeed going to be the type of fight he had always imagined. His bully type fists had usually ended confrontations too quickly however.

Instead the two young, strong, horny and angry naked boys pushed, head butted, kicked, slapped and ran against each other in an attempt to discover how to fight despite the mud that both guarded and lubricated them.

Grabbing and holding, twisting and suqeezing didn't work. Muddy appendages slipped out of equally muddy grabs. It was almost funny as they fell down expanding the mud beyond their waists to chests, shoulders and faces.

The crowed yelled and cheered, laughed and cursed as the two kept attacking each other until exhausted Darrow was soon on his back in the mud with Sacko kneeling on his chest and stomach.

Someone started the count and the crowd continued it to the number "10":. Darrow had lost.

"You two go hit the showers" the deep voice of one of the college cops chased the crowd away.

Sacko stood and stuck out a hand for Darrow. Looking up he assumed the boy was about to slug him. He stood without help.

"And put something on" the cop had seen the mud flow away enough to realize both were naked.

"Hey Darrow" Sacko yelled from the other end of the gym shower. "You fight pretty good"

"What?" Darrow asked not wanting to talk to the bully.

But Sacko moved to the shower next to Darrow and turned it on.

"I said you fight good" he said. Sacko was smiling.

"Thanks" Darrow didn't look over at first. He saw the long cock out of the corner of his eye as the water had replaced the disguising mud. Sacko's cock seemed longer then it was during the brief look Darrow got earlier.

"We looked pretty stupid out there" Sacko said and laughed.

There was something different in Sacko's voice. It wasn't the challenging asshole voice, Perhaps the rage was gone and he was exhausted. Maybe it was Sacko's laughter. Or maybe it was the fact that what he said was true.

Two naked muddy guys wrestling like enraged animals with other kids standing around must have looked pretty dumb.

"Yea we did" Darrow said

"Not sure why we did it" Sacko said sticking out his hand.

Darrow looked over at the one time enemy. His cock was half hard. There was no doubt about that. His body was smooth, muscled and slick. His smile was friendly. Sacko's eyes weren't looking at Darrow's face, but at his own crotch. And his hand waited.

Darrow felt his own cock expanding. He couldn't hide the fact he was turned on by Sacko. He shook the guys hand.

"One more thing" Sacko said his smile turning slightly evil "I own you for the weekend, that was our deal"

Darrow returned the smile "What do you want me to do?"

He dug into the ground beside a shirtless Sacko as they planted shrubs in the latter boys backyard. They talked about high school, teachers, sports and then about their own dreams.

"You have a nice cock too" Sacko said at one point.

"What?" Darrow asked.

"You know at the pit, in the shower, we both were looking" Sacko said.

"Yea I guess' Darrow stood. Sacko reached out and picked twigs and dirt from his chest.

"The folks are out tonight. You'll stay over" Sacko said as a fact. He still smiled.

Darrow stood under the warm spray looking up as Sacko stepped into the stall. "Wash me" Sacko said.

Darrow hesitated.

"Remember I own you" Sacko said

He spread his soapy hands all over the wide shoulders, pumped chest, round buttocks, thick, legs.

"everywhere" Sacko instructed.

Darrow held the boys balls and cock. He soaped them, under them and through the crack.

"Good job boy, stand up"

Darrow stood as Sacko washed him head to toe as he had done him.

The sucking chore was nearly rape except Darrow wanted to try it. He stroked the curved thick cock then licked it and finally let Sacko fuck his mouth trying to hold his lips tight around the sausage.

He couldn't pull his head away as his tongue tasted the jism that was shooting into his mouth.

"Just swallow" Sacko said and having no other choice but to chocke, Darrow swallowed.

They remained naked eating the delivered pizza. Darrow had to answer the door revealing his bareness to the delivery boy. The kid didn't blink once as if he had seen naked men at this address often.

They let their bodies bump into each other as both washed dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

And as Sacko guided him, Darrow knew or hoped he knew what would happen next. His unsatisfied cock signaled his willingness.

And Sacko's was dripping as it shoved inside the looser of the mud wrestling match at The Pit throughout the night.

They remained friends until they graduated and University took Darrow and the Marines took Sacko away from their repeated sessions of mutual satisfaction.

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