The Politician

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 13, 2008


The Politician's Soul By Chapter 1 `Selling My Soul'

This is my second attempt at writing. This is pure fiction and bares no resemblance to anyone living or dead. I am sitting at my computer writing this as it enters my mind, so I do not know where it will go.

All the usual disclaimers apply here.

It was a gray rainy day. I was standing at the window staring out. I wasn't particularly looking at anything. I was deep in thought. I was naked as the day I was born and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked upon the rain soaked landscape. Washington could be so cold and unforgiving,' I thought to myself. A million questions ran through my mind and I had no answers. A reporter had called me last night and asked me if I was happy with my new life. My reply was generic, how could you not be happy with success,' I had told him. However, deep inside I knew the true answer. How far I had come and at what cost, what have I lost to achieve what I have gained. I was suddenly aware of a presence behind me as a pair of arms surrounded me about my waist. I cringed at the touch. I felt trapped like an animal caught in a trap. My head turned to looked into his face and he leaned in to kiss me. I turned slightly and offered my cheek to him. His arms dropped from my waist and to his side. He turned and walked away. I felt no guilt as he walked from me and left the room. I should have I thought, but I did not. My mind then drifted back to nearly ten years prior, to a time of innocence and love, when my life seemed so simple and I dreamed of love and success. It was then that I had sold my soul...

About ten years earlier...

"Hey Jason you going to come with me tonight?" My roommate Tom Randolph asked me. My name is Jason Mathew Richardson. I am a political science major at the University of Vermont (UVM). I am six foot four with blonde hair and green eyes. I am a total health nut. I work out four to five days a week and my body shows it. I am twenty-one years old.

"Yeah I'm going, is Clark," I answer back.

"Nah can't make it, he has to study for a test tomorrow," he says. "I wish he could they say this guy's a fabulous speaker and he knows how to motivate a crowd." He adds.

"Well I have wanted to meet him for ages now and I have been invited to stay after for an informal meet the man behind the candidate party." I tell him.

"You are so fucking lucky," he says. "You have to be a somebody to get to meet these people. Whom do you know, man," he asks.

"No one just got lucky," I say.

The atmosphere in the Memorial Auditorium tonight was charged with electricity. Everyone there was waiting for the man of the hour, Patrick Buchanan. He was running for governor of Vermont and was the lead front-runner. I belonged to a group called the `Young Republicans'. We were a group of kids that were political science majors and were interested in a career in politics someday. Patrick Buchanan was holding a last day rally before tomorrow's elections. I worked as a student reporter for the Burlington Free Press and was hoping for an interview. The managing editor had secured a pass for me to meet Mr. Buchanan and interview him for the paper. I had found a place close to the front of the stage and was waiting for him to appear. He came out and the place exploded with a roar of applause and shouting. He finally calmed the audience down and began his speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming tonight." He said smiling out at his audience. Again the uproar and applause, his charisma had a charm that captivated his audience. "Let me first say that my opponent has said that my view on taxes is raise, raise, raise. Well that is so far from the truth. Taxes are at an all time high while unemployment is also. What this state needs is not more taxes but more jobs." Again, the crowd explodes into applause and shouting. "Our tax system has driven industry and business from our state. We have a reputation as a business unfriendly state. I mean to change that upon my election to office. We have to many men and women here that want to work and cannot find jobs. My opponent feels that we should tax business more. Well if we do that, more of our businesses will leave. Farms are folding up because they simply cannot afford to stay productive anymore. Where will these people go, where will they work if there are no jobs. If you elect me as governor, I will turn this state around. I will give Vermont back to Vermonters. I will put our men and women back to work so that they can hold their heads up with pride once again." He says and the crowd explodes. He goes on and on with his campaign promises and finishes to a hail of applause. I find my way back to the informal reception room set up for those with special passes. I patiently wait to meet Mr. Buchanan. Finally, it's my turn and I hand my pass to his press secretary, Carl Davis. He leads me over to Mr. Buchanan and introduces me to him.

"Mr. Buchanan, this is Jason Richardson. He is a student reporter for the local newspaper here in Burlington," he says. He extends his hand to me and I reach out to shake it. As I grab his hand electricity runs up my arm.

"Mr. Buchanan it is a great pleasure to finally meet you sir." I tell him with a look of awe in my eyes and still holding his hand.

"Please Jason call me Pat," he says. "May I have my hand back," he says and gives me a smile as I blush.

"Sorry sir, err Pat." I stammer.

"Well young man what can I do for you tonight," he says as he quickly gives me the once over with his eyes.

"I was hoping to interview you for the student section of my newspaper that I work for Pat." I tell him.

"That would be great but I am exhausted and hungry son." He says. "Have you had dinner tonight Jason?"

"No Pat I haven't. I came early to get a front spot to hear your speech," I tell him.

"Well if you would like to join me for dinner we could have that interview and get to know one another better," he says with a smile and a wink. Well my heart did a leap; I was so excited to be invited to have dinner with the man I idolized.

"That would be an honor sir, thank you."

"Why don't you ride with me to my hotel and we can have room service send up some dinner," he says.

"Ah Pat is this a wise idea," his press secretary whispers in his ear. "It is the eve of the election Pat, remember what happened last time." He adds.

"Just a little dinner Carl, that's all," he says and pats him on the shoulders. We leave through a rear door and a limo is waiting for us. The chauffer opens the door for us and I get in after Pat. We sit side by side and we chat a bit about me mostly. He says to me to tell him about myself.

"Well Pat, I am from Vermont. I grew up in Burlington and I will graduate this spring from UVM. My folks are both deceased and I have a brother and a sister. I hope to someday get into politics and maybe president." I tell him. "I have followed your career and you are my hero. Your style of politics excites me and your truthfulness is what I admire most."

"Well thank you Jason," he says and his hand falls softly on my thigh and stays. "I have always believed in being open and truthful with the voting public and believe that they will make the right decision given the truth." He says and ever so slightly rubs my leg. "I also believe in being upfront and truthful with people and on a one to one with them also." He says as he looks briefly at his hand. My face feels hot and I know I must be blushing as we pull into the Radisson Hotel. He stops at the desk and retrieves his messages. He comes over to me, places his arm on my shoulder, and leads me to the elevators. We enter and he pushes the tenth floor button and the elevator rises. His suite is beautifully decorated, and has a great view of Lake Champlain. He asks if I would like a drink and I tell him Captain Morgan's on the rocks. He pours me one and he has a Dewar's on the rocks. He hands me a menu and sits beside me as we both look at the choices for dinner. I can feel his body heat as it radiates through his jacket. His cologne is Polo and I recognize it immediately because I wear it also. He leans close to me as he reads and turns to speak and his mouth is less than an inch from my ear.

"Order whatever you want Jason," he says and I can feel his breath on my face.

"The meatloaf dinner is fine with me," I tell him turning and my lips brush his, because he is so close. I blush from the touch and he smiles. "I have had it hear before and it is very good," I tell him turning back to the menu.

"Good that settles it," he says. "Two meatloaf dinners and bottle of wine." He adds and picks up the phone and calls room service and orders our dinners. "Now if you will excuse me for a moment I need to get out of this suit," he says and gets up placing a hand on my thigh. He gets up and walks to the bedroom and he doesn't close the door. From where I am sitting, I can see him as he sits on the bed to remove his shoes. He stands and removes his suit coat and lays it on the bed. He undoes his belt and the button on his suit pants and unzips them letting them drop to the floor. He steps out of them, and turns, with his ass to me, and bends to pick them up. My eyes are glued to his masculine frame as he stands and when he turns, he notices me staring. I turn to the window to avoid starring at him. I wait a moment, and turn back and he is removing his boxers. He is now totally naked standing there and he turns, smiles, and walks out of sight. He is about six five and around two hundred pounds. He has reddish brown hair with a touch of gray and brown eyes. He is extremely fit and muscular. He returns to the room wearing a blue warm up suit, and again sits beside me.

"Shall we have that interview while we wait young man," he asks and I know my face is red. "Why are you blushing Jason, we are both grown men," he says. "Haven't you ever seen a grown man naked before," he asks and I get redder.

"Ah ... yeah ... I have ... it's just that I didn't expect it sir." I stutter.

"Please call me Pat, Jason." He said and then the knock on the door. The waiter came in with his cart and he rolled it to a table in the room. He placed the dinners on the table. Pat gave him a tip and he left. We sit and enjoy our dinner and I ask Pat my questions. After dinner, we go back to the sofa and have an after dinner drink. I look at my watch and he says.

"Do you have to be some place Jason?"

"No Pat I just don't want to keep you up," I say. "You had said earlier that you were tired."

"I seem to have gotten my second wind," he says smiling and he puts his hand on my thigh. "Am I keeping you up," he asks and slowly starts to rub my thigh.

"Ah ... no ... Pat," I stammer. He more aggressively moves his hand to my crotch and I jump up to my feet. He smiles at me and says.

"Come now Jason, I saw how you were looking at me earlier," he says and extends his hand to me. I take it in mine and he pulls me down to the sofa. He raps his arms around me and kisses me long and hard. Our tongues meet and they search each other's mouth. My breathing gets shallow as his hand moves to my crotch. He briskly rubs my cock through my pants and then fumbles with the zipper. He stands, pulls me up, and leads me to the bedroom. He slowly undresses me stopping periodically to admire what he sees.

"I can assume that you will use discretion here," he asks me. "My career could be on the line you know."

"Yes Pat, my lips are sealed," I tell him and he kisses me. He lays me down on the bed and climbs in between my legs. His warmth and scent is intoxicating. He knows what he wants and goes about getting it, taking what he wants. He kisses me briefly, and then sits up and lifts my legs. He goes down on my ass and starts to kiss and lick my crack. His tongue finds my hole and he plunges it in. Oh, fuck my ass rises to give him more. He fucks my ass hole with his tongue and brings me close to cumming.

"Oh fuck ... fuck me Pat ... I am so close," I tell him moaning and panting. He lifts up and reaches to the bed stand for some KY. He applies it to my hole and more to his cock. His cock is fat, cut, and long. He crawls forward some and puts his cock to my hole. He starts to push, I push back, and his cock head pops in.

"Oh fuck Pat, stop please." I yell out. "Give me a minute. This is my first time doing this," I tell him.

"You're a virgin," he asks. "Have you ever been with a man before?"

"No Pat you're the first. I have never even had a blowjob before." I tell him. He waits until he feels me relax, pushes a few more inches in, and stops. He does this until he is finally all the way in. He slowly starts to fuck me, slow and gentle. Once he notices me getting into it he picks up the pace. He starts to fuck me more aggressively now and is pounding me fast and hard. My breaths come in spurts as he pummels my ass. `Oh fuck I will not walk straight tomorrow,' I think to myself. He moves a bit and now he is hitting my prostate. I can feel my balls start to boil as my cum starts to rise. He fucks with a vengeance, and shows me no mercy. My ass is on fire as he continues to pound away. My cum is rising and I can feel it about to shoot.

"Fuck Pat I'm cumming," I yell and I shoot rope after rope of hot cum all over my chest. I keep shooting and I don't know where it is coming from. Never before have I cum like this. "Oh fuck me harder and faster Pat," I yell as he slams into my ass. He pushes my legs to my chest as I feel his cock swell. He shoots deep into my ass cooling the fire that was burning. Oh, fuck he is shooting and it leaks out my ass and down my balls. He fucks me long and hard until he stops shooting. His cock goes soft and falls out of my ass and he drops down on top of me. He gives me a brief kiss and gets up slapping my ass and saying.

"Good fuck kid," and he heads to the bathroom. I lay there feeling like a cheap whore who had just done a john. How could he be so insensitive I thought to myself. He comes back into the room and says as he tosses me a towel,

"Not dressed yet," and I get up and wipe the cum from my chest, find my clothes, and get dressed. He says `you need a ride or can you walk.' I tell him I will walk. He turns and grabs his wallet and tosses me a c note.

"What the fuck is this for," I ask looking shocked at him.

"That was the best fuck I ever had and a virgin to boot," he says with a smirk. "Remember not a word kid, ok." I just nod yes and take the money and leave. I felt like a whore as I rode the elevators down to the lobby. As I got off his press secretary was sitting in the lobby. When Carl saw me exit the elevator, he quickly came over to me and took me by the arm. He led me to a secluded spot and said.

"I can tell by your face that you are very upset." He said. "I know what happened and I can't say it enough how sorry I am that it did."

"Oh fuck does the whole city know what happened," I ask and my eyes start to tear. "I feel like a cheap whore the way I was treated." I tell him as the tears fall down my face. He pulls me into a vacant ball room and tells me,

"Young man what happened tonight must not get out." He says. "I know your feelings are hurt and you may not understand what just happened up there. I need you to keep silent about this please." He pleads.

"I won't say anything to know one, how could I," I say. "I don't know why he just used me and tossed me aside like an old rag," I say. "All I came for was an interview. He was my hero you know." I said and started to cry harder. He held me in his arms and tried to comfort me. He just held me and rubbed my back. After a while he asks,

"Are you gay Jason?"

"Yes, but I do not deserve to be treated like that," I tell him.

"I know son you don't, nobody does." He says. "Where are you headed now," he asks me.

"Back to my dorm room. I have to walk because I rode here with him," I tell him. Carl tells me to wait a minute and disappears. He comes back and says,

"Come on son, I'll drive you back to your dorm." We walk out to a car and get in. We drive back in silence until we reach my dorm. I thank him and get out. I walk to my dorm entrance and decide not to go in. I need to think so I walk for a while. Maybe I did something wrong I thought but what. I need to talk to him; now where did he say he would be tomorrow? I think for a bit and then remember. He will be at his campaign office on Pearl Street. I will go and see him tomorrow and try to make heads out of all this. I went to my room and Tom was asleep when I came in. As soon as I turned on the light over my bed, he woke up.

"Hey Jas, how was it tonight. You get to meet the dude," he asks.

"Yeah I met him and he's just a guy, dude." I tell him.

"Just a guy. He is all you have been talking about for a month asshole, and now he's just a guy." He says.

"What I mean is, he's a great speaker and crowd motivator. But he is just like you and I," I tell him knowing it is a lie. "I got my interview and all and we had a good talk."

The next morning I catch a bus to Pat's headquarters. The place is hopping with excitement. As I walk in Carl sees me and comes right over to me.

"Hey Jason what are you doing here," he asks.

"I need to talk to him for just a minute please," I tell him. "A minute is all I need and then I will be gone."

"Well, he is in with the press at the moment. Why don't you wait over here until they finish." He says.

"The press you say." I take off for the office that Carl had pointed out. He is scrambling behind me trying to head me off. As I get to the door I open it and Carl puts his hand on mine and just gives me a look. I pull my hand away and enter the room. Pat is up front taking questions and sees me enter. His eyes watch me as I maneuver down the side towards the front. He stops in mid sentence and says,

"Gentlemen, here he is now," and he motions his hand towards me. "My new public liaison minister." He motions me to come up and I hesitate. I finally come up and he whispers in my ear. "Forgive me Jason, I will explain later." He introduces me to the crowd of reporters and they raise their hands to ask me questions. He holds up his hands and says,

"Please no questions at this time. Lets wait until the election is final and then we will be glad to answer all your questions." He says and we walk off the stage. He takes me to his private office and says.

"First let me apologize for my behavior last night Jason. I was a total ass to you and you did not deserve the way I treated you. I know you are a bit surprised by what happened out there just now. I want to offer you that position in my administration. I didn't have a number to reach you at and I thought about what happened last night after Carl chewed me a new asshole. So kid what do you say, you want the job," he asks.

"First, your right, I did not deserve to be treated like some street whore. You hurt me deeply, especially when you tossed me a hundred dollar bill. It made me feel cheap and used. You were my hero and to do what you did to me hurt me so fucking much I cried most of the night. Secondly, what is this job you just offered me. Is it to keep my mouth shut, or do you feel I could actually do the job. I don't know how you would seeing that you just met me last night."

"No Jason I like you and not just as a piece of ass, though that was great," he says. "You have potential and I would like to have you in this position. You have a way with people and your looks aren't bad either."

"Gee thanks." I say. "What does this position entail," I ask.

"Well, you will be the go between, between me and the public. If there is a problem, they come to you with it and you will come to me. I then will deal with it and advise you as to what to say to the concerned party or parties." He says. "I know you don't graduate until May but this shouldn't take to much of your time at first. So what do you think son?"

"Do I have to let you know this instant," I ask him.

"Well yes, because I just announced that you were the one to fill that position." He says rather sharply.

"Ok I guess I will then." I say. He comes over, takes me in his arms, and kisses me. I pull away from him and ask him,

"What the fuck is that for?"

"It goes with the territory," he says. He grabs me again and kisses me hard as a man would kiss a one nightstand. It feels empty and cheap and his touch makes my skin crawl. I let him and think to myself, `this could launch a career if I play my cards right,' and I kiss him back. His arms hold me hard and tight and his tongue forces it way into my mouth.

"I knew you would come around," he says. "Now lets get you out of that dorm and into my place." He tells me with no room for discussion on my part. "What do you have left for classes until you graduate," he asks.

"Actually I have just one more class to take. I arranged it that way so that I might get a work fellowship to get me some experience. I can even take that class on-line," I tell him.

"All the better, now how long to get your shit together and moved out of that dorm," he asks rather coldly.

"Not long but won't that be kind of suspicious looking, me moving in with you." I ask.

"You are expected to be at my side and what better way than to share the governor's mansion," he says. "And you will be at my beckon call." He tells me. He leaves me in the room and I start to think. I just sold myself for a career, and I'm nothing more than a political whore,' I thought. Well one must do what one must do to get ahead,' I say to myself and walk out of the room. Carl almost bumps into me as I am walking out.

"How you doing Jason," he asks.

"Much better now," I say with a touch of sarcasm. "He wants to treat me like a whore than I will be an expensive one," I tell him with bitterness to my voice.

"Jason don't son," he says. "Don't sell your soul to him for what seems to be justified in your eyes. Walk away before it's to late and you are in to deep," he begs me.

"Carl how deep are you in for," I ask him. "What was your selling price for your soul?" He hung his head down and said nothing. I felt awful for talking to him that way. He had done nothing to me and he was only looking out for my well-being. So now, it begins,' I think to myself, the process of buying and selling.' I look at his hurt face, turn, and walk away. I go out to the pressroom, and Pat is holding a press conference. The polls have him ahead almost ten to one. I go to the lectern and he suspiciously steps aside. I turn to him, smile, and then back to the press and say,

"From now on, all questions will be directed to me concerning his honor the governor. As his new Public Liaison I will field all questions," I tell the press and turn to Pat and he smiles and winks.

Later that evening...

"Well the polls have been closed now for several hours Pat," I tell him. "I think its time that you make a call to Bob Preston. He needs to concede the race and admit his defeat."

"I have created a monster haven't I," he said. "It is going to be so good fucking that ass tonight Jas." He says.

"Well we are going to have a negotiation about that Pat," I tell him. "Everything now will come with a price." I say and hand him the phone. He takes it from me and I can see the fear in his eyes. "Remember your whore needs to be paid." I say and walk from the room. I pass Carl on the way out and nod in his direction. He is holding a letter of sorts but I have things to do and do not have time now to concern myself with him. I walk outside, pull out a cigarette, and light it. I am thinking to myself as I take a drag. `What have I become and where will it take me. Have I really given any thought to this path I have now chosen?' I just shrug my shoulders and take another drag. Pat comes out and joins me. He looks at me with anxiety in his eyes.

"Jason we need to talk son," he says.

"Yes Pat we do." I tell with boldness in my voice. "And let me start the conversation." I tell him. "First I am not your son, I had a dad and he respected me. Secondly, my ass is mine and mine alone. If you want it, you have to pay for it. I have plans for the future and I plan to achieve them. As payment for fucking me you will help me attain my goals, is that clear Pat," I ask looking at him with determination in my eyes. "Also if you want out tell me and we can have a press conference telling your public how you practically raped an innocent boy last night."

"Raped," he yells forgetting where he is. "You seemed to be the one yelling fuck me harder and deeper, boy." He says with anger in his voice.

"Well who do you think your public will believe a young innocent student or a middle age politician." I said with vengeance to my voice. "Besides do you really want that kind of scandal so early in your career," I ask him and his face is white with fear. "I thought not."

"Am I allowed to be governor at least," he asks.

"Yes, I have no interest in being in that low of an office. Now lets go home and you can ride your sweet boy you so dearly paid for, ok love." I look at him and he is a man defeated. `Now you know how Bob Preston feels,' I think to myself. We head over to WCAX television station for the grand announcement declaring Pat the new governor of Vermont.

"Now remember, put on that winning smile love," I tell him as we get out of the limo. He goes in and the crowd goes wild. He waves and for a moment, the old Pat is back. He works the crowd and when Bob Preston shows up, he gives him a hug and a handshake, much to Bob's surprise. We finally head home around one and we shower and crawl into bed. He spoons me into him and kisses the back of my neck and whispers,

"I am so so sorry Jason for last night. Will you ever forgive me?" He says but I fake sleep. He pulls me close and puts his arm over my chest. His touch makes me want to scream but I endure it for a price. `What price is that,' I ask myself before I fall to sleep.

To be continued ...

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Next: Chapter 2

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