The Politician

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 14, 2008


The Politician By Chapter 2 'The Spider's Web'

From Chapter 1 'Selling My Soul'

"Well who do you think the public will believe a young innocent student or a middle age politician," I said with vengeance to my voice. "Besides do you really want that kind of scandal so early in your career," I ask him and his face is white with fear. "I thought not."

"Am I allowed to be governor at least," he asks.

"Yes, I have no interest in being in that low of an office. Now lets go home and you can ride your sweet boy you so dearly paid for, ok love." I look at him and he is a man defeated. 'Now you know how Bob Preston feels,' I think to myself. First, we head over to WCAX television station for the grand announcement declaring Pat the new governor of Vermont.

"Now remember, put on that winning smile love," I tell him as we get out of the limo. He goes in and the crowd goes wild. He waves and for a moment, the old Pat is back. He works the crowd and when Bob Preston shows up, he gives him a hug and a handshake, much to Bob's surprise. We finally head home around one and we shower and crawl into bed. He spoons me into him and kisses the back of my neck and whispers,

"I am so so sorry Jason for last night. Will you ever forgive me?" He says but I fake sleep. He pulls me close and puts his arm over my chest. His touch makes me want to scream but I endure it for a price. 'What price is that,' I ask myself before I fall to sleep.

Chapter 2 'The Spider's Web"

The next few months were busy for Pat. He has interviews and press releases in preparation for his inauguration as governor in January. He had staff to pick and positions to fill. It may be a little over two months away but the transition process is quite hectic. I have cooled my attitude towards him some and I am not so hostile. We are getting along but I still have no respect for the man. Carl resigned on election night and good riddance I say. I have set my goals on the office of state Senator. It is the first wrung on my ladder to the top. I have really no competition for the office because the same man, Paul Martin, has run unopposed for four terms. He is a man in his eighties and is ready for retirement, I feel. He is part of the old political system that has failed Vermont. He has gotten rich off the people from special interest groups, his special interests. I will be working out of Montpelier, the capital, if elected. I shall start my campaign by digging in the dirt that has buried Paul's skeletons. He is in big with the electric companies and has opposed nuclear power because the electric companies have paid him to. Now I must prove it. I had Pat send special invitations to some of the second in command at the electric companies to his inaugural ball; there might be some disgruntled employees. I also had him invite Paul Martin and some of his staff. I had him invite George Michaels, a top political advisor also. He was known for making unknowns into household words. My web was being carefully woven, and all I needed were the flies. People with their own goals in mind came to me for help to reach the governor's ear. I carefully screened them and made special notes as to how they could most benefit me. One such person was Tim Mathews. He sat on the board of directors for the Central Vermont Electric Company. He wanted a post in Pat's cabinet concerning commerce. I ask him what he brought to the table that would persuade me to bend the governor's ear in his direction. I told him of my goal to be a senator to Montpelier and I needed as much dirt as I could get on Paul Martin. He told me that he had a memo, with the Vermont seal on it, that had Paul's signature stating he would be willing to swing his vote and others to stop a nuclear power plant from coming into the Burlington region if the price was right. He was willing to swap me said document for the commerce position he tells me over lunch.

"Tim you produce that document for me and that position is yours," I told him.

"Now Jason, how can you promise me something only the governor can promise," He asks.

"I have Pat's ear Tim, and what I want I get," I tell him with a look of confidence in my eyes.

"Very well then. I will have that document for you by noon tomorrow." He says, we shake, and he leaves confident the position is his. I pay the check and the waiter, Brandon, slips me his phone number. He is a cute guy of about five eleven and one hundred seventy pounds. Red hair and green eyes and built like a Greek God. He gives me a wink as I leave and I curtly nod back. I think to myself, 'I shall call him later.' I go back to Pat's election office and find him busy with paper work. I go in, go behind him, and bend to kiss him behind the ear. He bends his head slightly because that is his favorite spot. I nuzzle the spot and ask if he is almost done.

"Just about ten more minutes why babe," He asks.

"Just thought you might be horny and need a distraction," I say. "Thought we might skip home and have some fun."

"Really babe, you mean it love," he asks and puts his work away. He gets up, pulls me into his arms, and kisses me passionately. I move my hand to his crotch and start to massage his cock. It rises before and you can say sex. As we leave, he tells his secretary that he is going to lunch and will be back later. The drive home to Shelburne takes about thirty minutes. His house is large, English Tudor in style, and sets back from the road. We get in and he takes me into his arms and starts to kiss me again most passionately. He leads me upstairs to our bedroom and slowly undresses me. He loves to pause and stare at me like he is deciding if I am worth buying. 'He should have thought of that the first night,' I think to myself. After he undresses me, he lays me on the bed. He undresses himself and climbs between my legs and bends down to kiss me. He kisses me lustfully and hard. 'He never does tender or softly,' I think, always hard and in a hurry. He sits up and lifts my legs and I hold them while he applies the lube. He lubes my hole, applies some to his cock, and aligns it to my hole. He pushes in as I push out and his cock head pops in and he stops. 'This is the only time he is tender,' I say to myself. He slowly applies pressure until his cock is fully in me. After I have adjusted to the fullness he starts to fuck me. Slowly at first until he has found his rhythm. His style is always the same. He starts out slow at first and then quickly he is slamming and pounding away. He shows no mercy once he gets going. He pummels my ass until he is ready to cum. He pushes my legs tighter to my chest as he shoots his load deep into my ass. Pounding and pounding until he is spent and then he drops down on my chest until he calms down. He gives me a quick kiss and gets up slapping me on the ass saying,

"Good fuck babe, good job." Then off to the bathroom he goes. I get up even though I did not cum and figure I will give Brandon a call. Pat comes out and asks me if I am going back in to town.

"Not right now Pat, I have some things to do here first love." He kisses my forehead and he is off to his office. 'God I wish I had never went to see him that night.' I think. I get up and call Brandon's cell phone.

"Hey you reached Brandon. I am busy right now so you know what to do at the beep." His voice mail says. I leave my name and number and tell him to call me. I get up and take a shower and just as I am drying off my cell rings and I see it's Brandon.

"Hey Brandon, how you doing dude." I say.

"Just got done work and noticed you called. What's up," he asks.

"Wanted to know if you wanted to hook up or something," I tell him. "We can go to dinner or a movie if you want."

"How about bed instead," he asks me.

"Sure that sounds great, where do you live," I ask.

"One twenty two Hinesburg Road in South Burlington," He tells me. "How about one hour or is that bad for you."

"No, one hour is good guy see you then." I tell him. I finish drying off, and go and pick out a cool outfit. I throw on some cologne, Polo, and head out to the car. I stop by a package store and pick up a good wine. I get to his house just under one hour. The house is nothing fancy, a simple ranch in much need of paint. A dog is sitting on the front steps as if standing guard. I pull into the driveway and park. As I get out of the car the dog comes over and I freeze as he barks at me. Brandon is out the door in a flash.

"Thor, stop that," he commands. "Heal boy," and the dog meanders over to him and sits. "He's really a good dog, just a bit protective," he says and gives me a hug. We head inside and the inside is quite different from the outside. The d^Âcor is simple but quite contemporary in shades of black and grays. His art pieces are tastefully framed, and spotlighted with brass lights. He pulls me into an embrace and tenderly kisses me. His scent is intoxicating and I make a mental note of him. He embrace is strong yet tender, and inviting. As our tongues caress each other, his taste is still mint. He offers his tongue as in a sacrifice to the gods and I devour it in my mouth. 'This boy knows how to entice his men,' I think to myself. We break, our embrace and he offers me a drink. I lift the bottle of wine I brought and he says.

"I'll get some glasses and a cork screw," as he walks from the room. His jeans accent his ass nicely as he walks away. He returns with the glasses and cork remover and I open the bottle of wine. I pour us each a glass, setting the bottle down, and raise my glass in a toast.

"Here's to many more times together," I say as we both raise them and take a sip. We put them down, embrace again, and kiss. The lighting is soft and his face glows with from the sunlight that comes in softly through the window. It highlights his red hair and accents his freckles that dust the bridge of his nose. His green eyes are as if emeralds sparkling in the soft light. 'Mt Olympus did well when they put together this god,' I think to myself. He takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom. It is nicely done, with a large wrought iron canopy bed that seems to overpower the room. He has candles lit and the light dances off the mirrors that grace the walls. He takes me into his arms and slowly undresses me. He kisses each part of me as he exposes it and caresses it with his tongue. He stands back, and looks at me, as if finding a treasure for the first time. 'What a contrast from Pat,' I say to myself.

"When I gave you my number earlier I said to myself, 'he'll never call me,'" he tells me smiling like a kid on Christmas. "But when I got off from work and saw your name and number on my voice mail my heart leaped."

"Why wouldn't I call you," I ask. "You are so fucking hot and desirable I would be a fool to pass you up." He takes me in his arms and we kiss so tenderly and passionately. I lay him on the bed and get on between his legs. As I lean forward, he says.

"I should tell you Jason, I have never been a bottom before; I don't mind for you though."

"You sure Brandon, because I have been both and I don't mind bottoming." I tell him.

"No I want to give my first time to you babe," he says with love in his eyes. "I have wanted you forever, well ever since you started to come into the restaurant that is. I would give up my tip just to wait on you Jason," he tells me and then pulls me into a kiss. His lips are warm and sweet and they caress mine as we kiss. 'God this kid is in love with me," I think to myself. 'I've got to be careful here not to lead him on.' I break our kiss, and lovingly kiss and nuzzle his neck. The candlelight dances across his chest and casts its shadows upon his nipples. They rise like mountains from the plains of his chest inviting my lips to take them. I gently bite and suckle them making them hard as I slip from one to the other. His back arches in delight as my lips send rapture through his body. I move to his naval that lies as a crater on the surface of the moon as cast by the glow of the candles. 'Oh fuck this kid is gorgeous. He is worth keeping,' I say to myself. 'What the fuck you doing Jason, are you falling in love with him,' I ask myself not sure of the answer. My tongue dances around it like moths around a flame. As moths to a flame is plunge deep into his naval and his back heaves up.

"Oh my God Jas what a feeling my love," he says and his head rolls side to side. I sit up, admire the beauty of the man before me, and think how lucky I am. I lift his legs and put them on my shoulders as I bury my nose in his pubes. His scent is so sweet and I drink it in like a fine wine just savoring his scent. His manhood rises like a tower before me and I take it into my mouth. I savor its taste, as I taste his pre-cum upon my tongue. I run my tongue around the base of the head and he moans in delight. I slowly engorge his cock deep into my throat, and once again bury my nose in his hair. My throat begins to milk his cock with its muscles as I swallow his man cock. His hands hold my head as his fingers dance through my hair. I slowly let go of his man tool and move down to his balls. I take them together in my mouth and roll them gently around. I looked up at his face and the expression he had was bliss. I could tell he was in a place he had never been before and I marveled that I had brought him there. I sat up, and lowered myself down to his chest, and I kissed this man that I was falling for, with all the passion of the gods. A kiss that sent shivers up my spine and back down again, like nothing I have ever experienced. I sat there a moment and we looked into each other's eyes. The flames from the candle on the bed stand danced in his eyes. I slowly lay down beside him and said.

"Make love to me, love, like you have never made love before. I want to know what it is like to be loved and made love to my darling Brandon." He rolled over and got on me and we kissed a kiss of first love. It was a kiss of sweet promises and yet a kiss of loves purest form. He took some lube and applied it to us both and with the most tender of feelings he slowly pushed into my ass. With one slow, easy movement, I enveloped his love tool. 'Oh God I love this man,' I said to myself. He slowly and lovingly made love to me, ever mindful of my pleasure. He kissed me and nuzzled my neck as he slowly made love to me. I was thinking to myself, 'this is love and not sex,' as he brought me to new heights. 'Never before have I been so taken with a man. Never before has anyone cared to take me along with them as they sought out loves deepest passions.' I could feel him swell within me as my orgasm began to rise. As two, we climaxed and blended into one, sharing the intimacy of this special moment. Our hearts were pounding in our chests as our lungs sought air. We grabbed onto each other as if fearing to let go. Slowly we regained our senses as our breathing calmed down.

"My God love, that was so awesome." I whisper in his ear. "I love you Brandon."

"I have always loved you Jason, and will forever." He says. We kiss a kiss to seal our love. It is a kiss that says, I am yours, and you are mine. We lye there for more than two hours just holding each other and kissing. I tell him about my life and he tells me about his.

"You know Jason that I live with the next governor, don't you," I ask him. "It's a strange and difficult situation."

"Yes I know," he says a bit disappointed. "Are you going to leave him," he asks.

"Not yet love, he is my ticket up the political ladder," I tell him. "I need his connections to achieve my goals."

"Am I part of your goals, Jason," he asks me looking straight into my eyes. "Or am I just a temporary distraction," he adds.

"You are a distraction babe, but not a temporary one," I tell him and I kiss him with passion. I explain to him about the situation between Pat and I. I tell him of my goals and aspirations. He looks at me as I talk like wondering where he would fit in to this picture.

"Where do I fit into your goals, Jason? Am I part of the picture or just a snap shot from the past?" He asks. "I don't think I can be just a side piece babe. I want more in life than that." He tells me.

"You deserve more than that, but right now I am committed to Pat, love. It is part of the arrangement we have. He has me for sex, and that is all it is, is sex. You love, have my love. We make love and are in love babe."

"You make me feel like the other woman," he says. "There for the scraps that you can spare Me." he says now a bit bitter. "I don't know if I can live that way Jason, or if I want to live that way." He says questioningly. We get up and shower in silence, knowing that each is considering a path that is being laid before them. We dress and I kiss him ask if I can come back again. He tells me to give him a call; he has to think things through first. I kiss him again and leave.

As I drive home, I consider the things we had spoken of. I re-evaluated my life and my love for Brandon. How much did I love him and how much did I want my goals for my life, I just did not know. I drove home to a place that held nothing for me but misery. I had given my soul for a life of politics. I was becoming that which I had hated in politicians and I was doing nothing about it. The web that I was weaving would soon trap me if I were not careful. Also was I willing to drag Brandon into this web of deceit and treachery? Could I let him sell his soul for me? I could not answer these questions. I pulled into the driveway and Pat was home. I noticed a strange car that I did not recognize. I quietly slipped into the house and looked around. Pat knew that when I came home I always announced my arrival with a shout. This time I did not. I crept up the stairs to our bedroom and there they were. Pat had Jesse Jacobs on the bed fucking him. I went for my camera, came back, and got some great shots. Jesse was a married man and had several kids. He worked for Senator David Christianson, who was our senator to Washington. 'This will come in very handy someday,' I say to myself as I walk back to my office. I slip back downstairs, open the front door, and slam it shut.

"Pat, I'm home," I shout with a devious smirk on my face.

"I'll be right down," he yells. "I'm in my office and will be down momentarily, love." I sit down in the living room and go through some papers left out on the table. Pat and Jesse come down five minutes later and Jesse is a bit flushed.

"Jesse you feel alright," I ask. "You look a bit red in the face kid."

"Just hot in here I guess." He says nervously as I smile at him. "Well I got to go, the wife will be wondering where I am," he says and he shakes hands with Pat and I. "Oh, Merry Christmas," he adds as he leaves.

"A bit nervous wasn't he," I ask Pat. "You horny love?"

"Ah . not really," he says knowing that I know.

"Well I'm tired so I am heading to bed love. See you in the morning." I tell him and give him a peck on the cheek. "Oh I have Tom and Linda's wedding tomorrow so I will not be around for the day," I tell him with a wink. I go up to bed knowing that I just ruined a good fuck for him. Jesse is a hot little number and would be great in bed. 'Oh well, such are the games we play,' I say to myself and smile. I get in bed and my mind goes to Brandon. 'How could you let yourself be entangled like this; he is a nice guy and does not deserve to be treated like this. There has to be a way out of this so that he does not get hurt.' I say to myself as I fall to sleep.

The next morning Pat found me working in my office before I had to leave for the wedding.

"Good morning Jas," he said. "How are you today?"

"Good babe, come in and sit for a minute, I want to talk with you." I told him not as a request but as a command.

"Well . maybe . for a minute," He stammers.

"Now Pat, what is wrong?" I ask in a fake sympathetic voice.

"You know what's wrong. Every time you talk like that you want something." He says coldly.

"That's right I do want something. I want you to give the position of Secretary of Commerce to Tim Mathews." I tell him. "He is helping me lay the ground work for my election to the state senate next year. In return he wants that position and I feel he would be good for it." I tell him rather boldly.

"And what do I get in return for it," he asks.

"Same thing you always get my ass and my silence." I say with a smile."

"Well that hasn't ." he starts to say as I interrupt him.

"My silence includes your fucking Jesse last night," I tell him and smirk. His face goes ashen as he says,

"You wouldn't destroy him and his family would you?"

"Not if you play ball with me." I say glaring over the top of my reading glasses. "And I wouldn't mention this to Jesse either love, ok," I tell him and not asking.

"Ok Jason, Tim Mathews can have the position," he says as he leaves my office. I pick up the phone and call Tim.

"Tim, my man, Jason here. How's lunch tomorrow at one sound," I ask him. "And bring that memo, I have some good news for you."

I finish my work and leave for the wedding. I am Tom's best man. He has been my best friend and I had introduced him to Linda. She had originally been my girlfriend but being gay, we didn't work out. It was a great wedding and we had a great time. I left around five and headed home to do some work. I called Tim to confirm our lunch date and then went to bed. We meet for lunch the next day and I tell him about the position. He is overjoyed and hands me the memo. It has the Vermont State Seal on top and says,

Tim Mathews: Just a quick note to tell you that the vote is coming up on Tuesday concerning a certain nuclear power plant proposal. For the right price, one could be swayed to vote against said proposal. I also can guarantee at least eight others who will vote as I tell them to. Let me know by the end of business tomorrow.

Senator Paul Martin

"Tim you don't know what this means to me."

"I think I do son. It might have cost me more than I am willing to pay though in the long run." He says looking at me with doubt.

"Nonsense Tim now lets order lunch." We order lunch and we talk about the commerce position. I also tell him how I am going to ask George Michaels to organize my campaign.

"George is hard to get Jason." He says. "How you going to get him on your team," he asks.

"I know his weakness Tim, just leave that up to me." I tell him with a smirk. 'Good old George has a weakness for the boys,' I say to myself. 'The right setting with the right guy and he's mine.'

I gave Brandon a call and got him at home.

"Hey Brandon what's up," I ask him. "Not much Jason, you coming over," he asks.

"Yeah I have a favor to ask of you and would like to speak to you in person about it. What time is good for you love?"

"Anytime, I have today off so come on over babe."

"See ya in a few babe." I hung up and headed over to Brandon's house. It took me twenty minutes to get there and that dog was waiting. I get out of the car and Thor comes running. I call him by name and he calms down. I give him a pat on the head and Brandon is waiting on the steps. He greets me with a hug and a kiss as we go inside. Once inside I give him a proper kiss and he moans in my arms.

"Do you want to go right to bed babe or do you have time," he asks me.

"I have all day for you love," and I hold him tight in my arms and kiss him passionately. We break our kiss and he offers me a coffee. We sit at the table in the kitchen and he looks at me with a worried look.

"What's bothering you babe," he asks with concern in his voice.

"I really don't want to get you involved with this," I tell him knowing that was my original plan.

"Involved in what babe?"

"Well I have this guy that I want to handle my campaign. He is extremely good and his candidates always are elected. The thing is he is very busy and he does not take new up and coming people. I have figure out a way to trick him into taking my campaign if he turns me down. The thing is I need someone to help me pull it off." I tell him.

"Well what is the problem?"

"This guy has a weakness. His weakness is young men. He is married but bi-sexual. His wife does not know that he is like this. Truthfully, most people do not know. I found out by a friend that had been to bed with him years ago."

"So what would this other person have to do," he asks but wishing he had not.

"Well if he turns me down I want to catch him in the act of having sex with a guy that I set him up with. I don't know who to ask that I could trust."

"Oh, I see." He says. "Did you have me in mind, and please babe be honest with me here." He says.

"Not really babe. I have fallen in love with you and would never in a million years ask someone I love to do something like this."

"Where would all this take place," he asks still nervous.

"Inaugural Night at the Radisson Hotel. I would have a room set up to trap him."

"It sounds so underhanded and treacherous." He says. "I guess I would do it for you love." He says hoping I refuse.

"Brandon you sure babe? I would pay you for your loss of wages babe."

To be continued .

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