The Pool Boy

By B J

Published on Oct 15, 2008


This story is a work of fiction... Any similarities to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental... If it's illegal to read material like this in your area... Or if you're not old enough... Then please don't... Or at least don't get caught...


The Pool Boy

By: B J

Chapter 10

As Rachel and I walked into the restaurant Friday morning everyone stopped talking and looked at us.

"What? Do I have a booger in my nose?" I asked self consciously.

Everyone laughed.

"We have a new server training today. This is Garrett everyone." CJ said.

"And we'd like to welcome one of the newest members to the kitchen staff," Michael started. "Danny's decided to take our offer to work with the chefs in the kitchen."

Everyone applauded.

I blushed and smiled.

"You'll be working with Juan and Ben." CJ told me. I nodded.

CJ and Michael went over the weekly meeting and what our specials for the night were going to be.

"We're also having a holiday party on the twentieth." Michael said.

"It's for all of you and your significant others." CJ finished.

"And we thought of making it a potluck. So, we'll be passing around a sheet and everyone can sign up to bring up something." Michael said.

The way the two talk back and forth you would've thought they were twins, finishing each other's sentences.

"We're also doing Secret Santa. Here's a worksheet to fill out with your name and everything else the sheet asks you. That way your Secret Santa has an idea of what you might like. Later today, someone will be dropping off an Angel Tree. What it is just a Christmas tree with kids' Christmas lists. Don't have to feel obligated to pick a name. It's for the customers as well. We're also doing Toys for Tots. The Marines will be dropping off a box for the new toys that they'll be wrapping and handing out to kids." CJ said.

Rachel and I looked at each other and grinned.

"Shopping," We both said and laughed.

Everyone looked at us and laughed.

"Sorry," I apologized.

After the meeting I followed Juan and Ben to the kitchen.

"Welcome Senor Danny." Juan said. I smiled.

"It's just Danny, Juan." I said.

"We decided that I'll be going over the menu with you. Here's your binder with the recipes. Study them, learn them, and memorize them. There are a few binders that we keep in the kitchen but it's easier if you actually know the basic ingredients of each dish." Ben said. I nodded.

"Here is your coat and hat Senor... I mean Danny." Juan said.

"The coat's got my name on it." I said surprised. They both laughed.

"Si, Senor CJ and Senor Miguel had it ordered for you ever since they tried your cooking." Juan said.

"They figured you'd take the position." Ben laughed. I smiled.

We went to work helping to get things ready for the day, cutting up vegetables, starting sauces, dressings, and everything else.

"How are you holding up Danny?" CJ came into the kitchen and asked. He laughed at the smile on my face. "I take it by your smile you're enjoying yourself."

"I'm enjoying it so far. It's a lot of work but I feel at home." I said.

"I'm the same way." CJ said.

Seth was asleep on one couch and Lance on the other when we got home. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

"Mmm..." He said waking up. "You smell like food."

"Yeah well, I've been cooking all day." I said.

"What's in the bags?" Seth asked.

"A late dinner, there's enough food for all four of us." I answered.

"Hey Danny," Lance said sleepily as he was led by the hand by Rachel to their bedroom.

"We'll be back. I want to shower before I eat." Rachel said. I nodded.

"Did you have a good day?" He asked.

"I had a great day! It was busy in the kitchen but so much fun." I smiled.

"Good," he said as he kissed me again.

"I want to shower. Why don't you start heating up the food for all of us?" I said.

Seth nodded and got up.

"We're also going to a Christmas party on the twentieth. It's for the restaurant. It's a potluck so I'm going to have to make something." I said as I walked away.

"How about some pear tarts," Seth suggested. "Lance and Rachel haven't tried them."

I laughed.

"And you haven't had any in awhile either." I said.

"Very true, I love your pear tart." He said as he laughed.

The apartment smelled great.

"Wow! Look at all this food." Lance said.

"I think Danny made it all." Rachel said. I smiled.

"Yeah, Michael and CJ told me that I needed to practice. So, they had me make a couple of dishes by memory and this is the outcome." I said.

"Did they try it?" Seth asked. I nodded.

"They said that I did a great job." I answered.

"You two are on your own on Sunday, Danny and I are going shopping." Rachel told them.

"Shopping for what?" Lance asked.

She pulled out some cards.

"I picked a few names off of the Angel Tree that the restaurant has. Plus, we're doing some shopping for Toys for Tots." Rachel said.

"We'll do lunch at the restaurant tomorrow while they're working and we'll pick a couple names off of the tree." Seth said. Lance nodded.

I smiled at Seth. Who knew that a jock had a big heart? Rachel and I definitely lucked out with them. Seth looked at me as I stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Are you alright?" Seth asked worried.

"I'm fine. Everything's great." I answered. He relaxed.

After dinner Seth and I cleaned up. Rachel and Lance went to watch TV for a bit.

"Night guys, we're going to bed." I said holding Seth's hand.

"Night guys," Seth said.

They returned the sentiment while laughing.

We got undressed and got into bed. I put my forehead against Seth's chest and he started to rub my back.

"You sure you okay babe?" He asked softly.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "Everything's perfect." I said.

"What's with the tears?" Seth asked, wiping them away.

"You," I said as I laid my head on his chest.

Seth lifted my head and made me look at him.

"It's not bad Seth. It's actually really good, I think." I said. He continued to stare at me and wait for me to continue. "Back in high school, I thought all you jocks were muscle headed Neanderthals that looked to get your rocks off and eat. You're nothing like that. You've got one of the biggest hearts."

Seth smiled shyly.

"You make me want to be a better person Danny." He said softly.

"I do?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, there's so many times that I feel I don't deserve you. I keep thinking what it is about me that you love so much." Seth said.

"Well, in high school it was your looks, then this summer I thought that maybe we were just a summer fling. But, it's everything about you." I said. Seth smiled.

"I know we're still young, but I don't think there's anyone else out there for me Danny. You're it." He said. I smiled.

I listened to his heart beat and then kissed his chest.

"We'll wait till after college to get married and settle down." Seth said. "That doesn't mean that you and I have an open relationship. I'm not sharing you with anyone."

I laughed.

"I'd have to cut your nuts off and feed them to you if you shared me with other guys." I said.

He laughed and held me tighter.

It was two in the morning by the time we cleaned up. Seth spooned behind me, his warm breath on the nape of my neck.

"I love you Daniel," Seth whispered.

"I love you too Seth," I whispered in return. He kissed my neck and we both fell asleep.

At work on Saturday I joked around with all of the cooks and servers. The new server Garrett was spending a lot of time in the kitchen talking to me.

"So, when are you and I going out?" He finally asked me.

"Going out where?" I asked.

"I don't know, dinner and a movie, or dinner and dancing." Garrett said.

Ben and Juan looked at him open mouthed.

"Sorry Garrett, but I've got a boyfriend." I said.

"How serious is it?" He asked.

"Serious enough that we live together and are starting to plan our future together," I answered.

"You're still young. You should be playing the field and seeing what else is out there." Garrett said. I laughed.

"I'm not into playing the field, not much of a sport enthusiast. And I don't need to see what else is out there. I found the guy that I want." I said.

The kitchen doors opened up and in walked CJ with his arm around Seth's shoulder.

`Thank God!' I thought. I smiled as I looked at my boyfriend.

"Look who I found out front. He was looking over the Angel Tree." CJ said.

"Hey babe," Seth said.

"Hi sweetie," I said from behind the counter.

Juan looked at me and pushed me towards the end of the counter.

"Go kiss your boyfriend," He said.

"Yeah, don't get all shy now Danny. We all know Seth here. We've all watched you kiss him before." Ben laughed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at them.

Walking from behind the counter I smiled at Seth and kissed him properly.

"Hi sweetie," I said again.

"They're such a cute couple," CJ said to Garrett.

"Yeah," Garrett said as he rolled his eyes.

"Seth, this Garrett he took my place as a server. Garrett, this is my boyfriend Seth." I introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you Garrett," Seth said with his arm outstretched.

"Likewise," Garrett said as he shook Seth's hand before walking back out. Ben and Juan stared at his retreating form.

"Is Lance here with you?" I asked Seth.

"Yeah, he's sitting at the table talking to Rachel. We picked a couple names and figured we're going to go shopping today." He said.

I smiled.

"Copy cats," I teased.

"We can't have our boyfriend and girlfriend let everyone think that their jock boyfriends are careless Neanderthals." Seth laughed.

Everyone in the kitchen laughed as we talked to one another.

"I didn't say careless. I said muscle head." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He laughed.

"My mistake," Seth said. I smiled at him.

"Let me get back to work." I said kissing him again.

"Ben, watch him really well. Don't let him mess with our meal." Seth said.

"Where are those rotten onions at?" I teased.

Ben laughed.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," Seth said as he blew me a kiss.

He and CJ walked back out of the kitchen.

"You gotta watch that one." Juan said shaking his head.

"Who?" I asked.

"Garrett," Ben said and Juan nodded.

"He knows I have a boyfriend." I said.

"I don't think he cares." Ben said. I looked at him. "He'd be the type of guy to steal someone else's guy."

"No one could steal me away from Seth." I said.

"He will try." Juan said.

"I'll be careful." I said.

"Surprise!" Seth and Lance said as we walked in.

"What's going on?" Rachel asked.

"We made dinner." Lance said excitedly.

"You two cooked?" I asked.

"And we didn't even burn anything." Seth laughed.

We kissed our boyfriends.

"What'd you guys make?" Rachel asked.

"We made that beef stew recipe from Danny's book." Lance said.

"And we also went Christmas shopping for Toys for Tots and the Angel Tree. I picked two kids. I got a little girl named Katie and a boy named Oliver." Seth said.

"That's what we did." Rachel said. "Danny and I have a boy and a girl to shop for tomorrow."

We laughed as Seth and Lance told us about the shopping they did at the toy stores. The two of them had a great time playing with whatever they could. They had even gotten a couple kids involved in a game of laser tag as the store employees shook their heads and turned the other way.

Rachel and I cleaned up after eating and then headed to shower and to bed. When I got out of the shower Seth was laying in bed reading one of his text books.

"Why are you studying on a Saturday night?" I asked.

"I'm not really, was just wasting time till you got out." He said. "I guess I could've been jacking off for you."

I laughed.

I slipped into bed and wrapped myself around Seth. He kissed the top of my head.

"So, there's a guy at work that asked me out." I said.

"Garrett?" He asked.


"The look he gave me wasn't all that nice." Seth said.

"I told him about you." I said.

"He doesn't look like the type that cares."

"That's what Ben and Juan said." I replied.

"Well, if he tries anything he'll have to deal with me." Seth said.

"My hero," I said. He laughed.

The next morning Rachel and I were getting breakfast started when the doorbell rang. She went to answer the door.

"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Harris," Rachel said.

"Morning Rachel sweetie, are the boys up?" Mom said after hugging her and walking in.

"Danny and I are making breakfast but Lance and Seth are still asleep." She replied.

Mom and Dad walked into the kitchen with Rachel. I smiled and hugged them.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad." I said.

"We just drove up to see how you four were doing and to take you out to dinner tonight." Dad said.

"How's school and work going?" Mom asked.

We talked with them and told them what's been going on. When breakfast was done Mom sent Dad with two pots to wake up Lance and Seth. Rachel and I were laughing.

"I've been the victim of one of them wake up calls." I laughed.

"That's what they get for sleeping in," Rachel said. Dad started banging the pots together.

"Wake up! Breakfast is ready." Dad yelled and laughed.

"Morning Mrs. Harris," Lance said kissing her cheek.

"Morning Lance," she said as she stifled her laugh.

"Morning Mom," Seth said hugging and kissing her cheek.

"Morning sweetie,"

"Man! My ears are still ringing." Lance said. We all laughed.

"What are your plans for today?" Mom asked.

"Danny and I are going shopping for some kids." Rachel answered.

"Me and Seth are just bumming around here." Lance said.

"Sports," Dad said. Seth and Lance nodded.

"You can go with us Mom," I said.

"Great!" She said.

After breakfast the three of us left.

We had fun picking out toys for the kids on our list and for Toys for Tots. Mom had bought some toys as well.

At lunch Rachel asked if I got everything on my list.

"All but one thing," I said.

"What is it sweetie?" Mom asked.

"Seth and I are too young to offer Eric a home." I said.

"What?" Mom and Rachel asked.

"The last thing on his list he asked for was a home with a family that would love him." I said. Mom's brows furrowed.

She took the card and put it in her purse without mentioning anything else. We had lunch before heading home.

You could hear Dad, Seth, and Lance yelling through the door. They were all cheering loudly as the team tried to score. We walked in and talked with everyone.

Mom and Dad spent the night with us so they didn't have to drive home so late at night. In the morning Seth and I saw them off.

"We love you," Mom said with a smile and kiss to Seth and my cheeks.

"We love you too," Seth and I said.

"Drive safely," I said.

"We'll call and let you guys know we're home." Dad said.

Mom had left her bags of toys she bought so Rachel and I could take it to work.

To be continued...

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter. Let me know what you think at

I'm also looking for an editor... If you're interested let me know at

Thanks B J

Next: Chapter 11

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