The Pool Boy

By B J

Published on Jun 16, 2008


This story is complete fiction... If it's illegal to read stories like this in your area or if you're not old enough please don't read it... If you choose to... Please don't get caught...


The Pool Boy

By B J

Chapter 3

Mom answered the door when the doorbell rang.

"Diane, Chuck, and Seth, it's great to see you all again." She said.

"Linda," Mrs. Thompson said.

"Linda, is Greg out by the barbecue?" Seth's dad asked.

"And he's got a cooler of beer waiting out there Chuck." Mom laughed.

Mr. Thompson walked through the garage and smiled at me.

"Hey Danny, it's been a long time since I've seen you. You're looking great." He said.

"Hi Mr. Thompson," I said shaking his outstretched hand. He headed out the door to talk to my dad as Mrs. Thompson and Seth walked into the kitchen with my mom.

"Danny, you're so grown up. You've turned into such a heartbreaker." Mrs. Thompson said hugging me tightly. Mom carried in a cherry cheesecake and a blueberry cheesecake.

"Hey Mrs. Thompson," I said returning the hug.

"Mom, you and Dad know the Harris'?" Seth asked.

"We're best friends with Linda and Greg." Diane smiled.

Seth walked up to me and grinned. "Hey babe,"

He leaned in and kissed me. I smiled.

Mom and Mrs. Thompson were grinning at us when Seth and I parted.

"We should show them the pictures Linda." Mrs. Thompson said.

"You're right! We'll do it after dinner tonight." Mom said.

"What pictures?" Seth asked.

"You and Danny together as little kids," Diane answered.

"Really?" Seth asked astonished. He looked at me, "did you know about this?"

"I didn't until you left and Mom got off the phone with your mom." I answered.

Seth smiled at me. "What are you making?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nothing now, I've got a couple salads and pear tarts in the fridge." I answered.

"You made a pear tart? Is it as good as your mom's?" Seth asked excitedly. I smiled. Mom laughed.

"Sweetie, the pear tarts your mom's brought home were all made by Danny. That's his recipe." Mom said.

"YOU made those pear tarts?" He asked me.

"I've made quite a few pear tarts." I said. Seth grinned.

Dad came in to grab the steaks that I marinated in a teriyaki sauce I made of soy sauce, ginger, garlic, brown sugar, sesame oil, chili pepper water, and green onions. I handed Seth a bowl of ears of corn that mom and I shucked as I carried out a platter of shrimp skewered with bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and pineapple chunks and a pot of melted butter and garlic.

Back in the house I pulled out the potato salad and the mixed greens salad out of the refrigerator and put them on the dinner table. Seth and I set the table while Mom and Mrs. Thompson had a glass of wine. Dad and Mr. Thompson brought in the steaks and shrimp skewers.

"Wow! Everything looks great." Mrs. Thompson said.

"Everything was made by Danny." Dad said. I blushed as Seth looked at me and smiled.

We all talked and laughed. Our parents told us stories of the two of us together when we were younger. After dinner Mom pulled out photo albums. Seth and I laughed at pictures of us as little kids.

"My God! You were a cute kid." Seth said.

"I'm still cute," I said.

"Nah, you're hot now." He said. I smiled and bumped his arm with mine.

"The house is so empty without him here." Diane Thompson said.

"It's the same here with Danny gone." Mom said.

The realization that he and I went to different colleges hit me. Seth and I just had the summer. Once the fall term started, IF we were together, he and I wouldn't see each other until the Thanksgiving holiday. I guess my expression changed because Seth looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I smiled and winked at him. He smiled back.

"Do you wanna go with me to meet up with Ken Watanabe, Bruce Collins, and Devin Garris tomorrow?" Seth asked.

"I don't know about that." I said.

"I'd really like you there with me," He said pleadingly.

The look on his face could make me do anything. I nodded my head and he grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry about high school. We're not there anymore. Have any of them given you a hard time?" Seth said.

"No, it was mostly the football players that picked on me." I said. He leaned in and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of my shampoo before placing a kiss behind my ear.

"Well, it's getting late and you two have a tee time to get to in the morning." Mrs. Thompson said pointing at Dad and Mr. Thompson.

I hugged Seth's parents as he hugged mine. He kissed me on the lips. "I want to spend the night but I better go home. You and I can spend one night apart." He said. I nodded with a half smile. "I'll be by about eleven to pick you up."

"Okay, I'll be ready by then." I said.

There was a knock at my bedroom door as I got dressed.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey babe, I thought you were going to be ready." Seth said walking in. I smiled.

"I woke up late. Didn't get much sleep," I said kissing him.

Seth smiled at me. "Ken, Bruce, and Devin are bringing their girlfriends with them."

"Cool," I said.

We walked downstairs. I smiled at Mom and Mrs. Thompson.

"We're heading out to meet up with Seth's friends." I said kissing both women.

"Alright sweetie, have fun." Mom said.

Seth drove us over to The Greasy Spoon. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Don't worry. They're going to like you." Seth said soothingly as he held my hand.

I took a deep breath and let it out as we walked into the diner. His friends were already there.

"Hey Seth, hey Danny," a Japanese guy said as he shook our hands. "I'm Kenneth. You can call me Ken or Kenny."

"It's nice to meet you Kenny," I said shaking his hand.

I was introduced to Bruce Collins, Devin Garris, Debbie Vargas, Cynthia Burton, and Alexis Gorham.

"So, Seth you finally got the balls to ask him out huh?" Cindy said with a grin. I blushed.

"He did tell you that he had a crush on you all through high school right Danny?" Debbie said laughing. I smiled.

"Yeah, he did tell me that." I said. "What's funny is our parents are good friends. They just haven't had each other over with either of us around."

"Really?" Kenny said.

"Yeah, Mrs. Harris brought out some pictures last night of Danny and I playing together." Seth laughed.

"That is freaky." Alexis said.

"You two were meant for each other." Bruce said.

We all spent time getting to know each other. I was surprised to find out that they knew more about me than I did about them.

"It was all Seth's fault." Devin said. Seth blushed.

I looked at him with a grin.

"We watched a few of the debate matches you had at school." Debbie said.

"You were really good." Kenny said. I blushed.

"Thanks guys." I said.

Everyone continued to talk. Seth leaned over and whispered in my ear "see, I told you they'd like you."

I smiled.

"You stalked me in high school." I said louder than intended. The others laughed.

"Stalking is such a harsh word." Seth laughed. "I was kinda nervous about talking to you."

"Just say it Seth. You didn't have the balls to ask Danny out." Bruce teased. I laughed.

"I didn't have the balls to ask you out." Seth agreed.

"So, are you two dating each other?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah, are you two boyfriends?" Cindy asked.

"We are going to see more of you right Danny?" Debbie asked.

"What are we?" I asked Seth with a grin.

"We're definitely dating." Seth said. "And you'll all see more of Danny."

"Cool," They all said with smiles.

"You two do look good together." Cindy said excitedly.

"What do you guys want to do after lunch?" Kenny asked. Everyone looked at me.

I shrugged. "I wanted to go miniature golfing."

They all laughed.

"Sounds great, it's been a long time since we went mini golfing." Devin said.

"We can do some go cart racing too." Bruce said.

After lunch we headed over to Castle Park for miniature golf and go cart racing. Our group had a great time. The guys played the midway games trying to win stuffed animals without success.

"You boys suck," Alexis taunted. "Come on Danny show them how it's done."

I laughed. "I don't know if I'll do any better."

I paid for six darts. Taking my time I took a breath and let the first dart go, followed by the other five. The girls cheered. I laughed.

"Go ahead and pick one of the animals on the second shelf." The attendant said. I pointed at a brown teddy bear holding a rose.

I grinned and handed it to Seth. He blushed and kissed me.

"I was trying to win that one for you." He said.

"Well, I won it for you instead." I said.

The others laughed and made gagging noises. We all continued to play the different games in the midway.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening miniature golfing, racing go carts, and riding the bumper boats. We all went our separate ways after hugging and shaking hands.

"We'll do this again before the end of summer." Devin said.

"Yeah, this was a lot of fun." Debbie said.

Seth and I got into the car and drove off.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Starving," I answered.

We headed over to Trudy's Sweet Shack. Seth and I ordered fries and a couple of burgers.

"Did you have fun?" Seth asked.

"I had a great time. Thank you!" I said.

Seth grinned.

"I can't believe your friends knew you had a crush on me." I said.

"I couldn't stop talking about you." He said. I smiled.

After dinner we headed back to my house.

"Looks like my parents are here again." Seth said.

We walked in.

"Hey boys, are you two hungry?" Mrs. Thompson asked.

"We went to Trudy's for a bite to eat." Seth answered.

"Well, we've got dessert. I made peach cobbler and we've got some ice cream." Mom said.

"Cool," we said as Mom made two more bowls for us.

"What'd you guys do today?" Mr. Thompson asked.

We told them about going to Castle Park and our day.

"Nicole and Andrew called today." Dad said.

"Oh! Let me call them." I said getting up and going to the phone.

I got on the phone and called my friends while everyone else talked in the kitchen. They were all whispering in the kitchen when I walked back in.

"What are you all whispering about?" I asked.

"Nothing, they were telling me stories about the two of us." Seth said.

"We were telling Seth about that time the two of you got naked and went swimming in the inflatable pool." Mom said. I nodded.

"So, Mr. Harris how are Nicole and Andrew?" Seth said.

"They're doing good, they're both back home for vacation too." I answered.

"Are you going to hang out with them?" He asked.

"Actually, we are. We're meeting them for dinner and a movie." I said with a smile. Seth grinned. "It's only fair since I met your friends you're going to meet mine."

"Okay." Seth said.

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed it. I know... I know... There was no sex in this chapter... Danny and Seth will be having sex soon... Lol!

Let me know what you think... Email me at

Thanks B J

Next: Chapter 4

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