The Pool Boy

By B J

Published on Jun 30, 2008


This is a complete work of fiction... Any similarities to anyone living or dead is completely coincidental... If it's illegal to read in your area or if you're not old enough to read... Then please don't... Or at least don't get caught...


The Pool Boy

By: B J

Chapter 5

We left for school two weeks before we needed to be there in my car, our parents following us in the Thompsons' SUV and Seth's car. Five hours later we were turning off of I-15 onto Tropicana Ave. Our parents had gone online and found several apartment complexes that had apartments for rent that were near campus. They had booked a suite at the MGM Grand.

"I'm sorry you're going back earlier than planned." Seth said as we drove along.

"It's okay Seth, I'm just glad that I'll be here with you." I said. He grinned.

We pulled into valet and waited for an attendant.

"Can you please park the vehicles together?" Dad asked slipping the guy money.

"Yes sir, we'll take care of the vehicles." The valet attendant said.

"Thank you,"

We carried our luggage into the hotel and walked up to the front desk area.

Dad checked us in and a bell person led us up to the suite.

"Wow!" Seth and I said when we walked in.

Mom and Diane told him what bags went to what rooms.

"Were you supposed to be paired up with the same roommate this year?" Mom asked me.

"Yeah, Lance and I decided we wanted to be roommates again." I answered.

"Do you guys want to get a three bedroom apartment for the three of you?" Diane asked.

"Lance was great as a roommate. He was my first friend here. I think he'd be glad to get out of the dorm too." I said. Seth looked at me funny. "What are you jealous?"

"Do I have a need to be jealous?" Seth asked.

"No, he and I are just friends." I answered. My cell phone rang.

I grinned as I looked at the screen. "Speaking of the devil," I said.

"What's up Lance?"

Lance and I talked for a little while.

"How would you feel about living in an apartment rather than the dorms?" I asked.

I laughed at him.

"Are you back in town?" I said. "Cool! Meet me at the MGM."

"Okay Lance, see you in an hour." I said and hung up.

Seth and I unpacked our bags while our parents did the same.

"As soon as Lance gets here we'll go to lunch." Mom yelled.

We were sitting around talking as the TV played in the background.

I got up to answer the door when someone knocked.

"Hey Danny," Lance said pulling me into a hug. "So, what's this about renting an apartment?"

I led him into the suite.

"Wow!" He said.

I introduced Lance Hammond to everyone saving Seth for last.

"So, you finally got the balls to ask him out huh?" He laughed.

"He actually got the balls before I did." I said and laughed. "Come to find out he had a crush on me as well."

Lance laughed.

"That is funny," He said.

We all headed out to lunch. Seth and Lance talked and got to know each other. They spent a lot of time talking about sports.

"Jocks," I said shaking my head.

They both laughed.

"How's Rachel doing?" I asked Lance.

"She's doing great. She'll be back on Friday. She missed you more than she missed me." He said.

Everyone laughed.

"She only missed me because I helped her with her math." I laughed.

"Not true bud. She took to your gay ass like a bee to honey." Lance said. Seth looked at the two of us.

"She's my girlfriend," Lance said as I said, "Rachel is Lance's girlfriend,"

Seth nodded.

"Has Lance kicked you out of the room while she was there?" Seth asked.

"No, they'd actually go back to her place." I answered.

"Yeah, she's got a single room so we'd go there. I couldn't just kick Danny out of our room for a few hours." Lance said.

"So, you think you three boys will get along as roommates?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," The three of us replied.

"I guess I could handle living with Lance again." I joked.

"Hey buttmunch I kept our room clean." He said. I looked at him, "after you reminded me to pick up my stuff." I laughed.

"Yeah, I had to remind you to pick up your stuff." I said.

During lunch our parents asked Lance all kinds of questions. Lance smiled and went along with it.

"So, why are you back so early?" Seth asked.

"I've got wrestling meetings and practice." Lance answered. "What about you?"

"Baseball meetings and practice," Seth said. Lance nodded.

The three of us spent the rest of the day down by the pool and in the lazy river. While Seth and Lance were at their meetings and practice I was going to be with our parents' apartment hunting. Lance had called his parents and told them what we were going to do. They said they'd help out with rent as well.

Lance came by the next morning and had breakfast with us before he and Seth headed over to the sports complex for their meetings. We all headed our separate ways after breakfast at the buffet. The parents and I looked at a few apartments near the school but I didn't like any of them. We stopped for lunch and I continued to look through the apartment guide.

"How about we check out this one?" I said before taking a bite of my sandwich. "It's still close to the school and everything else."

They agreed and we headed over to the apartments after lunch. I grinned as I walked into the apartment with everyone. This was the one. It had 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a large kitchen, dining room, and spacious living room.

"Two master suites, one for you and Seth and the other for Lance and Rachel when she comes over." Mom said. I nodded.

Dad and Chuck talked to the leasing agent as Mom and Diane went through the rooms and talked about furniture and decorating the apartment. Laura, the leasing agent walked us down to the pools, and fitness center.

"Wow!" I said. She smiled.

"If your roommates are as in shape as you are they'll be impressed too." Laura said.

"They're in better shape than I am." I laughed.

We headed back to the office and signed the lease agreement. Dad and Chuck wrote out the checks for the deposit and rent. `We'll all be happy here,' I thought to myself.

"When can we move in?" I asked.

"Well, the apartment is already vacant and has been cleaned and painted. And since the rents been paid for you can move in immediately." Laura smiled. She handed me the keys to the apartment and mailbox.

We unloaded everything that was in the SUV then left. Seth called to see where we were at.

"We're heading back to the hotel now. We just unpacked the SUV." I answered.

He and Lance were on their way back to the hotel as well.

"Okay, we'll see you two in a little bit." I said.

We pulled into valet just as Lance did.

"Hey strangers," He laughed.

"How's the apartment?" Seth asked as he kissed me.

"Very nice, it's got three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big kitchen, a fireplace, a huge living room, and a nice patio. It's got an upstairs and a downstairs." I answered excitedly. Seth and Lance laughed.

"And just because the apartment is big doesn't mean you boys get to throw parties there." Diane said. We all grinned.

"All the notices will be sent to me," Dad said. We nodded.

We went up to the hotel room to change and shower. We headed back out to get the utilities in our name.

"You three will be responsible for the utilities. So, I suggest that a household account be open with the three of you on it." Dad said.

"You should also open a rent account. That way we can transfer money into it when rent is due." Diane said.

We just finished with the power company and were going to go shopping for the apartment.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked wrapping her arm around mine.

"Nothing," I said as we walked. "I guess it's time for us to grow up."

Mom giggled.

"Yeah, that's what life is about sweetie. You're still our baby boy no matter how old you get though." She said. I smiled.

"You boys are going with Linda and I after we drop your fathers off at the hotel." Diane said.

"What are you guys going to do?" Seth asked.

"We're going to gamble while you five go shopping for furniture and other stuff." Chuck laughed.

"It is your apartment, you three are going to be living there." Dad said. With the furniture shopping out of the way and a delivery time set up, we headed over to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for everything else.

"For your desks, I think we should just go to Target and get you three some cheap ones." Diane said.

"I don't want to go shopping for a month or two after this." Seth grumbled. I laughed.

"We still have to go grocery shopping." Mom said. Lance and Seth groaned.

Seth, Lance, and I carried all the packages into the house as Mom and Diane went to work on putting everything away and washing the bed linens and towels.

"That's the last of it," Seth said.

Diane was in the kitchen putting the groceries away as the dishwasher ran. Mom had just loaded the towels into the washing machine.

"Why don't you three go through the bags and see what bags go where." Mom said. "But, don't take everything out yet. You guys can unpack everything after they deliver the furniture."

We nodded and took the bags to our rooms. Seth and I took the master suite upstairs.

"It's getting late, why don't we grab some dinner and head back to the hotel." Mom suggested.

Chuck and Dad were still gambling when we got back to the hotel after dinner. They had a lot of chips in front of them. Lance, Seth, and I headed back to the room as our parents gambled more. We rented a movie and talked upstairs.

We spent the rest of the week getting the apartment set up. Dad and Chuck went off and did some shopping of their own. Lance's parents came in for the weekend. Donna and Gary Hammond got along well with our parents. With Lance's parents here we opened a couple of accounts for the apartment since we already had our own personal accounts. The men stayed back at the bank as the three of us wandered around the grocery store and did more shopping for the apartment.

"Who's going to do the cooking?" Donna asked.

"Danny," Seth and Lance said. I glared at them.

"Babe, you're an awesome cook." Seth said to me.

"Fine, I'll cook. You two have to wash dishes and put them away though." I said. They both agreed. Our dads caught up to us as we walked through the produce department.

"Here you go son. Don't tell your mom." He said handing me a receipt. My eyes bugged out when I saw what he did.

"Dad," I said.

"It was all money that I won the other night." He smiled. I shook my head. "I gave your mother the other half."

I laughed.

"That's why she and Diane went shopping." I said. He nodded.

"Chuck won quite a bit as well. We did really good with the dealer." Dad said.


We headed back to the apartment to show Lance's parents the place and drop off the groceries. We were finally going to be staying in the apartment. Mom and Diane offered our room in the suite to Lance's parents.

"The cable guy came in yesterday while we were there. Instead of dial up we had him put in wireless internet. You three can access the internet throughout the apartment." Dad said.

Walking into the apartment the three of us were slack jawed.

"Whoa," We all said.

"We figured you boys needed an awesome entertainment center." Chuck grinned.

"This had to have cost a lot." Seth said.

"It was all on the MGM." Dad said.

We laughed.

With all the groceries we had we decided to have dinner at the apartment. Mom and I did all the cooking. Seth and Lance hooked up the video game system our dads bought for us and they started to play some sports game.

Our parents left after dessert.

"This is so fuckin' cool!" Seth said excitedly.

"Our parents are great," I said.

"Yeah they are. They take good care of us." Lance said. We all nodded.

Sunday morning we met our parents for brunch.

"So, what are you all going to do today?" I asked the parents.

"We're going to gamble," Mom said.

"What about you boys?" Diane asked.

"We're going to go check out the malls." Lance answered.

"Tonight we're taking you all out to dinner then we're going to watch Mystere at Treasure Island." Dad said. We all nodded.

"So, be back here by seven." Donna said.

"We will," I said.

"What are you going to buy at the mall?" Chuck asked.

"I want to get a new camera." I answered.

"Some shirts," Seth said.

"Cologne," Lance answered.

Seth and I laughed at him.

"You're gayer than we are." I teased.

"Whatever! It's your fault. You had all that cologne last year. Now I make sure that I have all kinds of scents." Lance said.

We all laughed.

"Danny does have a lot of cologne." Mom agreed.

We left for Boulevard Mall as our parents headed into the casino.

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter

Let me know what you think by emailing me at

Thanks B J

Next: Chapter 6

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